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Monk seals in Cape Blanc (Western Sahara coast) suffered a mass mortality during May-July 1997 which was attributed to a morbillivirus. High performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) analysis on tissues of seals killed during the outbreak and on related fauna showed peaks with retention times coincident with those of some saxitoxin derivatives but their identity was not proved. Here we present results of further HPLC analyses that unambiguously prove the identity of these toxins by mass spectrometry (MS), supporting the hypothesis that this mortality of monk seals was caused by biotoxins rather than by a morbillivirus.  相似文献   

We studied morphometric, hematology, and serum chemistry variables in 140 Hawaiian monk seals ( Monachus schauinslandi ) to establish normal baseline values for these variables among free-living seals. We compared seals at French Frigate Shoals (FFS), Midway Atoll (MID), and Pearl and Hermes Reef (PHR) because these subpopulations differ in their rates of population recovery. Dorsal standard length and axillary girth differed significantly between immature (1–4 yr old) and adult (≥5 yr old) seals among sex and island subgroups. Immature seals at FFS were shorter than those at MID and PHR; adult seals at FFS had smaller dorsal standard lengths and axillary girths compared to the other subpopulations. The differences in size were more pronounced among adult females. Significant differences were also found for hematology and serum chemistry variables among seals at FFS, MID, and PHR. Monk seals at FFS had an absolute lymphopenia and eosinopenia compared to those at MID and PHR, compatible with a stress response. Seals at FFS also had lower blood urea nitrogen than seals at PHR, and a lower plasma potassium than seals at MID or PHR. Monk seals had an absolute and relative eosinophilia compared to previously published values. Analysis of subpopulation differences is useful for population health assessment and for long-term monitoring of an endangered species.  相似文献   

Intestinal length of three California pinniped species   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Roger C.  Helm 《Journal of Zoology》1983,199(3):297-304
Forty-eight intestinal tracts, extracted from both sexes of California sea lions, Harbour seals and Northern elephant seals, were measured. The majority of intestinal tracts were removed from stranded animals that died from various causes. The sea lions and elephant seals, approximately equal in size, were larger than the Harbour seals. All species possess a small intestine which is significantly longer than even the entire gastrointestinal tract of herbivores of comparable size. Elephant seal small intestines, averaging approximately 25 times the seal's body length, were considerably longer than the small intestines of either sea lions (averaged more than 18 times the body length) or Harbour seals (averaged nearly 16 times the body length). However, the large intestines of elephant seals were shorter than either of the other two species. Among the sea lions and Harbour seals the large intestines were approximately equal in length. Sea lions and Harbour seals also showed a close correlation between standard length and total intestinal length. Among elephant seals these two parameters showed greater variability. The functional significance of the extremely long small intestine remains unclear. Certainly, the large body mass and high energy requirements of these animals has contributed to the development of a long intestinal tract. It also appears likely that diet and the high motility rate of digesta influenced the intestinal development. Comparatively, the significantly shorter large intestine of elephant seals probably relates to this species' remarkable capabilities in water conservation and metabolic water retention.  相似文献   

James. T.  Harvey 《Journal of Zoology》1989,219(1):101-111
Six harbour seals, ages 4–8 years, were held as pairs in a 10 times 20 times 2 m tank filled with sea water, and on 60 occasions were fed a meal of a specific species of fish or cephalopod of known size. The tank was drained periodically, and harbour seal faeces were collected on a 0.5 mm sieve. Number and size of otoliths and beaks found in faeces were determined. Fifty-eight percent of 670 fish and 37% of 36 cephalopods fed to harbour seals were represented by their otoliths or beaks in faeces. Estimated number of prey consumed was determined from the greatest number of left or right otoliths or upper or lower beaks collected in faeces. Estimated length ofprey was determined from measurements of otoliths and beaks recovered in the tank and relationships of otolith and beak measurements to prey length. Estimated number of fish eaten was not significantly different among pairs of harbour seals, but was different among species of fishes. Only 24–35% of fish species with small otoliths were represented in faeces, whereas more robust otoliths from other species were less apt to be completely dissolved. Estimated length of fishes was significantly less than lengths of fishes fed to harbour seals in 39 (76.5%) of 51 trials. Cephalopod beaks were not affected by passage through the harbour seal digestive tract. Amount of otolith dissolution was not related to species of fish; estimated fish length was underestimated by an average 27.5%. Although some (7.4%) of the otoliths were collected within 100 h after the fish were ingested, more than 90% were recovered within 24 h after the fish was eaten. Correction factors were developed which will allow researchers to estimate more reliably number and size of fish and cephalopod prey eaten by harbour seals.  相似文献   

We immobilized 200–550-kg leopard seals ( Hydrurga leptonyx ) on sea ice in Prydz Bay, Antarctica (68°25'S, 77°10'E) between November 1997 and February 2000. Midazolam (0.18–0.27 mg/kg)/ pethidine (1.0–1.5 mg/kg) was administered by dart to 16 leopard seals. Unpredictable immobilization, poor airway maintenance, and our inability to fully assess the suitability of flumazenil (0.003–0.01 mg/kg), naloxone (0.01–0.013 mg/kg), and naltrexone (0.05–0.12 mg/kg) as reversal agents limited suitability of midazolam/pethidine. Tiletamine/zolazepam 1:1 (0.5–1.5 mg/kg) was, therefore, administered to 19 leopard seals. It produced faster induction (19 ± 3 min), more effective and reliable response to dose (rank correlation: r s= 0.88, n = 18), and better pulmonary ventilation and faster return of cognitive function upon recovery, in comparison to midazolam/pethidine. Best results were achieved with tiletamine/zolazepam (1.2–1.4 mg/kg) which safely immobilized seven of nine seals for 20–30 min. Entry to the water upon darting was minimized, but not eliminated, by the use of lightweight air-pressurized darts and a thorough knowledge of leopard seal behavior.  相似文献   

In highly dynamic and unpredictable environments such as the Southern Ocean, species that have evolved behaviors that reduce the effects of intra-specific competition may have a selective advantage. This is particularly true when juveniles face disadvantages when foraging due to morphological or physiological limitation, which is the case for many marine mammals. We tracked the at-sea movements of 48 juvenile southern elephant seals (Mirounga leonina) between the ages of 1 and 4 years from the population at Macquarie Island using locations derived from recorded light levels. There were significant differences in the total amount of the Southern Ocean covered by the different age-groups. The younger seals used a smaller area than the older seals. On average, the younger individuals also made more trips to sea than the older seals and did not travel as far on each trip. Females spent more time at sea than males and there were no significant differences between the total areas used by male and females. In summary, younger seals remained closer to the island at all times, and they spent more time in more northerly regions that older seals. These differences in behavior created temporal and spatial segregation between juveniles of different ages. Therefore, we suggest that these temporal and spatial separations help to avoid intra-specific competition for resources on land, space on beaches, and at-sea foraging areas. Such modifications of haul-out timing and behavior enable them to exploit a patchy and unpredictable environment.  相似文献   

We provide the first direct evidence that Steller sea lions will prey on harbor seals. Direct observations of predation on marine mammals at sea are rare, but when observed rates of predation are extrapolated, predation mortality may be found to be significant. From 1992 to 2002, harbor seals in Glacier Bay declined steeply, from 6,200 to 2,500 (∼65%). After documenting that Steller sea lions were preying on seals in Glacier Bay, we investigated increased predation by sea lions as a potential explanation for the large decline. In five independent data sets spanning 21–25 yr and including 14,308 d of observations, 13 predation events were recorded. We conducted a fine-scale analysis for an intensively studied haul-out (Spider Island) and a broader analysis of all of Glacier Bay. At Spider Island, estimated predation by sea lions increased and could account for the entirety of annual pup production in 5 of 8 yr since 1995. The predation rate, however, was not proportional to the number of predators. Predation by Steller sea lions is a new source of mortality that contributed to the seal declines; however, life history modeling indicates that it is unlikely that sea lion predation is the sole factor responsible for the large declines.  相似文献   

Diving animals offer a unique opportunity to study the importance of physiological constraint in their everyday behaviors. An important component of the physiological capability of any diving animal is its aerobic dive limit (ADL). The ADL has only been measured in a few species. The goal of this study was to estimate the aerobic dive limit from measurements of body oxygen stores and at sea metabolism. This calculated ADL (cADL) was then compared to measurements of diving behavior of individual animals of three species of otariids, the Antarctic fur seal, Arctocephalus gazella, the Australian sea lion, Neophoca cinerea, and the New Zealand sea lion, Phocarctos hookeri. Antarctic fur seals dove well within the cADL. In contrast, many individuals of both sea lion species exceeded the cADL, some by significant amounts. Australian sea lions typically dove 1.4 times longer than the cADL, while New Zealand sea lions on average dove 1.5 times longer than the cADL. The tendency to exceed the cADL was correlated with the dive pattern of individual animals. In both Antarctic Fur Seals and Australian sea lions, deeper diving females made longer dives that approached or exceeded the cADL (P<0.01, r(2)=0.54). Australian and New Zealand sea lions with longer bottom times also exceeded the cADL to a greater degree. The two sea lions forage on the benthos while the fur seals feed shallow in the water column. It appears that benthic foraging requires these animals to reach or exceed their aerobic dive limit.  相似文献   

Respiratory, metabolic, and cardiovascular responses to swimming were examined in two species of pinniped, the harbor seal (Phoca vitulina) and the California sea lion (Zalophus californianus). 1. Harbor seals remained submerged for 82-92% of the time at swimming speeds below 1.2 m.s-1. At higher speeds, including simulated speeds above 1.4 m.s-1, the percentage of time spent submerged decreased, and was inversely related to body weight. In contrast, the percentage of time spent submerged did not change with speed for sea lions swimming from 0.5 m.s-1 to 4.0 m.s-1. 2. During swimming, harbor seals showed a distinct breathhold bradycardia and ventilatory tachycardia that were independent of swimming speed. Average heart rate was 137 beats.min-1 when swimming on the water surface and 50 beats.min-1 when submerged. A bimodal pattern of heart rate also occurred in sea lions, but was not as pronounced as in the seals. 3. The weighted average heart rate (WAHR), calculated from measured heart rate and the percentage time spent on the water surface or submerged, increased linearly with swimming speed for both species. The graded increase in heart rate with exercise load is similar to the response observed for terrestrial mammals. 4. The rate of oxygen consumption increased exponentially with swimming speed in both seals and sea lions. The minimum cost of transport calculated from these rates ranged from 2.3 to 3.6 J.m-1.kg-1, and was 2.5-4.0 times the level predicted for similarly-sized salmonids. Despite different modes of propulsion and physiological responses to swimming, these pinnipeds demonstrate similar transport costs.  相似文献   

The inert markers chromium-EDTA (liquid phase marker) and ytterbium nitrate (solid phase marker) were added to the food of three southern elephant seals in Taronga Zoo, Sydney, in a series of nine trials. The enclosures were checked at 15 to 30 minute intervals for up to 60 hours after dosing, and all faeces voided on land were collected (91 samples). Marker concentrations in faecal dry matter were determined and mean retention times calculated from the concentration-time curves.
The faeces were soft to semiliquid, with mean water content of 58% (range 24–80%). The marker concentration curves indicated a rapid rate of food transit through the gastro-intestinal tract in elephant seals compared with other carnivores. The mean time between dosing and first recovery of marker (Initial Recovery Time) was nine hours. This was significantly longer than the figure of 4.8 hours for northern elephant seals reported previously, and possible reasons for the differences are discussed. Mean Retention Time, a better index of rate of passage of ingesta, was 13 hours for the three southern elephant seals. This compares with times of 22 hours for the dog, 15 hours for the raccoon, and 13 hours for the cat, all carnivores with much shorter gastrointestinal tracts, both absolutely and relative to body size, than the southern elephant seal.
It is suggested that the very long small intestine may be an adaptation to foraging at depth, combined with long periods of submergence and the need to ingest large amounts of food when the animal is at sea continuously for weeks or months.  相似文献   

Records of pinnipeds and sirenians are rare in the western Indian Ocean away from continental coasts. In the case of pinnipeds there are apparently no records at all in this area, except for occasional stray Elephant seals Mirounga leonina as far north as Mauritius and Rodriguez, and a single record of an undetermined species in the southern Maldive Islands: the Indian Ocean now lacks any counterpart of the Monk seals of the Caribbean and the Pacific (King, 1956, 1964). In the case of sirenians, Dugongs are widely distributed round the continental coasts of the Indian Ocean, including Madagascar, the Comoros, and Ceylon, but there is much less information concerning them on more remote Indian Ocean islands. This paper draws attention to hitherto unnoticed reports of animals which could be either pinnipeds or sirenians made by 18th and early 19th century navigators, and reviews some of the published evidence for the existence of these animals in the 17th and 18th centuries in the Mascarene Islands. It is shown that many of the reef islands of the tropical western Indian Ocean were formerly inhabited by seals, of undetermined species and now extinct, and that some of the early references to Dugongs in fact concerned seals.  相似文献   

At-sea behavior and effects of hydrographic conditions on the pelagic habitat use of South American fur seals (Arctocephalus australis) seasonally inhabiting the surrounding waters of shallow rocky reefs off Punta Mogotes (Mar del Plata, Argentina) were analyzed integrating geographic locations of fur seal groups (FSGs) with coastal hydrographic conditions and behavioral data in a Geographic Information System. Punta Mogotes rocky reefs represent a potentially high quality patch foraging area, crucial to a central place foraging species during their pelagic dispersion at sea. Fur seal behavior at-sea was strongly influenced by hydrographic conditions such us bathymetry, Beafourt sea state and sea surface current direction. Fur seals General Use Area (GUA) was associated with the 10 m isobaths, whereas Critical Use Area (CUA) was almost completely enclosed within the 5 m isobaths. A concentration-dispersion dynamic trend according to sea state was evident (GUA Beafourt ≤3 = 3.3 km2 vs. GUA Beafourt >3 = 1.7 km2), with a “use area displacement” according to sea surface current direction. A general prevalence of long, at-sea resting periods (passive floating was the most frequently performed behavior, and usually for long periods) and a differential occurrence of each behavior associated with Beafourt sea states were detected. During calm seas (Beafourt ≤3), fur seals exhibit passive floating, occupying extended areas, and drifting according to sea surface current direction. With increasing sea states (Beafourt sea state >3), fur seals tended to perform shallow prolonged immersion and directional movements, and concentrated in restricted areas weakly affected by currents. The importance of floating periods at-sea, probably associated with resting and digestion, was interpreted as an energy conserving strategy that would allow an increase overall foraging efficiency. Results suggested that the ability of fur seals to perform certain behaviors that will allow completing physiological process and ultimately determine reproduction and survival success, would be conditioned by the hydrographic regime at foraging areas. This last could be extrapolated to other fur seal species spending long times at-sea, both as part of migration movements or during typical long foraging round trips.  相似文献   

Movements, diving and foraging behaviour of grey seals (Halichoerus grypus)   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
This study presents the first direct observations of the movements and behaviour of free-ranging grey seals at sea. Radio and ultrasonic transmitters were attached to three sub-adult male grey seals which were then tracked from a suitable vessel. Behaviour at sea fell into one of three categories: travelling between haul-outs, short duration trips, and resting adjacent to haul-out sites. Travelling was characterized by direct, relatively fast horizontal movement and by V-shaped dive profiles. During short duration trips the seals swam slower and invariably exhibited square-wave dive profiles, spending approximately 60% of total dive duration at the maximum depth. Resting involved shallow dives close to haul-out sites and an absence of directed lateral movement.
The excellent navigational abilities of grey seals are illustrated by the rapid, direct swimming between distant haul-out sites. It is proposed that short duration trips are specifically for foraging because of their association with other piscivores, and because swimming was slow and mostly on or near the sea bed (grey seals are known to feed almost exclusively on demersal and benthic fish). These trips accounted for only 14% of the nine days that seal 1 was tracked. It is also proposed that the habit of diving to the sea bed whilst travelling between distant haul-out sites is to allow opportunistic foraging with only a small increase in total swimming distance.  相似文献   

In the 2006/2007 breeding season of Cape gannets Morus capensis at Malgas Island, the removal of 61 Cape fur seals Arctocephalus pusillus pusillus that preyed on gannet fledglings when they left to sea significantly reduced the mortality rate of these fledglings. However, because seals learned to avoid the boat used for their removal, it was not possible to remove all the seals that killed gannet fledglings and some mortality continued. The seals inflicting the mortality were all sub-adult males, with an average age of <5 years. Sustained removal of these animals may reduce this feeding behaviour, which is at present having an adverse impact on several threatened seabirds in the Benguela ecosystem.  相似文献   

Haptoglobin (Hp) which is synthesized in response to infection, inflammation, trauma or toxicological damage is known as a major acute phase protein in numerous species. Quantification of the circulating concentration of this protein can provide an objective measure of the health status, but there is a lack of investigations on harbour seals. We investigated the Hp concentration in samples of 123 seals (Phoca vitulina) from the German and Danish Wadden Sea to study physiological ranges of Hp levels. Hp levels between 2002, the end of the phocine distemper virus epidemic (PDV), and 2007 were considered, and Hp concentrations between animals of different sex, ages as well as living areas were compared. Furthermore, as a case study, six animals from the open sea isle Helgoland were investigated in 2006. Influences on the health status of the seal population e.g. the PDV epidemic were reflected by increased Hp levels in North Sea seals in 2002. The results of the Wadden Sea seals showed no significant age-, sex-, or geographical area-related differences. Interestingly, for the seals of the open sea isle Helgoland higher Hp values were measured compared to the Wadden Sea seals. The present study demonstrates that Hp can be used as a diagnostic tool to monitor the health status of harbour seals.  相似文献   

Tuberculosis in a captive colony of pinnipeds   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Tuberculosis was diagnosed in 10 of 16 otariid seals upon post mortem examination. The species involved were New Zealand fur seals (Arctocephalus forsteri), Australian sea lions (Neophoca cinerea) and an Australian fur seal (Arctocephalus pusillus doriferus). Five seals died, four as a direct result of mycobacterial infection. One seal died of unrelated disease. The remaining 10 animals were subsequently tuberculin tested and then killed and necropsied. Tuberculous lesions were seen in five. Gross pathological changes were most commonly seen in the respiratory system. However, a generalized infection, a case with lesions confined to the liver and draining lymph nodes, and a case with tuberculous meningitis also were seen. Histological lesions were characterized by spindle cell proliferation and necrosis without mineralization or giant cell formation. The mycobacteria isolated was identified as belonging to the Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex but it appeared to be unique. Intradermal tuberculin testing showed promise as a diagnostic aid; however, the results were not statistically significant. Circumstances suggest that the initial infection was present when the seals were captured from the wild.  相似文献   

The soundscape is a crucial habitat feature for marine mammals. This study investigates the contribution of bearded seal vocalizations to the soundscape in the western Canadian Arctic, and also the vocal characteristics of bearded seals relative to sea ice conditions. Passive acoustic data were recorded near Sachs Harbour between August 2015 and July 2016. Sound pressure levels (SPL) in the 50–1,000 Hz and 1–10 kHz bands increased as the total duration of all bearded seal vocalizations increased, and this relationship was moderated by sea ice concentration. Bearded seals in this region had an overlapping vocal repertoire with bearded seals in other areas of the Arctic, and had seven additional vocalizations that have not been previously documented for this region. This study is the first detailed assessment of the influence of bearded seal calls on SPL, which shows the high potential of bearded seals to influence underwater sound levels during the mating season. Bearded seals live in a changing Arctic seascape, and their influence on the soundscape may shift as sea ice continues to diminish. It is imperative that acoustic monitoring continues within the Arctic, and this study provides a baseline for future monitoring as the Arctic continues to change.  相似文献   

The harbour seal ( Phoca vitulina ) has delayed implantation, precise annual birth timing, and significant latitudinal variation in birth timing. The birth timing patterns of four distinct groups of seals, including colonies of P. v. vitulina and colonies and captive individuals of P. v. richardsi , were examined using population-based photoperiod analysis to assess the role of photoperiod in setting annual birth timing. This analysis simultaneously determined the time, relative to birth, at which photoperiod response was likely to occur and the critical photoperiod.
Despite marked differences in birth timing patterns, a high level of agreement was found among groups for the timing of photoperiod response. The two subspecies, however, demonstrated significantly divergent critical photoperiods. Eastern Atlantic harbour seals were exposed to a common critical photoperiod of 11.7 h/day on the 268th pre-partum day. Wild Pacific harbour seals were exposed to 14.3 h/day on the 283rd pre-partum day. These times corresponded to the estimated occurrence of blastocyst implantation.
Using the above information, three small captive populations were subjected to artificially prolonged photoperiods during the period of embryonic diapause to test whether subsequent birth timing could be delayed. Technical difficulties invalidated results at two sites. At the third and largest colony, the mean pupping date of six individuals was significantly delayed by 10.7days.
The precision and latitudinal variation of annual birth timing in the harbour seal are due to a response to photoperiod which occurs immediately prior to blastocyst implantation. The critical photoperiod, however, is divergent among subspecies and, thus, has probably evolved allowing seasonal adaptation. Similar environmental signalling has been described for California sea lions and northern fur seals and represents the likely timing mechanism for most pinniped species.  相似文献   

The hypothesis that commercial whaling caused a sequential megafaunal collapse in the North Pacific Ocean by forcing killer whales to eat progressively smaller species of marine mammals is not supported by what is known about the biology of large whales, the ecology of killer whales, and the patterns of ecosystem change that took place in Alaska, British Columbia, and elsewhere in the world following whaling. A comparative analysis shows that populations of seals, sea lions, and sea otters increased in British Columbia following commercial whaling, unlike the declines noted in the Gulf of Alaska and Aleutian Islands. The declines of seals and sea lions that began in western Alaska around 1977 were mirrored by increases in numbers of these species in British Columbia. A more likely explanation is that the seal and sea lion declines and other ecosystem changes in Alaska stem from a major oceanic regime shift that occurred in 1977. Killer whales are unquestionably a significant predator of seals, sea lions, and sea otters—but not because of commercial whaling.  相似文献   

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