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Large populations of viable buried arable weed seeds have beenfound in soil which has been continuously used as pasture forthe last six years. Small numbers of dicotyledonous seedlingswere found to germinate within the grass sward, but did notappear to become established. A disturbance of this soil, ascaused by cultivation, resulted in a large flush of germinationduring the subsequent 4 weeks. Under laboratory conditions only10 per cent of these seedlings emerged in the absence of illumination.Under field conditions there was no germination at all in thedark. A short ‘light-break’ of only 90 sec was sufficientto cause the germination of a large proportion of seeds. Onthe basis of these results it is concluded that the appearanceof all weed seedlings from buried seeds, following cultivation,is dependent upon the exposure of these seeds to light.  相似文献   

The rate of change in dormancy level and light requirement,induced during stratification at 3.2 °C, was investigatedin seeds ofStellaria media, Cerastium fontanum, Veronica agrestisandTaraxacumofficinale.Two stratification environments, soil and wet filterpaper in petri-dishes, were used. On nine occasions during a6 week stratification period, germination was tested under threelight conditions at 3.5/18.5 °C: (1) darkness; (2) light;and (3) short-term light exposure followed by darkness. Priorto stratification, germination in all species was 89% in lightand 53% in darkness. Within 2 weeks of stratification, germinabilityinV. agrestisandS. mediaseeds decreased in all treatments. InC.fontanumandT. officinaleseeds, germinability also decreasedafter 2 weeks but only in the dark treatment, indicating inductionof a light requirement. After two more weeks of stratification,the induced dormancy inS. mediaseeds stratified in soil becameweaker and the light requirement inT. officinaleseeds was lost.Differences between the two stratification environments and/orinteractions between light conditions, stratification environmentsand time were found for all species. These results suggest that:(1) the dormancy level and the light requirement of seeds maychange dramatically over relatively short-time periods duringstratification; and (2) germinability depends on the stratificationenvironment experienced by the seeds. Predicting the dormancylevel or light requirement in a seed batch is difficult andrequires a thorough knowledge of the effect of the stratificationconditions used.Copyright 1997 Annals of Botany Company Burial; Cerastium fontanumBaumg.; chickweed; cold stratification; common mouse-ear; dandelion; dormancy; light requirement; seed; Stellaria media(L.) Vill.; speedwell; Taraxacum officinalegroup; Veronica agrestisL.; weed  相似文献   

Movement of Weed Seeds in Reclamation Areas   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The presence or absence of obstructions can affect seed dispersal. Reclamation activities often cause changes in the type and amount of such obstructions. The consequences of removing obstructions on the dispersal of undesirable species are unknown. In western North America, reclamation may often proceed in areas surrounded by the invasive Bromus tectorum L. (cheatgrass). The importance of preventing cheatgrass seed dispersal from surrounding landscapes is an unknown factor in reducing cheatgrass competition in these areas. I quantified cheatgrass seed dispersal in the early stages of reclamation, when soils were bare. Four groups of 100 sterilized, fluorescently marked cheatgrass seeds were released in each of three areas in NW Colorado, USA. Seeds were located at night using blacklights four times over 14 days, and the distance between each seed and the point of release was measured. Across sites, dispersal distance averaged 2.4 m, 5% of seeds traveled further than 7.6 m, and maximum recorded distance was 20.8 m. Maximum distances reported in this study are 50‐fold higher than previously reported for intact sagebrush ecosystems. I suggest that the difference is due to a lack of impediments to secondary dispersal on bare soil. When reclamation areas are surrounded by weeds such as cheatgrass, seeds dispersing from the perimeter may influence restoration outcome.  相似文献   

The effects of potassium nitrate (KNO3) on germination and O2uptake in seeds of various weed species were compared and contrastedwith water controls. When KNO3 promoted germination, rates ofO3 uptake were increased, when it was inhibitory, rates weredecreased, and when it had no effect there were no appreciabledifferences between the rates of O2 uptake of KNO3-and water-imbibedseeds. These effects were clearly the result of early metabolicevents for differences in O2 uptake were detectable soon afterthe seeds were placed in the liquid media and for some considerabletime prior to germination (i.e. the protrusion of the radicle).The results are discussed in relation to a published hypothesisof other workers concerning the mechanism of seed dormancy breakage. Key words: Potassium nitrate, respiration, seeds  相似文献   

40℃,1h的热激能完全阻止皱叶酸模种子在25℃暗吸胀过程中诱发的二次休眠。经热激处理的种子萌发率在97%以上,而对照种子的萌发率仅10%。热激的主要作用在于解除果壳对种子萌发的压制。3′-脱氧腺苷(3mmol/L)不影响热激的这种效果,但是蛋白质合成抑制剂——亚胺环己酮(1mmol/L)的存在完全压制了热激的效应,种子萌发率与对照的一样,仅10%。热激与光(红光)在阻止酸模种子二次休眠诱发上表现出添加效应。  相似文献   

Buried seeds often show seasonal periodicity of dormancy. Dormancypatterns of Chenopodium album, Polygonum persicaria, Sisymbriumofficinale and Spergula arvensis were studied by burying seedsunder field conditions in sandy loam in December, 1986. Seedswere exhumed at regular intervals and germination was subsequentlytested in the laboratory. It was shown that the conditions ofthe germination test influenced the expression of the dormancypattern. Germination of C. album and 5. arvensis always dependedon the presence of light, whereas seeds of S. officinale completelylost their light dependency during the first winter. Applicationof nitrate during the germination test in light improved germinationof all species. Dark germination was not stimulated by nitratealone. Desiccation of the exhumed seeds at a r.h. of approx.15% enhanced germination under all conditions. A combinationof several stimulating factors revealed breaking of dormancymuch earlier in the season. During induction of secondary dormancythe effect of the test conditions was even more pronounced.Dormancy induction could be overlooked for several months whenseeds were desiccated and/or given nitrate during the germinationtest in light. It is hypothesized that in the field both desiccation- due to cultivation and dry spells - and nitrate enrichmentof the soil will influence the expression of the seasonal patternof dormancy and therefore enlarge the period of possible seedlingemergence Desiccation, dormancy pattern, germination, light, nitrate, seeds, weeds, Chenopodium album, Polygonum persicaria, Sisymbrium officinale, Spergula arvensis  相似文献   

Muschinek, G., Alscher, R. and Anderson, L. E. 1987. The sensitivityof light modulation of enzyme activity to arsenite and sulphiteand of photosynthetic induction to arsenite is determined bya cytoplasmic gene—J. exp. Bot. 38: 1069–1075. The membrane component of the light modulation system was moresensitive to arsenite and to sulphite in the Pisum cultivar‘Nugget’ than in the cultivar ‘Progress No.9’. Likewise, the induction phase of CO2 fixation wasmore arsenite sensitive in chloroplasts isolated from ‘Nugget’plants. Sensitivity was controlled by a cytoplasmic gene. Key words: Induction, light modulation, arsenite sensitivity  相似文献   

Paramecium aurelia cells were exposed to N-methyl-N-nitroso-N′-nitroguanidine for periods of 15–30 min. The lethality in homozygous clones derived from treated cells depends on the time of treatment within the cell cycle. Exposures at interfission ages 0.04, 0.40, and 0.80 were tested yielding lethalities of 12.5, 44 and 2%, respectively. These results correlate with the period of DNA synthesis in the micronuclei. A temperature sensitive mutant has been found which cannot live at 31 C but divides at ~1 fission per day at 19 and 25 C. The rise in temperature from 19–25 C does not significantly change the fission rate whereas in normal cells it would be doubled. Genetic analysis shows that this mutation is caused by a single recessive gene.  相似文献   

Factors controlling the establishment and removal of secondary dormancy in Chenopodium bonus-henricus L. seeds were investigated. Unchilled seeds required light for germination. A moist-chilling treatment at 4 C for 28 to 30 days removed this primary dormancy. Chilled seeds now germinated in the dark. When chilled seeds were held in the dark in −8.6 bars polyethylene glycol 6000 solution at 15 C or in water at 29 C a secondary dormancy was induced which increased progressively with time as determined by subsequent germination. These seeds now failed to germinate under the condition (darkness) which previously allowed their germination. Continuous light or daily brief red light irradiations during prolonged imbibition in polyethylene glycol solution at 15 C or in water at 29 C prevented the establishment of the secondary dormancy and caused an advancement of subsequent germination. Far red irradiations immediately following red irradiation reestablished the secondary dormancy indicating phytochrome participation in “pregerminative” processes. The growth regulator combination, kinetin + ethephon + gibberellin A4+A7 (GA4+7), and to a relatively lesser extent GA4+7, was effective in preventing the establishment of the secondary dormancy and in advancing the germination or emergence time. Following the establishment of the secondary dormancy by osmotic or high temperature treatments the regulator combination was relatively more active than light or GA4+7 in removing the dormancy. Prolonged dark treatment at 29 C seemed to induce changes that were partially independent of light or GA4+7 control. The data presented here indicate that changes during germination preventing dark treatment determine whether the seed will germinate, show an advancement effect, or will become secondarily dormant. These changes appear to be modulated by light and hormones.  相似文献   

We have measured the frequency of UV-induced reversions (locus plus suppressor) for the ochre alleles ade2-1 and lys2-1 and forward mutations (ade2 adex double auxotrophs) in an excision-deficient strain of Saccharomyces cerevisiae (rad2-20). For very low UV doses, both mutational systems exhibit linear induction kinetics. However, as the dose increases, a strikingly different response is observed: in the selective reversion system a transition to higher order induction kinetics occurs near 9 ergs/mm2 (25% survival), whereas in the nonselective forward system the mutation frequency passes through a maximum near 14 ergs/mm2 (4.4% survival) and then declines. This contrast in kinetics cannot be explained in any straightforward way by current models of induced mutagenesis, which have been developed primarily on the basis of bacterial data. The bacterial models are designed to accommodate the quadratic induction kinetics that are frequently observed in these systems. We have derived a mathematical expression for mutation frequency that enables us to fit both the forward and reversion data on the assumptions that mutagenesis is basically a "single event" Poisson process, and that mutation and killing are not necessarily independent of one another. In particular, the dose-response relations are consistent with the idea that the sensitivity of the revertants is about 25% less than that of the original cell population, whereas the sensitivity of the forward mutants is about 29% greater than the population average. We argue that this relatively small differential sensitivity of mutant and nonmutant cells is associated with events that take place during mutation expression and clonal growth.  相似文献   

Seeds of yellow foxtail, johnsongrass, pigweed and quackgrass were investigated to determine the effects of certain herbicides on water uptake by these species. Seeds of johnsongrass showed slight increase in water uptake over the 20-h period when treated with 1, 5, 10, and 500 mg/1 of 2,4-D. Tordon caused a most pronounced increase in water uptake at 0.1 and 1 mg/l as compared with the controls. Johnsongrass gave indications of either increases or decreases in water uptake when treated with herbicides during the 20-h period, but showed no effects during the 10-h period. Dormant seeds of yellow foxtail indicated an enhancement in water uptake at all 2,4-D concentrations during the 20 h period. The effects which the different herbicides had upon the uptake of water in yellow foxtail seeds seemed to be directly proportional to increase in imbibition time. In all cases, more water was imbibed after 20 h over that observed at 10 h. During the 10-h imbibition period, pigweed seeds treated with 2,4-D was noted to have a slight stimulating effect on water uptake at all concentrations employed except 5 mg/l, which indicated a depressing effect. It was also observed that 2,4-D caused a significant stimulating effect on water uptake of pigweed seeds over the 20-h period as compared with the controls. A stimulation in the total quantity of water imbibed after 20 h was noted at dacthal concentrations below 100 mg/l whereas at the 500 mg/l, a slight depression in water imbibition was observed. At dalapon concentrations of 1 to 100 mg/l, a marked stimulation in total water imbibed by quackgrass seeds was shown during the 10-h period.  相似文献   



The light-gated cation channel channelrhodopsin-2 (ChR2) is a powerful tool for the optical induction of action potentials in neurons. Mutations of the cysteine 128 (C128) residue have been shown to greatly extend the lifetime of the conducting state of ChR2. However, until now, only subthreshold depolarizations have been reported from C128 mutants.

Methods and Findings

Here we report the induction of long high-frequency spike trains by brief light pulses in ChR2(C128A)-transfected pyramidal cells in hippocampal slice culture. ChR2(C128A)-mediated spike bursts triggered expression of the immediate early gene c-fos in pyramidal neurons. Robust and cell-specific expression of c-Fos protein was detected after a single blue light pulse and depended on action potential firing, but not on synaptic activity. However, photocurrents diminished upon repeated stimulation and limited the number of action potential bursts that could be elicited.


We conclude that the C128A mutant is not suitable for chronic stimulation of neurons, but very useful for light-controlled induction of immediate early genes. This property of ChR2(C128A) could be harnessed to control the expression of proteins under control of the c-fos promoter with precise timing and single cell specificity.  相似文献   

Kinetin was able to break the dormancy of the “upper seed” (in bur) of Xanthium by antagonizing the endogenous inhibitor present in the embryo. Other growth substances like indoleacetic acid, gibberellic acid and cycocel were without effect. Breaking of dormancy by kinetin was dependent on reversible phytochrome system and DNA-dependent RNA synthesis. Protein synthesis is possibly not involved in the act of dormancy breaking. Endogenous inhibitor possibly participates in the mechanism of repression of genie site(s). It is suggested that an interplay of endogenous inhibitors, kinins and other factors (light, temperature, etc.) regulate dormancy, germination and differentiation by repression and derepression of DNA sites.  相似文献   

Cells of the ascomycete Ophiostoma multiannulatum became sensitive to inorganic salts after a heat shock or a treatment with 2,4-dinitrophenol. The induced sensitivity to chloride and bromide ions could be largely reversed by histidine and certain other imidazole derivatives. No other organic compounds tested except imidazoles possessed this ability. The sensitization is interpreted as a consequence of an injury to cellular membranes, in particular those of the mitochondria, and to an impaired oxidative phosphorylation.  相似文献   

The Effect of Temperature and Light on the Germination of Lettuce Seeds   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
‘Grand Rapids’ lettuce. seed will not germinate in darkness at 30°. An exposure in temperatures between 5°C and 25°C for a short period after the initiation of germination can effectively overcome the high temperature imposed dormancy. If the exposure to low temperature is from the beginning of germination it is less effective. The low temperature induced germination is not reversed by far red light of 725 nm and seed not responding to the low temperature do respond in a classical fashion to red and far red irradiations. It is considered that the results justify acceptance of the hypothesis that an inhibitor of germination is produced during the initial stages of germination and that this formation is strongly temperature dependent so that there is much accumulation. At low temperatures an alternative metabolic pathway predominates leading to the production of an essential metabolite. At high temperatures this metabolite is produced from the inhibitor (or inert compound) by a mechanism under the control of the phytochrome system.  相似文献   

Photoreceptor Sensitivity and Kinetics in Light Adaptation   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  

以萝卜种子为试材,研究不同温度预处理对萌发期萝卜种子逆温耐性的影响。结果表明:萝卜种子在低于15℃和高于35℃下萌发,种子活力显著下降,而通过适度的温度胁迫处理,可提高萝卜种子在高温(35℃)下的萌发活力。15℃和25℃分别是预处理的适宜低温和高温,6 h是低温(15℃)预处理的适宜时间。萝卜种子经高温(30℃)预处理12 h后,在随后的低温(10℃)下萌发,也提高其种子活力,说明萝卜种子对高温和低温胁迫具有交叉适应性。  相似文献   

Seed of Amaranthus alus L. develop an enhanced sensitivity to the farred absorbing form of phytochrome after prolonged imbibition at temperatures >32°C. The enhanced sensitivity developed at 40°C could be reversed by subsequent treatment at 20°C and similarly reestablished by repeating a 40°C treatment. It is concluded that relative sensitivity to the far-red absorbing form of phytochrome may be readily manipulated in seeds of A. albus.  相似文献   

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