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The homeobox-gene rough is required in photoreceptor cells R2 and R5 for normal ommatidial assembly in the developing Drosophila eye. We have used several cell-type-specific markers and double mutant combinations to analyze cell-fate determination in rough. We show that the cells that would normally become R2 and/or R5 express a marker, a lacZ insertion in the seven-up (svp) gene, which is indicative of the R1/3/4/6 cell fate. In addition, the analysis of mitotically induced svp,ro double mutant clones in the eye indicates that in rough all outer photoreceptors are under the genetic control of the svp gene. These results show that, in the absence of rough function, R2 and R5 fail to be correctly determined and appear to be transformed into cells of the R3/4/1/6 subtype. This transformation and the subsequent developmental defects do not preclude the recruitment of R7 cells. However, the presence of ommatidia containing more than one R7 and/or R8 cell in rough implies a complex network of cellular interactions underlying cell-fate determination in the Drosophila retina.  相似文献   

Munster (Mu) is a homeobox-containing gene of the Paired-class which is specifically expressed in the developing Bolwig organs, the Drosophila larval eyes. This expression is first detected during early germ band retraction stage (stage 12 from 7 h 20 at 25 degrees C) and persists until the end of embryogenesis. Mu homeodomain is most similar to that of Aristaless and D-Goosecoid. Strikingly, the Munster gene maps within 6 kb of D-goosecoid, in the same genomic region as aristaless, suggesting that these genes are part of a homeobox gene cluster.  相似文献   

The homeobox gene mbx is involved in eye and tectum development   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  

Cell death in normal and rough eye mutants of Drosophila.   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  

李莉  杨杨  薛雷 《遗传》2010,32(2):115-121
Pax是一个在进化上相当保守的基因家族, 它们编码的产物是一组极为重要的转录调控因子, 并存在于从果蝇到人类的各种生物体中, 参与细胞内信号传导通路的调控, 在胚胎发育过程中对细胞分化、更新、凋亡起重要的调控作用, 影响器官和组织的形成。果蝇中已发现10个Pax基因家族成员, 它们对果蝇胚胎发育及成虫组织器官的分化有非常重要的调控作用。文章结合最新的研究进展, 就果蝇中Pax基因的结构、表达模式和主要功能做一简要综述。  相似文献   

The white, brown and scarlet genes of Drosophila melanogaster encode proteins which transport guanine or tryptophan (precursors of the red and brown eye colour pigments) and belong to the ABC transporter superfamily. Current models envisage that the white and brown gene products interact to form a guanine specific transporter, while white and scarlet gene products interact to form a tryptophan transporter. In this study, we report the nucleotide sequence of the coding regions of five white alleles isolated from flies with partially pigmented eyes. In all cases, single amino acid changes were identified, highlighting residues with roles in structure and/or function of the transporters. Mutations in w(cf) (G589E) and w(sat) (F590G) occur at the extracellular end of predicted transmembrane helix 5 and correlate with a major decrease in red pigments in the eyes, while brown pigments are near wild-type levels. Therefore, those residues have a more significant role in the guanine transporter than the tryptophan transporter. Mutations identified in w(crr) (H298N) and w(101) (G243S) affect amino acids which are highly conserved among the ABC transporter superfamily within the nucleotide binding domain. Both cause substantial and similar decreases of red and brown pigments indicating that both tryptophan and guanine transport are impaired. The mutation identified in w(Et87) alters an amino acid within an intracellular loop between transmembrane helices 2 and 3 of the predicted structure. Red and brown pigments are reduced to very low levels by this mutation indicating this loop region is important for the function of both guanine and tryptophan transporters.  相似文献   

Transglutaminases (TGs) catalyze the cross-linking of proteins and are involved in various biological processes in mammals. In invertebrates, except for the involvement in the hemolymph clotting, the functions of TG have not been revealed. Drosophila has a single TG gene (CG7356), from which two kinds of mRNAs (dTG-RA and dTG-RB) are formed. RT-PCR analyses indicated that both dTGs-RA and -RB are synthesized in all the developmental stages tested. To reveal the roles of dTG during the development, we examined a phenotype induced through the ectopic expression of dTG by using a GAL4-UAS targeted expression system. Over-expression of dTG-A in the eye imaginal disc of larva induced a rough eye phenotype in adult compound eyes. Co-expression of P35, an inhibitor of apoptosis, suppressed the rough eye phenotype, suggesting that the rough eye phenotype induced by the over-expression of dTG-A in the eye imaginal disc is due to the occurrence of apoptosis. The rough eye phenotype induced by the over-expression of dTG-A was suppressed by the crossing with mutant fly lines lacking Drosophila JNK gene basket (bsk) or Drosophila JNKK gene hemipterous. FLP-out experiments using an enhancer trap line showed that the over-expression of dTG-A in the eye imaginal disc increased the puckered enhancer activity, a reporter of Bsk activity. These results suggested that the rough eye phenotype induced by the over-expression of dTG-A is related to an enhancement of JNK signaling pathway.  相似文献   

N Wang  G Shaulsky  R Escalante    W F Loomis 《The EMBO journal》1996,15(15):3890-3898
A mutant which failed to complete development was isolated from a population of cells that had been subjected to insertional mutagenesis using restriction enzyme-mediated integration. The disrupted gene, dhkA, encodes the conserved motifs of a histidine kinase as well as the response regulator domain. It is likely that the histidine in DhkA is autophosphorylated and the phosphate passed to one or more response regulators. Such two-component systems function in a variety of bacterial signal transduction pathways and have been characterized recently in yeast and Arabidopsis. In Dictyostelium, we found that DhkA functions both in the regulation of prestalk gene expression and in the control of the terminal differentiation of prespore cells.  相似文献   

The fat facets gene is required for Drosophila eye and embryo development.   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
In a screen for mutations affecting Drosophila eye development, we have identified a gene called fat facets (faf) which is required for cell interactions that prevent particular cells in the developing eye from becoming photoreceptors. Analysis of eyes mosaic for faf+ and faf- cells shows that faf is required in cells near to, but outside, normal developing photoreceptors and also outside of the ectopic photoreceptors in mutant facets. faf is also essential during oogenesis, and we show that a faf-lacZ hybrid protein is localized via the first 392 amino acids of faf to the posterior pole of oocytes. Posterior localization of faf-lacZ depends on oskar. oskar encodes a key organizer of the pole plasm, a specialized cytoplasm at the posterior pole of embryos. The pole plasm is required for germ cell formation and contains the determinant of posterior polarity, encoded by nanos. Although other pole plasm components are required for localization of nanos RNA or for nanos protein function, faf is not. We have cloned the faf gene, and have shown that it encodes two similar large (approximately 300 x 10(3) M(r)) proteins that are unique with respect to other known proteins.  相似文献   

M Freeman  C Kl?mbt  C S Goodman  G M Rubin 《Cell》1992,69(6):963-975
The argos gene encodes a protein that is required for viability and that regulates the determination of cells in the Drosophila eye. A developmental analysis of argos mutant eyes indicates that the mystery cells, which are usually nonneuronal, are transformed into extra photoreceptors, and that supernumerary cone cells and pigment cells are also recruited. Clonal analysis indicates that argos acts nonautonomously and can diffuse over the range of several cell diameters. Conceptual translation of the argos gene suggests that it encodes a secreted protein.  相似文献   

Drosophila melanogaster has historically been the premier model system for understanding the molecular and genetic bases of complex behaviors. In the last decade technical advances, in the form of new genetic tools and electrophysiological and optical methods, have allowed investigators to begin to dissect the neuronal circuits that generate behavior in the adult. The blossoming of circuit analysis in this organism has also reinforced our appreciation of the inadequacy of wiring diagrams for specifying complex behavior. Neuromodulation and neuronal plasticity act to reconfigure circuits on both short and long time scales. These processes act on the connectome, providing context by integrating external and internal cues that are relevant for behavioral choices. New approaches in the fly are providing insight into these basic principles of circuit function.  相似文献   

We have identified and cloned a novel type of homeobox gene that is composed of two homeodomains and is expressed in the Drosophila endoderm. Mutant analysis reveals that its activity is required at the foregut/midgut boundary for the development of the proventriculus. This organ regulates food passage from the foregut into the midgut and forms by the infolding of ectoderm and endoderm-derived tissues. The endodermal outer wall structure of the proventriculus is collapsed in the mutants leading to a failure of the ectodermal part to invaginate and build a functional multilayered organ. Lack-of-function and gain-of-function experiments show that the expression of this homeobox gene in the proventriculus endoderm is induced in response to Wingless activity emanating from the ectoderm/endoderm boundary whereas its expression in the central midgut is controlled by Dpp and Wingless signalling emanating from the overlying visceral mesoderm.  相似文献   

Response to the insect hormone ecdysone is mediated by a nuclear receptor complex containing Ultraspiracle (USP) and the Ecdysone Receptor (EcR). Among other phenotypes, loss of functional USP in Drosophila eye development results in an accelerated morphogenetic furrow, although loss of ecdysone arrests the furrow. We have shown that USP both represses and activates a gene affecting furrow movement, the ecdysone-responsive Z1 isoform of Broad-Complex, and we report additional usp mutant phenotypes. Using targeted replacement of USP to rescue usp mutant clones in the eye, we have mapped various USP functions and tested whether the USP nuclear receptor has an activating as well as a repressive effect on furrow movement. Furrow movement and related phenotypes are rescued by the presence of USP in a limited domain near the furrow while other phenotypes are rescued by USP expression posterior to the furrow. Our data indicate roles for USP activity at multiple developmental stages and help explain why loss of functional USP leads to furrow advancement while loss of ecdysone stops furrow movement.  相似文献   

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