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Three active-site cysteine L,D-transpeptidases can individually anchor the Braun lipoprotein to the Escherichia coli peptidoglycan. We show here that two additional enzymes of the same family form peptide bonds between the third residues of peptidoglycan stems, generating meso-DAP(3)-->meso-DAP(3) unusual cross-links. This activity partially replaces the D,D-transpeptidase activity of penicillin-binding proteins.  相似文献   

We report here the first direct assessment of the specificity of a class of peptidoglycan cross-linking enzymes, the L,D-transpeptidases, for the highly diverse structure of peptidoglycan precursors of Gram-positive bacteria. The lone functionally characterized member of this new family of active site cysteine peptidases, Ldt(fm) from Enterococcus faecium, was previously shown to bypass the D,D-transpeptidase activity of the classical penicillin-binding proteins leading to high level cross-resistance to glycopeptide and beta-lactam antibiotics. Ldt(fm) homologues from Bacillus subtilis (Ldt(Bs)) and E. faecalis (Ldt(fs)) were found here to cross-link their cognate disaccharide-peptide subunits containing meso-diaminopimelic acid (mesoDAP(3)) and L-Lys(3)-L-Ala-L-Ala at the third position of the stem peptide, respectively, instead of L-Lys(3)-d-iAsn in E. faecium. Ldt(fs) differed from Ldt(fm) and Ldt(Bs) by its capacity to hydrolyze the L-Lys(3)-D-Ala(4) bond of tetrapeptide (L,D-carboxypeptidase activity) and pentapeptide (L,D-endopeptidase activity) stems, in addition to the common cross-linking activity. The three enzymes were specific for their cognate acyl acceptors in the cross-linking reaction. In contrast to Ldt(fs), which was also specific for its cognate acyl donor, Ldt(fm) tolerated substitution of L-Lys(3)-D-iAsn by L-Lys(3)-L-Ala-L-Ala. Likewise, Ldt(Bs) tolerated substitution of mesoDAP(3) by L-Lys(3)-D-iAsn and L-Lys(3)-L-Ala-L-Ala in the acyl donor. Thus, diversification of the structure of peptidoglycan precursors associated with speciation has led to a parallel evolution of the substrate specificity of the L,D-transpeptidases affecting mainly the recognition of the acyl acceptor. Blocking the assembly of the side chain could therefore be used to combat antibiotic resistance involving L,D-transpeptidases.  相似文献   

Few therapeutic alternatives remain for the treatment of infections due to multiresistant Mycobacterium abscessus. Here we show that the peptidoglycans of the "rough" and "smooth" morphotypes contain predominantly 3→3 cross-links generated by l,d-transpeptidases, indicating that these enzymes are attractive targets for the development of efficient drugs.  相似文献   

The molecular assembly of the major outer membrane lipoprotein on the peptidoglycan layer was studied using two hybrid genes coding for different OmpF-lipoprotein hybrid proteins. One gene codes for a "lipoprotein" in which the diacylglyceryl cysteine residue is replaced with the Ala-Glu residue of the NH2 terminus of the OmpF protein (hybrid protein I). The other gene codes for the lipid-free "lipoprotein" from which the COOH-terminal lysine residue was further deleted (hybrid protein II). Hybrid protein I existed as a trimer. A significant portion of it was found to be composed of only the free form, which was noncovalently associated with the peptidoglycan layer. The purified hybrid protein I trimer was dissociated into the subunit in the presence of guanidine-HCl and reassociated on dialysis. Both the native and reassociated trimers were bound to the lipoprotein-free peptidoglycan layer. No enhancement of the binding was observed when the reassociation reaction was carried out simultaneously. Hybrid protein II, on the other hand, did not exhibit association with peptidoglycan in both the cellular fractionation and in vitro binding experiments, although it existed as a trimer. It is concluded that 1) the protein domain of the lipoprotein exists as a trimer which is noncovalently as well as covalently associated with the peptidoglycan layer and 2) although the deletion of the COOH terminal lysine residue did not interfere with the trimerization, it interfered with the noncovalent interaction with the peptidoglycan layer.  相似文献   

In this issue of Structure, Lecoq et al. investigated the structural and dynamic basis for the unexpected inhibition of peptidoglycan-crosslinking l,d-transpeptidases by carbapenem antibiotics. In addition to defining a neutral thiol-imidazole catalytic triad, their studies revealed extensive induced motions upon formation of a long-live covalent drug-enzyme complex.  相似文献   

Growing bacterial L forms are reputed to lack peptidoglycan, although cell division is normally inseparable from septal peptidoglycan synthesis. To explore which cell division functions L forms use, we established a protocol for quantitatively converting a culture of a wild-type Escherichia coli K-12 strain overnight to a growing L-form-like state by use of the beta-lactam cefsulodin, a specific inhibitor of penicillin-binding proteins (PBPs) 1A and 1B. In rich hypertonic medium containing cefsulodin, all cells are spherical and osmosensitive, like classical L forms. Surprisingly, however, mutant studies showed that colony formation requires d-glutamate, diaminopimelate, and MurA activity, all of which are specific to peptidoglycan synthesis. High-performance liquid chromatography analysis confirmed that these L-form-like cells contain peptidoglycan, with 7% of the normal amount. Moreover, the beta-lactam piperacillin, a specific inhibitor of the cell division protein PBP 3, rapidly blocks the cell division of these L-form-like cells. Similarly, penicillin-induced L-form-like cells, which grow only within the agar layers of rich hypertonic plates, also require d-glutamate, diaminopimelate, and MurA activity. These results strongly suggest that cefsulodin- and penicillin-induced L-form-like cells of E. coli-and possibly all L forms-have residual peptidoglycan synthesis which is essential for their growth, probably being required for cell division.  相似文献   

The opsonic properties of normal serum with respect to E. coli peptidoglycan was studied under the actual conditions of the oxygen-dependent metabolism of neutrophils. In the course of the differentiated study of the influence of antibodies, the classical and the alternative cascades of complement the serum was heated, treated with ethylenediaminetetraacetate and ethylene glycol tetraacetate, exhausted in the cold. In serial experiments the opsonic activity of purified fibronectin was studied. The indirect reactions were shown to be the leading mechanisms of the neutrophil-stimulated activity of E. coli peptidoglycan. IgG was found to be in the center of the opsonic cooperation and thus to determine the quantitative manifestation of the total phenomenon. Complement proved to be of lesser importance; depending on the conditions of the experiment, the activation of complement occurred by the alternative way (after the removal of antibodies) or the classical way (whole serum). The actual contribution of IgG-independent and complement-independent opsonins was insignificant. Fibronectin in physiological concentrations showed no opsonic activity.  相似文献   

All bacteria contain proteins in which their amino-terminal cysteine residue is modified with N-acyl S-diacylglycerol functions, and peptides and proteins bearing this modification are immunomodulatory. The major outer membrane lipoprotein of Escherichia coli, the Braun lipoprotein (BLP), is the prototypical triacylated cysteinyl-modified protein. We find it is as active as LPS in stimulating human endothelial cells to an inflammatory phenotype, and a BLP-negative mutant of E. coli was less inflammatory than its parental strain. While the lipid modification was essential, the lipidated protein was more potent than a lipid-modified peptide. BLP associates with CD14, but this interaction, unlike that with LPS, was not required to elicit endothelial cell activation. BLP stimulated endothelial cell E-selectin surface expression, IL-6 secretion, and up-regulation of the same battery of cytokine mRNAs induced by LPS. Quantitative microarray analysis of 4400 genes showed the same 30 genes were induced by BLP and LPS, and that there was near complete concordance in the level of gene induction. We conclude that the lipid modification of at least one abundant Gram-negative protein is essential for endotoxic activity, but that the protein component also influences activity. The equivalent potency of BLP and LPS, and their complete concordance in the nature and extent of endothelial cell activation show that E. coli endotoxic activity is not due to just LPS. The major outer membrane protein of E. coli is a fully active endotoxic agonist for endothelial cells.  相似文献   

Structural information defining an N-terminal sequence required for the membrane sorting of bacterial lipoproteins has been previously garnered through the study of a hybrid outer membrane (OM) lipo-beta-lactamase (LL) (Ghrayeb and Inouye (1984) J. Biol. Chem. 259, 463-467). Introduction of an aspartate as the second residue of mature LL (D2 mutant) causes an inner membrane (IM) localization of this protein (Yamaguchi, K., Yu, F., and Inouye, M. (1988) Cell 53, 423-432). Introduction of as aspartate at the third residue of mature LL (D3) causes a weaker IM sorting signal and when present as the fourth residue (D4), normal OM sorting occurs. A positively charged residue at the second position (K2) has no effect on OM localization. Remarkably, glutamate substitution at either the second (E2) or third (E3) position does not interfere with OM sorting. Sorting of the mutant D2 LL can be partially suppressed by introduction of a positively charged histidine (D2H3) or lysine (D2K3) at residue 3 of the mature protein. These results indicate that both the negative charge of the aspartate residue and some structural feature not present in a glutamate residue are required for sorting to the IM. The suppression of IM localization of the D2H3 LL double mutant can be eliminated by growing Escherichia coli at pH 8.4 to reduce the histidine partial positive charge. This result supports the essentiality of a negative charge in IM localization and indicates that the committed step in lipoprotein sorting is made in a cellular compartment, the periplasm, at equilibrium with the external pH.  相似文献   

The peptidoglycan of most bacteria consists of a repeating disaccharide unit of beta-1,4-linked N-acetylmuramic acid and N-acetylglucosamine. However, the muramic acid moieties of the mycobacterial peptidoglycan are N-glycolylated, not N-acetylated. This is a rare modification seen only in the peptidoglycan of mycobacteria and five other closely related genera of bacteria. The N-glycolylation of sialic acids is a unique carbohydrate modification that has been studied extensively in eukaryotes. However, the significance of the N-glycolylation of bacterial peptidoglycan is unknown. The goal of this project was to identify the gene encoding the hydroxylase responsible for the N-glycolylation of the mycobacterial peptidoglycan. We developed a novel assay for the mycobacterial UDP-N-acetylmuramic acid hydroxylation reaction and demonstrated that Mycobacterium smegmatis has an enzyme activity that can convert UDP-N-acetylmuramic acid to UDP-N-glycolylmuramic acid. We identified the gene namH encoding the mycobacterial UDP-N-acetylmuramic acid hydroxylase by computer data base searching and motif comparisons with the eukaryotic enzymes responsible for the N-glycolyation of sialic acids. The namH gene is not essential for in vitro growth as we were successful in deleting the gene in M. smegmatis. The M. smegmatis mutant is devoid of UDP-N-acetylmuramic acid hydroxylase activity and synthesizes only N-acetylated muropeptide precursors. Furthermore, the mutant exhibits increased susceptibility to beta-lactam antibiotics and lysozyme. Our studies suggest that the N-glycolylation of mycobacterial peptidoglycan may play a role in lysozyme resistance or may contribute to the structural stability of the cell wall architecture.  相似文献   

The major outer membrane lipoprotein (Lpp) of Escherichia coli possesses serine at position 2, which is thought to function as the outer membrane sorting signal, and lysine at the C terminus, through which Lpp covalently associates with peptidoglycan. Arginine (R) is present before the C-terminal lysine in the wild-type Lpp (LppSK). By replacing serine (S) at position 2 with aspartate (D), the putative inner membrane sorting signal, and by deleting lysine (K) at the C terminus, Lpp mutants with a different residue at either position 2 (LppDK) or the C terminus (LppSR) or both (LppDR) were constructed. Expression of LppSR and LppDR little affected the growth of E. coli. In contrast, the number of viable cells immediately decreased when LppDK was expressed. Prolonged expression of LppDK inhibited separation of the inner and outer membranes by sucrose density gradient centrifugation, whereas short-term expression did not. Pulse-labeled LppDK and LppDR were localized in the inner membrane, indicating that the amino acid residue at position 2 functions as a sorting signal for the membrane localization of Lpp. LppDK accumulated in the inner membrane covalently associated with the peptidoglycan and thus prevented the separation of the two membranes. Globomycin, an inhibitor of lipoprotein-specific signal peptidase II, was lethal for E. coli only when Lpp possessed the C-terminal lysine. Taken together, these results indicate that the inner membrane accumulation of Lpp per se is not lethal for E. coli. Instead, a covalent linkage between the inner membrane Lpp having the C-terminal lysine and the peptidoglycan is lethal for E. coli, presumably due to the disruption of the cell surface integrity.  相似文献   

Escherichia coli incorporates iron as a complex with enterochelin. By using mutants which lack one or the other, or both, of the outer membrane proteins, O-2b and O-3, we have shown that protein O-2b (feuB protein) is responsible for the primary binding of the iron-enterochelin complex to the outer membrane in the process of iron transport.  相似文献   

In vivo studies on the attachment of lipoprotein to the murein (peptidoglycan) of Escherichia coli showed that it takes several generations of growth until the amount of lipoprotein on newly made murein is equilibrated. The technique used involves degradation of the sodium dodecyl sulfate-insoluble murein-lipoprotein complex (sacculus, rigid layer) with lysozyme and separation of the labeled products on paper. No lipoprotein was found on murein subunits incorporated during a pulse of [3H]diaminopimelate for 1 min in logarithmically growing cells at 37 C. Even after one doubling of the cell mass, only 4 to 8% of the labeled murein was isolated as bound to lipoprotein. With uniformly labeled murein, 30% remains bound to lipoprotein after lysozyme treatment, corresponding to three murein subunits. Therefore it can be concluded that during pulse labeling either no lipoprotein is incorporated into the newly synthesized murein or no murein subunits are inserted into existing murein around lipoprotein attachment sites. Longer pulse and pulse-chase experiments argue for the latter interpretation. It is therefore concluded that incorporation of murein subunits into the growing murein polymer is not at all a random process. Instead, quite large areas of murein, on which lipoprotein is situated, seem to be preserved. Under the influence of penicillin FL 1060 murein synthesis is 50% inhibited. The rate of lipoprotein attachment is less affected so that increasing amounts of lipoprotein become attached during spheroplast formation. By the time the stationary growth phase has been reached, the lipoprotein content of the murein has doubled. Diaminopimelate auxotrophic mutants require, in the presence of penicillin FL 1060, more diaminopimelate for full growth than in the absence of penicillin FL 1060. This finding and the fact that murein synthesis is always inhibited by 50% over a wide range of penicillin concentration (1 to 1,000 mug/ml) point to the inhibition of an enzymatic step of murein synthesis which can be partially bypassed by a second enzyme, less efficient but resistant to penicillin FL 1060.  相似文献   

Bacterial surface proteins are key players in host-symbiont or host-pathogen interactions. How these proteins are targeted and displayed at the cell surface are challenging issues of both fundamental and clinical relevance. While surface proteins of Gram-negative bacteria are assembled in the outer membrane, Gram-positive bacteria predominantly utilize their thick cell wall as a platform to anchor their surface proteins. This surface display involves both covalent and noncovalent interactions with either the peptidoglycan or secondary wall polymers such as teichoic acid or lipoteichoic acid. This review focuses on the role of enzymes that covalently link surface proteins to the peptidoglycan, the well-known sortases in Gram-positive bacteria, and the recently characterized l,d-transpeptidases in Gram-negative bacteria.  相似文献   

Abstract Murein synthesis in Escherichia coli can be partially inhibited by d-methionine without concomitant alterations in growth and morphology. d-Methionine-treated cultures grow steadily for an indefinite time, therefore murein surface density should be reduced. Determination of this parameter in control and d-methionine-treated cells showed a severe reduction in the latter. Murein surface density increases drastically in resting cells, irrespective of the presence of d-methionine. Mutants in ponB are hypersensitive to d-methionine. Analysis of ponB strains revealed an important reduction in murein surface density. An approximately two-fold reduction in average surface density is apparently compatible with normal growth and division.  相似文献   

Moss, C. Wayne (North Carolina State University, Raleigh), and M. L. Speck. Identification of nutritional components in Trypticase responsible for recovery of Escherichia coli injured by freezing. J. Bacteriol. 91:1098-1104. 1966.-Freezing and storage of Escherichia coli at -20 C resulted in nonlethal or "metabolic" injury to a proportion of the surviving population. The injury was manifested as an increased nutritional requirement after freezing. Injured cells could not grow on a minimal agar medium, but could develop on Trypticase Soy Agar. The percentage of injured survivors varied among strains, but was little affected by altering the freezing menstruum. Trypticase was found to be the component in Trypticase Soy Agar responsible for the recovery of injured cells, and contained five closely related peptides that possessed most of the biological activity. Isolation of the peptides was accomplished by Sephadex gel chromatography, paper chromatography, and high-voltage paper electrophoresis. Hydrolysis of the peptides destroyed the ability to restore injured cells.  相似文献   

Certain D-amino acids, such as D-methionine and D-cystine, were incorporated into cells of Escherichia coli under conditions inhibiting protein and cell wall synthesis. Part of the radioactivity of D-14C-amino acids incorporated into the cells was found in the isolated cell wall peptidoglycan. A covalent linkage between the amino group of the D-amino acids and the peptidoglycan was presumed to be the main cause of the binding of the D-amino acids to peptidoglycan, because the amino group of the D-amino acids in the incorporation product was substituted. Whether the carboxyl terminus was substituted was unknown. The formation of the D-amino acid-peptidoglycan linkage was insensitive to beta-lactam antibiotics such as benzylpenicillin and ampicillin (500 micrograms/ml) and therefore was not due to the reaction of DD-transpeptidation which is involved in the biosynthesis of peptidoglycan. The D-amino acids also strongly inhibited the formation of peptidoglycan-bound lipoprotein in the E. coli cells. The results may suggest the correlation between binding of D-amino acid to peptidoglycan and inhibition of formation of the bound form of lipoprotein.  相似文献   

Enterohemorrhagic Escherichia coli (EHEC) strains are important food-borne pathogens that use a filamentous type III secretion system (fT3SS) for colonization of the gut epithelium. In this study we have shown that EHEC O157 and O26 strains use the fT3SS apparatus for attachment to leaves. Leaf attachment was independent of effector protein translocation.  相似文献   

The insertion of newly synthesized lipoprotein molecules into the cell wall of Escherichia coli was studied topographically by immunoelectron microscopy. Lipoprotein was briefly induced with isopropyl-beta-D-thiogalactopyranoside in cells carrying lac-lpp on a low-copy-number plasmid in an E. coli lpp host. Specific antibodies bound to the newly inserted lipoprotein molecules, which were exposed at the cell surface after treatment of the cells with Tris-EDTA, were detected with a protein A-gold probe. The average distribution of the gold particles over the cell surface of noninduced cells was determined for cells induced for 5 and 10 min. Analysis of 250 to 350 cells showed that the distribution of newly synthesized lipoprotein over the cell surface was homogeneous in both cases. The binding of lipoprotein to the peptidoglycan layer was studied by the same technique, and visual inspection again revealed a homogeneous distribution of bound lipoprotein over the entire sacculus surface. It is therefore concluded that free lipoprotein is inserted equally over the entire cell wall of E. coli, while binding to peptidoglycan also occurs over the entire cell surface. The rate of lipoprotein synthesis increased with cell length in nondividing cells, whereas it was constant in cells which had initiated constriction. Analysis of cells having different amounts of lipoprotein in their cell wall revealed that the cell shape depended on the total lipoprotein content of the cell. Cells having no or only a small amount of lipoprotein grew as spheres, whereas cells with increasing numbers of lipoprotein molecules gradually changed their shape to short rods.  相似文献   

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