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Many recombination, DNA repair and DNA replication mutants have high basal levels of SOS expression as determined by a sulAp-lacZ reporter gene system on a population of cells. Two opposing models to explain how the SOS expression is distributed in these cells are: (i) the 'Uniform Expression Model (UEM)' where expression is evenly distributed in all cells or (ii) the 'Two Population Model (TPM)' where some cells are highly induced while others are not at all. To distinguish between these two models, a method to quantify SOS expression in individual bacterial cells was developed by fusing an SOS promoter (sulAp) to the green fluorescent protein (gfp) reporter gene and inserting it at attlambda on the Escherichia coli chromosome. It is shown that the fluorescence in sulAp-gfp cells is regulated by RecA and LexA. This system was then used to distinguish between the two models for several mutants. The patterns displayed by priA, dnaT, recG, uvrD, dam, ftsK, rnhA, polA and xerC mutants were explained best by the TPM while only lexA (def), lexA3 (ind-) and recA defective mutants were explained best by the UEM. These results are discussed in a context of how the processes of DNA replication and recombination may affect cells in a population differentially.  相似文献   

Mutants of Escherichia coli K-12 deficient in adenyl cyclase (cya) and catabolite activator protein (crp) have been shown to grow more slowly than their parent strains in glucose-minimal medium. Their growth rate decreased markedly with increasing pH between 6 and 7.8. We have shown that this pH sensitivity is a direct consequence of the cya mutation, because a mutation to pH resistance also restored ability to ferment a variety of sugars. The proton motive force-dependent uptake of proline and glutamate was also reduced and sensitive to pH in the cya mutant. The membrane-bound ATPase activity was normal. The rate of oxygen uptake by cells, although reduced, was pH insensitive. We suggest several explanations for this phenotype, including a possible defect in energy transduction.  相似文献   

Summary The biosynthetic acetohydroxy acid synthase activities of E. coli K12 are encoded by three genetic loci namely, ilvB (acetohydroxy acid synthase I), ilvG (acetohydroxy acid synthase II) and ilvHI (acetohydroxy acid synthase III). The previously reported involvement of cyclic AMP in the regulation of the biosynthetic acetohydroxy acid synthase isozymes in E. coli K-12 was found to be due to the effect of this nucleotide on the expression of ilvB. Cyclic AMP had no effect on acetohydroxy acid synthase activity in strains lacking wild-type ilvB activity but containing the remaining isozymes. Very little activity of acetohydroxy acid synthase coded for by ilvB was found when ppGpp and cyclic AMP were severely limited. Addition of cyclic AMP under these conditions increased ilvB expression 24-fold. The data suggest that in addition to multivalent repression and ppGpp, cyclic AMP plays a major role in the regulation of the ilvB biosynthetic operon.  相似文献   

Evidence for two distinct pyruvate kinase genes in Escherichia coli K-12   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
A strain of Escherichia coli K-12 defective in pyruvate kinase F has been produced. The existence of this mutant, in conjunction with earlier results, strongly suggests that the two pyruvate kinases in this bacterium are distinct forms and not interconvertible. Either form of pyruvate kinase appeared to be equally effective in the glycolytic conversion of phosphoenolpyruvate to pyruvate. Genes specifying pyruvate kinase A and pyruvate kinase F were present on the small F-prime F506 and the locus for pyruvate kinase F was found to be at minute 36.5 on the E. coli genetic map.  相似文献   

On the specificity of cyclic AMP action in Escherichia coli   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
V Paces  J Smrz 《FEBS letters》1973,31(3):343-344

Small genes/gene-products in Escherichia coli K-12   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Forty-two protein spots of observed Mr 6–15 kDa were resolved by two-dimensional gel electrophoresis, stained by Coomassie blue and subjected to Edman microsequencing. All of the proteins could be related back to their encoding open reading frames, thereby vindicating the bioinformatic tools currently utilised in their identification. However, only 14/42 gene-products were expressed as annotated. Translation was confirmed for 14 open reading frames with no attributed function (EcoGene Y-entries), while N-terminal sequence allowed the start codon to be accurately annotated for the genes yjgF, yccU, yqiC, ynfD, and yeeX. The methionine start codon was cleaved in 11 gene-products (AtpE, Hns, RpoZ, RplL, CspC, YccJ, YggX, YjgF, HimA, InfA, RpsQ) and a further five showed loss of a signal peptide (PspE, HdeB, HdeA, YnfD, YkfE). Internal (Tig, AtpA, TufA) and N-terminal fragmentation (CspD, RpsF, AtcU) of much larger proteins was also detected, which may have resulted from physiological or translational processes. Mr and pI isoforms were detected respectively for PtsH and GatB, each being phosphoproteins, as well as RplY which manifested differences with respect to predicted Mr and pI. In addition, YjgF was shown to belong to a small gene family of unknown function with ancient conserved regions across procaryotes and eucaryotes. YgiN was revealed to have a paralogue and orthologues in Bacillus subtilis, Synechocystis sp., Mycobacterium tuberculosis, Neisseria gonorrhoea, and Rhodococcus erythropolis. Orthologues are also reported for YihD, YccU and YeeX. Of the 14 Y-genes, only YkfE possessed no detectable orthologues. These results highlight the need to complement genomic analysis with detailed proteomics in order to gain a better understanding of cellular molecular biology, while the confirmation of the open reading frame start codon using Edman degradation protein microsequencing has yet to be superseded by recent advances in mass spectrometry.  相似文献   

Summary We have examined the level of expression of the SOS regulon in cells lacking DNA adenine methylase activity (dam -). Mud (Ap, lac) fusions to several SOS operons (recA, lexA, uvrA, uvrB, uvrD, sulA, dinD and dinF) were found to express higher levels of -galactosidase in dam - strains than in isogenic dam + strains. The attempted construction of dam - strains that were also mutant in one of several SOS genes indicated that the viability of methylase-deficient strains correlates with the inactivation of the SOS repressor (LexA protein). Consistent with this, the wild-type functions of two LexA-repressed genes (recA and ruv) appear to be required for dam - strain viability.  相似文献   

The mutation acrA1, leading to acriflavine sensitivity through disorganization of the plasma membrane, is located between proC and purE on the Escherichia coli K-12 chromosome. Gene plsA has been reported to determine biosynthesis of membrane phospholipid and to be located very near acrA (1). Genes acrA and plsA fall into different cistrons and are arranged in the order proC-acrA-plasA-purE. The genes were shown to interact with each other. Introduction of acrA mutation into a plsA temperature-sensitive mutant mitigated the heat sensitivity. Plasmid (F-gal+) stability in acrA mutants was restored by introduction of the plasA mutation into the acrA cells. When an Hfr plsA donor was conjugated with an acrA recipient, or when reciprocally conjugated, the exogenotes were eliminated at high frequency during subsequent subcultivation in broth. However, the exogenotes were not eliminated in all other allelic combinations of genes acrA and plsA. When an F-gal+ plasmid was introduced into the unstable heterozygotes (acrA+plsA/acrApls1+), the plasmids were stably hosted, whereas the acrA+ plasA exogenotes were spontaneously lost at a high frequency. On the other hand, when the unstable heterozygotes carrying F-gal+ were cultured in acriflavine-containing medium, the F-gal+ plasmids were preferentially eliminated but the acrA+plasA exogenotes were not affected. The results suggest that the organization of the plasma membrane controls the recombination of the exogenotes introduced into zygotes.  相似文献   

Abstract A 7-kb piece of Escherichia coli DNA that contains five genes ( entA, C, G, B and E ) required for the biosynthesis of the iron transport molecule enterochelin was isolated. A restriction map was constructed and proteins specified by the E. coli DNA were identified in mini- and maxicell systems. Plasmids containing portions of the entACGBE DNA generated by BAL31 digestion or restriction enzyme treatment were constructed; complementation studies done with these indicated that the five genes constitute an operon. The approximate site of the promoter was determined and the product of entE was tentatively identified as an M r 63000 polypeptide.  相似文献   

Transcriptional control of flagellar genes in Escherichia coli K-12   总被引:41,自引:29,他引:12       下载免费PDF全文

We describe here the purification and quantification of a water-soluble cyclic form of enterobacterial common antigen (ECA(CYC)) from Escherichia coli K-12 as well as information regarding its subcellular location and the genetic loci involved in its assembly. Structural characterization of purified ECA(CYC) molecules obtained from E. coli K-12 revealed that they uniformly contained four trisaccharide repeat units, and they were substituted with from zero to four O-acetyl groups. Cells from overnight cultures contained approximately 2 microg ECA(CYC) per milligram (dry weight), and cell fractionation studies revealed that these molecules were localized exclusively in the periplasm. The synthesis and assembly of ECA(CYC) were found to require the wzxE and wzyE genes of the wec gene cluster. These genes encode proteins involved in the transmembrane translocation of undecaprenylpyrophosphate-linked ECA trisaccharide repeat units and the polymerization of trisaccharide repeat units, respectively. Surprisingly, synthesis of ECA(CYC) was dependent on the wzzE gene, which is required for the modulation of the polysaccharide chain lengths of phosphoglyceride-linked ECA (ECA(PG)). The presence of ECA(CYC) in extracts of several other gram-negative enteric organisms was also demonstrated; however, it was not detected in cell extracts of Pseudomonas aeruginosa. These data suggest that in addition to ECA(PG), ECA(CYC) may be synthesized in many, if not all, members of the Enterobacteriaceae.  相似文献   

Survival and induction of the SOS system by 5-azacytidine, an analog of cytidine, were studied in Escherichia coli K-12. This compound did not produce any effect on the viability of dcm and dam dcm mutants. Furthermore, recA430 and lexA1 strains (both mutations interfere with LexA repressor cleavage but not recombination proficiency) were more resistant than the wild-type strain of E. coli K-12. In contrast, recBC and recA13 mutants were more sensitive to 5-azacytidine than the wild type. Transient exposure of E. coli to 5-azacytidine for 60 min induced both recA-dependent inhibition of cell division and induction of lambda prophage in Dcm+ strains but not in Dcm- mutants. Expression of both functions was dependent on recBC exonuclease. On the other hand, 5-azacytidine was unable to trigger the induction of umuCD and mucB genes and no amplification of RecA protein synthesis in either Dcm+ or Dcm- strains was observed. These last results are in agreement with previously reported data suggesting that there is a discrimination in the expression of the several SOS functions and that some SOS genes may be induced without amplification of RecA protein synthesis.  相似文献   

Genome-wide expression profiling in Escherichia coli K-12.   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6       下载免费PDF全文
We have established high resolution methods for global monitoring of gene expression in Escherichia coli. Hybridization of radiolabeled cDNA to spot blots on nylon membranes was compared to hybridization of fluorescently-labeled cDNA to glass microarrays for efficiency and reproducibility. A complete set of PCR primers was created for all 4290 annotated open reading frames (ORFs) from the complete genome sequence of E.coli K-12 (MG1655). Glass- and nylon-based arrays of PCR products were prepared and used to assess global changes in gene expression. Full-length coding sequences for array printing were generated by two-step PCR amplification. In this study we measured changes in RNA levels after exposure to heat shock and following treatment with isopropyl-beta-D-thiogalactopyranoside (IPTG). Both radioactive and fluorescence-based methods showed comparable results. Treatment with IPTG resulted in high level induction of the lacZYA and melAB operons. Following heat shock treatment 119 genes were shown to have significantly altered expression levels, including 35 previously uncharacterized ORFs and most genes of the heat shock stimulon. Analysis of spot intensities from hybridization to replicate arrays identified sets of genes with signals consistently above background suggesting that at least 25% of genes were expressed at detectable levels during growth in rich media.  相似文献   

In Escherichia coli K-12, components of the phosphoenolpyruvate-dependent phosphotransferase systems (PTSs) represent a signal transduction system involved in the global control of carbon catabolism through inducer exclusion mediated by phosphoenolpyruvate-dependent protein kinase enzyme IIA(Crr) (EIIA(Crr)) (= EIIA(Glc)) and catabolite repression mediated by the global regulator cyclic AMP (cAMP)-cAMP receptor protein (CRP). We measured in a systematic way the relation between cellular growth rates and the key parameters of catabolite repression, i.e., the phosphorylated EIIA(Crr) (EIIA(Crr) approximately P) level and the cAMP level, using in vitro and in vivo assays. Different growth rates were obtained by using either various carbon sources or by growing the cells with limited concentrations of glucose, sucrose, and mannitol in continuous bioreactor experiments. The ratio of EIIA(Crr) to EIIA(Crr) approximately P and the intracellular cAMP concentrations, deduced from the activity of a cAMP-CRP-dependent promoter, correlated well with specific growth rates between 0.3 h(-1) and 0.7 h(-1), corresponding to generation times of about 138 and 60 min, respectively. Below and above this range, these parameters were increasingly uncoupled from the growth rate, which perhaps indicates an increasing role executed by other global control systems, in particular the stringent-relaxed response system.  相似文献   

The synthesis of maltodextrin phosphorylase and the phage λ receptor of Escherichia coli K-12 is substantially inhibited by the presence of 50 μg nalidixic acid/ml in the culture medium. β-galactosidase synthesis is inhibited to a lesser extent and no inhibition of L-tryptophanase synthesis is observed. The inhibition of enzyme synthesis is apparently not due to the effect of nalidixic acid on deoxyribonucleic acid synthesis.  相似文献   

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