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对我国24个省市,涉及40余种植物的300多个土样的调查,分离出食线虫真菌近千个分离物,共鉴定出食线虫真菌29属57种,包括捕食线虫真菌4属25种,其中Arthrobotrys arthrobotryoides, A. brochopaga, A. cladodes var. macroides, A. microspora,A. musiformis, A. straminicola, Monacrosporium ellipsosporinm, M. thaumasium, M. pravicollis,Stylopage grandis, Dactylella ramiformis, Monacrosporium qiuanum, Monacrosporium sinense等10种为国内新记录。内寄生真菌4属4个种、其中Catenaria angullulae, Harposporiumarcuatum, Nematoctonus leiosporus为国内新记录。定殖于大豆孢囊线虫真菌22属25种,其中Catenaria auxiliaris, Cylindrocarpon heteronema, C. willkommii, Fusariella bizzozeriana,Nematophthora sp., Phoma eupyrena, Phoma leveilei,Pithomyces sp,Trichocladium opacum.Verticillium chlamydosporium等10属种为国内新记录,其中Nematophthora, Fusariella,Trichocladium三属为国内新记录属,Rhizoctonia sp., Stachybotrys elegans, F.bizzozeriana,C.heteronema, C.willkommii等为首次发现定殖于大豆孢囊线虫孢囊上。对所鉴定的真菌进行了描述和讨论并制作了检索表。 相似文献
2005~2007年,对中国哈尔滨地区大豆田天敌昆虫开展系统调查。共发现5目、12科、33种天敌昆虫。龟纹瓢虫Propylaea japonica(Thunberg)、异色瓢虫Harmonia axyridis(Pallas)、隐翅甲Ischnosoma sp.成虫和花蝽Oriussp.为大豆田优势种天敌昆虫。其中,隐翅甲Ischnosomasp.成虫于6月上旬至下旬田间发生。花蝽Oriussp.成虫6月下旬至8月下旬发生,异色瓢虫成虫6月下旬至9月下旬发生。龟纹瓢虫幼虫、异色瓢虫幼虫和花蝽Oriussp.若虫多于6月下旬至8月下旬,即大豆生育中期发生;龟纹瓢虫成虫田间发生期较长,大豆生育期中6月中旬至9月下旬均有发生。 相似文献
我国森林食叶害虫种群生态控制可行性分析 总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8
我国是世界上森林病虫害发生比较严重的国家之一。建国以来 ,森林病虫害发生面积一直呈上升趋势。据资料显示 ,随着造林面积的增加 ,森林病虫害发生面积也相应增加。从 2 0世纪 50年代开始 ,全国人工林面积每 1 0年分别递增 2 2 .2 %、 8.7%、1 1 .2 %和 5.0 % ,而同期病虫害的发生面积的递增率相应为 2 2 .6%、2 .9%、1 2 .9%和 4.6% [1]。我国森林病虫害发生的特点之一是范围广、区域性灾害严重。如我国历史性森林害虫松毛虫 (Den-drolimus spp.) ,全国共有 2 9种 (含 4个亚种 ) ,发生范围达 2 4个省 (区、市 ) ,并随人工林面积迅速增加… 相似文献
食叶害虫在森林中广泛存在。一般它们生活在树皮下或者大树的表面,白天伏于树干粗皮缝处及树杈间,夜晚出来蛀食树叶,黎明前后在叶面沿枝干下潜伏,并吐丝缀叶,结薄茧化蛹繁殖。本文针对森林害虫生活特点与规律,并以食叶害虫为例讨论了如何开展防治工作。 相似文献
间接性害虫为害与作物产量损失的关系Ⅰ.食叶害虫 总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1
本文将繁多的农作物害虫分为间接性害虫和直接性害虫.间接性害虫造成的作物的某类器官或组织的损失率小于产量损失率.食叶害虫是间接性害虫中的一大类.作物对叶面积损失的产量反应很不一致,从完全失收到增产10倍.影响叶面积损失与产量关系的首要因素通常是作物在受害时的生长阶段.在叶面积损失率一定时,处于生长中期(最终营养库迅速增大期)的作物出现最大程度减产.在损失率过大,上部功能叶受害,为害持续时间过长,作物矮秆紧凑,水、肥及气象条件不良以及损失的叶面积分布不均匀等情形下,叶片受害后易于减产;反之则减产较少甚至增产.从分散的材料中归纳出这一基本关系,对当前广泛开展的食叶害虫的产量损失评价工作可能有参考和改进意义. 相似文献
杨树食叶害虫突发性强、危害重、损失大、防治难,近几年来,造林树种过度单一,大面积的杨树纯林是害虫发生的主要原因。为及时有效地做好杨树食叶害虫防治工作,保护造林成果,本文就针对杨树食叶害虫的发生原因及防治对策进行了介绍。 相似文献
本文系统阐述林木食叶害虫的防治策略,包括生物防治、物理防治、诱杀、无公害药剂防治、植物检疫等方面,以为食叶害虫的防治提供参考。 相似文献
大豆食心虫虫食率对产量损失测定 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
<正> 大豆食心虫Grapholitha glycinivorellaMats.是大豆上的主要害虫之一,每年对大豆都有不同程度的为害。为摸清该虫虫食率对大豆产量为害的影响,从1985~1990年,对我市几个主栽大豆品种进行调查研究,现将结果整 相似文献
大豆根部主要病虫害生态控制研究初报 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
通过田间小区试验 ,研究了不同生态控制处理对大豆根部病虫害的防治效果及其作用原理。试验表明 ,适当晚播、生物多样性、加入秸秆、增加有机肥对于防治大豆根潜蝇和大豆根腐病都有很好的生态防治效果 ,而对于大豆孢囊线虫病的生态防治只有适当晚播和使用抗线品种效果较好。各项生态控制处理均具有一定的增产作用 相似文献
The elevated concentration of atmospheric CO2 may result in a decline of leaf nutritional quality (especially N) and an increase in some kinds of defensive secondary components (such as phenolics). The changes in the phytochemistry of trees, combined with the effect of elevated CO2 per se, have a potential negative influence on insect herbivores. Here, we review the effect of elevated CO2 on the performance of leaf-feeding forest insects at individual-level and commu-nity-level. The elevated CO2 per se have little influence on the metabolism of insects. Over half of the tree-insect experimental systems show that the performance of individual insect become poorer under high-CO2 grown trees; but the others show that the insects have just little or no response to the treatments. The direction and magnitude of the changes in the performance of insects could be mediated by various factors. The effects of treatment are strongly species-dependent. The magni-tude of changes in the phytochemistry, the sensitivity and adaptive capacity of insects to the poorer leaf quality, the differences in plant growth conditions and experimental methods, and the mediated effects of other environmental factors (such as soil nutrient availability, light, temperature, O3) were all closely related to the final performance of insects. However, the larvae's consumption usually increased under enriched CO2 treatment, which was widely thought to be a compensa-tory response to poorer plant quality. The experiments on forest community-level found identically a reduction in herbivory, which was contrary to the results from small-scale experiments. The changes in insect popula-tion and the actual response of consumption by leaf-feeding forest insects under CO2 enrichment remain unclear, and more field-based experiments need to be conducted. 相似文献
The elevated concentration of atmospheric CO2 may result in a decline of leaf nutritional quality (especially N) and an increase in some kinds of defensive secondary components
(such as phenolics). The changes in the phytochemistry of trees, combined with the effect of elevated CO2
per se, have a potential negative influence on insect herbivores. Here, we review the effect of elevated CO2 on the performance of leaffeeding forest insects at individual-level and community-level. The elevated CO2
per se have little influence on the metabolism of insects. Over half of the tree-insect experimental systems show that the performance
of individual insect become poorer under high-CO2 grown trees; but the others show that the insects have just little or no response to the treatments. The direction and magnitude
of the changes in the performance of insects could be mediated by various factors. The effects of treatment are strongly species-dependent.
The magnitude of changes in the phytochemistry, the sensitivity and adaptive capacity of insects to the poorer leaf quality,
the differences in plant growth conditions and experimental methods, and the mediated effects of other environmental factors
(such as soil nutrient availability, light, temperature, O3) were all closely related to the final performance of insects. However, the larvae’s consumption usually increased under
enriched CO2 treatment, which was widely thought to be a compensatory response to poorer plant quality. The experiments on forest community-level
found identically a reduction in herbivory, which was contrary to the results from small-scale experiments. The changes in
insect population and the actual response of consumption by leaf-feeding forest insects under CO2 enrichment remain unclear, and more field-based experiments need to be conducted.
Translated from Chinese Journal of Applied Ecology, 2006, 17(4): 720–726 [译自: 应用生态学报] 相似文献
东北有机及常规大豆对环境影响的生命周期评价 总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4
选择我国主要有机出口农产品之一——大豆作为研究对象,采用生命周期评价、DNDC模型、实地调研等方法建立大豆生命周期资源消耗和环境排放清单,分析比较了出口型有机大豆、国内消费型有机大豆以及国内消费型常规大豆的生命周期环境影响.结果表明:3种不同生产消费型大豆生命周期中资源消耗、酸化以及全球变暖对综合环境影响贡献最明显,基本上占到综合环境影响评价的30%左右,而富营养化和生态毒性的贡献率较低,小于10%.从生命周期的不同阶段分析,3种消费模式的大豆其运输阶段对于各分类环境影响的贡献率最大,都在50%以上,对资源消耗的贡献率更是在80%以上.从2种不同的生产模式看无论是全球变暖、酸化、资源消耗还是生态毒性都是有机大豆的环境影响综合指数小于常规大豆,对环境产生的负面影响较小.综合比较3种不同生产消费型大豆,国内消费的有机大豆生命周期综合环境影响最小,其环境影响综合指数比常规大豆的减少31%.但是出口有机大豆由于出口使运输距离延长,其生命周期综合环境影响最大.因此,环境管理关键是提倡有机产品本地消费以缩短运输距离,或者采用环保型能源以减少环境排放. 相似文献
黑龙江大兴安岭地区森林害虫发生面积与气象因子的关系 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
对黑龙江大兴安岭地区6个气象台站的气象资料进行整理和分析,从中筛选出影响虫害发生面积的7个气象因子,并分别对其做相关分析,研究了气象因子对种群数量的影响,模拟虫害发生面积预测方程.结果表明:与虫害发生面积密切相关的因子有年积温(≥10℃)、年降水量和干燥度;虫害发生面积同三者的Pearson相关系数分别为0.701、-0.814和0.937;通过分析极端气候现象对虫害面积的影响,发现春季阴雨和虫害面积存在显著的正相关关系,冬冻和春寒对虫害发生面积并没有直接的影响. 相似文献
东北春大豆种质资源表型分析及综合评价 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
种质资源是大豆遗传育种和解析复杂数量性状的基础,通过对种质资源的评价,可指导育种实践中优异互补亲本的选择,提高优异基因交流累加和新品种培育的效率。本研究选用来自东北三省一区1923-2010年间选育的340份春大豆种质资源,通过在牡丹江地区对12个表型性状的2年综合鉴定,评价品种群体遗传变异特点和筛选优异种质资源,结果表明:(1)春大豆种质资源表型变异丰富。除生育期年份间差异不显著外,其他性状品种间和年份间均呈显著的差异,且2年变化趋势相同。有效分枝数变异幅度最大,其次是主茎荚数、单株粒重和株高,这些性状选择潜力较大,品质性状的变异幅度较小,选择潜力有限;(2)表型性状特征频率分布均符合正态分布。受育成单位纬度和育种目标的影响,生育期呈现北早南晚,北部育成品种营养体较小、植株矮小、节数相对较少、脂肪含量较高,南部育成品种营养体较大、植株高大、单株有效节数多且主茎单节最多荚数多,部分品种蛋白质含量相对较高;(3)采用主成分分析方法综合评价表明,吉育71的ZF值最高,综合性状表现最好,表型性状与ZF值相关分析结果显示,生育期、株高、主茎节数、地上部生物产量、收获指数、主茎荚数和主茎单节最多荚数等7个表型性状可作为春大豆种质资源综合评价指标。在大豆育种中应重视利用具有丰富遗传多样性的基因资源,在亲本选配时适当选择综合性状优良、育种性状优势互补的种质。 相似文献
Shao‐Ji Hu Shan‐Shan Sun Da‐Ying Fu Jian‐Ping Lü Xue‐Ying Wang Yan‐Ping Yu Li‐Min Dong Sui‐Yun Chen Hui Ye 《Ecology and evolution》2020,10(15):8235-8250
The migration sources and pathways of Sogatella furcifera (Horváth) in topologically complex regions like Yunnan, China, and adjacent montane areas have long been a challenging task and a bottleneck in effective pest forecast and control. The present research reinvestigated this issue using a combination of mtDNA and long‐term historical wind field data in an attempt to provide new insights. Genetic analyses showed that the 60 populations of S. furcufera collected across Myanmar, Thailand, Laos, Vietnam, Yunnan, Guizhou, and Sichuan lack genetic structure and geographic isolation, while spatial analysis of haplotype and diversity indices discovered geographic relevance between populations. Migration rate analysis combined with high‐resolution 10‐year wind field analysis detected the following migration sources, pathways, and impacted areas which could explain the outbreak pattern in Yunnan. (a) Dominating stepwise northward migrations originated from northern Indochina, southern Yunnan, and central‐eastern Yunnan, impacting their northern areas. (b) Concurring summer–autumn southward (return) migration originated from nearly all latitude belts of Sichuan and Yunnan mainly impacting central and southern Yunnan. (c) Regular eastward and summer–autumn westward migrations across Yunnan. The northward migration reflects the temporal rhythm of gradual outbreaks from the south to the north in a year, while the return migration may explain the repeated or very severe outbreaks in the impacted areas. To form a better pest forecast and control network, attention must also be paid to the northern part of Yunnan to suppress the impact of return migration in summers and autumns. 相似文献