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To assess factors that limit human muscle strength and growth, we examined the relationship between performance and body dimensions in the world weightlifting champions of 1993-1997. Weight lifted varied almost exactly with height squared (Ht(2.16)), suggesting that muscle mass scaled almost exactly with height cubed (Ht(3.16)) and that muscle cross-sectional area was closely correlated with body height, possibly because height and the numbers of muscle fibers in cross section are determined by a common factor during maturation. Further height limitations of muscle strength were shown by only one male champion >/=183 cm and no female champions >/=175 cm. The ratio of weight lifted to mean body cross-sectional area was approximately constant for body-weight classes 相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to compare the speed and selected stroke cycle characteristics during different phases of the 100-m wheelchair race for paraplegic athletes. Four male and two female wheelchair racers in T4 classification and one male and three female athletes in T3 classification served as the participants. Two S-VHS camcorders (60 fields/s) were panned horizontally to cover the first and second 50 m of the 100-m race, respectively. Average speed, stroke length and frequency, contact and recovery times during the first 10 m (initial acceleration phase, IAP), the maximum speed phase (MSP), and the last 10 m (final phase, FP) of the race were determined. For each parameter, an ANOVA with repeated measures was performed and Tukey post hoc tests were completed when appropriate (alpha=0.01). The 100-m times ranged from 16.10 to 22.18 s. Significant differences were found between IAP and MSP and between IAP and FP in stroke speed, stroke length, and push and recovery times, but not in stroke frequency. The relatively constant stroke frequency across different phases may suggest that wheelchair racers like to maintain the same stroking rhythm throughout a 100-m race. The distance and time needed to reach the maximum speed ranged from 43.9 m and 11.2 s to 82.2 m and 18.9 s, respectively. The significant correlation between 100-m time and maximum speed (p<0.001) signifies the importance of maximum speed in determining 100-m performance.  相似文献   

The centripetal force in speed skating the curves has to be delivered by the push off force which also does the external work to maintain the speed. Based on the geometry of the speed skating oval and the sideward push off characteristics in speed skating, a mathematical model of the power output in skating the curves was deduced. The power required to follow the curve is dependent on the mean speed in the curve, the work per stroke and the radius of the speed skating oval. Measurements (by means of film and video analysis) during the 5000 m races at the European Championships for ladies (n = 16) yielded on the one hand power from the geometrical model and on the other hand power losses due to air- and ice- friction. The difference between power delivered and power lost is used by the skaters to increase their speed. The difference between predicted power and measured power used to increase the kinetic energy of c.g. was only 3% thereby providing strong support for the validity of the model. The analysis suggested that skaters who want to accelerate in the curves should increase their work per stroke. The model can be a useful tool to provide insight into this form of human locomotion and its optimization under competitive conditions.  相似文献   

The running economy of seventeen athletes was studied during running at a low speed (3.3 m X s-1) on a motor-driven treadmill. The net energetic cost during running expressed in kJ X kg-1 X km-1 was on average 4.06. As expected, a positive relationship was found between the energetic cost and the percentage of fast twitch fibres (r = 0.60, n = 17, p less than 0.01). In addition, the mechanical efficiency during two different series of jumps performed with and without prestretch was measured in thirteen subjects. The effect of prestretch on muscle economy was represented by the ratio between the efficiency of muscular work performed during prestretch jumps and the corresponding value calculated in no prestretch conditions. This ratio demonstrated a statistically significant relationship with energy expenditure during running (r = -0.66, n = 13, P less than 0.01), suggesting that the elastic behaviour of leg extensor muscles is similar in running and jumping if the speeds of muscular contraction during eccentric and concentric work are of similar magnitudes.  相似文献   

Cursorial central‐place foragers like ants are expected to minimize travel costs by choosing the least resistive pathways to food resources. Tropical arboreal and semi‐arboreal ants locomote over a variety of plant surfaces, and their choice of pathways is selective. We measured the roughness of tree trunk and liana stem surfaces using laser scanning technology, and explored its consequences for running speed in various ant taxa. The average amplitude of tree trunk surface roughness differed interspecifically, and ranged from 1.4–2.2 mm among three common tree species (Anacardium excelsum, Alseis blackiana, and Dipteryx panamensis). The roughness of liana stems also varied interspecifically (among Tontelea ovalifolia, Bauhinia sp. and Paullinia sp.) and was an order of magnitude lower than tree surface roughness (mean amplitude ranged 0.09–0.19 mm). Field observations of various ant species foraging on tree trunks and liana stems, and on dowels covered with sandpaper, showed that their running speed declined with increasing amplitude of roughness. The effect of roughness on running speed was strongest for mid‐sized ants (Azteca trigona and Dolichoderus bispinosus). The accumulation rate of ants at baits did not vary with tree surface roughness, but was significantly lower on moss‐covered versus moss‐free bark. Collectively, these results indicate that the quality of plant substrates can influence the foraging patterns of arboreal ants, but likely is more important for resource discovery than for dominance on bare tree surfaces.  相似文献   

Recent discussion of the selective pressures leading to the evolution of modern human postcranial morphology, seen as early as Homo erectus, has focused on the relative importance of walking versus running. Specifically, these conversations have centered on which gait may have been used by early Homo to acquire prey. An element of the debate is the widespread belief that quadrupeds are constrained to run at optimally efficient speeds within each gait, whereas humans are equally efficient at all running speeds. The belief in the lack of optimal running speeds in humans is based, however, on a number of early studies with experimental designs inadequate for the purpose of evaluating optimality. Here we measured the energetic cost of human running (n = 9) at six different speeds for five minutes at each speed, with careful replicates and controls. We then compared the fit of linear versus curvilinear models to the data within each subject. We found that individual humans do, in fact, have speeds at which running is significantly less costly than at other speeds (i.e., an optimal running speed). In addition, we demonstrate that the use of persistence hunting methods to gain access to prey at any running speed, even the optimum, would be extremely costly energetically, more so than a persistence hunt at optimal walking speed. We argue that neither extinct nor extant hominin populations are as flexible in the chosen speeds of persistence hunting pursuits as other researchers have suggested. Variations in the efficiency of human locomotion appear to be similar to those of terrestrial quadrupeds.  相似文献   

Microbial growth in the fed-batch mode is described by a simple unstructured model. The model is found to be in good agreement with agreement with the experimental observation, except under highly transient conditions. Extensive experimental data were collected and the energetics of the bacterium Klebsiella pneumoniae is evaluated. It is shown that the fed-batch culti vation is a powerful experimental tool in the study of microbial kinetics and energetics simultaneously. Methods for determining the maintenance requirements are shown and evaluated. The maintenance coefficients determined from fed-batch data are systematically smaller than those reported for continuous culture systems. Results suggest a decrease in maintenance demands at low specific growth rates.  相似文献   

A novel apparatus, composed by a controllable treadmill, a computer, and an ultrasonic range finder, is here proposed to help investigation of many aspects of spontaneous locomotion. The acceleration or deceleration of the subject, detected by the sensor and processed by the computer, is used to accelerate or decelerate the treadmill in real time. The system has been used to assess, in eight subjects, the self-selected speed of walking and running, the maximum "reasonable" speed of walking, and the minimum reasonable speed of running at different gradients (from level up to +25%). This evidenced the speed range at which humans neither walk nor run, from 7.2 +/- 0.6 to 8.4 +/- 1.1 km/h for level locomotion, slightly narrowing at steeper slopes. These data confirm previous results, obtained indirectly from stride frequency recordings. The self-selected speed of walking decreases with increasing gradient (from 5.0 +/- 0.8 km/h at 0% to 3.0 +/- 0.9 km/h at +25%) and seems to be approximately 30% higher than the speed that minimizes the metabolic energy cost of walking, obtained from the literature, at all the investigated gradients. The advantages, limitations, and potential applications of the newly proposed methodology in physiology, biomechanics, and pathology of locomotion are discussed in this paper.  相似文献   

Consistent measurement of maximum running speed overground is problematic due to the difficulty in precise, continual measurement of speed, and the substantial workload in accelerating the body promoting the onset of fatigue. Treadmills remove the requirement for acceleration which enables more repeats. They also allow experiments to be carried out in controlled environments and where space is limited, but they usually depend on manual and subjective speed control. Here we used a draw-wire position sensor and a proportional–derivative (PD) controller to automatically adjust treadmill belt speed of a large equine treadmill. The feedback loop took the real-time position and velocity of the runner relative to the front of the treadmill as input. This control system allowed runners to accelerate from walking speed to a peak running speed within a few strides and then decelerate as quickly as they wished. We used the system to evaluate the variation in maximum speed determination that results from one trial to 10 trials, in eleven individuals. Three trials gave a maximum speed 97.8% of that achieved after ten. The approach used is appropriate for any treadmill where the running zone length is greater than three metres and the speed controller can be externally controlled. Subjects ran 11.5% faster on the treadmill than overground, part of which can be explained by the removal of aerodynamic drag and the fatigue of overground running. Additional factors may, however, contribute to athletes running faster on a treadmill, for instance some aspect of stability or control.  相似文献   

《Biophysical journal》2022,121(18):3435-3444
We study the chemotaxis of a population of genetically identical swimming bacteria undergoing run and tumble dynamics driven by stochastic switching between clockwise and counterclockwise rotation of the flagellar rotary system, where the steady-state rate of the switching changes in different environments. Understanding chemotaxis quantitatively requires that one links the measured steady-state switching rates of the rotary system, as well as the directional changes of individual swimming bacteria in a gradient of chemoattractant/repellant, to the efficiency of a population of bacteria in moving up/down the gradient. Here we achieve this by using a probabilistic model, parametrized with our experimental data, and show that the response of a population to the gradient is complex. We find the changes to the steady-state switching rate in the absence of gradients affect the average speed of the swimming bacterial population response as well as the width of the distribution. Both must be taken into account when optimizing the overall response of the population in complex environments.  相似文献   

This work deals with the current stage of study of energy exchange between living organ-isms and the environment. In the epoch of molecular biology, study of energy exchange might have seemed a study of old, well known concepts. However, the retrospective insight into the energy exchange of quite a few organisms allows obtaining new data about development of energetics of the living world, approaches to interesting comparisons, opens the earlier unknown quantitative relations in energetics of living organisms, provides a possibility of analyzing causes of very high values of energy consumption by living organisms, causes of different sensitivity of living organisms to deficit of energy, etc. Based on all these data, there have been noted 12 principal moments or postulates in development of energetics of the living world from the most ancient to the present time.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to determine the effects of dehydration at a controlled relative intensity on physiological responses and trail running speed. Using a randomized, controlled crossover design in a field setting, 14 male and female competitive, endurance runners aged 30 ± 10.4 years completed 2 (hydrated [HY] and dehydrated [DHY]) submaximal trail runs in a warm environment. For each trial, the subjects ran 3 laps (4 km per lap) on trails with 4-minute rests between laps. The DHY were fluid restricted 22 hours before the trial and during the run. The HY arrived euhydrated and were given water during rest breaks. The subjects ran at a moderate pace matched between trials by providing pacing feedback via heart rate (HR) throughout the second trial. Gastrointestinal temperature (T(GI)), HR, running time, and ratings of perceived exertion (RPE) were monitored. Percent body mass (BM) losses were significantly greater for DHY pretrial (-1.65 ± 1.34%) than for HY (-0.03 ± 1.28%; p < 0.001). Posttrial, DHY BM losses (-3.64 ± 1.33%) were higher than those for HY (-1.38 ± 1.43%; p < 0.001). A significant main effect of T(GI) (p = 0.009) was found with DHY having higher T(GI) postrun (DHY: 39.09 ± 0.45°C, HY: 38.71 ± 0.45°C; p = 0.030), 10 minutes post (DHY: 38.85 ± 0.48°C, HY: 38.46 ± 0.46°C; p = 0.009) and 30 minutes post (DHY: 38.18 ± 0.41°C, HY: 37.60 ± 0.25°C; p = 0.000). The DHY had slower run times after lap 2 (p = 0.019) and lap 3 (p = 0.025). The DHY subjects completed the 12-km run 99 seconds slower than the HY (p = 0.027) subjects did. The RPE in DHY was slightly higher than that in HY immediately postrun (p = 0.055). Controlling relative intensity in hypohydrated runners resulted in slower run times, greater perceived effort, and elevated T(GI), which is clinically meaningful for athletes using HR as a gauge for exercise effort and performance.  相似文献   

The energetics of barstar denaturation have been studied by CD and scanning microcalorimetry in an extended range of pH and salt concentration. It was shown that, upon increasing temperature, barstar undergoes a transition to the denatured state that is well approximated by a two-state transition in solutions of high ionic strength. This transition is accompanied by significant heat absorption and an increase in heat capacity. The denaturational heat capacity increment at approximately 75 degrees C was found to be 5.6 +/- 0.3 kJ K-1 mol-1. In all cases, the value of the measured enthalpy of denaturation was notably lower than those observed for other small globular proteins. In order to explain this observation, the relative contributions of hydration and the disruption of internal interactions to the total enthalpy and entropy of unfolding were calculated. The enthalpy and entropy of hydration were found to be in good agreement with those calculated for other proteins, but the enthalpy and entropy of breaking internal interactions were found to be among the lowest for all globular proteins that have been studied. Additionally, the partial specific heat capacity of barstar in the native state was found to be 0.37 +/- 0.03 cal K-1 g-1, which is higher than what is observed for most globular proteins and suggests significant flexibility in the native state. It is known from structural data that barstar undergoes a conformational change upon binding to its natural substrate barnase.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

The correlation between energy consumption and platelet responses induced by collagen, A23187 and ADP was investigated and compared with the energetics of thrombin-stimulated platelets established in earlier work. Aggregation, measured as single-platelet disappearance, and secretion correlated quantitatively with the increment but not with the total consumption of energy, suggesting that the former reflects the energy cost of these responses. The cost of complete aggregation was 2-3 mumol of ATP equivalents/10(11) platelets with collagen, ADP and thrombin as the stimulus. The cost of complete dense-granule secretion was 0.5-0.8 mumol of ATP equivalents/10(11) platelets with all agonists tested. The cost of combined secretion of alpha-granule and acid hydrolase granule contents was 5-7 mumol of ATP equivalents/10(11) platelets with thrombin and collagen. However, in the presence of A23187 much more energy was consumed during aggregation and secretion. Also ADP triggered more energy consumption during secretion than was seen with the other inducers. The effect of inhibitors of aggregation and secretion was investigated in thrombin-stimulated platelets. Raising the cellular cyclic AMP content sharply decreased the increment in energy consumption as well as aggregation and secretion. The cytoskeleton-disrupting agents cytochalasin B and colchicine left the increment in energy consumption intact, but decreased the basal consumption seen in unstimulated platelets. This was accompanied by normal (cytochalasin B) or diminished (colchicine) aggregation and secretion. Apart from the latter exception, all inhibitors decreased secretion and incremental energy consumption in parallel, thereby preserving the energy-versus-secretion relationship established in earlier work. In contrast, aggregation and energy consumption varied independently, suggesting that the coupling with energy consumption is much weaker for this response.  相似文献   

The doubly labeled water (DLW) method has been essential for understanding animal energetics of free-ranging individuals. The first published studies on free-ranging seabirds were conducted on penguins in the early 1980s. Since then, nearly 50 seabird species with representatives from each major taxonomic order have been studied using DLW. Although the basic methodology has not changed, there are at least nine different equations, varying with respect to assumptions on fractionation and the total body water pool, to estimate field metabolic rate (FMR) from isotopic water turnover. In this review, I show that FMR can vary by as much as 45% depending on the equation used to calculate CO2 production in five albatross species. Energy budgets derived from DLW measurements are critical tools for understanding patterns of energy use and allocation in seabirds. However, they depend on accurate and representative measurements of FMR, so analyses that include greater partitioning of activity specific FMR yield more realistic cost estimates. I also show how the combined use of DLW and biologging methods can 1) provide greater clarity for explaining observed variation in FMR measurements within a species and 2) allow FMRs to be viewed in a wider physiological, behavioral, or ecological context. Finally, I update existing allometric equations with new FMR data. These updates reaffirm that albatrosses have the lowest at-sea FMRs per equivalent body mass and that individuals of other seabird orders have FMRs ranging between 1.39 and 2.24 times higher than albatrosses.  相似文献   

Of all the techniques that are currently available to measure binding, isothermal titration calorimetry is the only one capable of measuring not only the magnitude of the binding affinity but also the magnitude of the two thermodynamic terms that define the binding affinity: the enthalpy (AH) and entropy (AS) changes. Recent advances in instrumentation have facilitated the development of experimental designs that permit the direct measurement of arbitrarily high binding affinities, the coupling of binding to protonation/deprotonation processes and the analysis of binding thermodynamics in terms of structural parameters. Because isothermal titration calorimetry has the capability to measure different energetic contributions to the binding affinity, it provides a unique bridge between computational and experimental analysis. As such, it is increasingly becoming an essential tool in molecular design.  相似文献   

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