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In both physiological and cell culture systems, EGF-stimulated ERK activity occurs in discrete pulses within individual cells. Many feedback loops are present in the EGF receptor (EGFR)-ERK network, but the mechanisms driving pulsatile ERK kinetics are unknown. Here, we find that in cells that respond to EGF with frequency-modulated pulsatile ERK activity, stimulation through a heterologous TrkA receptor system results in non-pulsatile, amplitude-modulated activation of ERK. We further dissect the kinetics of pulse activity using a combination of FRET- and translocation-based reporters and find that EGFR activity is required to maintain ERK activity throughout the 10–20-minute lifetime of pulses. Together, these data indicate that feedbacks operating within the core Ras-Raf-MEK-ERK cascade are insufficient to drive discrete pulses of ERK activity and instead implicate mechanisms acting at the level of EGFR.  相似文献   

Under normal physiologic conditions, the glutathione S-transferase P1 (GSTP1) protein exists intracellularly as a dimer in reversible equilibrium with its monomeric subunits. In the latter form, GSTP1 binds to the mitogen-activated protein kinase, JNK, and inhibits JNK downstream signaling. In tumor cells, which frequently are characterized by constitutively high GSTP1 expression, GSTP1 undergoes phosphorylation by epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) at tyrosine residues 3, 7, and 198. Here we report on the effect of this EGFR-dependent GSTP1 tyrosine phosphorylation on the interaction of GSTP1 with JNK, on the regulation of JNK downstream signaling by GSTP1, and on tumor cell survival. Using in vitro and in vivo growing human brain tumors, we show that tyrosine phosphorylation shifts the GSTP1 dimer-monomer equilibrium to the monomeric state and facilitates the formation of the GSTP1-JNK complex, in which JNK is functionally inhibited. Targeted mutagenesis and functional analysis demonstrated that the increased GSTP1 binding to JNK results from phosphorylation of the GSTP1 C-terminal Tyr-198 by EGFR and is associated with a >2.5-fold decrease in JNK downstream signaling and a significant suppression of both spontaneous and drug-induced apoptosis in the tumor cells. The findings define a novel mechanism of regulatory control of JNK signaling that is mediated by the EGFR/GSTP1 cross-talk and provides a survival advantage for tumors with activated EGFR and high GSTP1 expression. The results lay the foundation for a novel strategy of dual EGFR/GSTP1 for treating EGFR+ve, GSTP1 expressing GBMs.  相似文献   

表皮生长因子受体(EGFR)是一种存在于细胞表面的多功能跨膜蛋白分子,具有酪氨酸蛋白激酶活性,EGFR与配体结合后启动细胞内信号传导通路,不同的通路之间存在交叉对话(Cross-talks)共同完成细胞生理功能.对EGFR的深入研究,不仅可阐明细胞生长和发育等重要的生命过程,而且在医药和工业上也将有广泛的应用.  相似文献   

袁江兰  刘晖  康旭  邹国林 《生物工程学报》2008,24(10):1813-1817
染料木素是表皮生长因子受体酪氨酸激酶结构域(EGFR-TK)高度特异的非竞争性抑制剂.本研究采用AUTODOCK3.05分子对接软件包对EGFR-TK与染料木素进行了模拟对接研究,探究了二者的相互作用机制,为染料木素的抗肿瘤机制提供理论依据.对接结果表明,染料木素结合在EGFR-TK的活性腔中,与EGFR-TK发生了强烈的相互作用,结合自由能△G为-31.2 kJ/mol;染料木素通过干扰TK催化活性结构中Lys721/Glu738离子对的形成而抑制了EGFR-TK的活性,属于非竞争性结合和抑制作用;在结合中,疏水力和氢键发挥了重要作用.  相似文献   

雌激素受体及其信号通路在乳腺癌的发生发展中发挥着关键作用。到目前为止,抑制或阻断雌激素信号通路的内分泌治疗尤其是他莫西芬,仍是对雌激素受体阳性乳腺癌患者最有效的治疗手段之一。然而,他莫西芬的耐药问题直接影响了乳腺癌患者的治疗及预后。最近多项研究表明雌激素受体与表皮生长因子受体家族尤其是HER2介导的信号传导通路在多个点上相互交叉,彼此影响,与他莫西芬的耐药密切相关  相似文献   

The EGF receptor can bind seven different agonist ligands. Although each agonist appears to stimulate the same suite of downstream signaling proteins, different agonists are capable of inducing distinct responses in the same cell. To determine the basis for these differences, we used luciferase fragment complementation imaging to monitor the recruitment of Cbl, CrkL, Gab1, Grb2, PI3K, p52 Shc, p66 Shc, and Shp2 to the EGF receptor when stimulated by the seven EGF receptor ligands. Recruitment of all eight proteins was rapid, dose-dependent, and inhibited by erlotinib and lapatinib, although to differing extents. Comparison of the time course of recruitment of the eight proteins in response to a fixed concentration of each growth factor revealed differences among the growth factors that could contribute to their differing biological effects. Principal component analysis of the resulting data set confirmed that the recruitment of these proteins differed between agonists and also between different doses of the same agonist. Ensemble clustering of the overall response to the different growth factors suggests that these EGF receptor ligands fall into two major groups as follows: (i) EGF, amphiregulin, and EPR; and (ii) betacellulin, TGFα, and epigen. Heparin-binding EGF is distantly related to both clusters. Our data identify differences in network utilization by different EGF receptor agonists and highlight the need to characterize network interactions under conditions other than high dose EGF.  相似文献   

Fibroblast growth factor receptors (FGFRs) are involved in proliferative and differentiation physiological responses. Deregulation of FGFR-mediated signaling involving the Ras/PI3K/Akt and the Ras/Raf/ERK MAPK pathways is causally involved in the development of several cancers. The caspase-3/p120 RasGAP module is a stress sensor switch. Under mild stress conditions, RasGAP is cleaved by caspase-3 at position 455. The resulting N-terminal fragment, called fragment N, stimulates anti-death signaling. When caspase-3 activity further increases, fragment N is cleaved at position 157. This generates a fragment, called N2, that no longer protects cells. Here, we investigated in Xenopus oocytes the impact of RasGAP and its fragments on FGF1-mediated signaling during G2/M cell cycle transition. RasGAP used its N-terminal Src homology 2 domain to bind FGFR once stimulated by FGF1, and this was necessary for the recruitment of Akt to the FGFR complex. Fragment N, which did not associate with the FGFR complex, favored FGF1-induced ERK stimulation, leading to accelerated G2/M transition. In contrast, fragment N2 bound the FGFR, and this inhibited mTORC2-dependent Akt Ser-473 phosphorylation and ERK2 phosphorylation but not phosphorylation of Akt on Thr-308. This also blocked cell cycle progression. Inhibition of Akt Ser-473 phosphorylation and entry into G2/M was relieved by PHLPP phosphatase inhibition. Hence, full-length RasGAP favors Akt activity by shielding it from deactivating phosphatases. This shielding was abrogated by fragment N2. These results highlight the role played by RasGAP in FGFR signaling and how graded stress intensities, by generating different RasGAP fragments, can positively or negatively impact this signaling.  相似文献   

Abstract: Epidermal growth factor (EGF) functions in a bimodal capacity in the nervous system, acting as a mitogen in neuronal stem cells and a neurotrophic factor in differentiated adult neurons. Thus, it is likely that EGF signal transduction, as well as receptor expression, differs among various cell types and possibly in the same cell type at different stages of development. We used hippocampal neuronal cell lines capable of terminal differentiation to investigate changes in EGF receptor expression, DNA synthesis, and stimulation of mitogen-activated protein (MAP) kinase by EGF before and after differentiation. H19-7, the line that was most representative of hippocampal neurons, was mitogenically responsive to EGF only before differentiation and increased in EGF binding after differentiation. MAP kinase was stimulated by EGF in both undifferentiated and differentiated cells, as well as in primary hippocampal cultures treated with either EGF or glutamate. These results indicate that the activation of MAP kinase by EGF is an early signaling event in both mitotic and postmitotic neuronal cells. Furthermore, these studies demonstrate the usefulness of hippocampal cell lines as a homogeneous neuronal system for studies of EGF signaling or other receptor signaling mechanisms in the brain.  相似文献   

植物MAP(mitogen-activated protein)激酶涉及植物的生长发育、对内源和外界环境刺激的反应.MAP激酶能将胞外感受器引起的刺激传递到胞内引起细胞的反应.拟南芥(Arabidopsis thaliana)作为模式植物,其全部的MAP激酶已经列出并进行了分类.根据已分类的拟南芥MAP激酶家族,已经分离出大量的MAP激酶基因,并将它们进行分类,发现它们大多能被包括病原、创伤、温度、干旱、盐、渗透、紫外线辐射、臭氧和活性氧等胁迫刺激激活.通过研究在不同环境胁迫下的功能和信号路径,发现植物MAP激酶信号传递系统是复杂且相互交错的.需要开发一些新的工具和策略去阐明MAPK信号传递路径,以及如何利用MAPK系统去改善农作物对生物和非生物胁迫的抗性.  相似文献   

以大鼠成骨肉瘤细胞(UMR106)为模型,研究了表皮生长因子(EGF)对其受体酪氨酸蛋白激酶(TPK)的调节作用。以本实验室从植物中提取纯化的二萜类活性物质(RFP134)为诱导分化剂,观察了RFP134对UMR106细胞EGF受体TPK的活性和磷酸化作用的影响,并与RA和RFP134+RA处理细胞做了比较,结果显示EGF与其受体结合后能激活TPK,使TPK活性增加2倍.RFP134,RA,RFP134+RA处理细胞后,分别降低EGF诱导的受体TPK活性50%,43%,55%,降低磷酸化TPK含量55%,36%,53%。从结果中发现无EGF刺激的细胞也具有受体TPK磷酸化作用,用RFP134,RA,RFP134+RA处理细胞,分别降低受体磷酸化TPK含量59%,40%,57%,而且我们发现用EGF诱导的细胞受体TPK含量高于无EGF作用的细胞.提示UMR106细胞本身可能具有受体TPK活性,能够引起细胞受体自动磷酸化,EGF刺激后TPK的磷酸化作用增强,可见RFP134对EGF诱导的TPK磷酸化和无EGF诱导的受体自动磷酸化都具有明显的抑制作用,(并强于RA)这可能与在第二信使水平上阻抑PTPK活性密切相关  相似文献   

Insulin is known to induce hepatocyte swelling, which triggers via integrins and c-Src kinase an activation of the epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) and subsequent cell proliferation (1). Free fatty acids (FFAs) are known to induce lipoapoptosis in liver cells in a c-Jun-NH2-terminal kinase (JNK)-dependent, but death receptor-independent way (2). As non-alcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH) is associated with hyperinsulinemia and increased FFA-blood levels, the interplay between insulin and FFA was studied with regard to hepatocyte proliferation and apoptosis in isolated rat and mouse hepatocytes. Saturated long chain FFAs induced apoptosis and JNK activation in primary rat hepatocytes, but did not activate the CD95 (Fas, APO-1) system, whereas insulin triggered EGFR activation and hepatocyte proliferation. Coadministration of insulin and FFAs, however, abolished hepatocyte proliferation and triggered CD95-dependent apoptosis due to a JNK-dependent association of the activated EGFR with CD95, subsequent CD95 tyrosine phosphorylation and formation of the death-inducing signaling complex (DISC). JNK inhibition restored the proliferative insulin effect in presence of FFAs and prevented EGFR/CD95 association, CD95 tyrosine phosphorylation and DISC formation. Likewise, in presence of FFAs insulin increased apoptosis in hepatocytes from wild type but not from Alb-Cre-FASfl/fl mice, which lack functional CD95. It is concluded that FFAs can shift insulin-induced hepatocyte proliferation toward hepatocyte apoptosis by triggering a JNK signal, which allows activated EGFR to associate with CD95 and to trigger CD95-dependent apoptosis. Such phenomena may contribute to the pathogenesis of NASH.  相似文献   

血管内皮生长因子受体 1(Flt 1)在血管生成过程中起着重要的作用。Flt 1胞内域的酪氨酸激酶直接参与了VEGF与Flt 1结合后的胞内信号转导途径。在原核系统中表达得到具有酶活性的Flt 1酪氨酸激酶融合蛋白 ,并进行了初步的性质研究。利用逆转录PCR技术从人肝癌组织总RNA中得到Flt 1酪氨酸激酶区的cDNA ,将其克隆到表达载体质粒 pGEX KG中 ,并在大肠杆菌BL2 1(DE3) pLysS中表达、纯化 ,得到可溶的Flt 1酪氨酸激酶融合蛋白 (GST F)。虽然GST F不包含目前已知的磷酸化位点 ,但研究表明GST F能够进行自磷酸化反应 ,并且其活性需要镁离子或锰离子的参与。同时发现GST F能够磷酸化合成底物 polyE4Y ,而不能作用于MBP和Src相关肽。底物磷酸化时最适的镁离子和锰离子浓度分别为 15mmol/L和 0 .5mmol/L。GST F为寻找抗肿瘤药物提供了一个有效工具  相似文献   

Disruption of insulin-like growth factor I (IGF-I) signaling is a key step in the development of cancer or neurodegeneration. For example, interference of the prosurvival IGF-I/AKT/FOXO3 pathway by redox activation of the stress kinases p38 and JNK is instrumental in neuronal death by oxidative stress. However, in astrocytes, IGF-I retains its protective action against oxidative stress. The molecular mechanisms underlying this cell-specific protection remain obscure but may be relevant to unveil new ways to combat IGF-I/insulin resistance. Here, we describe that, in astrocytes exposed to oxidative stress by hydrogen peroxide (H2O2), p38 activation did not inhibit AKT (protein kinase B) activation by IGF-I, which is in contrast to our previous observations in neurons. Rather, stimulation of AKT by IGF-I was significantly higher and more sustained in astrocytes than in neurons either under normal or oxidative conditions. This may be explained by phosphorylation of the phosphatase PTEN at the plasma membrane in response to IGF-I, inducing its cytosolic translocation and preserving in this way AKT activity. Stimulation of AKT by IGF-I, mimicked also by a constitutively active AKT mutant, reduced oxidative stress levels and cell death in H2O2-exposed astrocytes, boosting their neuroprotective action in co-cultured neurons. These results indicate that armoring of AKT activation by IGF-I is crucial to preserve its cytoprotective effect in astrocytes and may form part of the brain defense mechanism against oxidative stress injury.  相似文献   

Gene-environment interactions determine the biological outcomes through mechanisms that are poorly understood. Mouse embryonic eyelid closure is a well defined model to study the genetic control of developmental programs. Using this model, we investigated how exposure to dioxin-like environmental pollutants modifies the genetic risk of developmental abnormalities. Our studies reveal that mitogen-activated protein 3 kinase 1 (MAP3K1) signaling is a focal point of gene-environment cross-talk. Dioxin exposure, acting through the aryl hydrocarbon receptor (AHR), blocked eyelid closure in genetic mutants in which MAP3K1 signaling was attenuated but did not disturb this developmental program in either wild type or mutant mice with attenuated epidermal growth factor receptor or WNT signaling. Exposure also markedly inhibited c-Jun phosphorylation in Map3k1+/− embryonic eyelid epithelium, suggesting that dioxin-induced AHR pathways can synergize with gene mutations to inhibit MAP3K1 signaling. Our studies uncover a novel mechanism through which the dioxin-AHR axis interacts with the MAP3K1 signaling pathways during fetal development and provide strong empirical evidence that specific gene alterations can increase the risk of developmental abnormalities driven by environmental pollutant exposure.  相似文献   

Cholangiocarcinoma (CCA) is a rare, but highly malignant primary hepatobiliary cancer with a very poor prognosis and limited treatment options. Our recent studies reported that conjugated bile acids (CBAs) promote the invasive growth of CCA via activation of sphingosine 1-phosphate receptor 2 (S1PR2). Cyclooxygenase-2 (COX-2)-derived prostaglandin E2 (PGE2) is the most abundant prostaglandin in various human malignancies including CCA. Previous studies have indicated that COX-2 was highly expressed in CCA tissues, and the survival rate of CCA patients was negatively associated with high COX-2 expression levels. It has also been reported that CBAs induce COX-2 expression, whereas free bile acids inhibit COX-2 expression in CCA mouse models. However, the underlying cellular mechanisms and connection between S1PR2 and COX-2 expression in CCA cells have still not been fully elucidated. In the current study, we examined the role of S1PR2 in conjugated bile acid (taurocholate, (TCA))-induced COX-2 expression in a human HuCCT1 CCA cell line and further identified the potential underlying cellular mechanisms. The results indicated that TCA-induced invasive growth of human CCA cells was correlated with S1PR2-medated up-regulation of COX-2 expression and PGE2 production. Inhibition of S1PR2 activation with chemical antagonist (JTE-013) or down-regulation of S1PR2 expression with gene-specific shRNA not only reduced COX-2 expression, but also inhibited TCA-induced activation of EGFR and the ERK1/2/Akt-NF-κB signaling cascade. In conclusion, S1PR2 plays a critical role in TCA-induced COX-2 expression and CCA growth and may represent a novel therapeutic target for CCA.  相似文献   

Genomic heterogeneity is characteristic of glioblastoma (GBM). In many GBMs, the EGF receptor gene (EGFR) is amplified and may be truncated to generate a constitutively active form of the receptor called EGFRvIII. EGFR gene amplification and EGFRvIII are associated with GBM progression, even when only a small fraction of the tumor cells express EGFRvIII. In this study, we show that EGFRvIII-positive GBM cells express significantly increased levels of cellular urokinase receptor (uPAR) and release increased amounts of soluble uPAR (suPAR). When mice were xenografted with human EGFRvIII-expressing GBM cells, tumor-derived suPAR was detected in the plasma, and the level was significantly increased compared with that detected in plasma samples from control mice xenografted with EGFRvIII-negative GBM cells. suPAR also was increased in plasma from patients with EGFRvIII-positive GBMs. Purified suPAR was biologically active when added to cultures of EGFRvIII-negative GBM cells, activating cell signaling and promoting cell migration and invasion. suPAR did not significantly stimulate cell signaling or migration of EGFRvIII-positive cells, probably because cell signaling was already substantially activated in these cells. The activities of suPAR were replicated by conditioned medium (CM) from EGFRvIII-positive GBM cells. When the CM was preincubated with uPAR-neutralizing antibody or when uPAR gene expression was silenced in cells used to prepare CM, the activity of the CM was significantly attenuated. These results suggest that suPAR may function as an important paracrine signaling factor in EGFRvIII-positive GBMs, inducing an aggressive phenotype in tumor cells that are EGFRvIII-negative.  相似文献   

The epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFr) status and the vimentin (V) status of malignant cells in pleural fluids from patients with breast cancer were determined using an immunoperoxidase labelling technique. the results were correlated with the oestrogen receptor (ER) and the progesterone receptor (PR) status of the primary tumour and with disease-free survival time of the patient. A negative correlation between EGFr and V status and hormone receptor status was found. the longest mean survival time occurred in patients with negative EGFr and V status and positive hormone receptor (ER and PR) status. the shortest mean survival time occurred in patients with positive EGFr and V and negative ER and PR status. Le récepteur du facteur de croissance de l'epiderme (EGFr) et la vimentine (V) ont étéétudiées par une technique d'immunopéroxydase, au niveau des cellules malignes des épanchements pleuraux de malades traités pour cancer du sein. Les résultats ont été corrélés avec les récepteurs d'oestrogènes (ER) et de progestérone (PR) et avec la durée de survie sans récidive. Une corrélation négative est trouvée entre le récepteur de l'EGF, la vimentine et le taux des récepteur hormonaux. La survie moyenne la plus longue est observée chez des patientes négatives pour le récepteur de l'EGF et pour la vimentine et positives pour les récepteurs hormonaux (ER et PR). La plus courte survie est associée a la positivité du récepteur de l'EGF et de la vimentine et à la négativité de ER et PR. In Pleuraergüssen von Patientinnen mit Mammakarzinom wurden der Rezeptor für den epidermalen Wachstums-faktor (EGF) sowie Vimentin mit der Immunperoxydase- Technik untersucht. Die Ergebnisse wurden mit dem Vorliegen von Östrogen- und Progesteronrezeptoren im Tumor sowie dem rezidivfreien Intervall der Patientinnen korreliert. Eine negative Korrelation bestand zwischen EGF-Rezeptor und Vimentin. Die längste durchschnittliche Überlebenszeit wurde dagegen bei Patientinnen mit negativem Ergebnis für den EGF-Rezeptor und Vimentin jedoch positiven Hormonrezeptoren gefunden. Die kürzeste überlebenszeit lag bei Patientinnen mit positivem Rezeptor- und Vimentinnachweis und Fehlen der Hormonrezeptoren vor.  相似文献   

为将人表皮生长因子(EGF)受体膜外第Ⅲ功能区(hEGF-RⅢ)表达于大肠杆菌菌膜上,重组构建了EGF-RⅢ表达载体,并转化获得大肠杆菌表达株.放射性受体分析发现125I-EGF可与表达菌特异性结合,其特异性结合量随反应的时间和温度而变化,Scatchard分析显示表达菌表达单一亲和性受体,其解离常数为3.0×10-11 mol/L,每个细菌约有738个结合位点.免疫电镜显示EGF-RⅢ多分布于细菌菌膜上.  相似文献   

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