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We overexpressed duplex-specific nuclease (DSN) from Kamchatka crab in Escherichia coli cells and developed procedures for purification, renaturation, and activation of this protein. We demonstrated identity of the properties of the native and recombinant DSN. We also successfully applied the recombinant DSN for full-length cDNA library normalization.  相似文献   

Nucleic acids are under constant assault from endogenous and environmental agents that alter their physical and chemical properties. O6-methylation of guanosine (m6G) is particularly notable for its high mutagenicity, pairing with T, during DNA replication. Yet, while m6G accumulates in both DNA and RNA, little is known about its effects on RNA. Here, we investigate the effects of m6G on the decoding process, using a reconstituted bacterial translation system. m6G at the first and third position of the codon decreases the accuracy of tRNA selection. The ribosome readily incorporates near-cognate aminoacyl-tRNAs (aa-tRNAs) by forming m6G-uridine codon–anticodon pairs. Surprisingly, the introduction of m6G to the second position of the codon does not promote miscoding, but instead slows the observed rates of peptide-bond formation by >1000-fold for cognate aa-tRNAs without altering the rates for near-cognate aa-tRNAs. These in vitro observations were recapitulated in eukaryotic extracts and HEK293 cells. Interestingly, the analogous modification N6-methyladenosine (m6A) at the second position has only a minimal effect on tRNA selection, suggesting that the effects on tRNA selection seen with m6G are due to altered geometry of the base pair. Given that the m6G:U base pair is predicted to be nearly indistinguishable from a Watson-Crick base pair, our data suggest that the decoding center of the ribosome is extremely sensitive to changes at the second position. Our data, apart from highlighting the deleterious effects that these adducts pose to cellular fitness, shed new insight into decoding and the process by which the ribosome recognizes codon–anticodon pairs.  相似文献   

In eukaryotes, the canonical process of initiating protein synthesis on an mRNA depends on many large protein factors and the modified nucleotide cap on the 5' end of the mRNA. However, certain RNA sequences can bypass the need for these proteins and cap, using an RNA structure-based mechanism called internal initiation of translation. These RNAs are called internal ribosome entry sites (IRESes), and the cap-independent initiation pathway they support is critical for successful infection by many viruses of medical and economic importance. In this review, we briefly describe and compare mechanistic and structural groups of viral IRES RNAs, focusing on those IRESes that are capable of direct ribosome recruitment using specific RNA structures. We then discuss in greater detail some recent advances in our understanding of the intergenic region IRESes of the Dicistroviridae, which use the most streamlined ribosome-recruitment mechanism yet discovered. By combining these findings with knowledge of canonical translation and the behavior of other IRESes, mechanistic models of this RNA structure-based process are emerging.  相似文献   

Escherichia coli contains five members of the DEAD-box RNA helicase family, a ubiquitous class of proteins characterized by their ability to unwind RNA duplexes. Although four of these proteins have been implicated in RNA turnover or ribosome biogenesis, no cellular function for the RhlE DEAD-box protein has been described as yet. During an analysis of the cold-sensitive growth defect of a strain lacking the DeaD/CsdA RNA helicase, rhlE plasmids were identified from a chromosomal library as multicopy suppressors of the growth defect. Remarkably, when tested for allele specificity, RhlE overproduction was found to exacerbate the cold-sensitive growth defect of a strain that lacks the SrmB RNA helicase. Moreover, the absence of RhlE exacerbated or alleviated the cold-sensitive defect of deaD or srmB strains, respectively. Primer extension and ribosome analysis indicated that RhlE regulates the accumulation of immature ribosomal RNA or ribosome precursors when deaD or srmB strains are grown at low temperatures. By using an epitope-tagged version of RhlE, the majority of RhlE in cell extracts was found to cosediment with ribosome-containing fractions. Since both DeaD and SrmB have been recently shown to function in ribosome assembly, these findings suggests that rhlE genetically interacts with srmB and deaD to modulate their function during ribosome maturation. On the basis of the available evidence, I propose that RhlE is a novel ribosome assembly factor, which plays a role in the interconversion of ribosomal RNA-folding intermediates that are further processed by DeaD or SrmB during ribosome maturation.  相似文献   

We previously cloned RRP14/YKL082c, whose product exhibits two-hybrid interaction with Ebp2p, a regulatory factor of assembly of 60S ribosomal subunits. Depletion of Rrp14p results in shortage of 60S ribosomal subunits and retardation of processing from 27S pre-rRNA to 25S rRNA. Furthermore, 35S pre-rRNA synthesis appears to decline in Rrp14p-depleted cells. Rrp14p interacts with regulatory factors of 60S subunit assembly and also with Utp11p and Faf1p, which are regulatory factors required for assembly of 40S ribosomal subunits. We propose that Rrp14p is involved in ribosome synthesis from the beginning of 35S pre-rRNA synthesis to assembly of the 60S ribosomal subunit. Disruption of RRP14 causes an extremely slow growth rate of the cell, a severe defect in ribosome synthesis, and a depolarized localization of cortical actin patches throughout the cell cycle. These results suggest that Rrp14p has dual functions in ribosome synthesis and polarized cell growth.  相似文献   

Structure-based calculations of pKa values and electrostatic free energies of proteins assume that electrostatic effects in the unfolded state are negligible. In light of experimental evidence showing that this assumption is invalid for many proteins, and with increasing awareness that the unfolded state is more structured and compact than previously thought, a detailed examination of electrostatic effects in unfolded proteins is warranted. Here we address this issue with structure-based calculations of electrostatic interactions in unfolded staphylococcal nuclease. The approach involves the generation of ensembles of structures representing the unfolded state, and calculation of Coulomb energies to Boltzmann weight the unfolded state ensembles. Four different structural models of the unfolded state were tested. Experimental proton binding data measured with a variant of nuclease that is unfolded under native conditions were used to establish the validity of the calculations. These calculations suggest that weak Coulomb interactions are an unavoidable property of unfolded proteins. At neutral pH, the interactions are too weak to organize the unfolded state; however, at extreme pH values, where the protein has a significant net charge, the combined action of a large number of weak repulsive interactions can lead to the expansion of the unfolded state. The calculated pKa values of ionizable groups in the unfolded state are similar but not identical to the values in small peptides in water. These studies suggest that the accuracy of structure-based calculations of electrostatic contributions to stability cannot be improved unless electrostatic effects in the unfolded state are calculated explicitly.  相似文献   

Identification of the coding elements in the genome is a fundamental step to understanding the building blocks of living systems. Short peptides (< 100 aa) have emerged as important regulators of development and physiology, but their identification has been limited by their size. We have leveraged the periodicity of ribosome movement on the mRNA to define actively translated ORFs by ribosome footprinting. This approach identifies several hundred translated small ORFs in zebrafish and human. Computational prediction of small ORFs from codon conservation patterns corroborates and extends these findings and identifies conserved sequences in zebrafish and human, suggesting functional peptide products (micropeptides). These results identify micropeptide‐encoding genes in vertebrates, providing an entry point to define their function in vivo.  相似文献   

The discovery and characterization of informative intraspecific genetic markers is fundamental for evolutionary and conservation genetics studies. Here, we used nuclear ribosomal ITS sequences to access intraspecific genetic diversity in 23 species of the genus Passiflora L. Some degree of variation was detected in 21 of these. The Passiflora and Decaloba (DC.) Rchb. subgenera showed significant differences in the sizes of the two ITS regions and in GC content, which can be related to reproductive characteristics of species in these subgenera. Furthermore, clear geographical patterns in the spatial distribution of sequence types were identified in six species. The results indicate that ITS may be a useful tool for the evaluation of intraspecific genetic variation in Passiflora.  相似文献   

In the unicellular alga Chlamydomonas, two anterior flagella are positioned with 180 degrees rotational symmetry, such that the flagella beat with the effective strokes in opposite directions (Hoops, H.J., and G.B. Witman. 1983. J. Cell Biol. 97:902-908). The vfl1 mutation results in variable numbers and positioning of flagella and basal bodies (Adams, G.M.W., R.L. Wright, and J.W. Jarvik. 1985. J. Cell Biol. 100:955-964). Using a tagged allele, we cloned the VFL1 gene that encodes a protein of 128 kD with five leucine-rich repeat sequences near the NH(2) terminus and a large alpha-helical-coiled coil domain at the COOH terminus. An epitope-tagged gene construct rescued the mutant phenotype and expressed a tagged protein (Vfl1p) that copurified with basal body flagellar apparatuses. Immunofluorescence experiments showed that Vfl1p localized with basal bodies and probasal bodies. Immunogold labeling localized Vfl1p inside the lumen of the basal body at the distal end. Distribution of gold particles was rotationally asymmetric, with most particles located near the doublet microtubules that face the opposite basal body. The mutant phenotype, together with the localization results, suggest that Vfl1p plays a role in establishing the correct rotational orientation of basal bodies. Vfl1p is the first reported molecular marker of the rotational asymmetry inherent to basal bodies.  相似文献   

Ribosomal RNAs are generally stable in growing Escherichia coli cells. However, their degradation increases dramatically under conditions that lead to slow cell growth. In addition, incomplete RNA molecules and molecules with defects in processing, folding, or assembly are also eliminated in growing cells in a process termed quality control. Here, we show that there are significant differences between the pathways of ribosomal RNA degradation during glucose starvation and quality control during steady-state growth. In both processes, endonucleolytic cleavage of rRNA in ribosome subunits is an early step, resulting in accumulation of large rRNA fragments when the processive exoribonucleases, RNase II, RNase R, and PNPase are absent. For 23S rRNA, cleavage is in the region of helix 71, but the exact position can differ in the two degradative processes. For 16S rRNA, degradation during starvation begins with shortening of its 3' end in a reaction catalyzed by RNase PH. In the absence of this RNase, there is no 3' end trimming of 16S rRNA and no accumulation of rRNA fragments, and total RNA degradation is greatly reduced. In contrast, the degradation pattern in quality control remains unchanged when RNase PH is absent. During starvation, the exoribonucleases RNase II and RNase R are important for fragment removal, whereas for quality control, RNase R and PNPase are more important. These data highlight the similarities and differences between rRNA degradation during starvation and quality control during steady-state growth and describe a role for RNase PH in the starvation degradative pathway.  相似文献   

Genetic analysis has revealed that the three nucleus-encoded factors Tbc1, Tbc2, and Tbc3 are involved in the translation of the chloroplast psbC mRNA of the eukaryotic green alga Chlamydomonas reinhardtii. In this study we report the isolation and phenotypic characterization of two new tbc2 mutant alleles and their use for cloning and characterizing the Tbc2 gene by genomic complementation. TBC2 encodes a protein of 1,115 residues containing nine copies of a novel degenerate 38-40 amino acid repeat with a quasiconserved PPPEW motif near its COOH-terminal end. The middle part of the Tbc2 protein displays partial amino acid sequence identity with Crp1, a protein from Zea mays that is implicated in the processing and translation of the chloroplast petA and petD RNAs. The Tbc2 protein is enriched in chloroplast stromal subfractions and is associated with a 400-kD protein complex that appears to play a role in the translation of specifically the psbC mRNA.  相似文献   

Voluminous parallel sequencing datasets, especially metagenomic experiments, require distributed computing for de novo assembly and taxonomic profiling. Ray Meta is a massively distributed metagenome assembler that is coupled with Ray Communities, which profiles microbiomes based on uniquely-colored k-mers. It can accurately assemble and profile a three billion read metagenomic experiment representing 1,000 bacterial genomes of uneven proportions in 15 hours with 1,024 processor cores, using only 1.5 GB per core. The software will facilitate the processing of large and complex datasets, and will help in generating biological insights for specific environments. Ray Meta is open source and available at http://denovoassembler.sf.net.  相似文献   

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