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Homeostasis in the lens is dependent on an extensive network of cell-to-cell gap junctional channels. Gap junction-mediated intercellular coupling (GJIC) is higher in the equatorial region of the lens than at either pole, an asymmetry believed essential for lens transparency. Primary cultures of embryonic chick lens epithelial cells up-regulate GJIC in response to purified fibroblast growth factor (FGF)1/2 or to medium conditioned by vitreous bodies, the major reservoir of factors (including FGF) for the lens equator. We show that purified bone morphogenetic protein (BMP)2, -4, and -7 also up-regulate GJIC in these cultures. BMP2, -4, or both are present in vitreous body conditioned medium, and BMP4 and -7 are endogenously expressed by lens cells. Remarkably, lens-derived BMP signaling is required for up-regulation of GJIC by purified FGF, and sufficient for up-regulation by vitreous humor. This is the first demonstration of an obligatory interaction between FGF and BMPs in postplacode lens cells, and of a role for FGF/BMP cross-talk in regulating GJIC in any cell type. Our results support a model in which the angular gradient in GJIC in the lens, and thus proper lens function, is dependent on signaling between the FGF and BMP pathways.  相似文献   

Cell cycle progression is coupled to cell growth, but the mechanisms that generate growth-dependent cell cycle progression remain unclear. Fission yeast cells enter into mitosis at a defined size due to the conserved cell cycle kinases Cdr1 and Cdr2, which localize to a set of cortical nodes in the cell middle. Cdr2 is regulated by the cell polarity kinase Pom1, suggesting that interactions between cell polarity proteins and the Cdr1-Cdr2 module might underlie the coordination of cell growth and division. To identify the molecular connections between Cdr1/2 and cell polarity, we performed a comprehensive pairwise yeast two-hybrid screen. From the resulting interaction network, we found that the protein Skb1 interacted with both Cdr1 and the Cdr1 inhibitory target Wee1. Skb1 inhibited mitotic entry through negative regulation of Cdr1 and localized to both the cytoplasm and a novel set of cortical nodes. Skb1 nodes were distinct structures from Cdr1/2 nodes, and artificial targeting of Skb1 to Cdr1/2 nodes delayed entry into mitosis. We propose that the formation of distinct node structures in the cell cortex controls signaling pathways to link cell growth and division.  相似文献   

Microtubules (MTs) often form a polarized array with minus ends anchored at the centrosome and plus ends extended toward the cell margins. Plus ends display behavior known as dynamic instability—transitions between rapid shortening and slow growth. It is known that dynamic instability is regulated locally to ensure entry of MTs into nascent areas of the cytoplasm, but details of this regulation remain largely unknown. Here, we test an alternative hypothesis for the local regulation of MT behavior. We used microsurgery to isolate a portion of peripheral cytoplasm from MTs growing from the centrosome, creating cytoplasmic areas locally depleted of MTs. We found that in sparsely populated areas MT plus ends persistently grew or paused but never shortened. In contrast, plus ends that entered regions of cytoplasm densely populated with MTs frequently transitioned to shortening. Persistent growth of MTs in sparsely populated areas could not be explained by a local increase in concentration of free tubulin subunits or elevation of Rac1 activity proposed to enhance MT growth at the cell leading edge during locomotion. These observations suggest the existence of a MT density–dependent mechanism regulating MT dynamics that determines dynamic instability of MTs in densely populated areas of the cytoplasm and persistent growth in sparsely populated areas.  相似文献   

We performed a high-throughput whole-genome RNAi screen to identify novel inhibitors of ciliogenesis in normal and basal breast cancer cells. Our screen uncovered a previously undisclosed, extensive network of genes linking integrin signaling and cellular adhesion to the extracellular matrix (ECM) with inhibition of ciliation in both normal and cancer cells. Surprisingly, a cohort of genes encoding ECM proteins was also identified. We characterized several ciliation inhibitory genes and showed that their silencing was accompanied by altered cytoskeletal organization and induction of ciliation, which restricts cell growth and migration in normal and breast cancer cells. Conversely, supplying an integrin ligand, vitronectin, to the ECM rescued the enhanced ciliation observed on silencing this gene. Aberrant ciliation could also be suppressed through hyperactivation of the YAP/TAZ pathway, indicating a potential mechanistic basis for our findings. Our findings suggest an unanticipated reciprocal relationship between ciliation and cellular adhesion to the ECM and provide a resource that could vastly expand our understanding of controls involving “outside-in” and “inside-out” signaling that restrain cilium assembly.  相似文献   

During breast cancer progression, alternative mRNA splicing produces functionally distinct isoforms of Mena, an actin regulator with roles in cell migration and metastasis. Aggressive tumor cell subpopulations express MenaINV, which promotes tumor cell invasion by potentiating EGF responses. However, the mechanism by which this occurs is unknown. Here we report that Mena associates constitutively with the tyrosine phosphatase PTP1B and mediates a novel negative feedback mechanism that attenuates receptor tyrosine kinase signaling. On EGF stimulation, complexes containing Mena and PTP1B are recruited to the EGFR, causing receptor dephosphorylation and leading to decreased motility responses. Mena also interacts with the 5′ inositol phosphatase SHIP2, which is important for the recruitment of the Mena-PTP1B complex to the EGFR. When MenaINV is expressed, PTP1B recruitment to the EGFR is impaired, providing a mechanism for growth factor sensitization to EGF, as well as HGF and IGF, and increased resistance to EGFR and Met inhibitors in signaling and motility assays. In sum, we demonstrate that Mena plays an important role in regulating growth factor–induced signaling. Disruption of this attenuation by MenaINV sensitizes tumor cells to low–growth factor concentrations, thereby increasing the migration and invasion responses that contribute to aggressive, malignant cell phenotypes.  相似文献   

B lymphocytes play a critical role in adaptive immunity. On antigen binding, B cell receptors (BCR) cluster on the plasma membrane and are internalized by endocytosis. In this process, B cells capture diverse antigens in various contexts and concentrations. However, it is unclear whether the mechanism of BCR endocytosis changes in response to these factors. Here, we studied the mechanism of soluble antigen-induced BCR clustering and internalization in a cultured human B cell line using correlative superresolution fluorescence and platinum replica electron microscopy. First, by visualizing nanoscale BCR clusters, we provide direct evidence that BCR cluster size increases with F(ab’)2 concentration. Next, we show that the physical mechanism of internalization switches in response to BCR cluster size. At low concentrations of antigen, B cells internalize small BCR clusters by classical clathrin-mediated endocytosis. At high antigen concentrations, when cluster size increases beyond the size of a single clathrin-coated pit, B cells retrieve receptor clusters using large invaginations of the plasma membrane capped with clathrin. At these sites, we observed early and sustained recruitment of actin and an actin polymerizing protein FCHSD2. We further show that actin recruitment is required for the efficient generation of these novel endocytic carriers and for their capture into the cytosol. We propose that in B cells, the mechanism of endocytosis switches to accommodate large receptor clusters formed when cells encounter high concentrations of soluble antigen. This mechanism is regulated by the organization and dynamics of the cortical actin cytoskeleton.  相似文献   

Mutations within the epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR/erbB1/Her1) are often associated with tumorigenesis. In particular, a number of EGFR mutants that demonstrate ligand-independent signaling are common in non–small cell lung cancer (NSCLC), including kinase domain mutations L858R (also called L834R) and exon 19 deletions (e.g., ΔL747-P753insS), which collectively make up nearly 90% of mutations in NSCLC. The molecular mechanisms by which these mutations confer constitutive activity remain unresolved. Using multiple subdiffraction-limit imaging modalities, we reveal the altered receptor structure and interaction kinetics of NSCLC-associated EGFR mutants. We applied two-color single quantum dot tracking to quantify receptor dimerization kinetics on living cells and show that, in contrast to wild-type EGFR, mutants are capable of forming stable, ligand-independent dimers. Two-color superresolution localization microscopy confirmed ligand-independent aggregation of EGFR mutants. Live-cell Förster resonance energy transfer measurements revealed that the L858R kinase mutation alters ectodomain structure such that unliganded mutant EGFR adopts an extended, dimerization-competent conformation. Finally, mutation of the putative dimerization arm confirmed a critical role for ectodomain engagement in ligand-independent signaling. These data support a model in which dysregulated activity of NSCLC-associated kinase mutants is driven by coordinated interactions involving both the kinase and extracellular domains that lead to enhanced dimerization.  相似文献   

The vascular system is precisely regulated to adjust blood flow to organismal demand, thereby guaranteeing adequate perfusion under varying physiological conditions. Mechanical forces, such as cyclic circumferential stretch, are among the critical stimuli that dynamically adjust vessel distribution and diameter, but the precise mechanisms of adaptation to changing forces are unclear. We find that endothelial monolayers respond to cyclic stretch by transient remodeling of the vascular endothelial cadherin–based adherens junctions and the associated actomyosin cytoskeleton. Time-resolved proteomic profiling reveals that this remodeling is driven by calcium influx through the mechanosensitive Piezo1 channel, triggering Rho activation to increase actomyosin contraction. As the mechanical stimulus persists, calcium signaling is attenuated through transient down-regulation of Piezo1 protein. At the same time, filamins are phosphorylated to increase monolayer stiffness, allowing mechanoadaptation to restore junctional integrity despite continuing exposure to stretch. Collectively, this study identifies a biphasic response to cyclic stretch, consisting of an initial calcium-driven junctional mechanoresponse, followed by mechanoadaptation facilitated by monolayer stiffening.  相似文献   

Knockout mouse technology has been used over the last decade to define the essential roles of ovarian-expressed genes and uncover genetic interactions. In particular, we have used this technology to study the function of multiple members of the transforming growth factor-beta superfamily including inhibins, activins, and growth differentiation factor 9 (GDF-9 or Gdf9). Knockout mice lacking GDF-9 are infertile due to a block in folliculogenesis at the primary follicle stage. In addition, recombinant GDF-9 regulates multiple cumulus granulosa cell functions in the periovulatory period including hyaluronic acid synthesis and cumulus expansion. We have also cloned an oocyte-specific homolog of GDF-9 from mice and humans, which is termed bone morphogenetic protein 15 (BMP-15 or Bmp15). To define the function of BMP-15 in mice, we generated embryonic stem cells and knockout mice, which have a null mutation in this X-linked gene. Male chimeric and Bmp15 null mice are normal and fertile. In contrast to Bmp15 null males and Gdf9 knockout females, Bmp15 null females (Bmp15(-/-)) are subfertile and usually have minimal ovarian histopathological defects, but demonstrate decreased ovulation and fertilization rates. To further decipher possible direct or indirect genetic interactions between GDF-9 and BMP-15, we have generated double mutant mice lacking one or both alleles of these related homologs. Double homozygote females (Bmp15(-/-)Gdf9(-/-)) display oocyte loss and cysts and resemble Gdf9(-/-) mutants. In contrast, Bmp15(-/-)Gdf9(+/-) female mice have more severe fertility defects than Bmp15(-/-) females, which appear to be due to abnormalities in ovarian folliculogenesis, cumulus cell physiology, and fertilization. Thus, the dosage of intact Bmp15 and Gdf9 alleles directly influences the destiny of the oocyte during folliculogenesis and in the periovulatory period. These studies have important implications for human fertility control and the maintenance of fertility and normal ovarian physiology.  相似文献   

Genes occupy preferred spatial positions within interphase cell nuclei. However, positioning patterns are not an innate feature of a locus, and genes can alter their localization in response to physiological and pathological changes. Here we screen the radial positioning patterns of 40 genes in normal, hyperplasic, and malignant human prostate tissues. We find that the overall spatial organization of the genome in prostate tissue is largely conserved among individuals. We identify three genes whose nuclear positions are robustly altered in neoplastic prostate tissues. FLI1 and MMP9 position differently in prostate cancer than in normal tissue and prostate hyperplasia, whereas MMP2 is repositioned in both prostate cancer and hyperplasia. Our data point to locus-specific reorganization of the genome during prostate disease.  相似文献   

Mock cataract surgery provides a unique ex vivo model for studying wound repair in a clinically relevant setting. Here wound healing involves a classical collective migration of the lens epithelium, directed at the leading edge by an innate mesenchymal subpopulation of vimentin-rich repair cells. We report that vimentin is essential to the function of repair cells as the directors of the wound-healing process. Vimentin and not actin filaments are the predominant cytoskeletal elements in the lamellipodial extensions of the repair cells at the wound edge. These vimentin filaments link to paxillin-containing focal adhesions at the lamellipodial tips. Microtubules are involved in the extension of vimentin filaments in repair cells, the elaboration of vimentin-rich protrusions, and wound closure. The requirement for vimentin in repair cell function is revealed by both small interfering RNA vimentin knockdown and exposure to the vimentin-targeted drug withaferin A. Perturbation of vimentin impairs repair cell function and wound closure. Coimmunoprecipitation analysis reveals for the first time that myosin IIB is associated with vimentin, linking vimentin function in cell migration to myosin II motor proteins. These studies reveal a critical role for vimentin in repair cell function in regulating the collective movement of the epithelium in response to wounding.  相似文献   

Early endosomes are transported bidirectionally by cytoplasmic dynein and kinesin-3, but how the movements are regulated in vivo remains unclear. Here our forward genetic study led to the discovery of VezA, a vezatin-like protein in Aspergillus nidulans, as a factor critical for early endosome distribution. Loss of vezA causes an abnormal accumulation of early endosomes at the hyphal tip, where microtubule plus ends are located. This abnormal accumulation depends on kinesin-3 and is due to a decrease in the frequency but not the speed of dynein-mediated early endosome movement. VezA-GFP signals are enriched at the hypha tip in an actin-dependent manner but are not obviously associated with early endosomes, thus differing from the early endosome association of the cargo adapter HookA (Hook in A. nidulans). On loss of VezA, HookA associates normally with early endosomes, but the interaction between dynein-dynactin and the early-endosome-bound HookA is significantly decreased. However, VezA is not required for linking dynein-dynactin to the cytosolic ∆C-HookA, lacking the cargo-binding C-terminus. These results identify VezA as a novel regulator required for the interaction between dynein and the Hook-bound early endosomes in vivo.  相似文献   

Focal adhesions are dynamic structures that interact with the extracellular matrix on the cell exterior and actin filaments on the cell interior, enabling cells to adhere and crawl along surfaces. We describe a system for inducing the formation of focal adhesions in normally non–ECM-adherent, nonmotile Drosophila S2 cells. These focal adhesions contain the expected molecular markers such as talin, vinculin, and p130Cas, and they require talin for their formation. The S2 cells with induced focal adhesions also display a nonpolarized form of motility on vitronectin-coated substrates. Consistent with findings in mammalian cells, the degree of motility can be tuned by changing the stiffness of the substrate and was increased after the depletion of PAK3, a p21-activated kinase. A subset of nonmotile, nonpolarized cells also exhibited focal adhesions that rapidly assembled and disassembled around the cell perimeter. Such cooperative and dynamic fluctuations of focal adhesions were decreased by RNA interference (RNAi) depletion of myosin II and focal adhesion kinase, suggesting that this behavior requires force and focal adhesion maturation. These results demonstrate that S2 cells, a cell line that is well studied for cytoskeletal dynamics and readily amenable to protein manipulation by RNAi, can be used to study the assembly and dynamics of focal adhesions and mechanosensitive cell motility.  相似文献   

A cell’s shape and motion represent fundamental aspects of cell identity and can be highly predictive of function and pathology. However, automated analysis of the morphodynamic states remains challenging for most cell types, especially primary human cells where genetic labeling may not be feasible. To enable automated and quantitative analysis of morphodynamic states, we developed DynaMorph—a computational framework that combines quantitative live cell imaging with self-supervised learning. To demonstrate the robustness and utility of this approach, we used DynaMorph to annotate morphodynamic states observed with label-free measurements of optical density and anisotropy of live microglia isolated from human brain tissue. These cells show complex behavior and have varied responses to disease-relevant perturbations. DynaMorph generates quantitative morphodynamic representations that can be used to compare the effects of the perturbations. Using DynaMorph, we identify distinct morphodynamic states of microglia polarization and detect rare transition events between states. The concepts and the methods presented here can facilitate automated discovery of functional states of diverse cellular systems.  相似文献   

There are more than 30 human transforming growth factor beta/bone morphogenetic protein/growth differentiation factor (TGFbeta/BMP/GDF)-related ligands known to be important during embryonic development, organogenesis, bone formation, reproduction, and other physiological processes. Although select TGFbeta/BMP/GDF proteins were found to interact with type II and type I serine/threonine receptors to activate downstream Smad and other proteins, the receptors and signaling pathways for one-third of these TGFbeta/BMP/GDF paralogs are still unclear. Based on a genomic analysis of the entire repertoire of TGFbeta/BMP/GDF ligands and serine/threonine kinase receptors, we tested the ability of three orphan BMP/GDF ligands to activate a limited number of phylogenetically related receptors. We characterized the dimeric nature of recombinant GDF6 (also known as BMP13), GDF7 (also known as BMP12), and BMP10. We demonstrated their bioactivities based on the activation of Smad1/5/8-, but not Smad2/3-, responsive promoter constructs in the MC3T3 cell line. Furthermore, we showed their ability to induce the phosphorylation of Smad1, but not Smad2, in these cells. In COS7 cells transfected with the seven known type I receptors, overexpression of ALK3 or ALK6 conferred ligand signaling by GDF6, GDF7, and BMP10. In contrast, transfection of MC3T3 cells with ALK3 small hairpin RNA suppressed Smad signaling induced by all three ligands. Based on the coevolution of ligands and receptors, we also tested the role of BMPRII and ActRIIA as the type II receptor candidates for the three orphan ligands. We found that transfection of small hairpin RNA for BMPRII and ActRIIA in MC3T3 cells suppressed the signaling of GDF6, GDF7, and BMP10. Thus, the present approach provides a genomic paradigm for matching paralogous polypeptide ligands with a limited number of evolutionarily related receptors capable of activating specific downstream Smad proteins.  相似文献   

Eukaryotic cells are defined by extensive intracellular compartmentalization, which requires dynamic membrane remodeling. FER/Cip4 homology-Bin/amphiphysin/Rvs (F-BAR) domain family proteins form crescent-shaped dimers, which can bend membranes into buds and tubules of defined geometry and lipid composition. However, these proteins exhibit an unexplained wide diversity of membrane-deforming activities in vitro and functions in vivo. We find that the F-BAR domain of the neuronal protein Nervous Wreck (Nwk) has a novel higher-order structure and membrane-deforming activity that distinguishes it from previously described F-BAR proteins. The Nwk F-BAR domain assembles into zigzags, creating ridges and periodic scallops on membranes in vitro. This activity depends on structural determinants at the tips of the F-BAR dimer and on electrostatic interactions of the membrane with the F-BAR concave surface. In cells, Nwk-induced scallops can be extended by cytoskeletal forces to produce protrusions at the plasma membrane. Our results define a new F-BAR membrane-deforming activity and illustrate a molecular mechanism by which positively curved F-BAR domains can produce a variety of membrane curvatures. These findings expand the repertoire of F-BAR domain mediated membrane deformation and suggest that unique modes of higher-order assembly can define how these proteins sculpt the membrane.  相似文献   

Laminopathies are a collection of phenotypically diverse diseases that include muscular dystrophies, cardiomyopathies, lipodystrophies, and premature aging syndromes. Laminopathies are caused by >300 distinct mutations in the LMNA gene, which encodes the nuclear intermediate filament proteins lamin A and C, two major architectural elements of the mammalian cell nucleus. The genotype–phenotype relationship and the basis for the pronounced tissue specificity of laminopathies are poorly understood. Here we seek to identify on a global scale lamin A–binding partners whose interaction is affected by disease-relevant LMNA mutations. In a screen of a human genome–wide ORFeome library, we identified and validated 337 lamin A–binding proteins. Testing them against 89 known lamin A disease mutations identified 50 disease-associated interactors. Association of progerin, the lamin A isoform responsible for the premature aging disorder Hutchinson–Gilford progeria syndrome, with its partners was largely mediated by farnesylation. Mapping of the interaction sites on lamin A identified the immunoglobulin G (IgG)–like domain as an interaction hotspot and demonstrated that lamin A variants, which destabilize the Ig-like domain, affect protein–protein interactions more globally than mutations of surface residues. Analysis of a set of LMNA mutations in a single residue, which result in three phenotypically distinct diseases, identified disease-specific interactors. The results represent a systematic map of disease-relevant lamin A interactors and suggest loss of tissue-specific lamin A interactions as a mechanism for the tissue-specific appearance of laminopathic phenotypes.  相似文献   

Macroendocytic vacuoles formed by phagocytosis, or the live-cell engulfment program entosis, undergo sequential steps of maturation, leading to the fusion of lysosomes that digest internalized cargo. After cargo digestion, nutrients must be exported to the cytosol, and vacuole membranes must be processed by mechanisms that remain poorly defined. Here we find that phagosomes and entotic vacuoles undergo a late maturation step characterized by fission, which redistributes vacuolar contents into lysosomal networks. Vacuole fission is regulated by the serine/threonine protein kinase mammalian target of rapamycin complex 1 (mTORC1), which localizes to vacuole membranes surrounding engulfed cells. Degrading engulfed cells supply engulfing cells with amino acids that are used in translation, and rescue cell survival and mTORC1 activity in starved macrophages and tumor cells. These data identify a late stage of phagocytosis and entosis that involves processing of large vacuoles by mTOR-regulated membrane fission.  相似文献   

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