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A de novo polypeptide GH(6)[(GA)(3)GY(GA)(3)GE](8)GAH(6) (YE8) was designed and genetically engineered to form antiparallel beta-strands of GAGAGA repeats. Modulation of pH enables control of solubility, folding, and aggregation of YE8 by control of the overall polypeptide charge, a consequence of the protonation or deprotonation of the glutamic acid and histidine residues. YE8 exhibits all the major properties of a fibrillogenic protein providing an excellent model for detailed study of the fibrillation. At neutral pH, YE8 is soluble in disordered form, yet at pH 3.5 folds into a predominantly beta-sheet conformation that is fibrillogenic. Atomic force microscopy and transmission electron microscopy indicated the formation of fibrillar aggregates on well-defined, hydrophobic surfaces. The beta-sheet folding of YE8 exhibited a lag phase that could be eliminated by seeding or stirring. The strong dependence of lag time on polypeptide concentration established the limiting step in aggregation as initiation of beta-sheet folding.  相似文献   

The physicochemical mechanism of protein folding has been elucidated by the island model, describing a growth type of folding. The folding pathway is closely related with nucleation on the polypeptide chain and thus the formation of small local structures or secondary structures at the earliest stage of folding is essential to all following steps. The island model is applicable to any protein, but a high precision of secondary structure prediction is indispensable to folding simulation. The secondary structures formed at the earliest stage of folding are supposed to be of standard form, but they are usually deformed during the folding process, especially at the last stage, although the degree of deformation is different for each protein. Ferredoxin is an example of a protein having this property. According to X-ray investigation (1FDX), ferredoxin is not supposed to have secondary structures. However, if we assumed that in ferredoxin all the residues are in a coil state, we could not attain the correct structure similar to the native one. Further, we found that some parts of the chain are not flexible, suggesting the presence of secondary structures, in agreement with the recent PDB data (1DUR). Assuming standard secondary structures (-helices and -strands) at the nonflexible parts at the early stage of folding, and deforming these at the final stage, a structure similar to the native one was obtained. Another peculiarity of ferredoxin is the absence of disulfide bonds, in spite of its having eight cysteines. The reason cysteines do not form disulfide bonds became clear by applying the lampshade criterion, but more importantly, the two groups of cysteines are ready to make iron complexes, respectively, at a rather later stage of folding. The reason for poor prediction accuracy of secondary structure with conventional methods is discussed.  相似文献   

Using a test set of 13 small, compact proteins, we demonstrate that a remarkably simple protocol can capture native topology from secondary structure information alone, in the absence of long-range interactions. It has been a long-standing open question whether such information is sufficient to determine a protein's fold. Indeed, even the far simpler problem of reconstructing the three-dimensional structure of a protein from its exact backbone torsion angles has remained a difficult challenge owing to the small, but cumulative, deviations from ideality in backbone planarity, which, if ignored, cause large errors in structure. As a familiar example, a small change in an elbow angle causes a large displacement at the end of your arm; the longer the arm, the larger the displacement. Here, correct secondary structure assignments (alpha-helix, beta-strand, beta-turn, polyproline II, coil) were used to constrain polypeptide backbone chains devoid of side chains, and the most stable folded conformations were determined, using Monte Carlo simulation. Just three terms were used to assess stability: molecular compaction, steric exclusion, and hydrogen bonding. For nine of the 13 proteins, this protocol restricts the main chain to a surprisingly small number of energetically favorable topologies, with the native one prominent among them.  相似文献   

To explain the rapidity of the process of protein folding, we cite two aspects of hydrophobic interaction: its long-range nature and the specificity of pairing after the formation of secondary structures. These two factors, when incorporated with the growth-type mechanism, can determine the folding pathway of proteins. This mechanism is applied to myoglobin. Appropriate introduction of side chains of amino acid residues and the heme group attached to His 93 yield a refolded tertiary structure that is in good agreement with the native structure.  相似文献   

Yang Y  Zhou Y 《Proteins》2008,72(2):793-803
Proteins fold into unique three-dimensional structures by specific, orientation-dependent interactions between amino acid residues. Here, we extract orientation-dependent interactions from protein structures by treating each polar atom as a dipole with a direction. The resulting statistical energy function successfully refolds 13 out of 16 fully unfolded secondary-structure terminal regions of 10-23 amino acid residues in 15 small proteins. Dissecting the orientation-dependent energy function reveals that the orientation preference between hydrogen-bonded atoms is not enough to account for the structural specificity of proteins. The result has significant implications on the theoretical and experimental searches for specific interactions involved in protein folding and molecular recognition between proteins and other biologically active molecules.  相似文献   

Using only hard-sphere repulsion, we investigated short polyalanyl chains for the presence of sterically imposed conformational constraints beyond the dipeptide level. We found that a central residue in a helical peptide cannot adopt dihedral angles from strand regions without encountering a steric collision. Consequently, an alpha-helical segment followed by a beta-strand segment must be connected by an intervening linker. This restriction was validated both by simulations and by seeking violations within proteins of known structure. In fact, no violations were found within an extensive database of high-resolution X-ray structures. Nature's exclusion of alpha-beta hybrid segments, fashioned from an alpha-helix adjoined to a beta-strand, is built into proteins at the covalent level. This straightforward conformational constraint has far-reaching consequences in organizing unfolded proteins and limiting the number of possible protein domains.  相似文献   

Covalently linked pairs of well-chosen peptides can be good model systems for protein folding studies because they can adopt stable secondary, side-chain, and tertiary structure under certain conditions. We demonstrate a method for characterizing the structure in such peptide pairs by hydrogen/deuterium exchange of individual amide groups analyzed by collision-induced dissociation tandem mass spectrometry, in concert with circular dichroism spectroscopy. We apply the method to two peptides (and their three possible pairs) from bovine pancreatic trypsin inhibitor to address specific hypotheses regarding the stabilization of local secondary structure by long-range interactions.  相似文献   

Although not being classified as the most fundamental protein structural elements like α-helices and β-strands, the loop segment may play considerable roles for protein stability, flexibility, and dynamic activity. Meanwhile, the protein loop is also quite elusive; i.e. its interactions with the other parts of protein as well as its own shape-maintaining forces have still remained as a puzzle or at least not quite clear yet. Here, we report a molecular force, the so-called polar hydrogen–π interaction (Hp–π), which may play an important role in supporting the backbones of protein loops. By conducting the potential energy surface scanning calculations on the quasi π-plane of peptide bond unit, we have observed the following intriguing phenomena: (1) when the polar hydrogen atom of a peptide unit is perpendicularly pointing to the π-plane of other peptide bond units, a remarkable Hp–π interaction occurs; (2) the interaction is distance and orientation dependent, acting in a broad space, and belonging to the ‘point-to-plane’ one. The molecular force reported here may provide useful interaction concepts and insights into better understanding the loop’s unique stability and flexibility feature, as well as the driving force of the protein global folding.  相似文献   

Huang JT  Cheng JP  Chen H 《Proteins》2007,67(1):12-17
We present a simple method for determining the folding rates of two- and three-state proteins from the number of residues in their secondary structures (secondary structure length). The method is based on the hypothesis that two- and three-state foldings share a common pattern. Three-state proteins first condense into metastable intermediates, subsequent forming of alpha-helices, turns, and beta-sheets at slow rate-limiting step. The folding rate of such proteins anticorrelate with the length of these beta-secondary structures. It is also assumed that in two-state folding, rapidly folded alpha-helices and turns may facilitate formation of fleeting unobservable intermediates and thus show two-state behavior. There is an inverse relationship between the folding rate and the length of beta-sheets and loops. Our study achieves 94.0 and 88.1% correlations with folding rates determined experimentally for 21 three- and 38 two-state proteins, respectively, suggesting that protein-folding rates are determined by the secondary structure length. The kinetic kinds are selected on the basis of a competitive formation of hydrophobic collapse and alpha-structure in early intermediates.  相似文献   

Huang JT  Cheng JP 《Proteins》2007,68(1):218-222
Folding kinetics of proteins is governed by the free energy and position of transition states. But attempts to predict the position of folding transition state on reaction pathway from protein structure have been met with only limited success, unlike the folding-rate prediction. Here, we find that the folding transition-state position is related to the secondary structure content of native two-state proteins. We present a simple method for predicting the transition-state position from their alpha-helix, turn and polyproline secondary structures. The method achieves 81% correlation with experiment over 24 small, two-state proteins, suggesting that the local secondary structure content, especially for content of alpha-helix, is a determinant of the solvent accessibility of the transition state ensemble and size of folding nucleus.  相似文献   

The folding process of a set of 42 proteins, representative of the various folds, has been simulated by means of a Monte Carlo method on a discrete lattice, using two different potentials of mean force. Multiple compact fragments of contiguous residues are formed in the simulation, stable in composition, but not in geometry. During time, the number of fragments decreases until one final compact globular state is reached. We focused on the early steps of the folding in order to evidence the maximum number of fragments, provided they are sufficiently stable in sequence. A correlation has been established between these proto fragments and regular secondary-structure elements, whatever their nature, alpha helices or beta strands. Quantitatively, this is revealed by an overall mean one-residue quality factor of nearly 60%, which is better for proteins mainly composed of alpha helices. The correspondence between the number of fragments and the number of secondary-structure elements is of 77% and the regions separating successive fragments are mainly located in loops. Besides, hydrophobic clusters deduced from HCA correspond to fragments with an equivalent accuracy. These results suggest that folding pathways do not contain structurally static intermediate. However, since the beginning of folding, most residues that will later form one given secondary structure are kept close in space by being involved in the same fragment. This aggregation may be a way to accelerate the formation of the native state and enforces the key role played by hydrophobic residues in the formation of the fragments, thus in the folding process itself.  相似文献   

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