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Four phenylpropanoids, forsythoside B 1, lysionotoside 2, verbascoside 3, betonyoside F 4, an iridoid, verminoside 5, seven flavonoids, compounds 612, and two betaine derivatives 13 and 14 were isolated from the aerial parts of Ballota undulata. The structures of the isolated compounds were established by high resolution NMR and ESI-MS. The antioxidant activity of all compounds was determined by measuring free radical scavenging activity by TEAC test.  相似文献   

Acacia is a pantropical genus comprising > 1450 species. Following Vassal's treatment Acacia is considered as a single genus with three subgenera (Acacia, Aculeiferum and Phyllodineae). Acacia caven, A. curvifructa and A. farnesiana belong to subgenus Acacia and the relationship between them is controversial. The aim of this study was to elucidate the relationship between the three species using amplified fragment length polymorphism, analysing 15 populations of these species, and to compare the results obtained with those from a morphological analysis. Genetic diversity indices (percentage of polymorphic loci, genetic diversity) showed that genetic variation in A. caven is higher than that in A. curvifructa and A. farnesiana. Of the total genetic diversity in A. caven and A. farnesiana, most is found within populations (∼70%). Analysis with STRUCTURE showed that the optimal number of clusters (K) was ten, and in all cases where populations were grouped they were geographically close and/or belong to the same variety. The morphological canonical discriminant analysis did not result in a separation between all individuals, indicating that they do not harbour consistent morphological discontinuities. Altogether, the results of our molecular analyses showed the existence of significant differences between A. caven, A. curvifructa and A. farnesiana, which argues for recognizing them as different species. © 2015 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society, 2015, 177 , 593–606.  相似文献   

Germinated seeds from 11 populations of green alder [ Alnus crispa (Ait.) Pursh] sampled in four Canadian provinces were analysed for electrophoretically demonstrable diversity of 10 enzymes encoded by 15 structural loci. Of these, nine were polymorphic, and on average, 52% of the loci per population were polymorphic. Assuming a diploid model of expression, average level of expected heterozygosity was 0.11 with nearly all populations in Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium for the set of polymorphic loci analysed. No significant inbreeding and associated subpopulation structuring were noted. Rates of gene flow appeared high within and among populations. Although little divergence was observed among populations, genetic and geographical distances between populations were related. Discriminant and cluster analyses revealed a pattern of genetic variation associated with geography. Populations from northern Quebec were poorly differentiated, whereas western populations from Alberta exhibited a larger degree of genetic differentiation. Introgresive hybridization with the sympatric species Alnus sinuata (Regel) Rydberg and partial isolation in the West are suggested as an explanation for this larger differentiation. The occurrence and significance of rare alleles is discussed in relation to the importance of geographical distance in the process of population differentiation in this species.  相似文献   

Primula merrilliana Schltr. is an endangered and narrowly-distributed endemic species of southern Anhui Province in China. In this study, the level of genetic variation and the pattern of genetic structure in six natural populations of P. merrilliana were assessed by using ISSR (inter-simple sequence repeats) markers. Based on ten primers, 137 clear and reproducible DNA fragments were generated, of which 109 were polymorphic. The statistical results indicated that there was a relatively low genetic diversity within populations, and a high genetic differentiation among populations (GST = 0.53, ΦST = 0.49). The level of population genetic diversity was correlated to habitat type and the gene flow (Nm) was low with only 0.45. The unexpected genetic structure of P. merrilliana may be explained by limited gene flow that was caused by habitat fragmentation and limited seeds and pollen dispersal ability, self-compatible breeding system and biennial life form.  相似文献   

The West Himalayan yew, Taxus fuana Nan Li & R.R. Mill (Taxaceae), is an endangered species endemic to the Western Himalayas. An investigation of the genetic diversity of wild populations of T. fuana in Pakistan was undertaken. The genetic diversity and genetic structure was quantified using random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) variation in 219 individuals of the 10 populations. Of the 32 universal primers screened 16 produced highly reproducible, clear RAPD bands. Using these primers, 193 discernible DNA fragments were generated, of which 164 (84.97%) were polymorphic. The statistical results indicated that there was a relatively low genetic diversity within populations (with percentages of polymorphic bands, PPB, ranging from 29.53 to 50.26%, with an average of 38.34% and a Nei's genetic diversity index (HE) of 0.1165), and a high genetic differentiation among populations (GST = 0.5842, ΦST = 0.5685) within these populations. The gene flow (Nm) was low with only 0.3558.  相似文献   

RAPD polymorphisms were used to reveal the genetic population structure of Fomitopsis pinicola from 5 populations in southwestern Sweden with outliers in Finland and Norway. Eleven primers were used on 35 isolates. Using the Analysis of Molecular Variance (AMOVA), the total variance was divided into 3 hierarchical components: 84% within populations, 11% among regions, and 5% among populations within regions. The 3 large Swedish populations contained 95% of the variation within them. The statistical significance of these patterns was supported by permutation tests. The similarity index between all genets ranged from 0.10 to 0.72, with an average of 0.45. Genets from the same population could form more than one cluster in the neighbor-joining analysis. Some of these clusters were also supported by parsimony jack-knifing. This pattern is tentatively explained by establishment of spores from different basidiomata. The result of somatic incompatibility tests and RAPD markers were compared and this comparison indicated that compatible reactions do not necessarily imply genetic identity. Sampling from cut sections of infected trees revealed that multiple infections were present in a single tree and that the fungus probably infects host-trees by basidiospores, arriving via the air. Each somatically incompatible genet characteristically monopolized only part of a resource unit. Spore trapping showed no evidence of long distance spore dispersal, but this is probably due to the limited experiment, since the genetic analysis suggested a high rate of gene flow.  相似文献   

Neopicrorhiza scrophulariiflora Pennel (Hong) (Scrophulariaceae) is an endangered medicinal plant, endemic to the Eastern Himalayas and the Hengduan Mountains. Levels of genetic variation and genetic structure of seven populations of N. scrophulariiflora in China were studied using inter-simple sequence repeat (ISSR) markers. Thirteen primers amplified 82 total loci from 7 populations composed of 136 individuals. All 82 loci were polymorphic, showing a percentage of polymorphic bands (PPB) of 100%, indicating considerable genetic variation at the species level. In contrast, a low level of genetic diversity within populations was detected with a mean PPB of 30.56%. In addition, Nei’s genetic diversity analysis (0.4073) and Shannon’s diversity index (0.5917) revealed similar genetic structure. High levels of genetic differentiation (Gst = 0.6955) and restricted gene flow (Nm = 0.2198) among populations were also detected. Anthropologic impacts, together with clonal propagation, genetic drift and geographical isolation might be the reasons which had shaped the genetic structure of this species.  相似文献   

黑麂(Muntiacus crinifrons)3个种群的遗传多样性   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
黑麂,为我国特有动物,被公认为目前世界上最珍稀的鹿科动物之一.为了更好地保护黑麂这一珍稀的濒危野生动物,基于黑麂线粒体控制区序列对遂昌分布中心的3个黑麂种群的遗传多样性和基因流进行了研究.结果显示,3个种群的36个个体中有13个变异位点,占分析序列长度的2.71%,且这13个变异位点皆为碱基置换,并未出现碱基插入或缺失的现象,并由此定义了12个单倍型.遗传多样性检测结果显示遂昌种群具有最高的遗传多样性,应予以优先保护.从Tajima′s D和Fu and Li′s D值的估算结果来看,这3个黑麂种群相对于中性进化的歧异度并没有明显的偏离(P>0.1),没有明显的证据显示这3个黑麂种群间存在很强的平衡选择.3个种群间基因流 Nm均大于1,这3个黑麂种群间存在着较为丰富的基因流.3个黑麂种群单倍型间的序列差异为0.009,这表明这3个黑麂种群的单倍型未出现分化.  相似文献   

Zygophyllum species are succulent plants that are drought resistant and/or salt tolerant, growing under severe, dry climatic conditions. Despite their importance and abundance in the Mediterranean and Middle East regions, there is little information concerning molecular variations among species of this genus. Genetic diversity was assessed, using RAPD primers, of 12 populations of Z. coccineum, Z. album and Z. aegyptium collected from various locations in Egypt and Saudi Arabia. Yong leaves were used for DNA extraction. Genetic distances were calculated using Nei's method. A dendrogram was constructed based on the similarity data matrix by unweighted pair group method using arithmetic averages cluster analysis. Analysis with RAPD markers revealed genetic variation between and within populations of Zygophyllum. Zygophyllum coccineum showed higher levels of genetic variation and more unique alleles than the other species.  相似文献   

Understanding the partitioning of genetic variance in peripheral and central populations may shed more light on the effects of genetic drift and gene flow on population genetic structure and, thereby, improve attempts to conserve genetic diversity. We analysed genetic structure of peripheral and central populations of three insect-pollinated violets (Viola elatior, Viola pumila, Viola stagnina) to evaluate to what extent these patterns can be explained by gene flow and genetic drift. Amplified fragment length polymorphism was used to analyse 930 individuals of 50 populations. Consistent with theoretical predictions, peripheral populations were smaller and more isolated, differentiation was stronger, and genetic diversity and gene flow lower in peripheral populations of V. pumila and V. stagnina. In V. elatior, probably historic fragmentation effects linked to its specific habitat type were superimposed on the plant geographic (peripheral-central) patterns, resulting in lower relative importance of gene flow in central populations. Genetic variation between regions (3-6%), among (30-37%) and within populations (60-64%) was significant. Peripheral populations lacked markers that were rare and localized in central populations. Loss of widespread markers in peripheral V. stagnina populations indicated genetic erosion. Autocorrelation within populations was statistically significant up to a distance of 10-20 m. Higher average genetic similarity in peripheral populations than in central ones indicated higher local gene flow, probably owing to management practices. Peripheral populations contributed significantly to genetic variation and contained unique markers, which made them valuable for the conservation of genetic diversity.  相似文献   

Erodium paularense Fern. Gonz. & Izco (Geraniaceae) is a perennial, endemic species of central Spain. The restricted distribution of its three populations has made it necessary to consider measures for conservation. Random amplified polymorphic DNA markers were used to determine genetic variation among and within populations. Sixty-three per cent of the bands were polymorphic. No population-specific marker was identified. Cluster analysis based on Jaccard's coefficient of all the individuals grouped most of them according to the present populations. Within-population variability was of a similar order in the three populations. Highly significant genetic differences between populations were detected through AMOVA . Within population diversity contributed 80–85% to the species diversity, a value typical of an outbreeding plant.  相似文献   

As a result of recurrent droughts and anthropogenic factors, the range of the lesser prairie-chicken (Tympanuchus pallidicinctus) has contracted by 92% and the population has been reduced by approximately 97% in the past century, resulting in the smallest population size and most restricted geographical distribution of any North American grouse. We examined genetic variation through DNA sequence analysis of 478 base pairs of the mitochondrial genome and by assaying allelic variation at five microsatellite loci from lesser prairie-chickens collected on 20 leks in western Oklahoma and east-central New Mexico. Traditional population genetic analyses indicate that lesser prairie-chickens maintain high levels of genetic variation at both nuclear and mitochondrial loci. Although some genetic structuring among lesser prairie-chicken leks was detected within Oklahoma and New Mexico for both nuclear and mitochondrial loci, high levels of differentiation were detected between Oklahoma and New Mexico populations. Nested-clade analysis of mitochondrial haplotypes revealed that both historic and contemporary processes have influenced patterns of haplotype distributions and that historic processes have most likely led to the level of differentiation found between the Oklahoma and New Mexico populations.  相似文献   

The levels of gene diversity for 17 polymorphic loci in natural populations of wild rats were examined for three separate locations in North and South America. The level of gene diversity in the total sample for the RT1.A locus, the dominant class I histocompatibility locus in the major histocompatibility (RT1) complex of the rat, was 0.807. The degree of gene diversity for nonalloantigenic loci scattered throughout the rat genome was 0.215, a level comparable to, if not slightly higher than, that for other mammalian species. The large and consistent levels of diversity for individuals within each population suggest that significant deviations from random mating have occurred within each group. Conclusions from analyzing genetic distance and the index of genetic differentiation between the three populations are consistent with these populations' geographic isolation and small effective population size. Assuming that the separation of the North and South American groups has existed for approximately 300 years, the effective size of these populations is estimated to be approximately 1,500 individuals. Apparent differences in the distribution of the number and frequency of alleles in the major histocompatibility complexes of mice and rats and the level of genetic differentiation among separate rat populations may be due to the effects of genetic drift in small populations.  相似文献   

Genetic variation at 53 protein-coding loci (25 polymorphic) was analysed for 17 water buffalo populations – 12 swamp, three Lankan and two of the Murrah breed (river type), to determine the magnitude of genetic differentiation and the genetic relationships among the populations. In accord with previous cytological studies, the Lankan buffalo clearly are river type. Significant deviations from Hardy–Weinberg equilibrium were shown for a number of locus–population combinations, with all populations but one showing significant heterogeneity in these deviations among loci. By contrast, heterogeneity among populations for each locus was much less, indicating locus-specific deviations, which suggest selection affecting allele frequencies at some loci. There was significant genetic differentiation among populations of both the swamp and river types. The differentiation among the swamp populations may reflect the geography of south-east Asia and the presumed spread of the swamp buffalo through this region. Phylogenies derived from pairwise genetic distance estimates show the clear separation of swamp and river types, but the topology of the swamp populations shows rather poor consistency with their geographic locations. For at least one population (Australia), it is clear that bottleneck effects have distorted the phylogenetic topology. Average genetic distances for both the swamp and river types, as compared with previous studies of livestock breeds, show that the genetic differentiation of each of these sets of populations is of the same order of magnitude as that among well-recognized and established breeds of other species.  相似文献   

Genetic variability of Anatolian hares and relationships between Anatolian and European populations were assessed by a multilocus allozyme approach to infer evolutionary relationships between hares from Asia Minor and Europe. Of the 48 loci assayed, 19 (39.6%) were polymorphic with two to four alleles in the Anatolian hares. Among all Anatolian alleles, 14 were so far not found in the compared 717 brown hares from Europe. Overall, genetic diversity was highest in Anatolian hares, intermediate in brown hares from the southern and southeastern Balkans and lowest in central European populations. The rich genetic diversity in Anatolian hares might be a consequence of Anatolias biogeographic position with the chance of multiple gene flow from neighbouring regions, and the likelihood of long-term presence of hares during the last ice age, when large parts of more northern latitudes did not provide suitable habitats.However, among 28 loci used for the comparison between European and Anatolian populations, most common alleles of European brown hares were also common in Anatolian populations and no alternately fixed alleles were found for Anatolian and European populations. This together with only little or moderately varying allele frequencies produced low genetic divergence between Anatolian and European populations. Genetic differentiation among Anatolian populations was also low. Even between the two forms with different coat colour (brownish and yellowish) in Anatolian hares, there was little genetic differentiation. Altogether, all Anatolian hares studied presently are closely related to European brown hare populations, and only some distantly spaced population pairs revealed increased genetic divergence.


Genetische Diversität anatolischer Feldhasen (Lepus europaeus Pallas, 1778) und Differenzierung zwischen anatolischen und europäischen PopulationenZur Beurteilung der phylogenetischen Beziehungen zwischen anatolischen Hasen und europäischen Feldhasenpopulationen wurde die allelische Variabilität anatolischer Hasen mittels horizontaler Stärkegelelektrophorese erfaßt und gemeinsam mit unmittelbar vergleichbaren Daten griechischer, bulgarischer und österreichischer Populationen aus früheren Studien populationsgenetischen Analysen unterzogen. Neunzehn der 48 untersuchten Loci der anatolischen Hasen zeigten allelische Variabilität. Unter den anatolischen Allelen kamen 14 bisher in den europäischen Polulationen nicht vor. Insgesamt zeigten anatolische Hasen die höchste und österreichische Populationen die niedrigste genetische Diversität; die jeweiligen Werte der griechischen und bulgarischen Populationen lagen dazwischen. Dies entspricht unserer Hypothese hoher genetischer Diversität in Anatolien, auf Grund der biogeografischen Position und der klimatischen bzw. Lebensraumbedingungen während des Pleistozäns, die, im Gegensatz zu Mitteleuropa, kontinuierliche Hasenpopulation in Anatolien wahrscheinlich erscheinen lassen. Kontinuierliche Populationen und Genflüsse aus verschiedenen Nachbarregionen könnten bei langfristig relative ungestörten Populationen zur Anreicherung genetischer Varianten in Anatolien geführt haben, während mitteleuropäische Feldhasenpopulationen im Zuge ihrer postglazialen Einwanderung aus Refugial-gebieten an genetischer Vielfalt eingebüßt haben. Allerdings waren die häufigen Allele der anatolischen Hasen ebenfalls häufig bei den europäischen Feldhasen vertreten; somit ergab sich insgesamt nur eine geringe genetische Differenzierung zwischen anatolischen und europäischen Feldhasen. Die zwei in Anatolien gefundenen Fellfärbungstypen (brauner vs. gelber Grundton) zeigten ebenfalls keine besondere genetische Differenzierung.  相似文献   

The genus Butia Becc. (Arecaceae) comprises 18 species distributed exclusively in South America, four of them in Uruguay: Butia lallemantii, B. paraguayensis, B. yatay and B. capitata. All species show serious regeneration problems which jeopardise their continuity in the near future. Butia lallemantii and B. paraguayensis are in the most critical situation, with restricted distributions (fragmented and reduced by cattle grazing and forestation) and populations with few individuals. Taxonomy in the genus is complex, and species delimitation remains unclear. The aim of this study was to examine the genetic variability of natural populations of B. paraguayensis, B. lallemantii and B. yatay, based on inter?Csimple sequence repeat markers, in view of long term conservation plans and to assist the taxonomic resolution of these closely related species. Twenty individuals from each population were sampled including four populations of B. lallemantii, three of B. yatay and the only B. paraguayensis population reported for Uruguay. Syagrus romanzoffiana was used as outgroup. Five primers were selected based on amplification profiles. Relationships among species were evaluated by constructing dendrograms and principal coordinates analysis. Genetic distance analyses indicate the existence of low variability among Butia species. Variability within populations was high, possibly due to gene flow, past hybridisation or life history traits. This variability provides great potential for recovery. Results do not allow us to suggest changes to the present taxonomic status of these species. We propose management recommendations involving restoration of recruitment and augmentation via stocks from within populations.  相似文献   

 In order to compare the potential of enzyme and DNA markers to investigate genetic diversity within and among populations, ten maize populations were characterized for (1) 20 isozyme loci and (2) restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) for 35 probe-enzyme combinations. Each population was represented by a sample of at least 30 individuals. The average number of alleles detected per locus was clearly higher for RFLPs (6.3) than for isozymes (2.4). Similarly, total diversity was higher for RFLPs (0.60) than for isozymes (0.23). This difference is consistent with observations on inbred-line collections and can be related to the fact that many variations at the DNA level do not change the amino-acid composition or the global charge of proteins. By contrast, the magnitude of population differentiation, relative to the total diversity, was similar for isozymes (23%) and RFLPs (22%). This suggests that the isozyme and RFLP loci considered in this study are subject to similar evolutionary forces, and that both are mostly neutral. However, RFLPs proved clearly superior to isozymes both to (1) identify the origin of a given individual and (2) reveal a relevant genetic structure among populations. The higher polymorphism observed for RFLP loci and the greater number of these loci contributed to the superior discriminative ability of the RFLP data. Received: 1 June 1997 / Accepted: 3 November 1997  相似文献   

Random Amplified Polymorphic DNA (RAPD) markers were used to measure genetic diversity within and divergence among species of Dendroseris (Asteraceae: Lactuceae), a genus endemic to the Juan Fernandez Islands, Chile. Results were compared to previous studies employing allozymes. For five of the species, RAPD banding patterns distinguished all individuals examined, and different mutilocus genotypes were found even in species exhibiting no allozyme diversity. RAPD band diversities ranged from 0.003 to 0.022 within species; >90% of total diversity was among species and <10% within them. Relative levels of allozyme and RAPD diversity were similar for some species, particularly those with highest and lowest diversities, but overall there was no significant correlation. Relationships inferred from a neighbor-joining tree generated from RAPD bands were similar to results obtained from morphology, chloroplast DNA (cpDNA) restriction site mutations, and sequences from the internal transcribed spacer regions of nuclear ribosomal DNA (ITS), but somewhat better resolution was achieved. Relationships shown by allozymes differed from trees based on other data; this ostensibly is a result of the sharing of ancestral alleles and the absence of alleles generated subsequent to speciation. Dendroseris represents an example where RAPD markers, because of their greater variability, provide a useful alternative to allozymes for assessing diversity in rare species endemic to oceanic islands and for resolving relationships among the species.  相似文献   

The genetic diversity within and among populations of Shorea leprosula and Shorea parvifolia from Indonesia was investigated using amplified fragment length polymorphisms (AFLPs). The results indicated that S. leprosula is genetically more variable than S. parvifolia. At the population level, a higher level of genetic diversity was revealed for S. leprosula with a percentage of polymorphic loci (PPLp) of 53.32% and an expected heterozygosity (H ep) of 0.16 in comparison with S. parvifolia showing PPLp of 51.79% and H ep of 0.14. At the species level, S. leprosula showed PPLs of 92.86% and H es of 0.21, while S. parvifolia showed PPLs of 85.71% and H es of 0.21. Genetic differentiation (G st) indicated that 25 and 31% of total genetic diversity in S. leprosula and S. parvifolia, respectively, were attributed to the differences among populations. An analysis of molecular variance (AMOVA) at two hierarchical levels exhibited that most genetic variation resided within populations with proportion of 70.2% for S. leprosula and 66.2% for S. parvifolia. The AMOVA at three hierarchical levels performed for S. leprosula and S. parvifolia together revealed that the genetic difference between the two species was remarkably higher with a proportion of 44.1% than the differences within and among populations (38.1 and 17.8%, respectively). The genetic differentiation between islands was significant for S. leprosula but not for S. parvifolia. The observed genetic diversity agreed with the life history traits of Shorea species. Highly differentiating individual AFLP markers were found for each species, which will serve as diagnostic markers for the identification of wood of different species, from different islands and regions.  相似文献   

The possible origin of the Scarlet ibis population of Cubat?o in southern Brazil, and its levels of genetic diversity and differentiation in relation to populations from the country’s northern coast were investigated through the sequences of 980 base pairs of β-fibrinogen intron 7 from a sample of 37 specimens. A total of 19 haplotypes were recorded in the three populations. Despite observed discrepancies in the levels of genetic diversity (π = 0.0017–0.0033; h = 0.60–0.95), AMOVA, K*st and Fst values all indicated that genetic differentiation among the populations was relatively low. This suggests that the Cubat?o population was isolated recently from the panmictic population that was once distributed all along the Brazilian coast, although it does not totally refute its possible derivation from a specific population on the north coast. Given our results, genetic management should focus on the minimization of inbreeding, especially in the smaller populations, such as Cubat?o. However, a more definitive study, including markers with higher evolutionary rates (e.g. microsatellites) and a much larger sample, would be required before any such actions can be taken.  相似文献   

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