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The maximum values for heart rate ( f H), stroke volume ( V H), cardiac output ( Q ) and myocardial power output, measured in vitro with a perfused heart preparation, as well as the isometric force-frequency relationship for atrial and ventricular muscle strips, in triploid brown trout Salmo trutta were all comparable with established information for diploid rainbow trout Oncorhynchus mykiss . Therefore, it was concluded that triploidy is not associated with a major deficiency in maximum cardiac performance. However, a heightened sensitivity to ryanodine was discovered, which indicated an enhanced role for the sarcoplasmic reticulum in excitation-contraction coupling in these triploid fish. It is suspected that the enhanced role of the ryanodine receptor may be a cellular compensation related to larger cardiac myocytes. It was also clearly established that there was a plateau in maximum cardiac performance between 14 and 18° C and this plateau might be a contributing factor to the reduced factorial aerobic scope and increased fish mortality observed at 18° C.  相似文献   

To quantify cardiorespiratory response to experimental anaemia in rainbow trout Oncorhynchus mykiss, a 24 h phenylhydrazine treatment was used to reduce haematocrit to almost one third of its initial value over 4–5 days. In response, relative blood velocity in the ventral aorta (an index of cardiac output) progressively increased to more than double to its normocythaemic value and there was no significant change in routine oxygen uptake. Thus, the primary compensatory response to anaemia was an increase in cardiac output.  相似文献   

The effect of acute seawater exposure on repeated swimming performance of brown trout Salmo trutta was investigated by use of a constant acceleration test (CAT). In fresh water, swimming speed was attained regardless of previous exercise, whereas swimming speed in sea water was significantly reduced during consecutive exercise.  相似文献   

The critical swimming velocity of diploid and triploid brook trout   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
No significant difference was found in the critical swimming velocity of diploid and triploid brook trout Salvelinus fontinalis , suggesting that the triploid state is not associated with a reduced aerobic capacity.  相似文献   

A prolonged swimming trial is the most common approach in studying steady-state changes in oxygen uptake, cardiac output and tissue oxygen extraction as a function of swimming speed in salmonids. The data generated by these sorts of studies are used here to support the idea that a maximum oxygen uptake is reached during a critical swimming speed test. Maximum oxygen uptake has a temperature optimum. Potential explanations are advanced to explain why maximum aerobic performance falls off at high temperature. The valuable information provided by critical swimming tests can be confounded by non-steady-state swimming behaviours, which typically occur with increasing frequency as salmonids approach fatigue. Two major concerns are noted. Foremost, measurements of oxygen uptake during swimming can considerably underestimate the true cost of transport near critical swimming speed, apparently in a temperature-dependent manner. Second, based on a comparison with voluntary swimming ascents in a raceway, forced swimming trials in a swim tunnel respirometer may underestimate critical swimming speed, possibly because fish in a swim tunnel respirometer are unable to sustain a ground speed.  相似文献   

When water temperature was increased from 12 to 27°C at a rate of 2°C h−1, oxygen consumption of rainbow trout Oncorhynchus mykiss was correlated strongly with both heart rate and blood oxygen extraction but the relationship with cardiac output was variable and weak. On the other hand, when water temperature was decreased from 21 to 12°C at a rate of 0·5°C h−1, oxygen consumption was correlated with both heart rate and cardiac output but not with blood oxygen extraction. When fish were forced to swim increasingly faster, heart rate, cardiac output and blood oxygen extraction all correlated positively with oxygen consumption. For both cardiac output and heart rate, the slope of the regression line with oxygen consumption was elevated significantly more when the fish were forced to swim at increasingly higher swimming speeds than when water temperature was increased or decreased. The variation of the regression lines between cardiac output and oxygen consumption indicated that cardiac output presents few advantages over heart rate as a predictor of metabolic rate.  相似文献   

In non–drought years (1977, 1985), temperatures and oxygen concentrations from 1 to 14 July at the deepest point in each of five pools in Wilfin Beck were similar with ranges of 12–18° C and 7·8–9·8 mg l–1. Trout Salmo trutta were present in all pools. In drought years (1976, 1983), temperature increased and oxygen concentration decreased as pool size decreased. In the two smallest pools, they were outside the thermal and oxygen limits for trout (ranges for both pools 24–29° C, 1·2–2·5 mg l–1), and trout were absent. Values in a medium–sized pool were close to the incipient lethal levels and a few juvenile trout were present in both drought years. The lowest temperatures and highest oxygen concentrations were recorded in the two largest pools (ranges 20–25° C, 3·6–4·8 mg l–1) and trout of all ages (0+ to adults) were present in both drought years. In these two pools, both temperature and oxygen concentration decreased from the surface to the deepest point in the pool. Trout preferred lower temperatures near the pool bottom rather than higher oxygen concentrations near the surface, but some fish moved towards the surface at night when the pool cooled slightly. These field results were discussed in relation to lethal values recorded for brown trout in the laboratory, and there was general agreement between field and laboratory values. Trout in the drought years occurred at temperatures close to, or below, the incipient lethal value of 24·7° C (+0·5) and also at the highest oxygen concentrations, but only when these were at temperatures below the incipient lethal value.  相似文献   

Food of anadromous brown trout at sea   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
The food of migratory Salmo trutta in coastal marine waters along the Norwegian Skagerrak coast varied significantly with age, season and habitat of the fish. The main prey categories in terms of frequency of occurrence were fishes followed by crustaceans, surface insects and polychaetes. Seasonal variation in diet and within habitats was found, supporting the view that brown trout is an opportunistic feeder. An ontogenetic niche shift was observed with post-smolts feeding on inshore and shallow water prey communities, while larger brown trout fed mainly on pelagic fishes.  相似文献   

Interindividual variations in feed intake and growth were studied in Baltic salmon Salmo salar and brown trout S. trutta , held under constant low temperatures of 2, 4 or 6° C and continuous light for 2 months. Rates of feed intake and growth were dependent upon rearing temperature, being lowest at 2° C and highest at 6° C. Further, feed intake and growth were initially low, but increased during the course of the experiment in both species and at all temperatures. These results suggest that acclimatization to the rearing conditions may have required several weeks. The increase in group mean feed intake with time was the result of both an increase in the proportions of fish that fed and an increase in feed intake amongst feeding fish. At the same time as feeding and growth rates increased, interindividual variations in feed intake and growth tended to decrease, suggesting that individual fish were acclimatizing to the new rearing conditions at different rates. Thus, the differences in group mean feed intake and growth rates observed at a given temperature reflected interindividual variations among fish making up the groups. This suggests that group rates of feed intake and growth are not only temperature- dependent, but that they are also highly influenced by variability among fish making up the group.  相似文献   

A study was undertaken to compare first‐feeding mortality among 10 brown trout families fed high (100%) and low (25%) rations in replicate mixed family tanks. Microsatellite DNA profiling was used to assign individual brown trout to family of origin. At the end of the 35 day experimental period, highly significant differences in overall mortality were observed between the two treatments, and within the treatments there were highly significant differences in family mortality. Both replicates displayed similar patterns of family mortality. Notably, the distribution of mortality among families differed significantly between the two ration treatments, although this was more distinct for some families than others. No correlation between mean family egg diameter and family mortality were observed within either feeding treatment, although a significant positive correlation between mean family egg diameter and timing of family mortality was observed. It is suggested that these data indicate the existence of a genotype x environment interaction relating to feeding level during the critical start‐feeding period.  相似文献   

1. A series of laboratory-based equations on trout growth and bioenergetics developed by J.M. Elliott were applied to data collected for brown trout ( Salmo trutta L.) under field conditions in Co. Mayo, Western Ireland. Fish were collected by electrofishing eight upland streams with contrasting riparian vegetation; grassland, open canopy and closed canopy deciduous.
2. Stream temperatures, one of the main influencing factors on fish growth and energetics, did not differ significantly between riparian types.
3. Observed growth rates were lower than the predicted maximum growth rates and were not influenced by riparian vegetation type. Growth ranged between 0.66% day−1 for 0 + trout to 0.08% day−1 for 2 + trout.
4. Production estimates showed no clear difference between riparian vegetation types over the growing season.
5. Fish densities and biomass tended to be greater in closed canopy streams particularly in summer.
6. Actual ration sizes calculated for trout were similar to the ration required for maintenance metabolism and were only 45–63% of the maximum potential rations. Although there was an ontogenetic increase in ration size with increasing fish age, the proportion of ration available for growth (i.e. the difference between actual and maintenance rations) did not differ between age classes but was greatest in summer. 1+ and 2+ trout show greatest ration available for growth in grassland streams.
7. Trout growth did not differ between riparian vegetation types but did vary seasonally with greatest attainment in summer. Growth was limited in the present study possibly due to combined effects of reduced prey available to fish and low stream temperatures reducing metabolic requirements. In such food limited systems, terrestrial invertebrate energy subsidies could have significant benefits to brown trout growth, production and bioenergetics.  相似文献   

Swimming respirometry was employed to compare inactive metabolic rate ( R r), maximum metabolic rate ( R max), resultant aerobic scope and maximum sustainable (critical) swimming speed ( U crit), in growth hormone transgenic (GHT) and wild-type (W) tilapia Oreochromis sp. hybrids. Although the R r of GHT tilapia was significantly (58%) higher than their W conspecifics, there were no significant differences in their net aerobic scope because GHT tilapia exhibited a compensatory increase in R max that was equal to their net increase in R r. As a consequence, the two groups had the same U crit. The GHT and W tilapia also exhibited the same capacity to regulate oxygen uptake during progressive hypoxia, despite the fact that the GHT fish were defending a higher demand for O2. The results indicate that ectopic expression of GH raises metabolic rate in tilapia, but the fish compensate for this metabolic load and preserve such physiological determinants of fitness as aerobic scope, swimming performance and tolerance of hypoxia.  相似文献   

The study of digestive enzymes activity at Salmo caspius fry showed that enzymes were available at the moment of mouth opening on the first day post hatching (dph) and the activity of enzymes showed no significant difference from the hatching day 28 dph. An increased activity was seen between 32 and 43 dph and this activity was significantly higher than the activity during the first 28 days. In the primary stages after yolk sac resorption (43–58 dph), enzymes activity showed an increased profile, however none of them showed a significant difference between 43 and 58 dph.  相似文献   

A non-contact bioelectronic monitoring system was used to record changes in heart rate, ventilation rate and swimming activity in brown trout Salmo trutta and roach Rutilus rutilus , following exposure to two species of cercariae of digenean trematodes: Diplostomum pseudospathaceum which is a common parasite in the lens of fishes and xiphidiocercariae of Plagiorchis elegans , a parasite of anatid birds, both of which have the snail Lymnaea stagnalis as their first intermediate host. Swimming activity increased significantly in roach exposed to Diplostomum cercariae at densities as low as 3.8l−1 and remained elevated for 24–36 h post exposure. Brown trout showed no response when exposed to low densities of Diplostomum (2.9 and 5.7 cercariae 1−1) but there was a significant response at higher cercarial exposure densities (>501−1). Total activity of brown trout increased immediately, peaking after 2 h and returning to pre-exposure levels within 5–6 h. There was a simultaneous increase in heart and ventilation rates which both declined following the reduction in activity of the fish. Heart rate then increased for a second time to a maximum level at 14–16 h and thereafter declined to reach a steady state at 3 days post-exposure. During this period there was no significant change in total activity. The qualitative nature of the heart response was identical in five infected brown trout although the magnitude of the response varied widely among fish. Exposure to cercariae of P. elegans elicited no response in either fish species. (c) 1996 The Fisheries Society of the British Isles  相似文献   

The rivers of southern England and northern France which drain into the English Channel contain several genetically unique groups of trout (Salmo trutta L.) that have suffered dramatic declines in numbers over the past 40 years. Knowledge of levels and patterns of genetic diversity is essential for effective management of these vulnerable populations. Using restriction site-associated DNA sequencing (RADseq) data, we describe the development and characterisation of a panel of 95 single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) loci for trout from this region and investigate their applicability and variability in both target (i.e., southern English) and non-target trout populations from northern Britain and Ireland. In addition, we present three case studies which demonstrate the utility and resolution of these genetic markers at three levels of spatial separation:(a) between closely related populations in nearby rivers, (b) within a catchment and (c) when determining parentage and familial relationships between fish sampled from a single site, using both empirical and simulated data. The SNP loci will be useful for population genetic and assignment studies on brown trout within the UK and beyond.  相似文献   

Station holding in Pterygoplichthys spp. was associated with a lower energy cost relative to similarly sized fishes that swam against the free stream current. Pterygoplichthys spp. was characterized by a low, stable mass-specific metabolic rate ( c. 50 mg O2 kg−1 h−1) relative to subcarangiform swimmers that held position in the free stream, until it slipped backwards and burst swam against the current. Furthermore, the maximum range of the rate of oxygen consumption (aerobic scope) of Pterygoplichthys spp. was small relative to many non-benthic fishes.  相似文献   

Comparative analysis of protein loci, microsatellite and mtDNA markers revealed generally comparable estimates for introgression and apparent admixture rates in stocked brown trout populations at two sites in the River Doubs (Rhône dainage, Switzerland), which are 10 km apart and which belong to the same management unit. At one site, a significant deviation between mtDNA and nuclear markers could be explained by stocking of F1 hybrids originating from crosses between hatchery females and males from the local population. Substantial differences between diagnostic protein loci and protein loci having non-fixed private alleles indicated that caution must be exercised when using genetic markers not strictly diagnostic for the distinction of the populations under investigation. Congruent estimates of introgression and apparent admixture rates between diagnostic protein loci and presumed diagnostic microsatellite loci suggest that the latter can be regarded as reliable genetic markers for the estimation of introgression in Mediterranean brown trout populations stocked with trout of Atlantic origin. Significant differences in introgression and apparent admixture rates between the two sites and between age-classes of one study site were observed. Introgression is suggested to depend on environmental factors. Significantly lower introgression rates in age-class 2+ years as compared to juvenile trout might further indicate that introduced Atlantic brown trout and hybrids decrease in proportion between age-classes 1+ and 2+ years.  相似文献   

To quantify the tolerance of summer flounder Paralichthys dentatus to episodic hypoxia, resting metabolic rate, oxygen extraction, gill ventilation and heart rate were measured during acute progressive hypoxia at the fish's acclimation temperature (22° C) and after an acute temperature increase (to 30° C). Mean ±s.e. critical oxygen levels (i.e. the oxygen levels below which fish could not maintain aerobic metabolism) increased significantly from 27 ± 2% saturation (2·0 ± 0·1 mg O(2) l(-1) ) at 22° C to 39 ± 2% saturation (2·4 ± 0·1 mg O(2) l(-1) ) at 30° C. Gill ventilation and oxygen extraction changed immediately with the onset of hypoxia at both temperatures. The fractional increase in gill ventilation (from normoxia to the lowest oxygen level tested) was much larger at 22° C (6·4-fold) than at 30° C (2·7-fold). In contrast, the fractional decrease in oxygen extraction (from normoxia to the lowest oxygen levels tested) was similar at 22° C (1·7-fold) and 30° C (1·5-fold), and clearly smaller than the fractional changes in gill ventilation. In contrast to the almost immediate effects of hypoxia on respiration, bradycardia was not observed until 20 and 30% oxygen saturation at 22 and 30° C, respectively. Bradycardia was, therefore, not observed until below critical oxygen levels. The critical oxygen levels at both temperatures were near or immediately below the accepted 2·3 mg O(2) l(-1) hypoxia threshold for survival, but the increase in the critical oxygen level at 30° C suggests a lower tolerance to hypoxia after an acute increase in temperature.  相似文献   

Biometric parameters and oxidative stress indicators were measured in liver and muscle samples from rainbow trout and brown trout juveniles exposed to a 45-day starvation period at low water temperature. As a general tendency, hepatic antioxidant enzyme activities in both species increased with fasting to eliminate the harmful effects of reactive oxygen species (ROS). However, the metabolic response to food deprivation in the muscle of each species was different. Lipid peroxidation levels in both species increased with starvation. We concluded that (1) low water temperature enhances ROS production in salmonids because of increased polyunsaturated fatty acid content in the cell membrane; (2) starvation significantly impaired the growth parameters of brown trout, yet the reverse was found for rainbow trout; and (3) despite this negative interaction, brown trout juveniles can physiologically tolerate oxidative stress caused by starvation and can therefore be cultivated under stressful conditions even in their early life stages.  相似文献   

Survival, growth and hatching of brown trout Salmo trutta embryos were studied using in situ incubation experiments in two lake outlet streams in Finland. The experimental design in both streams included an outlet site and a reference site far downstream. The date of hatching was recorded and the Elliott–Hurley model was then used to predict the time of emergence based on water temperature. For data analyses, the incubation period was divided into 'winter' (from fertilization to mid March) and 'spring' (from mid March until the end of the experiment). Temperature of the large-lake outlet remained at 1° C through the winter, while in other sites temperature was close to 0° C. In spring, temperature increased more slowly in the large-lake outlet. The survival of embryos was overall very high, from 83 to 98%, and they were larger in the outlets than in the downstream sites. Embryos hatched at the large-lake outlet in March, and 3–5 weeks later in the other sites. Although there were considerable between-site differences in hatching intervals, difference in expected 50% emergence dates of the earliest and latest site was only 4 days. Thus, any growth advantage that the outlet embryos had in winter disappeared by the end of the alevin period. Lake outlets, however, may be important for age 0 year brown trout later during the summer when other stream habitats do not provide adequate food resources.  相似文献   

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