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Summary An ultrastructural morphometric study of the endocrine cells of the oxyntic mucosa of the stomach in gastric biopsies collected from five male and five female healthy volunteers aged 19–31 was performed. No sex-related differences were disclosed. Endocrine cells accounted for 1.2±0.4% of the epithelial volume and 0.9±0.4% of the mucosal volume, i.e., including the lamina propria. After classification of the specific endocrine cell types according to the ultrastructural morphology of secretory granules, the volume densities of ECL, P and D cells (30±9%, 24±7%, and 22±4% of the entire endocrine cell mass, respectively) were higher than those of other endocrine cell types. In particular, EC cells contributed less than 10% and X cells represented a very low proportion of the total cells. Non-granulated profiles of cells which in all other respects appeared to be endocrine were also found with a volume density of 8±4%. D cells were distinguished by the high fraction of cytoplasm occupied by secretory granules (31±5%). Subdivision of the whole mucosa into four horizontal segments revealed the endocrine cells to be mostly distributed in the three lower, with virtually no endocrine cells in the superficial segment. The quantitative ultrastructural analysis of the endocrine cell population of the normal human oxyntic mucosa provided by this study may allow a better evaluation of physiological and pharmacological variations of the endocrine cell population.  相似文献   

Summary The proventriculus, gizzard and pyloric antrum (region between the gizzard and the duodenum) of 18-day Black Australorp chick embryos and of chicks within 30 h of hatching have been studied by electron microscopy. D and EC cells, and putative G, D1 and A-like cells were identified (terminology of Solcia et al., 1973) but no ECL cells. No endocrine cells of any kind were revealed in the gizzard.Supported by grants from the Senyte Research Comittee of the University of the Witwaterstrand, Johannesburg  相似文献   

Summary In the gastric mucosa of two teleost species, the perch (Perca fluviatilis) and the catfish (Ameiurus nebulosus) three endocrine cell types were found, located predominantly between the mucoid cells of the gastric mucosa. A fourth cell type is present in the gastric glands of catfish. Each cell type was defined by its characteristic secretory granules. Type-I cells were predominant in both fish. These cells contained round or oval granules with a pleomorphic core. The average diameter of granules was 400 nm for the perch and 270 nm for the catfish. Type-II cells of both species displayed small, highly osmiophilic granules about 100 nm in diameter. The secretory granules of type-III cells (260 nm in the perch and 190 nm in the catfish) were round or slightly oval in shape and were filled with a finely particulate electron-dense material. Type-IV cells of the catfish were found in the gastric glands only. Their cytoplasm was filled with homogeneous, moderately electron-dense granules averaging 340 nm in diameter. The physiological significance of these different morphological types of gastric endocrine cells requires further investigation.  相似文献   

扬子鳄(Alligator sinensis)的小胃是在胃幽门部与十二指肠的交接处由胃幽门括约肌和十二指肠括约肌突入管腔形成的一个小腔,其生理功能一直不清楚。本文采用组织化学、电子显微镜和免疫组织化学技术对扬子鳄小胃黏膜的组织化学成分、细胞超微结构及细胞类型进行了较全面的研究。小胃黏膜上皮PAS反应呈强阳性,AB染色呈弱阳性,主要分泌中性糖蛋白和少量的含硫酸性糖蛋白。电子显微镜下,扬子鳄小胃黏膜上皮主要由表面黏液细胞组成,偶见内分泌细胞。小胃腺部则70%-90%为内分泌细胞,其余为少量的腺黏液细胞和泌酸胃酶细胞。应用7种胃肠激素的抗血清在小胃黏膜中检测出了5-羟色胺(5-HT)、胃泌素(Gas)、胰高血糖素(Glu)、生长抑素(SS)、P-物质(SP)和血管活性肠肽(VIP)细胞,以Glu细胞密度最高,VIP细胞密度最低。未检测到胰多肽(PP)细胞。本研究结果表明,从组织化学成分和细胞类型看,扬子鳄的小胃与胃同源;从细胞超微结构和内分泌细胞所占百分比例看,扬子鳄的小胃已出现了明显的特化,泌酸胃酶细胞中未见泌酸小管,可能没有泌酸功能。内分泌细胞含量丰富,可能在调节胃肠道功能中发挥重要作用[动物学报54(6):1044—1050,2008]。  相似文献   

Summary In the oxyntic gland area of the rat stomach the histamine-containing epithelial cells (also referred to as enterochromaffin-like cells because of their morphologic similarity with the 5-hydroxytryptamine-storing enterochromaffin cells) constitute the system of argyrophil cells in this area as previously shown by the combined use of fluorescence and light microscopic techniques. By performing the argyrophil staining reaction directly on ultra-thin sections it could be demonstrated in the electron microscope that the argyrophil cells have features suggesting that they are endocrine. Based on the ultrastructure of their secretory granules at least two such endocrine cell systems—both argyrophil—could be recognized in the oxyntic glands. The silver deposits were accumulated over the secretory granules of both these cell systems.It is well known that after injection of 1-3,4-dihydroxyphenylalanine, the histamine-storing (enterochromaffin-like) cells of the oxyntic glands store also dopamine. Under these conditions the enterochromaffin-like cells stain argentaffin, which has been shown at the light microscopic level. Also this reaction could be performed directly on ultra-thin sections. By electron microscopy it was then established that the two endocrine cell systems of the oxyntic gland area stained argentaffin upon treatment with 1-3,4-dihydroxyphenylalanine, and that the staining was confined to the secretory granules.The results clearly show that the enterochromaffin-like cells of the rat oxyntic gland area (which is devoid of 5-hydroxytryptamine-containing enterochromaffin cells) are identical with cells characterized as endocrine by ultrastructural criteria, and that gastric non-mast-cell histamine occurs in at least two separate systems of enterochromaffin-like cells.  相似文献   

Summary Nuclear bag and nuclear chain intrafusal fibres are present in guinea-pig muscle spindles. Unlike muscle spindles in other species two types of nuclear chain fibre seem to be present. The electron microscopical appearance of one type of nuclear chain fibre is similar to that of nuclear bag fibres.It is suggested that under tension the nuclei of small nuclear bag fibres become sufficiently displaced to form nuclear chain-like fibres. The frequent occurrence of fibres which combine some of the properties of both nuclear bag and nuclear chain fibres indicates the possible occurrence of a third type of intrafusal fibre.The sensory innervation of guinea-pig muscle spindles is similar to that of the cat and the rat. Three types of motor nerve ending which could be classified according to the complexity of their subneural apparatus were seen.  相似文献   

Summary Ultrastructural observations of the giant axon of Myxicola infundibulum reveal that the axoplasm contains neurofilaments, a few neurotubules and mitochondria. Finger-like projections issuing from the glial cells of the sheath encircle the giant axon at various angles. The space between the axolemma and sheath is 125 Å. Branches of the giant axon are also surrounded by a glial sheath as they course through the neuropil. Some branches of the giant axon seem to fuse with certain neurons, creating a syncytial arrangement between the giant axon and these neurons.Many small nerve fibers course longitudinally in the neuropil of the nerve cord. Most of these axons are separated from each other by a space of 200 Å without intervening glial processes. Synapses in the neuropil have both clear 600 Å vesicles and larger dense core vesicles suggesting chemical transmission. Some, but not all, of the synaptic areas show thickened membranes and dense material in the synaptic cleft.This study was supported in part by PHS NS-07740 to R.L.P., J.A.B. is a NDEA Predoctoral Fellow in the Department of Physiology.  相似文献   

Summary Fine structural and enzyme histochemical observations on ultimobranchial body and parathyroid gland of the caecilian Chthonerpeton are presented. The cell clusters and follicles of the ultimobranchial body consist mainly of granulated cells which are termed C-cells and obviously belong to the APUD cell series. In the larger follicles additional possibly exhausted degranulated cells and replacement cells occur. A rich supply of nerve fibres has been found in this gland. Frequently nerve terminals were observed to come into synaptic contact with the C-cells. Two categories of nerve fibres occur: a) fibres containing large polymorphic electron dense granules (probably purinergic fibres), b) fibres containing small electron transparent vesicles and a few electron dense granules (probably cholinergic fibres). The parathyroid gland consists of elongated cells (one cell type) poor in organelles and often containing fields of glycogen and lipid droplets. The cells are further characterized by fair amounts of lysosomal enzymes; they are interconnected by maculae adhaerentes and occludentes. No nerves and blood vessels have been found in the parathyroid gland of Chthonerpeton. This study has been supported by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft We 380/5.  相似文献   

Summary The duodenum of 16-day Black Australorp chick embryos, and the duodenum, ileum, large intestine and caeca of 18-day embryos and of chicks within 30 h of hatching, have been studied by electron microscopy. Cells were found with secretory granules resembling those in mammalian EC, S, A-like, EG and D cells (terminology of Solcia et al., 1973), and were on this basis tentatively identified accordingly. The distribution and frequency of the chick cells in different parts of the tract correspond well to the situation in mammals.Supported by grants from the Senate Research Committee of the University of the Witwatersrand, JohannesburgThe author gratefully acknowledges the help of Professors E. Solcia and N. Ferreira  相似文献   

Summary According to their ultrastructure and histochemistry three types of efferent nerve fibers can be distinguished in the bird's adrenal gland. The main part is made up of cholinergic fibers recognizable by a positive reaction for acetylcholinesterase and two specific populations of granules within the synaptic ending. Synaptic vesicles measuring 300 to 500 Å in diameter and dense-cored vesicles with a diameter of about 1 000 Å are discernible.In the periphery of the gland cholinergic axons for the innervation of adrenal cells form large bundles surrounded by a perineural sheath. The bundles cross the capsule and are situated within the adrenal chromaffin cords or at their periphery. Finally small groups of fibers enter a group of chromaffin cells which are surrounded by a basal lamina and which consist of about a dozen or more cells producing adrenaline and noradrenaline. Synaptic endings occur, above all in passeriform species, in the center of a chromaffin cell complex. They are either attached to the innervated cells or their dendrite-like processes, or embedded into the cells, or connected to short spines of the innervated cells. Synaptic and dense-cored vesicles leave the bouton by exocytosis. One synaptic terminal may innervate up to three A- or NA-cells. The existence of different types of synapses for A- and NA-cells cannot be excluded.Supported by a grant from the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (Un 34/1).  相似文献   

Summary The ventral prostatic secretory epithelial cells in older rats were studied by light and electron microscopy. The cells vary in height in different parts of the same organ, and ultrastructurally they show the presence of a developed secretory apparatus such as well-developed Golgi body and abundant rough endoplasmic reticulum. They also show signs of a depressed secretory activity, involving occasional emiocytosis of apical secretory vacuoles and a paucity of condensing vacuoles in the Golgi region and above it. Further, they are characterized by the frequent occurrence of supra and paranuclear pleomorphic lysosomes.  相似文献   

The general structure of the female genital system of Zorotypus caudelli is described. The ovarioles are of the panoistic type. Due to the reduction of the envelope (tunica externa) the ovarioles are in direct contact with the hemolymph like in some other insect groups, Plecoptera included. The calices are much larger in Z. caudelli then in Zorotypus hubbardi and their epithelial cells produce large amounts of secretions, probably protecting the surface of the eggs deposited on the substrate. Eggs taken from the calyx bear a series of long fringes, which are missing in the eggs found in the ovariole, and in other zorapteran species. The long sperm of Z. caudelli and the long spermathecal duct are likely related to a sexual isolating mechanism (cryptic female choice), impeding female re-mating. The apical receptacle and the spermathecal duct - both of ectodermal origin - consist of three cell types. In addition to the cells beneath the cuticle lining the lumen, two other cell types are visible: secretory and canal cells. The cytoplasm of the former is rich in rough endoplasmic reticulum cisterns and Golgi complexes, which produce numerous discrete dense secretory bodies. These products are released into the receiving canal crossing the extracellular cavity of secretory cells, extending over a series of long microvilli. The secretion is transported towards the lumen of the apical receptacle of the spermatheca or to that of the spermathecal duct by a connecting canal formed by the canal cells. It is enriched by material produced by the slender canal cells. Before mating, the sperm cells are enveloped by a thick glycocalyx produced at the level of the male accessory glands, but it is absent when they have reached the apical receptacle, and also in the spermathecal duct lumen. It is likely removed by secretions of the spermatheca. The eggs are fertilized at the level of the common oviduct where the spermathecal duct opens. Two micropyles at the dorsal side of the equator level possibly facilitate fertilization. The presence of these two micropyles is a presumably derived feature shared with Phasmatodea. The fine structure of the female reproductive system of Z. caudelli does not allow to assess the phylogenetic position at the present stage of knowledge. The enlarged calyx and the temporary presence of long fringes on the eggs are potential autapomorphies of Z. caudelli or may indicate relationships with other Zorotypus species.  相似文献   

Summary Thin sections after bile duct ligation showed that the depth of tight junctions appeared to increase and that the distance between individual punctate contacts appeared to become irregular and wider than in controls. The freeze fracture replicas clearly demonstrated these changes in the tight junction morphology. Changes were noted most conspicuously in the tight junction three weeks after ligation. Measurements of the junctional morphology in control and ligated specimens showed that the junctional depth had increased two fold in the latter, whereas the number of strands had scarcely changed. Lanthanum tracer experiments showed that the tight junctions did not permit the passage of the tracer in normal nor ligated rats. It was concluded that the mechanism of obstructive jaundice could not be related to changes in junctional morphology causing increased junctional permeability.Tight junction depth in this paper is synonymously used with Tight junction width or Tight junction thickness  相似文献   

Summary The fine structure of the pancreatic nerves of the domestic fowl has been studied. Naked axon beadings were found in membranous contact with endocrine as well as exocrine cells. From an anatomical point of view it seems reasonable to suggest that the endocrine glands might be subjected to some influence of the autonomic nervous system.  相似文献   

Summary The structural changes of the zona juxtamedullaris of the rat adrenal cortex at birth, have been examined by the light and the electron microscope. In this zone clusters of medullary cells lying among the strands of cortical tissue were observed. In the inner portion of the zona juxtamedullaris two types of adrenocortical cells were found: light and very-dark cells. The latter are smaller than the light cells and are always in close connection with the medullary tissue. The ultrastructural features of the very-dark cells suggest that these elements are in degeneration. This finding supports the hypothesis that at birth there is a partial degeneration of the rat zona juxtamedullaris, i.e. the zone corresponding to the fetal zone of some mammalian species.It is proposed that in all mammalian species at birth there is a partial regression of the zona juxtamedullaris and that the regression of the fetal zone is only the quantitative increase of this phenomenon. This hypothesis is discussed in relation to numerous data demonstrating that there are enzymatic conditions in the rat during fetal life, which permit a discrete hypertrophy of the adrenal cortex.The author wishes to express his appreciation to Dr. A. Gambino and to Mr. G. Gottardo for technical assistance.  相似文献   

Résumé L'étude histologique, histochimique et ultrastructurale des péricaryones neurosécréteurs latéraux de Locusta précise leur nombre et leur localisation. Elle révèle que le neurosécrétat latéral est semblable morphologiquement (forme et diamètre des granules élémentaires) au neurosécrétat A de la pars intercerebralis. Cependant, il en diffère histochimiquement par la présence d'une composante glucidique. Elle confirme l'hypothèse émise pour les péricaryones neurosécréteurs de la pars intercerebralis (Girardie et Girardie, 1967), de l'unicité cellulaire chez Locusta des types A et B selon la nomenclature de Johansson (1958). Elle suggère que les péricaryones latéraux pourraient être des cellules neurosécrétrices très actives.
Histological, histochemical and ultrastructural aspects of the lateral neurosecretory cells of the protocerebrum in Locusta migratoria migratorioides (insect: orthoptera)
Summary The number (8 to 12) and position of the lateral neurosecretory cells have been established in Locusta by a histological, histochemical and ultrastructural study. The neurosecretory material of the lateral cells contains glycoprotein and is, in this way, histochemically different from medial A cells neurosecretory material. However, the morphological aspect (shape, diameter) of elementary dense core vesicles in the lateral and medial A neurosecretory cells is similar. This study confirms the idea (Girardie and Girardie, 1967) that, in Locusta, A cells and B cells (Johansson, 1958) are in fact two physiological aspects of one cell type. It also suggests that the lateral cells could be very active neurosecretory cells.

Summary The fine structure of the epidermis of two species of salmonid fish has been described. Gross characteristics have been noted along with many apparent differences in the epidermis of different body regions of the fish. The major cell type is the filamentcontaining cell and this has been described in detail. The major inclusions of the cell are the tonofilaments. Differences in basal, mid-epidermal and peripheral filament-containing cells have been characterised. Comparisons of fish epidermis with that of other vertebrates has been made.We would like to thank Mrs. A. Watson and Mr. K. Oates for invaluable assistance with the microscopy, the Lancashire River Authority for the provision of fish and the Natural Environment Research Council for research funds (Grant No.: GR/3/1152).  相似文献   

Summary In the sino-atrial (S-A) node of the monkey heart two types of muscle cells occur: 1. typical nodal cells which are the predominant cells and form the nodal fibers. 2. Intercalated clear cells with various diameters (4 to 12 m) and containing poorly developed myofibrils, rich in glycogen and demonstrating poor staining properties. These latter cells are dispersed, few in number, and never form discrete fibers of themselves, but are intercalated between the cell rows of the typical nodal fibers. Such intercalated clear cells become more numerous at the periphery of the node. Interconnection between the S-A node and the conventional atrial muscle is established by a progressive transformation of nodal fibers into atrial fibers producing an intermediate (or junctional) type of fiber at the nodal periphery. However, in addition, few nodal fibers make direct contact with the atrial cardiocytes. Our light and EM studies have failed to prove the existence of truly specialized internodal pathways. Nevertheless intercalated clear cells, nodal-like cells, junctional or intermediate type of cells are relatively frequent in valvular regions (Thebesian, Eustachian, A-V, fossa ovalis) and less frequent in other regions of the atrial wall.This study was conducted in part in the Department of Histology and Embryology of the Medical University in Budapest.  相似文献   

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