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Previous studies have indicated that the coagulase-positive Staphylococcus (Staphylococcus aureus) has potential as a useful indicator of the infection hazard associated with the use of swimming pools and other recreational waters. However, before this indicator system can be used effectively, a recovery system that is sufficiently selective, accurate, and reliable for the enumeration of S. aureus must be developed. In this study, Vogel-Johnson (VJ) and Baird-Parker (BP) agars were compared for efficacy in the primary isolation and recovery of S. aureus from swimming pool water. For equal sample volumes of pool water containing adequate free chlorine residual, VJ agar was found to be more selective for staphylococcal species and less inhibitory to general cell growth than was BP agar. However, neither medium was found to be sufficiently differential to permit the accurate identification of S. aureus. In contrast, water samples obtained from a swimming pool containing very low levels of chlorine (none of which was in the free form) showed abundant growth of staphylococci on both test media, with both VJ and BP agars showing increased sensitivity for the detection of S. aureus. Thus, VJ and BP agars show increased sensitivity for the detection of coagulase-positive staphylococci from unchlorinated versus chlorinated waters.  相似文献   

Pfizer selective enterococcus (PSE) and KF agars were compared for their recovery of fecal streptococci from sewage effluent on membrane filters. The results showed that PSE agar is highly selective for the enterococci. The tan color resulting from esculin hydrolysis, which was not always visible on the surfaces of the colonies, is not considered a necessary differential characteristic on PSE agar since more than 90% of all colonies recovered on membrane filters were confirmed as fecal streptococci and 86% were confirmed as enterococci. The detection of esculin hydrolysis on membrane filters was not improved by using the new Millipore type HC filter. KF agar recovered significantly greater numbers of organisms but was not as selective, with 83% of the typical colonies being confirmed as fecal streptococci and 54% as enterococci. An attempt to improve the selectivity of KF agar while retaining its inclusiveness by incubation at 45 C was not successful.  相似文献   

Total coliform counts obtained by means of standard membrane filtration techniques, using MacConkey agar, m-Endo LES agar, Teepol agar, and pads saturated with Teepol broth as growth media, were compared. Various combinations of these media were used in tests on 490 samples of river water and city wastewater after different stages of conventional purification and reclamation processes including lime treatment, and filtration, active carbon treatment, ozonation, and chlorination. Endo agar yielded the highest average counts for all these samples. Teepol agar generally had higher counts then Teepol broth, whereas MacConkey agar had the lowest average counts. Identification of 871 positive isolates showed that Aeromonas hydrophila was the species most commonly detected. Species of Escherichia, Citrobacter, Klebsiella, and Enterobacter represented 55% of isolates which conformed to the definition of total coliforms on Endo agar, 54% on Teepol agar, and 45% on MacConkey agar. Selection for species on the media differed considerably. Evaluation of these data and literature on alternative tests, including most probable number methods, indicated that the technique of choice for routine analysis of total coliform bacteria in drinking water is membrane filtration using m-Endo LES agar as growth medium without enrichment procedures or a cytochrome oxidase restriction.  相似文献   

Total coliform counts obtained by means of standard membrane filtration techniques, using MacConkey agar, m-Endo LES agar, Teepol agar, and pads saturated with Teepol broth as growth media, were compared. Various combinations of these media were used in tests on 490 samples of river water and city wastewater after different stages of conventional purification and reclamation processes including lime treatment, and filtration, active carbon treatment, ozonation, and chlorination. Endo agar yielded the highest average counts for all these samples. Teepol agar generally had higher counts then Teepol broth, whereas MacConkey agar had the lowest average counts. Identification of 871 positive isolates showed that Aeromonas hydrophila was the species most commonly detected. Species of Escherichia, Citrobacter, Klebsiella, and Enterobacter represented 55% of isolates which conformed to the definition of total coliforms on Endo agar, 54% on Teepol agar, and 45% on MacConkey agar. Selection for species on the media differed considerably. Evaluation of these data and literature on alternative tests, including most probable number methods, indicated that the technique of choice for routine analysis of total coliform bacteria in drinking water is membrane filtration using m-Endo LES agar as growth medium without enrichment procedures or a cytochrome oxidase restriction.  相似文献   

The procedure currently used for isolating legionellae from environmental samples recommend filtration through a 0.2-microns-pore-size polycarbonate filter. In this study we evaluated the performance of 23 other filters composed of various materials and having various pore sizes. We prefer the 0.2-micron-pore-size Gelman Supor filter because of its high level of recovery, faster filtration rate, and ease of handling.  相似文献   

In the present study, mPA-D and mPA-E agar, modifications of mPA-C agar that reduce background fecal streptococci that interfere with the differentiation and enumeration of the Pseudomonas aeruginosa colonies grown in other mPA media, are proposed for use in analyzing natural water samples. In addition, the efficiencies of several culture media for the recovery of P. aeruginosa in water after membrane filtration and multiple-tube techniques are compared. The degree of selectivity, precision, efficiency, and sensitivity achieved with the proposed media exceeded that achieved by current methods. Furthermore, they yielded equal rates of accuracy and specificity. Incubation at 36 degrees C resulted in an improved recovery of stressed P. aeruginosa. In conclusion, we propose the use of mPA-D and mPA-E agar, both incubated at 36 degrees C for 24 to 48 h, for analyzing river water and seawater, respectively.  相似文献   

The recovery of Pseudomonas aeruginosa on several selective culture media was tested using raw sewage and secondary sewage effluent samples as well as spiked chlorinated imitation swimming water and samples from whirlpools. mPA-medium B gave good recovery of both vital and chlorine-injured P. aeruginosa and selectivity was greater than 90% when analysing whirlpool samples. It is therefore the medium recommended for examination of chlorinated swimming pools. When analysing sewage polluted water with the mPA-B medium, reduced selectivity was noted from low verification rates and from overgrowth by competitive flora. A modified medium (mPA-D; addition of cetrimide, omission of sulphapyridine and actidione) was more selective and sufficiently recovered noninjured cells. Chlorine-injured cells were completely inhibited, however. C-390 (9-chloro-9-(4-diethylaminophenyl)-10-phenylacridan) was confirmed to be highly selective for P. aeruginosa when used in spread plates at a concentration of 30 micrograms/mL; P. aeruginosa was slightly inhibited. However, the medium could not be used with conventional membrane filtration techniques, because cellulose ester filters interfered with the selective action of C-390. Selectivity could be improved by using Gelman Tuffryn (polysulphone) filters and increasing the C-390 concentration to 120 micrograms/mL. At this concentration, however, the medium was strongly inhibitory to P. aeruginosa; resuscitation only partially improved recovery. Two other membrane filtration media were tested. Both cetrimide - nalidixic acid agar and Drake's medium No. 19 were inhibitory to chlorine-injured cells. Several types of membrane filters were tested and there was little difference between them.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Five broth media and two solid media were compared for their ability to quantitatively recover total coliform bacteria from chemically treated water. M-Endo LES and mT7 media were used in the membrane filter technique. Lauryl tryptose broth, lactose broth, presence-absence broth, lactose broth with twice the amount of lactose, and lauryl tryptose broth with twice the amount of sodium lauryl sulfate were used in the fermentation tube procedure. The differences in recovery were not significant for the five broth media and M-Endo LES agar. The M-Endo LES and mT7 media were not significantly different; however, the five broth media did yield significantly higher counts than mT7.  相似文献   

AIMS: The role of swimming pool water as a source of human adenovirus (HAd) infection has previously been demonstrated. In this study, the risk of infection of HAds detected in a survey of swimming pool water from two indoor and one outdoor swimming pools over a period of 1 year was assessed. METHODS AND RESULTS: The HAds were concentrated from 1 l grab samples of swimming pool water using a silicon dioxide-based method. The extracted HAd DNA was amplified by means of a nested PCR method. Adenoviruses were detected in four of 26 samples (15.4%) from the indoor swimming pool A, eight of 38 samples (21.1%) from the indoor swimming pool B and three of 28 samples (10.7%) from the outdoor swimming pool C. Application of these results in an exponential risk assessment model indicated a daily risk of infection of 2.61 x 10(-3) for swimming pool A, 3.69 x 10(-3) for swimming pool B and 1.92 x 10(-3) for swimming pool C assuming a daily consumption of 30 ml of swimming pool water. CONCLUSIONS: No acceptable (tolerable) risk of infection has yet been recommended for swimming pool water. However, the quality of swimming pool water is generally expected to be similar to that of drinking water. One infection per 10 000 consumers per year has been recommended for drinking water. The risk of HAd infections calculated for the swimming pool water under investigation exceeded this acceptable risk. SIGNIFICANCE AND IMPACT OF THE STUDY: The finding that swimming pool water which conforms to generally accepted specifications for treatment, disinfection and indicator organisms constituted a risk of HAd infection, has implications for the swimming pool industry. The formulation of acceptable (tolerable) risks of infection for swimming pool water may be essential. Specifications will, therefore, have to be formulated to ensure that swimming pool water conforms to the acceptable risk of infection.  相似文献   

For disinfection of swimming pool water chlorine of chlorine-based products are normally used. In practice, these products have proven their worth regarding killing of pathogenic micro-organisms. Detailed values of their biocidal activity in swimming pool water were not found in literature. In the given study the efficacy of sodium hypochlorite (NaOCl) versus five micro-organisms was investigated.It is known that chlorination of swimming pool water may lead to formation of specific unwanted products like haloform. Nowadays, the concentration of those by-products in swimming pool water is limited and specific measures exist to minimize their formation. Nevertheless, there is increasing interest in alternative methods without by-product formation like e.g. hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) treatment.In the given study the antimicrobial activity of sodium hypochlorite was compared with that of different hydrogen peroxide-based products. The test procedure used was specifically designed to simulate practical conditions in a swimming pool but at the same time to lead to adequate reproducibility. Five test organisms were selected being relevant for the swimming pool area: Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Escherichia coli, Legionella pneumophila, Staphylococcus aureus and Candida albicans.The swimming pool water for the test was artificially prepared. Water hardness, temperature and pH value were adjusted to a defined level. Regarding simulation of organic load it was found that a mixture of urea, creatinine and several amino acids was most appropriate.Addition of the test organisms was done in three portions: one big in the beginning and two smaller after 10 and 20 min to simulate recontamination by bathers. Total test period was 30 min. The number of surviving cells was determined after 30 s as well as after 10, 20 and 30 min.Sodium hypochlorite was tested at a concentration of 1 ppm active chlorine. Compared to that three products based on hydrogen peroxide were investigated: pure hydrogen peroxide, hydrogen peroxide + silver nitrate and a trade product based on hydrogen peroxide.Sodium hypochlorite resulted in total kill of the inoculated organisms after 10, 20 and 30 min corresponding to a log 4 reduction. In contrast to that the biocidal effect achieved by the hydrogen peroxide-based products was significantly lower than one log cycle notwithstanding a very high concentration of up to 150 ppm.The test results confirm the very good killing activity of sodium hypochlorite versus micro-organisms relevant for the swimming pool area. Products based on hydrogen peroxide, with or without silver ions, are from a microbiological point of view no real alternative to chlorine disinfection in swimming pools.  相似文献   

Two laboratory-prepared media (Ampicillin Dextrin Agar, ADA, and Xylose Ampicillin Agar, XAA) were compared with two commercially-available media (Ryan's Aeromonas Medium and Bile Salt-Irgasan-Brilliant Green Agar, BIBA) for the enumeration of Aeromonas spp. from drinking water. Ryan's medium and ADA were superior for both recovery of Aeromonas and selectivity, with 95+% of typical colonies from both media confirming as Aeromonas . Colony characteristics were more consistent on Ryan's medium.  相似文献   

Two media (mCP medium and Tryptose Sulphite Cycloserine (TSC) agar) were evaluated for recovery of Clostridium perfringens in environmental and part-treated drinking water. For laboratory strains of Clostridium , mCP was more selective and specific for Cl. perfringens than TSC, but was markedly less efficient for the enumeration of both vegetative cells and spores. For samples of river water and part-treated drinking water, TSC recovered significantly greater numbers of Cl. perfringens than mCP. In contrast to previous reports, there was a significant number of false presumptive positive and negative isolates on mCP. TSC is a more suitable medium for the routine monitoring of water supplies for the presence of Cl. perfringens .  相似文献   

Several selective media were evaluated for the primary isolation and enumeration of Staphylococcus aureus from halogenated indoor swimming pool waters. Standard plate counts of the viable population and total coliform densities were also determined to ascertain their value as indicator systems. All studies were done with membrane filters. The most selective, accurate, and reliable medium was Vogel-Johnson (VJ) medium supplemented with 0.5% pyruvate. This medium recovered two times more typical colonies than VJ medium alone, and subsequent identification of these well-defined black colonies proved that approximately 80% were S. aureus. The S. aureus recoveries correlated well with halogen levels and bather density use also. In contrast, VJ medium alone was 60% selective for S. aureus, and VJ medium supplemented with catalase did not increase either the percent recovery or the selectivity over that of VJ medium alone. Standard plate counts did not correlate with halogen levels, bather density, or total viable colonies. Coliforms were rarely recovered from indoor pool waters and were not considered to be useful indicators of water quality.  相似文献   

A Mates  M Schaffer 《Microbios》1986,46(186):45-49
Staphylococcus aureus counts from swimming pool water were determined by the membrane filtration technique. Water samples were passed through a membrane filter and then put on Baird-Parker media. After incubation, the filters were transferred to nutrient agar, and incubated at 37 degrees C, for 3 h. After removal of the filters, the plates were incubated at 60 degrees C for 2 h. An overlay of toluidine blue agar was added and the plates reincubated for 4 h at 37 degrees C. The formation of thermonuclease correlated with the formation of coagulase, and the results indicated that Staphylococcus aureus could be present in swimming pool water without the presence of either coliform or faecal coliform bacteria.  相似文献   

We evaluated the efficiency of five membrane filters for recovery of Cryptosporidium parvum oocysts and Giardia lamblia cysts. These filters included the Pall Life Sciences Envirochek (EC) standard filtration and Envirochek high-volume (EC-HV) membrane filters, the Millipore flatbed membrane filter, the Sartorius flatbed membrane filter (SMF), and the Filta-Max (FM) depth filter. Distilled and surface water samples were spiked with 10 oocysts and 10 cysts/liter. We also evaluated the recovery efficiency of the EC and EC-HV filters after a 5-s backwash postfiltration. The backwashing was not applied to the other filtration methods because of the design of the filters. Oocysts and cysts were visualized by using a fluorescent monoclonal antibody staining technique. For distilled water, the highest percent recovery for both the oocysts and cysts was obtained with the FM depth filter. However, when a 5-s backwash was applied, the EC-HV membrane filter (EC-HV-R) was superior to other filters for recovery of both oocysts (n = 53 +/- 15.4 per 10 liters) and cysts (n = 59 +/- 11.5 per 10 liters). This was followed by results of the FM depth filter (oocysts, 28.2 +/- 8, P = 0.015; cysts, 49.8 +/- 12.2, P = 0.4260), and SMF (oocysts, 16.2 +/- 2.8, P = 0.0079; cysts, 35.2 +/- 3, P = 0.0079). Similar results were obtained with surface water samples. Giardia cysts were recovered at higher rates than were Cryptosporidium oocysts with all five filters, regardless of backwashing. Although the time differences for completion of filtration process were not significantly different among the procedures, the EC-HV filtration with 5-s backwash was less labor demanding.  相似文献   

In the present study, mPA-D and mPA-E agar, modifications of mPA-C agar that reduce background fecal streptococci that interfere with the differentiation and enumeration of the Pseudomonas aeruginosa colonies grown in other mPA media, are proposed for use in analyzing natural water samples. In addition, the efficiencies of several culture media for the recovery of P. aeruginosa in water after membrane filtration and multiple-tube techniques are compared. The degree of selectivity, precision, efficiency, and sensitivity achieved with the proposed media exceeded that achieved by current methods. Furthermore, they yielded equal rates of accuracy and specificity. Incubation at 36 degrees C resulted in an improved recovery of stressed P. aeruginosa. In conclusion, we propose the use of mPA-D and mPA-E agar, both incubated at 36 degrees C for 24 to 48 h, for analyzing river water and seawater, respectively.  相似文献   

Five broth media and two solid media were compared for their ability to quantitatively recover total coliform bacteria from chemically treated water. M-Endo LES and mT7 media were used in the membrane filter technique. Lauryl tryptose broth, lactose broth, presence-absence broth, lactose broth with twice the amount of lactose, and lauryl tryptose broth with twice the amount of sodium lauryl sulfate were used in the fermentation tube procedure. The differences in recovery were not significant for the five broth media and M-Endo LES agar. The M-Endo LES and mT7 media were not significantly different; however, the five broth media did yield significantly higher counts than mT7.  相似文献   

New experimental data are reported that demonstrate the use of a novel vibrating membrane filter (VMF) for the combined recovery and concentration of two species of nematodes, S. feltiae and P. hermaphrodita, from mature liquid fermentation cultures. The disk membrane module had a working surface area of 0.2 m(2) and was operated at a constant flow rate of 0.2 m(3) h(-1). The recovery of the viable nematodes from the spent media and nonviable nematodes was assisted by an independently imposed oscillatory motion of the disk assembly, which produced an intense shear field at the membrane surface with calculated mean values on the order of 10(4) s(-1). Adult (nonviable) nematodes in the fermentation culture were preferentially dissolved in a detergent (sodium dodecylsulfate) and successfully separated from the juveniles using the VMF equipment. Permeate fluxes on the order of 15 to 30 L/m(2/)h were achieved for an operating transmembrane pressure of 800 mbar. Industrial-scale liquid fermentation for the manufacture of nematodes as biopesticides produces the viable nematode life stages in low-concentration suspension containing large quantities of spent media and other waste material. The VMF equipment provided a flexible operation for separation, cleaning, and concentration of viable nematodes from the fermentation broths.  相似文献   

Several selective media were evaluated for the primary isolation and enumeration of Staphylococcus aureus from halogenated indoor swimming pool waters. Standard plate counts of the viable population and total coliform densities were also determined to ascertain their value as indicator systems. All studies were done with membrane filters. The most selective, accurate, and reliable medium was Vogel-Johnson (VJ) medium supplemented with 0.5% pyruvate. This medium recovered two times more typical colonies than VJ medium alone, and subsequent identification of these well-defined black colonies proved that approximately 80% were S. aureus. The S. aureus recoveries correlated well with halogen levels and bather density use also. In contrast, VJ medium alone was 60% selective for S. aureus, and VJ medium supplemented with catalase did not increase either the percent recovery or the selectivity over that of VJ medium alone. Standard plate counts did not correlate with halogen levels, bather density, or total viable colonies. Coliforms were rarely recovered from indoor pool waters and were not considered to be useful indicators of water quality.  相似文献   

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