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A protein fraction containing prolactin activity from the pituitary tissue of a teleost fish, Tilapia mossambica, has been purified by a combination of ion-exchange and exclusion chromatographic procedures. The purified Tilapia prolactin was characterized by disc gel electrophoresis, amino-terminal group identification, and amino acid analysis. Its amino acid composition was found to be similar to ovine prolactin. The purified fish prolactin was found to be 40–50 times more potent than ovine prolactin in the Tilapia sodium-retaining bioassay. However, it was found to be devoid of Gillichthys yellow pigment-dispersing activity which was previously thought to be a property of teleost prolactin.  相似文献   

Deane EE  Kelly SP  Woo NY 《Life sciences》2000,66(15):1435-1444
The effect of cortisol treatment on branchial Na(+)-K(+)-ATPase subunit mRNA abundance, enzyme activity, chloride cell number/morphometrics and serum electrolyte levels were investigated for the marine teleost Sparus sarba. Groups of fish received intraperitoneal injections of cortisol at a concentration of 4 micrograms/g body weight, daily, over a seven-day period. This dose of cortisol was sufficiently high enough to maintain a condition of hypercortisolemia as serum cortisol levels in treated fish were eleven fold higher than controls at time of sacrifice. By using branchial Na(+)-K(+)-ATPase alpha- and beta-subunit cDNA clones we were able to demonstrate that cortisol administration to S. sarba caused a significant elevation in the abundance of alpha-mRNA whereas the levels of beta-mRNA were unchanged. In addition Na(+)-K(+)-ATPase activity remained unaltered by cortisol administration. Branchial chloride cell number, exposure, apical area as well as serum Na+ and Cl- levels remained unchanged after cortisol administration. The results of this study suggest that elevated cortisol level may not necessarily translate into modulated branchial Na(+)-K(+)-ATPase activity and chloride cell function in hypo-osmoregulating marine fish.  相似文献   

Journal of Comparative Physiology B - Euryhaline Mozambique tilapia (Oreochromis mossambicus) are native to estuaries where they encounter tidal fluctuations in environmental salinity. These...  相似文献   

Summary The elopiform teleost Engraulis japonica was used for a light and electron microscopical study of the follicle epithelium in the rostral pars distalis of the pituitary. In this species, which has one large follicle in the anterior hypophysis, there is no persistent orohypophysial duct in postmetamorphic stages. The apical pole of the prolactin cells is almost completely overlaid by a surface layer of flattened epithelial cells with a thick glycocalyx. The prolactin cells reach the follicular lumen through pores in this cell layer and at the site of the pore the prolactin cells bear unusual specializations consisting of one cilium, several tall microvilli, and a mass of granular material. Prolactin release takes place at the basal pole of the cells.On leave from the Department of Zoology, University of Stockholm, as a Visiting Professor, Hiroshima University School of Medicine. We thank the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science for a JSPS Visiting Professorship (R.O.), which made this research possible  相似文献   

Injection of prostaglandin F2 alpha (PGF2 alpha) initiated a significant increase in plasma prolactin levels in all goats except those in anoestrus. Luteolysis occurred in non-pregnant goats during the mid luteal phase when the goats were given PGF2 alpha either with or without the suppression of prolactin release by bromocryptine (CB154). Luteolysis and subsequent parturition also occurred in pregnant goats in mid and late gestation after PGF2 alpha injection, with an associated release of prolactin and decrease in plasma progesterone. Acute prolactin release in response to injection of thyrotrophin releasing factor may have had a transient effect on plasma progesterone levels, but did not appear to be luteolytic in either pregnant or non-pregnant goats.  相似文献   

Summary The osmotic pressure (OP) of the incubation medium directly affects synthesis and release of prolactin byPoecilia andAnguilla pituitariesin vitro.There is an inverse relationship between the OP of the medium and the amount of prolactin released into the medium (Pigs. 1, 2; Tables 1, 3).Release of newly-synthesised prolactin is similarly related to OP of the medium (Pigs. 3,4; Table 3).Histometric data of prolactin cells also suggests that hormone synthesis is reduced in high OP media (Table 2).Release and synthesis of putative growth hormone (GH) byPoecilia pituitaries is not influenced by OP of the medium (Table 4), butAnguilla pituitaries release more GH in low OP media (Table 5).We thank Mr. W. Thomson for technical assistance. One of us, P. M. I., receives financial support from the Yorkshire Cancer Research Campaign and the work was also supported in part by USPHS Grant AMI-3795. B. I. B. is Sorby Research Fellow of the Royal Society, London.  相似文献   

Summary Intestinal and gall-bladder epithelial cells in sticklebacks have been examined in ultrathin sections and freeze-etch replicas. Enterocytes throughout the intestine appear to have a well-developed basal labyrinth similar to that of renal tubular cells, consisting of baso-lateral infoldings closely associated with numerous mitochondria. The lumen inside these intracellular membranes is continuous with the intercellular space via pores. Such a membrane system is also present in the epithelial cells lining the gall bladder, distinguishing them from gall-bladder cells of higher vertebrates. Morphometric analysis indicates that the basal labyrinth of enterocytes in the posterior part of the intestine increases markedly in both sexually mature males and androgen-treated females. This does not occur in the anterior part or gall bladder. In sticklebacks, androgens cause reduced urine excretion and enhanced fluid release via the anus. We conclude that the cells lining the intestine and gall bladder possess an extensive basal labyrinth that may function as a backward channel system, enabling fluid to be produced in the intestine of fish. The androgen-induced increase in the extent of the basal labyrinth in the posterior part of the intestine may be related to the enhanced rate of intestinal fluid excretion observed in sexually mature male sticklebacks.  相似文献   

The Na/K pump, or Na,K-ATPase, is a key enzyme to the homeostasis of osmotic pressure, cell volume, and the maintenance of electrochemical gradients. Its α subunit, which holds most of its functions, belongs to a large family of ATPases known as P-type, and to the subfamily IIC, which also includes H,K-ATPases. In this study, we attempt to describe the evolutionary history of IIC ATPases by doing phylogenetic analysis with most of the currently available protein sequences (over 200), and pay special attention to the relationship between their diversity and their osmoregulatory role. We include proteins derived from many completed or ongoing genome projects, many of whose IIC ATPases have not been phylogenetically analyzed previously. We show that the most likely origin of IIC proteins is prokaryotic, and that many of them are present in non-metazoans, such as algae, protozoans or fungi. We also suggest that the pre-metazoan ancestor, represented by the choanoflagellate Monosiga brevicollis, whose genome has been sequenced, presented at least two IIC-type proteins. One of these proteins would have given rise to most current animal IIC ATPases, whereas the other apparently evolved into a lineage that, so far, has only been found in nematodes. We also propose that early deuterostomes presented a single IIC gene, from which all the extant diversity of vertebrate IIC proteins originated by gene and genome duplications. Electronic supplementary material  The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

Summary Quantitative morphometric studies with the electron microscope were made on the prolactin cells of wild freshwater sailfin mollies taken in Florida in August at four different times of day. The results indicate a circadian rhythm in the prolactin cell, the period of highest synthetic activity being from midday to evening, as indicated by the condition of nucleus, Golgi apparatus and rough endoplasmic reticulum, and by the incidence of granule release profiles. No circadian changes were detected in the ACTH cells.Several distinct sites of prolactin granule release were recognised. However, there was no conclusive evidence of granule release by any mechanism other than classical exocytosis.We thank Mr. W. Thomson for technical assistance and Ann Grier for help in collecting the fish. T.F.C. Batten is in receipt of an S.R.C. Research Studentship.  相似文献   

Human prolactin (PRL) and its receptor (PRLR) are markedly induced during human uterine decidualization, and large amounts of PRL are released by decidual cells as differentiation progresses. However, the role of PRL in decidualization is unknown. In order to determine whether PRL plays an autocrine role in decidualization, human uterine fibroblast cells that were decidualized in vitro with medroxyprogestrerone acetate (1 microM), estradiol (10 nM), and prostaglandin E(2) (1 microM) were exposed to exogenous PRL and/or the pure PRLR antagonist delta1-9-G129R-PRL. As measured by quantitative PCR, cells that were decidualized in the presence of exogenous PRL (0.25-2 microg/ml) expressed significantly lower levels of mRNA for the genes that encode insulin-like growth factor binding protein 1 (IGFBP1), left-right determination factor 2 (LEFTY2), PRL, decorin (DCN), and laminin alpha 1 (LAMA1), all of which are known to be induced during decidualization. These effects were blocked when the cells were exposed simultaneously to PRL and the PRLR antagonist, which confirms the specific inhibitory action of PRL on the expression of decidualization markers. In addition, cells exposed to the PRLR antagonist alone expressed higher levels of the marker gene mRNAs than cells that were decidualized in control media. Taken together, these results strongly suggest that PRL acts via an autocrine mechanism to regulate negatively the extent of differentiation (decidualization) of human uterine cells.  相似文献   

We administered prolactin-releasing peptide (PrRP) or anti-PrRP antiserum to goldfish in fresh water and analyzed their effects on prolactin and osmoregulatory mechanisms. The pituitary mRNA level of prolactin increased by PrRP but decreased by anti-PrRP. The rate of water inflow in the gills decreased by PrRP and increased by anti-PrRP, showing that PrRP restricts branchial water permeability, as also restricted by prolactin. PrRP also expanded the mucous cell layers on the scales, which may restrict efficiently water inflow by the mucous system. Eventually, the plasma osmotic pressure decreased by anti-PrRP. We conclude that PrRP is essential to maintain prolactin levels and osmotic balance in fresh water.  相似文献   

The aquaporin isoform, AQP3 has now been identified in a number of different teleost fish species, with additional DNA sequence information on AQP3 genes in further fish species available in genome databases. In zebrafish (Danio rerio), the AQP3 gene is present as two duplicate isoforms resulting from a teleostean fish genome-wide duplication. A further splicoform/isoform has also been identified in rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss). The identification of these AQP3 isoforms in other fish species is consequently explored. The role of AQP3 in physiological/osmoregulatory processes, in various teleost organs is then described. In teleost gill, AQP3 is expressed in 'chloride' cells, and in some species, in other epithelial cell types, where it may have a number of different functions including the prevention of dehydration. In eel esophagus, immunohistochemistry shows that AQP3 is expressed in surface epithelial cells in the anterior esophagus, but in mucus cells within the epithelium of the posterior esophagus. In eel intestine, AQP3 is found in macrophage-like cells and probably plays no part in osmoregulatory processes. In the rectum, as in the posterior esophagus AQP3 is expressed in mucus cells. In eel kidney, AQP3 is expressed in a subset of renal tubules, and localizes to the apical pole of tubule cells. There is no apparent change in the location or protein abundance of renal AQP3 following the acclimation of eels from freshwater to seawater.  相似文献   

Two separate experiments in which blood was sampled at 2-h intervals from turkeys hens failed to show a significant change in plasma prolactin (Prl) concentrations in relation to the preovulatory surge of luteinizing hormone (LH) for the first (C1) ovulation of a sequence. Intravenous injection of 125 IU of ovine Prl (NIH-P-S10) or of 1 or 2 ml of antiserum to turkey Prl at varying intervals before C1 ovulation had no effect on the timing or incidence of C1 ovulation. However, injection of Prl before C1 ovulation tended to inhibit ovulation of the second (C2) egg of the sequence, while injection of antiserum to Prl before C1 ovulation tended to either advance or inhibit C2 ovulation. Possibly, the effects of Prl and Prl antiserum on C2 ovulation reflect interference with maturation of the C2 ovarian follicle rather than interference with neuroendocrine processes that regulate the timing of the preovulatory surge of LH. The data for C1 ovulation argue against a change in circulating levels of Prl as a factor in the timing of the preovulatory surge of LH.  相似文献   

Epidermal growth factor (EGF) stimulates prolactin (PRL) gene expression in GH3 cells in a Ca2+-dependent manner (White, B. A., and Bancroft, F. C. (1983) J. Biol. Chem. 258, 4618-4622). The present report shows that the phenothiazine, calmidazolium (compound R 24571), blocks the ability of EGF plus Ca2+ to increase levels of PRL mRNA. Calmidazolium inhibition of this response is dose dependent in the range of 0.05-1.00 microM. Total inhibition of the response was consistently obtained at a level of calmidazolium (0.5 microM) that had no effect on total cytoplasmic RNA synthesis, total cytoplasmic protein synthesis, cell viability, or extent of EGF plus Ca2+-induced cell aggregation. The drug inhibited the increase in PRL mRNA when given immediately before or 48 h after treatment with EGF plus Ca2+. Another calmodulin inhibitor, W13, similarly blocked the ability of EGF plus Ca2+ to stimulate PRL mRNA, whereas the less active analog, W12, had little effect. These results implicate Ca2+-binding proteins such as calmodulin in the mechanism of action of EGF in GH3 cells, and, therefore, provide further evidence for a role of intracellular Ca2+ in the regulation of the expression of a specific eukaryotic gene, the PRL gene.  相似文献   

The AVT system is a key component of the complex mechanism responsible for coordinating the response in teleost fish to hyper-osmotic challenge. The pituitary AVT store falls following transfer to SW from FW and this is accompanied by an increase in circulating AVT levels. This indicates that there has been release of AVT in response to this stimulus and the system is being up-regulated. The effect of an increase in secretion would appear to be predominantly to reduce GFR and urine production as is seen when AVT is injected into FW-adapted fish. This action is consistent with the requirements of hyper-osmotic challenge when water conservation becomes essential.  相似文献   

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