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An important role of the decoy peptide sequence has recently been suggested in vitro for the binding of prorenin to the (pro)renin receptor [(P)RR]. In this study, other prospective crucial regions in renin and prorenin responsible for their interaction with (P)RR were investigated using various kinds of peptides, e.g., the “hinge” S149QGVLKEDVF158 designed from the structure of renin also common to prorenin, L1PPTDTTTF8P, L1PPTDTTTFKRIFLKR15P and the decoy (R10PIFLKRMPSI19P) designed from the predicted structure of prorenin. For the kinetic analysis, the recombinant h(P)RR was immobilized on the biosensor surface through a specific anti-(P)RR antibody. In case of the equilibrium state analysis, the (P)RR was directly adsorbed on plastic wells for observing the bindings of renin/prorenin. The dissociation constants (KD) for the bindings of renin and prorenin to the pre-adsorbed receptors were 4.5 and 1.0 nM, respectively, similar to those stated in the kinetic study by BIAcore assay. The “hinge” region peptide bound to (P)RR in a dose-dependent manner with a KD estimated 17.0 nM which was five times higher than that of the decoy. The KD values for L1PPTDTTTF8P and L1PPTDTTTFKRIFLKR15P were 52 and 7.6 nM, respectively. The “hinge” peptide, as the decoy, inhibited the bindings of renin and prorenin to (P)RR. The inhibition constant (Ki) for the binding of renin and prorenin by the decoy and “hinge” were 16.7 and 15.1, and 37.1 and 30.7 nM, respectively. These in vitro studies suggest that renin has a single and prorenin has at least two high affinity binding sites for the (P)RR.  相似文献   

An exclusive labeling of high affinity sites of IgG and its F(ab′)2 fragments with 99mTc was accomplished. Antibody was first labeled in 0.1 M acetate buffer at pH 4.5, using stannous chloride as a reducing agent. Thus, high capacity, low affinity sites and low capacity, high affinity sites were both labeled. These 99mTc complexes were stable at pH 4.5 and 7.0; however, they became destabilized at pH 8.2 and 9.0. Transchelation of 99mTc to DTPA took place at the higher pH values and leveled off at 54% 99mTc-F(ab′)2 and 73% 99mTc-IgG. These results indicate that the majority of 99mTc bound to the low affinity sites was transchelated to the high affinity sites rather than to DTPA since low affinity sites account for 84% of total F(ab′)2 sites and 76% of IgG sites. Biodistribution data in mice at 2.5 h postinjection were consistent with this hypothesis in that tissue concentrations of 111In-DTPA-F(ab′)2 were similar to the reequilibrated 99mTc-F(ab′)2 but were much higher than that of the unequilibrated 99mTc-F(ab′)2.  相似文献   

The mineralized matrix of osseous tissue harbors abundant mitogenic activity which is extractable by demineralizing solvents. In bovine bone powder free of blood and cartilage contamination, the volume concentration of mitogens is up to 20 times greater than in serum. Growth factor activity in bone extracts was quantitated on quiescent mouse BALB/c/3T3 fibroblasts, where [3H]thymidine incorporation for 48 h was stimulated up to 200-fold in a linear, dose-dependent manner. Six distinct bone-derived growth factors (BDGFs) have been resolved and partially purified (up to 44,000-fold) on heparin-Sepharose using NaCl gradient elution. Provisionally named by the NaCl molarity at which they elute, these BDGFs include BDGF-0.45 (25% of total activity). This factor is heat-stable and sensitive to dithiothreitol, and displaces 125I-labelled bovine platelet-derived growth factor in a radioreceptor assay. BDGF-0.45 (approximately 50 ng/g of bone) is closely related or identical to bovine platelet-derived growth factor. BDGF-1.1 (10%) has a pI of 5.2 and shows a 16,600-dalton doublet on sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis Western blots stained with antiserum to bovine anionic fibroblast growth factor. Two activities with high heparin affinity resemble cationic forms of fibroblast growth factor. BDGF-1.5 is the dominant factor in fetal membranous bone (50%), but is less abundant in adult bone (20%). BDGF-1.7, a 17,500-18,400-dalton triplet, is virtually absent in fetal bone (7%) but abundant (30%) in adult bone and may be related to cartilage derived growth factor. Two minor activities, BDGF-0.1 (10%) and BDGF-2.0 (7%) have not been characterized. Proliferation of bovine capillary endothelial cells was strongly supported by BDGFs 1.1, 1.5, and 1.7, but not by 0.45. These four purified BDGFs and the crude bone extract were also strongly mitogenic for rat osteoblasts while depressing alkaline phosphatase specific activity by 2-3-fold. Bone exhibits the most complex spectrum of growth factor activities of any tissue yet described. Bone cells and other indigenous cell types must be considered as possible sources of the BDGFs, in addition to sequestration from blood. Mechanisms for unmasking or release of BDGFs from the mineralized matrix resulting in local action on target cells are undoubtedly important for the development and maintenance of bone tissue.  相似文献   

Subfractions of 35S-labelled rat skin heparin proteoglycans with various degrees of high affinity for antithrombin were obtained by gradient elution from a column of antithrombin-agarose. Heparin chains released from the proteoglycan preparations by beta-elimination with alkali were re-fractionated on the same column. Proportions of chains with high affinity for antithrombin (HA-chains) ranged from 17% to 76%. These separations also revealed three overlapping subfractions of HA-chains. Their proportions varied in a manner consistent with a stepwise increase in the degree of affinity of HA-chains for antithrombin, this presumably being due to the biosynthesis of increasing numbers of antithrombin-binding sites per chain. The anticoagulant activity, with respect to thrombin neutralization, ranged from 32 units/mg to 287 units/mg. It is suggested that HA-chains may have from one to five or six antithrombin-binding sites. Thus the asymmetric distribution of these sites in rat skin heparin proteoglycans is much more marked than was realized from the earlier work of Horner & Young [(1982) J. Biol. Chem. 257, 8749-8754].  相似文献   

In experiments with Pasteurella pestis monovalent capsular antigen and hybridoma monoclonal antibodies obtained after cloning and recloning the heterogeneity of the active centers of antibodies with respect to their affinity was revealed. In ascitic fluids obtained from the animals inoculated with different hybridoma clones 5 groups of antibodies, differing in their affinity, were determined in each fluid sample.  相似文献   

Steroids must traverse the nuclear envelope before exerting their action at the chromatin. However, few studies have been done to elucidate the mechanism by which steroids traverse this membrane barrier. As first steps towards investigating the mechanism, we have characterized the binding sites for dexamethasone on male rat liver nuclear envelopes. The nuclear envelopes, prepared in the presence of dithiothreitol, were isolated from purified nuclei after treatment with DNase 1 at high pH. Binding of dexamethasone to the nuclear envelopes was measured after 16 h of incubation at 0-4 degrees C. At pH 7.4, only a single high capacity, low affinity binding site for dexamethasone was identified. However, at pH 8.6, two sites were identified; a low capacity, high affinity site and a high capacity, low affinity site. Adrenalectomy of the animal before preparation of the membranes caused loss of the high affinity site and reduction in the number of the lower affinity sites. Acute dexamethasone treatment of adrenalectomized rats resulted in the reappearance of the high affinity site but long term treatment with dexamethasone was required for complete restoration of the high affinity sites and reappearance of any of the low affinity sites. The steroid specificity of these nuclear envelope binding sites was different from that of the cytosolic glucocorticoid receptor, generally showing broader specificity. However, triamcinolone acetonide, which is a potent competitor for binding to the glucocorticoid receptor, did not complete effectively. The binding sites were sensitive to protease treatment and salt extraction studies revealed that the dexamethasone binding sites do not represent proteins non-specifically bound to the nuclear envelope. The affinity and the hormone responsiveness of the high affinity site are similar to those of the nuclear glucocorticoid receptor. Therefore, the nuclear envelope may be a site of action of glucocorticoids.  相似文献   

We have identified high and low affinity insulin-like growth factor I (IGF I)-binding sites with mean dissociation constants of 0.37 and 6.25 nM, respectively, in solubilized placental membranes. We have separated these sites and purified the high affinity IGF I receptor 1,300-fold, with an overall yield of 9.9%, using wheat germ agglutinin-Sepharose chromatography, insulin affinity chromatography, and IGF I affinity chromatography. The Scatchard plot of IGF I binding to the high affinity receptor is linear, suggesting the purification of a single homogeneous class of binding sites. Insulin is two orders of magnitude less effective than IGF I in competitively inhibiting IGF I binding to this receptor. The high affinity IGF I receptor is composed of alpha and beta subunits with apparent molecular weights of 135,500 and 96,200, respectively. IGF I at concentrations of greater than or equal to 50 ng/ml stimulates autophosphorylation of the beta subunit of the purified high affinity receptor 4.6-fold. Low affinity IGF I-binding sites run through the IGF I affinity column or are eluted from the insulin affinity column. The separation of IGF I receptors with different binding affinities by sequential affinity chromatography will make it possible to examine directly the determinants of receptor affinity.  相似文献   

The influence of H1 and H5 histones proteins upon the accessibility of ethidium bromide into chromatin is studied by steady-state fluorescence anisotropy in the range of r-values ([Dye]/[Phosphate]) smaller than 0.01. This corresponds to the very strong binding process. When H1 and H5 are present, the DNA segment which contains the binding sites is 25–30 base pairs long, even if H1 and H5 are digested by trypsin or by natural proteolysis, but presumably still interacting with the DNA chromatin. On the contrary, when H1 or H5 are separated from chromatin by an increase of the ionic strength, ethidium binds to a segment of DNA about 55–60 base pairs long. We may explain the results by assuming that the ethidium sites are located on a continuous segment constituting about one half of the linker, the other half interacting with H1 and H5. When chromatin is depleted from these proteins, the high affinity sites are distributed all along the linker.  相似文献   

Covalent labelling of the calcium ligands of intact troponin-C (0.1 M KCl, pH 6.0) with [3H] -ethanolamine, at various ratios of calcium to troponin-C followed by analysis of the two separated cleavage products, shows that the first and second calcium binding sites of the sequence are the low affinity sites and that the third and fourth sites are the high affinity or structure defining sites of troponin-C.  相似文献   

V J Balcar  Y Li 《Life sciences》1992,51(19):1467-1478
Characteristics of high affinity uptake of L-glutamate are examined in order to evaluate the possible use of the uptake of [3H]L-glutamate, [3H]L-aspartate or any other suitable [3H]-labelled substrate as a marker for glutamatergic and aspartergic synapses in autoradiographic studies in the mammalian brain. Review of data on substrate specificity indicates the presence of at least two high affinity uptake systems specific for acidic amino acids in the central nervous tissue; one which takes up L-glutamate and L-aspartate and the other which is selective for L-glutamate only. Studies on ionic requirements, too, point to the existence of at least two distinct uptake systems with high affinity for L-glutamate. The Na(+)-dependent uptake system(s) handle(s) both L-glutamate and L-aspartate whereas the Na(+)-independent uptake system(s) show(s) selectivity for L-glutamate only. Available data do not favour the Na(+)-dependent binding of [3H]D-aspartate to thaw-mounted sections of frozen brain tissue as a suitable marker for glutamatergic/aspartergic synaptic nerve endings. However, there are reasons--such as the results of lesion studies and the existence of uptake sites which have a higher affinity for L-aspartate than for D-aspartate--to suggest that Na(+)-dependent binding of [3H]L-aspartate, rather than that of [3H]D-aspartate, should be further investigated as a possible marker for the glutamatergic/aspartergic synapses in the autoradiographic studies using sections of frozen brain.  相似文献   

A series of 1-phenyl-2-cyclopropylmethylamines structurally related to (+)- and (-)-MPCB were synthesized and their binding affinities for sigma1, sigma2, opioid and dopamine (D2) receptors were evaluated. Substitution of the cis-N-normetazocine with different aminic moieties provided compounds with high affinity and selectivity for sigma binding sites with respect to opioid and dopamine (D2) receptors. The observed increase in sigma2 affinity as compared to the parent (+)-MPCB, supports the idea that the particular stereochemistry of (+)-cis-N-normetazocine affects sigma1 selectivity but does not affect sigma1 affinity. The (+/-)-cis isomers of methyl 2-[(1-adamantylamino)methyl]-1-phenylcyclopropane-1-carboxyl ate (18) displayed a higher affinity and selectivity for the sigma1 and sigma2 receptor subtypes compared to the (+/-)-trans 19. Interestingly, the enantiomer (-)-cis 18 displayed a preference for sigma1 receptor subtype whereas the (+)-cis 18 did for sigma2. These results prompt us to synthesize compounds with modification of nitrogen and carboxyl groups. The compounds obtained showed high affinities and selectivity for sigma sites. Moreover, modifications of carboxyl groups provided compounds with the highest affinities in the series. In particular, compound 25 with reverse-type ester showed a Ki of 0.6 and 4.05 nM for sigma1 and sigma2 binding sites, respectively.  相似文献   

We have studied alkylation of the membrane-bound acetylcholine receptor (AcChR) from Torpedo californica electric organ by the cholinergic agonist bromo-acetylcholine (BrAcCh). Following reduction of the AcChR with dithiothreitol (DTT) under strictly controlled conditions, a single class of binding sites was covalently labeled by BrAcCh. The extent of alkylation was dependent on the concentration of both DTT and BrAcCh and reached a maximum when a number of sites equivalent to the number of alpha-bungarotoxin (alpha-BTx) binding sites were labeled. The reaction with BrAcCh was completely inhibited by saturating concentrations of alpha-BTx. On the contrary, complete alkylation of the AcChR with [3H]BrAcCh consistently inhibited only approximately 50% of alpha-BTx binding. The effects of DTT reduction and subsequent BrAcCh alkylation on the cation-gating properties of the AcChR were investigated in rapid kinetic experiments. DTT reduction resulted in a slight decrease in the maximum cation flux and a small shift in the effective dissociation constant to higher acetylcholine (AcCh) concentration. The flux response was completely inhibited by maximal alkylation of the membrane vesicles by BrAcCh. A low-affinity binding site for AcCh, which is likely to be important in AcChR activation, has been revealed for T. californica AcChR by studying the effects of cholinergic ligands on the fluorescence of a probe, 4-[(iodoacetoxy)ethylmethylamino]-7-nitro-2,1,3-benzoxadiazole (IANBD), covalently bound to the AcChR protein. Maximal labeling by BrAcCh did not affect the binding of AcCh to the low-affinity binding site, as monitored by changes in the fluorescence of this probe. This low-affinity binding site must therefore be distinct from the site labeled by BrAcCh. The results strongly support the notion that the nicotinic AcChR contains multiple binding sites for cholinergic ligands.  相似文献   

Interactions of derivatives of befunolol (BFE-37, BFE-55, and BFE-61), carteolol, and pindolol with beta-adrenoceptors were tested in guinea pig isolated taenia caecum. All the drugs used acted as partial agonists on the beta-adrenoceptors when compared with isoprenaline, a full agonist. The pA2 values of BFE-61, carteolol, and pindolol were significantly larger than their pD2 values, while there was no significant difference between the pA2 and pD2 values for BFE-37 and BFE-55. The specific binding of [3H]befunolol to microsomal fractions from the guinea pig taenia caecum distinguished two binding sites, high affinity and low affinity sites. Both sites are considered to be bound by 50 nM of [3H]befunolol. Specific 3H binding was displaced by BFE-61, carteolol, and pindolol in a biphasic manner but in a monophasic manner by BFE-37 and BFE-55. Furthermore, [3H]befunolol binding was only partially displaced by BFE-55 but completely displaced by the other drugs used. These results, together with our previous findings, suggest that BFE-61, carteolol, and pindolol discriminate between the two affinity binding sites in the beta-adrenoceptors, which are not discriminated between by BFE-37, and further that BFE-55 may bind with only the high affinity site.  相似文献   

Two classes of high affinity, cGMP-specific binding sites have been found in association with a peripheral membrane protein in rod outer segments. [3H]cGMP and a photoaffinity label, 8-N3-[32P]cIMP, have been used to study these cGMP binding sites. The cGMP binding sites co-migrated with rod outer segment phosphodiesterase (EC upon Bio-Gel A-0.5m column chromatography, sucrose density gradient centrifugation, and isoelectric focusing (pI 5.35). Upon sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis, the 8-N3-[32P]cIMP-labeled protein also migrated in a position identical with that of purified phosphodiesterase. Scatchard analysis, using purified phosphodiesterase, revealed the presence of two classes of cGMP binding sites with apparent KD values of 0.16 and 0.83 microM. A number of observations indicated that these high affinity, cGMP-specific binding sites are distinct from the phosphodiesterase catalytic site. cAMP, which is a substrate for phosphodiesterase, did not bind to the high affinity cGMP specific sites. Limited tryptic proteolysis of phosphodiesterase resulted in a striking activation of the catalytic activity and a 96% loss of cGMP binding. 1-Methyl-3-isobutylxanthine inhibited phosphodiesterase activity and enhanced the specific binding of cGMP. Mg2+ was necessary for phosphodiesterase activity, but not for high affinity cGMP binding. Finally, phosphodiesterase activity and the cGMP-specific high affinity sites showed different stabilities on storage in phosphate buffer. These specific high affinity cGMP binding sites may be involved in the regulation of phosphodiesterase activity.  相似文献   

Analysis of rat uterine cytosol for Tamoxifen binding reveals that the saturable binding sites are only partially inhibited by estradiol-17β. Partial thermal denaturation of the cytosol at 30° C for 2 h 30 allows the characterization of a high affinity (Kd = 3.3 × 10?9M) saturable Tamoxifen class of binding sites insensitive to estradiol-17β while remaining sensitive to the antiestrogens CI628 and Nafoxidine. The uterine concentration of these binding sites is lower in the uterus of immature or castrated animals, increases from metestrus to proestrus and reaches a peak on the day of estrus.  相似文献   

The high affinity binding of several amino acids to various membrane and protein preparations has been measured. Binding of radioactive amino acids suspected of being neurotransmitters and also of leucine and tyrosine to brain, liver and heart muscle membranes was saturable, reversible and stereospecific. Similar characteristics were found using chloroform-methanol extracted brain tissue and heat denatured albumin. Compounds thought to act as blockers of postsynaptic binding such as strychnine, bicuculline and kainic acid did not inhibit binding. Thus, specific high affinity interactions between amino acids and proteins are widespread and largely unrelated to neurotransmission.  相似文献   

Fast skeletal and cardiac troponin C (TnC) contain two high affinity Ca2+/Mg2+ binding sites within the C-terminal domain that are thought to be important for association of TnC with the troponin complex of the thin filament. To test directly the function of these high affinity sites in cardiac TnC they were systematically altered by mutagenesis to generate proteins with a single inactive site III or IV (CBM-III and CBM-IV, respectively), or with both sites III and IV inactive (CBM-III-IV). Equilibrium dialysis indicated that the mutated sites did not bind Ca2+ at pCa 4. Both CBM-III and CBM-IV were similar to the wild type protein in their ability to regulate Ca(2+)-dependent contraction in slow skeletal muscle fibers, and Ca(2+)-dependent ATPase activity in fast skeletal and cardiac muscle myofibrils. The mutant CBM-III-IV is capable of regulating contraction in permeabilized slow muscle fibers but only if the fibers are maintained in a contraction solution containing a high concentration of the mutant protein. CBM-III-IV also regulates myofibril ATPase activity in fast skeletal and cardiac myofibrils but only at concentrations 10-100-fold greater than the normal protein. The pCa50 and Hill coefficient values for Ca(2+)-dependent activation of fast skeletal muscle myofibril ATPase activity by the normal protein and all three mutants are essentially the same. Competition between active and inactive forms of cardiac and slow TnC in a functional assay demonstrates that mutation of both sites III and IV greatly reduces the affinity of cardiac and slow TnC for its functionally relevant binding site in the myofibrils. The data indicate that although neither high affinity site is absolutely essential for regulation of muscle contraction in vitro, at least one active C-terminal site is required for tight association of cardiac troponin C with myofibrils. This requirement can be satisfied by either site III or IV.  相似文献   

The yeast TBF1 gene is essential for mitotic growth and encodes a protein that binds the human telomere repeats in vitro, although its cellular function is unknown. The sequence of the DNA-binding domain of Tbf1p is more closely related to that of the human telomeric proteins TRF1 and TRF2 than to any yeast protein sequence, yet the functional homologue of TRF1 and TRF2 is thought to be Rap1p. In this study we show that the Tbf1p DNA-binding domain can target the Gal4 transactivation domain to a (TTAGGG)n sequence inserted in the yeast genome, supporting the model that Tbf1p binds this sub-telomeric repeat motif in vivo. Immunofluorescence of Tbf1p shows a spotty pattern throughout the interphase nucleus and along synapsed chromosomes in meiosis, suggesting that Tbf1p binds internal chromosomal sites in addition to sub-telomeric regions. PCR-assisted binding site selection was used to define a consensus for high affinity Tbf1p-binding sites. Compilation of 50 selected oligonucleotides identified the consensus TAGGGTTGG. Five potential Tbf1p-binding sites resulting from a search of the total yeast genome were tested directly in gel shift assays and shown to bind Tbf1p efficiently in vitro, thus confirming this as a valid consensus for Tbf1p recognition.  相似文献   

Highly purified 3'-arylazido-ATP (aATP) was obtained by high performance liquid chromatography. In the dark, this photoactivatable ATP analog was a competitive inhibitor of ATP hydrolysis catalyzed by purified sarcoplasmic reticulum (SR) ATPase with a Ki of 10 microM. The analog itself was hydrolyzed by the enzyme in the dark. A biphasic curve of velocity of hydrolysis of the analog versus aATP concentration was obtained, indicating the presence of high and low affinity sites with K0.5 of approximately 10 microM and 300 microM, respectively. Upon irradiation with visible light, a biphasic curve was obtained for the level of covalent photolabeling of the enzyme versus [beta-32P]aATP concentrations. Levels of 6.5-9 nmol of analog/mg of protein and 20-22 nmol of analog/mg of protein were obtained when labeling with 20-30 or with 400 microM aATP, respectively, showing the existence of 1 mol of high affinity sites/mol of ATPase and 1-1.5 mol of low affinity sites/mol of enzyme. The rate of light-dependent incorporation of [beta-32P]aATP was decreased by the presence of ATP, Pi, 2',3'-O-(2,4,6-trinitrocyclohexadienylidene-ATP, or Ca2+ in the illumination media. Photolabeling of the high affinity sites had little effect on the velocity of ATP hydrolysis but significantly inhibited the splitting of additional aATP added in the dark. Photolabeling the low affinity sites caused irreversible inhibition of the ATPase activity. The inhibition was prevented by having ATP in the illumination medium, which protected it from labeling. Gel filtration chromatography in the presence of detergent showed that radioactive photolabel was incorporated in the SR ATPase protein. The results indicate that aATP is a useful tool for stoichiometrically labeling and probing the nucleotide binding domains of the SR ATPase.  相似文献   

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