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Food acquisition in central-place foraging animals demands efficient detection and retrieval of resources. Most ant species rely on a mass recruitment foraging strategy, which requires that some potential foragers remain at the nest where they can be recruited to food once resources are found. Because this strategy reduces the number of workers initially looking for food, it may reduce the food detection rate while increasing the postdiscovery food retrieval rate. In previous studies this tradeoff has been analyzed by computer simulation and mathematical models. Both kinds of models show that food acquisition rate is greatly influenced by food distribution and resource patch size: as food is condensed into fewer patches, the maximal acquisition rate is achieved by a shift to fewer initial searchers and more potential recruits. In general, these models show that a mass recruitment strategy is most effective when resources are clumped. We tested this prediction in two experiments by letting laboratory colonies of the Argentine ant (Linepithema humile) forage for resources placed in different distributions. When all prey were small, retrieval rate increased with increasing resource patch size, in support of foraging models. When prey were large, however, the mass of prey returned to the colony over time was much lower than when prey were small and widely distributed. As more ants reached a large prey item, the distance the prey item was transported decreased due to a greater emphasis on feeding rather than transport. Because Argentine ants can transport more biomass externally than they can ingest, food retrieval that depends only on ingestion can depress the biomass retrieval rate. Thus, our results generally support theoretical foraging models, but we show how prey size, through differential prey-handling behavior, can produce an outcome greatly different from that predicted only on the distribution of resources.  相似文献   

Summary Workers of Monomorium minimum forage above-ground for dead arthropods. Small particles (<1 mg) are retrieved individually, but larger particles stimulate recruitment and are dissected by groups of workers. The recruitment pheromone originates in the Dufour's gland and the number of ants responding to a trail varies with pheromone concentration. When ants of other species are encountered at food resources, workers of M. minimum gaster-flag and extrude an irritating poison gland secretion from the sting. This chemical interference delays invasion by competitors and prolongs the period during which the colony can dissect and retrieve pieces of the food resource. M. minimum recruits at higher temperatures than sympatric ant species. The probability of interference at food baits rises from 5% to 100% when they become too large for a single worker to carry. The probability of food resource loss is higher for baits of intermediate weight (x=18.1 mg) than for those of low weight (x=0.1 mg) or high weight (x=403.1 mg).  相似文献   

Starting from a clear, experimentally verified, example of a flexible biological system -- an ant colony --, it is hypothesized that adaptability is enhanced at the "edge of chaos", that is, in the vicinity of a point of instability. An ant colony exhibiting an appropriate combination of group and mass recruitment can adaptively switch to a newly introduced food source if it is richer: this is precisely the case of some species, such as Tetramorium caespitum, whose behavioral parameters are argued to be those characterizing the edge of chaos. Several simple models of foraging show the robustness of the argument.  相似文献   

Defense of Food Supply by Eusocial Colonies   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Overdispersion of colonies exists in many eusocial insects.Overdispersion can be generated by direct attack on coloniesor founders, by defense of space, by defense of food resourcesbeing harvested, or by exploitative competition. When directcompetitive interactions lead to colony overdispersion, territorialityis said to occur. Whereas solitary territory holders typicallydefend space, most eusocial colonies defend resource patchesrather than space per se. Also unlike solitary territory holders,colonies with forager communication can simultaneously defendseveral spatially separated food patches. A model explores optimalnumbers of scouts (discoverers of patches) and recruits (followers)needed to maximize net rate of energy intake by the colony.Territorial costs are added to the model by requiring a higherinvestment of foragers per unit resource collected. Accordingto the model, optimal colony size and percentage scouts aremore sensitive to changes in patch size than in patch density.If patch defense is required for resource control, a declineoccurs in optimal percentage of scouts; the decline is greatestfor small colonies. Colonies that must defend patches in orderto harvest from them suffer a loss in net energy intake; theloss is greatest for small colonies. It is predicted that amongeusocial insects, those with territorial defense of resourcesshould preferentially visit large patches and have comparativelylarge colony sizes and relatively few scouts. Ways of testingthese predictions are discussed.  相似文献   

Ants use a great variety of recruitment methods to forage for food or find new nests, including tandem running, group recruitment and scent trails. It has been known for some time that there is a loose correlation across many taxa between species-specific mature colony size and recruitment method. Very small colonies tend to use solitary foraging; small to medium sized colonies use tandem running or group recruitment whereas larger colonies use pheromone recruitment trails. Until now, explanations for this correlation have focused on the ants'' ecology, such as food resource distribution. However, many species have colonies with a single queen and workforces that grow over several orders of magnitude, and little is known about how a colony''s organization, including recruitment methods, may change during its growth. After all, recruitment involves interactions between ants, and hence the size of the colony itself may influence which recruitment method is used—even if the ants'' behavioural repertoire remains unchanged. Here we show using mathematical models that the observed correlation can also be explained by recognizing that failure rates in recruitment depend differently on colony size in various recruitment strategies. Our models focus on the build up of recruiter numbers inside colonies and are not based on optimality arguments, such as maximizing food yield. We predict that ant colonies of a certain size should use only one recruitment method (and always the same one) rather than a mix of two or more. These results highlight the importance of the organization of recruitment and how it is affected by colony size. Hence these results should also expand our understanding of ant ecology.  相似文献   

In the ant species Tetramorium caespitum, communication and foraging patterns rely on group-mass recruitment. Scouts having discovered food recruit nestmates and behave as leaders by guiding groups of recruits to the food location. After a while, a mass recruitment takes place in which foragers follow a chemical trail. Since group recruitment is crucial to the whole foraging process, we investigated whether food characteristics induce a tuning of recruiting stimuli by leaders that act upon the dynamics and size of recruited groups. High sucrose concentration triggers the exit of a higher number of groups that contain twice as many ants and reach the food source twice as fast than towards a weakly concentrated one. Similar trends were found depending on food accessibility: for a cut mealworm, accessibility to haemolymph results in a faster formation of larger groups than for an entire mealworm. These data provide the background for developing a stochastic model accounting for exploitation patterns by group-mass recruiting species. This model demonstrates how the modulations performed by leaders drive the colony to select the most profitable food source among several ones. Our results highlight how a minority of individuals can influence collective decisions in societies based on a distributed leadership.  相似文献   

Body size is often positively correlated with ecologically relevant traits such as fecundity, survival, resource requirements, and home range size. Ant colonies, in some respects, behave like organisms, and their colony size is thought to be a significant predictor of many behavioral and ecological traits similar to body size in unitary organisms. In this study, we test the relationship between colony size and field foraging distance in the ant species Temnothorax rugatulus. These ants forage in the leaf litter presumably for small arthropod prey. We found colonies did not differ significantly in their foraging distances, and colony size is not a significant predictor of foraging distance. This suggests that large colonies may not exhaust local resources or that foraging trips are not optimized for minimal distance, and thus that food may not be the limiting resource in this species. This study shows T. rugatulus are behaving in ways that differ from existing models of scaling.  相似文献   

Large ant colonies invariably use effective scent trails to guide copious ant numbers to food sources. The success of mass recruitment hinges on the involvement of many colony members to lay powerful trails. However, many ant colonies start off as single queens. How do these same colonies forage efficiently when small, thereby overcoming the hurdles to grow large? In this paper, we study the case of combined group and mass recruitment displayed by some ant species. Using mathematical models, we explore to what extent early group recruitment may aid deployment of scent trails, making such trails available at much smaller colony sizes. We show that a competition between group and mass recruitment may cause oscillatory behaviour mediated by scent trails. This results in a further reduction of colony size to establish trails successfully.  相似文献   

Macaranga myrmecophytes (ant-plants) provide their partner symbiotic ants (plant-ants) with food bodies as their main food, and they are protected by the plant-ants from herbivores. The amount of resource allocated to food bodies determines the plant-ant colony size and consequently determines the intensity of ant defense (anti-herbivore defense by plant-ants). As constraints in resource allocation change as plants grow, the plant-ant colony size is hypothesized to change with the ontogenesis of Macaranga myrmecophyte. To determine the ontogenetic change in the relative size of the plant-ant colony, we measured the dry weights of the whole plant-ant colony and all of the aboveground parts of trees at various ontogenetic stages for a myrmecophytic species (Macaranga beccariana) in a Bornean lowland tropical rain forest. Ant biomass increased as plant biomass increased. However, the rate of increase gradually declined, and the ant biomass appeared to reach a ceiling once trees began to branch. The ant/plant biomass ratio consistently decreased as plant biomass increased, with the rate of decrease gradually accelerating. We infer that the ontogenetic reduction in ant/plant biomass ratio is caused by an ontogenetic change in resource allocation to food rewards for ants related to the physiological changes accompanying the beginning of branching.  相似文献   

Giving-up times in resource patches by workers of the giant tropical ant,Paraponera clavata, are associated with travel time and reward volume but not reward concentration. The discovery of an artificial nectar reward stimulates local search which is centered around the initial reward site. Longer giving-up times increase the likelihood that a worker will find a second reward, but the search appears to be more effective for renewed rewards at the same location than for nearby rewards. When workers are near the colony, larger rewards cause the workers to stop searching and to initiate recruitment behavior. At patches distant from the nest, the threshold in reward volume for recruitment is much higher. These results are consistent with expectations for search strategies when energy expenditure in search is minimal, resources are renewable, and recruitment can occur.  相似文献   

In monospecific stands of Acacia drepanolobium in Laikipia, Kenya, virtually all but the smallest trees are occupied by one of four species of ants. Although trees are a limiting resource, all four ant species are maintained in this system. Three separate lines of evidence confirm a linear dominance hierarchy among these four ants: (1) experimentally staged conflicts, (2) natural transitions among 1773 tagged trees over a 6-month period, and (3) the average sizes of trees occupied by ants of different species. Short-term dynamics during a drying period reveal that many smaller trees (<1 m) occupied by dominant ants were subsequently abandoned, and that abandoned trees had grown more slowly than those that were not abandoned. Height growth increments over 6 months were generally independent of ant occupant, but increased with tree height. Among taller trees (>1 m), changes in ant occupation congruent with the dominance hierarchy (i.e., transitions from more subordinate ant species to more dominant ant species) occurred on trees that grew faster than average. In contrast, the (less frequent) changes in ant occupation ”against” the direction of the dominance hierarchy occurred on trees that grew more slowly than average. Observed correlations between tree vigor and takeover direction suggest that colony growth of dominant ant species is either favored in more productive microhabitats, or that such colonies differentially seek out healthier trees for conquest. Colonies of dominant species may differentially abandon more slowly growing trees during (dry) periods of retrenchment, or suffer higher mortality on these trees. Subordinate ant species appear to move onto these abandoned trees and, to a lesser extent, colonize new recruits in the sapling class. These data reveal that within a simple linear dominance hierarchy, short-term variations exist that may reveal underlying mechanisms associated with coexistence. Received: 24 June 1999 / Accepted: 3 December 1999  相似文献   

Antipredation behaviours of three ant species of the genus Camponotus were investigated in field and laboratory studies. Contact with the army ant Neivamyrmex nigrescens was shown to produce nest evacuation and removal of brood by colonies of Camponotus festinatus. Colonies of Camponotus ocreatus and Camponotus vicinus defended their nests through recruitment of the major caste. The initiation of evacuation or aggressive recruitment was dependent upon tactile contacts between Camponotus nestmates. Other sorts of disturbance which did not involve army ant contact did not produce evacuation or recruitment, indicating a high degree of enemy specification by Camponotus. The comparison of worker morphology revealed a close relationship between each species' strategy for nest defence and the degree of worker polymorphism exhibited. These findings suggest that interspecific ant predation has been a significant factor in the evolution of colony defence systems and caste polymorphism.  相似文献   

Social insect colonies are complex systems in which the interactions of many individuals lead to colony-level collective behaviors such as foraging. However, the emergent properties of collective behaviors may not necessarily be adaptive. Here, we examine symmetry breaking, an emergent pattern exhibited by some social insects that can lead colonies to focus their foraging effort on only one of several available food patches. Symmetry breaking has been reported to occur in several ant species. However, it is not clear whether it arises as an unavoidable epiphenomenon of pheromone recruitment, or whether it is an adaptive behavior that can be controlled through modification of the individual behavior of workers. In this paper, we used a simulation model to test how symmetry breaking is affected by the degree of non-linearity of recruitment, the specific mechanism used by individuals to choose between patches, patch size, and forager number. The model shows that foraging intensity on different trails becomes increasingly asymmetric as the recruitment response of individuals varies from linear to highly non-linear, supporting the predictions of previous work. Surprisingly, we also found that the direction of the relationship between forager number (i.e., colony size) and asymmetry varied depending on the specific details of the decision rule used by individuals. Limiting the size of the resource produced a damping effect on asymmetry, but only at high forager numbers. Variation in the rule used by individual ants to choose trails is a likely mechanism that could cause variation among the foraging behaviors of species, and is a behavior upon which selection could act.  相似文献   

Interference and the ideal free distribution: models and tests   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
We review the assumptions and predictions of five competitivedistribution models that predict how optimal foragers will bedistributed across resource patches when gains are reduced byinterference. This review revealed a number of previously ignoredpredictions and assumptions: in particular, there should beno change in relative patch use as competitor density changes.A new model is proposed in which interference results from thecosts of encounters with other foragers and where the gainson a patch are independent of the costs of interference. Thismodel predicts that as density increases, there will be increasedproportional use of lower-quality patches. Past empirical studiesof interference distributions are reanalyzed; none of the studiesprovides strong support for any of the existing ideal free-distributionmodels. We suggest that previous results are more consistentwith the predictions of our new model.  相似文献   

Positive feedback plays a major role in the emergence of many collective animal behaviours. In many ants pheromone trails recruit and direct nestmate foragers to food sources. The strong positive feedback caused by trail pheromones allows fast collective responses but can compromise flexibility. Previous laboratory experiments have shown that when the environment changes, colonies are often unable to reallocate their foragers to a more rewarding food source. Here we show both experimentally, using colonies of Lasius niger, and with an agent-based simulation model, that negative feedback caused by crowding at feeding sites allows ant colonies to maintain foraging flexibility even with strong recruitment to food sources. In a constant environment, negative feedback prevents the frequently found bias towards one feeder (symmetry breaking) and leads to equal distribution of foragers. In a changing environment, negative feedback allows a colony to quickly reallocate the majority of its foragers to a superior food patch that becomes available when foraging at an inferior patch is already well underway. The model confirms these experimental findings and shows that the ability of colonies to switch to a superior food source does not require the decay of trail pheromones. Our results help to resolve inconsistencies between collective foraging patterns seen in laboratory studies and observations in the wild, and show that the simultaneous action of negative and positive feedback is important for efficient foraging in mass-recruiting insect colonies.  相似文献   

Anderson  Carl 《Behavioral ecology》2001,12(1):111-119
In honey bee (Apis mellifera) colonies, scouts search for productiveforage sites and then recruit other workers to those locations using a waggle dance. A simple and tractable mathematical modelof the honey bee scout-recruit system was developed to studythe relationship between nectar availability, the efficiencyof the honey bee's recruitment system, and the optimal proportionof scouts that maximizes net gain (benefit - cost), or, energeticefficiency (benefit/cost - 1). The models consider both the energetic costs and benefits of active scouts and recruits aswell as the cost of an inactive forager reserve. They predictconditions when individual foraging is favored over the honeybee's recruitment system, when the colony should abandon foragingaltogether, and the optimal proportion of scouts (when thescout-recruit system is favored). The models' predictions qualitatively match empirical data. Surprisingly, previous empirical datafrom the honey bee suggest that recruits' costs are greaterthan scouts'—recruits spend significantly longer searchingfor a forage patch than do scouts—thereby causing researchersto rethink how the scout-recruit system might be adaptive. Using average returns, the models demonstrate how the scout-recruitsystem is adaptive despite these apparent higher recruit costsrelative to the scouts'. A sensitivity analysis demonstratesthat the results are robust to a broad range of relative costsof active workers, inactive workers, and the energetic benefitsof the forage. Consequently, the model is demonstrated to berelevant to many insect societies that employ a scout-recruitsystem.  相似文献   

The rocky intertidal has been a model system for experimentally testing hypotheses regarding the factors that structure natural communities. Many ecologists have proposed that changes in the intensity of recruitment of individuals into a community should influence community structure. Past work investigating this hypothesis has primarily been surveys of recruitment and community structure across large spatial scales. Surprisingly, no researchers to date have manipulated recruitment into a rocky intertidal community to assess the response of interactions of the whole community to variation in recruitment intensity. We manipulated the densities of Balanus glandula and Chthamalus spp. recruits across a four-fold difference at two sites spanning the Monterey Bay, California, USA, to experimentally test if differences in recruitment intensity influenced initial changes in community composition and if these changes persisted through time. The results of this work indicate that differences in recruitment influence community composition initially, but that these changes can be short-lived.  相似文献   

Myrmica ants have been model species for studies in a variety of disciplines, including insect physiology, chemical communication, ant social dynamics, ant population, community ecology, and ant interactions with other organisms. Species belonging to the genus Myrmica can be found in virtually every habitat within the temperate regions of the northern hemisphere and their biology and systematics have been thoroughly studied. These ants serve as hosts to highly diverse parasitic organisms from socially parasitic butterfly caterpillars to microbes, and many Myrmica species even evolved into parasitizing species of their own genus. These parasites have various impacts both on the individuals and on the social structure of their hosts, ranging from morphological malformations to reduction in colony fitness. A comprehensive review of the parasitic organisms supported by Myrmica and the effects of these organisms on individuals and on whole ant colonies has not yet been compiled. Here, we provide a review of the interactions of these organisms with Myrmica ants by discussing host and parasite functional, behavioral or physiological adaptations. In addition, for all “symbiont groups” of Myrmica ants described in this paper, we examine the present limitations of the knowledge at present of their impact on individuals and host colony fitness. In conclusion, we argue that Myrmica ants serve as remarkable resource for the evolution of a wide variety of associated organisms.  相似文献   

Logs and Fern Patches as Recruitment Sites in a Tropical Pasture   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Forest recovery in degraded pastures is often highly variable, possibly due to variation in the availability of adequate recruitment sites. In an actively grazed pasture in northeastern Costa Rica, this study examines how recruitment of woody species in patches of the fern Nephrolepsis sp. and near logs compares with recruitment in grassy areas. Fern patches and logs had five and eight times higher densities of woody recruits, respectively, as grassy areas. They also had more than twice the species richness and growth as grassy areas. Grass apparently presents a competitive barrier against invading woody recruits, and also attracts cattle that may trample and/or consume recruits. Both logs and patches of fern appeared to provide superior conditions for establishment and growth of woody species, and they did not attract cattle. This study suggests that fern patches and logs can be managed to accelerate forest succession.  相似文献   

Mutualisms affect the biodiversity, distribution and abundance of biological communities. However, ecological processes that drive mutualism-related shifts in population structure are often unclear and must be examined to elucidate how complex, multi-species mutualistic networks are formed and structured. In this study, we investigated how the presence of key marine mutualistic partners can drive the organisation of local communities on coral reefs. The cleaner wrasse, Labroides dimidiatus, removes ectoparasites and reduces stress hormones for multiple reef fish species, and their presence on coral reefs increases fish abundance and diversity. Such changes in population structure could be driven by increased recruitment of larval fish at settlement, or by post-settlement processes such as modified levels of migration or predation. We conducted a controlled field experiment to examine the effect of cleaners on recruitment processes of a common group of reef fishes, and showed that small patch reefs (61–285 m2) with cleaner wrasse had higher abundances of damselfish recruits than reefs from which cleaner wrasse had been removed over a 12-year period. However, the presence of cleaner wrasse did not affect species diversity of damselfish recruits. Our study provides evidence of the ecological processes that underpin changes in local population structure in the presence of a key mutualistic partner.  相似文献   

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