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The endogenous phosphorylation of membrane-bound proteins was studied in the neostriata of rats treated for three weeks with incrementing doses of morphine. Fractions containing synaptic membranes were incubated with γ-32P-ATP. Phosphate incorporation into individual proteins was determined by gel-electrophoresis and autoradiography of SDS-solubilized membranes. At short reaction times (10 sec.), phosphorylation of all the endogenous protein substrates was reduced compared to preparations from placebo treated rats, but this decrease was differential. Phosphorylation of the specific protein bands designated F and H (MW 47,000 and 15–20,000) decreased by 60–70% while that of all the other bands decreased by only 15–30%. At longer incubations (2–5 min.) bands F and H remained depressed, while the phosphorylation of all the other bands had reached control values. The bands whose phosphorylation selectively decreased after long-term narcotic exposure were identified as the proteins whose phosphorylation was reported previously to increase after training experience. Modifications induced in the phosphorylation of these specific proteins may play a role in the adaptive responses of brain cells to various environmental and pharmacological stimulations.  相似文献   

Noradrenaline (NA) and dopamine (DA) concentrations were measured in 5 discrete brain areas of barbital dependent rats following 0, 1 or 2 days of drug withdrawal. Statistically significant decreases in NA concentration were observed in the cerebral cortex and the thalamus of 1 day withdrawn rats while NA concentration in the hypothalamus was significantly reduced during the second day of withdrawal. The concentration of DA was significantly elevated in barbital dependent rats but declined following barbital withdrawal. Compared to control or nonwithdrawn rats, the concentration of DA in the thalamus was elevated by the second day of withdrawal. The changes in catecholamine concentration presumably reflect underlying effects of chronic barbital consumption or subsequent withdrawal on the synthesis, metabolism or utilization of these neurohumors.  相似文献   

R W Fuller  H D Snoddy  K W Perry 《Life sciences》1987,40(19):1921-1927
After the injection of N-cyclopropyl-p-chloroamphetamine (N-cyclopropyl-PCA) into rats, p-chloroamphetamine (PCA) was identified in brain by high performance liquid chromatography with UV detection and was quantitated by that method and by spectrofluorometric analysis involving reaction with fluorescamine. The identity of PCA in brains of rats treated with N-cyclopropyl-PCA was confirmed by mass spectrometry. The peak concentrations of PCA in brain occurred 4 hrs after N-cyclopropyl-PCA injection. Brain concentrations of PCA and of N-cyclopropyl-PCA were measured at 1 or 4 hrs, respectively, after the injection of various doses of PCA or of N-cyclopropyl-PCA into rats. The depletion of brain serotonin and 5-hydroxyindoleacetic acid (5-HIAA) was measured 1 week after injection of those same doses of PCA or N-cyclopropyl-PCA. Comparing peak concentrations of PCA with the degree of depletion of brain serotonin supported the interpretation that PCA formed metabolically accounted for the long-term depletion of brain 5-hydroxyindoles after injection of N-cyclopropyl-PCA in rats.  相似文献   

Göran Wahlström 《Life sciences》1976,19(12):1817-1826
An earlier study had shown a decreased tolerance to hexobarbital after electrically induced convulsions in the abstinence after chronic barbital treatments in the rat. The effect of spontaneous convulsions was investigated in the present study.In two experiments tolerance was induced by treatment with barbital in the drinking water. Two treatment periods with a total duration of about 55 weeks were given in each experiment. The average consumption of barbital was approximately 200 mg/kg/day during the last part of the treatments. In the abstinence after the second treatment period tolerance was measured with a hexobarbital threshold method. Convulsions were recorded with a jiggle cage. Records were obtained from all barbital treated animals during the first three days of abstinence.In both experiments the hexobarbital thresholds were reduced in barbital treated animals if a convulsion had occurred within the 25 hour period prior to a threshold determination performed on the third abstinent day. If no convulsion had occurred there was a more marked tolerance to hexobarbital.The convulsion which is regarded as a sign of physical dependence can thus reduce the tolerance to hexobarbital in the abstinence after chronic barbital treatments. The convulsion could not only be the sign but also the means to at least temporarily decrease physical dependence.  相似文献   

Ascorbic acid was repeatedly monitored in vivo in the striatum of rats subjected to an increasing pressure (100 bar/h compression rate; 0.5 bar partial pressure of O2 He-O2 mixture, up to 120 bar (121 ATA), to which they were exposed for 1 h. Measurements were performed using differential pulse voltammetry and carbon fiber microelectrodes. High-pressure-exposed animals exhibited a dramatic decrease of striatal ascorbic acid. This decrease was detectable at pressures as low as 50 bar and significant over 70 bar (75% of the control level), and the lower level (25% of the control level) was reached shortly after the end of the compression period. This finding is discussed in relation to the physiological role of ascorbic acid in the brain, e.g., its participation in the defense mechanisms against reactive O2 intermediates and lipid peroxidations and its probable involvement in neurotransmission. Emphasis is placed on a possible increased sensitivity of nerve cell membrane phospholipids to peroxidation under stressful hyperbaric situations.  相似文献   

I Yamamoto  Y Tateoka  K Watanabe  I K Ho 《Life sciences》1987,40(14):1439-1442
N,N'-Diallylpentobarbital (DAPB) antagonized barbital (B)-induced sleep in mice and rats. DAPB [80 mg/kg, intraperitoneal (i.p.)] reduced the barbital (350 mg/kg, i.p.)-induced sleeping time to 40% of the control in mice. Twenty, 40 and 80 mg/kg, i.p. of DAPB reduced barbital-induced sleeping time when administered 60 min prior to injection of barbital. DAPB (80 mg/kg, i.p.) also shortened barbital (250 mg/kg, i.p.)-induced sleeping time to about 70% of the control in rats. The result indicates that DAPB is an antagonist against hypnotic activity of barbital.  相似文献   

Prolactin levels were determined in the plasma of female rats from 4 to 54 days after ovariectomy or ovariectomy and treatment with a long acting polymer of estradiol, polyestradiol phosphate (PEP), or Silastic implants of crystalline estradiol-17β. Blood samples were withdrawn from indwelling aortic catheters in the morning (0900–1100) and afternoon (1500–1700). Both methods of estrogen delivery elevated plasma prolactin in the morning and afternoon compared to ovariectomized controls. However, the increases in the afternoon were significantly greater than those in the morning. The difference from ovariectomized controls and the morning-afternoon differences were maintained for 25–26 days in the polyestradiol phosphate-treated group whereas those differences in the group receiving the implants of estradiol were significant for the entire length of the experiment (54 days). In addition, there were periodic fluctuations in the morning and afternoon levels of prolactin in the estradiol implanted animals. It is suggested that the plasma prolactin response to estrogen varies with time of day, time after administration of estrogen and with the method of estrogen delivery.  相似文献   

Asp, Sven, and Erik A. Richter. Decreased insulinaction on muscle glucose transport after eccentric contractions in rats. J. Appl. Physiol. 81(5):1924-1928, 1996.We have recently shown that eccentriccontractions (Ecc) of rat calf muscles cause muscle damage anddecreased glycogen and glucose transporter GLUT-4 protein content inthe white (WG) and red gastrocnemius (RG) but not in the soleus (S) (S. Asp, S. Kristiansen, and E. A. Richter. J. Appl.Physiol. 79: 1338-1345, 1995). To study whetherthese changes affect insulin action, hindlimbs were perfused at three different insulin concentrations (0, 200, and 20,000 µU/ml) 2 daysafter one-legged eccentric contractions of the calf muscles. Comparedwith control, basal glucose transport was slightly higher (P < 0.05) in Ecc-WG and -RG,whereas it was lower (P < 0.05) atboth submaximal and maximal insulin concentrations in the Ecc-WG and atmaximal concentrations in the Ecc-RG. In the Ecc-S, the glucosetransport was unchanged in hindquarters perfused in the absence orpresence of a submaximal stimulating concentration of insulin, whereasit was slightly (P < 0.05) higherduring maximal insulin stimulation compared with control S. At the endof perfusion the glycogen concentrations were lower in bothEcc-gastrocnemius muscles compared with control muscles at all insulinconcentrations. Fractional velocity of glycogen synthase increasedsimilarly with increasing insulin concentrations in Ecc- and control WGand RG. We conclude that insulin action on glucose transport but notglycogen synthase activity is impaired in perfused muscle exposed toprior eccentric contractions.


Although deficits in synaptic plasticity have been identified in aged or neuroinflamed animals with memory impairments, few studies have examined the cellular basis of plasticity in such animals. Here, we examined whether chronic neuroinflammation altered long-term depression (LTD) and studied the underlying mechanism of LTD impairment by neuroinflammation. Chronic neuroinflammation was induced by administration of lipopolysaccharide (LPS) to the fourth ventricle. Excitatory postsynaptic potentials were recorded extracellularly in the rat hippocampal CA1 area to examine alterations in synaptic plasticity. Chronic administration of LPS induced remarkable memory impairment in the Morris water maze test. N-methyl-d-aspartate receptor (NMDAR)-dependent LTD was almost absent in LPS-infused animals. The AMPA receptor (AMPAR)-mediated synaptic response was reduced in the LPS-infused group. These results suggest that reduction in NMDAR-dependent LTD might arise because of alterations in postsynaptic AMPARs as well as NMDARs and that such changes may be present in mild and early forms of Alzheimer-type dementia.  相似文献   

In order to test the effects of chronic lithium (Li) administration on learning and memory, 21 day old rats were subjected to different degrees of environmental stimulation (enriched condition, EC and impoverished condition, IC) with and without Li for 144 days. Li was administered with food (2.18 mEq/Kg weight/day). Average plasma Li concentration at the end of the experiment was 0.41 +/- 0.04 mu Eq/ml. Both Li treatment and the environmental condition showed an overall significant effect on the cortex/subcortex weight ratio and learning ability index, but not on AChE activity in occipital cortex. A similar pattern of brain Li distribution was observed in both EC-Li and IC-Li, with occipital cortex having the highest levels. Li tissue/protein/plasma ratio was higher in EC than in IC, in all the brain areas studied. Other organs (liver and kidney) did not show EC-IC differences in the tissue/protein/plasma Li ratio.  相似文献   

The role of capsaicin-sensitive primary sensory neurons on the survival of experimental critical flaps was studied in the rat. Pretreatment with capsaicin, which depletes neuropeptide transmitter content from primary sensory neurons, caused a dramatic decrease in flap survival area compared to normal animals. In contrast, pretreatment with reserpine, which depletes catecholamines from adrenergic neurons, including the sympathetic post-ganglionic fibers, resulted in a significant increase in the survival area. It was concluded that both capsaicin-sensitive primary sensory neurons and sympathetic postganglionic adrenergic neurons play a role in systemic vascular regulation and that intact primary sensory neurons are of importance for the survival of ischemic tissue.  相似文献   

Rats were exposed intermittently for 8h per day over 6 days at simulated high altitude of 20 000 feet. One group of altitude-exposed animals was treated with naproxen, a prostaglandin inhibiting drug. Significant reduction in body weight gain was observed in both altitude-exposed and drug-treated altitude-exposed animals compared to the control group. Right and left ventricular weights and weights of the adrenal glands were increased significantly in altitude-exposed and altitude-exposed drug-treated animals. The weight of the spleen was increased significantly in altitude-exposed animals whereas no such increase of splenic weight was observed in drug-treated altitude-exposed group of animals. On the other hand, the weight of the liver was decreased significantly in both cases. In drug-treated altitude-exposed animals, the unaltered splenic weight was thought to be due to inhibition of the erythropoietic activity.  相似文献   

The rate of accumulation of 3,4-dihydroxy-phenylalanine following decarboxylase inhibition and of homovanillic acid following probenecid treatment were significantly decreased in streptozotocin-diabetic rats. These changes were observed in both the striatum and limbic forebrain. The Bmax for [3H]spiroperidol receptor binding was significantly increased in both brain regions. All of these neurochemical changes were reversed by insulin replacement therapy. Whether these neurochemical changes are attributable to chronic hyperglycemia or some other aspect of the diabetic state is not known.  相似文献   

It has been established that experimental avitaminosis A in rats results in a 'Sertoli cell-only situation' after about 10 weeks, and that replacing the vitamin immediately reinitiates spermatogenesis. The present study deals with testicular recovery after prolonged deprivation (up to 19 weeks). The Sertoli cell-only situation reached under this condition was thought to be refractory to Vitamin A replacement. However, spermatogenesis did reinitiate about 11 weeks after vitamin restoration, although in an atypical manner. The blood-testis barrier, normally assembled when spermatocytes reaches the zygotene stage, remained under this condition permeable to the lanthanum intercellular tracer. Concomitantly, primary spermatocytes normally found in the adluminal compartment isolated by the barrier (zygotene onward) became massively apoptotic. All the tubules containing early spermatocytes (preleptotene or leptotene cells), normally found in the basal compartment, exhibited normal features with no signs of degeneration. Based on these results, a possible relationship between blood-testis barrier assembly and spermatocyte differentiation is proposed.  相似文献   

Albino male rats were divided into four groups and exposed to gamma-radiation (137Cs) for 80, 40, 20 and 10 days at dose rates of 0.25, 0.5, 1.0 and 2.0 Gy/day, respectively. The development of lesions and remote aftereffects was shown to depend upon conditions of formation of the absorbed dose. With fractionated irradiation at dose rates above 1.0 Gy/day the dose-rate played a major role in producing the effect.  相似文献   

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