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The “Earth of fortified settlement” is one of the last big discoveries of the end of the xxth century. Situated on the oriental slopes of the mounts of Ural, fortified settlement, date the Middle Bronze Age. These strengthened structures are particular in the archaeology of steppes. They were built according to geometrical plans, Cities in oval being the most ancient, the rectangular cities being the most recent. The most remarkable are together of strengthened structures appropriate for the culture of Sintachta-Arkaïm. This city distinguishes itself from the others by the unique integrity of the works of fortification and by the graves which are connected to these last ones. Situated on a prominence, Arkaim consists of two defensive walls, maybe of a third, the rampart and the ditch. The space between the defensive walls was occupied by the houses of trapezoidal shape and directed as beams to the center of the city. The center of the city, the rectangular shape, was not built and formed a place where foyers were found. Complex entrances were at the four corner of the city. The excavations of fortified settlement and graves allowed to have an idea on the level of development of the everyday life at the time of the Middle Bronze Age in transuralian plains.  相似文献   

The attention is turned here to one kind of tools, characterized by a special morphology: the grooved hammer-stones. They are known in Europe and all over the world in various cultures, as Neolithic or Bronze Age remains and generally linked to extraction or mining activity; but, the discovery of several of these tools in western France, within pre-roman archaeological contexts, especially in sites devoted to marine salt production, leads us to a discussion on dating and the function of such tools, and feeds a more general reflexion about the existence of a specialised lithic set of tools during the Iron Age.  相似文献   

The “Earth of fortified settlement” is one of the last big discoveries of the end of the XXth century. Situated on the oriental slopes of the mounts of Ural, fortified settlement, date the Middle Bronze Age. These strengthened structures are particular in the archaeology of steppes. They were built according to geometrical plans, Cities in oval being the most ancient, the rectangular cities being the most recent. The most remarkable are together of strengthened structures appropriate for the culture of Sintachta-Arkaïm. This city distinguishes itself from the others by the unique integrity of the works of fortification and by the graves which are connected to these last ones. Situated on a prominence, Arkaim consists of two defensive walls, maybe of a third, the rampart and the ditch. The space between the defensive walls was occupied by the houses of shape trapezoidale and directed as beams to the center of the city. The center of the city, the rectangular shape, was not built and formed a place where foyers were found. Complex entrances were at the four corner of the city. The excavations of fortified settlement and graves allowed to have an idea on the level of development of the everyday life at the time of the Middle Bronze Age in transouraliennes plains.  相似文献   

The primitive religious view of tribes in Azerbaijan Bronze Age was in close connection with nature. Fire rituals had taken the main place in ancient people’s belief.  相似文献   

The Jungwon region, developed under the calcites deposit, contains 6 caves and 1 rock-shelter where we can find many animal bones. During the middle Pleistocene, some warm animals lived here and the number of species was increased in the course of the upper Pleistocene. In the upper Pleistocene, the young and old deer have been hunted as the main prey and they have been transported into the occupation area of prehistoric people. The cut-marks on the bones and the existence of bone tools reveal us their mode of subsistence.  相似文献   

The Permian section outcropping at Guardia Pisano (Sulcis area, SW Sardinia), comprises two successions, separated by an unconformity. The lower succession is composed of grey-black sandy shales, rich in plant remains and in sporomorphs, deposited in a fluvial-lacustrine to palustrine environment; followed by layers of rhyolithic lavas and volcanoclastites with silicified plant trunks. Most of the analysed samples yielded a profusion of pollen and spores in a very good state of preservation. Three associations were distinguished. The first one comprises mostly radial and bilateral monosaccate pollen grains and very few spores. This association is characterized by the presence of pollen grains of the genera Crucisaccites, Luberisaccites, Gondwanopollis and Lueckisporites, together with very abundant Potonieisporites and subordinate Florinites. The second association comprises mostly pollen grains of the genus Potonieisporites, represented by many species, together with Limitisporites, Costapollenites, Vittatina and others. Spores mainly represented by azonate trilete and monolete types are more frequent than in the previous association. These first two palynological associations reflect assemblages of meso-xerophilous plants growing in dryer environments, belonging to tropical and subtropical phytogeographic biomas. The third association, mainly composed of Sphenophyte spores, is autochthonous and corresponds to a swampy hygrophilous flora settled after the filling up of the basin. The age inferred by means of sporomorphs is early Asselian which is in good agreement with the mean radiometric age of the volcanic rocks obtained by the ‘SHRIMP’ and the lead-zircon evaporation methods (297 ± 5 Ma). The upper succession, is composed of grey to red sandstones and thin pelites deposited on an alluvial plain under very hot and humid climate; its Permian, post-Asselian age cannot be better constrained because of the scarcity of the fossil content.  相似文献   

The Gemigaya petroglyphs, in the area of Nakhichevan, are very important historical monuments. They are the only known ones of the ancient periods, dated from the IVth to the Ist millennium, and they constitute the main source for the scientific study of the creation and evolution of art in that area. The Noah’s myth attests the development of close relations with the civilization centers of the Near East at that time.  相似文献   

This paper updates the question of plant resources during the Bronze Age and First Iron Age in the northwestern Mediterranean Basin. Among the cereals, six-row hulled barley is dominant throughout the territory, whereas naked and hulled wheats take on greater or lesser roles from region to region. Millet cultivation developed during the Bronze Age and became widespread in the First Iron Age. Apart from cereals, pulses, oil species and fruit appear to be secondary. Results from the study of archaeobotanical remains on wetland sites, however, lead us to question this finding, as oil plants and fruits are much better represented in waterlogged conditions. The cultivation of vine began in the First Iron Age. In spite of a number of characteristics common to plants throughout the study area, regional differences, evident in the Bronze Age, seem to dissipate in the First Iron Age.  相似文献   

Lithic industries in Corsica have been subject to important modifications during the 3rd and 2nd millennium cal. BC. Polished tools changed almost totally during that period, the majority of all lithic tools disappeared. The development of metallurgy is probably the main reason for these changes; they show the new place of lithic productions in the activities of the different communities within the island.  相似文献   

Vallonnet cave (Alpes-Maritimes, France) provided archaic lithic tools together with a big amount of large mammals of the end of lower pleistocene. At the crossing of diverse ecological niches in time and space, three main levels and within them several smaller units were distinguished. The poorly mineralized bones witnessed a huge diagenetic fragmentation. The presence of the animals in the cave seems to be linked to the reasons of their death. The exhaustive and systematic observation of the bones, like the bears probably used to die inside the cave. Some other carnivores especially hyenas, used the cave as a nursery. Man also occupied the cave and had an activity mainly on large cervid bones and on some other species as well. The very progressive deposit gave a way for carnivores and porcupine to gnaw the bones on the ground before their burial. The succession of actions (man, carnivores and porcupine) on the same bones is characteristic on Vallonnet large mammals bones.  相似文献   

The carved stele known as the “head of the tribe”, attributed to the Chalcolithic, erected at an altitude of 2290 m in the chaos of blocks in the Merveilles torrent in the Mont Bego region at Tende, was removed from its original standing place. Earth extracted from under the stele and sieved yielded a sickle blade in very fine and homogeneous Bedoulian pale biege translucid flint, pressure flaked on a heated core. The blade bears a light polish caused by cereal harvesting. This sickle blade is similar to those widely used in the southern Chassey culture (4300 to 3000 years before our era) but also sometimes in the Campaniform culture, during the ancient and middle Bronze age, like in Murée cave, in the Verdon gorges. The location of the sickle blade at the foot of the carved stele, known as the “head of the tribe”, is not just coincidental. It is highly probable that the blade was intentionally placed beside this rock. It is seemingly during a ritual ceremony that this sickle blade, probably still inserted in a wooden handle, was intentionally placed, in a propitious gesture or as an offering, beside the stele known as the “head of the tribe”.  相似文献   

Assemblages with blades are rare in the south of Europe and most of them are dated from the isotopic stages 4 and 3. The blades are, otherwise, often produced on Levallois cores with unipolar and bipolar methods. According to the sites, the blades are more or less retouched as different kinds of tools. However, there are no specific links between this blank and the tools, and never between the artefacts and the fauna remains (activities). The hypothesis of traditions or needs among time and space are asked without answer, while the blades are present in the north of Europe and the Near East in far older periods. Several sites can be considered to describe the variability of the technical behaviour and the archaeological context of the blades in south-east France, extending to north Italy. The two sites, Abri du Maras and Baume Flandin, located in the middle Rhône valley, yield evidence of a laminar debitage linked to a Levallois method and a “direct” method. The technical choices used in the two sites are accorded to the specificity of the laminar assemblages in the southern Europe.  相似文献   

Several authors have already observed the dyschronic growth between Neanderthals and modern Humans permanent teeth but they never quantified it. Dental maturation is the best and mostly used way to evaluate precisely the decease age of Neanderthals. We thus present here an extensive study realised with deciduous and immature permanent Neanderthals teeth, which lead us to propose a new mode! Of dental maturation allowing to estimate their age without using the classical modern populations dental growth tables. We propose two methods, one using two mathematical formulas, the other one using a new table, which permits to directly obtain the age of a Neanderthal from his deciduous and permanent teeth degree of maturation data.  相似文献   

This article presents a project designed for prehistoric gender research. It focuses on the late Bronze Age to early Iron Age urnfield in Cottbus "Alvensleben-Kaserne", Brandenburg. The cremation remains were emptied from the urns layer by layer. This provided excellent conditions for a critical reconstruction of the funeral rituals related to the cremation. Detailed recording of each bone fragment in each layer made possible the discovery of the ritual deposition of burnt bones according to the anatomical order. Cremated bones, a primarily biological source, are also a substantial resource for cultural historical research, e.g., on funeral practices as well as social structures.  相似文献   

This study reports on the skeletal remains of an infant clavicle - specimen ATD6-37 - belonging to the Homo antecessor species, unearthed at Lower Pleistocene level TD6 of the Gran Dolina site (Sierra de Atapuerca). Studied alongside a further adult specimen - ATD6-50 -, they provide us with significant information on two key paleobiological aspects of these early humans: body shape and development. Based on the analytical results, the paper proposes a more accurate proportional method for determining age at death is applied to the fossilized infant clavicle under study. It goes on to hypothesize on postcranial growth and body shape and discusses morphological patterns and age at death of these early humans through comparisons with a wide range of infant dental samples and clavicular specimens in early and modern humans.  相似文献   

The larvae of some species of Dermestidae (Coleoptera) are able to bore the bones of a carrion for pupation. Several pupal chambers have been observed on an unciform belonging to a fossil rhinocerotid (Mesaceratherium sp.) from the late Oligocene/earliest Miocene of the phosphorites of Quercy (SW France). Such an unusual observation demonstrates the occurrence of dermestids in the entomofauna of the phosphorites of Quercy, and suggests at least the existence of paleoclimatic episodes with dry seasons, during a period usually considered as a relatively humid one. This is the earliest occurrence of such ichnofossils on a fossil mammal bone.  相似文献   

An embryonic earthworm (Oligochaeta: Lumbricidae), preserved with part of its cocoon wall by calcium phosphate mineralization, has been extracted from a deposit beneath a Late Bronze Age midden in southern England. The structure, possible identity and significance of the specimen are discussed.  相似文献   

Stature reconstructions from skeletal remains are usually obtained through regression equations based on the relationship between height and limb bone length. Different equations have been employed to reconstruct stature in skeletal samples, but this is the first study to provide a systematic analysis of the reliability of the different methods for Italian historical samples. Aims of this article are: 1) to analyze the reliability of different regression methods to estimate stature for populations living in Central Italy from the Iron Age to Medieval times; 2) to search for trends in stature over this time period by applying the most reliable regression method. Long bone measurements were collected from 1,021 individuals (560 males, 461 females), from 66 archeological sites for males and 54 for females. Three time periods were identified: Iron Age, Roman period, and Medieval period. To determine the most appropriate equation to reconstruct stature the Delta parameter of Gini (Memorie di metodologia statistica. Milano: Giuffre A. 1939), in which stature estimates derived from different limb bones are compared, was employed. The equations proposed by Pearson (Philos Trans R Soc London 192 (1899) 169-244) and Trotter and Gleser for Afro-Americans (Am J Phys Anthropol 10 (1952) 463-514; Am J Phys Anthropol 47 (1977) 355-356) provided the most consistent estimates when applied to our sample. We then used the equation by Pearson for further analyses. Results indicate a reduction in stature in the transition from the Iron Age to the Roman period, and a subsequent increase in the transition from the Roman period to the Medieval period. Changes of limb lengths over time were more pronounced in the distal than in the proximal elements in both limbs.  相似文献   

This article presents the results of technological analyses of the laminar products from three bone dwelling structures from the Mezhyrich site (dated to Upper Palaeolithic; 15,000–14,500 years BP). More than 2500 blades and bladelets were studied from technological point of view. We find close similarity between the three dwellings, which reflects similar ways of preparation of core fracture zone (overhang reduction, butt abrading, and flaking surface isolation), as well as in the organization of the negative of the dorsal surfaces of the blades. The comparison with materials from the Kostenki 1 layer 1 site (upper layer, 22,000–24,000 years BP) shows some differences with the artefacts from Mezhyrich site, despite same technological methods. This could be explained by differences in cultural tradition and large time gap between these two sites. The complexes from Mezhyrich to follow the Kostenki 1/1 tradition but with their own particularities.  相似文献   

The Jungwon region is located in the central part of Korea and it is one of crucial regions for understanding of the Korean Paleolithic culture. Many Paleolithic sites have been discovered in this region, from the lower Paleolithic to the upper Paleolithic. It is of interest the remarkable variety of archeological remains such as human bones, stone tools, animal bones and paleoenvironmental artifacts. As a result, it permits us to reconstruct the subsistence of prehistoric men. This region has an important role for Korean prehistoric researches.  相似文献   

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