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Six3 exerts multiple functions in the development of anterior neural tissue of vertebrate embryos. Whereas complete loss of Six3 function in the mouse results in failure of forebrain formation, its hypomorphic mutations in human and mouse can promote holoprosencephaly (HPE), a forebrain malformation that results, at least in part, from abnormal telencephalon development. However, the roles of Six3 in telencephalon patterning and differentiation are not well understood. To address the role of Six3 in telencephalon development, we analyzed zebrafish embryos deficient in two out of three Six3-related genes, six3b and six7, representing a partial loss of Six3 function. We found that telencephalon forms in six3b;six7-deficient embryos; however, ventral telencephalic domains are smaller and dorsal domains are larger. Decreased cell proliferation or excess apoptosis cannot account for the ventral deficiency. Instead, six3b and six7 are required during early segmentation for specification of ventral progenitors, similar to the role of Hedgehog (Hh) signaling in telencephalon development. Unlike in mice, we observe that Hh signaling is not disrupted in embryos with reduced Six3 function. Furthermore, six3b overexpression is sufficient to compensate for loss of Hh signaling in isl1- but not nkx2.1b-positive cells, suggesting a novel Hh-independent role for Six3 in telencephalon patterning. We further find that Six3 promotes ventral telencephalic fates through transient regulation of foxg1a expression and repression of the Wnt/β-catenin pathway.  相似文献   

Considerable data suggest that sonic hedgehog (Shh) is both necessary and sufficient for the specification of ventral pattern throughout the nervous system, including the telencephalon. We show that the regional markers induced by Shh in the E9.0 telencephalon are dependent on the dorsoventral and anteroposterior position of ectopic Shh expression. This suggests that by this point in development regional character in the telencephalon is established. To determine whether this prepattern is dependent on earlier Shh signaling, we examined the telencephalon in mice carrying either Shh- or Gli3-null mutant alleles. This analysis revealed that the expression of a subset of ventral telencephalic markers, including Dlx2 and Gsh2, although greatly diminished, persist in Shh(-/-) mutants, and that these same markers were expanded in Gli3(-/-) mutants. To understand further the genetic interaction between Shh and Gli3, we examined Shh/Gli3 and Smoothened/Gli3 double homozygous mutants. Notably, in animals carrying either of these genetic backgrounds, genes such as Gsh2 and Dlx2, which are expressed pan-ventrally, as well as Nkx2.1, which demarcates the ventral most aspect of the telencephalon, appear to be largely restored to their wild-type patterns of expression. These results suggest that normal patterning in the telencephalon depends on the ventral repression of Gli3 function by Shh and, conversely, on the dorsal repression of Shh signaling by Gli3. In addition these results support the idea that, in addition to hedgehog signaling, a Shh-independent pathways must act during development to pattern the telencephalon.  相似文献   

Ventral midline Sonic Hedgehog (Shh) signalling is crucial for growth and patterning of the embryonic forebrain. Here, we report how enhanced Shh midline signalling affects the evolution of telencephalic and diencephalic neuronal patterning in the blind cavefish Astyanax mexicanus, a teleost fish closely related to zebrafish. A comparison between cave- and surface-dwelling forms of Astyanax shows that cavefish display larger Shh expression in all anterior midline domains throughout development. This does not affect global forebrain regional patterning, but has several important consequences on specific regions and neuronal populations. First, we show expanded Nkx2.1a expression and higher levels of cell proliferation in the cavefish basal diencephalon and hypothalamus. Second, we uncover an Nkx2.1b-Lhx6-GABA-positive migratory pathway from the subpallium to the olfactory bulb, which is increased in size in cavefish. Finally, we observe heterochrony and enlarged Lhx7 expression in the cavefish basal forebrain. These specific increases in olfactory and hypothalamic forebrain components are Shh-dependent and therefore place the telencephalic midline organisers in a crucial position to modulate forebrain evolution through developmental events, and to generate diversity in forebrain neuronal patterning.  相似文献   

Sonic hedgehog (Shh) secreted from the axial signaling centers of the notochord and prechordal plate functions as a morphogen in dorsoventral patterning of the neural tube. Active Shh is uniquely cholesterol-modified and the hydrophobic nature of cholesterol suggests that it might regulate Shh spreading in the neural tube. Here, we examined the capacity of Shh lacking the cholesterol moiety (ShhN) to pattern different cell types in the telencephalon and spinal cord. In mice expressing ShhN, we detected low-level ShhN in the prechordal plate and notochord, consistent with the notion that ShhN can rapidly spread from its site of synthesis. Surprisingly, we found that low-level ShhN can elicit the generation of a full spectrum of ventral cell types in the spinal cord, whereas ventral neuronal specification and ganglionic eminence development in the Shh(N/-) telencephalon were severely impaired, suggesting that telencephalic patterning is more sensitive to alterations in local Shh concentration and spreading. In agreement, we observed induction of Shh pathway activity and expression of ventral markers at ectopic sites in the dorsal telencephalon indicative of long-range ShhN activity. Our findings indicate an essential role for the cholesterol moiety in restricting Shh dilution and deregulated spread for patterning the telencephalon. We propose that the differential effect of ShhN in patterning the spinal cord versus telencephalon may be attributed to regional differences in the maintenance of Shh expression in the ventral neuroepithelium and differences in dorsal tissue responsiveness to deregulated Shh spreading behavior.  相似文献   

To directly test the requirement for hedgehog signaling in the telencephalon from early neurogenesis, we examined conditional null alleles of both the Sonic hedgehog and Smoothened genes. While the removal of Shh signaling in these animals resulted in only minor patterning abnormalities, the number of neural progenitors in both the postnatal subventricular zone and hippocampus was dramatically reduced. In the subventricular zone, this was partially attributable to a marked increase in programmed cell death. Consistent with Hedgehog signaling being required for the maintenance of stem cell niches in the adult brain, progenitors from the subventricular zone of floxed Smo animals formed significantly fewer neurospheres. The loss of hedgehog signaling also resulted in abnormalities in the dentate gyrus and olfactory bulb. Furthermore, stimulation of the hedgehog pathway in the mature brain resulted in elevated proliferation in telencephalic progenitors. These results suggest that hedgehog signaling is required to maintain progenitor cells in the postnatal telencephalon.  相似文献   

In the embryonic neural tube, multiple signaling pathways work in concert to create functional neuronal circuits in the adult spinal cord. In the ventral neural tube, Sonic hedgehog (Shh) acts as a graded morphogen to specify neurons necessary for movement. In the dorsal neural tube, bone morphogenetic protein (BMP) and Wnt signals cooperate to specify neurons involved in sensation. Several signaling pathways, including Shh, rely on primary cilia in vertebrates. In this study, we used a mouse mutant with abnormal cilia, Arl13b(hnn), to study the relationship between cilia, cell signaling, and neural tube patterning. Arl13b(hnn) mutants have abnormal ventral neural tube patterning due to disrupted Shh signaling; in addition, dorsal patterning defects occur, but the cause of these is unknown. Here we show that the Arl13b(hnn) dorsal patterning defects result from abnormal BMP signaling. In addition, we find that Wnt ligands are abnormally expressed in Arl13b(hnn) mutants; surprisingly, however, downstream Wnt signaling is normal. We demonstrate that Arl13b is required non-autonomously for BMP signaling and Wnt ligand expression, indicating that the abnormal Shh signaling environment in Arl13b(hnn) embryos indirectly causes dorsal defects.  相似文献   

This study addresses the role of Sonic hedgehog (Shh) in promoting the generation of oligodendrocytes in the mouse telencephalon. We show that in the forebrain, expression of the early oligodendrocyte markers Olig2, plp/dm20 and PDGFR(alpha) corresponds to regions of Shh expression. To directly test if Shh can induce the development of oligodendrocytes within the telencephalon, we use retroviral vectors to ectopically express Shh within the mouse embryonic telencephalon. We find that infections with Shh-expressing retrovirus at embryonic day 9.5, result in ectopic Olig2 and PDGFR(alpha) expression by mid-embryogenesis. By postnatal day 21, cells expressing ectopic Shh overwhelmingly adopt an oligodendrocyte identity. To determine if the loss of telencephalic Shh correspondingly results in the loss of oligodendrocyte production, we studied Nkx2.1 mutant mice in which telencephalic expression of Shh is selectively lost. In accordance with Shh playing a role in oligodendrogenesis, within the medial ganglionic eminence of Nkx2.1 mutants, the early expression of PDGFR(alpha) is absent and the level of Olig2 expression is diminished in this region. In addition, in these same mutants, expression of both Shh and plp/dm20 is lost in the hypothalamus. Notably, in the prospective amygdala region where Shh expression persists in the Nkx2.1 mutant, the presence of plp/dm20 is unperturbed. Further supporting the idea that Shh is required for the in vivo establishment of early oligodendrocyte populations, expression of PDGFR(alpha) can be partially rescued by virally mediated expression of Shh in the Nkx2.1 mutant telencephalon. Interestingly, despite the apparent requirement for Shh for oligodendrocyte specification in vivo, all regions of either wild-type or Nkx2.1 mutant telencephalon are competent to produce oligodendrocytes in vitro. Furthermore, analysis of CNS tissue from Shh null animals definitively shows that, in vitro, Shh is not required for the generation of oligodendrocytes. We propose that oligodendrocyte specification is negatively regulated in vivo and that Shh generates oligodendrocytes by overcoming this inhibition. Furthermore, it appears that a Shh-independent pathway for generating oligodendrocytes exists.  相似文献   

A secreted signaling factor, Sonic hedgehog (Shh), has a crucial role in the generation of ventral cell types along the entire rostrocaudal axis of the neural tube. At caudal levels of the neuraxis, Shh is secreted by the notochord and floor plate during the period that ventral cell fates are specified. At anterior prosencephalic levels that give rise to the telencephalon, however, neither the prechordal mesoderm nor the ventral neural tube expresses Shh at the time that the overt ventral character of the telencephalon becomes evident. Thus, the precise role and timing of Shh signaling relevant to the specification of ventral telencephalic identity remains unclear. By analysing neural cell differentiation in chick neural plate explants we provide evidence that neural cells acquire molecular properties characteristic of the ventral telencephalon in response to Shh signals derived from the anterior primitive streak/Hensen's node region at gastrula stages. Exposure of prospective anterior prosencephalic cells to Shh at this early stage is sufficient to initiate a temporal program of differentiation that parallels that of neurons generated normally in the medial ganglionic eminence subdivision of the ventral telencephalon.  相似文献   

Sonic Hedgehog (Shh) signaling plays a critical role during dorsoventral (DV) patterning of the developing neural tube by modulating the expression of neural patterning genes. Overlapping activator functions of Gli2 and Gli3 have been shown to be required for motoneuron development and correct neural patterning in the ventral spinal cord. However, the role of Gli2 and Gli3 in ventral hindbrain development is unclear. In this paper, we have examined DV patterning of the hindbrain of Shh(-/-), Gli2(-/-) and Gli3(-/-) embryos, and found that the respective role of Gli2 and Gli3 is not only different between the hindbrain and spinal cord, but also at distinct rostrocaudal levels of the hindbrain. Remarkably, the anterior hindbrain of Gli2(-/-) embryos displays ventral patterning defects as severe as those observed in Shh(-/-) embryos suggesting that, unlike in the spinal cord and posterior hindbrain, Gli3 cannot compensate for the loss of Gli2 activator function in Shh-dependent ventral patterning of the anterior hindbrain. Loss of Gli3 also results in a distinct patterning defect in the anterior hindbrain, including dorsal expansion of Nkx6.1 expression. Furthermore, we demonstrate that ventral patterning of rhombomere 4 is less affected by loss of Gli2 function revealing a different requirement for Gli proteins in this rhombomere. Taken together, these observations indicate that Gli2 and Gli3 perform rhombomere-specific function during DV patterning of the hindbrain.  相似文献   

The ventral neural tube of vertebrates consists of distinct neural progenitor domains positioned along the dorsoventral (DV) axis that develop different types of moto- and interneurons. Several signalling molecules, most notably Sonic Hedgehog (Shh), retinoic acid (RA) and fibroblast growth factor (FGF) have been implicated in the generation of these domains. Shh is secreted from the floor plate, the ventral most neural tube structure that consists of the medial (MFP) and the lateral floor plate (LFP). While the MFP is well characterized, organization and function of the LFP remains unclear. Here, we describe the novel homeobox gene nkx2.2b that is strongly expressed in the trunk LFP of zebrafish and thus represents a unique marker for the characterization of LFP formation and the identification of LFP deficient mutants. nkx2.2b and its paralog nkx2.2a (formerly known as nk2.2 and nkx2.2) arose by gene duplication in zebrafish. Both duplicates show significant differences in their expression patterns. For example, while prominent nkx2.2a expression has been described in the ventral brain [Barth, K.A., Wilson, S.W., 1995. Expression of zebrafish nk2.2 is influenced by sonic hedgehog/vertebrate hedgehog-1 and demarcates a zone of neuronal differentiation in the embryonic forebrain. Development 121, 1755-1768], hardly any expression can be found in the trunk LFP, which is in contrast to nkx2.2b. Overexpression, mutant and inhibitor analyses show that nkx2.2b expression in the LFP is up-regulated by Shh, but repressed by retinoids and ectopic islet-1 (isl1) expression. In contrast to previously described zebrafish trunk LFP markers, like e.g. tal2 or foxa2, nkx2.2b is exclusively expressed in the LFP. Thus, it represents a unique tool to analyse the mechanisms of ventral neural tube patterning in zebrafish.  相似文献   

Induction of early pituitary progenitors is achieved through combined activities of signals from adjacent embryonic tissues. Previous studies have identified a requirement for oral ectoderm derived Sonic Hedgehog (Shh) in specification and/or proliferation of early pituitary progenitors, however how different Gli genes mediate Shh signaling to control pituitary progenitor development has not yet been determined. Here we show that Gli2, which encodes a major Gli activator, is required for proliferation of specific groups of pituitary progenitors but not for initial dorsoventral patterning. We further show that the action of Gli2 occurs prior to the closure of Rathke' pouch. Lastly, we show that Shh/Gli2 signaling controls the diencephalic expression of Bone morphogenetic protein 4 (Bmp4) and Fibroblast growth factor 8 (Fgf8), two genes that are known to play critical roles in patterning and growth of Rathke's pouch. Our results therefore suggest both cell-autonomous and non-cell-autonomous requirements for Gli2 in regulation of pituitary progenitor specification, proliferation and differentiation.  相似文献   

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