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Genetic variability of Anatolian hares and relationships between Anatolian and European populations were assessed by a multilocus allozyme approach to infer evolutionary relationships between hares from Asia Minor and Europe. Of the 48 loci assayed, 19 (39.6%) were polymorphic with two to four alleles in the Anatolian hares. Among all Anatolian alleles, 14 were so far not found in the compared 717 brown hares from Europe. Overall, genetic diversity was highest in Anatolian hares, intermediate in brown hares from the southern and southeastern Balkans and lowest in central European populations. The rich genetic diversity in Anatolian hares might be a consequence of Anatolias biogeographic position with the chance of multiple gene flow from neighbouring regions, and the likelihood of long-term presence of hares during the last ice age, when large parts of more northern latitudes did not provide suitable habitats.However, among 28 loci used for the comparison between European and Anatolian populations, most common alleles of European brown hares were also common in Anatolian populations and no alternately fixed alleles were found for Anatolian and European populations. This together with only little or moderately varying allele frequencies produced low genetic divergence between Anatolian and European populations. Genetic differentiation among Anatolian populations was also low. Even between the two forms with different coat colour (brownish and yellowish) in Anatolian hares, there was little genetic differentiation. Altogether, all Anatolian hares studied presently are closely related to European brown hare populations, and only some distantly spaced population pairs revealed increased genetic divergence.


Genetische Diversität anatolischer Feldhasen (Lepus europaeus Pallas, 1778) und Differenzierung zwischen anatolischen und europäischen PopulationenZur Beurteilung der phylogenetischen Beziehungen zwischen anatolischen Hasen und europäischen Feldhasenpopulationen wurde die allelische Variabilität anatolischer Hasen mittels horizontaler Stärkegelelektrophorese erfaßt und gemeinsam mit unmittelbar vergleichbaren Daten griechischer, bulgarischer und österreichischer Populationen aus früheren Studien populationsgenetischen Analysen unterzogen. Neunzehn der 48 untersuchten Loci der anatolischen Hasen zeigten allelische Variabilität. Unter den anatolischen Allelen kamen 14 bisher in den europäischen Polulationen nicht vor. Insgesamt zeigten anatolische Hasen die höchste und österreichische Populationen die niedrigste genetische Diversität; die jeweiligen Werte der griechischen und bulgarischen Populationen lagen dazwischen. Dies entspricht unserer Hypothese hoher genetischer Diversität in Anatolien, auf Grund der biogeografischen Position und der klimatischen bzw. Lebensraumbedingungen während des Pleistozäns, die, im Gegensatz zu Mitteleuropa, kontinuierliche Hasenpopulation in Anatolien wahrscheinlich erscheinen lassen. Kontinuierliche Populationen und Genflüsse aus verschiedenen Nachbarregionen könnten bei langfristig relative ungestörten Populationen zur Anreicherung genetischer Varianten in Anatolien geführt haben, während mitteleuropäische Feldhasenpopulationen im Zuge ihrer postglazialen Einwanderung aus Refugial-gebieten an genetischer Vielfalt eingebüßt haben. Allerdings waren die häufigen Allele der anatolischen Hasen ebenfalls häufig bei den europäischen Feldhasen vertreten; somit ergab sich insgesamt nur eine geringe genetische Differenzierung zwischen anatolischen und europäischen Feldhasen. Die zwei in Anatolien gefundenen Fellfärbungstypen (brauner vs. gelber Grundton) zeigten ebenfalls keine besondere genetische Differenzierung.  相似文献   

This is the first report of acute deaths in five European brown hares (Lepus europaeus) attributed to mucoid and necrotizing typhlocolitis caused by genetically different Cronobacter (C.) turicensis strains in northeastern Austria. As this opportunistic pathogen is mainly known for causing disease in immunocompromised humans and neonates, this previously unrecognized potential for a spill over from a wildlife reservoir to humans warrants further attention.  相似文献   

Aim We analysed the population genetics of the brown hare (Lepus europaeus) in order to test the hypothesis that this species migrated into central Europe from a number of late glacial refugia, including some in Asia Minor. Location Thirty‐three localities in Greece, Bulgaria, Italy, Croatia, Serbia, Poland, Switzerland, Austria, France, Germany, the Netherlands, Spain, the United Kingdom, Turkey and Israel. Methods In total, 926 brown hares were analysed for mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) variation by restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) performed on polymerase chain reaction‐amplified products spanning cytochrome b (cyt b)/control region (CR), cytochrome oxidase I (COI) and 12S–16S rRNA. In addition, sequence analysis of the mtDNA CR‐I region was performed on 69 individuals, and the data were compared with 137 mtDNA CR‐I sequences retrieved from GenBank. Results The 112 haplotypes detected were partitioned into five phylogeographically well‐defined major haplogroups, namely the ‘south‐eastern European type haplogroup’ (SEEh), ‘Anatolian/Middle Eastern type haplogroup’ (AMh), ‘European type haplogroup, subgroup A’ (EUh‐A), ‘European type haplogroup, subgroup B’ (EUh‐B) and ‘Intermediate haplogroup’ (INTERh). Sequence data retrieved from GenBank were consistent with the haplogroups determined in this study. In Bulgaria and north‐eastern Greece numerous haplotypes of all five haplogroups were present, forming a large overlap zone. Main conclusions The mtDNA results allow us to infer post‐glacial colonization of large parts of Europe from a late glacial/early Holocene source population in the central or south‐central Balkans. The presence of Anatolian/Middle Eastern haplotypes in the large overlap zone in Bulgaria and north‐eastern Greece reveals gene flow from Anatolia to Europe across the late Pleistocene Bosporus land‐bridge. Although various restocking operations could be partly responsible for the presence of unexpected haplotypes in certain areas, we nevertheless trace a strong phylogeographic signal throughout all regions under study. Throughout Europe, mtDNA results indicate that brown hares are not separated into discernable phyletic groups.  相似文献   

Information on reproductive biology of the European hare (Lepus europaeus) in different environmental and landscape conditions comprises part of fundamental knowledge regarding species’ adaptive responses as well as many aspects of its biology. Most of the studies conducted on European hare reproduction are confined to midlatitude and northern populations, whereas no data exist on the indigenous southern populations. Here, we present information on reproductive characteristics of European hares inhabiting Mediterranean ecosystems on the island of Crete, Greece for two successive hunting seasons. Although the annual reproductive cycle of the species is well known, with an autumn sexual inactivity, the duration of this period is subjected to fluctuations in different years and for different areas. According to our data, hare populations of Crete present an autumn–early winter reproductive activity with high proportions of pregnant females observed in all the months of the study. Furthermore, the estimated mean litter size (1.54 SE ± 0.07) while signed to the lowest values ever observed for European hares is similar to values obtained in continuous breeding species of the same genus, Lepus granatensis, Lepus corsicanus, Lepus (capensis) mediterraneus, and Lepus capensis also inhabiting warm climates. In conclusion, our results suggest that Cretan European hare populations exhibit a reproductively active period during autumn–early winter where proportions of pregnant females and litter size give a strong indication of a continuous reproduction throughout the year.  相似文献   

To investigate both seasonal changes and possible intracorporal gradients of phospholipid fatty acid composition, skeletal muscles (n=124), hearts (n=27), and livers (n=34) from free-living brown hares (Lepus europaeus) were analyzed. Phospholipids from both skeletal muscles and heart had a high degree of unsaturation with 66.8±0.63% and 65.7±0.5% polyunsaturated fatty acids, respectively. This is the highest proportion of polyunsaturated fatty acids reported in any mammalian tissue. Polyunsaturated fatty acid content in skeletal muscles was 2.3% greater in winter compared to summer (F1,106=17.7; P=0.0001), which may reflect thermoregulatory adjustments. Arachidonate (C20:4n-6) showed the greatest seasonal increase (+2.5%; F=7.95; P=0.0057). However, there were no pronounced differences in polyunsaturated fatty acid content between skeletal muscles from different locations in the body (m. iliopsoas, m. longissimus dorsi and m. vastus). Total muscle phospholipid polyunsaturated fatty acid content was correlated with polyunsaturated fatty acid content in triacyglycerols from perirenal white adipose tissue depots (r2=0.61; P=0.004). Polyunsaturated fatty acids were enriched in muscle phospholipids (56.8–73.6%), compared to white adipose tissue lipids (20.9–61.2%), and liver phospholipids (25.1–54.2%). We suggest that the high degree of muscle membrane unsaturation is related to hare-specific traits, such as a high maximum running speed.Abbreviations BMR basal metabolic rate - DPA docosapentaenoic acid - DHA docosahexaenoic acid - FA fatty acid - MUFA monounsaturated fatty acid - PC principal component - PUFA polyunsaturated fatty acid - SFA saturated fatty acid - UI unsaturation index - WAT white adipose tissueCommunicated by: G. Heldmaier  相似文献   

Systematics and taxonomy of hares of the genus Lepus (Lagomorpha) are under contentious debate, and phylogenetic relationships among many taxa are not well understood. Here we study genetic differentiation and evolutionary relationships among North African hares, currently considered subspecies of Lepus capensis , cape hares ( L. capensis ) from the Cape province in South Africa, and brown hares ( L. europeaus ) from Europe and Anatolia, using maternally (mtDNA) and biparentally (allozymes) inherited markers. A polymerase chain reaction-restriction fragment length polymorphism (PCR-RFLP) analysis of a c. 1.8 kb long segment of the mitochondrial control region using eight hexanucleotide-recognizing restriction endonucleases yielded 28 haplotypes, and horizontal starch gel electrophoresis of proteins encoded by 25 structural gene loci revealed 52 alleles at 18 polymorphic loci. Diverse phylogenetic analyses (neighbor joining dendrogram, median joining network, multidimensional scaling of pairwise distances, AMOVA, F -statistics, hierarchical F -statistics) of genetic variants revealed marked substructuring of mtDNA into three phylogeographic groups, namely an African, a central European, and an Anatolian, but a somewhat less pronounced overall differentiation of the nuclear genome, despite a relatively high number of population-specific (private) alleles. However, all our results are not incongruent with Petter's (1959: Mammalia 23 , 41; 1961: Z. f. Säugetierkunde 26 , 30; 1972 : Société Des Sciences Naturelles et Physiques du Maroc 52 , 122) hypothesis that North African hares generally belong to L. capensis and that brown hares should be included in this species as well.  相似文献   

In this study, activity patterns of the European hare (Lepus europaeus) were analyzed during winter using global positioning system (GPS) collars on 24 hares in two study areas located in central Italy. We programmed the collars to collect 12 location points per day, for a duration of three months. Results show two distinct phases of activities related to the day–night cycle. The daytime phase is characterized by inactivity at the form while the second phase is characterized by movements. Males were more active than females, showing a constant locomotor activity during the whole night. Females showed two peaks of activity during the night with a reduction in the middle of this time period. The comparison between females of the two study areas showed difference in interfix distance in particular around sunset and sunrise. In fact the minimum daily movement between the two areas shows that foraging sites of area B are more distant than those of area A. The recent possibility to apply GPS collars on small–medium mammals provides a powerful instrument to study the behavioral ecology of the European hare, and consequently promote an effective population management strategy for the species conservation.  相似文献   

We describe a new method for the sex determination of tissue originating from Oryctolagus cuniculus (European rabbit), Lepus europaeus (European brown hare) and Lepus timidus (mountain hare) based on PCR-RFLP analysis of point mutations that differentiate the ZFX and ZFY gene sequences. Among several applications, this PCR-RFLP method could be used to investigate gender ratio and evaluate the population dynamics of these species using samples collected when sex cannot be identified.  相似文献   

The major histocompatability complex (MHC) is a multigene family of receptors that bind and present antigenic peptides to T-cells. Genes of the MHC are characterized by an outstanding genetic polymorphism, which is considered to be maintained by positive selection. Sites involved in peptide binding form binding pockets (P) that are collectively termed the peptide-binding region (PBR). In this study, we examined the level of MHC genetic diversity within and among natural populations of brown hare ( Lepus europaeus ) from Europe and Anatolia choosing for analysis of the second exon of the DQA locus, one of the most polymorphic class II loci. We aimed at an integrated population genetic analysis of L. europeaus by (i) correlating MHC polymorphism to genetic variability and phylogenetic status estimated previously from maternally (mtDNA) and biparentally (allozymes, microsatellites) inherited loci; and (ii) comparing full-length exon amino acid polymorphism with functional polymorphism in the PBR and the binding pockets P1, P6 and P9. A substantial level of DQA exon 2 polymorphism was detected with two completely different set of alleles between the Anatolian and European populations. However, the phylogeny of full-length exon 2 Leeu-DQA alleles did not show a strong phylogeographic signal. The presence of balancing selection was supported by a statistically significant excess of nonsynonymous substitutions over synonymous in the PBR and a trans-species pattern of evolution detected after phylogenetic reconstruction. The differentiating patterns detected between genetic and functional polymorphism, i.e. the number and the distribution of pocket variants within and among populations, indicated a hierarchical action of selection pressures.  相似文献   

We studied seasonal use of space by 38 radio-tracked European hares in an arable region in central Germany over 5 years. Mean distance between successive daytime and nighttime fixes of a hare amounted to 226 m, and an average distance of 172 m was recorded for successive daytime fixes. The hares shifted the centres of their home ranges from one 2-month period to the next by an average distance of 131 m and over a time span of 11.2 months by 216 m. The size of their 2-month home ranges (MCP 95) averaged 21 ha; the variation between individuals was high. Night ranges were larger than day ranges. Mean size of seasonal home ranges—based on daytime and nighttime fixes—remained largely constant throughout the year. Home-range size increased as the day-to-night distance increased, as the number of used habitat elements increased and as frequency of use of inner field parts during the daytime increased. Home-range size was inversely related to population density. On average, 32% of the area of the home range of a hare overlapped with the home range of a neighbouring conspecific. When related to the population density of adult hares in spring, the home range of a single hare was estimated to overlap with 13–21 home ranges of adults as well as an indefinite number of juveniles. The large intraseasonal variation in locomotion and home-range characteristics is interpreted in relationship to the social structure of European hares.  相似文献   


Of 140 skulls, 11 (7.9%) had one or both M3s reduced or missing. Males and females were affected, in both the North Island and the South Island.  相似文献   

Among the European fauna, the Sardinian hare (Lepus sp.) is peculiar in that it differs from all other hares inhabiting the continent. Here, we report on the variation of a 461 bp sequence of hypervariable domain 1 of the mitochondrial control region, examined in 42 hares collected throughout Sardinia and compared to the corresponding sequences of different Lepus taxa. Seventeen novel haplotypes were found in the Sardinian population, resulting in a haplotype diversity of 0.840 and a nucleotide diversity of 0.012. As a result of Bayesian and principal coordinates analyses, Sardinian hares were grouped with North African hares, constituting a monophyletic clade that diverges from all other Old World hares, including Cape hares from South Africa and East Asia. Hence, our data agree that populations inhabiting North Africa and Sardinia form a distinct taxon, which could possibly be included in the L. capensis superspecies. Moreover, two corresponding lineages can be found in Sardinia and Tunisia, providing evidence of a common origin of the two populations and thus supporting the hypothesis that North African hares were introduced into the island in historical times. Our data show that the two lineages differ in their geographic distribution throughout the island and that the wild Sardinian population also shows the signature of a postintroduction demographic expansion.  相似文献   

1. Throughout the most recent glacial period (Weichsel), the mountain hare Lepus timidus had a continuous distribution in the tundra habitat south of the ice‐rim. When the ice retreated, mountain hares colonized deglaciated land, and spread over northern Europe. 2. Since the Weichsel, the mountain hare's distribution in Europe has been gradually reduced and at present comprises Ireland and the Scottish Highlands, high altitudes in the Alps, isolated forests in eastern Poland, most of Fennoscandia and from the Baltic countries eastwards through Russia. Declines during the last century have been observed in Sweden and Russia. 3. This review defines and evaluates causes for this gradual reduction and fragmentation of the mountain hare's distribution, with special focus on interactions with brown hares Lepus europaeus. The relative importance of diseases, predation, cultivation and interactions with other herbivores than brown hares are discussed. 4. A plausible cause of the possible permanent disappearance of mountain hares in Europe appears to be exclusion by interspecific competition and hybridization with, and/or epidemic diseases mediated by, the congeneric brown hare.  相似文献   

We measured the expression of aquaporin (AQP)1 -3 in kidneys of yarkand hares (Lepus yarcandensis )to understand the role of AQPs in adaptation to drought environment. We used H. E staining methods for detecting the histological structure of kidneys,and immunohistochemistry and western blotting for detecting expression of AQP1 - 3 in kidneys,
and also compared the results with those from domestic rabbits. Results showed that AQP1 is localized in capillary endothelial cell cytoplasm in glomeruli,and continued uninterrupted from proximal straight tubules into descending thin limbs in the outer medulla. AQP2 is observed in epithelial cells membrane in collecting ducts. AQP3 is localized in connecting tubules of the cortex and the outer medulla and epithelial cell basal membrane in collecting ducts. The expression of AQP1 -3 in kidneys is greater and the protein content is higher in yarkand hares than in domestic rabbits. These results indicate that the yarkand hare has increased the expression of aquaporins in kidneys,strengthened renal reabsorption of water and the ability for concentrating the urine,improving the ability for adaptation to arid environment.  相似文献   

Protostrongylus (Pulmostrongylus) pulmonalis from Lepus europaeus in Italy (Alto Adige) was studied. Most of the parasite population showed the typical morphology described for this species. Variations observed in the morphological features of gubernaculum, antero-lateral ray and telamon are considered to lie within the range of variability of the species. This is the first record of Protostrongylus (Pul.) pulmonalis in hares in Italy.  相似文献   

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