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20 Bupleurum L. taxa were investigated for micromorphological typology of the fruit surfaces with SEM. Considerably different types of sculpturing at species and subspecies level and similarities between related taxa were observed. A dichotomic key was prepared using the diagnostic surface patterns. Reticulate (sect. Bupleurum), rugose (sect. Aristata Godron subsect. Aristata) and rugulose-colliculate-verrucate (subsect. Juncea Briq.) types of surface structures were distinguished. Micromorphological characteristics may be valuable additional taxonomical criteria for the delimitation of infrageneric groups of species.  相似文献   

The paper presents the results of the study on seed morphology of four following Ornithogalum species: O. boucheanum Asch., O. nutans L., O. pyrenaicum L., and O. umbellatum L. Several macro-and micro-morphological characters were observed using stereoscope and scanning electron microscope. Differences were found especially in micromorphological characters of the seed surface, the shape of raphe and micropylar pole. These characters can be used as an additional taxonomic criterion at specific level for this genus. Only the seeds of O. boucheanum and O. nutans — two closely related and morphologically very similar species are practically undistinguished.  相似文献   

A new species, Arubis beirunu P. Silveira, Paiva & N. Marcos, from central Portugal is described and illustrated. A list of diagnostic differences between Arabis beirana and the closely related species A. sadina and A. stenocarpa is provided  相似文献   

苔草属复序苔草亚属植物果皮的扫描电镜观察   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
张树仁  戴伦凯  梁松筠   《广西植物》2000,20(2):185-188+204
应用扫描电子显微镜 ,观察了 15种苔草属复序苔草亚属植物果皮的微形态特征。结果表明 ,复序苔草亚属植物果皮的微形态性状多种多样 ,可以为系统学研究提供较丰富的信息 ;并且在所观察的种类中 ,果皮的微形态特征在种内很稳定 ,种间存在不同程度的差异 ,某些近缘种也可表现出一定的相似性。因此 ,上述特征可以做为探讨种之间的分类及亲缘关系的参考。  相似文献   


In this study, using light and scanning microscopes, the morphobiometric characters of pollen grains of Bupleurum fruticosum L., B. fontanesii Guss. ex Caruel, B. gerardi All., B. lancifolium Hornem., B. semicompositum L., B. tenuissimum L. have been analysed. The elaboration of qualitative and quantitative palynological data has allowed us to formulate a key of identification which characterizes six morphotypes. Pollen grains of B. fruticosum (a perennial species) have been distinguished from the grains of the other annual species examined by us on the basis of several morphobiometric characters, a condition which has confirmed the systematic arrangements suggested by several authors. The close palynological affinity between B. tenuissimum and B. semicompositum compared with B. gerardi has supported the placement of these three species in a distinct subsect. of the sect. Eubupleura Briq. or in a distinct subsect. of the sect. Isophyllum (Hoffm.) Dumort. Similarly, our palynological data on B. fontanesii have confirmed the systematic arrangement. However, these data differ from those reported by different authors who placed the three species in the sect. Aristata Godron subsect. Juncea Briq.  相似文献   

A new species of the genusSanicula (sect.Sanicoria) endemic to the southern Sierra Juárez of Baja California, Mexico, is described and illustrated.Sanicula moranii resemblesS. deserticola andS. bipinnatifida, but has thicker basal leaves, with broader petioles and rachises, and shorter fruit prickles that are confined to the apical part of the mericarps. The taxonomic relationships of these species are discussed, along with aspects of their distribution and habitat.
Resumen  Una neuva especie del géneroSanicula (secciónSanicoria) endémica de la Sierra Juárez de Baja California, México, es descrita e ilustrada.Sanicula moranii presenta similitud conS. deserticola yS. bipinnatifida, no obstante tiene gruesas hojas basales con pecíolos y raquis anchos, y espínulas del fruto más cortas que se distribuyen únicamente en la parte apical de los mericarpos. Además, se comentan las relaciones taxonómicas de las tres especies, así como algunos aspectos de sus distribuciones y hábitats.


The sex genetic determinants of the dioecious species Asparagus offcinalis are codified on the chromosome pair n. 5 and inherited as a monomendelian trait; since the dominant alleal controls the development of androecium, the males are heterozygous and the female homozygous. The male plants of asparagus are know to be superiour respect to the female ones for important yield components, therefore one objectiv of the breeding is the synthesis of all-male hybrids. That is possible by crossing female plants (m/m) with male plaits (M/M) homozygous for sex pair chromosome. The synthes of such kind of males by selfing the rare andromonoecious plants, involves several problems which can be overcome by using the in vitro anther culture technique. At our Institute this technique has been sistematically applied during the last twenty years and allowed to regenerate doubled haploid clones which were evaluated in the field for a minimum period of four years. The best male and female clones were then utilized as parents of all-male F1 hybrids. Following omparative varietal trials in different location for several years, the best F1 all-mal hybrids were identified and released to private seed companies for the production of commercial seed.  相似文献   

A study of morphometric karyotype characters was carried out in 14 species ofPeucedanum s. lat. (Umbelliferae — Apioideae) and in one species of the related genusLomatium. The differences of the species in their karyotype characters are correlated only to a limited degree with their similarities of dissimilarities in morphological (i. a. carpological) characters, and thus with their taxonomic position. The evolution of these two sets of characters seems to have proceeded not synchronously or even in different directions in the group of platycarpousUmbelliferae united in the genusPeucedanum. Therefore, it is unlikely that morphometric chromosome characters revealed by monochrome staining can be used appropriately in the taxonomic revision of the polymorphous genusPeucedanum.  相似文献   

A recently erected species of Saxifraga (section Porphyrion ) endemic to the Picos de Europa (Cordillera Cantábrica) is described and illustrated. S. felineri P. Vargas resembles S. aretioides and S. ferdinandi-coburgi , although the habit and leaf shape are the main characters which support its identity. The taxonomic relationships of the three species are discussed, as well as aspects of the distribution and ecology of S. felineri.  相似文献   

In this study, the anatomical features of the leaf and stem, besides the pollen and nutlet characteristics of Teucrium sandrasicum are investigated. T. sandrasicum, belonging to sect. Teucrium, is an endemic perennial herb growing on serpentine around Muğla province. The anatomical studies on T. sandrasicum revealed that the stem shares the general characteristics of the Labiatae family. The leaves clearly exhibit xeromorphy due to features such as the distribution of stomata on the lower surface (hipostomatic), the occurrence of guard cells below the epidermis (xeromorphic type), inrolled margins, thick cuticle layer, thick outer epidermal cell wall, a high density of trichomes and thick palisade layer of the mesophyll. The anatomical studies showed that the upper epidermal cells of the leaf include many spherocrystals. The pollen grains are prolate, medium in size, 3-colpate with verrucate ornamentation. The nutlets are ellipsoid with a reticulate-verrucate surface. The results have proven that T. sandrasicum is different from the other species of the sect. Teucrium because of the branched trichomes on the stem and the lack of eglandular trichomes on the nutlets.  相似文献   

While working on a treatment of Violaceae for the Flore de Nouvelle-Caledonie et dependences , two new species were recognized, Agatea veillonii Munzinger and A. lecointei Munzinger. These species are here described and illustrated. Some taxonomic notes and a regional identification key are provided.  相似文献   

In this study, the detailed pollen morphological structures of some endemic Turkish species of Centaurea amaena Boiss., C. antalyense H. Duman & A. Duran, C. aphrodisea Boiss., C. hierapolitana Boiss., C. luschaniana Heimerl, C. lycia Boiss., C. tossiensis Freyn. Et Sint., and C. wagenitzii Hub.-Mor. (Asteraceae, section Phaloletis) were studied under light microscopy (LM) and scanning electron microscopy (SEM) for the first time. LM and SEM investigations showed that the pollen grains of eight taxa are more or less spheroidal-subprolate, the amb triangular and tricolporate. The exine sculpture is tectate, microechinate-scabrate in the pollen of Centaurea taxa. Spinules are less dense in Centaurea amaena, C. antalyense, C. hierapolitana, and C. lycia, but they are more dense in C. aphrodisea, C. luschaniana, C. tossiensis, and C. wagenitzii. Spinule dimensions are different from each other. The exine has one layer of columellae beneath the spines. We determined all taxa that have the Helianthoid type. Exine sctructure and sculpture as well as spine density and dimensions in Asteraceae are the most reliable characteristics for discriminating taxa.  相似文献   

Morphological and micromorphological characters of the nutlets of ten Onosma species in Turkey were reported. Studied fruit surfaces show some variations. Based on the structure and patterns of epidermis cells of the nutlets, two principal types can be distinguished. In Type 1, the epidermal cells of the nutlet surface are formed in a reticulate pattern with varied sizes and shapes of the meshes. This type is the most common type in the studied species. Seven of the species observed belong to the reticulate type, i.e. O. bracteosum, O. mutabile, O. aleppicum, O. bornmuelleri, O. aucheranum, O. araraticum and O. tauricum. In Type 2, the epidermal cells of the nutlet surface are formed in an elongated type with varied sizes and shapes. Three of the observed species belong to this type, i.e. O. roussaei, O. isauricum and O. stenolobum. Significant taxonomic differences between species were determined on the surface of the nutlets.  相似文献   

A new species of Helichrysum Gaertn., H. orbicularifolium Sümbül, R. S. Göktürk & O. D. Düşen sp. nov. , is described and illustrated. The species is restricted to the south Anatolia Province, Antalya, Turkey, growing in humid calcareous rock crevices and on limestone cliffs. The species is compared with the closely related H. chasmolycicum . © 2003 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society , 2003, 141 , 251–254.  相似文献   

Three new species are described in Biscutella sect. Biscutella from the central-eastern mountains of the Iberian Peninsula: B. bilbilitana Mateo & M.B. Crespo, B. segurae Mateo & M.B. Crespo, and B. conquensis Mateo & M.B. Crespo. They are characterized morphologically, ecologically and chorologically. Data separating them from B. valentina (L.) Heywood, a taxon to which they sometimes have been referred, are also reported.  相似文献   


A new Anchusa species was discovered in the massif of Mt. Lattias in South-Western Sardinia. This species, here described as A. formosa, shows a sharp phenotypic differentiation from the other Sardinian endemic taxa of Anchusa, especially in habit, leaf shape and size, inflorescence and calyx morphology. Ecological traits are also peculiar, the plant being restricted to siliceous debris that accumulates in small depositional areas of dry stream beds. A. formosa is likely to represent a paleogenic schizoendemism originated through isolation and genetic drift from the same genie pool of the other Corso-Sardinian endemic taxa of Anchusa. SEM analyses provide additional information on the micromorphology of the stigma and its papillar pattern, pollen grains, mericarp coat surface and trichomes. The anatomical structure of stem, root and leaf were also analysed. Due to its extreme localization and ecological specialization, A. formosa needs total protection in its natural habitat and should be added to National and International Red Lists of plants at risk of extinction.  相似文献   

  • The taxonomic importance of macromorphological and micromorphological seed characteristics was investigated using SEM of ten species of the Salvia genus from Pakistan. The aim was to identify diagnostic seed ultrastructural features that could aid in species delimitation, correct identification and phylogenetic position. The ultrastructure of Salvia varies greatly, and a wide range of unique micromorphological features have been observed.
  • Seed micromorphological features were explored by SEM, including seed shape, colour, texture, cell outline, surface sculpturing, epidermal cell arrangement, anticlinal, and periclinal wall pattern.
  • Seed shapes were categorized as obovate, spherical, spheroid, broadly elliptic, elliptic and oblong, mostly with a terminal hilum. Seed colours were black, light brown, dark brown, brown and yellow. Exo-morphological characters, i.e. epidermal cell arrangements, included irregular, wavy pentagonal-hexagonal, regular pentagonal-hexagonal. Cluster analysis was used to assess similar and distinct species within Salvia with a feasible explanation. Taxonomic keys were made based on micromorphological qualitative features that help to delimit species and identify them quickly within the Salvia genus.
  • Seed morphology of ten Salvia species was described and investigated, and the diagnostic significance of features evaluated using SEM. This study analysed seed features, especially at the species level, which might provide much new taxonomic information. The results revealed that, in seed morphology, using SEM can help with taxon identification, especially at the genus and species levels.

We aimed to describe and analyse the morphological, anatomical and micromorphological traits of 36 Turkish orchids representing 12 genera (e.g. Anacamptis, Cephalanthera, Dactylorhiza, Orchis, Serapias) in detail and analyse their usability for solving phylogenetic and taxonomic issues. We applied UPGMA cluster analysis to anatomical, morphological and micromorphological characters such as root tubers, leaf and flower structures, pit, sclerenchymatic sheath, vascular bundle shape, crystal and starch, exodermis and endodermis structure, stomata type, bulliform cells in roots, shoots and leaves, surface structures like papillae, hairs and ornamentation on flower parts, leaves, fruits and seeds. Furthermore, in a phylogenetic framework, we analysed nuclear ribosomal ITS diversity in the same orchid species belonging, and in a combined Bayesian phylogenetic analysis based on anatomical, morphological, micromorphogical and ITS data we confirmed the usefulness of multiple data sets for effectively assessing taxonomically critical orchids. In the combined analysis, all genera were resolved as monophyletic with topologies congruent with recently published more thorough molecular phylogenetic reconstructions, while the trees obtained by seprately analysing the ITS and the anatomical, morphological, micromorphogical data were less resolved and partly inconclusive.  相似文献   

凤仙花属(Impatiens L.)10种植物花粉形态的扫描电镜观察   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用扫描电镜观察了10种凤仙花属(Impatiens L.)植物的花粉形态。结果表明:本属花粉为单粒花粉,呈长圆形至长矩圆形,大小为20.3~46.7 μm,具角萌发孔,网状纹饰,网眼明显;根据花粉网状纹饰中网眼内是否具颗粒状突起可将其分为2类:(1)网眼内无或近无颗粒状突起,黄金凤(I. siculifer)和婺源凤仙花(I. wuyuanensis)的花粉纹饰属于这一类型;(2)网眼内有明显颗粒状突起,其余8个种的花粉纹饰均属于该类型。研究表明,花粉特征,特别是花粉粒网状纹饰中网眼内有无颗粒状突起及颗粒状突起的形态等特征,在凤仙花属内常具种水平上的可见变异,因而可作为种类划分的依据,它们在分类学上的价值应予以关注。  相似文献   

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