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By using the dominant simian immunodeficiency virus (SIV) Gag Mamu-A01 restricted major histocompatibility complex (MHC) class I epitope p11CM, we demonstrate antibody-mediated enhanced MHC class I cross presentation of SIV Gag. In vitro restimulation of peripheral blood mononuclear cells from SIV-infected rhesus macaques with recombinant full-length SIV Gag p55 plus p55 affinity-purified immunoglobulin G (p55 Gag/p55-IgG) led to the generation of markedly higher frequencies of p11CM specific precursor cytotoxic T lymphocytes (p-CTLs) compared with restimulation with (i) SIV Gag p55 alone or (ii) optimal concentrations of the p11CM peptide alone. These results, along with the finding that CD4 depletion abrogated the enhancement, suggest a prominent role for CD4(+) T cells. Testing for p-CTLs against other Mamu-A01-restricted SIV Gag epitopes suggested that this mechanism favored recognition of the dominant p11CM peptide, potentially further skewing of the CTL response. The p-CTL enhancing effect was also decreased or abrogated by pepsin digestion of the p55-specific IgG or by the addition of monoclonal antibodies to Fc receptor (FcR) II/III, suggesting that the effect was dependent on FcR-mediated uptake of the immune-complexed antigen. Finally, incubation of antigen-presenting cells with SIV Gag p55 immune complexes in the presence of lactacystin or of bafilomycin indicated that the mechanism of antibody-mediated enhancement of cross presentation required both the proteasomal and the endosomal pathways. These data demonstrate for the first time the cross presentation of antigens via immune complexes in lentiviral infection and indicate a heretofore-unrecognized role for antibodies in modulating the magnitude and potentially also the breadth of MHC class I-restricted antigen processing and presentation and CTL responses.  相似文献   

The ability of the CD8 + cells from simian immunodeficiency virus (SIV)-infected rhesus macaques to inhibit SIV replication was investigated. Inhibition was produced by a heat-stable soluble factor of molecular size greater than 10kDa. CD8 + supernatants from some macaques were found not only to suppress SIV growth but also to be cytolytic toward both infected and uninfected CD4+ cells. Such indiscriminate CD8 + cell-mediated cell killing may therefore account for DC4 + cell depletion in certain SIV-infected macaques.  相似文献   

Differences in clinical outcome of simian immunodeficiency virus (SIV) infection in disease-resistant African sooty mangabeys (SM) and disease-susceptible Asian rhesus macaques (RM) prompted us to examine the role of regulatory T cells (Tregs) in these two animal models. Results from a cross-sectional study revealed maintenance of the frequency and absolute number of peripheral Tregs in chronically SIV-infected SM while a significant loss occurred in chronically SIV-infected RM compared to uninfected animals. A longitudinal study of experimentally SIV-infected animals revealed a transient increase in the frequency of Tregs from baseline values following acute infection in RM, but no change in the frequency of Tregs occurred in SM during this period. Further examination revealed a strong correlation between plasma viral load (VL) and the level of Tregs in SIV-infected RM but not SM. A correlation was also noted in SIV-infected RM that control VL spontaneously or in response to antiretroviral chemotherapy. In addition, immunofluorescent cell count assays showed that while Treg-depleted peripheral blood mononuclear cells from RM led to a significant enhancement of CD4+ and CD8+ T-cell responses to select pools of SIV peptides, there was no detectable T-cell response to the same pool of SIV peptides in Treg-depleted cells from SIV-infected SM. Our data collectively suggest that while Tregs do appear to play a role in the control of viremia and the magnitude of the SIV-specific immune response in RM, their role in disease resistance in SM remains unclear.  相似文献   

To identify the target proteins of CD8+ T lymphocytes we have explored the cytolytic immune responses of 12 rhesus macaques experimentally infected with the simian immunodeficiency virus (SIVmac). Target cells were autologous B cell lines presenting SIVmac proteins after infection with recombinant vaccinia viruses. The eight following proteins were studied: ENV, POL, GAG, NEF, VIF, REV, TAT, and VPX. Macaque PBMC stimulated with Con A and expanded in T cell growth factor-containing medium produced cell lines with cytolytic activity in the majority of infected animals (9/12). The structural proteins ENV, POL, and GAG were recognized by cell lines derived from nine, eight, and six macaques, respectively. The small regulatory proteins also represented efficient CTL targets, a specific activity being detected against NEF (8/12), REV (7/12), VPX (7/12), TAT (6/12), and VIF (5/12). Most cytotoxic responses (except those directed against ENV) were mediated by CD8 cells and were MHC class I restricted. Limiting dilution analysis allowed us to quantify the frequency of CTL precursors and confirmed the high immunogenicity of multiple SIV proteins. Three different patterns of response could be defined: six animals were able to recognize at least six of the eight tested target proteins, two of them reacting with all eight target proteins. The other three responder macaques reacted only against a few SIV proteins, whereas no cytotoxic activity was detected in the three remaining infected macaques and in the nine negative controls. The six animals responding against multiple proteins were still healthy 12 to 22 mo after infection with two of them presenting a decrease in circulating CD4 cells concurrently to the disappearance of the CTL response. Conversely, three nonresponder or low responder macaques developed an overt disease after 4 to 12 mo, and two other presented a very low level of CD4 cells, suggesting that the pattern of response may be of prognostic value.  相似文献   

In response to pressure exerted by major histocompatibility complex (MHC) class I-mediated CD8(+) T cell control, human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) escape mutations often arise in immunodominant epitopes recognized by MHC class I alleles. While the current standard of care for HIV-infected patients is treatment with highly active antiretroviral therapy (HAART), suppression of viral replication in these patients is not absolute and latently infected cells persist as lifelong reservoirs. To determine whether HIV escape from MHC class I-restricted CD8(+) T cell control develops during HAART treatment and then enters latent reservoirs in the periphery and central nervous system (CNS), with the potential to emerge as replication-competent virus, we tracked the longitudinal development of the simian immunodeficiency virus (SIV) Gag escape mutation K165R in HAART-treated SIV-infected pigtailed macaques. Key findings of these studies included: (i) SIV Gag K165R escape mutations emerged in both plasma and cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) during the decaying phase of viremia after HAART initiation before suppression of viral replication, (ii) SIV K165R Gag escape mutations were archived in latent proviral DNA reservoirs, including the brain in animals receiving HAART that suppressed viral replication, and (iii) replication-competent SIV Gag K165R escape mutations were present in the resting CD4(+) T cell reservoir in HAART-treated SIV-infected macaques. Despite early administration of aggressive antiretroviral treatment, HIV immune escape from CD8(+) T cell control can still develop during the decaying phases of viremia and then persist in latent reservoirs, including the brain, with the potential to emerge if HAART therapy is interrupted.  相似文献   

An infectious, virulence-attenuated molecular clone of simian immunodeficiency virus (SIV), SIVMAC-1A11, was derived from an SIV isolate that causes fatal immunodeficiency in rhesus macaques. When inoculated intravenously in rhesus macaques, SIVMAC-1A11 induced transient viremia (1 to 6 weeks) without clinical disease and a persistent humoral antibody response. The antibodies were directed mainly against the viral envelope glycoproteins, as determined by immunoblots and virus neutralization. The potential of this virulence-attenuated virus to protect against intravenous challenge with a pathogenic SIVMAC strain was assessed. Five rhesus macaques were each given two intravenous inoculations with SIVMAC-1A11 7 months apart. Three of the five immunized monkeys and four naive control animals were then challenged with 100 to 1,000 100% animal infectious doses of pathogenic SIVMAC. All seven animals became persistently viremic following the challenge. Four of four unimmunized animals developed severe clinical signs of simian acquired immunodeficiency syndrome by 38 to 227 days after challenge and were euthanatized 91 to 260 days postchallenge. However, no signs of illness were seen in immunized monkeys until 267 to 304 days postchallenge, when two of three immunized animals developed mild thrombocytopenia and lymphopenia; one of these animals died with clinical signs of simian immunodeficiency disease at 445 days after challenge. The two SIVMAC-1A11-immunized monkeys that were not challenged were healthy and antibody positive 22 months after the initial immunization. Thus, although live SIVMAC-1A11 was immunogenic and did not induce any disease, it failed to protect rhesus macaques against infection with a moderately high dose of pathogenic virus. However, immunization prevented severe, early disease and prolonged the lives of monkeys subsequently infected with pathogenic SIV.  相似文献   

Comparative studies were performed to determine the neuropathogenesis of infection in macaques with simian human immunodeficiency virus (SHIV)89.6P and SHIV(KU). Both viruses utilize the CD4 receptor and CXCR4 co-receptor. However, in addition, SHIV89.6P uses the CCR5 co-receptor. Both agents are dual tropic for CD4+ T cells and blood-derived macrophages of rhesus macaques. Following inoculation into macaques, both caused rapid elimination of CD4+ T cells but they varied greatly in mechanisms of neuropathogenesis. Two animals infected with SHIV89.6P developed typical lentiviral encephalitis in which multinucleated giant cell formation, nodular accumulations of microglial cells, activated macrophages and astrocytes, and perivascular accumulations of mononuclear cells were present in the brain. Many of the macrophages in these lesions contained viral RNA. Three macaques infected with SHIV(KU) and killed on days 6, 11 and 18, respectively, developed a slowly progressive infection in the CNS but macrophages were not productively infected and there were no pathological changes in the brain. Two other animals infected with this virus and killed several months later showed minimal infection in the brain even though one of the two developed encephalitis of unknown etiology. The basic difference in the mechanisms of neuropathogenesis by the two viruses may be related to co-receptor usage. SHIV89.6P, in utilizing the CCR5 co-receptor, caused neuropathogenic effects that are similar to other neurovirulent primate lentiviruses.  相似文献   

Comparative studies were performed to determine the neuropathogenesis of infection in macaques with simian human immunodeficiency virus (SHIV)89.6P and SHIVKU. Both viruses utilize the CD4 receptor and CXCR4 co-receptor. However, in addition, SHIV89.6P uses the CCR5 co-receptor. Both agents are dual tropic for CD4+ T cells and blood-derived macrophages of rhesus macaques. Following inoculation into macaques, both caused rapid elimination of CD4+ T cells but they varied greatly in mechanisms of neuropathogenesis. Two animals infected with SHIV89.6P developed typical lentiviral encephalitis in which multinucleated giant cell formation, nodular accumulations of microglial cells, activated macrophages and astrocytes, and perivascular accumulations of mononuclear cells were present in the brain. Many of the macrophages in these lesions contained viral RNA. Three macaques infected with SHIVKU and killed on days 6, 11 and 18, respectively, developed a slowly progressive infection in the CNS but macrophages were not productively infected and there were no pathological changes in the brain. Two other animals infected with this virus and killed several months later showed minimal infection in the brain even though one of the two developed encephalitis of unknown etiology. The basic difference in the mechanisms of neuropathogenesis by the two viruses may be related to co-receptor usage. SHIV89.6P, in utilizing the CCR5 co-receptor, caused neuropathogenic effects that are similar to other neurovirulent primate lentiviruses.  相似文献   

Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) induces a profound disorganization of the lymphoid tissues with marked abnormalities of the immune system at the terminal stage of infection. Since the digestive mucosal immune system is by far the largest lymphoid organ of the body, we attempted to evaluate its functional activity in advanced stages of simian immunodeficiency virus (SIV) infection in the SIV-macaque model of HIV infection. Two chronically intravenously SIV-infected macaques, including one at the AIDS stage, were studied. Intestinal intraepithelial lymphocytes (IEL) were isolated, analyzed, and compared to lymphocytes obtained from blood, spleen, and different lymph nodes: IEL were predominantly CD8+ T lymphocytes expressing the alphaE beta7 integrin and lacking the CD28 coactivatory molecule. A direct ex vivo SIV-specific cytotoxic activity was prominently found in the IEL of both macaques and was weaker or absent in the other sites. To our knowledge, this is the first report of SIV-specific cytotoxic activity from small intestine IEL in SIV-infected macaques. Considering the high similitude of the SIV-macaque model with the HIV infection in humans, these results may be highly important for the pathogenesis of HIV infection and more generally important for the characterization and function of digestive CD8+ IEL population.  相似文献   

An inactivated whole simian immunodeficiency virus (SIV) immunogen given to healthy, seropositive rhesus macaques 4 months after infection had no effect on the humoral immune response to SIV, the presence of antigenemia, cell-associated viremia, or disease course. Further immunotherapeutic trials in this highly susceptible animal model should be carried out sooner after exposure, before significant loss of CD4 cells has occurred. The SIV infected macaque model will continue to serve an essential role in development and testing of anti-AIDS drugs and immunogens.  相似文献   

Vectors derived from simian immunodeficiency virus (SIV)   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Nègre D  Cosset FL 《Biochimie》2002,84(11):1161-1171
In contrast to other retroviruses, lentiviruses have the unique property of infecting non-proliferating cells. Thus vectors derived from lentiviruses are promising tools for in vivo gene delivery applications. Vectors derived from human primate and non-primate lentiviruses have recently been described and, unlike retroviral vectors derived from murine leukemia viruses, lead to stable integration of the transgene into quiescent cells in various organs. Despite all the safety safeguards that have been progressively introduced in lentiviral vectors, the clinical acceptance of vectors derived from pathogenic lentiviruses is subject to debate. It is therefore essential to design vectors derived from a wide range of lentivirus types and to comparatively examine their properties in terms of transduction efficiency and bio-safety. Here, we review the properties of lentiviral vectors derived from simian immunodeficiency virus (SIV).  相似文献   

We have examined the frequency of infection of monocyte-derived and alveolar macrophages isolated from rhesus macaques inoculated with simian immunodeficiency virus (SIVmac) utilizing a semiquantitative PCR methodology. Animals were inoculated with either pathogenic (SIVmac239) or nonpathogenic (SIVmac1A11) molecularly cloned viruses of SIVmac, or with uncloned pathogenic SIVmacBIOL. The frequency of SIV DNA in macrophages was highest early after infection and at terminal stages of disease, whereas during the asymptomatic period, SIV DNA was present at very low levels in macrophages.  相似文献   

To identify viral determinants of simian immunodeficiency virus (SIV) virulence, two pairs of reciprocal recombinants constructed from a pathogenic (SIVmac239) and a nonpathogenic (SIVmac1A11) molecular clone of SIV were tested in rhesus macaques. A large 6.2-kb fragment containing gag, pol, env, and the regulatory genes from each of the cloned (parental) viruses was exchanged to produce one pair of recombinant viruses (designated SIVmac1A11/239gag-env/1A11 and SIVmac239/1A11gag-env/239 to indicate the genetic origins of the 5'/internal/3' regions, respectively, of the virus). A smaller 1.4-kb fragment containing the external env domain of each of the parental viruses was exchanged to create the second pair (SIVmac1A11/239env/1A11 and SIVmac239/1A11env/239) of recombinant viruses. Each of the two parental and four recombinant viruses was inoculated intravenously into four rhesus macaques, and all 24 animals were viremic by 4 weeks postinoculation (p.i.). Virus could not be isolated from peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC) of any animals infected with SIVmac1A11 after 6 weeks p.i. but was consistently isolated from all macaques inoculated with SIVmac239 for 92 weeks p.i. Virus isolation was variable from animals infected with recombinant viruses; SIVmac1A11/239gag-env/1A11 and SIVmac239/1A11env/239 were isolated most frequently. Animals inoculated with SIVmac239 had 10 to 100 times more virus-infected PBMC than those infected with recombinant viruses. Three animals infected with SIVmac239 died with simian AIDS (SAIDS) during the 2-year observation period after inoculation, and the fourth SIVmac239-infected animal had clinical signs of SAIDS. Two animals infected with recombinant viruses died with SAIDS; one was infected with SIVmac239/1A11gag-env/239, and the other was infected with SIVmac1A11/239gag-env/1A11. The remaining 18 macaques remained healthy by 2 years p.i., and 13 were aviremic. One year after inoculation, peripheral lymph nodes of some of these healthy, aviremic animals harbored infected cells. All animals seroconverted within the first few weeks of infection, and the magnitude of antibody response to SIV was proportional to the levels and duration of viremia. Virus-suppressive PBMC were detected within 2 to 4 weeks p.i. in all animals but tended to decline as viremia disappeared. There was no association of levels of cell-mediated virus-suppressive activity and either virus load or disease progression. Taken together, these results indicate that differences in more than one region of the viral genome are responsible for the lack of virulence of SIVmac1A11.  相似文献   

Simian immunodeficiency virus from rhesus macaques (SIVmac), like human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1), encodes a transactivator (tat) which stimulates long terminal repeat (LTR)-directed gene expression. We performed cotransfection assays of SIVmac and HIV-1 tat constructs with LTR-CAT reporter plasmids. The primary effect of transactivation for both SIVmac and HIV-1 is an increase in LTR-directed mRNA accumulation. The SIVmac tat gene product partially transactivates an HIV-1 LTR, whereas the HIV-1 tat gene product fully transactivates an SIVmac LTR. Significant transactivation is achieved by the product of coding exon 1 of the HIV-1 tat gene; however, inclusion of coding exon 2 results in a further increase in mRNA accumulation. In contrast, coding exon 2 of the SIVmac tat gene is required for significant transactivation. These results imply that the tat proteins of SIVmac and HIV-1 are functionally similar but not interchangeable. In addition, an in vitro-generated mutation in SIVmac tat disrupts splicing at the normal splice acceptor site at the beginning of coding exon 2 and activates a site approximately 15 nucleotides downstream. The product of this splice variant stimulates LTR-directed gene expression. This alternative splice acceptor site is also used by a biologically active provirus with an efficiency of approximately 5% compared with the upstream site. These data suggest that a novel tat protein is encoded during the course of viral infection.  相似文献   

Groups of rhesus monkeys were inoculated with: 1) simian immunodeficiency virus (SIV)B670 alone; 2) Mycobacterium leprae alone; 3) SIV plus M. leprae on the same day; and 4) M. leprae 2 weeks after SIV. Animals were monitored at intervals for virus loads, antibody responses to M. leprae glycolipid antigens and to SIV Gp120, T-cell CD4+ and CD4+ CD29+ subset percentages, leprosy and acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) clinical symptoms. Five out of six animals developed leprosy in each co-inoculated group, compared to one out of six in the M. leprae-only-inoculated group, indicating that M. leprae/SIV co-infection increases the susceptibility to leprosy, regardless of the timing of the two infections. Animals in the co-infected group that received M. leprae 2 weeks after SIV had a significantly slower rate of AIDS progression and long-term survival was significantly greater (three out of six) compared to the group inoculated with SIV alone (zero out of seven). All M. leprae-only-inoculated animals (six out of six) survived. Post-SIV-inoculation, a rapid decrease in the percentages of CD4 + and CD4 + CD29 + T-cells was observed in the SIV-only-inoculated group that was significantly blocked by co-inoculation with M. leprae 2 weeks after SIV, but not by SIV on the same day. The virus load set point was increased by approximately two logs in the group inoculated with M. leprae and SIV on the same day compared to SIV 2 weeks prior to M. leprae or the SIV-only-inoculated group. The results indicate that M. leprae, inoculated 2 weeks after SIV, decreased the pathogenicity of SIV compared to inoculation of M. leprae and SIV on the same day or SIV alone. The decreased pathogenicity correlated with a diminished loss of CD4 + and CD4 + CD29 + T-cell subsets in the group inoculated with M. leprae 2 weeks after SIV compared to the group inoculated with SIV alone. IgG antibody responses to M. leprae-specific cell wall phenolic glycolipid-I antigen were inhibited by 2-week-prior or same-day SIV co-inoculation compared to M. leprae-only inoculated animals. The IgG anti-lipoarabinomannan antibody response was enhanced in the group inoculated with M. leprae and SIV on the same day compared to the groups inoculated with M. leprae alone or SIV 2 weeks prior to M. leprae. Antibody responses to SIV Gp120 antigen were unimpaired in both co-inoculated groups compared to SIV-only-inoculated groups. The antibody results show that the immune responses to SIV and M. leprae are interrelated in SIV/M. leprae co-infected animals.  相似文献   

Gastrointestinal (GI) disease is a debilitating feature of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection that can occur in the absence of histopathological abnormalities or identifiable enteropathogens. However, the mechanisms of GI dysfunction are poorly understood. The present study was undertaken to characterize changes in resident and inflammatory cells in the enteric nervous system (ENS) of macaques during the acute stage of simian immunodeficiency virus (SIV) infection to gain insight into potential pathogenic mechanisms of GI disease. Ganglia from duodenum, ileum, and colon were examined in healthy and acutely infected macaques by using a combination of routine histology, double-label immunofluorescence and in situ hybridization. Evaluation of tissues from infected macaques showed progressive infiltration of myenteric ganglia by CD3+ T cells and IBA1+ macrophages beginning as early as 8 days postinfection. Quantitative image analysis revealed that the severity of myenteric ganglionitis increased with time after SIV infection and, in general, was more severe in ganglia from the small intestine than in ganglia from the colon. Despite an abundance of inflammatory cells in myenteric ganglia during acute infection, the ENS was not a target for virus infection. This study provides evidence that the ENS may be playing a role in the pathogenesis of GI disease and enteropathy in HIV-infected people.  相似文献   

DNA vaccination is an invaluable approach for immune therapy in that it lacks vector interference and thus permits repeated vaccination boosts. However, by themselves, DNA-based vaccines are typically poor inducers of Ag-specific immunity in humans and non-human primates. Cytokines, such as IL-12 and IL-15, have been shown to be potent adjuvants for the induction and maintenance of cellular immune responses, in particular during HIV infection. In this study, we examined the ability of therapeutic vaccination with SIV-DNA+IL-12 or IL-15 as molecular adjuvants to improve DNA vaccine potency and to enhance memory immune responses in SIV-infected macaques. Our results demonstrate that incorporating IL-12 into the vaccine induces SIV-specific CD8 effector memory T cell (T(EM)) functional responses and enhances the capacity of IFN-gamma-producing CD8 T(EM) cells to produce TNF. Lower levels of PD-1 were expressed on T cells acquiring dual function upon vaccination as compared with mono-functional CD8 T(EM) cells. Finally, a boost with SIV-DNA+IL-15 triggered most T cell memory subsets in macaques primed with either DNA-SIV or placebo but only CD8 T(EM) in macaques primed with SIV-DNA+IL-12. These results indicate that plasmid IL-12 and IL-15 cytokines represent a significant addition to enhance the ability of therapeutic DNA vaccines to induce better immunity.  相似文献   

There is an urgent need for active immunization strategies that, if administered shortly after birth, could protect infants in developing countries from acquiring human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection through breast-feeding. Better knowledge of the immunogenic properties of vaccine candidates in infants and of the effect of maternal antibodies on vaccine efficacy will aid in the development of such a neonatal HIV vaccine. Simian immunodeficiency virus (SIV) infection of infant macaques is a useful animal model of pediatric HIV infection with which to address these questions. Groups of infant macaques were immunized at birth and 3 weeks of age with either modified vaccinia virus Ankara (MVA) expressing SIV Gag, Pol, and Env (MVA-SIVgpe) or live-attenuated SIVmac1A11. One MVA-SIVgpe-immunized group had maternally derived anti-SIV antibodies prior to immunization. Animals were challenged orally at 4 weeks of age with a genetically heterogeneous stock of virulent SIVmac251. Although all animals became infected, the immunized animals mounted better antiviral antibody responses, controlled virus levels more effectively, and had a longer disease-free survival than the unvaccinated infected monkeys. Maternal antibodies did not significantly reduce the efficacy of the MVA-SIVgpe vaccine. In conclusion, although the tested vaccines delayed the onset of AIDS, further studies are warranted to determine whether a vaccine that elicits stronger early immune responses at the time of virus exposure may be able to prevent viral infection or AIDS in infants.  相似文献   

The immunopathogenesis of AIDS-associated hepatitis was explored in the SIV/rhesus monkey model. The livers of SIV-infected monkeys showed a mild hepatitis, with a predominantly CD8+ T lymphocyte infiltration in the periportal fields and sinusoids. These liver-associated CD8+ T cells were comprised of a high percentage of SIV-specific CTL as defined by MHC class I/Gag peptide tetramer binding and Gag peptide epitope-specific lytic activity. There was insufficient viral replication in these livers to account for attracting this large number of functional virus-specific CTL to the liver. There was also no evidence that the predominant population of CTL were functionally end-stage cells trapped in the liver and destined to undergo apoptotic cell death in that organ. Interestingly, we noted that liver tetramer-binding cells showed an increased expression of CD62L, an adhesion molecule usually only rarely expressed on tetramer-binding cells. This observation suggests that the expression of specific adhesion molecules by CTL might facilitate the capture of these cells in the liver. These results demonstrate that functional SIV-specific CD8+ T cells are present in large numbers in the liver of chronically SIV-infected monkeys. Thus, the liver may be a trap for virus-specific cytotoxic T cells.  相似文献   

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