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1. We experimentally reduced densities of predatory fish in replicated 2 m2 areas of the littoral zone in two ponds to test whether density and biomass of invertebrates would respond to release from fish predation. The ponds are of similar size and in close proximity, but support different fish assemblages: bluegills ( Lepomis macrochirus Rafinesque) and largemouth bass ( Micropterus salmoides (Lacepede)) in one pond, and bluespotted sunfish ( Enneacanthus gloriosus (Holbrook)) and chain pickerel ( Esox niger Lesueur) in the other. Fish densities were reduced to less than 15% of ambient levels in both experiments.
2. In the bluegill–bass pond, density and biomass of most invertebrate taxa and size classes were unaffected by the fish manipulation. Total invertebrate densities did not differ significantly between fish treatments, but total invertebrate biomass was significantly greater where fish density was reduced, averaging 30% higher over the course of the study. Likewise, manipulation of fish in the bluespotted sunfish–pickerel pond had few significant effects on individual taxa and size classes. There were no significant effects on total invertebrate abundance in the bluespotted sunfish–pickerel pond.
3. Our results provide direct experimental evidence consistent with the collective evidence from previous work, suggesting that the impact of fish predation on density and biomass of invertebrate prey in littoral habitats is variable, but generally weak. Invertebrates that coexist successfully with fish in littoral systems probably are adept at taking advantage of refugia offered by the structurally complex physical environment.  相似文献   

Ponds are common features of the landscape and are considered important for freshwater biodiversity conservation. Although fish have a significant impact on the lentic ecosystems, the environmental factors that regulate fish assemblages in human-created water bodies, such as irrigation ponds, remain unclear. We evaluated the relationship between environmental factors and the fish assemblage structure in 31 ponds located in northern Japan. Species richness (range: 1–9) was positively correlated with the size of the inflow channel. Multivariate analyses revealed that the size of the inflow channel was a better predictor for species richness than lake morphology (surface area and maximum depth), vegetation coverage, water quality (turbidity, pH, DO, and EC), distance to the main channel, and distance to an adjacent pond. Species richness was significantly different between ponds with and without an inflow channel. Furthermore, three of the four most commonly observed species are thought to be relatively tolerant to low oxygen. Given that ponds have a relatively high local extinction rate resulting from exposure to stressful conditions, such as low oxygen and/or small population sizes, our results suggest that immigration from surrounding water bodies plays an important role in maintaining species richness of pond-dwelling fish.  相似文献   

The relationship between fluvial fish assemblages and environmental variables including water quality was studied by nonmetric multidimensional scaling (NMS) and generalised regression neural network (GRNN). Fish assemblages in the studied boreal rivers in Central Finland showed a higher response to water quality than to other environmental variables such as altitude and river width. Of the water quality parameters, total phosphorus, oxygen saturation in winter and solids had the highest influence on fish assemblages. Brown trout (Salmo trutta L.) responded to water quality strongly by favouring pristine waters. Among other fish species, the responses were lighter, and the relative contribution of environmental variables varied. Percentage of fishless sites, i.e. no catch in electrofishing, was 4.4% when pH ≥ 6, and 38.2% when pH < 6. However, the most effective way to influence the fish assemblage composition, and to raise the fish-based FIFI integrity index value, would be to reduce loading of solids and phosphorus, rather than depressing acidification.  相似文献   

1. Bluegill sunfish ( Lepomis macrochirus ) dominate fish assemblages of small lakes and ponds throughout the eastern United States and may play a major role in structuring aquatic communities. We examined the impact of adult bluegill on amphibian density by stocking bluegill at a range of densities into partitions of an experimental pond in which amphibians were free to colonize.
2. Adult bluegill had a major impact on the amphibian assemblage. By the end of the experiment, gray treefrog ( Hyla versicolor ) tadpoles were nine times less abundant, and red-spotted newt ( Notophthalmus viridescens ) adults were three times less abundant in the presence of adult bluegill than in their absence. In contrast, bullfrog ( Rana catesbeiana ) tadpoles tended to increase in the presence of adult bluegill. Adult bluegill also had a negative effect on the abundance of predaceous aquatic insects.
3. There was no indication that interactions among amphibians were significant in determining the above patterns. We suggest that the strong impact of adult bluegill resulted from a combination of direct and indirect effects on amphibian larvae and predaceous aquatic insects.  相似文献   

The analysis of experimental data from the photocycle of bacteriorhodopsin (bR) as sums of exponentials has accumulated a large amount of information on its kinetics which is still controversial. One reason for ambiguous results can be found in the inherent instabilities connected with the fitting of noisy data by sums of exponentials. Nevertheless, there are strategies to optimize the experiments and the data analysis by a proper combination of well known techniques. This paper describes an applicable approach based on the correct weighting of the data, a separation of the linear and the non-linear parameters in the process of the least squares approximation, and a statistical analysis applying the correlation matrix, the determinant of Fisher's information matrix, and the variance of the parameters as a measure of the reliability of the results. In addition, the confidence regions for the linear approximation of the non-linear model are compared with confidence regions for the true non-linear model. Evaluation techniques and rules for an optimum experimental design are mainly exemplified by the analysis of numerically generated model data with increasing complexity. The estimation of the number of exponentials significant for the interpretation of a given set of data is demonstrated by using records from eight absorption and photocurrent experiments on the photocycle of bacteriorhodopsin. Offprint requests to: K.-H. Müller  相似文献   

Although in situ sediment capping is frequently used to reduce internal loading of contaminants and nutrients, post-application assessment rarely includes the potential undesirable short-term effects on plankton species composition. We hypothesised that a modified zeolite (Z2G1) application as a sediment capping agent in Lake Okaro, New Zealand, could cause significant undesirable shifts in species composition of both zooplankton and phytoplankton due to burial of resting stages or interference with feeding for the zooplankton. Alternatively, we predicted that the capping agent might have no effect due to, for example, the coarse grain size of the material (1–3 mm). We used multidimensional scaling (MDS) and analysis of similarity (ANOSIM) to identify any adverse effects of Z2G1 on zooplankton and phytoplankton species composition (i.e. shifts in community structure, including species loss) by comparing the community structure before and after the Z2G1 application. We found no significant differences in species composition before and after the Z2G1 application at the depths investigated (surface and 9 m). However, all of the analyses showed statistically significant differences among seasons, indicating seasonal variations in plankton composition far outweigh those that may have resulted from the Z2G1 application. Coarse particle size, low dose rate and a restricted area where the sediment capping agent was applied were considered to be the factors limiting potential adverse effects on plankton species. Considerations of finer-grained material to increase coverage and efficacy of phosphorus adsorption require assessment for their effects on zooplankton, however, and a direct mode of application into the hypolimnion is recommended to minimise effects on zooplankton and phytoplankton communities.  相似文献   

1. Ship‐induced waves disturb benthic invertebrate assemblages colonizing littoral zones of lakes and rivers. However, the impact of ship‐induced waves on invertebrates has rarely been quantified, and the influencing factors have not been addressed. 2. In an experimental wave tank, five benthic invertebrate species, Bithynia tentaculata, Calopteryx splendens, Dikerogammarus villosus, Gammarus roeseli and Laccophilus hyalinus, were exposed to waves of increasing shear stress (0.43–2.19 N m?2). Mean number of detached individuals was recorded for five littoral habitats [coarse woody debris (CWD), reeds, sand, stones and tree roots], representing different levels of structural complexity as quantified by their fractal dimensions (FD). 3. Results showed that detachment of invertebrates was significantly related to shear stress in all habitats except tree roots. Detachments averaged for the five species were significantly lower in habitats with a high degree of structural complexity, decreasing in the habitat sequence: sand, CWD, stones, reeds and tree roots. 4. Consistent with their different morphologies and methods of attachment to substrates, the five species displayed differences in their response to hydraulic stress that were dependent on habitat. 5. The increasing sheltering effect of structural habitat complexity was mirrored by increasing dissipation of the kinetic energy of waves; i.e. the FD of the habitat was positively correlated with shear stress reduction due to the flow resistance of the habitat. 6. Network habitats such as tree roots provided the best sheltering conditions against hydraulic disturbance, because they combined good refuge availability for all studied invertebrate species and maximal dissipation of kinetic wave energy. Consequently, persistent anthropogenic impacts, such as lakeshore modification or long‐term exposure to ship‐induced waves, which cause disappearance of complex littoral habitats such as tree roots or dense reed belts, will drastically increase the adverse effects of boating and ship traffic on littoral invertebrate assemblages.  相似文献   

The decay of submerged macrophytes in lakes of high trophic level drastically limits the extent of habitat available to littoral invertebrates. The loss can be partially compensated by growth of filamentous algae. Our results show that macroinvertebrates typically associated with submerged macrophytes as well as planktonic crustaceans and rotifers occurred within algal mats at high densities.Aggregations of filamentous algae are usually short-term, with frequent appearances and disappearances. The rate of colonization of algal mats by invertebrates is rapid. In locations with a high degree of water exchange, animals colonize both living and decomposing algal mats at a similar rate, but in sheltered habitats, decomposing filamentous algae are colonized by a smaller number of animals.Comparison was made between the occurrence of invertebrate macrofauna on Chara spp., Potamogeton perfoliatus, P. lucens and Myriophyllum spicatum in several lakes. Although these macrophytes differ visibly in morphology and phenology, the number and composition of macroinvertebrates during summer was associated more closely with trophic state of a lake than with plant species.  相似文献   

1. Quantitative palaeolimnology has traditionally sought to quantify species‐environment relationships to use alterations in biological assemblages to reflect past environmental change. Transfer functions have used regression techniques, such as weighted averaging, to define taxon optima and tolerance for a single chemical or biological variable. 2. Cladoceran assemblages and their sub‐fossil remains in shallow lakes are shaped by a combination of interacting factors. Partial constrained ordination of sub‐fossil cladoceran assemblages from 39 shallow lakes (29 in Norfolk, U.K. and 10 in Denmark) indicated that both zooplanktivorous fish (ZF) density and submerged macrophyte abundance significantly influenced community composition. These dual structuring forces precluded the use of a transfer function as one of the key assumptions of this approach was not met, namely that environmental variables apart from the variable being modelled have negligible influence on species distribution or that there is a linear relationship between the two. Separate transfer functions for ZF and macrophyte abundance were developed but had poor performance diagnostics with low bootstrapped r2, high root mean square error of prediction (RMSEP) and large bias. 3. To obviate the problem of multiple structuring forces a multivariate regression tree (MRT) was employed, which allows for more than one explanatory variable within a model. The MRT analysis defined six groups with discrete ranges of ZF and macrophyte densities. The technique identified critical values or ‘break points’ in ZF and macrophyte abundances which result in significant alterations in the sub‐fossil cladoceran assemblage. In addition, the MRT groups had different summer mean values for chlorophyll‐a, Secchi depth, total phosphorus and nitrate‐nitrogen. 4. The predictive abilities of the model were assessed by comparing the observed versus predicted MRT group membership. In general group membership was reliably predicted, suggesting sub‐fossil cladoceran assemblages reliably reflect ZF and macrophyte density in shallow lakes. For a relatively small number of sites there were differences between the observed and predicted MRT group membership. These failures of prediction may result, at least in part, from the disparity of the time period represented by the environmental data and the surface sediment cladoceran assemblage.  相似文献   

Changes in the Mondego estuary (Portugal) fish assemblage were documented with a long-term monitoring program between June 2003 and March 2010, during which several extreme environmental events occurred, including severe droughts and heavy precipitation. The structure and composition of the fish assemblage was analyzed based on a set of indicators: dominance, diversity, evenness, and composition in functional groups (ecological and feeding guilds). Higher species number, diversity, and evenness were observed in the dry periods. Variations in the relative abundance of the ecological guilds were also observed: in dry years, estuarine residents were the most abundant group, while in typical and rainy years, the marine estuarine-dependent species increased in abundance. Among the feeding guilds, the most abundant group was the invertebrate and fish feeders. Planktivorous and invertebrate feeders occurred in higher abundance in dry years, while the opposite was verified for omnivorous species. The mean trophic level of the fish assemblage increased during the drought period, constantly decreasing afterward, which could be attributed to an increase in predators in dry years. The cumulative responses of estuarine fish assemblages to ongoing climate changes and discrete extreme weather events confirm their importance as indicators of environmental changes.  相似文献   

Summary During a quantitative study of the littoral zooplankton of a backwater, temperature as well as some chemical conditions have been measured at monthly intervals throughout two years. All three stations with different types of vegetation showed during the daytime steadily higher temperatures near the surface than did the openwater station. pH, oxygen and alkalinity showed a clear dependence on the photosynthetic and respiratory activity of plants. At the station with a concentration of leaves of Nuphar, Hydrocharis, Myriophyllum, and Ceratophyllum near the surface, a remarkable vertical stratification of temperature and chemical factors were observed.Crustacea exceeded numerically the Rotatoria, the mean ratios for the warm seasons ranging from 1.9 to 4.8 : 1, at stations with emergent vegetation, and from 5.0 to 13.0, at stations with submerged vegetation. A spring (May) maximum of the littoral species, mainly Chydorus, was followed by an increase of tycholimnetic Cladocera during June–September; this was followed by a fall maximum of littoral Cyclopidae. In the case of the lower spring maximum of littoral species in 1954, a more abundant development of pelagic Rotatoria and of Ceriodaphnia was observed. The littoral and tycholimnetic or pelagic species seem to substitute for one another. Two types of life-cycles may be distinguished: The littoral species have mostly a well defined spring maximum and a less defined fall maximum, the tycholimnetic species, a summer maximum. At the station with submerged vegetation, Crustacea as well as Rotatoria were more concentrated near the surface than below it, the concentrations observed being five-fold for Crustacea, and two-fold for Rotatoria. Two phases may be distinguished, the pelagic, lasting from November until June, and the littoral, lasting from late June until October.The Labíko backwater had nearly ten times the concentration of littoral zooplankton, as the tarns observed by Smyly; this may be attributed to the generally greater productivity and denser vegetation of the former. The standing crop of the littoral zooplankton, expressed in organic nitrogen, reached 1 to 1.5 mg/l and 2 to 5 mg/dm2. In comparison with the free-water region, the littoral zooplankton of the backwater was more concentrated per unit of volume, but had a lower standing crop per unit of surface area.
Zusammenfassung Das litorale Zooplankton des Altwassers Labíko wurde in monatlichen Abständen studiert und Temperaturmessungen und chemische Analysen ausgeführt. Alle drei untersuchten Stationen mit verschiedener Vegetation zeigten während des Tages eine erhöhte Temperatur in Vergleich mit der pelagialen Region. pH, Sauerstoff and SBV zeigten eine deutliche Abhängigkeit von der photosynthetischen und respiratorischen Aktivität der Pflanzen. Auf der Station mit der Oberflächenanhäufung der Blätter von Nuphar, Hydrocharis, Myriophyllum und Ceratophyllum erschien eine markante vertikale Stratifikation der Temperatur und der chemischen Faktoren.Crustaceen überschritten die Rotatorien im numerischen Durchschnittsverhältnis (für die warmen Perioden) 1.9 bis 4.8 mal auf den Stationen mit der emergenten Vegetation and 5.0 bis 13.0 mal auf den Stationen mit submerser Vegetation. Einem Frühlingsmaximum der Litoralformen (hauptsächlich Chydorus) folgte eine erhöhte Zahl der tycholimnetischen Cladoceren im Juni–September nach. Dieses wurde durch das Herbstmaximum der litoralen Cyclopidae ausgelöst. In dem Falle eines niedrigen Frühlingsmaximum der Litoralformen im Jahre 1954 fand ein Aufsteig der pelagialen Rotatorien and Ceriodaphnien statt, was eine Substitution der litoralen and tycholimnetischen oder pelagialen Formen andeutet. Man kann zwei Typen von Lebenszyklen unterscheiden: Litorale Arten haben meistens ein gut ausgeprägtes Frühjahrsmaximum und ein weniger deutliches Herbstmaximum, während die tycholimnetischen Arten ein Sommermaximum aufweisen. Auf der Station mit submerser Vegetation sind Crustaceen sowie Rotatorien in der Oberflächenschicht viel mehr konzentriert als unter derselben (fünfmal, bezw. zweimal im Durchschnitt). Hier kann mit zwei Phasen gerechnet werden, einer pelagialen zwischen November und Anfang Juni and einer litoralen zwischen Ende Juni and Oktober.Das Altwasser Labíko hat ungefähr zehnmal höhere Konzentrationen des litoralen Zooplanktons als die von Smyly beobachteten Teiche, was der allgemein höheren Produktion und dichteren Vegetation des Altwassers zugerechnet werden kann. Die im Stickstoff ausgedrückte Biomasse des litoralen Zooplanktons erreicht 1.0–1.5 mg/l und 2–5 mg/dm2. Im Vergleich zu der Freiwasserregion, ist das litorale Zooplankton des Altwassers mehr konzentriert, hat aber eine niedrigere Biomasse per Flächeneinheit.

This paper reports the effects of nutrient availability, UV radiation and temperature on the taxa composition and abundance of Antarctic soil mycobiota. Two sites at Edmonson Point were studied: the first was poor in nutrients, near the glacier, and the second was close to bird nesting sites. The highest abundance of soil fungi was recorded at the site adjacent to the bird nesting sites. Phoma herbarum was the most abundant taxon. Lecytophora lignicola and Ascotricha erinacea are new records for continental Antarctica. The fungal assemblage from the nutrient-deficient site was characterized by a dominance-diversity curve approaching the broken-stick model, the assemblage from the soil influenced by birds was characterized by a lognormal distribution. Plastic cloches were used in experiments designed to assess differences in fungal assemblages subjected to altered temperature and/or UV exposure. Dominance-diversity curves and diversity values of soil fungal mycobiota were compared in their natural condition as compared with manipulated conditions. Under the walled cloches, at both sites, artificial warming led to stress on Antarctic soil fungal assemblages. In contrast, UV protection led to a higher equilibrium in the assemblage structure. On the basis of the results obtained, it could be proposed that UV radiation is the most important limiting ecological factor for soil mycobiota in continental Antarctica.  相似文献   

Beetle assemblages in ponds: effects of habitat and site age   总被引:10,自引:1,他引:10  
  • 1 Water beetle assemblages were sampled in each of 18 freshwater ponds, including 11 recently constructed sites designed to provide mitigation for wetlands destruction elsewhere, and seven older reference sites. There were three objectives: (a) to relate taxon richness and biomass of the beetles to the same properties of the wider aquatic invertebrate community, (b) to evaluate changes in beetle assemblage structure over time, and (c) to determine habitat effects on taxonomic composition, mean body size and trophic guild structure of the beetle assemblage.
  • 2 Forty‐seven beetle genera were identified, representing 77 species. The beetles represented an average of 21.5% of total generic richness, but only 3.7% of total wet biomass of the wider invertebrate community.
  • 3 Of all variables evaluated using canonical correspondence analysis (CCA), site age had the greatest influence on the beetle assemblage. Predatory dytiscids were early colonists at younger sites, while herbivorous curculionids and chrysomelids associated with particular types of vegetation typically occurred in older ponds. Mitigation ponds and reference ponds supported similar numbers of species. Reference sites, however, harboured substantially more unique species found at only a single site within the study area.
  • 4 The presence of fish was also strongly related to beetle assemblage structure. Ponds with few or no fish contained about 3‐fold higher biomass and 3‐fold greater mean wet weight per individual compared to ponds with substantial fish assemblages.
  • 5 Beetle assemblage composition varied among sites and sampling years, but beetle biomass, richness and species composition may be useful tools in evaluating the success of wetland mitigation efforts.

1. The effect of habitat structural features and physicochemical characteristics of the water on the composition and richness of fish assemblages in temporary ponds near streams were examined at three spatial scales: among ponds, among streams and between drainage basins, in a ‘terra‐firme’ (not subject to long‐term flooding) forest reserve in Central Amazonia. 2. The fish assemblage in temporary ponds was composed of subsets of 18 small‐bodied species widely distributed in the reserve. The assemblages had a nested subset structure, where smaller ponds contained subgroups of the species found in larger ponds. 3. Species composition and richness in temporary ponds were similar between drainage basins, although the fish assemblages in streams differed between basins. 4. Fish assemblage structure was influenced by local factors related to habitat structure, such as pond area and depth, canopy cover and hydroperiod. Physicochemical characteristics of the water in the ponds were similar between drainage basins and had little detectable effect on the structure of pond fish assemblages. 5. No correspondence was found between the composition, richness or abundance of fishes in the ponds and in stretches of the streams adjacent to the ponds. Therefore, it is not possible to predict the composition of these temporary pond fish assemblages from the fish assemblages found in adjacent streams.  相似文献   

East-German lowland lakes are highly susceptible to climatic changes, as most lakes are groundwater fed and strongly dependent on the balance of precipitation and evapotranspiration in their catchments. As a significant decrease of precipitation at least during summer is forecasted, a substantial and permanent reduction of lake water levels can be expected. Water-level fluctuations will predominantly affect the eulittoral zone where submerged tree roots form an important habitat type in lowland lakes that will become unavailable for eulittoral invertebrates. Hence, we compared the invertebrate community from eulittoral root habitats with those of infralittoral habitats to test which components of the invertebrate community would be potentially affected by the loss of root habitats, and whether infralittoral habitat types could mitigate these effects. Species richness did not significantly differ between eulittoral roots and the infralittoral habitat types. Community composition of roots significantly differed from that of coarse woody debris, sand and stones but not from reed habitats. Abundances of Coleoptera, Trichoptera and abundances of piercer, predator, shredder and xylophagous species were significantly lower on sand than on roots. Conversely, there were no significant differences in community measures between reed and root habitats except abundances of Coleoptera. Our results suggest that the loss of eulittoral root habitats will cause a significant alteration of the littoral invertebrate community. This could be mitigated if unimpaired reed habitats are available in the infralittoral zone which may serve as a refuge for most species typical for root habitats. Our results need to be verified by direct observations, especially as the extent of future water-level fluctuations is currently not assessable and might be more severe than assumed.  相似文献   

Toxicity of synthetic detergents to fish and aquatic invertebrates   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Synthetic detergents are reported to be acutely toxic to fish in concentrations between 0.4 and 40 mg/1. Factors affecting toxicity include the molecular structure of the detergent, water hardness, temperature and dissolved oxygen concentration; the age and species of the test fish, and acclimation to low concentrations of detergent. Some of these factors appear to be of only limited importance. Gill damage is the most obvious acute toxic effect; the immediate cause of death may be asphyxiation, but detergents may also be toxic internally. Lethal effects not related to gill damage have not been investigated. Sublethal effects include retardation of growth, alteration of feeding behaviour and inhibition of chemoreceptor organs. Low levels of detergents may also increase the uptake of other pollutants. Invertebrates, especially in their juvenile stages, are extremely sensitive to detergents: concentrations below 0.1 mg/1 interfere with growth and development in some species. The interactions between detergents and proteins, and their influence on membrane permeability may be the basis of the biological action of detergents. Detergents in natural waters are usually partially degraded, and a maximum permissible concentration of 0.5 mg/1 would probably be harmless under most conditions.  相似文献   

Permanent and temporary wetlands in Mediterranean shrublands represent unique repositories of biodiversity, which are increasingly threatened by human-induced habitat loss. The zooplankton of a permanent (P1) and a temporary pond (T35) in the Natural Reserve of Castelporziano, a rare residual stretch of such a shrubland in Central Italy (Latium), was investigated to: (1) expand and deepen knowledge of these endangered freshwater habitats, which represent a crucial component of Mediterranean biodiversity; (2) identify environmental controls regulating the development of zooplankton communities of each environment; and (3) highlight differences in the adaptive responses of the zooplankton community in relation to the different ecological conditions experienced by permanent and temporary habitats. Despite summer desiccation in T35, the two ponds exhibited a relative homogeneity in hydrological and physico-chemical dynamics. Zooplankton assemblages contained 41 total taxa, of which 32 were found in P1 and 28 in T35. Out of the 41 taxa identified, 22 (>50%) were exclusively present in one of the two ponds. On a yearly basis, the community dynamics of P1 seemed to be conditioned by physical and chemical factors and by hydrological cycle characteristics, while the community of T35 responded to algal blooms, food competition and predator/prey equilibria rather than correlating to abiotic factors. The main differences amongst zooplankton assemblages were observed over short time scales and occurred both within and between seasons, highlighting the role of some structural taxa that dominated the average composition of the community throughout the year, and the importance of “quick-response” taxa in determining the short-term composition and structure variation of pond zooplankton. A year-round cyclic community succession peculiar to each pond is described.  相似文献   

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