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A virus-neutralizing monoclonal antibody specific for glycoprotein C (gC) of herpes simplex virus type 1 strain KOS was used to select a number of neutralization-resistant mutants. A total of 103 of these mutants also were resistant to neutralization by a pool of gC-specific antibodies and thus were operationally defined as gC-. Analysis of mutant-infected cell mRNA showed that a 2.7-kilobase mRNA, comparable in size to the wild-type gC mRNA, was produced by nearly all mutants. However, six mutants, gC-5, gC-13, gC-21, gC-39, gC-46, and gC-98, did not produce the normal-size gC mRNA but rather synthesized a novel 1.1-kilobase RNA species. These mutants had deletions of 1.6 kilobases in the coding sequence of the gC structural gene, which explains their gC- phenotype. Despite the production of an apparently normal mRNA by the remaining 97 mutants, only 7 mutants produced a detectable gC polypeptide. In contrast to wild-type gC, which is a membrane-bound glycoprotein with an apparent molecular weight of 130,000 (130K), five of these mutants quantitatively secreted proteins of lower molecular weight into the culture medium. These were synLD70 (101K), gC-8 (109K), gC-49 (112K), gC-53 (108K), and gC-85 (106K). The mutant gC-3 secreted a protein that was indistinguishable in molecular weight from wild-type KOS gC. Another mutant, gC-44, produced a gC protein which also was indistinguishable from wild-type gC by molecular weight and which remained cell associated. Pulse-labeling of infected cells in the presence and absence of the glycosylation inhibitor tunicamycin demonstrated that these proteins were glycosylated and provided estimates of the molecular weights of the nonglycosylated primary translation products. The smallest of these proteins was produced by synLD70 and was 48K, about two-thirds the size of the wild-type polypeptide precursor (73K). Physical mapping of the mutations in synLD70 and gC-8 by marker rescue placed these mutations in the middle third of the gC coding sequence. Mapping of the mutations in other gC- mutants, including two in which no protein product was detected, also placed these mutations within or very close to the gC gene. The biochemical and genetic data available on mutants secreting gC gene products suggest that secretion is due to the lack of a functional transmembrane anchor sequence on these mutant glycoproteins.  相似文献   

Evidence is presented that the herpes simplex virus type 2 glycoprotein previously designated gF is antigenically related to herpes simplex virus type 1 gC (gC-1). An antiserum prepared against type 1 virion envelope proteins immunoprecipitated gF of type 2 (gF-2), and competition experiments revealed that the anti-gC-1 component of the antiserum was responsible for the anti-gF-2 cross-reactivity. An antiserum prepared against fully denatured purified gF-2, however, and three anti-gF-2 monoclonal antibodies failed to precipitate any type 1 antigen, indicating that the extent of cross-reactivity between gC-1 and gF-2 may be limited. Several aspects of gF-2 synthesis and processing were investigated. Use of the enzymes endo-beta-N-acetylglucosaminidase H and alpha-D-N-acetylgalactosaminyl oligosaccharidase revealed that the fully processed form of gF-2 (about 75,000 [75K] apparent molecular weight) had both complex-type N-linked and O-linked oligosaccharides, whereas newly synthesized forms (67K and 69K) had only high-mannose N-linked oligosaccharides. These last two forms were both reduced in size to 54K by treatment with endo-beta-N-acetylglucosaminidase H and therefore appear to differ only in the number of N-linked chains. Neutralization tests and radioiodination experiments revealed that gF-2 is exposed on the surfaces of virions and that the 75K form of gF-2 is exposed on cell surfaces. The similarities and differences of gF-2 and gC-1 are discussed in light of recent mapping results which suggest collinearity of their respective genes.  相似文献   

Glycoprotein D (gD) is a viron envelope component of herpes simplex virus types 1 and 2. We have previously defined seven monoclonal antibody (MAb) groups which recognize distinct epitopes on the mature gD-1 protein of 369 amino acids. MAb groups VII, II, and V recognize continuous epitopes at residues 11-19, 272-279, and 340-356, respectively. MAb groups I, III, IV, and VI recognize discontinuous epitopes. Recent studies have focused on epitopes I, III, and VI. Using truncated forms of gD generated by recombinant DNA methods and proteolysis, epitopes III, IV, and VI were located within amino acids 1-233. A portion of discontinuous epitope I was located in a region within residues 233-275. For this study, we used recombinant DNA methods to create mutations in the gD-1 gene and studied the effects of those mutations on gD as expressed in mammalian cells. Plasmid pRE4, containing the coding sequence of gD-1 and the Rous sarcoma virus long terminal repeat promoter, was transfected into mammalian cells. The expressed protein, gD-1-(pRE4), was identical in size and antigenic properties to gD-1 from infected cells. Six in-frame deletion mutations were subsequently constructed by using restriction enzymes to excise portions of the gD-1 gene. Plasmids carrying these mutated forms were transfected into cells, and the corresponding proteins were examined at 48 h posttransfection for antigenicity and glycosylation patterns. Three deletions of varying size were located downstream of residue 233. Analysis of these mutants showed that amino acids within the region 234-244 were critical for binding of DL11 (group I), but not for other MAb groups. Three other deletion mutants lost all ability to bind MAbs which recognize discontinuous epitopes. In addition, much of the gD expressed by these mutants was observed to migrate as high-molecular-weight aggregated forms in nondenaturing gels. Each of these mutations involved the loss of a cysteine residue, suggesting that disulfide linkages play an essential role in the formation of discontinuous epitopes. The extent of glycosylation of the mutant gD molecules accumulated at 48 h posttransfection suggested altered carbohydrate processing. In one case, there was evidence for increased O-linked glycosylation. Those proteins which had lost a cysteine residue as part of the deletion did not accumulate molecules processed beyond the high-mannose stage. The results suggest that carbohydrate processing during synthesis of gD is very sensitive to alterations in structure, particularly changes involving cysteine residues.  相似文献   

Varicella-zoster virus (VZV) can complement temperature-sensitive mutants of herpes simplex virus. Of seven mutants tested, two, carrying mutations in the immediate-early ICP4 and ICP27 proteins, were complemented. This complementation was not seen in coinfections with adenovirus type 5 or cytomegalovirus. Following transfection into CV-1 cells, a DNA fragment containing the VZV short repeat sequence complemented the ICP4 mutant. These data demonstrate a functional relationship between VZV and herpes simplex virus and have allowed localization of a putative VZV immediate-early gene.  相似文献   

The region of the herpes simplex virus type 2 (HSV-2) genome which maps colinearly with the HSV-1 glycoprotein C (gC) gene has been cloned, and the DNA sequence of a 2.29-kilobase region has been determined. Contained within this sequence is a major open reading frame of 479 amino acids. The carboxyterminal three-fourths of the derived HSV-2 protein sequence showed a high degree of sequence homology to the HSV-1 gC amino acid sequence reported by Frink et al. (J. Virol. 45:634-647, 1983). The amino-terminal region of the HSV-2 sequence, however, showed very little sequence homology to HSV-1 gC. In addition, the HSV-1 gC sequence contained 27 amino acids in the amino-terminal region which were missing from the HSV-2 protein. Computer-assisted analysis of the hydrophilic and hydrophobic properties of the derived HSV-2 sequence demonstrated that the protein contained structures characteristic of membrane-bound glycoproteins, including an amino-terminal signal sequence and carboxy-terminal hydrophobic transmembrane domain and charged cytoplasmic anchor. The HSV-2 protein sequence also contained seven putative N-linked glycosylation sites. These data, in conjunction with mapping studies of Para et al. (J. Virol. 45:1223-1227, 1983) and Zezulak and Spear (J. Virol. 49:741-747, 1984), suggest that the protein sequence derived from the HSV-2 genome corresponds to gF, the HSV-2 homolog of HSV-1 gC.  相似文献   

The basis for the inability of the macroplaque (MP) strain of herpes simplex virus type 1 to express mature glycoprotein C (gC) was examined. RNA transfer (Northern) blot analysis with hybridization probes from the region of the herpes simplex virus type 1 DNA known to encode the gC gene indicated that gC mRNA was produced in MP-infected HeLa cells at levels relative to other mRNAs comparable with that seen in KOS-infected cells. Comparative nucleotide sequence analysis of the gC gene from the MP and KOS strains, coupled with the results of recently reported marker rescue experiments, indicates that the inability of MP to produce gC is due to a frameshift mutation in the gC-coding sequence. Because two different (out-of-phase) open reading frames overlap the gC-coding sequence in the region of the mutation, MP mRNA can encode two gC-related polypeptides. Two polypeptides of the predicted size and precipitable by anti-gC antibodies were produced by in vitro translation of MP mRNA. These polypeptides have not been detected in extracts from infected cells with the same antibodies. Comparative nucleotide sequence analyses led to several corrections in the published sequence for the gC gene and the 17,800-molecular-weight polypeptide gene just to the right in KOS DNA. These relatively minor effects on the predicted amino code sequence of gC are tabulated.  相似文献   

Earlier studies of a group of monoclonal antibody-resistant (mar) mutants of herpes simplex virus type 1 glycoprotein C (gC) operationally defined two distinct antigenic sites on this molecule, each consisting of numerous overlapping epitopes. In this report, we further define epitopes of gC by sequence analysis of the mar mutant gC genes. In 18 mar mutants studied, the mar phenotype was associated with a single nucleotide substitution and a single predicted amino acid change. The mutations were localized to two regions within the coding sequence of the external domain of gC and correlated with the two previously defined antigenic sites. The predicted amino acid substitutions of site I mutants resided between residues Gln-307 and Pro-373, whereas those of site II mutants occurred between amino acids Arg-129 and Glu-247. Of the 12 site II mutations, 9 induced amino acid substitutions within an arginine-rich segment of 8 amino acids extending from residues 143 to 151. The clustering of the majority of substituted residues suggests that they contribute to the structure of the affected sites. Moreover, the patterns of substitutions which affected recognition by antibodies with similar epitope specificities provided evidence that epitope structures are physically linked and overlap within antigenic sites. Of the nine epitopes defined on the basis of mutations, three were located within site I and six were located within site II. Substituted residues affecting the site I epitopes did not overlap substituted residues of site II, supporting our earlier conclusion that sites I and II reside in spatially distinct antigenic domains. A computer analysis of the distribution of charged residues and the predicted secondary structural features of wild-type gC revealed that the two antigenic sites reside within the most hydrophilic regions of the molecule and that the antigenic residues are likely to be organized as beta sheets which loop out from the surface of the molecule. Together, these data and our previous studies support the conclusion that the mar mutations identified by sequence analysis very likely occur within or near the epitope structures themselves. Thus, two highly antigenic regions of gC have now been physically and genetically mapped to well-defined domains of the protein molecule.  相似文献   

The DNA region encoding the complete herpes simplex virus type 1 (HSV-1) glycoprotein K (gK) was inserted into a baculovirus transfer vector, and recombinant viruses expressing gK were isolated. Four gK-related recombinant baculovirus-expressed peptides of 29, 35, 38, and 40 kDa were detected with polyclonal antibody to gK. The 35-, 38-, and 40-kDa species were susceptible to tunicamycin treatment, suggesting that they were glycosylated. The 38- and 40-kDa species corresponded to partially glycosylated precursor gK (pgK) and mature gK, respectively. The 29-kDa peptide probably represented a cleaved, unglycosylated peptide. The 35-kDa peptide probably represented a cleaved, glycosylated peptide that may be a precursor to pgK. Indirect immunofluorescence with polyclonal antibody to gK peptides indicated that the recombinant baculovirus-expressed gK was abundant on the surface of the insect cells in which it was expressed. Mice vaccinated with the baculovirus-expressed gK produced very low levels (< 1:10) of HSV-1 neutralizing antibody. Nonetheless, these mice were partially protected from lethal challenge with HSV-1 (75% survival). This protection was significant (P = 0.02). Despite some protection against death, gK-vaccinated mice showed no protection against the establishment of latency. Surprisingly, gK-vaccinated mice that were challenged ocularly with a stromal disease-producing strain of HSV-1 had significantly higher levels of ocular disease (herpes stromal keratitis) than did mock-vaccinated mice. In summary, this is the first report to show that vaccination with HSV-1 gK can provide protection against lethal HSV-1 challenge and that vaccination with an HSV-1 glycoprotein can significantly increase the severity of HSV-1-induced ocular disease.  相似文献   

Herpes simplex virus (HSV) glycoprotein B (gB) is an integral part of the multicomponent fusion system required for virus entry and cell-cell fusion. Here we investigated the mechanism of viral neutralization by the monoclonal antibody (MAb) 2c, which specifically recognizes the gB of HSV type 1 (HSV-1) and HSV-2. Binding of MAb 2c to a type-common discontinuous epitope of gB resulted in highly efficient neutralization of HSV at the postbinding/prefusion stage and completely abrogated the viral cell-to-cell spread in vitro. Mapping of the antigenic site recognized by MAb 2c to the recently solved crystal structure of the HSV-1 gB ectodomain revealed that its discontinuous epitope is only partially accessible within the observed multidomain trimer conformation of gB, likely representing its postfusion conformation. To investigate how MAb 2c may interact with gB during membrane fusion, we characterized the properties of monovalent (Fab and scFv) and bivalent [IgG and F(ab')(2)] derivatives of MAb 2c. Our data show that the neutralization capacity of MAb 2c is dependent on cross-linkage of gB trimers. As a result, only bivalent derivatives of MAb 2c exhibited high neutralizing activity in vitro. Notably, bivalent MAb 2c not only was capable of preventing mucocutaneous disease in severely immunodeficient NOD/SCID mice upon vaginal HSV-1 challenge but also protected animals even with neuronal HSV infection. We also report for the first time that an anti-gB specific monoclonal antibody prevents HSV-1-induced encephalitis entirely independently from complement activation, antibody-dependent cellular cytotoxicity, and cellular immunity. This indicates the potential for further development of MAb 2c as an anti-HSV drug.  相似文献   

Glycoproteins gD-1 and gD-2 of herpes simplex virus types 1 and 2, respectively, were purified on an immunoadsorbent consisting of the type-common monoclonal antibody HD-1 linked to Sepharose. Each glycoprotein was of sufficient purity, quantity, and biological activity to be used for immunological and biochemical studies. Each glycoprotein induced high titers of type-common monospecific neutralizing antibody in mice. Amino aicd analysis indicated that gD-1 and gD-2 had similar though not identical amino acid compositions.  相似文献   

We previously defined eight groups of monoclonal antibodies which react with distinct epitopes of herpes simplex virus glycoprotein D (gD). One of these, group VII antibody, was shown to react with a type-common continuous epitope within residues 11 to 19 of the mature glycoprotein (residues 36 to 44 of the predicted sequence of gD). In the current investigation, we have localized the sites of binding of two additional antibody groups which recognize continuous epitopes of gD. The use of truncated forms of gD as well as computer predictions of secondary structure and hydrophilicity were instrumental in locating these epitopes and choosing synthetic peptides to mimic their reactivity. Group II antibodies, which are type common, react with an epitope within residues 268 to 287 of the mature glycoprotein (residues 293 to 312 of the predicted sequence). Group V antibodies, which are gD-1 specific, react with an epitope within residues 340 to 356 of the mature protein (residues 365 to 381 of the predicted sequence). Four additional groups of monoclonal antibodies appear to react with discontinuous epitopes of gD-1, since the reactivity of these antibodies was lost when the glycoprotein was denatured by reduction and alkylation. Truncated forms of gD were used to localize these four epitopes to the first 260 amino acids of the mature protein. Competition experiments were used to assess the relative positions of binding of various pairs of monoclonal antibodies. In several cases, when one antibody was bound, there was no interference with the binding of an antibody from another group, indicating that the epitopes were distinct. However, in other cases, there was competition, indicating that these epitopes might share some common amino acids.  相似文献   

Oligomer formation of the gB glycoprotein of herpes simplex virus type 1 was studied by sedimentation analysis of radioactively labeled infected cell and virion lysates. Fractions from sucrose gradients were precipitated with a pool of gB-specific monoclonal antibodies and analyzed by sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE). Pulse-labeled gB from infected cell was synthesized as monomers and converted to oligomers posttranslationally. The oligomers from infected cells and from virions sedimented as dimers, and there was no evidence of higher-molecular-weight forms. To identify amino acid sequences of gB that contribute to oligomer formation, pairs of mutant plasmids were transfected into Vero cells and superinfected with a gB-null mutant virus to stimulate plasmid-specified gene expression. Radioactively labeled lysates were precipitated with antibodies and examined by SDS-PAGE. Polypeptides from cotransfections were precipitated with an antibody that recognized amino acid sequences present in only one of the two polypeptides. A coprecipitated polypeptide lacking the antibody target epitope was presumed to contain the sequences necessary for oligomer formation. Using this technique, two noncontiguous sites for oligomer formation were detected. An upstream site was localized between residues 93 and 282, and a downstream site was localized between residues 596 and 711. Oligomer formation resulted from molecular interactions between two upstream sites, between two downstream sites, and between an upstream and a downstream site. A schematic diagram of a gB oligomer is presented that is consistent with these data.  相似文献   

Monoclonal antibodies specific for herpes simplex virus type 1 (HSV-1) glycoproteins were used to demonstrate that HSV undergoes mutagen-induced and spontaneous antigenic variation. Hybridomas were produced by polyethylene glycol-mediated fusion of P3-X63-Ag8.653 myeloma cells with spleen cells from BALB/c mice infected with HSV-1 (strain KOS). Hybrid clones were screened for production of HSV-specific neutralizing antibody. The glycoprotein specificities of the antibodies were determined by sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis of immunoprecipitates of radiolabeled infected-cell extracts. Seven hybridomas producing antibodies specific for gC, one for gB, and one for gD were characterized. All antibodies neutralized HSV-1 but not HSV-2. Two antibodies, one specific for gB and one specific for gC, were used to select viral variants resistant to neutralization by monoclonal antibody plus complement. Selections were made from untreated and bromodeoxyuridine- and nitrosoguanidine-mutagenized stocks of a plaque-purified isolate of strain KOS. After neutralization with monoclonal antibody plus complement, surviving virus was plaque purified by plating at limiting dilution and tested for resistance to neutralization with the selecting antibody. The frequency of neutralization-resistant antigenic variants selected with monoclonal antibody ranged from 4 X 10(-4) in nonmutagenized stocks to 1 X 10(-2) in mutagenized stocks. Four gC and four gB antigenic variants were isolated. Two variants resistant to neutralization by gC-specific antibodies failed to express gC, accounting for their resistant phenotype. The two other gC antigenic variants and the four gB variants expressed antigenically altered glycoproteins and were designated monoclonal-antibody-resistant, mar, mutants. The two mar C mutants were tested for resistance to neutralization with a panel of seven gC-specific monoclonal antibodies. The resulting patterns of resistance provided evidence for at least two antigenic sites on glycoprotein gC.  相似文献   

Herpes simplex virus (HSV) has 10 glycoproteins in its envelope. Glycoprotein B (gB), gC, gD, gH, and gL have been implicated in virus entry. We previously used chemical cross-linking to show that these five glycoproteins were close enough to each other to be cross-linked into homodimeric and hetero-oligomeric forms; hetero-oligomers of gB-gC, gC-gD, gD-gB, gH-gL, gC-gL and gD-gL were found in purified virions. To better understand the roles of these glycoproteins in viral entry, we have modified a standard HSV penetration assay to include cross-linkers. This allowed us to examine changes in associations of viral glycoproteins during the entry process. HSV-1(KOS) was adsorbed at 4 degrees C to human neuroblastoma cells (SY5Y). The temperature was raised to 37 degrees C and cells were treated with cross-linker at various times after the temperature shift. Cytoplasmic extracts were examined by Western blotting (immunoblotting) for viral glycoproteins. We found that (i) as in virus alone, the length and concentration of the cross-linking agent affected the number of specific complexes isolated; (ii) the same glycoprotein patterns found in purified virions were also present after attachment of virions to cells; and (iii) the ability to cross-link HSV glycoproteins changed as virus penetration proceeded, e.g., gB and gD complexes which were present during attachment disappeared with increasing time, and their disappearance paralleled the kinetics of penetration. However, this phenomenon appeared to be selective since it was not observed with gC oligomers. In addition, we examined the cross-linking patterns of gB and gD in null viruses K082 and KOSgD beta. Neither of these mutants, which attach but cannot penetrate, showed changes in glycoprotein cross-linking over time. We speculate that these changes are due to conformational changes which preclude cross-linking or spatial alterations which dissociate the glycoprotein interactions during the penetration events.  相似文献   

Biochemical transformation assays of herpes simplex virus type 1 temperature-sensitive (ts) mutants distinguished three groups of mutants with regard to their thymidine kinase (TK) transforming ability: those incapable of transferring the TK gene at either the permissive or restrictive temperatures (group I); those resembling the wild-type virus, and therefore able to transform at both the permissive and nonpermissive temperatures (group II); and those that failed to transform or exhibited very low transformation frequencies at the permissive temperature but were able to transform at the nonpermissive temperature (group III). Two mutants in group II exhibited greatly enhanced transformation efficiency at the permissive temperature. The ts lesions in the majority of the mutants tested map between 0.30 and 0.60 units on the viral genome. Mutants with TK-positive (TK+), but DNA-negative, phenotypes at the nonpermissive temperature produced no TK+ transformants at the permissive temperature and only unstable transformants at the nonpermissive temperature. This suggests that a function which is required for viral DNA synthesis is also required to obtain stable expression or to transfer the TK+ gene or both when transfer is mediated by the entire viral genome.  相似文献   

Lysates from herpes simplex virus type 1-infected cells were subjected to affinity chromatography on soybean and Helix pomatia lectins. One of the virus-specified glycoproteins, probably the herpes simplex virus type 1-specific gC glycoprotein, bound to the lectins and was eluted with N-acetylgalactosamine. The affinity chromatography permitted a high degree of purification of the type-specific glycoprotein with respect to both host cell components and other viral glycoproteins. The lectin affinity pattern of this glycoprotein indicates the presence of a terminal alpha-N-acetylgalactosamine in an oligosaccharide, a finding not reported previously for glycoproteins of enveloped viruses.  相似文献   

Fusogenic domains in herpes simplex virus type 1 glycoprotein H   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Infection of eukaryotic cells by enveloped viruses requires fusion between the viral envelope and the cellular plasma or endosomal membrane. The actual merging of the two membranes is mediated by viral envelope glycoproteins, which generally contain a highly hydrophobic region termed the fusion peptide. The entry of herpesviruses is mediated by three conserved proteins: glycoproteins B, H (gH), and L. However, how fusion is executed remains unknown. Herpes simplex virus type 1 gH exhibits features typical of viral fusion glycoproteins, and its ectodomain seems to contain a putative internal fusion peptide. Here, we have identified additional internal segments able to interact with membranes and to induce membrane fusion of large unilamellar vesicles. We have applied the hydrophobicity-at-interface scale proposed by Wimley and White (Wimley, W. C., and White, S. H. (1996) Nat. Struct. Biol. 3, 842-848) to identify six hydrophobic stretches within gH with a tendency to partition into the membrane interface, and four of them were able to induce membrane fusion. Experiments in which equimolar mixtures of gH peptides were used indicated that different fusogenic regions may act in a synergistic way. The functional and structural characterization of these segments suggests that herpes simplex virus type 1 gH possesses several fusogenic internal peptides that could participate in the actual fusion event.  相似文献   

We previously constructed seven mutations in the gene for glycoprotein D (gD) of herpes simplex virus type 1 in which the codon for one of the cysteine residues was replaced by a serine codon. Each of the mutant genes was cloned into a eucaryotic expression vector, and the proteins were transiently expressed in mammalian cells. We found that alteration of any of the first six cysteine residues had profound effects on protein conformation and oligosaccharide processing. In this report, we show that five of the mutant proteins exhibit temperature-sensitive differences in such properties as aggregation, antigenic conformation, oligosaccharide processing, and transport to the cell surface. Using a complementation assay, we have now assessed the ability of the mutant proteins to function in virus infection. This assay tests the ability of the mutant proteins expressed from transfected plasmids to rescue production of infectious virions of a gD-minus virus, F-gD beta, in Vero cells. Two mutant proteins, Cys-2 (Cys-106 to Ser) and Cys-4 (Cys-127 to Ser), were able to complement F-gD beta at 31.5 degrees C but not at 37 degrees C. The rescued viruses, designated F-gD beta(Cys-2) and F-gD beta(Cys-4), were neutralized as efficiently as wild-type virus by anti-gD monoclonal antibodies, indicating that gD was present in the virion envelope in a functional form. Both F-gD beta(Cys-2) and F-gD beta(Cys-4) functioned normally in a penetration assay. However, the infectivity of these viruses was markedly reduced compared with that of the wild type when they were preincubated at temperatures above 37 degrees C. The results suggest that mutations involving Cys-106 or Cys-127 in gD-1 confer a temperature-sensitive phenotype on herpes simplex virus. These and other properties of the cysteine-to-serine mutants allowed us to predict a disulfide bonding pattern for gD.  相似文献   

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