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Holocene records from the southern Sahara in Niger allow a reconstruction of the vegetation history and inform us about the former extension of the Mediterranean. Both pollen and charcoal analyses evidenced the direct contact of Sudanian and Saharan savannas during the middle Holocene at about 19°N, whereas at 20°N the transition from the Saharan savanna to the desert was found. In southwestern Libya (26°N) a combination of a Saharan desert vegetation and a semi‐desert Artemisia shrub on the plateaus demonstrated the contact with Mediterranean influenced formations. Regular ash and charcoal layers in middle‐Holocene sediments of the northern Niger prove an early interference of man with the vegetation development. One has to imagine that, in combination with the cattle‐keeping and the later metal production, man could have changed the former northern Sudanian vegetation into the present Sahelian savanna system from the middle Holocene on.  相似文献   

Pollen records of Holocene sediment cores from the Costa Rican Cordillera de Talamanca (La Chonta bog, 2310 m and La Trinidad bog, 2700 m) show the postglacial development of the montane oak forest zone from ca. 9500 to 1500 yr BP. During the early Holocene (ca. 9500–700 yr BP), alder vegetation covered the La Chonta and La Trinidad bogs and their adjacent hills. The upper forest line is inferred to be at 2800–3000 m elevation. A Podocarpus-Quercus forest characterised the middle Holocene (ca. 7000–4500 yr BP). The upper forest line is located at >3000 m reaching the present-day altitudinal distribution. A Quercus forest characterised the late Holocene (ca. 4500–1500 yr BP). Compared to modern conditions, the early Holocene has similar average temperatures, but the moisture level was probably higher. Pollen evidence for the late Holocene indicates drier environmental conditions than today. In order to improve the paleoecological interpretation, we described the local vegetation and used moss samples as pollen traps at both montane bogs along strong soil moisture gradients.The Netherlands Centre for Geo-ecological Research, ICG  相似文献   

A high resolution marine pollen record from site GeoB1023, west of the northern Namib desert provides data on vegetation and climate change for the last 21 ka at an average resolution of 185 y. Pollen and spores are mainly delivered to the site by the Cunene river and by surface and mid-tropospheric wind systems. The main pollen source areas are located between 13°S and 21°S, which includes the northern Namib desert and semi-desert, the Angola-northern Namibian highland, and the north-western Kalahari. The pollen spectra reflect environmental changes in the region. The last glacial maximum (LGM) was characterised by colder and more arid conditions than at present, when a vegetation with temperate elements such as Asteroideae, Ericaceae, and Restionaceae grew north of 21°S. At 17.5 ka cal. B.P., an amelioration both in temperature and humidity terminated the LGM but, in the northern Kalahari, mean annual rainfall in the interval 17.5-14.4 ka cal. B.P. was probably 100–150 mm lower than at present (400–500 mm/y). The Late-glacial to early Holocene transition includes two arid periods, i.e. 14.4–12.5 and 10.9–9.3 ka cal. B.P. The last part of the former period may be correlated with the Younger Dryas. The warmest and most humid period in the Holocene occurred between 6.3 and 4.8 ka cal. B.P. During the last 2000 years, human impact, as reflected by indications of deforestation, enhanced burning and overgrazing, progressively intensified.  相似文献   

The lactational performance and fertility of high yielding Friesan dairy cows in a hot desert climate were analysed for summer and winter differences. The herd is situated in the Negev desert of Israel.Contrary to all previous reports,milk yield was significantly higher in summer than in winter; furthermore fertility was not lower in the hot months. The daily range in summer temperature was from 22° to 40°C and in winter from 8° to 22°C.The results are discussed in terms of the management and feeding practice of the farm. It was suggested that the cows had been acclimatized and that their thermoneutral zone has been raised.
Zusammenfassung Die Milchleistung und Fertilität von Hochleistungs Friesischen Milchkühen im heissen Wüstenklima wurde auf Sommer- und Winterunterschiede untersucht. Die Herde wird in der Negev Wüste in Israel gehalten. Im Gegensatz zu allen bisherigen Berichten war die Milchleistung im Sommer signifikant höher als im Winter. Die Fertilität war in den heissen Monaten nicht niedriger als in den kühlen.Der tägliche Bereich der Temperaturen war im Sommer von 22°–40°C und im Winter von 8°–22°C. Die Ergebnisse werden unter Berücksichtigung der Haltung und Fütterung diskutiert. Es wird angenommen, dass die Kühe akklimatisiert sind und die thermoneutrale Zone erhöht ist.

Resume On a examiné les différences pouvant exister entre l'hiver et l'été dans la production laitière et la fécondité de vaches laitières sélectionnées de race frisonne placées dans un climat désertique chaud.Le troupeau se trouvait en Israël,dans le désert du Néguev. Contrairement à tous les rapports antérieurs, la production laitière fut ici plus importante en été qu'en hiver et cela de façon significative, statistiquement parlant. La fécondité ne fut pas inférieure durant la saison chaude par rapport à la saison froide. La température journalière a varié entre 22° et 40°C en été et entre 8° et 22°C en hiver. Ces résultats seront discutés en tenant compte des méthodes de stabulation et de nutrition. On admet que le bétail est acclimaté et que sa zone thermo-neutre en a été relevée.

青藏高原30个点湖泊的孢粉记录综合研究显示: 在进入全新世之前(12 ka BP以前),除最东南部外,高原从东到西均发育为荒漠草原植被.全新世早期(12.0-9.0 ka BP)高原东南部(104°-98° E)为落叶阔叶林/针阔叶混交林; 中部(98°-92° E)为草甸或灌丛草甸,再向西至80° E左右为草原植被; 全新世中期(9.0-3.2 ka BP)高原由东向西古植被依次发育为针阔混交林和硬叶阔叶林(104°-98° E)→针阔混交林(98°-94° E)→灌丛草甸(94°-92° E)→草原(92°-80° E);全新世晚期(3.2 ka BP以后)由东向西古植被依次为硬叶阔叶林→针阔混交林→草甸→草原→荒漠.  相似文献   

Palynological and sedimentological data from a core extracted from Lake Eteza shed new light on the Holocene vegetation and climate history in KwaZulu-Natal and can be linked to regional and global climate change. A 2072 cm core with nineteen radiocarbon dates and chronological extrapolation to the bottom of the sequence suggests that sedimentation started ca. 10 200 cal yrs BP. Between ca. 10 200 and 6800 cal yrs BP pollen indicators point to a change from intermediately humid conditions to comparatively drier grassy environments. This is in good agreement with Sea Surface Temperature (SST) fluctuations from a core in the Mozambique Channel which influence precipitation in coastal KwaZulu-Natal, and the beginning of the Holocene Thermal Maximum ca. 10 500 cal yrs BP. The lower section of the core corresponds to gradually increasing Holocene sea levels along the coast and development of freshwater or estuarine conditions at Lake Eteza. The middle Holocene (ca. 6800-3600 cal yrs BP), when the sea level reached its highest stand and SST peak, indicate humid climatic conditions that favoured an increase of forest trees, e.g. Podocarpus, and undergrowth plants like Issoglossa. As a consequence of higher precipitation and increase of the water table, conditions were favourable for the spread of mangrove, swamp and possibly riverine forest. During the late Holocene after ca. 3600 cal yrs BP a decrease of Podocarpus and other trees as well as an increase of Chenopodiaceae/Amaranthaceae, grasses and Phoenix coincide with a return to lower sea levels and drier conditions. The decrease of all trees including Phoenix at ca. 700 cal yrs BP, accompanied by rapid sedimentation rates, possibly reflect forest clearing and upland erosion induced by activities of Iron Age settlers. A dry period at the globally recognized onset of the Little Ice Age might have contributed to these changes. Late Iron Age settlers have probably already introduced Zea mays, which was detected in the profile since ca. 210 BP. The appearance of neophytes like Pinus, Casuarina and pollen of Ambrosia-type in the youngest sediments indicates increased disturbance of European settlements and land use since ca. 100 cal yrs BP.  相似文献   

On the basis of distribution maps showing the first pollen occurrences in the Holocene of the well-known climate indicators Hedera, Ilex and Viscum as well as data for Corylus, a series of maps have been prepared that show summer and winter isotherms at various time intervals during the Holocene. From these maps climate curves for Amsterdam, the Netherlands have been set out. These were compared with curves for the Eemian at the same site. In both of these warm periods there is evidence for increased seasonality in the early phases which were relatively continental. Changes in insolation could account for such differences. Summer optima occurred earlier than winter optima. Changes in land-sea distribution are important, especially with regard to the patterns in winter climate. During the latter half of the Eemian, the climate was distinctly more oceanic than in the Holocene. Early in the Holocene, an influx of warm ocean water resulted in higher winter temperatures in the Gulf of Biscay, the Irish Sea, and areas east of Skagerrak-Kattegat. Temperature decline after the climatic optimum was greatest in the north, i.e. at 60°N, where a depression in the order of 2°C in summer and 2–3°C in winter occurred. Temperature decline was less farther south, i.e. at ca. 50°N, where a distinct west-east gradient in temperature change can be observed.  相似文献   

We reconstructed the Holocene developmental history of a kettle-hole peatland in the Tuchola Forest of Northern Poland, using pollen, testat amoebae and plant macrofossil indicators. Our aims were to determine the timing and pattern of autogenic succession and natural and anthropogenic influences on the peatland. Northern Poland is under mixed oceanic and continental climatic influences but has so far been less studied in a palaeoecological context than more oceanic regions of Europe. In the first terrestrial developmental phase of the mire, the testate amoebae-inferred depth to water table revealed two major dry shifts at ca. 9400 (end of lake phase) and ca. 7100 cal BP (a period of global cooling and dry shift in Western Europe). Conditions became wetter again in two steps at ca. 6700 and ca. 5800 BP after a dry event at ca. 6100 BP. The timing of the wet shift at 5800 BP corresponds to wet periods in Western Europe. Peat accumulation rates were low (0.1 mm yr− 1) between ca. 5600 and ca. 3000 BP when sedges dominated the peatland. In the last 2500 yrs surface moisture fluctuated with wet events at ca. 2750–2400, and 2000 BP, and dry events at ca. 2250–2100 and 1450 BP. After 1450 BP a trend towards wetter conditions culminated at ca. 500 cal BP, possibly caused by local deforestation. Over the mire history, pH (inferred from testate amoebae) was mostly low (around 5) with two short-lived shifts to alkaline conditions (7.5) at ca. 6100 and 1450 BP indicating a minerotrophic influence from surface run-off into the mire. Up to about 1000 BP the ecological shifts inferred from the three proxies agree with palaeoclimatic records from Poland and Western Europe. After this date, however correlation is less clear suggesting an increasing local anthropogenic impact on the mire. This study confirms that kettle-hole peatlands can yield useful palaeoenvironmental data as well as recording land-use change and calls for more comparable studies in regions are the interface between major climate influences.  相似文献   

A 5.4 m peat core from the Sandy Run Creek (SRC) valley in the upper Coastal Plain of Georgia shows that before 30 ka the valley had an aggradational sandy floor with shallow swales and low ridges of 1–2 m amplitude suggesting a braided stream pattern and a low water table. The climate from 30–25 ka was cool and dry and the vegetation open grassland with stands of pine and spruce that produced few fires. At ca. 16 ka a warmer, wetter climate caused SRC to meander and incise the valley fill removing some previously deposited sediment at the site of our peat core so that sediments of 13 ka rest directly on sediments deposited at 25 ka. After ca. 13 ka higher groundwater levels initiated vertical accretion of floodplains allowing peat accumulation in shallow depressions across the valley. Pollen from the Younger Dryas period (ca. 13–11 ka) indicates a cool, moist environment of open oak woodland, mesic trees, riparian populations of alder, and reduced levels of pine. By the early to mid Holocene, tupelo and oak dominated over pine indicating wetter conditions, while sand stringers in peat record periodic heavy rains, an elevated water table, and intervals of substantial runoff. Cooling after ca. 4.5 ka brought drier and more variable conditions. Fires increased and southern pine replaced tupelo and oak. The absence of sand stringers in peat younger than 4.5 ka indicates fewer intense rainfall events.  相似文献   

Indications for the speed and timing of past altitudinal treeline shifts are often contradictory. Partly, this may be due to interpretation difficulties of pollen records, which are generally regional rather than local proxies. We used pedoanthracology, the identification and dating of macroscopic soil charcoal, to study vegetation history around the treeline in the northern Ecuadorian Andes. Pedoanthracology offers a complementary method to pollen-based vegetation reconstructions by providing records with high spatial detail on a local scale. The modern vegetation is tussock grass páramo (tropical alpine vegetation) and upper montane cloud forest, and the treeline is located at ca. 3600 m. Charcoal was collected from soils in the páramo (at 3890 and 3810 m) and in the forest (at 3540 m), and represents a sequence for the entire Holocene.The presence of páramo taxa throughout all three soil profiles, especially in combination with the absence of forest taxa, shows that the treeline in the study area has moved up to its present position only late in the Holocene (after ca. 5850 cal years BP). The treeline may have been situated between 3600 m and 3800 m at some time after ca. 4900 cal years BP, or it may never have been higher than it is today. The presence of charcoal throughout the profiles also shows that fires have occurred in this area at least since the beginning of the Holocene.These results contradict interpretations of palaeological data from Colombia, which suggest a rapid treeline rise at the Pleistocene–Holocene transition. They also contradict the hypothesis that man-made fires have destroyed large extents of forest above the modern treeline. Instead, páramo fires have probably contributed to the slowness of treeline rise during the Holocene.  相似文献   

The presence of vines has been described as a distinctive feature of tropical forests. However, vine species diversity exhibits trends across environmental gradients that are not well documented. Here we use a latitudinal and a rainfall gradient along the Pacific slope of México to explore the influence of environmental factors on vine species diversity. A total of 630 vines species were detected on the Pacific slope of México. Tropical deciduous forest (TDF) floras were composed of greater percentages of vines (5–16%) than desert floras (1–3%). Four families (Convolvulaceae, Fabaceae, Cucurbitaceae and Asclepiadaceae) composed 40–60% of the vines of the region. Changes in vine composition were gradual along the Pacific slope. The percentage of vines in floras declines with latitude. Annual rainfall and the minimum temperature of January were significantly associated with the latitudinal decline in the percentage of vines. A total of 43 species, mostly herbaceous vines, were detected along a rainfall gradient in northwestern México. Along the rainfall gradient, the number of vine species increased from 3 to 28 as summer rainfall, plant cover and canopy stature increased. Vine species richness and diversity increased from the desert to the TDF, especially along streams. Leaf area (LA) ranged from 0.6 to 284cm2 and specific leaf area (SLA) from 80 to 904cm2/g among the most common vine species. Community averages of LA and SLA decreased toward drier sites. These results are discussed within the context of our current knowledge about the role of the environment in limiting the distribution of vines.  相似文献   

We studied organic components in the X106 sediment core (length 130.3 cm, water depth 236 m, 50°53′01″N, 100°21′22″E) from Lake Hovsgol to elucidate the biological production, source of organic components, and paleoenvironmental and paleolimnological changes during the last 27 kyr in northwest Mongolia. Total organic carbon (TOC) contents (0.20–0.70%) in the core of the last glacial period increased dramatically and attained 3.16–5.85% in the postglacial period (Holocene), together with the increase of the contribution of terrestrial organic matter. Biological production (both terrestrial and aquatic production) based on the TOC contents in the Holocene was 14 times higher than that in the last glacial period. The B?lling-Aller?d warm period and Younger Dryas cool period were both observed at depths of 55–50 cm (ca. 15–13 cal kyr BP) and 50–45 cm (ca. 13–11 cal kyr BP), respectively. We propose here a terrestrial/aquatic index (TAI) for organic matter in lake sediments. The TAI values suggest that terrestrial organic matter in the bottom of the core was less than 10%, increased to 48% in the B?lling-Aller?d warm period, decreased abruptly to 20% in the Younger Dryas cool period, and again increased to 30–40% in the Holocene. Normal-C31 alkane (a biomarker of herbaceous land plants) and n-C18 alkanoic acid (marker of plankton) decreased from the last glacial period to the Holocene, whereas n-C23 alkane and n-C22 alkanoic acid (a marker of higher vascular plants) increased from the last glacial period to the Holocene. Scarce herbaceous plant vegetation, such as Artemisia spp. of the lake basin in the last glacial period, changed into an abundance of higher woody plant vegetation (e.g., Pinus spp., Betula spp. and/or Larix spp.) in the Holocene. Stanol/sterol ratios suggest that relatively high oxygen tension of the lake bottom in ca. 27–22 cal kyr BP decreased from this age to the present, though benthic organisms are still abundant.  相似文献   

The height increment of seven tree species during the vegetation period was correlated with air temperature and rainfall over 3 years. The species were divided into 2 groups according to their growth pattern: a) growth period of 7–12 decades with culmination in the middle (Larix Polonica R., Taxus Baccata L.), b) growth period of 5–9 decades with culmination at the beginning (Abies Alba M., Ulmus Montana H.).The first group was greatly, the second only slightly dependent on air temperature and rainfall. Pseudotsuga Taxifolia B.had a short growth period and the height increment was greatly weather dependent.
Zusammenfassung Der Zuwachs von einigen Baumarten wÄhrend der Vegetationsperiode wurde mit der Lufttemperatur und Regenmenge wÄhrend 3 Jahren korreliert. Nach dem Zuwachs wurden unterschieden: a) Wachstumsperioden von 7–12 Dekaden und Kulmination in der Mitte (Larix Polonica R., Taxus Baccata L.), b) Wachstumsperioden von 5–9 Dekaden und Kulmination am Anfang (Abies Alba M., Ulmus Montana H.).Die erste Gruppe war stark, die zweite Gruppe wenig abhÄngig von der Lufttemperatur und Regennenge. Pseudotsuga Taxifolia B. hatte eine kurze Wachstumsperiode und der Zuwachs war stark witterungsabhÄngig.

Résumé La croissance de quelques espèces d'arbres pendant la période de végétation a été mise en correlation avec la température de l'air et avec la quantité de pluie pendant 3 ans. On a distingué deux groupes d'après le mode de croissance: a) Croissance de 7 à 12 décades avec apogée au milieu de cette période (Larix Polonica R., Taxus Baccata L.), b) Croissance de 5 à 9 décades avec apogée au début de la période(Abies alba M., Ulmus Montana H.). La température de l'air et la quantité de pluie influencent considérablement le premier groupe et assez peu le deuxième groupe. La croissance de la Pseudotsuga Taxifolia B. est de courte durée; elle dépend fortement du climat.

Vegetation and climate changes of Late Miocene-Early Pliocene have been deduced based on pollen research from Wenwanggou and Xiaoshigou sections near Leijiahe village (ca 35°04′15″N,107°43′30″E). The two sections are quite famous of rich micromammalian fossils. Before ca. 6.5 Ma, open forest-grassland was distributed in the studied area indicating a temperate and humid condition at that time. In the period between ca.6.5 and 5.8 Ma BP (Late Miocene) predominance of Chenopodiaceae and Artemisia implies that desert or desert-grassland was developed in the area and the climate should be cold and dry. During the time interval from ca.5.8 to 3.4 Ma BP mixed conifer and broad leaved deciduous forest with a few subtropical tree taxa had replaced the arid desert vegetation indicating a warm and humid climate. The climate aridity event of Late Miocene can be correlated with the global climatic event.  相似文献   

There is a major concern for the fate of Amazonia over the coming century in the face of anthropogenic climate change. A key area of uncertainty is the scale of rainforest dieback to be expected under a future, drier climate. In this study, we use the middle Holocene (ca. 6000 years before present) as an approximate analogue for a drier future, given that palaeoclimate data show much of Amazonia was significantly drier than present at this time. Here, we use an ensemble of climate and vegetation models to explore the sensitivity of Amazonian biomes to mid-Holocene climate change. For this, we employ three dynamic vegetation models (JULES, IBIS, and SDGVM) forced by the bias-corrected mid-Holocene climate simulations from seven models that participated in the Palaeoclimate Modelling Intercomparison Project 3 (PMIP3). These model outputs are compared with a multi-proxy palaeoecological dataset to gain a better understanding of where in Amazonia we have most confidence in the mid-Holocene vegetation simulations. A robust feature of all simulations and palaeodata is that the central Amazonian rainforest biome is unaffected by mid-Holocene drought. Greater divergence in mid-Holocene simulations exists in ecotonal eastern and southern Amazonia. Vegetation models driven with climate models that simulate a drier mid-Holocene (100–150 mm per year decrease) better capture the observed (palaeodata) tropical forest dieback in these areas. Based on the relationship between simulated rainfall decrease and vegetation change, we find indications that in southern Amazonia the rate of tropical forest dieback was ~125,000 km2 per 100 mm rainfall decrease in the mid-Holocene. This provides a baseline sensitivity of tropical forests to drought for this region (without human-driven changes to greenhouse gases, fire, and deforestation). We highlight the need for more palaeoecological and palaeoclimate data across lowland Amazonia to constrain model responses.  相似文献   

《Plains anthropologist》2013,58(82):273-288

Patterns of human occupation and vegetation are delineated on maps of North America for one thousand year intervals through the Holocene. The raw data for this review include radiocarbon-dated pollen cores and archaeological information and treering records. Dynamic changes in the Laurentide Ice limits and major ecotones are observed through the middle Holocene, when both features reach essentially post-glacial stability. Significant changes in the vegetation boundaries continue to the present, but the scale of change is much diminished.

Early Holocene occupation apparently expanded from Alaska south to California, then east, parallel to the southern boundary of the grasslands, to the Mississippi River and northeastward to the east coast. The absence of occpuation in late-Atlantic time is noted through much of the Great Plains and continued until about 4,000 BP. Within the next millennium, evidence of human occupation virtually covered the United States (except for the northwest) and much of coastal Canada.

Environmental conditions and occupation over North America are reviewed within the framework of Holocene climatic episodes.  相似文献   

The Great Khingan Mountain range, Northeast China, is located on the northern limit of modern East Asian Summer Monsoon (EASM) and thus highly sensitive to the extension of the EASM from glacial to interglacial modes. Here, we present a high-resolution pollen record covering the last glacial maximum and the early Holocene from a closed crater Lake Moon to reconstruct vegetation history during the glacial-interglacial transition and thus register the evolution of the EASM during the last deglaciation. The vegetation history has gone through distinct changes from subalpine meadow in the last glacial maximum to dry steppe dominated by Artemisia from 20.3 to 17.4 ka BP, subalpine meadow dominated by Cyperaceae and Artemisia between 17.4 and 14.4 ka BP, and forest steppe dominated by Betula and Artemisia after 14.4 ka BP. The pollen-based temperature index demonstrates a gradual warming trend started at around 20.3 ka BP with interruptions of several brief events. Two cold conditions occurred around at 17.2–16.6 ka BP and 12.8–11.8 ka BP, temporally correlating to the Henrich 1 and the Younger Dryas events respectively, 1and abrupt warming events occurred around at 14.4 ka BP and 11.8 ka BP, probably relevant to the beginning of the Bølling-Allerød stages and the Holocene. The pollen-based moisture proxy shows distinct drought condition during the last glacial maximum (20.3–18.0 ka BP) and the Younger Dryas. The climate history based on pollen record of Lake Moon suggests that the regional temperature variability was coherent with the classical climate in the North Atlantic, implying the dominance of the high latitude processes on the EASM evolution from the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM) to early Holocene. The local humidity variability was influenced by the EASM limitedly before the Bølling-Allerød warming, which is mainly controlled by the summer rainfall due to the EASM front covering the Northeast China after that.  相似文献   

OSL dating of weakly consolidated, root-bound, non-calcareous quartz arenites in northeast Jordan, currently assigned to the Plio-Pleistocene Azraq Formation, suggests a Middle Pleistocene (652 ± 47 ka) age. The sandstones are up to 15.5 m thick and overlain by a 2.5 m thick Holocene gypcrete caprock. Facies and textural analyses suggest that the sandstones are predominantly aeolian in origin, mainly derived from Tertiary sediments exposed close to the depositional site. The sands were transported by the prevailing NW winds and deposited in a broad, relatively flat sand sheet environment. Rhizoliths occur throughout the sandstones, mainly as long, downward tapering, vertical tap roots, rarely branched and with few laterals. Microscopic examination of root cores replaced by carbonate reveals the presence of alveolar fabrics, possible needle fibre calcite, calcified organic filaments of fungal, root vessel and root hair origins, characteristic of low magnesium beta calcretes, typical of humid climates.Morphologically the roots resemble modern shrub-like species typical of desert environments where water availability at the surface and in the subsurface was sufficient to support an effective vegetation cover. Plots of stratigraphic variations in root length, root spacing and root frequency reflect temporal variations in the water table level and precipitation during sand deposition. All three parameters show a similar crude cyclicity consistent with fluctuations in the level of the water table with the most moist phase beneath the predominantly waterlain Holocene gypcrete when trees appeared for the first time. The gypcrete signifies a change to temporary wetter conditions and may mark the boundary between the Pleistocene and Holocene in this area. Although pedogenic horizonation is poorly developed, especially in desert sands, the beta calcretes and rhizocretions typically form within active soil zones. Soils do not form where rainfall is < 150 mm per year, and above 350 mm complete leaching of the edaphon occurs. However, above 300 mm per year shrubs are replaced by grassland, hence rainfall is inferred to have been 150-300 mm per year, much higher than the < 50 mm in the area today. The age of the sandstones may correlate with isotopic event 17, dated at 659 ka, when the Pleistocene climate in Jordan was characterised by arid to semi-arid phases interrupted by shorter more humid phases, when the water table was higher and the precipitation/evaporation balance greater than today.  相似文献   

Résumé Dans ce travail, il a été étudié (influence de la température sur la consommation d'oxygène de trois larves de Trichoptères: Polycentropus flavomaculatus Pict., Plectrocnemia conspersa (Curt.), et Limnophilus rhombicus (L.). Les animaux étaient accoutumés à la température 48 heures avant le début des expériences.La consommation d'oxygène de ces trois larves croît avec la température.Cet accroissement n'est pas régulier. Il est nul entre 4° et 10°C. Il est faible entre 10° et 20–22°C. Au delà de 22°C l'augmentation est au contraire brutale. Le métabolisme passe du simple au double. On peut en conclure que ces larves sont bien adaptées à des températures allant de 4° à 22°C les températures supérieures n'étant pas des températures de vie normale.On ne note pas de différence significative entre les courbes des formes d'eau courante ou lotiques (Polycentropus et Plectrocnemia) et celle de la forme d'eau stagnante ou forme lénitique (Limnophilus).A une même température, la consommation d'oxygène présente de grandes variations chez les Polycentropidae, animaux actifs et excitables. Ces variations sont faibles chez Limnophilus rhombicus, larve peu active et peu excitable.
Summary The influence of temperature on oxygen consumption has been studied for three Caddis-fly larvae: Polycentropus flavomaculatus Pict., Plectrocnemia conspersa (Curt.), Limnophilus rhombicus (L.). The animals were acclimated to each new temperature 48 hours before the beginning of the experiments.The higher the temperature, the more oxygen the three larvae consume, but the increase in oxygen consumption with temperature is not regular. Respiratory metabolism is constant between 4 and 10°C. It increases slightly within the 10 to 20°C-range. Above 22°C, the increase becomes quite sharp and often twofold.These larvae are well adapted to the 4–22°C temperature range, whereas higher temperature may be considered as abnormal for them.No significative difference was found between the metabolism-temperature-curves for running-water species (Polycentropus and Plectrocnemia) and for a stagnant-water species (Limnophilus).The oxygen consumption of Polycentropidae varies greatly within the same level of temperature. The animals are active and excitable. The oxygen consumption of Limnophilus varies much less, Limnophilus being less active and less excitable.

Pollen analyses were undertaken on a small peat bog (Ecuelles 06° 49′ 41″E, 45° 58′ 49″N, 1855 m asl), located on the Anterne mountain (Upper-Arve Valley, French north-western Alps). The study highlights the role of green alder (Alnus alnobetula [Ehrh] K. Koch) in Holocene vegetation dynamics of the nowadays treeless subalpine belt. At this place, the onset of human perturbation caused a retreat of fir and arolla-pine stands and an expansion of green alder, which consequently dominated the landscape from 3700 up to 1965 cal. BP. After 1965 cal. BP, the clearings led to the present grasslands with few ligneous species (spruce, larch) on inaccessible cliffs or green alder on the edges of torrents or in avalanche corridors. Picea percentages have increased after 3900 cal. BP, but, due to human activities, spruce has never constituted large stands in the study area. The present general expansion of green alder is due to the decreasing human impact and it constitutes the first step of re-afforestation that should lead to mixed stands of spruce and arolla-pine. The study gives a new evidence of the past diversity of the vegetation cover and do not support the idea that green alder colonization at the subalpine belt constitutes a long-term risk for the vegetation diversity.  相似文献   

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