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BACKGROUND: In pregnant women, antiretroviral drugs improve maternal health and reduce vertical transmission of human immunodeficiency virus to the infant. However, few nonclinical studies have examined the potential for adverse drug interactions. METHODS: On gestational days (GD) 6-16, mice were dosed with vehicle, ddI (360, 1440, or 2,880 mg/kg/day, p.o.), d4T (60, 240, or 480), or ddI/d4T combinations (360/60, 1,440/240, or 2,880/480). Daily doses were divided into two equal parts that were administered >or=6-hr apart. Body weight, clinical signs, and feed consumption were monitored. Pregnancies (22-24/group) were confirmed at necropsy. Maternal liver and gravid uterine weights (GUW), uterine implants (resorption, live or dead fetus), fetal body weight, gender, and morphologic anomalies (external, visceral, skeletal) were recorded. RESULTS: Maternal body weight, clinical signs, and GUW were unaffected. Maternal weight change corrected for GUW was greater than controls at 60 and 480 d4T. Relative feed consumption during treatment was increased relative to controls at 1,440 and 2,880 ddI and 2,880/480 ddI/d4T. Relative maternal liver weight was elevated above controls at 240 and 480 d4T and 2,880/480 ddI/d4T, and above the constituent dose of ddI at 1,440/240 and 2,880/480 ddI/d4T. Liver weight was not affected by ddI and there was no significant drug interaction. Prenatal mortality and morphologic anomalies were not increased. Fetal body weight showed only a decreasing trend for ddI/d4T, no effect for ddI or d4T, and no statistically significant drug interaction. CONCLUSIONS: In pregnant mice, ddI/d4T combinations were not associated with well-defined developmental toxicity or adverse drug interactions.  相似文献   

A new anti-HIV agent 4'-cyano-2',3'-didehydro-3'-deoxythymidine (9) was synthesized by allylic substitution of the 3',4'-unsaturated nucleoside 14, having a leaving group at the 2'-position, with cyanotrimethylsilane in the presence of SnCl4. Evaluation of the anti-HIV activity of 9 showed that this compound is much less potent than the recently reported 2',3'-didehydro-3'-deoxy-4'-(ethynyl)thymidine (1).  相似文献   

An effective synthesis of thymogen was developed. Conjugates of 2',3'-didehydro-3'-deoxythymidine (nucleoside d4T) with thymogen were prepared in which the nucleoside hydroxyl group was linked to the thymogen carboxyl group of either tryprophan or glutamic acid residues. It was shown that the anti-HIV activity of the d4T-thymogene conjugate with the tryptophan linkage was comparable to that of d4T, whereas its cytotoxicity was nil. The d4T-tryptophan conjugate also displayed high anti-HIV activity.  相似文献   

We report the synthesis of 2',3'-didehydro-2',3'-dideoxyuridine (d4U) and 2',3'-dideoxyuridine (ddU) phosphoramidate 'ProTide' derivatives and their evaluation against HIV-1 and HIV-2. In addition, we conducted molecular modeling studies on both d4U and ddU monophosphates to investigate their second phosphorylation process. The findings from the modeling studies provide compelling evidence for the lack of anti-HIV activity of d4U phosphoramidates, in contrast with the corresponding ddU phosphoramidates.  相似文献   

The methods of synthesis of the derivatives of nucleoside analogues esterified with various aliphatic, aromatic, and heteroaromatic acids and the construction from them of molecular transport systems that involve lipids, carbohydrates, peptides, and amino acids are discussed. The characteristics of the biological activity of a number of such systems are described.  相似文献   

Methods are described for the synthesis of the 2'-tributylstannyl derivative of 2',3'-didehydro-2',3'-dideoxyuridine (d4U). Two approaches were investigated: radical-mediated desulfonylative stannylation of the 2'-benzenesulfonyl derivative of d4U and sulfoxide-metal exchange reaction of the 2'-benzenesulfinyl derivative. The latter approach was found to give the desired 2'-stannyl derivative in good yield. It was also shown that manipulations of the stannyl group allowed the introduction of a variety of carbon-substituents to the 2'-position by applying the Stille reaction. The whole reaction sequence has opened up a highly general entry to 2'-carbon-substituted analogues of d4U.  相似文献   

The methods of synthesis of conjugates of anti-HIV nucleosides with various compounds, such as protease inhibitors, peptides, polysaccharides, and bicyclames, are considered; they are designated for the combined therapy of HIV.  相似文献   

2',3'-Didehydro-2',3'-dideoxy-9-deazaguanosine (1), its monophosphate prodrug (2), and two analogues, 2',3'-dideoxy-9-deazaguanosine (3) and 2',3'-didehydro-2',3'-dideoxy-9-deazainosine (4), have been synthesized from benzoylated 9-deazaguanosine (5). Basic hydrolysis of 5, selective protection of the 2-amino and 5'-hydroxy functions with isobutyryl and silyl groups, respectively, followed by reaction with thiocarbonyldiimidazole gave the cyclic thiocarbonate, which, upon reaction with triethyl phosphite, followed by deprotection, afforded 1. Treatment of 1 with phenyl methoxyalaninylphosphochloridate and N-methylimidazole gave 2. Catalytic hydrogenation of 1 gave 3. Hydrodediazoniation of 1 with tert-butyl nitrite and tris(trimethylsilyl)silane gave 4. Compounds 1-4 were found to be inactive against the human immunodeficiency virus and exhibited minimal to no cytotoxic activity against the L1210 leukemia, CCRF-CEM lymphoblastic leukemia, and B16F10 melanoma in vitro.  相似文献   

beta-L-2',3'-Dideoxy- and L-2',3'-didehydro-2',3'-dideoxy purine nucleosides have been synthesized via a highly stereoselective method of glycosylation by the condensation of L-2-(phenylselenyl)-2,3-dideoxyribose derivative with silylated heterocyclic base.  相似文献   

A number of 5′-O-fatty acyl derivatives of 2′,3′-didehydro-2′,3′-dideoxythymidine (stavudine, d4T) were synthesized and evaluated for anti-HIV activities against cell-free and cell-associated virus, cellular cytotoxicity, and cellular uptake studies. The conjugates were found to be more potent than d4T. Among these conjugates, 5′-O-12-azidododecanoyl derivative of d4T (2), displaying EC50 = 3.1-22.4 μM, showed 4- to 9-fold higher activities than d4T against cell-free and cell-associated virus. Cellular uptake studies were conducted on CCRF-CEM cell line using 5(6)-carboxyfluorescein derivatives of d4T attached through β-alanine (9) or 12-aminododecanoic acid (10) as linkers. The fluorescein-substituted analog of d4T with long chain length (10) showed 12- to 15-fold higher cellular uptake profile than the corresponding analog with short chain length (9). These studies reveal that conjugation of fatty acids to d4T enhances the cellular uptake and anti-HIV activity of stavudine.  相似文献   

Compounds having methyl, vinyl, and ethynyl groups at the 4'-position of stavudine (d4T: 2',3'-didehydro-3'-deoxythymidine) were synthesized. The compounds were assayed for their ability to inhibit the replication of HIV in cell culture. The 4'-ethynyl analogue (15) was found to be more potent and less toxic than the parent compound stavudine.  相似文献   

Three methods are described for the introduction of a tributylstannyl group to the sp2-carbon of 2',3'-didehydro-2',3'-dideoxy nucleosides (d44Ns). The resulting stannylated products serve as versatile intermediates for the synthesis of d4Ns having various types of carbon-substituent.  相似文献   

Comprehensive conformational analysis of the biologically active nucleoside 2',3'-didehydro-2',3'-dideoxyaguanosine (d4G) has been performed at the MP2/6-311++G(d,p)//DFT B3LYP/6-31G(d,p) level of theory. The energetic, geometrical and polar characteristics of twenty d4G conformers as well as their conformational equilibrium were investigated. The electron density topological analysis allowed us to establish that the d4G molecule is stabilized by nine types of intramolecular interactions: O5'H...N3, O5'H...C8, C8H...O5', C2'H...N3, C5'H1...N3, C5'H2...N3, C8H...H1C5', C8H...H2'C5' and N2H1...O5'. The obtained results of conformational analysis permit us to think that d4G may be a terminator of the DNA chain synthesis in the 5'-3' direction. Thus it can be inferred that d4G competes with canonical 2'-deoxyaguanosine in binding an active site of the corresponding enzyme.  相似文献   

R P Michael  H D Rees 《Life sciences》1986,38(18):1673-1677
Autoradiography was used to map sites in the primate brain at which testosterone may have sexual differentiating actions on brain function and behavior during fetal development. Two female rhesus monkey fetuses were injected in utero on days 112 and 114 of gestation respectively with 3H-testosterone, and were killed 30 and 60 minutes later. Thaw-mount autoradiography of the brains revealed the accumulation of radioactivity, representing 3H-testosterone or its metabolites, in neurons of the medial preoptic-anterior hypothalamic area, bed nucleus (n.) of the stria terminalis, ventromedial hypothalamic n., and corticomedial amygdala. Thus, it appears that steroid receptors are present in a circumscribed system in the brain of the primate fetus at this stage of development.  相似文献   

Comprehensive conformational analysis of the biologically active nucleoside 2',3'-didehydro-2',3'-dideoxyadenosine (d4A) has been performed at the MP2/6-311++G(d,p)//DFT B3LYP/6-31G(d,p) level of theory. The energetic, geometrical and polar characteristics of twenty one d4A conformers as well as their conformational equilibrium were investigated. The electron density topological analysis allowed us to establish that the d4A molecule is stabilized by eight types of intramolecular interactions: O5'H...N3, O5'H...C8, C8H...O5', C2'H...N3, C5'H1...N3, C5'H2...N3 Ta C8H...H1/2C5'. The obtained results of conformational analysis lead us to think that d4A may be a terminator of the DNA chain sythesis in the 5'-3' direction. Thus it can be inferred that d4A competes with canonical 2'-deoxyadenosine in binding an active site of the corresponding enzyme.  相似文献   

The 2',3'-dideoxyriboside (ddDAPR), 2',3'-didehydro-2',3'-dideoxyriboside (ddeDAPR) and 3'-azido-2',3'-dideoxyriboside (AzddDAPR) of 2,6-diaminopurine have been previously recognized as potent inhibitors of human immunodeficiency virus replication. These compounds are also potent inhibitors of adenosine deaminase and inhibit the deamination of 9-beta-D-arabinofuranosyladenine (araA). ddDAPR, ddeDAPR and AzddDAPR markedly potentiate the antiviral activity of araA against herpes simplex virus type 1 (HSV-1), type 2 (HSV-2) and vaccinia virus (VV). When used at a concentration of 20 micrograms/ml, which had by itself no antiviral effect, ddDAPR, ddeDAPR and AzddDAPR increased the ability of araA to suppress HSV-1, HSV-2 and VV yield by several orders of magnitude. The maximum antiviral effect was obtained with the combinations of ddDAPR or ddeDAPR with araA concentrations of 1 and 10 micrograms/ml.  相似文献   

Synthesis of phosphoramidate protides of carbocyclic D- and L-2',3'-dideoxy-2',3'-didehydro-7-deazaadenosine by treatment of the nucleoside with phosphorochloridates in the presence of pyridine and t-BuMgCl is described. Several of these protides showed significantly improved antiviral potency over the parent nucleosides against both HIV and HBV.  相似文献   

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