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脂肪体是七星瓢虫卵黄原蛋白合成的主要场所。本文用微量萤光法和细胞光度法测定成虫期脂肪体核酸含量的变化。结果表明,雌虫在成虫期第5天时,脂肪体的RNA/DNA比值出现高峰,雌虫在第9天产卵,说明当脂肪体合成卵黄原蛋白之前,脂肪体细胞的RNA合成十分活跃,这可促使卵黄原蛋白合成速率加快,几天后雌虫即能产出成熟卵块。雄虫脂舫体的RNA/DNA比值高峰在第7天出现,但其比值只有雌虫的一半。取食代饲料的雌虫,脂肪体RNA/DNA的比值一直较低,直到第24天比值才有所提高,但与正常取食蚜虫的雌虫个体的高峰值相比相差也约一半。这种雌虫一直未能产卵,说明取食代饲料的雌虫不产卵的原因在于脂肪体中核酸代谢的异常。取食代饲料一直未能产卵的雌虫,经用保幼激素类似物ZR-512处理;3天后脂肪体的RNA平均值明显增高。说明ZR-512对瓢虫脂肪体RNA合成有促进作用。  相似文献   

滞育是部分昆虫固有的适应逆境胁迫的遗传属性,七星瓢虫具有显著的滞育现象。本文以七星瓢虫雌成虫为试材,研究正常发育、滞育及滞育解除后3组处理试虫糖、脂、蛋白等关键代谢物质含量波动规律,总结滞育期间的代谢适应特点,解析其与过冷却能力的相关性,探索滞育对七星瓢虫逆境胁迫耐受力的促升效应,丰富七星瓢虫的滞育基础理论研究。利用物质干湿重差数法测定七星瓢虫的含水量;利用氯仿-甲醇(体积比为2∶1)法抽提除去自由水个体的脂肪;总糖、海藻糖、甘油、山梨醇及总蛋白的测定采用标准曲线法,利用SUN-II型智能昆虫过冷却点测定仪测定七星瓢虫的过冷却点(supercooling point,SCP)。结果表明,七星瓢虫滞育组含水量(58.11%±6.55%)显著低于正常发育组(68.49%±2.26%)和滞育解除组(65.84%±4.02%)(F=8.15,P0.01),滞育解除后含水量恢复至正常发育组水平;滞育组总糖(10.60±0.54μg/mg)、糖原(8.72±0.62μg/mg)、脂肪(173.66±19.01μg/mg)含量远远高于正常发育组和滞育解除组(F=46.57,P=0.0006;F=114.25,P0.0001;F=8.48,P0.01);滞育组总蛋白含量(49.20±3.80μg/mg)显著低于正常发育组(71.02±6.15μg/mg)和滞育解除组(69.45±4.66μg/mg)(F=46.57,P=0.0006);滞育组中海藻糖(1.31±0.27μg/mg)、甘油(1.74±0.50μg/mg)、山梨醇(9.84±3.02μg/mg)含量与正常发育组、滞育解除组无显著性差异(F=0.79,P=0.4946;F=1.33,P=0.3004;F=1.69,P=0.2387)。七星瓢虫在滞育条件下其过冷却点(-16.53℃±1.44℃)显著低于正常发育组(-14.07℃±1.33℃)和滞育解除组(-15.29℃±2.10℃)(F=13.47,P0.0001),经过滞育低温驯化后滞育解除组过冷却点较对照组有所降低。滞育诱发七星瓢虫发生显著的代谢适应,蛋白含量显著降低,抑制新陈代谢进程;糖脂含量显著升高,保障滞育维持及解除后发育的能量需求;七星瓢虫滞育属糖原积累型;滞育个体过冷却点大幅下降,耐寒性显著提升。  相似文献   

自从1970年以来,我国黄河流域棉区利用七星瓢虫Coccinella septempunctata L.防治棉苗期棉蚜,取得了比较满意的结果。数年的实践证明:五月中、下旬当麦田瓢虫大量发生时,是人工助迁到棉田的有利时机,如棉株上瓢虫与棉蚜的比例为1:200(百株蚜数500以下)到1:100(百株蚜数1,000以上)时,则不需  相似文献   

七星瓢虫生殖的观察   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
近年来,在我国各地区一个“以虫治虫”的群众运动正在蓬勃展开。实践证明它可作为“综合防治”总方针中的重要一环。以瓢治蚜已经在广大棉区收到较好的效果,深受广大贫下中农的欢迎。本文介绍七星瓢虫(Coccinella septempunctata L.)一些生殖特点,作为瓢虫饲养繁殖时参考。 观察实验是在北京、安阳两个地区进行的,室内和室外观察相结合,加上必要的镜检帮助了解一些机体内部的状况。实验材料七星瓢虫根据观察的需要,有的是室外采集的,有的是室内繁殖饲养的,或是室外采集室内饲养。所用饲料蚜虫,有菜蚜、桃蚜、麦蚜等。在观察实验过程中得到安阳县生防站同志们的热情帮助。  相似文献   

七星瓢虫成虫觅食行为的观察   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
王进忠  王熠  孙淑玲 《昆虫知识》2000,37(4):195-196
本文研究了七星瓢虫成虫捕食麦长管蚜、洋槐蚜和绣线菊蚜的行为 ,发现其觅食行为包括 7个明显动作 ,即搜寻、捕捉、嚼食、梳理、静止、展翅和排泄。  相似文献   

七星瓢虫雌成虫咽侧体的活性   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
以短期体外放射化学测定法测定了七星瓢虫雌成虫的咽侧体(CA)活性。结果表明,七星瓢虫的CA在TC 199培养液中培养时活性最高。在最适培养条件下CA合成保幼激素(JH)的速度在1—4小时呈直线增加。 七星瓢虫雌虫生殖期CA的活性变化与卵黄发生有相关性。羽化初期CA活性很低,羽化后4—8天CA活性增加,卵母细胞内卵黄沉积开始增多;羽化后8—12天CA活性高峰出现,此时卵母细胞内有大量卵黄沉积;羽化后12—15天CA活性下降,卵完全成熟并陆续出现产卵个体。 食料对七星瓢虫成虫的卵黄发生的影响:取食人工饲料雌虫的CA活性增长缓慢,直至羽化后15天CA活性仍很低,因而抑制了卵黄原蛋白的合成,使卵巢发育缓慢。此种雌虫中CA活性高峰的出现比取食蚜虫的延迟约2倍,前者的产卵前期也较后者延长约2倍。  相似文献   

七星瓢虫成虫下颚须上的化学感受器   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
七星瓢虫成虫下颚须端节的内侧是一个船背形隆起的平面, 其上着生栓锥形化学感受器约1, 500个, 其中一半左右是味觉感受器, 其余为嗅觉感受器.每一个味觉感受器小体内, 有感受细胞4—8个, 它们的树突远区通过感橛腔时, 或处于同一个感橛腔中, 或在2个感橛腔中, 或在3个感橛腔中.每一个嗅觉感受器小体内, 感受细胞的数目恒为3个, 有限大的感受器淋巴腔.感橛较薄, 终止于栓锥腔的基部.树突在栓锥腔内分枝.栓锥的顶部有许多半球状突起.下颚须内所具有的感受细胞比下唇须内所具有的超百倍之多, 由取食时下颚须的动作来判断, 它们的主要作用在于寻找和试探食物.  相似文献   

七星瓢虫成虫对烟蚜的捕食作用   总被引:22,自引:0,他引:22  
侯茂林  万方浩 《昆虫知识》2004,41(4):347-350
对七星瓢虫CoccinellaseptempunctataL .成虫对烟蚜Myzuspersicae的捕食作用进行了定量研究。七星瓢虫成虫对烟蚜的功能反应属HollingⅡ型反应 ,拟合的圆盘方程为Na =1 .1 5 76Nt ( 1 +0 .0 0 3 48Nt) ,χ2 检验表明圆盘方程理论值与实测值相符。捕食选择试验表明在烟蚜、烟青虫Helicoverpaassaut(Guenee)卵和 1龄幼虫 3种猎物中 ,七星瓢虫成虫最喜好烟蚜。七星瓢虫成虫对自身密度的功能反应用Watt模型拟合为A =2 90 .0 3P-0 .7584,其捕食作用率与个体间相互干扰作用的关系用Hassell模型拟合为E =0 .8783 7P-0 .1 0 0 94。文中进一步就烟田中七星瓢虫的保护利用进行了讨论。  相似文献   

谈谈七星瓢虫的滞育问题(续)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
四、滞育对人工大量繁殖的影响 为了充分掌握在大面积农田或果园及时释放足量的瓢虫来防治蚜虫为害的主动权,近年来我国已开始人工繁殖瓢虫的工作。七星瓢虫种群中既有一部分有生殖滞育,而且其比例可因不同环境条件而有变动,这对人工大量繁殖是否成为一个严重障碍?这是应注意的问题。为了解决这个问题,我们可从七星瓢由滞育  相似文献   

对七星瓢虫正常发育、滞育以及滞育解除的雌成虫进行RNA测序,并对筛选出来的滞育相关基因进行KEGG通路富集分析,从分子水平解析七星瓢虫滞育发机理。本研究以正常发育产卵、滞育30 d以及滞育贮存30 d后解除产卵的七星瓢虫雌成虫为研究对象,分别抽提RNA,合成c DNA,构建c DNA文库,文库检测合格后在Illummina Hiseq 2500测序仪上进行双向测序。根据测序结果,共获取unigene 82820个。采用两两比较法对正常发育组和滞育组、滞育组和滞育解除组进行差异表达分析,分别获得差异表达基因3501个和1427个。深入分析两组比对结果,将在滞育组上调且滞育解除组下调的unigene定义为滞育关联基因,共有443个基因为滞育关联基因。应用KEGG KAAS在线pathway比对分析工具对滞育关联基因进行通路富集分析,结果发现这些基因主要集中在碳水化合物代谢、脂质代谢以及信号转导等途径中。  相似文献   

1. The appearance of larval fat body as seen under the light or electron microscope depends on the nutritional state of the larva and on the stage of larval development at which the fat body is observed. 2. Early in the last larval instar the cells usually possess a well-developed endo-plasmic reticulum rich in ribosomes, numerous mitochondria, glycogen granules, a Golgi complex and fat droplets, while later in the instar the endoplasmic reticulum is much reduced and mitochondria are few, but glycogen and fat droplets are present in greater amount together with the appearance of large numbers of proteinaceous spheres. 3. Early in the last instar the fat body synthesizes proteins and exports them into the blood, while later in the instar proteins are sequestered from the blood into the fat body. 4. The rate of protein synthesis by the fat body is high in the early to mid part of the last instar, but then falls off rapidly to a low level, at which it remains until the larva pupates. In diapausing pupae, protein synthesis remains at this low level. 5. The similarity between the electrophoretic patterns of proteins from the fat body and those from the blood provides strong evidence that the fat body is the site of synthesis of many of the blood proteins. 6. Some of the blood proteins have been shown to possess enzymic properties, while others are thought to play a role in the transportation of various types of compounds. 7. Ecdysone and juvenile hormone both stimulate the rate of protein synthesis by larval fat body. Protein synthesis in fat body from diapausing pupae is stimulated after injury to the pupae. 8. The appearance of adult fat body and the amount of protein it contains is often closely linked with the nutritional and reproductive states of the insect. 9. An important role of the fat body in the adult female insect is the synthesis of yolk proteins, which are released into the blood and then taken up by the developing oocytes. This synthesis and uptake are under the control of hormones secreted by the corpora allata and by the median neurosecretory cells of the pars intercerebralis. 10. The RNA content of fat body in final-instar larvae is not constant throughout the instar. In some larvae it is at its highest level early in the instar, falling to a low level as the instar progresses, while in other larvae (e.g. Calliphora) the level of RNA in fat body does not decrease as the instar progresses. 11. In some dipterous insects the base composition of total RNA is DNA-like in that the guanine + cytosine content is low, accounting for 40 % of the bases. A similar composition is seen in rapidly labelled RNA isolated from insects of other orders (Coleoptera and Lepidoptera), but the base content of total RNA from these latter insects resembles ribosomal RNA from vertebrate tissues in that it has a high (ca. 60 %) guanine + cytosine content. 12. The RNA/DNA ratios in blowfly larval tissues are high compared with those found in any vertebrate tissue. 13. In larval fat body, RNA synthesis is low at the time of a moult, increases during the early and mid-instar period and subsequently falls during the latter part of the instar. During the pupal period, especially during pupal diapause, the rate of RNA synthesis is very low and then increases during the subsequent development of the pharate adult. Injury to diapausing pupae results in an increased rate of RNA synthesis in most of their tissues. 14. Ecdysone and juvenile hormone both stimulate RNA and DNA synthesis in larval and adult fat body and in other tissues, although there is evidence that in some tissues these two hormones may act antagonistically to each other. The insecticide DDT also has been shown to stimulate RNA synthesis in tissues of adult insects.  相似文献   

七星瓢虫代饲料中水分的营养效应   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
我们以鲜猪肝匀浆、蜂蜜和蔗糖以5:1:1混合而成的代饲料来饲养七星瓢虫(Coccinella septempunctata),代饲料的含水量在50%左右。这种代饲料加水稀释使含水量不同,用来饲养成虫,试验比较了代饲料含水量不同时对取食量、体重增加、产卵量、食物利用率和食物转化率的影响。结果表明当代饲料含水量增加到75%和85%时鲜代饲料的取食量比以未稀释的代饲料为食时增加一倍,特别在饲养试验开始的数天。所以代饲料中的水分似乎有助食作用。但以干重量计算时这种差异并不显著。以含水量较高的代饲料为食时体重增加百分率较高,但含水量为75%的比85%的好。羽化后取食含水量为75%代饲料的成虫其产卵率为60%,而取食含水量为50%和85%饲料的其产卵率为40%。平均产卵前期(N=20)以取食含水量85%的代饲料的成虫最短,约为16天;而取食含水量50%和85%的约为20天。代饲料含水量较高时食物利用率较高,但食物转化率却以取食含水量较低的代饲料较高。这种情况当饲养期延长到1个月时可发生逆转。  相似文献   

人工饲料某些成分对七星瓢虫产卵的影响   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  

1.用凝胶电泳和免疫扩散法研究了七星瓢虫成虫脂肪体、血淋巴和卵巢中总蛋白和卵黄原蛋白的含量变化和相互关系。查明七星瓢虫和某些被研究过的昆虫一样,卵黄原蛋白在脂肪体内合成,释放到血淋巴,然后被发育的卵母细胞摄取。 2.系统观察了七星瓢虫成虫血淋巴中卵黄原蛋白和产卵的关系。在适温下取食蚜虫的成虫多数在羽化后四天血淋巴中出现卵黄原蛋白,十天后开始产卵,如食料适宜,在整个产卵期,血淋巴中卵黄原蛋白的水平较高。 3.对比了取食不同饲料的个体中脂肪体和卵巢鲜重的变化。对取食代饲料的产卵与不产卵个体的脂肪体、血淋巴、卵巢进行了分析比较。讨论了取食代饲料的部分个体不产卵的原因。 4.保幼激素类似物ZR-512促进卵黄原蛋白的合成,使取食代饲料不产卵个体的血淋巴中卵黄原蛋白的含量明显提高。  相似文献   

森林革蜱吸血后的体重与产卵关系   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
森林革蜱Dermacentor silvarum Olenev吸血后的体重在15.3毫克至800毫克的个体皆可产卵。不同体重各组产卵前期所需的日数无显著区别,但在体重最轻者(15.3—35.5毫克)产卵前期延长。产卵日数、产卵量与体重有关,体重重者产卵期延长,产卵量多;反之,则产卵期短,产卵量少。饱食雌虫单位体重的产卵能力为8.5。  相似文献   

In order to investigate some of the cytochemical processes involved in interphase growth and culminating in cell division, a combined autoradiographic and microphotometric study of nucleic acids and proteins was undertaken on statistically seriated cells of Vicia faba root meristems. Adenine-8-C14 and uridine-H3 were used as ribonucleic acid (RNA) precursors, thymidine-H3 as a deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) precursor, and phenylalanine-3-C14 as a protein precursor. Stains used in microphotometry were Feulgen (DNA), azure B (RNA), pH 2.0 fast green (total protein), and pH 8.1 fast green (histone). The autoradiographic data (representing rate of incorporation per organelle) and the microphotometric data (representing changes in amounts of the various components) indicate that the mitotic cycle may be divided into several metabolic phases, three predominantly anabolic (net increase), and a fourth phase predominantly catabolic (net decrease). The anabolic periods are: 1. Telophase to post-telophase during which there are high rates of accumulation of cytoplasmic and nucleolar RNA and nucleolar and chromosomal total protein. 2. Post-telophase to preprophase characterized by histone synthesis and a diphasic synthesis of DNA with the peak of synthesis at mid-interphase and a minor peak just preceding prophase. The minor peak is coincident with a relatively localized DNA synthesis in several chromosomal regions. This period is also characterized by minimal accumulations of cytoplasmic RNA and chromosomal and nucleolar total protein and RNA. 3. Preprophase to prophase in which there are again high rates of accumulation of cytoplasmic RNA, and nucleolar and chromosomal total protein and RNA. The catabolic phase is: 4. The mitotic division during which there are marked losses of cytoplasmic RNA and chromosomal and nucleolar total protein and RNA.  相似文献   

在20℃条件下,蓖麻蚕蛹期发育需14天,接近发育完成的卵巢中各亚细胞组分中DNA、RNA和蛋白质含量迅速增长。经手术去脑后的蓖麻蚕无脑蛹卵巢不发育,其卵巢中上述成分的含量皆处于蛹早期水平。经脑激素处理后的无脑蛹卵巢即可迅速发育,在处理后18—20天,卵巢发育可接近正常水平,但较晚。在电镜下观察到的游离多核糖体呈二到七聚体,其紫外光谱特性为A260/A280=1.70;A240/A280=1.27。将脑激素注射到无脑蛹中去,可促使卵巢中游离多核糖体含量的增加。  相似文献   

翟启慧  龚和 《昆虫学报》1990,33(3):257-264
在七星瓢虫(Coccinella septempunctata)中,保幼激素调控脂肪体中卵黄原蛋白基因的表达.蛋白质合成实验证明,保幼激素类似物大幅度地促进取食人工饲料的雌虫脂肪体中卵黄原蛋白的合成.保幼激素类似物的作用有高度选择性,使卵黄原蛋白占总蛋白的百分比提高12倍.取食人工饲料的雌虫中,脂肪体RNA含量及其转译活性均极低,转译产物中不存在卵黄原蛋白多肽.保幼激素类似物能显著提高脂肪体RNA的含量及其中可转译mRNA的水平.处理后的雌虫,象蚜虫饲养的成熟雌虫一样,其脂肪体RNA能在体外转译系统中指导卵黄原蛋白多肽的合成,并在变性琼脂糖凝胶电泳上显示一条高分子量的带(约5100核苷酸),初步鉴定为卵黄原蛋白mRNA.由此证明,保幼激素类似物能诱导卵黄原蛋白mRNA的出现和积累.  相似文献   

A number of precursors of RNA are incorporated several-fold more readily into the RNA of brain slices from 10-day-old rats than into RNA of slices from adult animals. The brains of the young animals show moderately higher levels of some of the anabolic enzymes of RNA metabolism including RNA polymerase (nucleosidetriphosphate: RNA nucleotidyltransferase; EC and substantially lower levels of the degradative enzymes, the nucleoside phosphorylases. The data suggest that all the enzymes work in a concerted fashion to produce an increased rate of synthesis in young animals rather than that any single controlling enzymic event is responsible.  相似文献   

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