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The ecology of many Neotropical fishes is difficult or often impossible to study during rainy seasons. Thus, ecological studies of tropical fishes are usually performed on fish captured only during dry seasons. Because otoliths preserve a record of life history, this study evaluated the utility of otolith stable isotope values for the investigation of trophic ecology of Neotropical fishes (specifically herbivorous loricariid catfish) throughout their lives. Because plant dietary materials have δ13C values that are determined by their photosynthetic pathways, metabolism and environmental conditions, different plants may impart different isotope values on fish otoliths that reflect consumption of these plants. The δ13C(otolith) values of xylophagous Panaque nigrolineatus captured in the field were significantly lower than those of algivorous Hypostomus regani from a nearby region. A laboratory experiment wherein Hypostomus sp. had δ13C(otolith) values that reflected the δ13C values of their plant diet and additional evidence indicate that δ13C(otolith) values in loricariid catfish otoliths can record dietary history.  相似文献   

Seasonal oscillations in the carbon (δ13C) and nitrogen (δ15N) isotope signatures of aquatic algae can cause seasonal enrichment–depletion cycles in the isotopic composition of planktonic invertebrates (e.g., copepods). Yet, there is growing evidence that seasonal enrichment–depletion cycles also occur in the isotope signatures of larger invertebrate consumers, taxa used to define reference points in isotope-based trophic models (e.g., trophic baselines). To evaluate the general assumption of temporal stability in non-zooplankton aquatic invertebrates, δ13C and δ15N time series data from the literature were analyzed for seasonality and the influence of biotic (feeding group) and abiotic (trophic state, climate regime) factors on isotope temporal patterns. The amplitude of δ13C and δ15N enrichment–depletion cycles was negatively related to body size, although all size-classes of invertebrates displayed a winter-to-summer enrichment in δ13C and depletion in δ15N. Among feeding groups, periphytic grazers were more variable and displayed larger temporal changes in δ13C than detritivores. For nitrogen, temporal variability and magnitude of directional change of δ15N was most strongly related to ecosystem trophic state (eutrophic > mesotrophic, oligotrophic). This study provides evidence of seasonality in the isotopic composition of aquatic invertebrates across very broad geographical and ecological gradients as well as identifying factors that are likely to modulate the strength and variability of seasonality. These results emphasize the need for researchers to recognize the likelihood of temporal changes in non-zooplankton aquatic invertebrate consumers at time scales relevant to seasonal studies and, if present, to account for temporal dynamics in isotope trophic models.  相似文献   

The relative abundance of carbon isotope (δ13C) was measured in four C3 species (Sophora viccifolia, Quercus liaotungensis, Ostryopsis davidiana and Zizyphus jujuba var. spinosa) of the Loess Plateau in China from the 1930’s to 2002. The results showed that the δ13C values in the four species varied from −25.05‰ to −29.75‰ with their a average at −27.04‰. A decrease in the δ13C value with time was found in all the four species, which indicating that the water use efficiencies (WUEs) of all the measured species declined during 70 years. However, the decrease in δ13C value differed among the four species with its significant decreases measured in two of the species, Sophora viciifolia and Quercus liaotungensis, its relatively significant decrease found in Ostryopsis davidiana, and its slight decrease appearing in Zizyphus jujuba var. spinosa. in the δ13C values in the four species decreased by 14.65 ‰, 14.46‰, 11.99‰ and 2.44‰, respectively. The different species were shown to have different sensitivities to climatic change, and Zizyphus jujuba var. spinosa was found to be the most drought-tolerant species of the four, which had a high WUE.  相似文献   

Open-top chambers were used to estimate the possible effects of global warming on δ13C of seven plant species grown in alpine meadow ecosystem. The δ13C values of plant species were lower after long-term growth in open-top chambers. In the course of experiment, temperature significantly increased inside the chambers by 4°C. Plant species grown at a lower elevation above sea level had higher δ13C values as compared to those grown at a higher elevation. This was in accordance with the effect of open-top chamber on δ13C values in plants. Greater availability of CO2 and lower water vapor pressure at higher temperature inside the chambers, as indicated by an increase in discrimination against 13CO2, probably result in more negative δ13C values of plants because higher stomatal conductance increases availability of CO2 and causes greater discrimination against 13CO2. The plant species studied could be the indicator species for testing global warming by the change in carbon isotope ratios at the two growth temperatures. This text was submitted by the authors in English.  相似文献   

Small lakes in northern latitudes represent a significant source of CH4 to the atmosphere that is predicted to increase with warming in the Arctic. Yet, whole-lake CH4 budgets are lacking as are measurements of δ13C-CH4 and δ2H-CH4. In this study, we quantify spatial variability of diffusive and ebullitive fluxes of CH4 and corresponding δ13C-CH4 and δ2H-CH4 in a small, Arctic lake system with fringing wetland in southwestern Greenland during summer. Net CH4 flux was highly variable, ranging from an average flux of 7 mg CH4 m?2 d?1 in the deep-water zone to 154 mg CH4 m?2 d?1 along the lake margin. Diffusive flux accounted for ~8.5 % of mean net CH4 flux, with plant-mediated and ebullitive flux accounting for the balance of the total net flux. Methane content of emitted ebullition was low (mean ± SD 10 ± 17 %) compared to previous studies from boreal lakes and wetlands. Isotopic composition of net CH4 emissions varied widely throughout the system, with δ13C-CH4 ranging from ?66.2 to ?55.5 ‰, and δ2H-CH4 ranging from ?345 to ?258 ‰. Carbon isotope composition of CH4 in ebullitive flux showed wider variation compared to net flux, ranging from ?69.2 to ?49.2 ‰. Dissolved CH4 concentrations were highest in the sediment and decreased up the water column. Higher concentrations of CH4 in the hypoxic deep water coincided with decreasing dissolved O2 concentrations, while methanotrophic oxidation dominated in the epilimnion based upon decreasing concentrations and increasing values of δ13C-CH4 and δ2H-CH4. The most depleted 13C- and 2H-isotopic values were observed in profundal bottom waters and in subsurface profundal sediments. Based upon paired δ13C and δ2H observations of CH4, acetate fermentation was likely the dominant production pathway throughout the system. However, isotopic ratios of CH4 in deeper sediments were consistent with mixing/transition between CH4 production pathways, indicating a higher contribution of the CO2 reduction pathway. The large spatial variability in fluxes of CH4 and in isotopic composition of CH4 throughout a single lake system indicates that the underlying mechanisms controlling CH4 cycling (production, consumption and transport) are spatially heterogeneous. Net flux along the lake margin dominated whole-lake flux, suggesting the nearshore littoral area dominates CH4 emissions in these systems. Future studies of whole-lake CH4 budgets should consider this significant spatial heterogeneity.  相似文献   

We measured seasonal and interannual variations in delta(13)C values within the carbon reservoirs (leaves and soil) and CO(2) fluxes (soil and ecosystem respired CO(2)) of an old growth coniferous forest in the Pacific Northwest USA with relation to local meteorological conditions. There were significant intra-annual and interannual differences in the carbon isotope ratios of CO(2) respired at both the ecosystem (delta(13)C(R)) and the soil levels (delta(13)C(R-soil)), but only limited variations in the carbon isotope ratios of carbon stocks. The delta(13)C(R) values varied by as much as 4.4 per thousand over a growing season, while delta(13)C(R-soil )values changed as much as 6.2 per thousand. The delta(13)C of soil organic carbon (delta(13)C(SOC)) and needle organic carbon (delta(13)C(P)) exhibited little or no significant changes over the course of this study. Carbon isotope discrimination within leaves (Delta(p)) showed systematic decreases with increased canopy height, but remained fairly constant throughout the year (Delta(p)=17.9 per thousand -19.2 per thousand at the top of the canopy, Delta(p)=19.6 per thousand -20.9 per thousand at mid-canopy, Delta(p)=23.3 per thousand -25.1 per thousand at the canopy base). The temporal variation in the delta(13)C of soil and ecosystem respired CO(2) was correlated ( r=0.93, P<0.001) with soil moisture levels, with dry summer months having the most (13)C-enriched values. The dynamic seasonal changes in delta(13)C of respired CO(2) are hypothesized to be the result of fast cycling of recently fixed carbon back to the atmosphere. One scaling consequence of the seasonal and interannual variations in delta(13)C(R) is that inversion-based carbon-cycle models dependent on observed atmospheric CO(2) concentration and isotope values may be improved by incorporating dynamic delta(13)C(R) values to interpret regional carbon sink strength.  相似文献   

Ying Wu  Bing Wang  Dima Chen 《Plant and Soil》2018,431(1-2):107-117

Background and aims

Nitrogen (N) deficiency and drought are two key limiting factors for rice production worldwide, but the relationship of drought stress with N homeostasis in rice is rarely advanced. The aim of this study was to dissect the physiological effects of drought stress on rice growth that coupled unbalanced N metabolism.


Water-deficient stress (WD) limited stomatal aperture function and activity of Rubisco carboxylase to photosynthesis. The rate of total electron transport (Jt) and the electron to carboxylation (Jc) were considerably decreased, whereas the proportion of e? flow to photorespiration was stimulated by WD, especially at 1600 μmol m?2 s?1 PPFD. Concurrently, the expressions of glycolate oxidase genes (GOX1, GOX5) and glycine decarboxylase complex (GDCH, GDCP and GDCT) were significantly induced in leaves of WD treatment, which led to the accumulation of reactive oxygen species in leaves. With the photosynthetic change, nitrate uptake and reduction were suppressed. Moreover, the enhanced photorespiration generated excess NH3 accumulation in leaves and stimulated the expressions of GS1;1, GS1;2 and GS2, which were tightly coupled with the expressions of PEPC1 and PEPC2 under WD stress.


Our results suggest that the inhibited nitrate reduction associated with diminished electron transport rate, and the photorespiration-associated accumulation of hydrogen peroxide and NH3 were critical in the drought-induced rice growth inhibition.

Pinus thunbergii trees growing on Pacific coastal sand dunes in Japan were immersed by the tsunami that followed the Great East Japan Earthquake on 11 March 2011. Even trees that survived direct physical damage began to die during the following summer, probably because of the physiological stress of salt water immersion. The objectives of this study were to analyze the relationship between the carbon and oxygen isotope values (δ13C and δ18O, respectively) of P. thunbergii tree-ring cellulose and the effects of salt water immersion caused by the tsunami. Pinus thunbergii trees were sampled in Yamamoto, Miyagi Prefecture, and in Misawa, Aomori Prefecture. Each tree-ring that formed between 2008 and 2012 was sliced into four to eight equal subdivisions, and the isotope values were analyzed at a high time-scale resolution. Tree rings that were immersed in seawater from the tsunami had higher δ13C values in the earlywood that formed in the spring following the tsunami than those formed prior to the disaster. This increase in δ13C values was likely caused by osmotic stress from root immersion in salt water. We did not observe a clear change in tree-ring δ18O values after the tsunami. This lack of variance might have resulted from the post-photosynthetic exchange of carbonyl oxygens with non-18O-enriched xylem water.  相似文献   

To better understand the relationship between salinity and the carbon stable isotope composition (expressed as δ13C) of mangrove plants and to test whether the patterns of variation in δ13C of mangrove plants differ from those of nonhalophytes as response to salinity, the effect of salinity on leaf δ13C in two dominant mangrove species, Aegiceras corniculatum and Kandelia candel, was studied. Furthermore, to determine whether the variation in δ13C of mangrove species is adjusted by stomatal conductance, K. candel was selected as an example, and leaf gas-exchange characteristics of the seedlings were measured. It was observed that both mangrove species had a lower leaf δ13C under their optimum salinity (1.50% for Ae. corniculatum and 2.00% for K. candel). This variation in δ13C of mangrove plants was attributable largely to stomatal adjustment as for nonhalophytes in which a strong correlation between δ13C and relevant photosynthetic properties is observed. This result suggests that the different response pattern in δ13C was a consequence of the variation in stomata in relation to the different tolerance to salinity. The optimum salinity inferred by leaf δ13C provides a feasible method for comparing salt tolerance between mangrove plants belonging to different species, which is useful for mangrove restoration.  相似文献   

This paper reports the temporal variation (2002–2004) in foliar δ13C values, which are indicative of long-term integrated photosynthetic and water use characteristics, of Siberian larch (Larix sibirica Ledeb.) trees in a montane forest at Mongonmorit, NE Mongolia. At the stand, the δ13C value for understory shaded leaves was more negative by 2‰ on average than that for sunlit leaves sampled concurrently from open and sun-exposed environments in a forest gap. The δ13C value of both sunlit and shaded leaves showed pronounced intra- but relatively small inter-seasonal variations. The δ13C value was more positive for juvenile than mature leaves. We conjecture that juvenile leaves may derive carbon reserves in woody tissues (e.g., stems). Regardless of leaf habitats, the δ13C value was also affected by insect herbivores occurred in mid summer of 2003, being more negative in newly emerging leaves from the twigs after defoliation than in non-defoliated mature leaves. This pattern seems to contrast with that for the juvenile leaves in the early growing season. We surmise that the newly emerging leaves used stored organic carbon that was depleted due to fractionation during remobilization and translocation for leaf regrowth. There was also intra- and inter-seasonal variation in the foliar N concentrations and C:N ratios. A good positive (negative) correlation between the foliar δ13C values and N concentrations (C:N ratios) was also observed for both sunlit and shaded leaves, suggesting that the relationship between water and nitrogen use is a crucial factor affecting the plant carbon–water relationship in this mid latitude forest with a cold semiarid climate. Our isotopic data demonstrate that the larches in NE Mongolia exhibits relatively higher water use efficiency with a distinct within-season variability.  相似文献   

Because nitrogen and phosphorus are primary resources for plant, algal, and microbial production, increases in nutrient inputs can markedly alter aquatic ecosystems. Coastal wetland plots at Belle W. Baruch Marine Field Laboratory (South Carolina, USA) have been amended with nitrogen and phosphorus for ~20 years to determine the effects of nutrient loading on coastal wetlands. We conducted a survey of δ15N and δ13C natural abundance in coastal wetland organic pools (sediment, vegetation) with long-term nutrient amendments (control, no addition; nitrogen; phosphorus; and nitrogen + phosphorus additions). Additionally, we conducted laboratory assays to quantify pore water nutrient availability and nitrification rates. Marsh vegetation (Spartina alterniflora) had enriched δ13C values (mean −14‰) relative to bulk sediment samples (mean −18‰). Nitrogen-amended plots (alone and in combination with phosphorus) had enriched δ13C values in the surface sediment (0–5 cm; mean −16.1‰) relative to control (mean −16.5‰) and phosphorus-amended plots (mean −16.8‰). Nitrogen-amended plots also had depleted δ15N in S. alterniflora leaf tissues (−3.3‰) and surface sediment samples (mean 2.1‰) relative to leaf tissues (mean 2.1‰) or sediment samples (mean 5.8‰) from control or phosphorus-only amended plots. Nitrate availability (as increased pore water concentration) was higher in N-amended plots although ammonium availability did not differ. Phosphorus availability was higher only in phosphorus-only amended plots. Overall, we found that long-term nutrient amendments to coastal wetlands significantly altered nutrient availability and uptake rates as well as natural abundance of δ13C and δ15N in multiple organic matter sources.  相似文献   

During a revegetation field experiment in Southeast Spain, we measured foliar carbon isotope ratios (delta13C) and gas exchange parameters in order to evaluate the influence of arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) infection on the water use efficiency (WUE) of two semiarid woodland species. WUE during drought was significantly enhanced by inoculation with Glomus intraradices in Olea europaea ssp sylvestris, but not in Rhamnus lycioides. While Olea is a long-lived, slow-growing evergreen tree with a conservative water use strategy, Rhamnus is a drought-deciduous shrub with a shorter lifespan; these differences may explain their dissimilar patterns of physiological response to inoculation with the same AM fungus. Differences in delta13C and WUE between Olea and Rhamnus were larger when comparing AM inoculated than non-inoculated seedlings. This result suggests that some of the interspecific variability in delta13C observed for aridland plant communities may be due to different physiological responses to mycorrhization.  相似文献   

Rudolf VH  Rödel MO 《Oecologia》2005,145(2):316-325
In many organisms reproductive success is strongly dependent on several breeding site characteristics, which often vary in space and time. Although we have a good understanding of how ovipositing organisms respond to single factors, we still have little information about how they respond under more complex natural conditions. We examined the oviposition behavior of a tree-hole breeding frog, Phrynobatrachus guineensis, with respect to abiotic and biotic oviposition site characteristics, including desiccation risk and the presence of conspecific offspring using both observation and experiments. Based on daily monitoring data, compiled from 69 natural oviposition sites during a complete reproductive season, we developed oviposition site-selection models. A model based on water presence, sediment depth and maximal possible water depth showed the best predictive performance and was transferable to the subsequent season. Field observations and experiments revealed that frogs could estimate water-holding capacity of sites and timed oviposition with respect to future water presence. Despite the negative effects on larval growth and the availability of sites without conspecifics, data suggest that ovipositing individuals are attracted to conspecific offspring because they serve as a cue for low predation risk. Our results imply that a sites potential for being used at least once for oviposition was determined by abiotic factors, whereas the relative use of breeding sites was determined by a response to conspecifics. Our study demonstrates the importance of including multiple biotic and abiotic factors in the analysis of oviposition site-selection.  相似文献   

In an attempt to determine the trophic history of the Myall Lakes complex (New South Wales, Australia) δ13Corg, δ15N and Corg:N profiles were determined for bulk organic matter of two short sediment cores from Bombah Broadwater and Myall Lake. 210Pb profiles and sediment types indicate significantly different trophic trajectories during the time periods examined. δ13Corg and Corg:N indicate Bombah Broadwater has been dominated by increasing inputs of terrestrial organic material over the last century, thought to be related to watershed disturbance including agricultural activity. Primary production appears to be dominated by phytoplankton. δ15N remained relatively stable at around 1‰ until the mid–1970s when there was a sharp increase to 4.7‰, interpreted as an influx of sewage-derived material. These observations offer an insight into the recent trophic changes at the site. Sedimentation rates are noticeably lower in Myall Lake and the most recent sediment is a flocculent organic rich deposit overlying mineral clay. δ13Corg and Corg:N values indicate a transition from plankton to macrophyte dominated primary production around 1800AD. δ15N values become increasingly negative from approximately 1900AD. This is interpreted as being due to increasing reliance by macrophytes on nitrogen recycled from decomposing sediments driven by natural infilling and eutrophication in this basin. The contrasting sedimentation rates, sediment types and geochemical profiles suggest the different basins of this water body are subject to substantially different internal and external influences which should be considered in management decisions.  相似文献   

Recent studies suggest that the direction and magnitude of changes in soil organic carbon (soil C) pools following forest-to-pasture conversion in the tropics are dependent upon initial soil conditions and local factors (e.g. pre-conversion soil C content, soil texture, vegetation productivity, and management practices). The goal of this study was to understand how landscape-scale variation in soil-forming factors influenced the response of soil C pools to forest clearing and pasture establishment in northeastern Costa Rica. We measured soil C and its stable isotopic composition in 24 paired pasture and reference forest sites distributed over large gradients of edaphic characteristics and slope throughout a 1400 km2 region. We used the large difference in stable C isotopic signatures of C3 vegetation (rain forest) versus C4 vegetation (pasture grasses) as a tracer of soil C dynamics. Soil C pools to 30 cm depth ranged from 26% lower to 23% higher in pastures compared to paired forests. The presence of non-crystalline clays and percent slope explained between 27 and 37% of the variation in the direction and magnitude of the changes in soil C storage following pasture establishment. Stable carbon isotopes (13C) in the top soil (0–10 cm) showed a rapid incorporation of pasture-derived C following pasture establishment, but the vegetation in these pastures never became pure C4 communities. The amount of forest-derived soil C in pasture topsoils (0–10 cm) was negatively correlated to both pasture age and the concentrations of non-crystalline iron oxides. Together these results imply that site factors such as soil mineralogy are an important control over soil C storage and turnover in this region.  相似文献   

New 3D HCN quantitative J (QJ) pulse schemes are presented for the precise and accurate measurement of one-bond 15N1/913C1, 15N1/913C6/8, and 15N1/913C2/4 residual dipolar couplings (RDCs) in weakly aligned nucleic acids. The methods employ 1H–13C multiple quantum (MQ) coherence or TROSY-type pulse sequences for optimal resolution and sensitivity. RDCs are obtained from the intensity ratio of H1–C1–N1/9 (MQ-HCN-QJ) or H6/8–C6/8–N1/9 (TROSY-HCN-QJ) correlations in two interleaved 3D NMR spectra, with dephasing intervals of zero (reference spectrum) and 1/(2JNC) (attenuated spectrum). The different types of 15N–13C couplings can be obtained by using either the 3D MQ-HCN-QJ or TROSY-HCN-QJ pulse scheme, with the appropriate setting of the duration of the constant-time 15N evolution period and the offset of two frequency-selective 13C pulses. The methods are demonstrated for a uniformly 13C, 15N-enriched 24-nucleotide stem-loop RNA sequence, helix-35, aligned in the magnetic field using phage Pf1. For measurements of RDCs systematic errors are found to be negligible, and experiments performed on a 1.5 mM helix-35 sample result in an estimated precision of ca. 0.07 Hz for 1DNC, indicating the utility of the measured RDCs in structure validation and refinement. Indeed, for a complete set of 15N1/913C1, 15N1/913C6/8, and 15N1/913C2/4 dipolar couplings obtained for the stem nucleotides, the measured RDCs are in excellent agreement with those predicted for an NMR structure of helix-35, refined using independently measured observables, including 13C–1H, 13C–13C and 1H–1H dipolar couplings.Supplementary material to this paper is available in electronic form at http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s10858-005-0646-2.  相似文献   

We investigated post-photosynthetic fractionation and carbon transfer mechanisms of different plant functional types growing under the same climatic conditions in North-eastern China. The variations in δ13C of trunk and branches were compared with leaf δ13C at different canopy heights of Pinus koraiensis (evergreen coniferous species), Larix gmelinii (deciduous coniferous species) and Quercus mongolica (deciduous broad-leaved species). Results showed that δ13C of leaves increased (became more enriched) with increasing canopy height for both coniferous species (P. koraiensis, L. gmelinii) but not for Q. mongolica (a deciduous broad-leaved species). δ13C of both trunk and branches also increased with sampling height for the evergreen conifer P. koraiensis but did not significantly vary for either of the deciduous species (L. gmelinii or Q. mongolica), except a significant increase in branch δ13C for L. gmelinii. Similarly, δ13C of trunk and branches were strongly correlated with leaf δ13C only in the evergreen conifer, P. koraiensis. 13C was consistently more enriched in trunk, branches, and roots compared to leaves in all three species. Our findings suggest that, even under the same climatic conditions, different plant functional types may exhibit different carbon transfer mechanisms. This is contrary to the previous hypothesis that different carbon transfer mechanisms operate in forests of different climatic zones, especially in tropical and temperate forests. Particularly, the differences occur predominantly between evergreen and deciduous trees rather than between coniferous and broad-leaved trees. The significant difference in δ13C between leaves and wood tissues confirms a previous post-photosynthetic isotope fractionation in temperate forests.  相似文献   

Studies were performed of the carbon and nitrogen stable isotope (δ13C and δ15N) composition (δ13C and δ15N) of the corals Porites cylindrica and P. lutea (5 years after damaging the colonies by the bleaching events) and of epilithic algae settled onto damaged areas of coral colonies. Coral polyps and three epilithic algal communities (‘red algal turf, green algal turf and red calcified crusts’) were sampled along the boundary between communities of coral polyps and algal colonizers from differently illuminated habitats from 2 to 90% of incident surface photosynthetically active radiation (PAR0). It was found that communities with a predominance of red algae significantly differed from communities with a predominance of green algae in δ13C but not in δ15N values. An influence of habitat irradiance was found only for communities of coral polyps for δ13C and δ15N values: under bright light (70–90% PAR0) polyp tissues of both coral species were significantly enriched in heavy carbon isotopes and insignificantly in nitrogen isotopes (δ13C values difference ~4‰) relative to tissues of corals under lower light 15–50% PAR0. On the basis of these results we assumed that differences in light intensities in the habitat ranging from 15 to 90% PAR0 do not influence on accessibility of the main carbon and nitrogen sources for corals and algae, and exchange by these elements between organisms. We also assumed that the relative enrichment in the heavy carbon isotopes of coral tissues in high light is a result of decreased isotope fractionation (or the absence of fractionation in photosynthesis of their zooxanthellae).  相似文献   

Matthews B  Mazumder A 《Oecologia》2004,140(2):361-371
Individual variation in the diet of consumers is common in many ecological systems and has important implications for the study of population dynamics, animal behavior, and evolutionary or ecological interactions. Ecologists frequently quantify the niche of a population by intensive analyses of gut contents and feeding behaviors of consumers. Inter-individual differences in 13C signature can indicate long term differences in feeding behavior, often unattainable by a single snapshot analysis of gut contents. If a consumers food sources have unique 13C signatures, then the intrapopulation variation in 13C may be useful for quantifying diet variation and detecting isotopic evidence of individual specialization. However, intrapopulation variation in 13C can underestimate or overestimate dietary variation, and therefore is not directly equivalent to a dietary based niche. In this paper we show that intrapopulation variability of 13C in consumers critically depends on the isotopic range and distribution of food sources. Our analyses fundamentally challenge how we interpret the intrapopulation isotopic variance of 13C, and how we evaluate isotopic evidence of individual specialization.  相似文献   


Background and aims

The aim of weed control and fertilization in forest plantations was to increase tree growth by reducing competition for available nutrients and water. However, treatments that influence weed biomass can also have significant impacts on soil carbon (C) and nitrogen (N) cycling which can in turn lead to changes in the dynamics of stable C (δ13C) and N (δ15N) isotope compositions in soils and tree foliage.


We examined the key C and N cycling processes influenced by routine and luxury weed control and fertilization treatments as reflected by soil and foliar δ13C and δ15N and long-term tree growth in an 8-year old F1 hybrid pine (Pinus elliottii x P. caribaea) plantation in southeast Queensland, Australia. Weed control treatments varied by treatment frequency and intensity while fertilization treatments varied by the application of N, phosphorus (P), potassium (K) and micronutrients. Different soil and canopy sampling positions were assessed to determine if sampling position enhanced the relationships among soil N transformations and tree N use, water use efficiency and carbon gain under the early establishment silviculture.


Routine weed control was associated with increased weed biomass returned to the soil, compared with luxury weed control. Soil δ13C increased at the 0–5 cm soil sampling depth in both the inter-planting (IPR) and planting row (PR) as a result of the routine weed control treatments. In addition, soil δ13C was significantly higher as a result of fertilisation treatment in the 0–5 cm soil sampling depth in the PR. Soil δ13C was negatively correlated to soil δ15N at the 0–5 cm soil sampling depth in the IPR. Soil δ15N increased in the 0–5 and 5–10 cm soil sampling depths in the IPR, as a result of more frequent (luxury) weed control. Foliar δ15N and tree water use efficiency (WUE) (as indicated by foliar δ13C) were positively correlated with tree growth at age 8 years. While relationships between δ13C and δ15N in the soil and foliage varied depending on soil sampling depth and position, and with canopy sampling position where there were consistent relationships between soil δ13C (or δ15N) and foliar δ15N.


This study demonstrates how early establishment silviculture has important implications for soil C and N cycling and how soil δ13C and δ15N were consistent with changes in soil C cycling and N transformations as a result of weed control treatments, while foliar δ15N was linked to more rapid N cycling as reflected in the soil δ15N, which increased tree growth and tree WUE (as reflected by foliar δ13C).

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