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A blood sample was taken from each of 15 stallions at monthly intervals for 14 consecutive months. Plasma concentrations of estrogens and testosterone were measured by radioimmunoassay methods. Estrogens in peripheral blood were present in much higher amounts than testosterone and were principally in a water-soluble, solvolyzable form (> 98%). The major component in the solvolyzed extracts behaved chromatographically as estrone. The mean plasma level (± S.E.) of estrogens averaged across months was 52.9 ± 4.5 ng ml?1. Individual stallions showed considerable month-to-month variation; for example, single monthly samples ranged from 29.5 to 160.6 ng ml?1 for the stallion with the highest single value.The highest mean monthly concentration was 69 ± ng ml?1 in May, and plasma levels were < 40 ng ml?1 during November and December. For the 11 Thoroughbred stallions in the study, the mean concentrations of estrogens were 73 ± 5.8 ng ml?1 for May to July and 45 ± 4.1 ng ml?1 for November to January (P > 0.001).The mean monthly concentrations (± S.E.) of testosterone ranged from 0.22 ± 0.05 to 0.90 ± 0.14 ng ml?1, and individual samples ranged from < 0.02 to 2.8 ng ml?1 of plasma. While the highest mean level of testosterone was seen in September, there was a significant difference (P < 0.01) between the values in the breeding season (May–July, 0.73 ± 0.07 ng ml?1) and the non-breeding season (November–January, 0.38 ± 0.08 ng ml?1). No marked seasonal changes were observed, however, in testosterone levels in several stallions. It was concluded that plasma estrogen levels may provide a more sensitive index of endocrine function of the testes in the stallion.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to investigate seasonal changes in stallion semen quality and to determine the best time for semen cryopreservation. Experiments were performed using 10 Warmblood stallions from the National Stud Farm in Avenches (Switzerland). Ejaculates were collected and frozen every other week during 1 year from January to December 1999. Volume, concentration, and motility, and the number of morphologically normal sperm and sperm with major defects (abnormal heads, acrosome defects, nuclear vacuoles, proximal droplets, abnormal midpieces) were evaluated. For all frozen-thawed semen samples motility as well as viability (SYBR-14/PI) was tested, and the hypoosmotic swelling test (HOS) was performed. To analyze seasonal differences 4 periods of 3 months each were defined: autumn (September, October, November), winter (December, January, February), spring (March, April, May) and summer (June, July, August). During the 1 year experiment all semen quality parameters showed a clear seasonal pattern. The volume, total sperm count and motility in fresh semen were significantly higher (P<0.05) in summer than in winter, while sperm concentration was significantly lower in summer compared to the other seasons. Regarding morphology, normal sperm was significantly lower (P<0.05) in summer than at any other time of the year and higher values (P<0.05) were found for major defects in summer than in spring and autumn. In frozen-thawed semen motility was significantly (P<0.05) improved in autumn when compared to spring and summer. Viability was lowest in summer and differed significantly (P<0.05) from other seasons. The HOS test revealed significantly more (P<0.05) membrane damaged spermatozoa in winter than in spring, summer and autumn. Our results demonstrate that in our climatic conditions clear seasonal differences occur in semen quality of fresh and frozen-thawed semen and that cryopreservation of stallion semen should preferably be performed in autumn.  相似文献   

Adult male flying foxes Pteropus poliocephalus and P. scapulatus were captured in south-east Queensland and kept in outdoor enclosures. Testicular size (TS), plasma testosterone concentrations (PTC) and body weight (BW) were measured over 1-year periods. Testicular recrudescence in P. poliocephalus began before the summer solstice and TS was greatest during mid-March (autumn) and lowest from July to September. Large increases in PTC were observed in all individuals approximately 1 month after the peak in TS. BW also increased around the time of the mating season, changes being correlated significantly with changes in TS. Mating occurred between April and June, and births from late October to late November. In P. scapulatus, TS was greatest in the spring (October) and least in the autumn (February to May); PTC fluctuated throughout the year in this species but, unlike P. poliocephalus, did not show a single large increase in the mating season. BW showed a similar seasonal pattern to that seen in P. poliocephalus, being greatest at the time of greatest TS. Mating occurred in October to November, and births in autumn. In captivity, in outdoor enclosures, these species maintained the seasonal reproductive patterns observed in the wild. The 2 species respond differently to the same environmental cues in terms of regulation of the timing of their breeding seasons.  相似文献   

The blood testosterone changes in three Giara stallions, average age 8 years old and average weight 183 Kgs, were checked weekly for a year using a radioimmunological method. The horses showed a highly seasonal hormonal activity concentrated in the first half of the year (winter and spring). In the second half of the year (summer and fall) the stallions showed low levels of testosterone. The highest level of the androgen hormone occurred in April, the lowest in October. The absolute levels of this hormone agreed substantially with the relative literature.  相似文献   

Seasonal changes in body weight, plasma testosterone and ejaculatory capacity were observed in five intact and two testosterone-implanted castrated squirrel monkeys for a total of 13 months. Electroejaculation was employed for obtaining data concerning ejaculation. In the intact animals, there were significant increases in body weight, ejaculate volume and plasma testosterone during the breeding season. With the exception of one animal, there was also a decrease in ejaculation latency during the season. Seasonal differences in the sperm count and sperm motility were not observed. Testosterone-implanted castrates showed changes in both ejaculate volume and ejaculation latency similar to those seen in intact monkeys during the breeding season. The body weight and plasma testosterone of the castrates remained quite constant throughout the year. Supported by NIH grants HD 00778, MH 21178 and MH 23645.  相似文献   

The male reproductive cycle in the European wild boar (Sus scrofa) was characterized in free-ranging and captive animals. Puberty is attained at 10 months of age when testis weight averages 53 g. Thereafter, the sexual function follows a clearly marked seasonal pattern. In mature animals, testicular weight and related plasma testosterone levels were significantly higher in winter than during the summer months. These variations parallel the seasonal sexual activity of females. The results are discussed with emphasis on the possible role of daylength in seasonal changes of testicular function.  相似文献   

Testosterone was measured by radioimmunoassay in blood samples collected hourly over 10 h from two adult buffalo bulls in April, May, August and December. The basal concentrations were below 0.2 ng/ml while peak concentrations ranged from 0.35 to 1.65 ng/ml, with not more than one complete peak occurring during a 10 h period. Both bulls had similar testosterone profiles within each sampling period but differences were evident between periods, the mean concentration being highest in August and falling through December and April to the lowest levels in May. Testosterone concentrations in buffaloes are therefore lower than those in other domestic species, and appear to vary during different times of the year.  相似文献   

The photoperiodic variations of testosterone plasmatic levels in male rabbits have been studied. The animals were subjected to the influence of three circadian rhythms: 12/12, 14/10 and 10/14 h of light/darkness. The hormone assay was carried out using an enzymeimmunoassay method (Competitive ELISA). Blood samples were of two different types: seriated and non-seriated, to find if these might be any differences in the results. It is concluded that testosterone plasmatic levels are within physiologic values (0.3-10.0 ng/ml), although differences depending on the light/darkness cycle and on the type of blood extraction are remarkable; for this reason the selection of the circadian rhythm will depend on the experimentation that is to be carried out.  相似文献   

Seasonal changes in plasma LH concentrations were measured by radioimmunoassay every month for 1 year in nine Khaki Campbell drakes kept under natural lighting conditions in Kiel, Germany. The LH levels rose in all the birds in March and April and reached a mean (+/-S.E.) maximum of 2-4 +/- 0-2 ng/ml early in May. Thereafter, LH levels remained high in three drakes, but decreased in the other six to between 0-9 and 0-4 ng/ml early in June and/or July and rose to about 2-5 ng/ml by the beginning of August. Plasma LH levels started to fall in all nine drakes in September and by early October had reached winter values of about 1-2 to 1-5 ng/ml. A small transient increase in the level of circulating LH was observed in most drakes during November or December.  相似文献   

Estimation of testosterone and androstenedione in human peripheral plasma   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  

  • 1.1. Seasonal changes in the plasma prolactin level of the migratory Canada goose breeding in the Canadian subarctic region (Fort Churchill, Manitoba) and wintering in the southern USA (Swan Lake Refuge, Missouri) were studied.
  • 2.2. Peak prolactin level was observed in geese collected at Missouri in October, immediately after Fall migration (Fall postmigratory period). This was significantly higher than that in September (Fall premigratory period), July (moulting period) and March (Spring premigratory period).
  • 3.3. Prolactin levels in May (Spring postmigratory period) and June (incubating period) did not differ significantly from that of any other period.

The aim of this study is to describe the leptin cycle in male Iberian red deer (Cervus elaphus hispanicus) and relate it to antler and testosterone cycles. An additional aim is to assess the relationship between the plasma leptin concentration during antlers’ growth and their final size. Therefore, blood from 21 Iberian red deer males was sampled monthly to analyse leptin and testosterone. At the same time the deer were weighed and their body condition was assessed. The length of antlers was measured every 2 weeks and, after casting, their final length and perimeters were taken. Leptin showed a seasonal cycle, with a peak in June that decreased as testosterone increased. Low values were observed in autumn, winter and early spring. The relationship observed between leptin and body mass or body condition score was different in spring, when plasma testosterone concentration is low, than in autumn, when testosterone increases. Leptin peak amplitude was positively related to final antler size. In conclusion, the relationship between leptin and body mass and body condition score changes through the year, possibly due to the influence of androgens and photoperiod. There was a positive relationship between plasma concentration of leptin during antler growth and final antler length.  相似文献   

We measured plasma levels of testosterone, corticosterone, and cortisol in free-living male yellow-pine chipmunks to demonstrate the patterns of seasonal variation and to assess the effects of capture and handling on hormone levels. We achieved the latter by modifying our standard trapping technique (blood samples collected within 1–3 h of capture) to obtain blood samples that allowed measurement of hormone levels within 3 min of capture (basal) and again 30 min later. By alternating the modified and standard trapping techniques over 7 months of the active season we demonstrated that seasonal patterns of variation in steroid hormone levels can be accurately described with the simpler, standard trapping technique. Basal and 30-min post-capture testosterone levels were high during mating and dropped to a persistently low level thereafter. Conversely, both cortisol and corticosterone were at their seasonal low during mating and climbed to peak levels in June following reproduction. Plasma glucocorticosteroid levels increased during the 30 min after capture and handling at all times of the active season, and these elevated levels were similar to the levels obtained by standard trapping. Testosterone levels during the mating period also increased in response to capture and handling. The contrasting patterns of seasonal variation in glucocorticosteroid and testosterone levels and the changes induced by capture and handling suggest that when testosterone concentration is high, adrenocortical activity is suppressed. Accepted: 17 February 2000  相似文献   

Serum testosterone concentration of 24 human males was correlated with penile diameter changes in response to erotic stimuli. Mean testosterone concentration was significantly and negatively correlated with latency to maximum tumescence and it is hoped that this finding will shed light on the psychophysiological mechanisms involved in normal and impaired erectile function.  相似文献   

《Mammalian Biology》2014,79(4):225-229
We studied serum testosterone levels in the endemic Mexican cottontail, Sylvilagus cunicularius, which has been reported to show seasonal breeding. Animals were trapped in the wild and in a field enclosure in the National Park La Malinche in central Mexico over a period of five years. Serum testosterone (T) levels were quantified by ELISA from blood samples. T levels of adult males were lowest around 4 months after the onset of the annual reproductive season and were already high prior to the onset of breeding. As expected, the T levels of adult females were consistently lower than in males, and there were no differences in T level with respect to female reproductive state. There were no detectable sex-specific differences in juveniles and subadults, but there was a marked increase in T levels between juvenile and adult males. Overall, our study clearly reflects and confirms the seasonal breeding strategy of this species, showing high similarities to the much better studied European rabbit.  相似文献   

Male Cape horseshoe bats were studied in the Cape Province of South Africa (33 degrees 17'S, 26 degrees 25'E) between January 1983 and June 1985. The reproductive cycle is characterized by reactivation of the seminiferous tubules in early summer (October) after a 4-month (June to September) period of winter inactivity. Spermiogenesis occurred between January and April, and spermatozoa were released to the epididymides in April and May. Spermiogenesis was associated with Leydig cell activity and increasing plasma testosterone concentrations. At this time components of the reproductive accessory glands became secretorily active or showed increasing secretory activity. During winter Leydig cells were secretorily inactive and plasma testosterone concentrations dropped, but components of the accessory complex remained active. There was a second period of Leydig cell secretory activity and increasing and peak plasma testosterone values in late winter/early summer which may be associated with copulation or the initiation of a new cycle of spermatogenesis.  相似文献   

Seasonal plasma and kidney renin concentration was studied by radioimmunoassay of angiotensin I in the terrestrial chelonian Testudo hermanni Gmelin under several methodological conditions (different substrates, pH, temperature). Evidence has been found for seasonal variations of the renin levels in relation to the physiological phase of the animals: active animals demonstrated high renal and plasma renin concentration, while lower values were obtained in hibernating animals.  相似文献   

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