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Plasma membrane electron transport (PMET), a cytosolic/plasma membrane analog of mitochondrial electron transport, is a ubiquitous system of cytosolic and plasma membrane oxidoreductases that oxidizes cytosolic NADH and NADPH and passes electrons to extracellular targets. While PMET has been shown to play an important role in a variety of cell types, no studies exist to evaluate its function in insulin-secreting cells. Here we demonstrate the presence of robust PMET activity in primary islets and clonal β-cells, as assessed by the reduction of the plasma membrane-impermeable dyes WST-1 and ferricyanide. Because the degree of metabolic function of β-cells (reflected by the level of insulin output) increases in a glucose-dependent manner between 4 and 10 mM glucose, PMET was evaluated under these conditions. PMET activity was present at 4 mM glucose and was further stimulated at 10 mM glucose. PMET activity at 10 mM glucose was inhibited by the application of the flavoprotein inhibitor diphenylene iodonium and various antioxidants. Overexpression of cytosolic NAD(P)H-quinone oxidoreductase (NQO1) increased PMET activity in the presence of 10 mM glucose while inhibition of NQO1 by its inhibitor dicoumarol abolished this activity. Mitochondrial inhibitors rotenone, antimycin A, and potassium cyanide elevated PMET activity. Regardless of glucose levels, PMET activity was greatly enhanced by the application of aminooxyacetate, an inhibitor of the malate-aspartate shuttle. We propose a model for the role of PMET as a regulator of glycolytic flux and an important component of the metabolic machinery in β-cells.  相似文献   

Protein kinase Cα (PKCα) is activated by its translocation to the membrane. Activity assays show the importance of PIP(2) in determining the specific activity of this enzyme. A FRET stopped flow fluorescence study was carried out to monitor the rapid kinetics of protein binding to model membranes containing POPC/POPS/DOG and eventually PIP(2). The results best fitted a binding mechanism in which protein bound to the membrane following a two-phase mechanism with a first bimolecular reaction followed by a slow unimolecular reaction. In the absence of PIP(2), the rapid protein binding rate was especially dependent on POPS concentration. Formation of the slow high affinity complex during the second phase seems to involve specific interactions with POPS and DOG since it is only sensitive to changes within relatively low concentration ranges of these lipids. Both the association and dissociation rate constants fell in the presence of PIP(2). We propose a model in which PKCα binds to the membranes via a two-step mechanism consisting of the rapid membrane initial recruitment of PKCα driven by interactions with POPS and/or PIP(2) although interactions with DOG are involved too. PKCα searches on the lipid bilayer in two dimensions to establish interactions with its specific ligands.  相似文献   

Deletion of phenylalanine 508 (F508del) in the cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator (CFTR) anion channel is the most common cause of cystic fibrosis. The F508 residue is located on nucleotide-binding domain 1 (NBD1) in contact with the cytosolic extensions of the transmembrane helices, in particular intracellular loop 4 (ICL4). To investigate how absence of F508 at this interface impacts the CFTR protein, we carried out a mutagenesis scan of ICL4 by introducing second-site mutations at 11 positions in cis with F508del. Using an image-based fluorescence assay, we measured how each mutation affected membrane proximity and ion-channel function. The scan strongly validated the effectiveness of R1070W at rescuing F508del defects. Molecular dynamics simulations highlighted two features characterizing the ICL4/NBD1 interface of F508del/R1070W-CFTR: flexibility, with frequent transient formation of interdomain hydrogen bonds, and loosely stacked aromatic sidechains (F1068, R1070W, and F1074, mimicking F1068, F508, and F1074 in WT CFTR). F508del-CFTR displayed a distorted aromatic stack, with F1068 displaced toward the space vacated by F508, while in F508del/R1070F-CFTR, which largely retained F508del defects, R1070F could not form hydrogen bonds and the interface was less flexible. Other ICL4 second-site mutations which partially rescued F508del-CFTR included F1068M and F1074M. Methionine side chains allow hydrophobic interactions without the steric rigidity of aromatic rings, possibly conferring flexibility to accommodate the absence of F508 and retain a dynamic interface. These studies highlight how both hydrophobic interactions and conformational flexibility might be important at the ICL4/NBD1 interface, suggesting possible structural underpinnings of F508del-induced dysfunction.  相似文献   

Glutathione S-transferase π (GSTπ), a member of the GST family of multifunctional enzymes, is highly expressed in human placenta and involved in the protection of cellular components against electrophilic compounds or oxidative stress. We have recently found that GSTπ is expressed in the cytoplasm, mitochondria, and nucleus in some cancer cells, and that the nuclear expression of GSTπ appears to correlate with resistance to anti-cancer drugs. Although the mitochondrial targeting signal of GSTπ was previously identified in the amino-terminal region, the mechanism of nuclear translocation remains completely unknown. In this study, we find that the region of GSTπ195–208 is critical for nuclear translocation, which is mediated by a novel and non-classical nuclear localization signal. In addition, using an in vitro transport assay, we demonstrate that the nuclear translocation of GSTπ depends on the cytosolic extract and ATP. Although further experiments are needed to understand in depth the precise mechanism of nuclear translocation of GSTπ, our results may help to establish more efficient anti-cancer therapy, especially with respect to resistance to anti-cancer drugs.  相似文献   


Context: G-protein coupled receptor (GPCR) signaling in skeletal muscle is incompletely understood; in particular, the signaling pathways that regulate GPCR-mediated signaling in skeletal muscle are only beginning to be established. Lysophosphatidic acid (LPA) is a GPCR agonist that has previously been shown to activate protein kinase D (PKD) in non-muscle cells; however, whether PKD is activated in response to LPA in skeletal muscle myoblasts, and the identities of signaling intermediates that regulate this activation, have not been defined. Objective: To determine whether PKD is activated in response to LPA administration in myoblasts, and to define the signaling pathways that mediate LPA-stimulated PKD phosphorylation. Methods: C2C12 myoblasts were treated with LPA and signaling pathways examined by means of Western immunoblotting and real-time PCR (RT-PCR). Pharmacological inhibition and RNA-interference were used to target specific molecules to determine their involvement in LPA-induced PKD phosphorylation. Results: Treatment of myoblasts with exogenous LPA revealed that PI3K p110β mediated PKD phosphorylation at Ser 748 and at Ser 916 through kinase-dependent and kinase-independent mechanisms. Loss of PKCδ, but not the loss of PKCα, prevented LPA-induced PKD phosphorylation. The PKD isoform responsive to LPA treatment was identified as PKD2. Conclusion: These results indicate that LPA-stimulated PKD2 phosphorylation requires PKCδ and non-catalytic actions of PI3K p110β, and provide new information with respect to GPCR-mediated signal transduction in myoblasts.  相似文献   

Fibroblast growth factor 2 (FGF2) is a major regulator of developmental, pathological, and therapeutic angiogenesis. Its activity is partially mediated by binding to syndecan 4 (S4), a proteoglycan receptor. Angiogenesis requires polarized activation of the small guanosine triphosphatase Rac1, which involves localized dissociation from RhoGDI1 and association with the plasma membrane. Previous work has shown that genetic deletion of S4 or its adapter, synectin, leads to depolarized Rac activation, decreased endothelial migration, and other physiological defects. In this study, we show that Rac1 activation downstream of S4 is mediated by the RhoG activation pathway. RhoG is maintained in an inactive state by RhoGDI1, which is found in a ternary complex with synectin and S4. Binding of S4 to synectin increases the latter''s binding to RhoGDI1, which in turn enhances RhoGDI1''s affinity for RhoG. S4 clustering activates PKCα, which phosphorylates RhoGDI1 at Ser96. This phosphorylation triggers release of RhoG, leading to polarized activation of Rac1. Thus, FGF2-induced Rac1 activation depends on the suppression of RhoG by a previously uncharacterized ternary S4–synectin–RhoGDI1 protein complex and activation via PKCα.  相似文献   

Copper is necessary for all organisms since it acts as a cofactor in different enzymes, although toxic at high concentrations. ATP7B is one of two copper-transporting ATPases in humans, its vital role being manifested in Wilson disease due to a mutation in the gene that encodes this pump. Our objective has been to determine whether pathways involving protein kinase C (PKC) modulate ATP7B activity. Different isoforms of PKC (α, ɛ, ζ) were found in Golgi-enriched membrane fractions obtained from porcine liver. Cu(I)–ATPase activity was assessed in the presence of different activators and inhibitors of PKC signaling pathways. PMA (10−8 M), a PKC activator, increased Cu(I)–ATPase activity by 60%, whereas calphostin C and U73122 (PKC and PLC inhibitors, respectively) decreased the activity by 40%. Addition of phosphatase λ decreased activity by 60%, irrespective of pre-incubation with PMA. No changes were detected with 2 μM Ca2+, whereas PMA plus EGTA increased activity. This enhanced activity elicited by PMA decreased with a specific inhibitor of PKCɛ to levels comparable with those found after phosphatase λ treatment, showing that the ɛ isoform is essential for activation of the enzyme. This regulatory phosphorylation enhanced Vmax without modifying affinities for ATP and copper. It can be concluded that signaling pathways leading to DAG formation and PKCɛ activation stimulate the active transport of copper by ATP7B, thus evidencing a central role for this specific kinase-mediated mechanism in hepatic copper handling.  相似文献   

Summary After swelling in hyposmotic solution, Ehrlich ascites tumor cells shrink towards their original volume. Upon restoration of isosmolality (300 mOsm) the cells initially shrink but subsequently recover volume. This regulatory volume increase (RVI) is completely blocked when [Na+] o or [Cl] o is reduced by 50% in the presence of normal [K+] o . With normal [NaCl] o but less than 2 mm [K+] o , not only is volume recovery blocked but the cells lose KCl and shrink. When [K+] o is increased to 5 mm there is a rapid net uptake of K+ and Cl which results in volume recovery. This suggests that the reswelling phase requires the simultaneous presence of Na+, K+, and Cl. Although ouabain has no effect on volume recovery, bumetanide completely blocks RVI by inhibiting a cotransport pathway that mediates the net uptake of Na+, K+ and Cl in the ratio of 1Na1K2Cl. Na+ that accumulates is then replaced by K+ via the Na/K pump.I wish to thank my colleague, Dr. Thomas C. Smith for advice and helpful comments during the course of these studies. The excellent technical assistance provided by Rebecca Corcoran-Merrill is gratefully acknowledged.This investigation was supported by Grant CA 32927 from the National Cancer Institute, U.S. Public Health Service.  相似文献   

《Life sciences》1993,53(7):PL129-PL134
The intracerebroventricular (i.c.v.) injection to mice of antisera directed against different sequences Gi3α, impaired the antinociception produced by the selective ligands of δ opioid receptors DPDPE and [D-Ala2]-Deltorphin II, when studied 24 h later in the tail-flick test. Likewise, the potency of the μ/δ ligands DADLE, etorphine and β-endorphin-(1–31) was also reduced. Antinociception due to the μ-agonists morphine and DAMGO was slightly altered by this treatment. The selective δ antagonist ICI 174864 significantly reduced the antinociceptive activity of these opioids to the same extent observed after giving anti-Gi3α antisera. In animals treated with the antisera, ICI 174864 failed to reduce the antinociceptive effect that remained. It is concluded that Gi3 is the type of transducer protein regulated by δ opioid receptors to produce supraspinal antinociception in mice.  相似文献   

Mechanisms by which microtubule plus ends interact with regions of cell–cell contact during tissue development and morphogenesis are not fully understood. We characterize a previously unreported interaction between the microtubule binding protein end-binding 1 (EB1) and the desmosomal protein desmoplakin (DP), and demonstrate that DP–EB1 interactions enable DP to modify microtubule organization and dynamics near sites of cell–cell contact. EB1 interacts with a region of the DP N terminus containing a hotspot for pathogenic mutations associated with arrhythmogenic cardiomyopathy (AC). We show that a subset of AC mutations, in addition to a mutation associated with skin fragility/woolly hair syndrome, impair gap junction localization and function by misregulating DP–EB1 interactions and altering microtubule dynamics. This work identifies a novel function for a desmosomal protein in regulating microtubules that affect membrane targeting of gap junction components, and elucidates a mechanism by which DP mutations may contribute to the development of cardiac and cutaneous diseases.  相似文献   

Protein kinase C (PKC)-induced changes in glomerular mesangial cell (MC) phenotypic behavior has been implicated in diabetes. The activity of diacylglycerol-sensitive PKC isoforms in MCs is altered by ambient changes in glucose, but the regulation of PKC activity and subsequent intracellular signaling events are not yet clearly defined. Small GTP-binding proteins of the ADP-ribosylation factor (Arfs) family, may regulate protein kinase membrane recruitment and hence its activity in signaling events of non-polarized cells. Members of the ARF family may coordinate membrane dynamics and other cellular functions through their interaction with PKC. We studied the activation of Arf, PKC betaI and phospholipase D (PLD) in MCs cultured under normal or high glucose conditions. MCs cultured in high glucose medium exhibited predominantly cytosolic localization of PKC betaI, Arf3 and Arf6. However, phorbol ester (PMA) stimulation of cells cultured in high glucose significantly enhanced membrane association of PKC betaI and Arf6, but not Arf3. Using [3H]choline chloride to prelabel MCs and measuring [3H]choline-containing metabolite release as PLD activity, PMA stimulated a significant increase of PLD activity under high glucose condition. Our data suggest that Arf6 plays a specific role in activation of PKC betaI and PLD under high glucose condition, and may be a significant intracellular event in the change of the mesangial cell phenotype associated with diabetic nephropathy.  相似文献   

Regulation of catalase (CAT) by peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor-γ (PPARγ) was investigated to determine if PPARγ activation provides cardioprotection from oxidative stress caused by hydrogen peroxide (H(2)O(2)) in an age-dependent manner. Left ventricular developed pressure (LVDP) was measured in Langendorff perfused newborn or adult rabbit hearts, exposed to 200μM H(2)O(2), with perfusion of rosiglitazone (RGZ) or pioglitazone (PGZ), PPARγ agonists. We found: (1) H(2)O(2) significantly decreased sarcomere shortening in newborn ventricular cells but not in adult cells. Lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) release occurred earlier in newborn than in adult heart, which may be due, in part, to the lower expression of CAT in newborn heart. (2) RGZ increased CAT mRNA and protein as well as activity in newborn but not in adult heart. GW9662 (PPARγ blocker) eliminated the increased CAT mRNA by RGZ. (3) In newborn heart, RGZ and PGZ treatment inhibited release of LDH in response to H(2)O(2) compared to H(2)O(2) alone. GW9662 decreased this inhibition. (4) LVDP was significantly higher in both RGZ+H(2)O(2) and PGZ+H(2)O(2) groups than in the H(2)O(2) group. Block of PPARγ abolished this effect. In contrast, there was no effect of RGZ in adult. (5) The cardioprotective effects of RGZ were abolished by inhibition of CAT. In conclusion, PPARγ activation is cardioprotective to H(2)O(2)-induced stress in the newborn heart by upregulation of catalase. These data suggest that PPARγ activation may be an effective therapy for the young cardiac patient.  相似文献   



Increasing evidence suggests that individual isoforms of protein kinase C (PKC) play distinct roles in regulating platelet activation.

Methodology/Principal Findings

In this study, we focus on the role of two novel PKC isoforms, PKCδ and PKCε, in both mouse and human platelets. PKCδ is robustly expressed in human platelets and undergoes transient tyrosine phosphorylation upon stimulation by thrombin or the collagen receptor, GPVI, which becomes sustained in the presence of the pan-PKC inhibitor, Ro 31-8220. In mouse platelets, however, PKCδ undergoes sustained tyrosine phosphorylation upon activation. In contrast the related isoform, PKCε, is expressed at high levels in mouse but not human platelets. There is a marked inhibition in aggregation and dense granule secretion to low concentrations of GPVI agonists in mouse platelets lacking PKCε in contrast to a minor inhibition in response to G protein-coupled receptor agonists. This reduction is mediated by inhibition of tyrosine phosphorylation of the FcRγ-chain and downstream proteins, an effect also observed in wild-type mouse platelets in the presence of a PKC inhibitor.


These results demonstrate a reciprocal relationship in levels of the novel PKC isoforms δ and ε in human and mouse platelets and a selective role for PKCε in signalling through GPVI.  相似文献   

The gap junction (GJ) protein connexin (Cx43) is important for organized action potential propagation between mammalian cardiomyocytes. Disruption of the highly ordered distribution of Cx43 GJs is characteristic of cardiac tissue after ischemic injury. We recently demonstrated that epicardial administration of a peptide mimetic of the Cx43 carboxyl-terminus reduced pathologic remodeling of Cx43 GJs and protected against induced arrhythmias following ventricular injury. Treatment of injuries with the carboxyl-terminal peptide was associated with an increase in phosphorylation at serine 368 of the Cx43 carboxyl-terminus. Here, we report that Cx43 peptide treatment of uninjured hearts does not prompt a similar increase in phosphorylation. Moreover, we show that peptide treatment of undisturbed cultured HeLa cells expressing a Cx43 construct also exhibit no changes in Cx43 phosphorylation at serine 368. However, in parallel with the results in vivo, a trend of increasing phosphorylation at serine 368 was observed in Cx43-expressing HeLa cells following scratch wounding of cultured monolayers. These results suggest that peptide-enhanced phosphorylation of the Cx43 carboxyl-terminus is dependent on injury-mediated cellular responses.  相似文献   

The gap junction (GJ) protein connexin (Cx43) is important for organized action potential propagation between mammalian cardiomyocytes. Disruption of the highly ordered distribution of Cx43 GJs is characteristic of cardiac tissue after ischemic injury. We recently demonstrated that epicardial administration of a peptide mimetic of the Cx43 carboxyl-terminus reduced pathologic remodeling of Cx43 GJs and protected against induced arrhythmias following ventricular injury. Treatment of injuries with the carboxyl-terminal peptide was associated with an increase in phosphorylation at serine 368 of the Cx43 carboxyl-terminus. Here, we report that Cx43 peptide treatment of uninjured hearts does not prompt a similar increase in phosphorylation. Moreover, we show that peptide treatment of undisturbed cultured HeLa cells expressing a Cx43 construct also exhibit no changes in Cx43 phosphorylation at serine 368. However, in parallel with the results in vivo, a trend of increasing phosphorylation at serine 368 was observed in Cx43-expressing HeLa cells following scratch wounding of cultured monolayers. These results suggest that peptide-enhanced phosphorylation of the Cx43 carboxyl-terminus is dependent on injury-mediated cellular responses.  相似文献   

AimsPrevious studies have shown that isorhamnetin has anti-adipogenic effects in mouse 3T3-L1 cells. This study was conducted to elucidate the inhibitory mechanisms of isorhamnetin during adipogenic differentiation of human adipose tissue-derived stem cells (hAMSCs).Main methodsThe effect of isorhamnetin on adipogenic differentiation of hAMSCs was quantified by Oil Red O staining and a triglyceride assay. In addition, real-time PCR and Western blot were used to determine the expression of adipogenesis-related genes.Key findingsIsorhamnetin inhibited the adipocyte differentiation of hAMSCs. Additionally, when the effects of Wnt antagonists that promote adipogenesis were evaluated, isorhamnetin was found to down-regulate the mRNA levels of sFRP1 and Dkk1, but had no effect on the mRNA levels of sFRP2, sFRP3, sFRP4 and Dkk3. Isorhamnetin also inhibited the expression of Wnt receptor and co-receptor genes. Furthermore, isorhamnetin increased the protein levels of β-catenin, an effector molecule of Wnt signaling, but had no effect on the mRNA levels of β-catenin. The phosphorylation level of GSK 3β was also increased by isorhamnetin. These results were confirmed by the fact that the expression of c-myc, cyclin D1 and PPARδ, which are target genes of β-catenin, was upregulated by isorhamnetin. Moreover, isorhamnetin reduced the mRNA expression levels of C/EBPα and PPARγ, which are known to be inhibited by c-myc or by cyclin D1 and PPARδ, respectively.SignificanceOur results indicate that isorhamnetin inhibits the adipogenic differentiation of hAMSCs and that its mechanisms are mediated by the stabilization of β-catenin.  相似文献   

Taxanes can induce drug resistance by increasing signaling pathways such as PI3K/Akt and ERK, which promote survival and cell growth in human cancer cells. We have previously shown that long chain n-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids, such as docosahexaenoic acid (DHA, 22:6n-3) decrease resistance of experimental mammary tumors to anticancer drugs. Our objective was to determine whether DHA could increase tumor sensitivity to docetaxel by down-regulating these survival pathways. In docetaxel-treated MDA-MB-231 cells, phosphorylated-ERK1/2 levels were increased by 60% in membrane and nuclear compartments, compared to untreated cells. Our data showed that ERK1/2 activation depended on PKC activation since: i) enzastaurin (a pan-PKC inhibitor) blocked docetaxel-induced ERK1/2 phosphorylation ii) docetaxel increased PKC activity by 30% and phosphatidic acid level by 1.6-fold iii) inhibition of PKCε and PKCδ by siRNA resulted in reduced phosphorylated ERK1/2 levels. In DHA-supplemented cells, docetaxel was unable to increase PKCε and δ levels in membrane and nuclear fractions, resulting in diminished ERK1/2 phosphorylation and increased docetaxel efficacy. Reduced membrane level of PKCε and PKCδ was associated with significant incorporation of DHA in all phospholipids, including phosphatidylcholine which is a major source of phosphatidic acid. Additionally, examination of the Akt pathway showed that DHA could repress docetaxel-induced Ser473Akt phosphorylation. In rat mammary tumors, dietary DHA supplementation during docetaxel chemotherapy repressed ERK and Akt survival pathways and in turn strongly improved taxane efficacy. The P-ERK level was negatively correlated with tumor regression. These findings are of potential clinical importance in treating chemotherapy-refractory cancer.  相似文献   

The FcαR receptor (CD89) binds to the constant region of Immunoglobulin (Ig) A to mediate mucosal immunity [1–2]. FcαR consist of five exons: two that code for the signal peptide regions S1 & S2, two for the extracellular regions EC1 and EC2, and the final exon for the transmembrane/cytoplasmic tail region [3]. Previously, we reported that the EC1 region plays an essential role for extracellular membrane localization of the receptor [4], where the absence of EC1 would prevent the variants from localizing to the cell surface, even with a full signal peptide. In the case of FcαR Variant 4 (lacking the S2 region only), there was some “leakiness” to membrane surface localization.  相似文献   



Norepinephrine (NE), a classic neurotransmitter in the sympathetic nervous system, induces vasoconstriction of canine isolated mesenteric vein that is accompanied by a sustained membrane depolarization. The mechanisms underlying the NE-elicited membrane depolarization remain undefined. In the present study we hypothesized that phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase (PI3K) and protein kinase C (PKC) are involved in the electrical field stimulation (EFS)-induced slow membrane depolarization (SMD) in canine isolated mesenteric vein. EFS (0.1–2 Hz, 0.1 ms, 15V, 10 s)-induced changes in the membrane potential were recorded with a conventional intracellular microelectrode technique and evaluated in the absence and presence of inhibitors of neuronal activity, α-adrenoceptors, membrane ion channels, PI3K, inositol 1,4,5-triphosphate (InsP3) receptors, and PKC. Activation of PI3Kγ and PKCζ in response to exogenous NE and clonidine in the absence and presence of receptor and kinase inhibitors were also determined.  相似文献   

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