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The auxins indole-3-acetic acid (IAA) and 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid (2,4-D) stimulated ethylene production from gametophytes of the fern Pteridium aquilinum (L.) Kuhn. var. latiusculum (Desv) underw. ex Heller and sporophytes of the ferns Matteuccia struthiopteris (L.)Todaro and Polystichum munitum (Kaulf.) Presl. Treatment with Co 2+ or l -α -(2-aminoethoxyvinyl)-glycine (AVG) eleminated or significantly reduced the stimulatory effects of IAA. Treatment with 1-aminocyclopropane-1-carboxylic acid (ACC) resulted in significantly greater rates of ethylene production from all tissues tested. Based on their response to auxin, ACC, AVG and Co 2+, the ethylene biosynthetic pathway in these three lower vascular plants appears similar to that existing in angiosperms. 相似文献
Summary Protoplasts were isolated from sporophytes and from gametophyte cultures of several species in the order Laminariales. For
each example, the isolation and culture procedures were investigated systematically, to identify conditions leading to plant
regeneration. After dedifferentiation through a filamentous stage, protoplasts isolated from adult Laminaria saccharina sporophytes regenerated polystichous bladelets. In contrast, cells isolated from Laminaria digitata sporophytes proved recalcitrant in culture, except when the donor plants were undifferentiated sporelings. The most critical
factors for protoplast development were the origin of explants, the osmoticum used for cell isolation, cultivation in plain
seawater, and the absence of stress during the first two weeks of culture. We also found that protoplast isolation from the
sporophytes of members of the Laminariales results in the release of hydrogen peroxide, up to 5–120 μM final concentration
in the macerating medium, a characteristic which may be related to protoplast recalcitrance. Protoplasts isolated from the
gametophytic phase readily regenerated into normal gametophytes, capable of gametogenesis and producing sporophytes by fertilization. 相似文献
Catalase and glycolate oxidase activity were observed in cultured gametophytes and sporophytes of the fern Todea barbara (L.) Moore. The biochemical characteristics of the glycolate-oxidizing enzyme in both plants indicates it is a glycolate oxidase. The results suggest that these plants are capable of photorespiration by a process similar to that occurring in leaves of higher plants. 相似文献
In some marine algae cultivated axenically in the artificial medium ASP6 F2 (pH 8.3) vanadium at 1–100 g l -1 increases the fresh weight. In the multicellular brown alga Fucus spiralis 10 g V I -1 enhances the fresh weight by about 400% while in the green alga Enteromorpha compressa the yield is increased by 90%. Red algae do not respond to vanadium. In Fucus morphological effects are displayed in more frequent branching and/or broader blades. No significant increase in the chlorophyll content could be demonstrated at the early stage at which these morphological effects first appeared. Later the chlorophyll content increased. 相似文献
Summary Prolonged irradiation with red light and addition of sucrose to the basal medium induced two-dimensional growth in gametophytes of Pteris vittata. The results suggest that two-dimensional growth is controlled by the following three factors: 1. a photoreactive system which depends on blue light; 2. a photoreactive system which can utilize red light; and 3. the photosynthetic system which the level of carbohydrate. Media containing 2.4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid and sucrose, and complex media containing peptone caused formation of tumor-like calli. 相似文献
The osmoacclimation of Ectocarpus siliculosus isolates known to have different salt tolerances was investigated. Included were isolates originating from 5 different locations in the northern hemisphere, and sporophyte and gametophyte phases of different ploidy from two of the locations were compared. The effect of salinity treatment (8–64% 0) on inorganic ions (K +, Na +, Mg 2+, Cl −, SO 2−4, phosphate) and the low molecular weight carbohydrate mannitol was measured, together with complimentary measurements of cell viability. Very different responses between isolates were obtained, both between isolates of different geographic origin and between sporophytes and gametophytes from the same parent material. A similarity in response between haploid and diploid gametophytes, and diploid and triploid sporophytes indicates that physiological differences between gametophyte and sporophyte generations are not necessarily based on ploidy changes alone. There were no identifiable differences in the responses of male and female gametophytes. K + is the major osmolyte within the species, and differences in the regulation of K + largely account for the observed variation in osmoacclimation, both between life history phases and between isolates from different localities. Isolates with broader salt tolerances had the higher concentrations of mannitol. There were differences between isolates in the amounts and regulation of Cl − and phosphate, the latter being present in unusually high concentrations. There were also isolate differences in the concentrations of Mg 2+ and SO 2−4, although these divalent ions were present only in low concentrations. 相似文献
Allelochemistry refers to the effect of an organic compound released from one organism upon an organism separated from its source. When the donor and receptor are plants (or microorganisms placed in the plant kingdom), allelopathy is described whether the effect is harmful or beneficial. In the aquatic environment, water disperses any water‐soluble allelochemical from its point of release, and rapid dilution along with lack of contact between competing organisms reduces potential encounter. This review centers on macroalgae as the source of allelochemicals. In all examples, the releasor organism is a macroalga, but receptor organisms include algae, invertebrates, fish, and microbes. Direct evidence in the sea is scanty, and there is a need for appropriate experiments in the laboratory and field. The compounds that are released by macrolagae (e.g., polyphenolics, halogenated phenols, and terpenoids) may be fortuitous byproducts of metabolism. But where they alter colonization, growth, or reproduction in a target organism, it is conceivable that they influence community structure as is known for terrestrial systems. The potential for allelochemistry is maximized in sites where water is poorly mixed, allowing released algal products to concentrate (e.g., tide pools and backbays) and where the receptor organism is adjacent to the releasor (e.g., surfaces of thalli and seaweed farms). In combination with restricting environmental conditions (e.g., critical temperature, light, salinity, pH, or oxygen), the effect of allelopathy can be synergistic. Combinations of allelochemicals, each at a concentration too low to be physiologically effective, could have a pronounced impact. 相似文献
Summary To investigate life history adaptations to cold climates, the leaf development, sporulation period, growing stage of gametophytes, and the frost and drought resistance of sporophytes and gametophytes of 67 fern species native to Kokkaido were studied. Most ferns common in Hokkaido are summer-green with leaves developing during late May to June and decaying during October. Most of the ferns in Hokkaido sporulate during August to early September. Spores dispersed from June to September germinate before winter begins, forming vegetative prothallia. Gametophytes mature only in the following summer. Thus in Hokkaido the gametophytes as well as perennial sporophytes are exposed to severe winter conditions. In order to correlate the life cycles of temperate ferns with winter cold stress, frost resistance of gametophytes, rhizomes, and leaves of sporophytes were determined. Maximal frost resistance of rhizomes reflects the stress conditions of their habitats: rhizomes of forest understory ferns are damaged at-5°to -17.5°C, epiphytic ferns and ferns of habitats exposed to severe frost sustained temperatures of -20° to-40°C. The leaves of winter-green and evergreen ferns resist frost ranging from -25° to -40°C. The leaves of summer-green ferns are killed by late frost below -5°C. With some exceptions, gametophytes of ferns growing on the forest floor resist frost to -40°C and are much hardier than sporophytes. These results suggest the possible restrictive effects of cold climate on the life span of leaves as well as on the sporulation period. If winter cold is one of the decisive factors for seasonality expression and habitat distribution of ferns, the sensitive generation must be the sporophyte rather than the gametophyte. The hardier gametophyte is therefore able to colonize habitats in which the sporophyte is excluded by frost if mechanisms of vegetative propagation are evolved.Contribution No. 2451 from The Institute of Low Temperature Science 相似文献
We analysed the effects of temperature and photon fluence rate on meiospore germination, growth and fertility of gametophytes,
and growth of young sporophytes of Laminaria ochroleuca. Maximum percentages of germination (91–98%) were obtained at 15°C and 18°C, independent of photon fluence rate. Optimal
development of female gametophyte and maximum fecundity and reproductive success of gametophytes occurred at 15°C and 18°C
and at 20 and 40 μmol m –2 s –1. Maximum relative growth rate of young sporophytes after 2 weeks of culture was achieved under the same conditions. L. ochroleuca gametophytes cannot reproduce and growth of its sporophytes is not competitive at temperatures close to 10°C.
Received in revised form: 31 August 2001
Electronic Publication 相似文献
Carrageenan analyses of Chondrus crispus Stackhouse from Brittany, France, showed that the iridescent fronds always were kappa-carrageenan dominant and that the non-iridescent ones were lambda-carrageenan dominant, whatever their sizes and their vegetative or reproductive stages. Evidence is presented that the blue iridescence is independent of both the morphology of the fronds and their ecological situation (shelter, exposure). It is suggested that iridescence might be used to sort rapidly the kappa-carrageenan containing Chondrus crispus (gametophytes) from the lambda-carrageenan containing ones (tetrasporophytes). 相似文献
Gametophyte strains originating from indigenous sporophytes of Undaria pinnatifida (Harvey) Suringar in Iwate Prefecture, Northeast Japan, were maintained for 9–10 months at 45 μmol photons m −2 s −1. Before cryopreservation in liquid nitrogen for more than 12 h (1–14 days) using a two-step cooling method with a mixture of cryoprotectants (10% l-proline and 10% glycerol), these were pre-incubated for 2, 4 and 8 months at 15 μmol photons m −2 s −1. After 1 week of thawing, no surviving gametophytes were detected in the strains without pre-incubation, but both the female and male gametophytes, pre-incubated for more than 4 months, showed high survival rates (43–60% for females and 64–100% for males). This revealed the induction of freezing tolerance by incubation at low irradiance. Thereafter, sporophytes derived from cryopreserved gametophytes and subcultured gametophytes, stored under pre-incubation conditions, were formed from the strain, and a morphological comparison was conducted with 10 characters (stipe length, stipe wet weight, blade length, blade wet weight, blade width, incision depth, blade thickness, sporophyll length, sporophyll wet weight, and sporophyll width). The morphology of the sporophytes formed from the cryopreserved gametophytes corresponded well with that of the subcultured gametophytes from the same strain. The results suggest that the cryopreservation method is applicable for preserving culture stocks of U. pinnatifida to be used in mariculture. 相似文献
Additional information on gametophytes and sporophytes of Aglaophyton major from the Early Devonian Rhynie chert leads to a much better understanding of many biological and ecological aspects of this early land plant. At least three early ontogenetic stages can be demonstrated, before aerial axes start to develop on the young gametophytes. Only the aerial axes show the essential features of a land plant (stomata, conducting tissue); the initial stages seem more likely adapted to shallow aquatic or edaphic humid than to fully terrestrial environmental conditions. Serial sections of aerial axes of gametophytes and sporophytes of Aglaophyton have yielded new histological and developmental features. These include cuticle structures, stomatal and substomatal features. A hitherto undescribed type of specialized cortical tissue, arrested apices, the formation of second-order axes and bulbil-like organs are documented. New observations on the development of rhizoidal bulges and wound-repair (including conducting) tissues complete this report. The new information provides additional evidence for life (competition) strategies in Aglaophyton, e.g. extensive renewing growth and vegetative propagation. It throws new light upon the adaptive behaviour of Aglaophyton, e.g. protection mechanisms against desiccation of aerial axes. It also illustrates considerable developmental biology of Aglaophyton. 相似文献
The kelp Ecklonia radiata has become a target for controlled cultivation. However, to date there are no standardised protocols for the hatchery stage of this species that result in high rates of germination, gametophyte development and transition to sporophytes. Therefore, the objective of this study was to quantify the effect of photoperiod, light intensity, temperature, nutrient media and use of GeO2 on the key hatchery processes of germination, gametophyte development and transition to sporophytes in controlled laboratory experiments. Germination of E. radiata was high (≥?85%) throughout the study, regardless of treatments. Temperature had a major effect on the length of gametophytes, which increased with increasing temperature. The formation of sporophytes was favoured when individuals were maintained under 17 °C continuously, while reduced by approximately 30% when using F/2 compared to PES nutrient media. Overall, the recommended conditions for the hatchery stage of E. radiata are to maintain cultures under a 12 h L:12 h D photoperiod at 17 °C as this resulted in higher germination rates, good gametophyte development and higher transition to sporophytes compared to other treatments. Moreover, the use of GeO2 has to be limited to no more than 2 days as extended use has detrimental effects on the development of sporophytes. Finally, storage of sorus-bearing fronds of sporophytes up to 4 days after the collection from the field generally increased the number of released zoospores and is a simple mechanism to increase the fertility of brood stock. 相似文献
Sporophytes appeared on most gametophytes of Thelypteris palustris (Salisb.) Schott that reached a certain size, which is interpreted to be a critical size of gametophytes for the production of sporophytes. After sporophytes were produced, attached gametophytes ceased dry weight growth, but the gametophytes which did not produce sporophytes grew successively. It was hypothesized that matter produced by gametophytes was being supplied to young sporophytes. Photosynthesis and respiration of gametophytes with attached sporophytes were not significantly different from that of gametophytes without sporophytes. Photosynthetic activity of gametophytes dropped from 0.18 to 0.03 mol CO 2 g –1 s –1 during the growth period. The higher photosynthetic rates of gametophytes in the early growth stage were important for reaching the critical size for sporophyte production in a short time. Sporophytes in the one leaf stage averaged 0.14 mol CO 2 g –1 s –1 of photosynthetic activity. The results show that sporophytes that had expanded the first leaf grow by their own photosynthetic production. Gametophytes allocated the photosynthate for sporophytes and it was an important aid before the one-leaf stage. The supportive role of gametophytes ended at that stage. 相似文献
Oleosins, which are structural proteins on the surface of intracellular oil bodies, have been found in the sporophytic seeds of angiosperms. Here, we report an oleosin from the female gametophyte of gymnosperm Pinus ponderosa Laws, seed and another oleosin from the male gametophyte of Brassica napus L. With the pine seed gametophyte, we identified two putative oleosins of 15 and 10 kDa, which are similar to the oleosins in angiosperm seeds in terms of their presence in the oil bodies in massive quantity. The complete sequence of the cDNA encoding the gametophytic 15-kDa oleosin was obtained, and it has a predicted amino-acid sequence similar to those of oleosins in angiosperm sporophytic seeds. A Brassica napus pollen cDNA sequence, which was reported earlier, would encode an amino-acid sequence somewhat similar to those of seed oleosins. We tested if the dissimilarity signifies a substantially different oleosin in the Brassica male gametophyte or an analytic error. By direct sequencing of a polymerase chain reaction (PCR)-amplified fragment of genomic DNA, we obtained evidence showing that this reported dissimilarity is likely to have arisen from a sequencing error. Our predicted sequence of the Brassica pollen oleosin has all the structural characteristics of seed oleosins. A phylogenic tree of 20 oleosins, including those from sporophytic and gametophytic tissues of angiosperm and gymnosperm, was constructed based on their amino-acid sequences. We discuss the evolution of oleosins, and conclude that oleosins are ancient proteins with multiple lineages whose root cannot be determined at this time.Abbreviations PCR
polymerase chain reaction
This work was supported by USDA grant 91-01439 (AHCH). We thank Dr. Mike Lassner of Calgene, Inc., (Davis, Calif., USA) for providing us with the unpublished jojoba oleosin amino acid sequence. 相似文献
Summary Thirty-four species of marine macroalgae from around St. Andrews, Scotland, have been assayed for their external activity and thirty-three species for their total activity of carbonic anhydrase. Activity was detected in all the Rhodophyta tested apart from Chondrus crispus, but was absent in Codium fragile, Enteromorpha sp. and Monostroma fuscum (Chlorophyta), and Alaria esculenta, Laminaria digitata, L. saccharina and L. hyperborea (Phaeophyta). Total activity of carbonic anhydrase per unit fresh weight tended to be higher in the Rhodophyta than in the Chlorophyta or Phaeophyta. External activity was present in two of the six Chlorophyta, four of the twelve Phaeophyta and four of the sixteen Rhodophyta tested. On average, when present, external carbonic anhydrase activity represented 2.7% of the total activity. A relationship was found between total carbonic anhydrase activity and habitat. Species from the high intertidal and the low-light subtidal habitats had significantly higher activity than species from the mid and low intertidal, rockpools, or high-light region of the subtidal. External carbonic anhydrase activity did not vary significantly with habitat. There appeared to be no strong relationship between carbonic anhydrase activity and the ability of a species to use HCO
in photosynthesis under water. 相似文献
In this study, we determined the antioxidative potential of 15 marine macroalgae by measuring the photosynthetic efficiency under artificial oxidative stress after a 30-min exposure to a series of ascending H 2O 2 concentrations. Species exhibiting high maximum quantum yields ( Fv/ Fm values) were regarded as not susceptible towards H 2O 2 stress. In addition to the short-term stress experiments, the antioxidative defense systems (enzymatic and non-enzymatic) of selected algal species under longer exposure times to H 2O 2 were investigated.Species with striking photosynthetic activity under H 2O 2 stress were Chaetomorpha melagonium (Chlorophyta), showing 40% reduced Fv/ Fm as compared to the control after 8 days of exposure to 20 mM H 2O 2. In Fucus distichus (Phaeophyta) Fv/ Fm decreased to 50% of the control under the same exposure conditions. Polysiphonia arctica (Rhodophyta) exhibited highest Fv/ Fm values with a reduction of only 25%, therefore possessing the highest antioxidative potential of the investigated species.In P. arctica the activities of the antioxidative enzymes superoxide dismutase (SOD), catalase (CAT), ascorbate peroxidase (APX) and glutathione reductase (GR), as well as the pool size of the antioxidant ascorbic acid were investigated. When exposed to different H 2O 2 concentrations (0-2 mM) over 6 days, the intrinsic activities of SOD and GR were stimulated. In a kinetic study over 8 days, the activity of antioxidative enzymes APX and CAT as well as ascorbic acid content were recorded. APX activity was much higher in H 2O 2-treated thalli at the end of the experiment than in the control, also CAT activity increased significantly with increasing H 2O 2 stress. In parallel, ascorbic acid content was reduced under high H 2O 2 concentrations. Furthermore, by using GC-MS techniques in P. arctica bromophenolic compounds with antioxidative properties were identified.This study shows that the measurement of the in vivo fluorescence of photosystem II is a suitable tool to determine the effect of oxidative stress on macroalgae. From these studies it is obvious that different algal species have varying strategies against oxidative stress which correlate with zonation on the shore. 相似文献
Excised juvenile leaves of Microgramma vacciniifolia (Polypodiaceae) develop sporophytic regenerants when grown on mineral agar with sucrose. The ratio of sporophytes to gametophytes produced from the leaf tissue increases with higher percentages of sucrose such that at 4% sucrose, the induction of aposporous gametophytes is a rare occurrence. Experiments varying the osmotic potential with sorbitol and those holding the osmotic potential of the culture medium constant while varying the sucrose level indicate that the effect of sucrose on the differentiation of fern leaf tissue into either gametophyte or sporophyte is nutritional rather than osmotic. A significant effect of sucrose in altering the differentiation of fern leaf tissue is the increased rate of senescence promoted by high sucrose concentrations. 相似文献