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Antithamnion makroklonion sp. nov. is described from Elat, Gulf of Aqaba (Gulf of Elat) in the Red Sea, where vegetative, spermatangial, and tetrasporangial specimens were found growing in the upper sublittoral zone. The new alga belongs to a group of Antithamnion species characterized by distichous-alternate ramification of branches, sessile tetrasporangia, and decussately arranged laterals along the bearing axis. It shows a unique combination of distinctive features, including the proximal development of gland cells on elongate branchlets that overtop the parent branch. In addition to the characteristic position, and in contrast to congeners, gland cells of A. makroklonion often have a large and prominent cytoplasmic band and one or two vacuoles. Morphological features of A. makroklonion and eight related species are tabulated and the characteristics of the new species are discussed.  相似文献   

Lewis  Jane E.  Mei-lan  Chiu 《Hydrobiologia》1996,326(1):149-157
A taxonomic study was recently carried out on the species of Ceramium occurring around Taiwan. One hundred and fifty-one collections were made from January 1993 through spring 1994 at 75 sites distributed around the island. A total of thirteen species were found, including three for which names cannot currently be assigned: Ceramium aduncum, C. ciliatum, C. cimbricum, C. cliftonianum, C. flaccidum, C. gracillimum var. byssoideum, C. mazatlanense, C. nakamurai, C. paniculatum, C. tenerrimum and unidentified species 1, 2 and 3. Among these are three new records for Taiwan, C. cimbricum, C. cliftonianum, and C. mazatlanense. This paper summarizes the taxonomic characters of these species and presents a key for their identification. Distribution records of all 42 species reported from the tropical western Pacific are compared. This report is the first detailed record of the genus for Taiwan.  相似文献   

Chah  Ok-Kyong  Lee  In Kyu  Kim  Gwang Hoon 《Hydrobiologia》2004,512(1-3):157-164
A cytogenetic investigation on male and female reproductive cells of Aglaothamnion oosumiense Itono indicates that the sexuality of this species might be determined by a sex chromosome. Chromosome counts in female and male gametophytes gave 37 and 36, respectively. Sex ratio of gametophytes was 1:1. Both male-derived and female-derived bisexual plants were observed. Bisexual plants were different in gross morphology and position of carpogonial branches from normal unisexual gametophytes. The chromosome number of female-derived bisexual plants was N=37 and male-derived bisexual plants was N=36. Some male plants developed parasporangia in addition. The paraspore germlings showed the same chromosome number as the male plants. The fertilized carpogonium and gonimoblast cells had 2N = ca. 70 chromosomes.  相似文献   

Purification of mannitol-l-phosphatase, an enzyme catalyzing the final step of mannitol biosynthesis, was first achieved in the mannitol-accumulating red alga Caloglossa continua (Okamura) King et Puttock. The enzyme was shown to be a monomer, since gel filtration and sodium dodecyl sulfate–polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis gave close values of apparent molecular weights of 28,500 and 30,200, respectively. The protein exhibited an isoelectric point of 4.8. The substrate specificity for mannitol-l-phosphate (MIP) was very high, and that for K m(MIP) was 0.41 mM. The catalytic activity was optimal at pH 7.4. The enzyme was activated by Mg2+, but was strongly inhibited by Ca2+, NaF, N-ethylmaleimide, and p-hydroxymercuribenzoic acid. Seawater levels of NaCl and physiological levels of mannitol also inhibited the activity by 50% or more. Changes in the concentrations of those ions and metabolites may regulate the biosynthesis of mannitol as an osmoregulant in vivo. Received May 7, 2001; accepted June 15, 2001.  相似文献   

Developmental patterns in four species of Ceramiaceae were determined using excised thallus apices grown under a range of light periods. Models of thallus development and organization based on these patterns are presented. Increased rates of apical cell division, greater growth of apical fragments and increased average cell size were found with increasing number of hours light per day between 8–16 and 16–8 h. No aspect of growth investigated was associated with photoperiodic phenomena, and growth occuring during the light break (8-7.5-1-7.5 h) was intermediate between that in 8–16 and 12–12 h. Three patterns of cell elongation were found in the four species in which (1) cell age, (2) cell age and position and (3) cell age, cell position and light period determined cell length at different axial cell positions. Elongation was followed within cells, along axes ofAntithamnion spirographidis for plants grown under different day lengths. Three regions of development were found along main axes: (1) an apical region in which basipetal expansion was greater than acropetal expansion. (2) a zone of stability with equal elongation in apical and basal growth region of cells, and (3) a basal region with greater acropetal expansion. With increasing daylength, the zone of stability was extended to greater ranges of cell length.  相似文献   

A procedure is described for isolating photosynthetically active rhodoplasts (“red algal chloroplasts”) from the marine alga Griffithsia monilis. The rhodoplasts exhibited rates of CO2 fixation and CO2-dependent O2 evolution in the order of 200 micromoles per milligram chlorophyll a per hour when illuminated with red or green light and were approximately 80% intact. The response of the rate of photosynthesis to the inorganic phosphate and pyrophosphate concentrations in the medium was qualitatively similar to that previously reported for spinach chloroplasts. Osmotically shocked rhodoplasts evolved O2 from ferricyanide in red, but not in green, light and were completely uncoupled. Rhodoplast envelope rupture appeared to be accompanied by phycobilisome loss from the thylakoids.  相似文献   

A detailed account of female reproductive features ofPlumariella yoshikawae is presented.Plumariella yoshikawae is recognized as morphologically similar toDelesseriopsis elegans in several features, particularly in the sequence of branch initiation, the presence of gland cells on the abaxial sides of the basal segments of the lateral branches, having carpogonial branches on the basal segments of unmodified lateral branches, and the maturation of the carposporophyte at well below the thallus apices. These features indicate thatPlumariella yoshikawae is best removed from the Ptiloteae and is correctly placed in the tribe Delesseriopsideae. The generaPlumariella andBalliella are retained along withDelesseriopsis within the tribe Delesseriopsideae.  相似文献   

In the ceramiacean red alga Antithamnion nipponicum Yamada et Inagaki, the structure of the spermatial covering and appendages was examined using confocal laser scanning microscopy, scanning and transmission electron microscopy. The liberated spermatium was subspherical, ca 4.5 μm in size with a colorless covering 2.7–3.0‐μm thick. Two flexible, ribbon‐like appendages arose from the periphery of the spermatial covering. The appendages averaged 80 μm in length and were 0.5–0.6 μm width in most parts. Each appendage consisted of a number of thin longitudinal fibrils. Concanavalin A conjugated with fluorescein isothiocyanate, colloidal gold orferritin, bound specifically with the inner layer of spermatial covering and spermatial appendages. When the liberated spermatia were incubated with mature female gametophytes, the spermatial appendages entangled around the tricho‐gyne.  相似文献   

The binding of fluorescein isothiocyanate (FITC) conjugated lectins to gametes of Aglaothamnion byssoides Itono during the fertilization was studied by the use of confocal microscope. The physiological effects of lectins and carbohydrates on gamete binding were also examined. Three lectins, concanavalin A (ConA), Soybean agglutinin (SBA) and wheat germ agglutinin (WGA) bound to the surface of spermatia, but each lectin labeled different region of the spermatium. SBA bound only to the spermatial appendages but ConA bound to the whole spermatial surface except spermatial appendages. WGA labeled narrow region which connects spermatial body and appendages. During fertilization, ConA and WGA specific substances on the spermatial surface moved towards the area contacting with trichogyne and accumulated on the surface of fertilization canal. Spermatial binding to trichogynes was inhibited by pre‐incubation of spermatia with SBA, while trichogyne receptors were blocked by the complementary carbohydrate, N‐acetyl‐D‐galactosamine. WGA and its complementary carbohydrate had little effect on gamete binding. For searching the step of sexual isolation, crossing experiment was performed between Aglaothamnion byssoides and twelve other red algal species. Results showed that the gamete recognition was genus‐specific: the gametes bound freely with their partners of the same genus. When two species from same genus were crossed, sexual isolation occurs gradually during the fertilization process. Therefore, sexual isolation in red algae appears to be determined by multi‐step process and gamete binding is the initial step.  相似文献   

Common problems faced in farming of the red algal genus Kappaphycus/Eucheuma are “ice-ice disease” and the occurrence of epiphytes. Considerable work has been documented on “ice-ice disease” and it's mode of infection but limited information is available on the emergence of epiphytes. The present study addresses the phenomenon of epiphyte infection, its prevalence in commercially cultivated red alga, Kappaphycus alvarezii, and their variability associated with seasonality. Cultured seaweed became susceptible to epiphytes in the dry seasons (1) between March – June and (2) September – November. Findings revealed Neosiphonia savatieri (Hariot) M. S. Kim et I. K. Lee, as the dominant infecting epiphyte, representing up to 80–85% of the epiphyte present during peak seasons. Besides N. savatieri, Neosiphonia apiculata, Ceramium sp., Acanthophora sp. and Centroceras sp. were observed in smaller quantities. SEM (Scanning Electron Microscope) micrographs revealed the epiphyte's attachment to the host. Further histological study showed the extent of penetration of epiphytes into the host's cortex tissues and condition of its surrounding tissues. The outbreak of epiphytic filamentous red algae also correlated with drastic changes in seawater temperature and salinity during March– June and September – November.  相似文献   

The binding of FITC labeled lectins to repair cells of Antithamnion nipponicum Yamada et Inagaki and Griffithsia pacifica Kylin, and their physiological effects on somatic cell fusion have been studied. Results indicate that repair cells strongly bind the lectins ConA and LCA, whereas other lectins did not bind to the cell, The binding of these lectins to the dead cell wall shows ConA and LCA specific substances are secreted from the tip of the repair cells. When fluorescently labeled ConA or LCA was added at various time intervals after wounding, it firstly bound (3 h post-wounding) as a thin layer at the tips of the adjacent cells. Later (4–5 h post-wounding) labeling also appeared at the tips of the repair ceils. Intense labeling at these sites continued throughout the wound-healing process until repair cell fusion, at which time the lectin labeling was reduced to a narrow ring around the area of fusion, When added to plants prior to wounding and with continued monitoring, these same lectins were found to act as inhibitors to the wound-healing response. Other control lectins showed no inhibitory effects. These results suggest that a signal glycoprotein with α-D-mannosyl residues is involved in the wound-healing process of Antithamnion nipponicum. Lectins conjugated with visible tags can be used as a very fast and useful tool to monitor these signal substances.  相似文献   

Gracilaria is a potentially valuable source of marine biopolymers such as proteins and polysaccharides. In order to select suitable culture conditions, growth and tolerance of Gracilaria chorda Holmes from Shikoku Island in southwest Japan were investigated under variations of temperature (5–30 C), photon irradiance (20–120 μmol photons m−2 s−1), and photoperiod (12:12 h, 14:10 h light:dark regime) in a unialgal culture. Gracilaria chorda showed wide tolerances for all factors investigated, which is characteristic of eurythermal species. Maximum growth was observed at 18–24 C. The optimum photon irradiance for the algal growth was 60–120 μmol photons m−2s−1. Instead of using ordinary sea salt (NaCl) to prepare artificial seawater, ultra pure salt was adopted. Gracilaria chorda grew faster in artificial seawater made with ultra-pure salt than that made with ordinary sea salt, probably because the former medium was clear, while the latter was milky. Effects of some metal ions on the growth were tested with artificial seawater. Iron ions affected algal growth, but cobalt ions did not. This study enables us to determine suitable culture conditions for G. chorda. A scaled-up 30 l culture of G. chorda under such conditions was successful.  相似文献   

Microcladia exserta, a new species of the red algal genus Microcladia Greville (Ceramiaceae, Ceramiales), is described from the Natal coast of South Africa. This small, creeping alga, an epiphyte on the coralline alga Amphiroa anceps (Lamarck) Decaisne, is distinguished from other species in the genus by the following combination of characteristics: the prostrate habit, the exerted position of the tetrasporangia, and the presence in the cortex of numerous and conspicuous vesicle cells. Evidence is presented to demonstrate that the criterion of an erect habit in Microcladia vs. a prostrate habit in Herpochondria used to separate these genera is not sound.  相似文献   

Yang  E. C.  & Boo  S. M. 《Journal of phycology》2003,39(S1):62-62
"Green tides" or blooms of ulvoid green algae are frequent in Yaquina Bay estuary on the central Oregon coast, USA. Measurements of their biomass were made from late spring to early winter in 1999 at six intertidal sites in the estuary, and were continued through the winter of 2002 at two sites that showed the greatest accumulation. The dominant blooming species were the Enteromorpha linza complex, Ulva fenestrata, E. flexuosa , and E. intestinalis . Red and brown algal abundance was negligable. Nutrients in the central channel were monitored, along with incident light and water column absorbence, and sediment temperature. The abundance of benthic amphipods was negatively correlated with the concentration of dissolved sulfides in porewater. However, dissolved sulfide levels were not correlated with green macroalgae biomass. Additional correlations were sought between the variables measured in an effort to suggest or negate major cause and effect relationships. This research is relevant to discerning the effects of eutrophication as a stressor on estuarine processes and could contribute toward an understanding of anthropogenic impacts on biological communities in coastal ecosystems.  相似文献   

Curiel  D.  Bellemo  G.  Marzocchi  M.  Scattolin  M.  Parisi  G. 《Hydrobiologia》1998,385(1-3):17-22
The present distribution of invasive seaweeds Undaria pinnatifida (Phaeophyta, Laminariales) and Sargassum muticum (Phaeophyta, Fucales) in the Lagoon of Venice is updated in this work. The distribution of Antithamnion pectinatum (Rhodophyta, Ceramiales) is presented for the first time. All these species have quickly colonized the hard substrata competing with indigenous species. Competition acts differently in the two species, U. pinnatifida competing for the substratum and S. muticum for light. On tidal flats composed of silt and sand, the growth of two brown seaweeds is restricted owing to the lack of a solid substrata. While Undaria pinnatifida and Sargassum muticum have colonized only some areas of the lagoon in a short vertical range (from 0 to -3 m), Antithamnion pectinatum is present on the three portmouths, along the inner shores of the city of Venice, and in the lagoon islands with extensive vertical distribution (from +0.2 to -8 m). This revised version was published online in September 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

The effects of tidal elevation, emersion, sun exposure, and season on several antioxidant enzymes (ascorbate peroxidase, glutathione reductase, and catalase), pigments (phycoerythrin, phycocyanin, chlorophyll a and total carotene) and photosynthetic efficiency of photosystem II (Fv/Fm) in Porphyra umbilicalis were evaluated. Plants were collected monthly from sun‐exposed and shaded locations in the high, mid, and low intertidal following periods of tidal emersion ranging from 0–6 hours. Glutathione reductase activity was greatly affected by emersion during summer months, while ascorbate peroxidase and catalase activities showed no seasonal patterns. Differences in glutathione reductase and catalase levels occurred between sun‐exposed and shaded plants in the high and mid intertidal during summer. At all elevations, photosynthetic pigments showed a strong seasonal trend, with the effect of sun exposure being most apparent during summer. While total carotene increased with emersion during summer months, the combined effects of emersion and season were inconsistent for phycoerythrin, phycocyanin and chl a. Photosynthetic efficiency (Fv/Fm) decreased following emersion in summer and fall. During most months, sun exposed plants had lower Fv/Fm values compared to plants growing in the shade. This study emphasizes the importance of examining the effects of abiotic stresses simultaneously in order to reveal interactive relationships.  相似文献   

Yeon-Shim  Keum  Lee  In Kyu 《Hydrobiologia》1993,260(1):97-104
The vegetative and reproductive morphology of two epiphytic Herpochondria species, H. corallinae (Martens) Falkenberg (the type species) and H. elegans (Okamura) Itono from Korea were investigated. They are bilaterally compressed and alternate-distichously branched, and lateral branches are produced by oblique divisions of the apical cell. Procarps are restricted to the first periaxial cell of the branches. Spermatangial mother cells produce one or two spermatangia. H. corallinae forms tetrasporangia on six periaxial cells, whereas H. elegans has them on only the two lateral periaxial cells. The prostrate habit, the production of six periaxial cells in opposite pairs, and tetrasporangial stichidia are confirmed as diagnostic characters of the genus Herpochondria.  相似文献   

G. H. Kim  L. Fritz 《Protoplasma》1993,174(1-2):69-73
Summary Fertilization in the marine red algaAntithamnion nipponicum is a highly specific process involving non-motile male gametes, spermatia, and female receptive structures, carpogonia. FITC-lectin and Calcofluor white ST labelling show that the outer cell walls of spermatia differ from vegetative cells in carbohydrate composition. Specific binding of the lectins to spermatial walls was confirmed by lectin-gold labelling on thin sections. Gametic recognition inAntithamnion nipponicum is based on the interaction of a surface carbohydrate on the spermatia with a surface carbohydrate receptor on the trichogynes. Spermatial binding to trichogynes is inhibited by pre-incubation with concanavalin A and trichogyne receptors are blocked by the complementary carbohydrate -D-methyl mannose. The inhibitory effects of concanavalin A to spermatial binding of trichogynes is reversed by preincubation with -D-methyl mannose. The combination of long spermatial appendages and a carbohydrate-carbohydrate receptor-based gamete recognition mechanism make fertilization in this species an efficient process.  相似文献   

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