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A Brownian dynamics (BD) simulation of two unsaturated molecules, oleic and docosahexaenoic acid, in an environment that reproduces a cellular membrane, is presented. The results of the simulations, performed using mean-field potentials, were calibrated with experimental results obtained for oleic acid in a cellular membrane. The agreement between simulation and experimental results is excellent which validates subsequent simulation outcome for docosahexaenoic acid. This molecule is a major component of several cellular membranes thought to be involved in specific biological functions that require conformational changes of membrane components. The results for docosahexaenoic acid indicate that it is minimally influenced by temperature changes and that it presents great conformational variability.  相似文献   

We study the self-assembly behaviour of two-patch particles with D∞h symmetry by using Brownian dynamics simulations. The self-assembly process of two-patch particles with diverse patch coverage in two selective solvent conditions is investigated. The patchy particles in a solvent that is bad for patches but good for matrix form linear thread-like structures with low patch coverage, whereas they form 3D network structures with relatively high patch coverage on surface. For patchy particles in a solvent which is good for patches but bad for body, monolayer structures are obtained at high patch coverage, and some cluster structures emerge when surface patch coverage is low.  相似文献   

Brownian dynamics simulations were performed to study the contribution of electric interactions between charged membrane components to their lateral distribution in a two-dimensional viscous liquid (bilayer lipid membrane). The electrostatic interaction potential was derived from an analytical solution of the linearized Poisson-Boltzmann equation for point charges in an electrolyte solution — membrane — electrolyte solution system. Equilibrium as well as dynamic quantities were investigated. The lateral organization of membrane particles, modelled by mobile cylinders in a homogeneous membrane separating two electrolyte solutions was described by spatial distribution functions, diffusion coefficients and cluster statistics. Disorder, local order and crystal-like arrangements were observed as a function of the particle charge, the closest possible distances between the charges and the particle density. The simulations revealed that the system is very sensitive to the position of the charges with respect to the electrolyte solution — membrane interface. Electrostatic interactions of charges placed directly on the membrane surface were almost negligible, whereas deeper charges demonstrated pronounced interaction. Biologically relevant parameters corresponded at most to local and transient ordering. It was found that lateral electric forces can give rise to a preferred formation of clusters with an even number of constituents provided that the closest possible charge-charge distances are small. It is concluded that lateral electrostatic interactions can account for local particle aggregations, but their impact on the global arrangement and movement of membrane components is limited. Correspondence to: D. Walther  相似文献   

Shen T  Wong CF  McCammon JA 《Biopolymers》2003,70(2):252-259
Helix-capping motifs are believed to play an important role in stabilizing alpha-helices and defining helix start and stop signals. We performed microsecond scale Brownian dynamics simulations to study ten XAAD sequences, with X = (A,E,I,L,N,Q,S,T,V,Y), to examine their propensity to form helix capping motifs and correlate these results with those obtained from analyzing a structural database of proteins. For the widely studied capping box motif S**D, where the asterisk can be any amino acid residue, the simulations suggested that one of the two hydrogen bonds proposed earlier as a stabilizing factor might not be as important. On the other hand, side-chain interactions between the capping residue and the third residue downstream on the polypeptide chain might also play a role in stabilizing this motif. These results are consistent with explicit-solvent molecular dynamics simulations of two capping box motifs found in the proteins BPTI and alpha-dendrotoxin. Principal component analysis of the SAAD trajectory showed that the first three principal components, after those corresponding to translational-rotational motion were removed, accounted for more than half of the conformational fluctuations. The first component separated the conformational space into two parts with the all-helical conformation and the capping box motif lying largely in one part. The second component, on the other hand, could be used to describe conformational transitions between the all-helical form and the capping box motif.  相似文献   

In eukaryote nucleosome, DNA wraps around a histone octamer in a left-handed way. We study the process of chirality formation of nucleosome with Brownian dynamics simulation. We model the histone octamer with a quantitatively adjustable chirality: left-handed, right-handed or non-chiral, and simulate the dynamical wrapping process of a DNA molecule on it. We find that the chirality of a nucleosome formed is strongly dependent on that of the histone octamer, and different chiralities of the histone octamer induce its different rotation directions in the wrapping process of DNA. In addition, a very weak chirality of the histone octamer is quite enough for sustaining the correct chirality of the nucleosome formed. We also show that the chirality of a nucleosome may be broken at elevated temperature.  相似文献   


In order to study the interaction of the anticancer agent Doxorubicin with the single-walled carbon nanotubes with different diameters as drug delivery systems, the molecular dynamics (MD) simulations have been used. Also, for design and development of intracellular Doxorubicin drug delivery systems, a series of steered MD simulations are applied to explore the possibility of encapsulated Doxorubicin–carbon nanotube penetration through a lipid bilayer in presence and absence of Nicotine molecules at different pulling rates. Our simulation results showed that in spite of the adsorption of drug molecules on the outer sidewall of the nanotubes, the spontaneous localization of one Doxorubicin molecule into the cavity of the nanovectors with larger diameters is observed. It is found that the presence of Nicotine molecules in extracellular medium increases the required force for pulling nanotube-encapsulated drug as well as the required time for penetration process, especially at higher velocity. Also, the entering process of the Nicotine molecules into the carbon nanotube causes that the encapsulated drug molecule is fully released in the hydrophobic phase of the lipid bilayer.

Communicated by Ramaswamy H. Sarma  相似文献   

We present the results of molecular dynamics (MD) simulations of a phospholipid membrane in water, including full atomic detail. The goal of the simulations was twofold: first we wanted to set up a simulation system which is able to reproduce experimental results and can serve as a model membrane in future simulations. This goal being reached it is then further possible to gain insight in to those properties that are experimentally more difficult to access. The system studied is dipalmitoylphosphatidylcholine/water, consisting of 5408 atoms. Using original force field parameters the membrane turned out to approach a gel-like state. With slight changes of the parameters, the system adopted a liquid-crystalline state. Separate 80 ps runs were performed on both the gel and liquid-crystalline systems. Comparison of MD results with reliable experimental data (bilayer repeat distance, surface area per lipid, tail order parameters, atom distributions) showed that our simulations, especially the one in the liquid-crystalline phase, can serve as a realistic model for a phospholipid membrane. Further analysis of the trajectories revealed valuable information on various properties. In the liquid-crystalline phase, the interface turns out to be quite diffuse, with water molecules penetrating into the bilayer to the position of the carbonyl groups. The 10–90% width of the interface turns out to be 1.3 nm and the width of the hydrocarbon interior 3.0 nm. The headgroup dipoles are oriented at a small angle with respect to the bilayer plane. The resulting charge distribution is almost completely cancelled by the water molecules. The electron density distribution shows a large dip in the middle of the membrane. In this part the tails are more flexible. The mean life time between dihedral transitions is 20 ps. The average number of gauche angles per tail is 3.5. The occurrence of kinks is not a significant feature.Abbreviations MD molecular dynamics - DPPC dipalmitoylphosphatidylcholine - SPC simple point charges - DPPE dipalmitoylphosphatidylethanolamine Correspondence to: H. J. C. Berendsen  相似文献   

A Brownian dynamics simulation of a saturated hydrocarbon chain with simple mean-field potentials, namely anchorage, orientation and enclosing, reproducing a biological membrane environment is presented. The simulation was performed for a time equivalent to 1.4 micros thanks to the simplicity of our model. The results are compared with those obtained for a hydrocarbon chain simulated in the absence of the membrane potentials but with confinement. With the appropriate choice of parameters, equilibrium properties, such as deuterium order parameter, chain length, tilt angle and geometry, and dynamic properties, such as dihedral angle transition rate, rotational and translational diffusion, recovered from our simulations, correctly reproduced, are consistent with hydrocarbon-derived molecule experimental results and simulation results obtained from other more complex studies.  相似文献   

The robust structural integrity of the epoxy plays an important role in ensuring the long-term service life of its applications, which is affected by the absorbed moisture. In order to understand the mechanism of the moisture effect, the knowledge of the interaction and dynamics of the water molecules inside the epoxy is of great interest. Molecular dynamics simulation is used in this work to investigate the structure and bonding behaviour of the water molecules in the highly cross-linked epoxy network. When the moisture concentration is low, the water molecules are well dispersed in the cross-linked structure and located in the vicinity of the epoxy functional groups, which predominantly form the hydrogen bond (H-bond) with the epoxy network, resulting in the low water mobility in the epoxy. At the high concentration, the water favourably forms the large cluster due to the predominant water–water H-bond interaction, and the water molecules diffuse primarily inside the cluster, which leads to the high water mobility and the accelerated H-bond dynamics. The variation of the bonding behaviour and dynamics of the water molecules reported here could be exploited to understand the material change and predict the long-term performance of the epoxy-based products during the intended service life.  相似文献   

Protein synthesis on the ribosome involves a number of external protein factors that bind at its functional sites. One key factor is the elongation factor G (EF-G) that facilitates the translocation of transfer RNAs between their binding sites, as well as advancement of the messenger RNA by one codon. The details of the EF-G/ribosome diffusional encounter and EF-G association pathway still remain unanswered. Here, we applied Brownian dynamics methodology to study bimolecular association in the bacterial EF-G/70S ribosome system. We estimated the EF-G association rate constants at 150 and 300 mM monovalent ionic strengths and obtained reasonable agreement with kinetic experiments. We have also elucidated the details of EF-G/ribosome association paths and found that positioning of the L11 protein of the large ribosomal subunit is likely crucial for EF-G entry to its binding site.  相似文献   

It is known that anionic surface residues play a role in the long-range electrostatic attraction between acetylcholinesterase and cationic ligands. In our current investigation, we show that anionic residues also play an important role in the behavior of the ligand within the active site gorge of acetylcholinesterase. Negatively charged residues near the gorge opening not only attract positively charged ligands from solution to the enzyme, but can also restrict the motion of the ligand once it is inside of the gorge. We use Brownian dynamics techniques to calculate the rate constant kon for wild type and mutant acetylcholinesterase with a positively charged ligand. These calculations are performed by allowing the ligand to diffuse within the active site gorge. This is an extension of previously reported work in which a ligand was allowed to diffuse only to the enzyme surface. By setting the reaction criteria for the ligand closer to the active site, better agreement with experimental data is obtained. Although a number of residues influence the movement of the ligand within the gorge, Asp74 is shown to play a particularly important role in this function. Asp74 traps the ligand within the gorge, and in this way helps to ensure a reaction. © 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Biopoly 46: 465–474, 1998  相似文献   

Measurements of unidirectional fluxes in ion channels provide one of the experimental methods for studying the steps involved in ion permeation in biological pores. Conventionally, the number of ions in the pore is inferred by fitting the ratio of inward and outward currents to an exponential function with an adjustable parameter known as the flux ratio exponent. Here we investigate the relationship between the number of ions in the pore and the flux ratio exponent in a model sodium channel under a range of conditions. Brownian dynamics simulations enable us to count the precise number of ions in the channel and at the same time measure the currents flowing across the pore in both directions. We show here that the values of the flux ratio exponent n′ ranges between 1 and 3 and is highly dependent on the ionic concentrations in which measurements are made. This is a consequence of the fact that both inward and outward currents are susceptible to saturation with increasing concentration. These results indicate that measurements of the flux ratio exponent cannot be directly related to the number of ions in the pore and that interpretation of such experimental measurements requires careful consideration of the conditions in which the study is made.  相似文献   

Molecular dynamics simulations were used to study the thermal conductivity of liquid argon ultra thin films confined between two plates spaced several nanometres apart. The research focused on the dependence of the liquid argon thermal conductivity on the liquid layer thickness and the interaction between liquid and solid. The results show that the thermal conductivity of liquid argon ultra thin films confined between two plates depends on the distance between the two plates and the existence of solid-like liquid layering at the liquid–solid interface and the average migration frequency of all liquid molecules. Stronger interactions between the liquid and the solid resulted in a larger number of atoms in the solid-like liquid layer along the surface and hence smaller thermal resistance between the liquid and the solid. However, as the strength of the interaction with the solid increased, the thermal conductivity was reduced due to fewer atoms near the hot solid boundary and less molecular migration.  相似文献   

We have extended an earlier Brownian dynamics simulation algorithm for simulating the structural dynamics of ions around biomolecules to accommodate dielectric inhomogeneity. The electrostatic environment of a biomolecule immersed in water was obtained by numerically solving the Poisson equation with the biomolecule treated as a low dielectric region and the solvent treated as a high dielectric region. Instead of using the mean-field type approximations of ion interactions as in the Poisson-Boltzmann model, the ions were treated explicitly by allowing them to evolve dynamically under the electrostatic field of the biomolecule. This model thus accounts for ion-ion correlations and the finite-size effects of the ions. For a 13-residue alpha-helical polyalanine and a 12-base-pair bp B-form DNA, we found that the choice of the dielectric constant of the biomolecule has much larger effects on the mean ionic structure around the biomolecule than on the fluctuational and dynamical properties of the ions surrounding the biomolecule.  相似文献   

In this research, for the first time, molecular dynamics (MD) method was used to simulate aspirin and ibuprofen at various concentrations and in neutral and charged states. Effects of the concentration (dosage), charge state, and existence of an integral protein in the membrane on the diffusion rate of drug molecules into lipid bilayer membrane were investigated on 11 systems, for which the parameters indicating diffusion rate and those affecting the rate were evaluated. Considering the diffusion rate, a suitable score was assigned to each system, based on which, analysis of variance (ANOVA) was performed. By calculating the effect size of the indicative parameters and total scores, an optimum system with the highest diffusion rate was determined. Consequently, diffusion rate controlling parameters were obtained: the drug–water hydrogen bond in protein-free systems and protein–drug hydrogen bond in the systems containing protein.  相似文献   

Water molecules play a critical role in stabilising the three-dimensional architecture, dynamics and function of biological macromolecules. Comparative analysis of structurally similar proteins has shown that there are water molecules conserved in the same relative positions and make similar hydrogen bonds with proteins in all crystal structures. These invariant water molecules are essential for the maintenance of the native structure of proteins. The present study explores the role of invariant water molecules to maintain the active site geometry of β-lactamase enzyme. Thirteen crystal structures of class-A β-lactamase from Staphylococcus aureus have been used in this study. Molecular dynamics simulations of the protein structures were performed in hydrated as well as in dehydrated conditions. The analysis showed that significant changes occur in the active site geometry due to dehydration. These changes can be attributed to the removal of water molecules at the active site.  相似文献   

Malate dehydrogenase (MDH) and citrate synthase (CS) are two pacemaking enzymes involved in the tricarboxylic acid (TCA) cycle. Oxaloacetate (OAA) molecules are the intermediate substrates that are transferred from the MDH to CS to carry out sequential catalysis. It is known that, to achieve a high flux of intermediate transport and reduce the probability of substrate leaking, a MDH‐CS metabolon forms to enhance the OAA substrate channeling. In this study, we aim to understand the OAA channeling within possible MDH‐CS metabolons that have different structural orientations in their complexes. Three MDH‐CS metabolons from native bovine, wild‐type porcine, and recombinant sources, published in recent work, were selected to calculate OAA transfer efficiency by Brownian dynamics (BD) simulations and to study, through electrostatic potential calculations, a possible role of charges that drive the substrate channeling. Our results show that an electrostatic channel is formed in the metabolons of native bovine and recombinant porcine enzymes, which guides the oppositely charged OAA molecules passing through the channel and enhances the transfer efficiency. However, the channeling probability in a suggested wild‐type porcine metabolon conformation is reduced due to an extended diffusion length between the MDH and CS active sites, implying that the corresponding arrangements of MDH and CS result in the decrease of electrostatic steering between substrates and protein surface and then reduce the substrate transfer efficiency from one active site to another.  相似文献   

Pandinin 2 (Pin2) is an alpha-helical polycationic peptide, identified and characterized from venom of the African scorpion Pandinus imperator with high antimicrobial activity against Gram-positive bacteria and less active against Gram-negative bacteria, however it has demonstrated strong hemolytic activity against sheep red blood cells. In the chemically synthesized Pin2GVG analog, the GVG motif grants it low hemolytic activity while keeping its antimicrobial activity. In this work, we performed 12 μs all-atom molecular dynamics simulation of the antimicrobial peptides (AMPs) Pin2 and Pin2GVG to explore their adsorption mechanism and the role of their constituent amino acid residues when interacting with pure POPC and pure POPG membrane bilayers. Starting from an α-helical conformation, both AMPs are attracted at different rates to the POPC and POPG bilayer surfaces due to the electrostatic interaction between the positively charged amino acid residues and the charged moieties of the membranes. Since POPG is an anionic membrane, the PAMs adhesion is stronger to the POPG membrane than to the POPC membrane and they are stabilized more rapidly. This study reveals that, before the insertion begins, Pin2 and Pin2GVG remained partially folded in the POPC surface during the first 300 and 600 ns, respectively, while they are mostly unfolded in the POPG surface during most of the simulation time. The unfolded structures provide for a large number of intermolecular hydrogen bonds and stronger electrostatic interactions with the POPG surface. The results show that the aromatic residues at the N-terminus of Pin2 initiate the insertion process in both POPC and POPG bilayers. As for Pin2GVG in POPC the C-terminus residues seem to initiate the insertion process while in POPG this process seems to be slowed down due to a strong electrostatic attraction. The membrane conformational effects upon PAMs binding are measured in terms of the area per lipid and the contact surface area. Several replicas of the systems lead to the same observations.  相似文献   

Liposomal cytarabine, DepoCyt, is a chemotherapy agent which is used in cancer treatment. This form of cytarabine has more efficacy and fewer side effects relative to the other forms. Since DepoCyt contains the cytarabine encapsulated within phosphatidylcholine and the sterol molecules, we modeled dioleoylphosphatidylcholine (DOPC)/cholesterol bilayer membrane as a carrier for cytarabine to study drug–bilayer interactions. For this purpose, we performed a series of united-atom molecular dynamics (MD) simulations for 25?ns to investigate the interactions between cytarabine and cholesterol-containing DOPC lipid bilayers. Only the uncharged form of cytarabine molecule was investigated. In this study, different levels of the cholesterol content (0, 20, and 40%) were used. MD simulations allowed us to determine dynamical and structural properties of the bilayer membrane and to estimate the preferred location and orientation of the cytarabine molecule inside the bilayer membrane. Properties such as membrane thickness, area per lipid, diffusion coefficient, mass density, bilayer packing, order parameters, and intermolecular interactions were examined. The results show that by increasing the cholesterol concentration in the lipid bilayers, the bilayer thickness increases and area per lipid decreases. Moreover, in accordance with the experiments, our calculations show that cholesterol molecules have ordering effect on the hydrocarbon acyl chains. Furthermore, the cytarabine molecule preferentially occupies the polar region of the lipid head groups to form specific interactions (hydrogen bonds). Our results fully support the experimental data. Our finding about drug–bilayer interaction is crucial for the liposomal drug design.  相似文献   

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