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The presence of an alternative oxidase (AOX) in Polytomella sp., a colorless relative of Chlamydomonas reinhardtii, was explored. Oxygen uptake in Polytomella sp. mitochondria was inhibited by KCN (94%) or antimycin (96%), and the remaining cyanide-resistant respiration was not blocked by the AOX inhibitors salicylhydroxamic acid (SHAM) or n-propylgallate. No stimulation of an AOX activity was found upon addition of either pyruvate, alpha-ketoglutarate, or AMP, or by treatment with DTT. An antibody raised against C. reinhardtii AOX did not recognized any polypeptide band of Polytomella sp. mitochondria in Western blots. Also, PCR experiments and Southern blot analysis failed to identify an Aox gene in this colorless alga. Finally, KCN exposure of cell cultures failed to stimulate an AOX activity. Nevertheless, KCN exposure of Polytomella sp. cells induced diminished mitochondrial respiration (20%) and apparent changes in cytochrome c oxidase affinity towards cyanide. KCN-adapted cells exhibited a significant increase of a-type cytochromes, suggesting accumulation of inactive forms of cytochrome c oxidase. Another effect of KCN exposure was the reduction of the protein/fatty acid ratio of mitochondrial membranes, which may affect the observed respiratory activity. We conclude that Polytomella lacks a plant-like AOX, and that its corresponding gene was probably lost during the divergence of this colorless genus from its close photosynthetic relatives.  相似文献   

Robert van Lis  Ariane Atteia 《BBA》2005,1708(1):23-34
Compelling evidence exists that the colorless algae of the genus Polytomella arose from a green Chlamydomonas-like ancestor by losing its functional photosynthetic apparatus. Due to the close relationship between the colorless and the green chlorophyte, Polytomella sp. appeared as a useful indicative framework for structural studies of Chlamydomonas reinhardtii mitochondria. However, comparative studies reported here unexpectedly revealed significant differences between the mitochondrial respiratory systems of the two algae. Two-dimensional blue native/SDS-PAGE of isolated mitochondria indicated that cytochrome-containing respiratory complexes III and IV in the two chlorophytes contrast in size, subunit composition and relative abundance. Complex IV in Polytomella is smaller than its counterpart in C. reinhardtii and occurs in two forms that differ presumably in the presence of subunit COXIII. The cytochrome c and the iron-sulfur Rieske protein of both chlorophytes revealed structural differences on the amino acid sequence level. Under comparable culture conditions, the colorless alga exhibits lower levels of cytochrome c and complex IV but a higher respiratory activity than the green alga. Cytochrome c levels were also found to be differently regulated by the growth conditions in both algae. The divergence between the respiratory systems in the two related chlorophytes can be viewed as a consequence of the loss of photosynthetic activity and/or of the adaptation to the environment via the acquisition of a more flexible, heterotrophic metabolism. Our understanding of mitochondrial function and evolution is expected to be greatly enhanced via further parallel studies of photosynthetic/non-photosynthetic algae, for which this study forms an incentive.  相似文献   

Pamela S. David 《BBA》2005,1709(2):169-180
Previous studies have demonstrated that the mitochondrial respiratory chain and cytochrome c oxidase participate in oxygen sensing and the induction of some hypoxic nuclear genes in eukaryotes. In addition, it has been proposed that mitochondrially-generated reactive oxygen and nitrogen species function as signals in a signaling pathway for the induction of hypoxic genes. To gain insight concerning this pathway, we have looked at changes in the functionality of the yeast respiratory chain as cells experience a shift from normoxia to anoxia. These studies have revealed that yeast cells retain the ability to respire at normoxic levels for up to 4 h after a shift and that the mitochondrial cytochrome levels drop rapidly to 30-50% of their normoxic levels and the turnover rate of cytochrome c oxidase (COX) increases during this shift. The increase in COX turnover rate cannot be explained by replacing the aerobic isoform, Va, of cytochrome c oxidase subunit V with the more active hypoxic isoform, Vb. We have also found that mitochondria retain the ability to respire, albeit at reduced levels, in anoxic cells, indicating that yeast cells maintain a functional mitochondrial respiratory chain in the absence of oxygen. This raises the intriguing possibility that the mitochondrial respiratory chain has a previously unexplored role in anoxic cells and may function with an alternative electron acceptor when oxygen is unavailable.  相似文献   

Mitochondrial F1F0-ATP synthase of chlorophycean algae is a dimeric complex of 1600 kDa constituted by 17 different subunits with varying stoichiometries, 8 of them conserved in all eukaryotes and 9 that seem to be unique to the algal lineage (subunits ASA1-9). Two different models proposing the topological assemblage of the nine ASA subunits in the ATP synthase of the colorless alga Polytomella sp. have been put forward. Here, we readdressed the overall topology of the enzyme with different experimental approaches: detection of close vicinities between subunits based on cross-linking experiments and dissociation of the enzyme into subcomplexes, inference of subunit stoichiometry based on cysteine residue labelling, and general three-dimensional structural features of the complex as obtained from small-angle X-ray scattering and electron microscopy image reconstruction. Based on the available data, we refine the topological arrangement of the subunits that constitute the mitochondrial ATP synthase of Polytomella sp.  相似文献   

The effects of temperature on demographic characteristics of two populations from Ravenna and Genoa of the polychaete Dinophilus gyrociliatus were investigated. Temperature affects age-specific survival and fecundity and all the demographic parameters often to a different degree in the two populations. Individuals from Ravenna survive longer than those from Genoa. The most evident differences in the age-specific fecundity curves of the experimental groups are related to age at maturity and the duration of the reproductive period that are in inverse proportion to temperature. In both populations of D. gyrociliatus, the maximum daily fecundity is observed at intermediate temperatures. In all cases, the Genoa females mature earlier, attain their maximum fecundity more quickly and have a shorter reproductive period than their Ravenna counterparts.Age at maturity, fecundity during the first reproductive events and juvenile survival are by far the most important characteristics in determining the fitness of the two populations at the tested temperatures. Even though the greatest net growth rates and highest expectation of life were recorded at 12 °C in the Ravenna population, the delay in the attainment of sexual maturity means that, at this temperature, the population growth rate is lowest. The higher juvenile survivorship and the greater fecundity observed at 24 °C is counter-balanced by the early attainment of sexual maturity induced at 30 °C. The comparison of the population growth rate calculated in laboratory with field data suggests that temperature is one of the main environmental parameters determining the fitness of D. gyrociliatus.  相似文献   

The recent discovery of Roman vineyards in Britain [Antiquity 75 (2001) 745] based on both archaeological and palynological data has raised questions concerning the palynological record of viticulture in NW Europe. This paper presents data collected from 30 pollen traps and 29 soil pollen samples from within, and around, three organic vineyards in England. The soil trap data were collected over one flowering season. Within-vineyard pollen accumulation is compared with off-site accumulation and the soil pollen data. Although there is extremely high intravineyard variation in Vitis accumulation, the data confirm the role of stemflow transport and the exponential decrease in Vitis pollen accumulation with distance away from the vineyard. Pollen trap values of over 2% total pollen (TP) Vitis and soils with over 0.2% TP (based on 1000+ pollen sum) are likely to indicate the on-site presence of a vineyard. This is in accordance with the values recorded from known Roman vineyards in the Nene Valley. A compilation of occasional finds of Vitis pollen in England reveals typical values of 0.2% or less; although higher values are recorded, they are generally an artefact of a low total pollen count. However, the clustering of these occasional finds into the Roman and high Medieval periods suggests that long-distance Vitis influx increased during periods of widespread viticulture in NW Europe including England. The monitoring of Vitis pollen dispersal suggests that where encountered as part of routine pollen counting, the total pollen sum should be increased to ca. 1000 TP in order to establish a better estimate of the frequency of occurrence. This will allow palynology to play a less ambiguous part in the mapping of ancient viticulture.  相似文献   

The effects of temperature on the life history characteristics of two populations of the polychaete Dinophilus gyrociliatus, one from Ravenna (northern Adriatic Sea) and the other from Genoa (Ligurian Sea), were investigated. The temperatures tested (6, 12, 18, 24 and 30 °C) cover a wider range than those prevailing in the natural environment. In the populations studied there are broad differences in timing of development and reproduction. At 6 °C, the adults of both populations survive for a long time but they are unable to reproduce. At 12 °C, only the animals from Ravenna manage to reproduce. At the higher temperatures (18, 24 and 30 °C), the development of the animals belonging to the Genoa strain is faster than that of the Ravenna strain. The duration of the various phases of the biological cycle is very similar in both populations, but that from Ravenna exhibits greater tolerance of low temperatures, slower development rate and lower development threshold temperature than does the Genoa population. Temperature and geographical origin also have strong effects on reproductive characteristics. The highest fecundity values were observed at 12 °C in the Ravenna strain, the lowest at 30 °C in both groups. At 18 °C, the Genoa population is more fecund than the Ravenna one, while the situation is reversed at 12 °C. The smallest ovigerous capsules are produced at 30 °C, the biggest at 12 °C, and the Genoa females produce larger capsules than do the females from Ravenna, except at 12 °C. The size of both male and female eggs varies in relation to temperature, the smallest female eggs generally being laid at the higher temperatures. At all the temperatures tested, the sex ratio of the Ravenna population is higher than that of the Genoa population. In the Ravenna strain, temperature has no effect on the sex ratio, while in the Genoa strain the sex ratio at 24 °C is lower than at 18 and 30 °C. Comparison of the two populations at the same temperature reveals considerable differences in the characteristics of their respective life histories and sex ratios. It is very likely that the extreme selectivity of the harbor environments has favored the fragmentation of the species into differentiated populations that have adapted to the conditions prevailing in the different localities.  相似文献   

Michaela Kupka 《BBA》2008,1777(1):94-103
Optical spectroscopic properties of the covalently linked chromophores of biliproteins are profoundly influenced by the state of the protein. This has been used to monitor the urea-induced denaturation of C-phycocyanin (CPC) from Mastigocladus laminosus and its subunits. Under equilibrium conditions, absorption, fluorescence and circular dichroism of the chromophores were monitored, as well as the circular dichroism of the polypeptide. Treatment of CPC trimers (αβ)3 resulted first in monomerization (αβ), which was followed by a complex unfolding process of the protein. Loss of chromophore fluorescence is the next process at increasing urea concentrations; it indicates increased flexibility of the chromophore while maintaining the native, extended conformation, and a less compact but still native-like packing of the protein in the regions sampled by the chromophores. This was followed by relaxation of the chromophores from the energetically unfavorable extended to a cyclic-helical conformation, as reported by absorption and CD in the visible range, indicating local loss of protein structure. Only then is the protein secondary structure lost, as reported by the far-UV CD. Sequential processes were also seen in the subunits, where again the chromophore-protein interactions were reduced before the unfolding of the protein. It is concluded that the bilin chromophores are intrinsic probes suitable to differentiate among different processes involved in protein denaturation.  相似文献   

The rate of introduction of exotic marine species has dramatically increased during the 19th and 20th centuries. Exemplifying this trend, the marine gastropod Ocinebrellus inornatus was first detected outside its native range in 1924 on the American Pacific coast, then in 1995 on the French Atlantic coast. To determine the origin of the French populations of this invasive species, we compared a French population with populations collected in Asia—the native range—and with a population collected in the United States. Analyses of mitochondrial DNA and allozyme polymorphism revealed that the French and American populations were closely related and substantially differentiated from the Asian populations. According to our results, the most likely scenario is that the source population of the French Atlantic coast populations was located in the United States. Indeed, taken altogether, the genetic structure of Asian populations, the time lag separating the introduction on the American Pacific coast from the introduction on the French Atlantic coast and the high level of genetic diversity in the two introduced areas (indicating an absence of major founder events) are hardly compatible with a scenario in which French population resulting only from primary introduction events from the native area. Finally, although similar, the French and American populations were not identical. Thus, even if the main source population of the French populations was located in the United States, the genetic structure of French populations may have been modified by cryptic and recurrent introduction events directly from Asia.  相似文献   

A rapid separation of the ten nuclearly-encoded subunits of mitochondrial cytochrome c oxidase, and ten out of the eleven subunits of cytochrome bc1, was achieved using a short, 50 mm C18-reversed-phase column. The short column decreased the elution time 4–7 fold while maintaining the same resolution quality. Elution was similar to a previously published protocol, i.e., a water/acetonitrile elution gradient containing trifluoroacetic acid. Isolated subunits were identified by MALDI-TOF. The rapidity of the described method makes it extremely useful for determining the subunit composition of isolated mitochondrial complexes. The method can be used for both analytical and micro-preparative purposes.  相似文献   

Peptide-membrane interactions have been gaining increased relevance, mainly in biomedical investigation, as the potential of the natural, nature-based and synthetic peptides as new drugs or drug candidates also expands. These peptides must face the cell membrane when they interfere with or participate in intracellular processes. Additionally, several peptide drugs and drug leads actions occur at the membrane level (e.g., antimicrobial peptides, cell-penetrating peptides and enveloped viruses membrane fusion inhibitors). Here we explore fluorescence spectroscopy methods that can be used to monitor such interactions. Two main approaches are considered, centered either on the peptide or on the membrane. On the first, we consider mainly the methodologies based on the intrinsic fluorescence of the aminoacid residues tryptophan and tyrosine. Regarding membrane-centric approaches, we review methods based on lipophilic probes sensitive to membrane potentials. The use of fluorescence constitutes a simple and sensitive method to measure these events. Unraveling the molecular mechanisms that govern these interactions can unlock the key to understand specific biological processes involving natural peptides or to optimize the action of a peptide drug.  相似文献   

d-Bornesitol and l-quebrachitol have been found in the leaves of Acer pseudoplatanus L. The results of incorporation studies using labeled myo-inositol-14C, l-inositol-14C and d-bornesitol-14C indicate that l-quebrachitol is produced by epimerization of d-bornesitol. In Artemisia vulgaris, however, the precursor of l-quebrachitol is l-inositol.  相似文献   

B. González  J.L. Chávez  N.A. Castro  S. Gómez  C. Kennedy 《BBA》2006,1757(12):1614-1622
In highly aerobic environments, Gluconacetobacter diazotrophicus uses a respiratory protection mechanism to preserve nitrogenase activity from deleterious oxygen. Here, the respiratory system was examined in order to ascertain the nature of the respiratory components, mainly of the cyanide sensitive and resistant pathways. The membranes of G. diazotrophicus contain Q10, Q9 and PQQ in a 13:1:6.6 molar ratios. UV360 nm photoinactivation indicated that ubiquinone is the electron acceptor for the dehydrogenases of the outer and inner faces of the membrane. Strong inhibition by rotenone and capsaicin and resistance to flavone indicated that NADH-quinone oxidoreductase is a NDH-1 type enzyme. KCN-titration revealed the presence of at least two terminal oxidases that were highly sensitive and resistant to the inhibitor. Tetrachorohydroquinol was preferentially oxidized by the KCN-sensitive oxidase. Neither the quinoprotein alcohol dehydrogenase nor its associated cytochromes c were instrumental components of the cyanide resistant pathway. CO-difference spectrum and photodissociation of heme-CO compounds suggested the presence of cytochromes b-CO and a1-CO adducts. Air-oxidation of cytochrome b (432 nm) was arrested by concentrations of KCN lower than 25 μM while cytochrome a1 (442 nm) was not affected. A KCN-sensitive (I50 = 5 μM) cytochrome bb and a KCN-resistant (I50 = 450 μM) cytochrome ba quinol oxidases were separated by ion exchange chromatography.  相似文献   

Suspension-feeding bivalve molluscs can assume a large ecological role by linking benthic and pelagic ecosystems. Therefore, a knowledge of the factors that influence feeding rates and processes at the level of the individual is important in understanding bivalve-dominated environments. We examined the roles of diet quality and concentration on particle processing by the ctenidia of four species of bivalves: the mussels Mytilus edulis L. and Mytilus trossulus Gould, and oysters Crassostrea virginica (Gmelin) and Crassostrea gigas (Thunberg). Bivalves were delivered diets of three different qualities at three different concentrations (1-2×103, 104, 105 particles ml−1). The high-quality diet consisted of the cryptophyte Rhodomonas lens Pascher et Ruttner; the low-quality diet consisted of particles prepared from ground Spartina sp. detritus; the medium-quality diet consisted of a 50:50 mixture (by particle number) of both particle types. Particle transport velocities on the ventral groove and dorsal tracts were then measured by means of video endoscopy. Ventral-groove transport velocities of M. edulis were the most responsive, demonstrating a significant increase with increasing diet quality, and a significant decrease with increasing diet concentration. Transport velocities in the ventral groove and dorsal tracts of C. virginica were not significantly affected by changes in diet quality, but significantly increased with increasing diet concentration. Transport velocities of M. trossulus and C. gigas demonstrated little change with diet quality or concentration, indicating that responses are species specific. Our data suggest that differential control of particle transport on the bivalve ctenidium is one of the underlying mechanisms that contribute to compensatory feeding responses exhibited by the entire organism.  相似文献   

Cardiovascular risks are frequently accompanied by high serum fatty acid levels. Although recent studies have shown that fatty acids affect mitochondrial function and induce cell apoptosis, l-carnitine is essential for the uptake of fatty acids by mitochondria, and may attenuate the mitochondrial dysfunction and apoptosis of cardiocytes. This study aimed to elucidate the activity of l-carnitine in the prevention on fatty acid-induced mitochondrial membrane permeability transition and cytochrome c release using isolated cardiac mitochondria from rats. Palmitoyl-CoA-induced mitochondrial respiration that was observed with l-carnitine was inhibited with oligomycin. The palmitoyl-CoA-induced mitochondrial membrane depolarization and swelling were greatly inhibited by the presence of l-carnitine. In ultrastructural observations, terminally swollen and ruptured mitochondria with little or no distinguishable cristae structures were induced by treatment with palmitoyl-CoA. However, the severe morphological damage in cardiac mitochondria was dramatically inhibited by pretreatment with l-carnitine. Treatment with l-carnitine also attenuated 4-hydroxy-l-phenylglycine- and rotenone-induced mitochondrial swelling even when the l-carnitine could not protect against the decrease in oxygen consumption associated with these inhibitors. Furthermore, l-carnitine completely inhibited palmitoyl-CoA-induced cytochrome c release. We concluded that l-carnitine is essential for cardiac mitochondria to attenuate the membrane permeability transition, and to maintain the ultrastructure and membrane stabilization, in the presence of high fatty acid β-oxidation. Consequently, the cells may be protected against apoptosis by l-carnitine through inhibition of the fatty acid-induced cytochrome c release.  相似文献   

l-Cystathionine and l-selenocystathionine have been isolated from the foliage of Astragalus pectinatus. In addition to these two amino acids, some S-methylcysteine and trace amounts of Se-methyl-selenocysteine were also detected in the foliage extracts. The seeds of A pectinatus were found to contain significant amounts of all four of these amino acids plus the γ-glutamyl peptides of S-methylcysteine and Se-methylselenocysteine.  相似文献   

Both l-cystathionine and l-selenocystathionine have been isolated from the selenium-accumulating legume Neptunia amplexicaulis.  相似文献   

Mitochondrial F1FO-ATP synthase of chlorophycean algae is a complex partially embedded in the inner mitochondrial membrane that is isolated as a highly stable dimer of 1600 kDa. It comprises 17 polypeptides, nine of which (subunits Asa1 to 9) are not present in classical mitochondrial ATP synthases and appear to be exclusive of the chlorophycean lineage. In particular, subunits Asa2, Asa4 and Asa7 seem to constitute a section of the peripheral stalk of the enzyme. Here, we over-expressed and purified subunits Asa2, Asa4 and Asa7 and the corresponding amino-terminal and carboxy-terminal halves of Asa4 and Asa7 in order to explore their interactions in vitro, using immunochemical techniques, blue native electrophoresis and affinity chromatography. Asa4 and Asa7 interact strongly, mainly through their carboxy-terminal halves. Asa2 interacts with both Asa7 and Asa4, and also with subunit α in the F1 sector. The three Asa proteins form an Asa2/Asa4/Asa7 subcomplex. The entire Asa7 and the carboxy-terminal half of Asa4 seem to be instrumental in the interaction with Asa2. Based on these results and on computer-generated structural models of the three subunits, we propose a model for the Asa2/Asa4/Asa7 subcomplex and for its disposition in the peripheral stalk of the algal ATP synthase.  相似文献   

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