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In this study, for the first time the diversity of bacteria associated with the endemic freshwater sponge Lubomirskia baicalensis collected from the Sousern Basin of Lake Baikal was investigated employing cultivation-independent approaches. In total, 102 bacterial 16S rRNA clones were screened using restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) and 30 were selected for sequencing. BLASTN and phylogenetic analysis based on near full length 16S rDNA sequences showed that 22 operational taxonomic units (OTUs) were clustered in six known phyla: Actinobacteria (8 OTUs), alpha-Proteobacteria (4 OTUs), beta-Proteobacteria (4 OTUs), Verrucomicrobia (4 OTUs), Nitrospiracea (1 OTU) and Bacteroidetes (1 OTU). Remarkably all phylotypes were affiliated to uncultured microorganisms, however, all alpha-Proteobacteria sequences were closely related to bacteria derived from the freshwater sponge Spongilla lacustris. Our results reveal a high diversity in the L. baicalensis bacterial community and provide an insight into microbial ecology and diversity within freshwater sponges inhabiting the ancient Lake Baikal ecosystem.  相似文献   

Several unusual overlong-chain unsaturated aldehydes (22:1, 22:2, 23:1, 24:1, 24:2, and 25:2) were found in total lipids of the endemic sponge Lubomirskia baicalensis from Baikal Lake. Tetracos-17-enal was identified as the major aldehyde of the mixture using GC-MS and 1H and 13C NMR spectroscopy. A procedure for the isolation of total overlong-chain aldehydes was suggested. We think that the overlong-chain aldehydes defend the sponge from fouling and predators. The English version of the paper: Russian Journal of Bioorganic Chemistry, 2005, vol. 31, no. 6; see also http://www.maik.ru.  相似文献   

Phylogenetic analysis of the nucleotide sequences of 16S rRNA genes in the metagenomic community of Lubomirskia baicalensis has revealed taxonomic diversity of bacteria associated with the endemic freshwater sponge. Fifty-four operational taxonomic units (OTUs) belonging to six bacterial phyla (Actinobacteria, Proteobacteria (class ??-Proteobacteria and ??-Proteobacteria) Verrucomicrobia, Bacteroidetes, Cyanobacteria, and Nitrospira) have been identified. Actinobacteria, whose representatives are known as antibiotic producers, is the dominant phylum of the community (37%, 20 OTUs). All sequences detected shared the maximal homology with unculturable microorganisms from freshwater habitats. The wide diversity of bacteria closely coexisting with the Baikal sponge indicate the complex ecological relationships in the community formed under the unique conditions of Lake Baikal.  相似文献   

The endemic freshwater sponge Lubomirskia baicalensis lives in Lake Baikal in winter (samples from March have been studied) under complete ice cover at near 0 degrees C, and in summer in open water at 17 degrees C (September). In March, specimens show high metabolic activity as reflected by the production of gametes. L. baicalensis lives in symbiosis with green dinoflagellates, which are related to Gymnodinium sanguineum. Here we show that these dinoflagellates produce the toxin okadaic acid (OA), which is present as a free molecule as well as in a protein-bound state. In metazoans OA inhibits both protein phosphatase-2A and protein phosphatase-1 (PP1). Only cDNA corresponding to PP1 could be identified in L. baicalensis and subsequently isolated from a L. baicalensis cDNA library. The deduced polypeptide has a molecular mass of 36 802 Da and shares the characteristic domains known from other protein phosphatases. As determined by western blot analysis, the relative amount of PP1 is almost the same in March (under ice) and September (summer). PP1 is not inhibited by low OA concentrations (100 nm); concentrations above 300 nm are required for inhibition. A sponge cell culture system (primmorphs) was used to show that at low temperatures (4 degrees C) expression of hsp70 is strongly induced and hsp70 synthesis is augmented after incubation with 100 nm OA to levels measured at 17 degrees C. In the enriched extract, PP1 activity at 4 degrees C is close to that measured at 17 degrees C. Immunoabsorption experiments revealed that hsp70 contributes to the high protein phosphatase activity at 4 degrees C. From these data we conclude that the toxin OA is required for the expression of hsp70 at low temperature, and therefore contributes to the cold resistance of the sponge.  相似文献   

The screening of metagenomic DNA of the microbial community associated with the Baikalian sponge Lubomirskia baicalensis was performed in order to investigate the presence of polyketide synthase (PKS) genes. PKS enzyme systems take part in the synthesis of a great number of biologically active substances. The cloning and sequencing of amplified products of the ketosynthase domain section of the PKS gene cluster revealed 15 fragments of PKS genes with amino acid sequences differing from each other by 35?C65%. A BLASTX analysis showed that all of these sequences belong to KS domains identified in various groups of microorganisms, i.e., Alpha-, Beta-, and Deltaproteobacteria; Verrucomicrobia; Cyanobacteria; and Chlorophyta. Some sequences were related to genes that participate in the biosynthesis of curacin A (CurI, CurJ), stigmatellin (StiC, StiG), nostophycin (NpnB), and cryptophycin (CrpB). The homology of the found sequences with those of the EMBL database lies in the range of 50?C82%, which indicates that the freshwater sponge community contains genes that encode new, not yet studied polyketide substances of potential biotechnological significance.  相似文献   

Divalent cations (Zn, Mn, Ba, Sr) inhibit the development of dormant gemmules of the freshwater sponge Spongilla lacustris. This inhibition is overcome by calcium which can be interpreted to mean that this divalent ion is essential for germination (cell division) in this system. Inhibitory divalent cations have different effective concentrations which indicate differing binding affinities for sites which may normally bind calcium. Ethylene glycol bis(β-aminoethyl ether)N,N-tetraacetic acid does not effect gemmule development at 15°C but stimulates it at 4°C, indicating that a dislocation of endogenous calcium stimulates release from dormancy. Magnesium will only partially substitute for calcium in overcoming divalent cation inhibition implying a different specificity for this ion in gemule development. Calcium is also indicated as being essential for hatching (cell motility) in this system.  相似文献   

Biomineralization processes are characterized by controlled deposition of inorganic polymers/minerals mediated by functional groups linked to organic templates. One metazoan taxon, the siliceous sponges, has utilized these principles and even gained the ability to form these polymers/minerals by an enzymatic mechanism using silicateins. Silicateins are the dominant protein species present in the axial canal of the skeletal elements of the siliceous sponges, the spicules, where they form the axial filament. Silicateins also represent a major part of the organic components of the silica lamellae, which are cylindrically arranged around the axial canal. With the demosponge Suberites domuncula as a model, quantitative enzymatic studies revealed that both the native and the recombinant enzyme display in vitro the same biosilica-forming activity as the enzyme involved in spicule formation in vivo. Monomeric silicatein molecules assemble into filaments via fractal intermediates, which are stabilized by the silicatein-interacting protein silintaphin-1. Besides the silicateins, a silica-degrading enzyme silicase acting as a catabolic enzyme has been identified. Growth of spicules proceeds in vivo in two directions: first, by axial growth, a process that is controlled by evagination of cell protrusions and mediated by the axial filament-associated silicateins; and second, by appositional growth, which is driven by the extraspicular silicateins, a process that provides the spicules with their final size and morphology. This radial layer-by-layer accretion is directed by organic cylinders that are formed around the growing spicule and consist of galectin and silicatein. The cellular interplay that controls the morphogenetic processes during spiculogenesis is outlined.  相似文献   

Lake Baikal harbors the largest diversity of sponge species [phylum Porifera] among all freshwater biotopes. The abundantly occurring species Lubomirskia baicalensis was used to study the seasonal silicatein metabolism; the spicules of this species have an unusually thick axial filament, consisting of silicatein, which remains constant in diameter during their growth. In the course of maturation, the size of the silicic acid shell grows, until the final diameter of the spicules of about 8 microm is reached. The seasonal content of silicatein was assessed by use of antibodies raised against silicatein; they stained specifically the axial filaments. In addition we determined, by application of the enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay system, that the proteinaceous content of the spicules, the silicatein, increases from spring to late summer by 8-fold. As molecular markers to quantify the seasonal changes in expression levels of genes coding for proteins/enzymes, the genes for the calumenin-like protein and the kinesin-related protein, were selected. The expression of calumenin-like gene, involved in the intracellular signaling, is highest during September, whereas the expression of the kinesin-related protein does not change during the annual course. These results suggest that the highest metabolic activity of L. baicalensis occurs in late summer (September), in parallel with the highest accumulation of silicatein, a structural protein/enzyme of the spicules.  相似文献   

Serum from Rous sarcoma virus tumor-bearing rabbits immunoprecipitated from extracts of the freshwater sponge Spongilla lacustris a tyrosine-specific protein kinase with characteristics similar to the chicken pp60c-src kinase activity. An immune competition assay confirmed the relationship between the protein from sponges and viral pp60v-src.  相似文献   

1. Quantitative field data were collected from a Sardinian population of the sponge Ephydutia fluvtatilis from 1987 to 1993 in order to study its life style. 2. Growth of sponges was high during the annual cycle, and showed few changes in 6 years. Gemmulation was very rapid and highly efficient. Life spans of many specimens extended up to 5 years. 3. The population was destroyed by one flood during our study period. The persistence of gemmules on substrata suggested that dispersal was low in our study population. Recolonization started 7 months after the flood and re-established a new population, different from the previous one in terms of spatial structure and specimen size.  相似文献   

The role of 3′5′-cyclic AMP (cAMP) in the release from dormancy of gemmules from the freshwater sponge Spongilla lacustris was investigated. During the first 2 hr of germination a significant decrease in the gemmule cAMP content was observed. In the presence of amino-phylline, at concentrations which inhibit the gemmule-cAMP-phosphodiesterase, the cAMP content did not decrease and germination was arrested at a stage prior to nuclear separation and cell division. The findings suggest that inhibition of cell division by cAMP participates in the control of dormancy.  相似文献   

The spatial distribution of the fauna associated with a branched sponge, Lubomirskia baicalensis, endemic of Lake Baikal has been quantitatively studied. The biomass and numbers of three amphipod species which inhabit the sponge correlate (linearly or non-linearly) with the weight of the sponge.  相似文献   

Microspectrophotometric measurements of nuclei of adult choanocytes and archeocytes and larval archeocytes and flagellated ectodermal epithelia from stages III and IV were undertaken on tissues from the freshwater sponge, Eunapius fragilis (Leidy). The condensed nuclei of differentiated choanocytes and state IV flagellated epithelial cells presented integrated extinction values about 64% of those obtained for either adult or larval archeocytes. This suggests that such measurements represent sensitive indicators of deoxyribonucleoprotein-complex organization; thus, nuclear differentiation. Further, no large population of G2 (4C) nuclei was found among these populations as has been reported in two classes of coelenterates.  相似文献   

Seasonal growth rate and population dynamics of a freshwater sponge   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Five sites of various water depths on four transects were sampled on a seasonal basis to determine Ephydatia fluviatilis population dynamics. The temporal occurrence of life cycle events was influenced by factors (e.g. water temperature) that varied with water depth. The shallow-water (< 1.0 m deep) portion of the population was characterized by seasonal standing crop fluctuations and fall gemmulation. Gemmulation was rare and standing crop relatively constant in the perennial deep water (>1.5 m deep) portion of the population. Sexual reproduction occurred in the spring. Seasonal growth rates were determined for 45 E. fluviatilis colonies on 6 rocks. Growth was maximal during late spring and summer at a mean rate of 26.75% increase in area per week. Growth rates during the winter were slow (2.0% increase/ week). Growth rates were not significantly different between small (<4.0 mm2) and large (>4.0 mm2) colonies. Seasonal changes were positively correlated with colony growth rates, whereas, micro-habitat parameters that may vary from rock to rock within a small area were not correlated.  相似文献   

The roots of Scutellaria baicalensis are a major traditional Chinese medicine. We report research on induction, characteristics and chemical analysis of polyploid plants of S. baicalensis. Immersing calluses in 0.2% colchicine solution for 12 h prior to culture induced a high number of tetraploid plants. The induction rate reached as high as 40% of treated calluses. More than 50 lines of tetraploid plants were obtained. All tetraploid plants showed typical polyploidy characteristics. Twenty selected tetraploid lines were transferred to the field for determination of morphological characteristics and for chemical assays. Seven elite lines have been selected for further selection and breeding into new varieties for commercial production.  相似文献   

The symbiosis between the freshwater sponge Ephydatia fluviatilis and a chlorella-like green alga is not obligate and only occurs when the sponge grows in the light. The algae accumulate intracellular pools of sucrose and glucose and translocate between 9 and 17% of the total photosynthate to the host. The principal product translocated is glucose which is fed directly into the sponge metabolic pool. White sponges transplanted back into the river in the shade grew logarithmically with a mean doubling time of 12 days. Sponges transplanted into illuminated habitats did not grow. It is unknown how the sponge acquires its algal symbiont.  相似文献   

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