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Preventive EEG examination was carried out in 40 workers significantly exposed to benzene. The EEG findings were compared with those of a control group of 48 healthy persons, a group of 110 workers significantly exposed to toluene and xylene and a group of 236 workers exposed to vinyl chloride. The individuals exposed to benzene exhibited 22.5% of abnormal and 45% threshold findings, the abnormalities being episodic, diffuse or a combination of the two. The effect of benzene entailed a frequent (32.5%) occurrence of a characteristic frequency lability. Sleep phenomena were found in a total of 60% cases (37.5% cases reached stage 1 B3 while 15% reached stage 2 according to Roth [14]). The rapid onset of deeper sleep stages (in 30% cases) is considered typical for benzene exposure. The photic driving response often had an extended frequency range (a total of 61.1%, to beta frequencies only in 30.55%, to both beta and theta frequencies also in 30.55% of cases). The different EEG features characteristic of the neurotoxic action of various types of organic solvents make possible a more efficient diagnostics of the effects of these chemicals on the CNS.  相似文献   

Nitrotoluenes are important intermediates in the chemical industry. 2,6-Dinitrotoluene (26DNT), 2,4-dinitrotoluene (24DNT) and 2-nitrotoluene (2NT) are carcinogenic in animals and possibly carcinogenic in humans. Thus, it is important to develop methods to biomonitor workers exposed to such chemicals. The authors have monitored the air and urine metabolite levels for a group of workers in China exposed to 24DNT, 26DNT, 2NT and 4-nitrotoluene (4NT). The metabolites 2,4-dinitrobenzylalcohol (24DNBAlc), 2-amino-4-nitrobenzoic acid (2A4NBA), 4-amino-2-nitrobenzoic acid (4A2NBA) and 2,4-dinitrobenzoic acid (24DNBA) resulting from exposure to 24DNT were found in 89, 88, 91 and 78% of the exposed workers, respectively. The metabolites 2,6-dinitrobenzylalcohol (26DNBAlc) and 2,6-dinitrobenzoic acid resulting from 26DNT exposure were found in 99 and 86% of the exposed workers, respectively. Quantitatively, 2A4NBA, 4A2NBA and 26DNBAlc were the major metabolites. The nitrobenzoic acids were the major metabolites resulting from exposure to 2NT and 4NT and were present in 96 and 73% of the exposed workers, respectively. Air concentrations of DNT and 2NT did not correlate with the levels of metabolites in the urine. In conclusion, the dinitrobenzyl alcohols and aminonitrobenzoic acids determined in the urine provided a good marker for recently absorbed dose and were intrinsically related to the bioactivation and detoxification pathways of DNT. Air measurements were not a good measure to predict internal exposure.  相似文献   

The mortality experience of a cohort of Italian plastic-ware workers exposed to radiofrequency (RF)-electromagnetic fields generated by dielectric heat sealers was investigated. Follow-up extended from 1962 to 1992. The standardised mortality ratio (SMR) analysis was restricted to 481 women workers, representing 78% of the total person-years at risk. Mortality from malignant neoplasms was slightly elevated, and increased risks of leukemia and accidents were detected. The all-cancer SMR was higher among women employed in the sealing department, where exposure to RF occurred, than in the whole cohort. This study raises interest in a possible association between exposure to RF radiation and cancer risk. However, the study power was very small, and the possible confounding effects of exposure to solvents and vinyl chloride monomer (VCM) could not be ruled out. The hypothesis of an increased risk of cancer after radiofrequency exposure should be further explored by means of analytical studies characterised by adequate power and more accurate exposure assessment. Bioelectromagnetics 18:418–421, 1997. © 1997 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

When compared with non-exposed controls, a group of pesticide plant workers chronically exposed to methyl-parathion did not show an increased frequency of chromosome aberrations in lymphocyte cultures. Although methyl-parathion increased chromosome aberrations in cases of intoxication, a chronic exposure to small doses in the work place did not seem to produce the same effect.  相似文献   

Cytogenetic study of workers exposed to chromium compounds   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
Wu FY  Tsai FJ  Kuo HW  Tsai CH  Wu WY  Wang RY  Lai JS 《Mutation research》2000,464(2):289-296
The frequency of sister chromatid exchanges (SCEs), high SCE frequency cells (HFCs), and genetic polymorphism of genotypes glutathione S-transferase (GST) M1 and T1 were analyzed in peripheral lymphocytes of 35 workers occupationally exposed to chromium (Cr) and 35 matched control group. Results showed that workers exposed to Cr showed 6.07 SCE/cell, as compared to 4.76 SCE/cell for the control group (p<0.01). Smokers showed a statistically significant higher frequency of SCE than non-smokers in both groups. The work duration of Cr workers was an important factor. Workers exposed for more than 5 years showed a significantly higher level of SCEs (p<0.05). Workers exposed to Cr for 5 or more years had higher HFC rates (51.4%) than those exposed for less than 5 years (22.9%), with an odds ratio of 4.5 times than those exposed for less than 5 years. In HFC analysis, Cr workers who smoked showed a higher level of HFC (60%) than the control group (5.7%) and also had a higher odds ratio (60.4) compared with the control group. Among non-smokers, the odds ratio was 9.0. Another objective of this study is to investigate the relationship between SCE and genetic polymorphisms of GST M1 and T1 in Cr workers. The results showed that the incidence of GSTM1 null genotype was 60% in the control group and 77.1% in Cr workers, and percentages of GSTT1 deletion were 42.9% and 62.9% in control and exposed individuals, respectively. There was a slightly increased frequency of SCE among Cr workers with GSTM1 null genotype as opposed to non-null genotype individuals. A similar result was seen among the control group; however, there were no statistically significant differences. In conclusion, the current study found the positive induction of SCE in workers who smoked or/and were exposed to Cr. However, different GST genotypes did not influence the level of cytogenetic damage between groups. Despite slight variation in numbers, they all appear to be not different.  相似文献   

Nitrotoluenes are important intermediates in the chemical industry. 2,6-Dinitrotoluene (26DNT), 2,4-dinitrotoluene (24DNT) and 2-nitrotoluene (2NT) are carcinogenic in animals and possibly carcinogenic in humans. Thus, it is important to develop methods to biomonitor workers exposed to such chemicals. The authors have monitored the air and urine metabolite levels for a group of workers in China exposed to 24DNT, 26DNT, 2NT and 4-nitrotoluene (4NT). The metabolites 2,4-dinitrobenzylalcohol (24DNBAlc), 2-amino-4-nitrobenzoic acid (2A4NBA), 4-amino-2-nitrobenzoic acid (4A2NBA) and 2,4-dinitrobenzoic acid (24DNBA) resulting from exposure to 24DNT were found in 89, 88, 91 and 78% of the exposed workers, respectively. The metabolites 2,6-dinitrobenzylalcohol (26DNBAlc) and 2,6-dinitrobenzoic acid resulting from 26DNT exposure were found in 99 and 86% of the exposed workers, respectively. Quantitatively, 2A4NBA, 4A2NBA and 26DNBAlc were the major metabolites. The nitrobenzoic acids were the major metabolites resulting from exposure to 2NT and 4NT and were present in 96 and 73% of the exposed workers, respectively. Air concentrations of DNT and 2NT did not correlate with the levels of metabolites in the urine. In conclusion, the dinitrobenzyl alcohols and aminonitrobenzoic acids determined in the urine provided a good marker for recently absorbed dose and were intrinsically related to the bioactivation and detoxification pathways of DNT. Air measurements were not a good measure to predict internal exposure.  相似文献   

Results of a recent molecular epidemiological study of 1,3-butadiene (BD) exposed Czech workers, conducted to compare female to male responses, have confirmed and extended the findings of a previously reported males only study (HEI Research Report 116, 2003). The initial study found that urine concentrations of the metabolites 1,2-dihydroxy-4-(acetyl) butane (M1) and 1-dihydroxy-2-(N-acetylcysteinyl)-3-butene (M2) and blood concentrations of the hemoglobin adducts N-[2-hydroxy-3-butenyl] valine (HB-Val) and N-[2,3,4-trihydroxy-butyl] valine (THB-Val) constitute excellent biomarkers of exposure, both being highly correlated with BD exposure levels, and that GST genotypes modulate at least one metabolic pathway, but that irreversible genotoxic effects such as chromosome aberrations and HPRT gene mutations are neither associated with BD exposure levels nor with worker genotypes (GST [glutathione-S-transferase]-M1, GSTT1, CYP2E1 (5' promoter), CYP2E1 (intron 6), EH [epoxide hydrolase] 113, EH139, ADH [alcohol dehydrogenase]2 and ADH3). The no observed adverse effect level (NOAEL) for chromosome aberrations and HPRT mutations was 1.794 mg/m(3) (0.812 ppm)--the mean exposure level for the highest exposed worker group in this initial study. The second Czech study, reported here, initiated in 2003, included 26 female control workers, 23 female BD exposed workers, 25 male control workers and 30 male BD exposed workers (some repeats from the first study). Multiple external exposure measurements (10 full 8-h shift measures by personal monitoring per worker) over a 4-month period before biological sample collections showed that BD workplace levels were lower than in the first study. Mean 8-h TWA exposure levels were 0.008 mg/m(3) (0.0035 ppm) and 0.397 mg/m(3) (0.180 ppm) for female controls and exposed, respectively, but with individual single 8-h TWA values up to 9.793 mg/m(3) (4.45 ppm) in the exposed group. Mean male 8-h TWA exposure levels were 0.007 mg/m(3) (0.0032 ppm) and 0.808 mg/m(3) (0.370 ppm) for controls and exposed, respectively; however, the individual single 8-h TWA values up to 12.583 mg/m(3) (5.72 ppm) in the exposed group. While the urine metabolite concentrations for both M1 and M2 were elevated in exposed compared to control females, the differences were not significant, possibly due to the relatively low BD exposure levels. For males, with greater BD exposures, the concentrations of both metabolites were significantly elevated in urine from exposed compared to control workers. As in the first study, urine metabolite excretion patterns in both sexes revealed conjugation to be the minor detoxification pathway (yielding the M2 metabolite) but both M1 and M2 concentration values were lower in males in this second study compared to their concentrations in the first, reflecting the lower external exposures of males in this second study compared to the first. Of note, females showed lower concentrations of both M1 and M2 metabolites in the urine per unit of BD exposure than did males while exhibiting the same M1/(M1+M2) ratio, reflecting the same relative utilization of the hydrolytic (producing M1) and the conjugation (producing M2) detoxification pathways as males. Assays for the N,N-(2,3-dihydroxy-1,4-butadyl) valine (pyr-Val) hemoglobin (Hb) adduct, which is specific for the highly genotoxic 1,2,3,4-diepoxybutane (DEB) metabolite of BD, have been conducted on blood samples from all participants in this second Czech study. Any adduct that may have been present was below the limits of quantitation (LOQ) for this assay for all samples, indicating that production of this important BD metabolite in humans is below levels produced in both mice and rats exposed to as little as 1.0 ppm BD by inhalation (J.A. Swenberg, M.G. Bird, R.J. Lewis, Future directions in butadiene risk assessment, Chem. Biol. Int. (2006), this issue). Results of assays for the HB-Val and THB-Val hemoglobin adducts are pending. HPRT mutations, determined by cloning assays, and multiple measures of chromosome level changes (sister-chromatid exchanges [SCE], aberrations determined by conventional methods and FISH) again showed no associations with BD exposures, confirming the findings of the initial study that these irreversible genotoxic changes do not arise in humans occupationally exposed to low levels of BD. Except for lower production of both urine metabolites in females, no female-male differences in response to BD exposures were detected in this study. As in the initial study, there were no significant genotype associations with the irreversible genotoxic endpoints. However, as in the first, differences in the metabolic detoxification of BD as reflected in relative amounts of the M1 and M2 urinary metabolites were associated with genotypes, this time both GST and EH.  相似文献   

Ethylbenzene is synthesized from benzene; subject to catalytic dehydrogenation it yields styrene, a raw material for the production of synthetic rubber and plastics. Long-term biomonitoring of occupational ethylbenzene exposures, carried out in the past 20 years in some 200 ethylbenzene-production workers, revealed this substance to pose little hazard to human health. As it turned out, mandelic acid concentrations in these workers' urine never exceeded 3.25 mmol.l-1 and none of the exposed showed damage to hematopoiesis and/or liver tissue. Over the last 10 years no case of malignancy has been recorded in this industrial facility belonging to a larger chemical complex where the overall incidence of cancer is about 3 times the national average. Today's low-level ethylbenzene exposures would make it fully justifiable if the present-day MAC limits, both whole-shift (200 mg.m-3) and peak (1,000 mg.m-3), were to be halved, i.e. to be lowered to 100 mg.m3 and 500 mg.m3 respectively. These newly recommended limit values are no more exceeded nowadays.  相似文献   

Cytogenetic damage in workers exposed to ethylene oxide   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Sister-chromatid exchanges (SECs) and chromosomal aberrations (CAs) were detected in the peripheral lymphocytes of 41 sanitary workers exposed to ethylene oxide (EO) in the sterilizing units of 8 hospitals in the Venice Region. The first group (19 workers) was exposed to 10.7 +/- 4.9 ppm EO, expressed as the time-weighted average concentration for an 8-h working day (TWA/8 h conc.), and the second group (22 workers) to 0.35 +/- 0.12 ppm. Each exposed worker was paired with a control of similar age and smoking habits. A highly significant (P less than 0.001) increase in the mean frequency of SCEs was found in the higher exposure group, 14 (74%) exposed subjects having significantly increased levels of SCEs compared to their matched controls. In the lower exposure group, the increase in mean frequency of SCEs was lower, though still significant (P less than 0.05): 7 (33%) exposed subjects had higher and 1 (5%) had a lower SCE level than the matched controls. From the first group, 10 subjects, 7 of whom had increased SCE levels, were reanalysed 12-18 months after their exposure had been lowered or interrupted: in only 2 of them the SCE level was significantly decreased. A statistically significant correlation between SCE frequency and level of EO exposure (TWA/8 h conc.), as well as a multiple correlation between SCE level and EO exposure, smoking and age were found. However, no interaction could be detected between EO exposure and smoking in the induction of SCEs. In controls, SCE frequency was correlated with smoking and age. In the higher exposure group, the number of both chromatid- and chromosome-type aberrations, independent of gaps, was significantly increased, whereas in the lower exposure group only the frequency of chromosome-type aberrations, excluding gaps, was statistically higher than in controls. The level of CAs remained to a great extent unchanged in the 10 subjects re-examined at a later stage after lowering or halting exposure. Taking the group as a whole, the frequency of cells with total CAs was found to be weakly (P = 0.05) correlated with EO exposure, and was not correlated with smoking, age or SCE frequency.  相似文献   

The purpose of this work was to determine if the occupational exposure to those pesticides used at banana plantations' packaging plants produces genetic damage to somatic cells of female workers. Chromosomal aberrations were scored in lymphocytes of 20 women, 10 female exposed workers and 10 female controls. Workers were recruited from independent farms from two locations in Costa Rica, during January through June in 1996 and 1997. These females had a minimum of three months of work, had never received chemotherapy or radiotherapy and did some of these labors: sealing, spraying or weighting of bananas. Control unexposed females lived in the same area, were of similar age and neither them nor their husbands/mates had ever worked in pesticide related labors. For each female, 100 mitotic figures were scored. The kind of aberrations detected were acentric fragments, dicentric chromosomes, rings, gaps and breaks. Among workers, 16% of cells (n=1000) had one or more abnormalities, whereas control unexposed females had 6% of cells (n=1000) with comparable anomalies (p < 0.05). In conclusion, the pesticide exposure is a risk factor for chromosome aberrations in female somatic cells.  相似文献   

To detect mutagenic effects of trichloroethylene (TCE) on humans, sister-chromatid exchanges (SCEs) were analyzed in lymphocytes of 22 workers occupationally exposed to TCE and 22 matched controls. Although urinalysis in the workers revealed their obvious exposure to TCE, no increase in SCE frequencies was found in lymphocytes of the workers. SCE analysis in lymphocytes could not detect mutagenic effects by occupational exposure to TCE on humans.  相似文献   

2,4,6-Trinitrotoluene (TNT) is an important occupational and environmental pollutant. In TNT-exposed humans, notable toxic manifestations have included aplastic anaemia, toxic hepatitis, cataracts, hepatomegaly, and liver cancer. Therefore, methods were developed to biomonitor workers exposed to TNT. The workers were employed in a typical ammunition factory in China. The external dose (air levels and skin exposure), the internal dose (urinary metabolites), the biologically effective dose (haemoglobin adducts, urinary mutagenicity), biological effects (chromosomal aberrations and health effects), and individual susceptibility (genotypes of xenobiotic-metabolizing enzymes) were determined. Haemoglobin-adducts of TNT, 4-amino-2,6-dinitrotoluene (4ADNT) and 2-amino-4,6-dinitrotoluene (2ADNT), and the urinary metabolites of TNT, 4ADNT and 2ADNT, were found in all workers and in some controls. The levels of the haemoglobin-adducts or the urinary metabolites correlated weakly with the skin or air levels of TNT. The urinary mutagenicity determined in a subset of workers correlated strongly with the levels of 4ADNT and 2ADNT in urine. The haemoglobin-adducts correlated moderately with the urinary metabolites and with the urinary mutagenicity. The genotypes of glutathione S-transferases (GSTM1, GSTT1, GSTP1) and N-acetyltransferases (NAT1, NAT2) were determined. In general, the genotypes did not significantly influence the haemoglobin-adduct levels and the urine metabolite levels. However, TNT-exposed workers who carried the NAT1 rapid acetylator genotype showed an increase in urinary mutagenicity and chromosomal aberrations as compared with slow acetylators. The haemoglobin adduct 4ADNT was significantly associated with a risk of hepatomegaly, splenomegaly and cataract; urine metabolites and genotypes were not associated with health effects. These results indicate that a set of well-selected biomarkers may be more informative regarding exposure and effect than routinely performed chemical measurements of pollutants in the air or on the skin.  相似文献   

This study was conducted to determine the concentration of airborne respirable crystalline silica (ARCS) particles and to evaluate its risk level among workers employed in eight different workplaces in Iran. They included sandblasting operations, ceramic production, sand and gravel work, brick production, asphalt manufacturing, foundry operation, glass making, and stone cutting. Personal exposure to ARCS was measured in randomly selected samples from each workplace. The maximum and minimum average of ARCS concentration in the eight workplaces were observed in foundry operation (0.338 ± 0.110 mg/m3) and glass manufacturing (0.125 ± 0.093 mg/m3), respectively. The average concentration of ARCS in all assessed working conditions were higher than the permitted limit of occupational contact recommended by Technical Committee of the Iranian Ministry of Health, treatment and medical education (0.025 mg/m3). Overall, the results showed a serious lack of control in Iranian industries with respect to workers' exposures to ARCS.  相似文献   

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