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The transferrin-binding protein in 35 Neisseria meningitidis isolates was examined using a binding assay involving 125I-transferrin. The results show that most strains have a binding protein with a Mr between 78 kDa and 83 kDa; only 4 strains had a binding protein with a Mr of about 68 kDa. The side of the protein appears unrelated to the serogroup or serotype of the organism. Using antibodies raised to whole cells of N. meningitidis grown under iron restriction we show also that considerable antigenic heterogeneity exists amongst the transferrin-binding proteins. This makes it a less than promising vaccine candidate antigen, although conserved antigenic domains are now being sought.  相似文献   

Abstract When grown under iron restriction, Neisseria meningitidis expresses new outer-membrane proteins, some of which are antigenic and potentially useful as vaccine components. This is particularly relevant to N. meningitidis serogroup B, against which neither polysaccharide nor conjugate vaccines are effective. We investigated recognition of N. meningitidis serogroup B outer-membrane antigens by three sera from patients recovered from meningitis. Recognition of antigens from the homologous strain provided information on in vivo expression during infection and immunogenicity, while cross-reactivity with outer membrane proteins from the other two strains and from another five strains in our collection allowed evaluation of antigenic heterogeneity. Our results demonstrate that transferrin-binding protein 2 (TBP2) is immunogenic in humans, to varying degrees depending on the strain, and that TBP2s (like the equivalent proteins of Haemophilus influenzae type b) are among the most important iron-regulated outer membrane antigens expressed during infection. Other immunogenic outer membrane proteins (some iron-regulated) are also expressed during infection; in a previous study in mouse, three of these proteins (with M r of 50, 70 and 77 kDa) did not induce an immune response. Our cross-reactivity data provide some support for Robki et al.'s two-group classification of N. meningitidis strains, and provide evidence against the possibility that the antigenic domains shared by the TBP2s of all N . meningitidis strains induce immune responses in vivo.  相似文献   

Abstract A method for purifying TBP2 from N. meningitidis has been developed using affirnity chromatography on Tf-agarose followed by ion exchange chromatography; the Tf-binding activity of fractions was evaluated by a dot-blot technique. This method allowed the purification of the TBP2 in milder conditions than those used previously and to a high degree of homogeneity as was demonstrated by Coomassie brilliant blue or Silver training after SDS-PAGE electrophoresis. The SDS-PAGE profile of the material obtained in the Tf-agarose affinity chromatography step shows only two detectable proteins, identified as the TBP1 and the TBP2, with a small amount of contamination. Passage through a MonoQ HR anion exchange column, allowed the isolation of TBP2 in the absence of TBP1. Our results demonstrate the conservation of the antigenic reactivity of this protein, which produces monospecific serum with the antibodies elicited reacting exclusively with the TBP2 in whole outer membrane vesicles.  相似文献   

Abstract The transferrin-iron uptake system of six Neisseria meningitidis strains was characterized using 125I-transferrin in receptor assays and 55Fe-loaded transferrin in uptake assays. Receptors for transferrin varied among the strains both in number (from 700 to 4700 receptors per cell) and in their affinity constants for the protein ( K a ranged from 0.7×107 to 4.0×107 1 mol−1). Neither receptor numbers nor affinity constants were significantly different in carrier and invasive strains, although the Ka seem to be somewhat higher in the latter. Iron uptake from transferrin was also variable among the strains, but showed the same lack of correlation with their origin.  相似文献   

Abstract A gene library of Neisseria meningitidis B15 P1.16 DNA was established in λ Zap II and clones containing DNA encoding transferrin binding protein 1 (TBP-1) identified following hybridisation with a 63-bp DNA probe based on the codon assignment for the first 21 N-terminal amino acids of TBP-1. Sequencing of the cloned DNA demonstrated that all of the intergenic DNA (i.e. upstream of bp-1 running through to the 3' end of the transferrin-binding protein 2 gene) and approx. 15% of tbp-1 had been cloned. The complete gene was generated using a polymerase chain reaction, with the primer for the 3' end being based on tbp-A of N. gonorrhoeae , and the approx. 2.9-kb DNA product cloned into pGem-3Z. The expressed protein (approx. 100 kDa) reacted with antiserum to an N-terminal peptide of TBP-1. In addition, the native product was surface-expressed by Escherichia coli and bound human transferrin.  相似文献   

Peroxidase-conjugated transferrin was used to detect transferrin receptors both in intact outer membrane vesicles (OMVs) from Neisseria species in a dot blot assay, and in SDS-PAGE-separated OMV proteins after transferring to nitrocellulose membranes. All N. meningitidis strains produced transferrin receptors after culturing in either iron sufficiency or iron restriction although expression was higher in the latter case, whereas only six N. lactamica and two N. sicca (among 20 commensal species) were able to bind transferrin. Molecular mass (MM) of the receptors were mainly between 78 kDa and 85 kDa (87.5% of strains), 12.5% had receptors with MM close to 70 kDa, and 5% showed receptors with MM over 85 kDa. Our results confirm the molecular mass heterogeneity of the transferrin receptors in N. meningitidis, completely disagree with the 'universal' 98 kDa receptor proposed by some authors, and show a low expression of the receptor in commensal Neisseria.  相似文献   

对2株B群脑膜炎奈瑟氏球菌的铁调蛋白的表达及其性质作了研究。在流脑半综合培养基中加人铁螯合剂,诱导了铁调蛋白的表达,并比较了三种铁螯合剂的效果。结果表明,EDDHA是最令人满意的螯合剂。ELISA实验证实含有铁调蛋白的外膜蛋白可以增强对小白鼠的免疫原性。Western-blot实验证明有两种铁调蛋白是有效的抗原成分,分子量分别在75kDa和85kDa附近。由分子量来推算,分别应为FeRP-70及TBP2。  相似文献   

During February and March 1995, a survey of meningococcal carriage in 625 school children was carried out in a suburb of Athens in which there was a large number of ethnic Greeks who had immigrated from Russia beginning in the early 1990s. The objectives of the study were: (1) to determine if factors associated with carriage of meningococci observed in a previous study of Greek school children were similar for the immigrant population; (2) to compare phenotypic characteristics of meningococci from the immigrant population with those isolated from children in Athens. Overall isolation rate for meningococci was 82/625 (13.1%), significantly higher than that found for school children in Athens (5.8%) during the winter of 1990 1991 (5.8%) (chi=25.98, P=0.0000003). By univariate analysis, carriage was not associated with sex, number of individuals per household, blood group, secretor status, socioeconomic level or maternal smoking; however, it was associated with fathers' smoking. The high proportion of men who smoked compared with the low proportion of women smokers might contribute to this finding. The main serogroup of meningococci isolated from this population was A (28%). While serogroup A appears to be more prevalent among Russian and Kurdish immigrants (14%) than among Greek school children or military recruits (4%), there has not been an increase in group A meningococcal disease in Greece. The isolation rate for N. lactamica was high 105/625 (17.3%). A few of these strains bound some of the monoclonal antibodies used for meningococcal serotyping and subtyping, and they are being examined in greater detail.  相似文献   

Abstract Fourteen Tn 916 mutants of Neisseria meningitidis strain NMB were identified as auxotrophs. Among these were eight amino acid auxotrophs, with five different phenotypes, and three isolates restricted in carbon source utilization, growing in the presence of glucose but not on L-lactate, D-lactate, pyruvate, or casamino acids as principal carbon sources.  相似文献   

Neisseria meningitidis is the main causative agent of bacterial meningitis. In its outer membrane, the trimeric Neisserial porin PorB is responsible for the diffusive transport of essential hydrophilic solutes across the bilayer. Previous molecular dynamics simulations based on the recent crystal structure of PorB have suggested the presence of distinct solute translocation pathways through this channel. Although PorB has been electrophysiologically characterized as anion‐selective, cation translocation through nucleotide‐bound PorB during pathogenesis is thought to be instrumental for host cell death. As a result, we were particularly interested in further characterizing cation transport through the pore. We combined a structural approach with additional computational analysis. Here, we present two crystal structures of PorB at 2.1 and 2.65 Å resolution. The new structures display additional electron densities around the protruding loop 3 (L3) inside the pore. We show that these electron densities can be identified as monovalent cations, in our case Cs+, which are tightly bound to the inner channel. Molecular dynamics simulations reveal further ion interactions and the free energy landscape for ions inside PorB. Our results suggest that the crystallographically identified locations of Cs+ form a cation transport pathway inside the pore. This finding suggests how positively charged ions are translocated through PorB when the channel is inserted into mitochondrial membranes during Neisserial infection, a process which is considered to dissipate the mitochondrial transmembrane potential gradient and thereby induce apoptosis. Proteins 2013. © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

The proportion of carrier-isolated Neisseria meningitidis strains sensitive to human serum (37.2%) was found to be significantly higher than that of case-isolated ones (4.1%), although the difference is too low to consider serum-resistance responsible for invasion in this microorganism. Serum-susceptibility was not related to the existence of specific outer membrane proteins, as is the case of N. gonorrhoeae. Iron restriction induced iron-regulated outer membrane proteins in each strain (but not the same proteins in all strains) but without any detectable effect on serum-susceptibility. Iron excess was also unable to induce changes in the susceptibility of N. meningitidis to human serum.  相似文献   

The RmpM (class 4) protein of Neisseria meningitidis has previously been shown to be associated with the outer membrane porins. In the present study, we demonstrate that this protein forms complexes with the lactoferrin receptor LbpA, the transferrin receptor TbpA and the siderophore receptor FrpB as well. This complexation apparently resulted in a stabilization of oligomeric forms of these iron-regulated proteins. In vitro experiments further revealed a reduced ability to acquire iron from human lactoferrin in the rmpM mutant. Furthermore, all TonB-dependent receptors investigated here appeared to exist as oligomers (probably dimers), suggesting that this is a general feature of this class of proteins.  相似文献   

Abstract The genes encoding transferrin-binding proteins (TBPs) 1 and 2 of Neisseria meningitidis and N. gonorrhoeae were used as model loci in a novel method of cloning (twin N-terminal polymerase chain reaction; TNT-PCR) involving amplification between the 5' ends of two genes. Primers were based on N-terminal amino-acid sequences. A 2.1-kb product amplified from N. meningitidis strain SD (B15 P1.16) was cloned into a plasmid vector and partially sequenced. Translated sequence immediately downstream of the primer at both ends of this product correlated to the additional known N-terminal amino acids of TBP-1 and 2. The protein encoded by the cloned sequence reacted with TBP-2-specific antiserum. The size of products generated in TNT-PCR correlated exactly with the different sized TBP-2 produced by 10 strains of the Neisseria spp. examined, indicating successful cloning of the gene for TBP-2 and showing it to be adjacent to and preceding TBP-1 on the chromosome for both N. meningitidis and N. gonorrhoeae .  相似文献   

We have identified a homologue of the adhesin AIDA-I of Escherichia coli in Neisseria meningitidis. This gene was designated nhhA (Neisseria hia homologue), as analysis of the complete coding sequence revealed that it is more closely related to the adhesins Hia and Hsf of Haemophilus influenzae. The sequence of nhhA was determined from 10 strains, and found to be highly conserved. Studies of the localisation by Western immunoblot analysis of total cell proteins and outer membrane complex preparations and by immunogold electron microscopy revealed that NhhA is located in the outer membrane. A strain survey showed that nhhA is present in 85/85 strains of N. meningitidis representative of all the major disease-associated serogroups, based on Southern blot analysis. It is expressed in the majority of strains tested by Western immunoblot.  相似文献   

To understand human immune responses against the human transferrin-binding protein of Staphylococcus aureus (SA-tbp), we examined cell wall proteins from S. aureus ATCC 6538 using human convalescent sera, and a monoclonal antibody specific for human transferrin receptor (McAb-HTR). The SA-tbp, detected by immunoblot assay, was iron-repressible, reacted with the convalescent sera, and cross-reacted with McAb-HTR. Immunoelectron microscopy probed with McAb-HTR showed a reaction zone around the test strain from the deferrated BHI. After being preincubated with an S. aureus -bacteremic serum, the electroblot of the SA-tbp still reacted with McAb-HTR, but not with human transferrin-horseradish peroxidase conjugate. We conclude, there are at least two kinds of epitopes in the SA-tbp; one able to bind to human transferrin is immunogenic in humans, but the other sharing epitopes common with human transferrin receptor is not immunogenic in humans.  相似文献   

The structure of the porin complexes of Neisseria meningitidis was assessed in the vaccine strain H44/76 and its homologous mutants lacking the main porins (PorA and PorB) and other outer membrane (OM) components (RmpM and FetA). The analysis using 1‐D blue native (BN) electrophoresis, 2‐D BN/SDS‐PAGE and 2‐D diagonal electrophoresis, followed by LC/MS‐MS (for 1‐D gels) or MALDI‐TOF (for 2‐D gels) revealed at least six porin complexes in the wild‐type strain with molecular masses (MW) ranging from 145 to 195 kDa and variable composition: The two higher MW complexes are formed by PorA, PorB and RmpM, the following three are formed by PorA and PorB, and the lower MW one is formed by only PorB. Complexes in the mutants lacking either PorA, PorB or RmpM, but not those in the mutant lacking FetA, were alterered respect to those in the wild‐type strain. The most evident alteration was seen in the mutant lacking PorB, in which PorA formed only a high MW complex (≈?800 kDa). Our results suggest that PorA and PorB could form a ‘basic’ template for the transportation systems in the OM of the meningococci. Other proteins (such as RmpM) could be transiently associated to the porin complexes, depending on the specific tranport needs at different stages of the meningococcal life cycle, resulting in a dynamic net of pores of variable composition.  相似文献   

The effect of pH on the binding of apotransferrin and diferric transferrin to reticulocyte membrane receptors was investigated using rabbit transferrin and rabbit reticulocyte ghosts, intact cells and a detergent-solubilized extract of reticulocyte membranes. The studies were performed within the pH range 4.5–8.0. The binding of apotransferrin to ghosts and membrane extracts and its uptake by intact reticulocytes was high at pH levels below 6.5 but decreased to very low values as the pH was raised above 6.5. By contrast, diferric transferrin showed a high level of binding and uptake between pH 7.0 and 8.0 in addition to binding only slightly less than did apotransferrin at pH values below 6.5. It is proposed that the high affinity of apotransferrin for its receptor at lower pH values and low affinity at pH 7.0 or above allow transferrin to remain bound to the receptor when it is within acidic intracellular vesicles, even after loss of its iron, but also allow ready release from the cell membrane when it is exteriorized by exocytosis after iron uptake. The binding of transferrin to the receptor throughout the endocytosis-exocytosis cycle may protect it from proteolytic breakdown and aid in its recycling to the outer cell membrane  相似文献   

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