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Cell-cycle-dependent expression of human ornithine decarboxylase   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A human ornithine decarboxylase (ODC) gene probe has been isolated from a Jurkat T-cell cDNA expression library, sequenced, and used to analyze ODC mRNA levels in untransformed human lymphocytes and fibroblasts stimulated to proliferate by various mitogens. The partial cDNA sequence is 86% homologous to the mouse ODC cDNA, and Northern blots indicate that the human and mouse mRNA species are similar in size. ODC mRNA is barely detectable in quiescent human T lymphocytes and undetectable in density-arrested W138 fibroblasts. Following stimulation of T-lymphocyte proliferation with phytohemagglutinin, the ODC mRNA level rises to a peak around mid G1 phase and decreases as the cells enter S phase. Serum stimulation of density-arrested fibroblasts results in an elevation of the ODC mRNA level which persists throughout the cell cycle. Epidermal growth factor (20 ng/ml) but not insulin (10 mg/ml) or dexamethasone (55 ng/ml) stimulates ODC expression in quiescent W138 fibroblasts. Southern blots suggest that human cells have a single copy of the ODC gene.  相似文献   

A cDNA was cloned encoding ornithine decarboxylase (ODC) of the unicellular green alga Chlamydomonas reinhardtii. The polypeptide consists of 396 amino acid residues with 35–37% sequence identity to other eukaryotic ODCs. As indicated by the phylogenetic tree calculated by neighbour joining analysis, the Chlamydomonas ODC has the same evolutionary distances to the ODCs of higher plants and mammalians. The Chlamydomonas ODC gene contains three introns of 222, 133, and 129 bp, respectively. As revealed by Northern-blot analyses, expression of the Chlamydomonas ODC gene is neither altered throughout the vegetative cell cycle nor modulated by exogenous polyamines.  相似文献   

We have generated transgenic mice carrying human ornithine decarboxylase gene. Two different transgene constructs were used: (i) a 5'-truncated human ornithine decarboxylase gene and (ii) an intact human ornithine decarboxylase gene. Transgenic mice carrying the 5'-truncated gene did not express human ornithine decarboxylase-specific mRNA. Transgenic mice carrying the intact human ornithine decarboxylase gene expressed human-specific ornithine decarboxylase mRNA in all tissues studied. However, as indicated by actual enzyme assays, the expression pattern was highly unusual. In comparison with their wild-type littermates, the transgenic mice exhibited greatly elevated enzyme activity in almost every tissue studied. Ornithine decarboxylase activity was moderately elevated in parenchymal organs such as liver, kidney, and spleen. Tissues like heart, muscle, lung, thymus, testis, and brain displayed an enzyme activity that was 20 to 80 times higher than that in the respective tissues of nontransgenic animals. The offspring of the first transgenic male founder animal did not show any overt abnormalities, yet their reproductive performance was reduced. The second transgenic founder animal, showing similar aberrant expression of ornithine decarboxylase in all tissues studied, including an extremely high activity in testis, was found to be infertile. Histological examination of the tissues of the latter animal revealed marked changes in testicular morphology. The germinal epithelium was hypoplastic, and the spermatogenesis was virtually totally shut off. Similar examination of male members of the first transgenic mouse line revealed comparable, yet less severe, histological changes in testis.  相似文献   

Different methylations of cloned human ornithine decarboxylase gene with restriction methylases in vitro before transfection greatly reduced the transient expression of ODC in Chinese hamster ovary cells. Single methylation of the gene with Hpa II (CCGG) methylase decreased the transiently expressed peak activity by about 50%, single methylation with Hha I (CCGG) methylase by about 80% whilst a double methylation at both Hpa II and Hha I restriction sites virtually abolished any transiently expressed ornithine decarboxylase activity. These results together with our earlier circumventing evidence indicate that the expression of mammalian ornithine decarboxylase is critically influenced by the methylation state of the gene.  相似文献   

以部分肝切除诱导的雄性SD大鼠(180~200 g)早期再生肝为材料,用RT-PCR法分析皮质酮处理后再生肝鸟氨酸脱羧酶及抗酶mRNA水平变化.结果表明,皮质酮对鸟氨酸脱羧酶mRNA水平具有剂量依赖性抑制作用;10、20 mg/kg体重皮质酮对抗酶mRNA水平影响不大,40 mg/kg处理可促进其转录.  相似文献   

The gene ODC1, which codes for the ornithine decarboxylase enzyme, was isolated from the entomopathogenic fungus, Metarhizium anisopliae. The deduced amino acid sequence predicted a protein of 447 amino acids with a molecular weight of 49.3 kDa that contained the canonical motifs of ornithine decarboxylases. The ODC1 cDNA sequence was expressed in Escherichia coli cells; radiometric enzyme assays showed that the purified recombinant protein had ornithine decarboxylase activity. The optimum pH of the purified Odc1 protein was 8.0-8.5, and the optimum reaction temperature was 37 °C. The apparent Km for ornithine at a pyridoxal phosphate concentration of 20 mM was 22 μM. The competitive inhibitor of ODC activity, 1,4-diamino-2-butanone (DAB), at 0.25 mM inhibited 95% of ODC activity. The ODC1 mRNA showed an increase at the beginning of appressorium formation in vitro. During the M. anisopliae invasion process into Plutella xylostella larvae, the ODC1 mRNA showed a discrete increase within the germinating spore and during appressorium formation. The second expression peak was higher and prolonged during the invasion and death of the insect. The ODC1 gene complements the polyamine auxotrophy of Yarrowia lipolytica odc null mutant.  相似文献   

The translational control of ornithine decarboxylase (ODCase) by polyamines has been studied using a cellular as well as a cell-free system. A mutant L1210 cell line, in which ODCase represents 4-5% of all soluble protein synthesized, was isolated by stepwise selection for resistance to the ODCase inhibitor 2-difluoromethylornithine (DFMO). The exceptionally high expression of ODCase in these cells was due to amplification of the ODCase gene. When the cells were grown in the absence of DFMO, dramatic increases in cellular putrescine and spermidine levels occurred. These increases were accompanied by a rapid decrease in ODCase synthesis. The change in ODCase synthesis was not associated with an alteration in the amount of ODCase mRNA, demonstrating a translational control in these cells. The effects of polyamines on ODCase mRNA translation were also studied in rabbit reticulocyte lysates using mRNA isolated from the DFMO-resistant cells. Low concentrations of spermidine stimulated synthesis of ODCase and that of total protein, when added to gel-filtered lysates. Notably, optimal stimulation of ODCase synthesis was achieved at a spermidine concentration lower than that required for an optimal rate of total protein synthesis. Higher concentrations of spermidine were inhibitory, and their effects of ODCase synthesis were stronger than on protein synthesis in general, resulting in a decrease in the fraction of protein synthesis accounted for by ODCase. The present results demonstrate that at least part of the feedback regulation of ODCase exerted by the polyamines is due to direct inhibition of ODCase mRNA translation.  相似文献   

The importance of ornithine decarboxylase (ODC) to cell proliferation is underscored by the complex array of cell-specific mechanisms invoked to regulate its synthesis and activity. Misregulation of ODC has severe negative consequences on normal cell function, including the acquisition of tumorigenic growth properties by cells overexpressing ODC. We hypothesize that ODC gene expression is a candidate target for the anti-proliferative function of certain tumor suppressors. Here we show that the Wilms' tumor suppressor WT1 binds to multiple sites within the human ODC promoter, as determined by DNase I protection and methylation interference assays. The expression of WT1 in transfected HCT 116, NIH/3T3 and HepG2 cells represses activity of the ODC promoter controlling expression of a luciferase reporter gene. In contrast WT1 expression enhances ODC promoter activity in SV40-transfected HepG2 cells. Both the extent of modulation of ODC gene expression and the mediating WT1 binding elements are cell specific. Constructs expressing WT1 deletion mutants implicate two regions required for repressor function, as well as an intrinsic activation domain. Understanding the regulation of ODC gene expression by WT1 may provide valuable insights into the roles of both WT1 and ODC in development and tumorigenesis.  相似文献   

The addition of Earle's balanced salt solution (EBSS) of amino acids that are transported by a Na+-dependent cotransport system was not required by Vero cells for ornithine decarboxylase (ODC:EC amplification. Vero cell ODC activity was elevated tenfold above basal levels when confluent cells were incubated for 5 hr in EBSS alone. ODC activity increased as a function of the incubation time in EBSS and was not elevated above basal enzyme levels when cells were incubated in EBSS minus glucose. ODC expression increased as a function of the glucose concentration in EBSS, with 20 mM glucose producing a 90-fold increase in ODC activity. ODC expression is more responsive to glucose in high-density quiescent cultures than in low-density growing cultures. Enhanced ODC expression by glucose depended on Na+ and K+ concentrations. The specific activity of ODC was also elevated above basal levels when mannose or fructose replaced glucose in EBSS. The addition of alanine or asparagine to EBSS enhanced ODC activity above levels obtained with EBSS containing standard (5.5 mM) glucose concentrations. In the absence of glucose, alanine was more effective than asparagine in enhancing ODC expression. These results suggest that the transport of amino acids is not an absolute requirement for Vero cell ODC expression and that ODC expression is linked to changes in cellular energetics and/or ion fluxes.  相似文献   

Alzheimer's disease is a neurodegenerative disorder characterised by extracellular accumulation of the Abeta peptide, derived from the amyloid precursor protein (APP). The function of APP as a cell surface receptor was examined by ligand-mimicking using an antibody against the APP extracellular domain. Alterations in gene expression evoked by antibody-bound APP were analysed using human pathway-finder gene arrays and the largest change in expression levels was found for ornithine decarboxylase (ODC). These results were confirmed by Western blotting which showed even higher upregulation on the protein level. APP knockdown by RNAi verified that upregulation of ODC was APP-mediated. This APP signalling event did not require gamma-secretase cleavage, as it was independent of the presence of presenilin-1 or -2. The induced ODC expression was rapid and biphasic, resembling growth-factor stimulated signalling events. This study shows that antibody-bound APP leads to altered gene expression that may be relevant to AD.  相似文献   

Crystals of truncated (Δ425-461) pyridoxal-5′-phosphate (PLP)-dependent mouse ornithine decarboxylase (mOrnDC′) have been obtained that diffract to 2.2 Å resolution (P21212, a = 119.5 Å, b = 74.3 Å, c = 46.1 Å). OrnDC produces putrescine, which is the precursor for the synthesis of polyamines in eukaryotes. Regulation of activity and understanding of the mechanism of action of this enzyme may aid in the development of compounds against cancer. mOrnDC is a member of group IV PLP-dependent decarboxylases, for which there are no known representative structures.  相似文献   

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