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Summary The effects of progesterone pretreatment on in vivo 3H-estrogen uptake by five anterior pituitary cell types was analyzed by means of a quantitative autoradiographic-immunocytochemical technique. Male and female rats castrated for 14 days show nuclear concentration of label in all five cell types one h after injection of 3H-estradiol, whether progesterone treated or not. The order of labeling intensity is gonadotropes lactotropes = somatotropes > thyrotropes = corticotropes. Progesterone treatment induces a dramatic sexual dimorphism in estrogen uptake; it significantly increases 3H-estrogen uptake in all female cell types. In males, progesterone decreases uptake in gonadotropes while not altering uptake in other cell types.Supported by PHS grant HD 12173 and Research Career Development Award HD 00243. Portions of these data were presented at the American Association of Anatomists meeting, Omaha, 1980I wish to acknowledge Mr. Sing Kung Lau for his excellent technical assistance and Dr. P. Rodier for her advice and assistance with the statistical analyses. I also wish to thank Dr. A.F. Parlow and NIAMDD for antisera against rLH, hFSH, rPRL and rTSH and Dr. Peter Petrusz, University of North Carolina, for antisera against bGH and h endorphin  相似文献   

Diethylstilbestrol (DES) has been implicated in mammalian abnormalities. We examined the effects of DES on follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH), luteinizing hormone (LH), and prolactin (PRL) cells in the pituitaries of male mice treated with various doses of DES for 20 days. DES reduced the density of FSH and LH cells in a dose-dependent manner, but increased that of PRL cells. When the expression of estrogen receptor (ER) α and β was assessed, an induction of ERβ by DES was found predominantly in PRL cells. However, since these effects were abolished in ERα knockout mice, DES appears to act primarily through ERα. When the expression of Ki-67 and Pit-1 in PRL cells was examined at various time-points after DES treatment, some PRL cells became Ki-67 positive at 10–15 days, and Pit-1-positive cells were increased at 5–15 days. Furthermore, some FSH and LH cells became Pit-1 positive, and co-localized with PRL at 5–10 days. Our results indicate that DES increases PRL cells by inducing proliferation of PRL cells and transdifferentiation of FSH/LH cells to PRL cells.  相似文献   

Summary In vivo estrogen uptake was measured in five anterior pituitary cell types of the rat by a quantitative autoradiographic-immunocytochemical technique. In male and female rats that had been castrated and adrenalectomized for one day all five cell types showed nuclear concentration of label one hour after injection of 3H-estradiol. The order of labeling intensity was lactotropes > somatotropes > gonadotropes > corticotropes > thyrotropes. No significant overall sex difference in estrogen uptake was apparent although male pituitaries tended to take up slightly more. Physiological correlates to these data are discussed.Supported by PHS grant HD 12173 and Research Career Development Award HD 00243I wish to acknowledge Mr. Sing Kung Lau for his excellent technical assistance and Dr. P. Rodier for her advise and assistance with the statistical analysis. I also wish to thank Dr. A.F. Parlow and NIAMDD for antisera against rLH, hFSH, rPRL and rTSH and Dr. P. Petrusz, University of North Carolina, for antisera against bGH and h endorphin  相似文献   

Summary Fragments of pituitary tissue obtained from a total of 37 patients with either breast cancer, diabetic retinopathy, galactorrhea, or acromegaly were dissociated into single cell suspensions prior to cell culture. Release of human growth hormone (hGH) and human prolactin (hPRL) into the culture medium was measured by radioimmunoassay. During a 3-week culture period, prolactin cells released 9–13 times the intracellular levels of hPRL at the time of seeding, whereas hGH release from growth hormone cells was only 1–2 times that of their initial intracellular level during this same time. Both growth hormone and prolactin cells retained distinctive ultrastructural features during culture. The prolactin cells responded to TRH stimulation by elevated release of PRL into the medium. No evidence for mitotic division of prolactin cells in vitro was found.This work was supported by NCI Contract NO 1-CB-23863  相似文献   

Summary The secretion of prolactin is increased by treatment of prolactin producing rat pituitary cells with the hypothalamic tripeptide thyroliberin. To investigate the underlying mechanisms we used three closely related rat pituitary tumor cell strains (GH12C1, GH3 and GH4C1), which synthesize and spontaneously secrete prolactin and/or growth hormone. Growth hormone and prolactin released into the culture medium over a period of 24 h were measured by radioimmunoassay. Initial rates of synthesis were measured by immunoprecipitation of intracellular growth hormone and prolactin after incubation of cell cultures with 3H-leucine. The observed increase in prolactin synthesis and release was correlated with morphological effects of thyroliberin treatment. The volume density of Golgi complexes and the volume and surface densities of rough endoplasmic reticulum were compared in untreated cells and thyroliberin treated cells. As normal distribution could not be assumed, the non-parametric rank test of Wilcoxon was used whereby the densities calculated for each cell section were ranked. Alle three morphological parameters increased after thyroliberin treatment in cells secreting prolactin only (GH4C1), implying that the increase of prolactin secretion, at lest in part, is due to increased prolactin synthesis.  相似文献   

Summary Using an antiserum to highly purified chum salmon prolactin, prolactin cells were identified in the putative rostral pars distalis of newly hatched tilapia larvae (Oreochromis mossambicus) by the immunogold method for the electron microscope. In the putative rostral pars distalis, some cells had another kind of secretory granule which was much less numerous, much smaller in size, and without immunoreactivity to salmon prolactin antiserum. Controls incubated with salmon prolactin-preabsorbed antiserum or normal serum showed no immunoreactive cells, confirming the specificity of the antiserum. The possible role of prolactin in the osmoregulation of tilapia larvae is discussed.  相似文献   

Summary Prolactin cells from anterior pituitary glands of normal non-lactating female rats, and lactating animals, some of which were separated from their pups for 48 hours, were examined ultrastructurally for the presence of microfilaments. Microfilaments were found in specific intracellular locations in all cells examined. They were in association with the nuclear envelope, the Golgi complex, the endoplasmic reticulum, small vesicles of the endoplasmic reticulum, and secretory granules. The possible role of microfilaments in the movement of intracellular organelles is considered.This investigation was supported by the National Institutes of Health grants AM 12583 and TW 02023.The authors wish to express their gratitude to Mr. M. G. Williams and Miss Pauline Cisneros for their excellent technical assistance.  相似文献   

Summary Dry-mount autoradiography was combined with peroxidase immunocytochemistry to examine estrogen uptake in four pituitary cell types. Quantification by silver grain counts was used to compare 3H-estradiol uptake in nuclei of pituitary cells 60 min after i.v. injection into short-term (control) and long-term ovariectomized and in long-term thyroidectomized rats. Under all three hormonal states, the order of labeling intensity was: gonadotropes > somatotropes > lactotropes > thyrotropes. Long-term ovariectomy caused a significant increase in estrogen uptake of gonadotropes, somatotropes and lactotropes, while uptake in thyrotropes decreased. Long-term thyroidectomy decreased uptake in somatotropes, lactotropes and thyrotropes while gonadotropes remained unchanged.Supported by NICHHD grant HD-03007 to D.A.K., NICHHD grant HD-03110 to the Biological Sciences Research Center of Child Development Research Institute and a grant from the Rockefeller Foundation to the Laboratories for Reproductive Biology.  相似文献   

Summary The technique of ultrastructural immunocytochemistry involving the unlabeled antibody and the soluble peroxidase-antiperoxidase complex was used to identify and describe the prolactin (P) cells, somatotropic (STH) cells and luteinizing hormone (LH) cells in the bovine anterior pituitary gland. This method was used to localize the three hormones at the electron microscopic level. Staining of varying intensity was found on the secretory granules and on the small granules and vesicles within the Golgi complex. No stain was found in nuclei, on mitochondria or in the endoplasmic reticulum.  相似文献   

Summary The effects of synthetic thyrotropin-releasing hormone on pituitary prolactin and thyrotropic cells were investigated in adult male Rana perezi (formerly Rana ridibunda) frogs. Animals were given daily injections of synthetic thyrotropin-releasing hormone into the dorsal lymph sac. Prolactin and thyrotropic cells were identified by the colloidal-gold method, using anti-human prolactin and anti-human--thyrotropin hormone as primary antisera. The stereological parameters of the rough endoplasmic reticulum, Golgi complex, and secretory granules of prolactin and thyrotropic cells were evaluated by ultrastructural morphometry (point-counting method). Thyrotropin-releasing hormone caused cytological changes in both cell-types which were consistent with increased synthesis and release of both prolactin and thryrotropin. These changes were still significant after 48 h treatment in the case of thyrotropic cells, while in prolactin cells the thyrotropin-releasing hormone increased the number of secretory granules. After 6 days, the cells resembled essentially those used as controls. These results indicate that thyrotropin-releasing hormone stimulates the synthesis and release of prolactin and thyrotropin, and that the response of each cell type to this hypothalamic stimulus follows a different time-course.This work has been supported by grants no. 2184-83 and PB 86-0095 from the Comisión Interministerial para la Ciencia y Tecnología, Spain  相似文献   

Summary Prolactin cells were identified by means of immunocytochemistry with protein-A gold as a marker on ultrathin sections of the pituitary gland of young (3–4 months), middle-aged (16–19 months), and aged (26–30 months) male Wistar rats. Point-counting volumetry revealed that the prolactin (PRL) cell-volume density in middle-aged rats was significantly increased in comparison to the volume densities in young and aged rats. Within the PRL-cell population, four types of PRL cells were distinguished on the basis of the shape and size of their secretory granules. During aging, dramatic changes occurred in the relative volumes of the four cell types. The volume percentage of cells with round granules (type I, granule diameter 150–250 nm, and type IIA, granule diameter 250–350 nm) increased from ±30% in young rats to ±90% in old rats. The volume percentage of cells with round and polymorphic granules (type IIB; granule diameter 350–400 nm and type III; granule diameter 500–600 nm) decreased from ±70% in young rats to ±7% in old rats. Age-related changes in serum PRL levels were not found. It is concluded that although during the life span of the male Wistar rat considerable changes in PRL-cell volume densities and in the ratios of PRL-cell types occur serum, PRL levels remain more or less constant.  相似文献   

Summary Different immunohistochemical techniques were used to identify the prolactin and growth hormone producing cells (STH cells) in the pituitary of normal guinea pigs at the ultrastructural level.Prolactin cells revealed two main aspects: 1. Cells with granules from 2500 to 3500 Å in diameter some of which are irregularly shaped. These granulations are scattered throughout the whole cytoplasm. The rough endoplasmic reticulum is well developed and organized in parallel lamellae. 2. In cells of the second type the granules are less numerous and smaller in diameter (1800 to 2500 Å) and the rough endoplasmic reticulum is less well developed.The cytoplasm of the STH cells contains many more round granules (generally grouped) which also range from 2500 to 3500 Å in diameter.The prolactin molecules and the STH molecules are essentially confined to the granules but with the immunocytochemical technique before embedding a slightly diffuse reaction appeared in the entire cytoplasm. These results are discussed.This work was supported by a grant from U.E.R. III LilleChercheur I.N.S.E.R.M.  相似文献   

Summary The indirect immunofluorescence procedure was used to identify prolactin (LTH)-and somatotropin (STH)-producing cells in the pituitary of the Mexican axolotl. Histological staining techniques were employed to corroborate immunocytological results. The LTH cells are large, orange-staining cells (acidophils 1) distributed in the posterior two-thirds of the pars distalis. The STH cells are small, erythrosinophilic elements (acidophils 2) principally concentrated in the dorsal part of the pars distalis.  相似文献   

Summary Using the peroxidase-antiperoxidase immunocytochemical staining technique, prolactin and growth hormone cells have been identified and described in the ovine pituitary. The image analysing computer, Quantimet 720, was used to assess accurately the size range of the secretory granules in these cell types. The area size distributions of the prolactin and growth hormone granules are similar. An increased proportion of larger granules was observed in the prolactin cells post-partum. Serial sections stained alternately for prolactin or growth hormone confirmed that the cells contain either prolactin or growth hormone but not both.  相似文献   

Reifel  C. W.  Shin  S. H.  Leather  R. A. 《Cell and tissue research》1983,232(2):249-256
Summary We have demonstrated an extensive reorganization of organ elles in mammotrophs immediately following administration of ergocristine (a dopamine agonist) to estradiol-primed male rats. Our ultrastructural findings are consistent with our previous results that ergocristine can block prolactin release without any noticeable latent period. Following three-week priming of male rats with estradiol implants, ergocristine was administered by a bolus injection through an indwelling cannula. Within two min of its administration, ergocristine induced dramatic changes in the ultrastructure of mammotrophs, i.e., (1) increased numbers of secretory granules, (2) peripheral relocation of rough endoplasmic reticulum which tends to sequester secretory granules, (3) change in location of nucleus and (4) increased numbers of intracellular bodies associated with secretory granules. We suggest that the extensive ultrastructural changes that occurred in such a short period following ergocristine administration may be indications of specific factors associated with blockage of hormone release.  相似文献   

Summary Parachlorophenylalanine (pCPA), an inhibitor of tryptophan hydroxylase depleting brain serotonin in higher vertebrates, was injected into freshwater eels. After 4 or 6 injections (200 mg/kg/day) or 10 injections (100 and 140 mg/kg/day) plasma electrolyte values were not modified. Prolactin (PRL) cells appear less active, with increased granulation after 6 and 10 injections. Their cell height (P < 0.01) and their nuclear area (P < 0.001) are reduced. As injections of 5-hydroxytryptophan stimulate PRL cells, these findings suggest that a serotoninergic system may participate in the regulation of PRL cell activity. Brain serotonin depletion probably decreases granule release in PRL cells, a result comparable to the lowering action of pCPA on the plasma PRL level in some mammals.  相似文献   

The F344 rat rapidly forms large prolactinomas in response to chronic estrogen treatment. To identify genes expressed in the course of this estrogen induced pituitary tumor growth, we performed microarray analysis on the F344 rat pituitary after chronic estrogen treatment and on untreated controls. At a significance level set to minimize type I error, some 72 genes were found to be differentially expressed between estrogen treated and untreated. Of those genes, 70 have not been reported previously as being affected by estrogen in the F344 rat pituitary. Since many other investigators have studied the effect of estrogen on specific gene expression in rat pituitary, we also examined the mRNA expression of the 36 genes that have been previously reported as having their expression affected by estrogen in the rat pituitary. Of these, 13 were found to have their expression affected by estrogen treatment in the same direction as had been reported by others.  相似文献   

Summary Laminin (LAM), a glycoprotein component of basement membranes, has been previously detected within several subcellular compartments of prolactin (PRL) cells in the pituitary gland. The present work was aimed at comparing the subcellular localization of PRL, a specific secretory product, with that of LAM, in relation to the secretory activity of PRL cells. LAM and PRL were located in parallel, by ultrastructural immunocytochemistry, in PRL cells of lactating female Wistar rats, either stimulated by suckling, or blocked by weaning, or reactivated by suckle following short-term weaning. Variations in physiological conditions were correlated with a redistribution of PRL immunoreactivity within morphologically modified compartments. The Golgi apparatus became hypertrophied, and PRL impressively accumulated within saccules of the Golgi stacks of blocked cells. On the contrary, no apparent changes occurred in LAM distribution, at least at the Golgi level. Only a slight increase of LAM immunoreactivity was observed in rough endoplasmic reticulum after a long weaning period. PRL could be detected in most of the secretory granules and particularly in forming elements, whereas LAM was observable at the peripheral edge of some mature granules. Such a labeling was not markedly influenced by the physiological state. The prominent structures, indicative of crinophagic activity, characteristic of blocked cells, contained masses of dense material, which were always immunopositive with antibodies to PRL, but never to LAM. These observations could suggest that, in PRL cells, intracellular transport and exportation of LAM are controlled by mechanisms independent from those involved in the regulation of PRL secretion.  相似文献   

Summary In intact male rats after TRH administration for 7 and 14 days, TSH cells showed similar morphological changes to those observed after thyroidectomy. These changes were paralleled by small numerical increases in TSH cell counts. After 34 days of TRH treatment, however, most of the TSH cells had a normal appearance and the number of TSH cells also had returned to normal. TRH treatment for 7, 14 and 34 days caused morphological changes in Prolactin cells similar to those obtained after a suckling stimulus. In the three groups these changes were also paralleled by small numerical increases in Prolactin cell counts. The cell replication after TRH for 7 and 14 days, as measured by incorporation of tritiated thymidine to obtain a labeling index, was slightly but significantly increased.This work was supported by grants MA-552 and MT-2701 from the Medical Research Council of Canada. The authors wish to thank Dr. D.A.J. Ives, Connaught Medical Research Laboratories, Toronto, for providing the TRH, and Mr. G. Penz for technical assistance.Fellow of the Medical Research Council of Canada.  相似文献   

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