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ABSTRACT Studies of the effects of transmitters on passerines have provided mixed results, but many have revealed no negative impacts. Most such studies have been conducted during the breeding season and, as a result, little is known about the possible effects of transmitters on wintering birds. We examined the effects of transmitters on Bicknell's Thrushes (Catharus bicknelli) wintering in the Dominican Republic. We used long‐term mark‐recapture data to compare birds with radio‐transmitters (N= 5 years, 64 individuals) to birds banded, but not radio‐tagged (N= 10 years, 164 individuals). For a subset of birds in each category, we measured the change in mass between early‐winter and late‐winter and, for all birds, we calculated return rates and modeled annual survival by sex and age classes. Return rates of radio‐tagged (16%) and banded‐only individuals (17%) did not differ, and survival models including the effect of transmitter attachment were poorly supported. We also found no sex or age‐specific effects of transmitter attachment. Radio‐tagged and banded‐only birds did not differ either in the proportion of birds gaining mass during the winter or amount of mass gained. Our results indicate that attaching light‐weight transmitters (<5% of body mass) to wintering Bicknell's Thrushes did not adversely affect either body condition or annual survival.  相似文献   

The Brownie tag‐recovery model is useful for estimating harvest rates but assumes all tagged individuals survive to the first hunting season; otherwise, mortality between time of tagging and the hunting season will cause the Brownie estimator to be negatively biased. Alternatively, fitting animals with radio transmitters can be used to accurately estimate harvest rate but may be more costly. We developed a joint model to estimate harvest and annual survival rates that combines known‐fate data from animals fitted with transmitters to estimate the probability of surviving the period from capture to the first hunting season, and data from reward‐tagged animals in a Brownie tag‐recovery model. We evaluated bias and precision of the joint estimator, and how to optimally allocate effort between animals fitted with radio transmitters and inexpensive ear tags or leg bands. Tagging‐to‐harvest survival rates from >20 individuals with radio transmitters combined with 50–100 reward tags resulted in an unbiased and precise estimator of harvest rates. In addition, the joint model can test whether transmitters affect an individual's probability of being harvested. We illustrate application of the model using data from wild turkey, Meleagris gallapavo, to estimate harvest rates, and data from white‐tailed deer, Odocoileus virginianus, to evaluate whether the presence of a visible radio transmitter is related to the probability of a deer being harvested. The joint known‐fate tag‐recovery model eliminates the requirement to capture and mark animals immediately prior to the hunting season to obtain accurate and precise estimates of harvest rate. In addition, the joint model can assess whether marking animals with radio transmitters affects the individual's probability of being harvested, caused by hunter selectivity or changes in a marked animal's behavior.  相似文献   

Investigating the potential effects of handling and marking techniques on study animals is important for correct interpretation of research results and to effect progress in data‐collection methods. Few investigators have compared the reproductive output of radio‐tagged and non‐radio‐tagged songbirds, and no one to date has examined the possible effect of radio‐tagging adult songbirds on the survival of their fledglings. In 2011 and 2012, we compared several parameters of reproductive output of two groups of female Golden‐winged Warblers (Vermivora chrysoptera) breeding in Minnesota, including 45 females with radio‐transmitters and 73 females we did not capture, handle, or mark. We found no difference between groups in clutch sizes, hatching success, brood sizes, length of incubation and nestling stages, fledging success, number of fledglings, or survival of fledglings to independence. Thus, radio‐tags had no measurable impact on the productivity of female Golden‐winged Warblers. Our results build upon previous studies where investigators have reported no effects of radio‐tagging on the breeding parameters of songbirds by also demonstrating no effect of radio‐tagging through the post‐fledging period and, therefore, the entire breeding season.  相似文献   

In tropical dry environments rainfall periodicity may affect demographic parameters, resulting in fluctuations in bird abundance. We used capture–recapture data for the Grey Pileated Finch from a Neotropical dry forest to evaluate the hypothesis that intra- and inter-annual survival, individuals entrance and population abundance, are related to local rainfall. Sampling occurred across 3 years, with individuals captured, tagged and evaluated for age and presence of brood patch every 14 days. Using the POPAN formulation, we generated demographic models to evaluate study population temporal dynamics. Best-fit models indicated a low apparent annual survival in the first year (16%) compared to other years (between 47 and 62%), with this low value associated with an extreme drought. The abundance of juveniles at each capture occasion was significantly dependent on the accumulated precipitation in the previous 14 days, and the juvenile covariate was a strong predictor of the intra-annual entrance probability (natality). Individuals entrance during the reproductive period corresponded to 53, 52 and 75% of total ingress for each year, respectively. The trend in sampled population size indicated positive exponential growth (Ninitial = 50, Nlast = 600), with intra-annual fluctuations becoming progressively more intense. Low survival was relevant during population decline at study onset, while at study end intense Individuals entrance promoted rapid population growth. Thus, the indirect effects of rainfall and the combined effect of two demographic rates operated synergistically on the immediate population abundance of Grey Pileated Finch, an abundant bird in a Neotropical dry forest.  相似文献   

In migrant birds, survival estimates for the different life‐history stages between fledging and first breeding are scarce. First‐year survival is shown to be strongly reduced compared with annual survival of adult birds. However, it remains unclear whether the main bottleneck in juvenile long‐distant migrants occurs in the postfledging period within the breeding ranges or en route. Quantifying survival rates during different life‐history stages and during different periods of the migration cycle is crucial to understand forces driving the evolution of optimal life histories in migrant birds. Here, we estimate survival rates of adult and juvenile barn swallows (Hirundo rustica L.) in the breeding and nonbreeding areas using a population model integrating survival estimates in the breeding ranges based on a large radio‐telemetry data set and published estimates of demographic parameters from large‐scale population‐monitoring projects across Switzerland. Input parameters included the country‐wide population trend, annual productivity estimates of the double‐brooded species, and year‐to‐year survival corrected for breeding dispersal. Juvenile survival in the 3‐week postfledging period was low (S = 0.32; SE = 0.05), whereas in the rest of the annual cycle survival estimates of adults and juveniles were similarly high (S > 0.957). Thus, the postfledging period was the main survival bottleneck, revealing the striking result that nonbreeding period mortality (including migration) is not higher for juveniles than for adult birds. Therefore, focusing future research on sources of variation in postfledging mortality can provide new insights into determinants of population dynamics and life‐history evolution of migrant birds.  相似文献   

Migrating juvenile birds rely on endogenous information in choosing the direction in which to fly, but such input may be overridden by social interactions with experienced individuals. We tagged seven juvenile Short‐toed Eagles Circaetus gallicus with GPS transmitters in southern Italy. This trans‐Saharan migrant flies mainly by soaring and is therefore not well adapted to performing long water crossings. Five of the seven tagged juveniles used the longer but apparently safer route towards the Strait of Gibraltar, and two migrated along a southerly trajectory and subsequently spent the winter in Sicily, apparently forced to do so by the 150‐km‐wide Sicily Channel. One of these individuals took the longer route the following autumn. These results, combined with long‐term (15 years) visual field observations involving thousands of individuals, suggest that inexperienced Short‐toed Eagles may learn their migratory routes from experienced adults, whereas some of them migrate south in response to an innate orientation instinct. Transport costs, inherited information and geography apparently interact, forcing some Short‐toed Eagles to winter 3000 km to the north of the majority of their conspecifics.  相似文献   

Extrinsic mortality has a strong impact on the evolution of life‐histories, prey morphology and behavioural adaptations, but for many animals the causes of mortality are poorly understood. Predation is an important driver of extrinsic mortality and mobile animals form groups in response to increased predation risk. Furthermore, in many species juveniles suffer higher mortality than older individuals, which may reflect a lower phenotypic quality, lower competitiveness, or a lack of antipredator or foraging skills. Here we assessed the causes of mortality for 371 radio tagged Siberian jays. This sedentary bird species lives in family groups that contain a breeding pair as well as related and unrelated non‐breeders. Ninety‐five percent of death were due to predation (n = 59 out of 62 individuals) and most individuals were killed by Accipiter hawks. Multivariate Cox proportional hazards models showed that non‐breeders had a lower survival than breeders, but only in territories in managed forest with little visual cover. Examining breeders, only sex influenced survival with males having a lower survival than females. For non‐breeders, juveniles had lower survival than older non‐breeders, and those on managed territories had lower survival than those on unmanaged territories. Additionally, a low feather quality reduced the survival probability of non‐breeders only. Thus, living on managed territories and having a low feature quality affected only non‐breeders, particularly juveniles. These findings add to previous research demonstrating that juvenile Siberian jays acquire critical antipredator skills from experienced group members. Thus, experience can buffer extrinsic mortality, highlighting that group living not only provides safety in numbers, but also provide social opportunities to learn critical life‐skills.  相似文献   

Time series on juvenile life‐history traits obtained from sockeye salmon Oncorhynchus nerka were analysed to assess lake‐specific environmental influences on juvenile migration timing, size and survival of fish from a common gene pool. Every year for the past two decades, O. nerka have been spawned at a hatchery facility, and the progeny released into two lakes that differ in average summer temperatures, limnological attributes and growth opportunities. Juveniles reared in the warmer, more productive Crosswind Lake were larger and heavier as smolts compared to those from the cooler, less productive Summit Lake and had higher in‐lake and subsequent marine survival. Crosswind Lake smolts migrated from the lake to sea slightly earlier in the season but the migration timing distributions overlapped considerably across years. Fry stocking density had a negative effect on smolt length for both lakes, and a negative effect on in‐lake survival in Summit Lake. Taken together, the results revealed a strong effect of lake‐rearing environment on the expression of life‐history variation in O. nerka. The stocking of these lakes each year with juveniles from a single mixed‐source population provided a large‐scale reverse common‐garden experiment, where the same gene pool was exposed to different environments, rather than the different gene pools in the same environment approach typical of evolutionary ecology studies. Other researchers are encouraged to seek and exploit similar serendipitous situations, which might allow environmental and genetic influences on ecologically important traits to be distinguished in natural or semi‐natural settings.  相似文献   

Growth and postspawning survival of lumpfish Cyclopterus lumpus are described by mark‐recapture experiments using juveniles in offshore areas in the north‐east Atlantic Ocean and spawning adults in coastal Norway and Iceland. A female fish tagged as a juvenile and recaptured as an adult matured in a period of 18 months, providing the first observation on development in a wild C. lumpus. The von Bertalanffy growth function, fitted to data from recaptured fish, was used to estimate K and L and recaptured fish spawning after a year at liberty indicated a postspawning survival of c. 10% in Iceland.  相似文献   

A long‐term study of botos (inia geoffrensis) in the Brazilian Amazon permitted the comparison of survival and reproduction between 51 adults fitted with radio transmitters and an equal number that were captured and handled in the same way but released without a transmitter. For both sexes combined, 47 radio tagged botos (92.2%) survived at least three years after release compared with 42 (82.4%) without radios, equating to annual survival of 97.3% and 93.6% respectively. The difference was not statistically significant. Eight of 15 closely monitored radio tagged females were lactating at capture, and all their calves weaned successfully. Two that were pregnant at capture subsequently gave birth. The mean number of calves per year born to these 15 females after first release was 0.172 (SD = 0.107) and to 17 non‐tagged was 0.174 (SD = 0.095), again a non‐significant difference. These results indicate that the anchoring of packages to the dorsal fin of dolphins can be accomplished with no measurable impact on their subsequent survival or reproductive output. However, botos may be unusually robust to handling, and this study should not be used to justify using similar techniques on other species without customary caution, diligence, and expert guidance.  相似文献   

Radiotelemetry is an essential method for studying the movements and survival of cryptic grassland bird fledglings. There is mixed evidence on the effects of wearing radio‐transmitters for passerines, with negative consequences probably under‐reported. In one season of a 2‐year study, we found 23% of radio‐transmitters and/or antennas deployed on fledgling Savannah Sparrows Passerculus sandwichensis had become entangled in vegetation, consequently harming the fledglings in two of seven cases. It is important for researchers to share their information on any negative consequences of attaching radio‐transmitters to songbirds in order to improve methods and to harm fewer individuals in future studies.  相似文献   

Despite declines in numerous migratory bird populations due to global climate and landscape changes, the Pacific Flyway population of Greater White‐fronted Geese Anser albifrons frontalis in North America has flourished over recent decades. However, the demographic foundations of the population increase remain unclear, largely due to sparse data. In this study, we used a Bayesian integrated population model (IPM) to maximize information from multiple data sources including coordinated population survey, ring‐recovery and hunter‐harvested goose tail data. We estimated demographic parameters and assessed the role of several possible drivers of the observed population increase, including density‐dependent processes, agricultural land use change and climate conditions in both the wintering and the breeding season, while also accounting for the impacts of harvest. Non‐harvest survival of all geese was 0.83 (95% credible interval (CRI): 0.70–0.96) before legislation restricted post‐harvest rice field burning, and 0.98 (95% CRI: 0.94–1.0) afterwards. We detected a negative effect of density‐dependent processes and a positive effect of El Niño‐Southern Oscillation on non‐harvest survival with high certainty. Kill rates were 0.11 (95% CRI: 0.09–0.12) for adults (after hatch year) and 0.26 (95% CRI 0.21–0.31) for juveniles (hatch year), resulting in annual survival rates of 0.81 (95% CRI: 0.69–0.89) for adults and 0.67 (95% CRI: 0.56–0.76) for juveniles. The ratio of juvenile birds to adults in the population was on average 0.36 (95% CRI: 0.29–0.45) and was driven by negative density‐dependent processes with high certainty. Our results suggest that the ban on rice field burning and subsequent high frequency of flooding as an alternative rice decomposition practice was the primary driver of the Pacific white‐fronted Goose population increase. The effects of climate change and density dependence were not strong enough to suppress the benefit of flooded rice. Given sparse demographic data for Pacific white‐fronted Geese, we were only able to uncover drivers of demography using IPMs. We encourage practitioners with sparse data similarly to consider forming IPMs to determine the drivers and mechanisms for population change and to prioritize future data collection.  相似文献   

Abstract Many animals autotomize their tails to facilitate escape from predators. Although tail autotomy can increase the likelihood of surviving a predatory encounter, it may entail subsequent costs, including reduced growth, loss of energy stores, a reduction in reproductive output, loss of social status and a decreased probability of survival during subsequent encounters with predators. To date, few studies have investigated the potential fitness costs of tail autotomy in natural populations. I investigated whether tail loss influenced survival, growth and territory occupation of juvenile velvet geckos Oedura lesueurii in a population where predatory snakes were common. During the 3‐year mark–recapture study, 32% of juveniles voluntarily autotomized their tails when first captured. Analysis of survival using the program mark showed that voluntary tail autotomy did not influence the subsequent survival of juvenile geckos. Survival was age‐dependent and was higher in 1‐year‐old animals (0.98) than in hatchlings (0.76), whereas recapture probabilities were time‐dependent. Growth rates of tailed and tailless juveniles were very similar, but tailless geckos had slow rates of tail regeneration (0.14 mm day−1). Tail autotomy did not influence rock usage by geckos, and both tailed and tailless juveniles used few rocks as diurnal retreat sites (means of 1.64 and 1.47 rocks, respectively) and spent long time periods (85 and 82 days) under the same rocks. Site fidelity may confer survival advantages to juveniles in populations sympatric with ambush foraging snakes. My results show that two potential fitness costs of tail autotomy – decreased growth rates and a lower probability of survival – did not occur in juveniles from this population. However, compared with juveniles, significantly fewer adult geckos (17%) voluntarily autotomized their tails during capture. Because adults possess large tails that are used for lipid storage, the energetic costs of tail autotomy are likely to be much higher in adult than in juvenile O. lesueurii.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT.   Although radio telemetry can provide useful information, the possible negative effects of transmitters, including biased results and detrimental effects on the birds, must also be considered. Several investigators have examined the effects of transmitters on larger birds, but few have examined their possible long-term effects, as assessed by return rates, on small passerines. We examined the possible negative effects of transmitters on a small (15.5 g) passerine. We used glue to attach radio transmitters to 40 male Swainson's Warblers ( Limnothlypis swainsonii ) at two study sites in Arkansas in 2005 and 2006. To assess possible effects of transmitters on survival, we compared the following-year return rates of radio-tagged birds to birds that were captured and color banded, but did not receive transmitters. Least squared mean return rates for all birds ranged between 0.46 and 0.57. We found no significant difference in the following-year return rate of radio-tagged and nonradio-tagged birds. In addition, we found no significant differences in return rates between study sites or years, and no significant interactions between any combination of radio transmitter (radio tagged or not), site, and year. Our results indicate that attachment of transmitters did not affect return rates of male Swainson's Warblers and that the glue-on technique is a good option for short-term studies of small passerines.  相似文献   

Adult movement scale was quantified for two tropical Caribbean diadromous fishes, bigmouth sleeper Gobiomorus dormitor and mountain mullet Agonostomus monticola, using passive integrated transponders (PITs) and radio‐telemetry. Large numbers of fishes were tagged in Río Mameyes, Puerto Rico, U.S.A., with PITs and monitored at three fixed locations over a 2·5 year period to estimate transition probabilities between upper and lower elevations and survival probabilities with a multistate Cormack–Jolly–Seber model. A sub‐set of fishes were tagged with radio‐transmitters and tracked at weekly intervals to estimate fine‐scale dispersal. Changes in spatial and temporal distributions of tagged fishes indicated that neither G. dormitor nor A. monticola moved into the lowest, estuarine reaches of Río Mameyes during two consecutive reproductive periods, thus demonstrating that both species follow an amphidromous, rather than catadromous, migratory strategy. Further, both species were relatively sedentary, with restricted linear ranges. While substantial dispersal of these species occurs at the larval stage during recruitment to fresh water, the results indicate minimal dispersal in spawning adults. Successful conservation of diadromous fauna on tropical islands requires management at both broad basin and localized spatial scales.  相似文献   

Many species only show sexual dimorphism at the age of maturity, such that juveniles typically resemble females. Under these circumstances, estimating accurate age‐specific demographic parameters is challenging. Here, we propose a multievent model parameterization able to estimate age‐dependent survival using capture–recapture data with uncertainty in age and sex assignment of individuals. We illustrate this modeling approach with capture–recapture data from the ring‐necked parakeet Psittacula krameri. We analyzed capture, recapture, and resighting data (439 recaptures/resightings) of 156 ring‐necked parakeets tagged with neck collars in Barcelona city from 2003 to 2016 to estimate the juvenile and adult survival rate. Our models successfully estimated the survival probabilities of the different age classes considered. Survival probability was similar between adults (0.83, 95% CI = 0.77–0.87) and juveniles during their second (0.79, 95% CI = 0.58–0.87) and third winter (0.83, 95% CI = 0.65–0.88). The youngest juveniles (1st winter) showed a slightly lower survival (0.57, 95% CI = 0.37–0.79). Among adults, females showed a slightly higher survival than males (0.87, 95% CI = 0.78–0.93; and 0.80, 95% CI = 0.73–0.86, respectively). These high survival figures predict high population persistence in this species and urge management policies. The analysis also stresses the usefulness of multievent models to estimate juvenile survival when age cannot be fully ascertained.  相似文献   

Bighead carp Hypophthalmichthys nobilis and silver carp Hypophthalmichthys molitrix (together, the bigheaded carps) are invasive fishes in North America that have resulted in substantial negative effects on native fish communities and aquatic ecosystems. Movement and behavior of adult bigheaded carps has been studied previously using telemetry, while similar studies with juvenile bigheaded carps have yet to be attempted. Recent technological advances in telemetry transmitters has increased the availability of tags sufficiently small enough to implant in juvenile carps. However, the effects of surgical implantation of telemetry tags on juvenile bigheaded carps have not been evaluated. We determined tag retention and survival associated with surgical implantation of acoustic telemetry tags into juvenile bighead carp (range 128–152 mm total length) at three temperatures (13, 18, and 23°C). In addition, we assessed the effect of surgically implanted transmitters on the fitness, defined as changes in weight or critical swimming speed, of carp implanted with transmitters. Survival was high among tagged fish (85%) with 47% of tags retained at the conclusion of the 45‐day study. No substantial decline in fitness of the fish was observed in tagged fish compared to untagged fish.  相似文献   

Recent droughts and increasing temperatures have resulted in extensive tree mortality across the globe. Understanding the environmental controls on tree regeneration following these drought events will allow for better predictions of how these ecosystems may shift under a warmer, drier climate. Within the widely distributed piñon–juniper woodlands of the southwestern USA, a multiyear drought in 2002–2004 resulted in extensive adult piñon mortality and shifted adult woodland composition to a juniper‐dominated, more savannah‐type ecosystem. Here, we used pre‐ (1998–2001) and 10‐year post‐ (2014) drought stand structure data of individually mapped trees at 42 sites to assess the effects of this drought on tree regeneration across a gradient of environmental stress. We found declines in piñon juvenile densities since the multiyear drought due to limited new recruitment and high (>50%) juvenile mortality. This is in contrast to juniper juvenile densities, which increased over this time period. Across the landscape, piñon recruitment was positively associated with live adult piñon densities and soil available water capacity, likely due to their respective effects on seed and water availability. Juvenile piñon survival was strongly facilitated by certain types of nurse trees and shrubs. These nurse plants also moderated the effects of environmental stress on piñon survival: Survival of interspace piñon juveniles was positively associated with soil available water capacity, whereas survival of nursed piñon juveniles was negatively associated with perennial grass cover. Thus, nurse plants had a greater facilitative effect on survival at sites with higher soil available water capacity and perennial grass cover. Notably, mean annual climatic water deficit and elevation were not associated with piñon recruitment or survival across the landscape. Our findings reveal a clear shift in successional trajectories toward a more juniper‐dominated woodland and highlight the importance of incorporating biotic interactions and soil properties into species distribution modeling approaches.  相似文献   

Marbled Murrelets (Brachyramphus marmoratus) are listed as threatened in the portion of their range extending from British Columbia to California due to loss of nesting habitat. Recovery of Marbled Murrelet populations requires a better understanding of the characteristics of their nesting habitat in this part of their range. Our objective, therefore, was to describe their nesting habitat in Washington State and Vancouver Island, British Columbia. We captured Marbled Murrelets from 2004 to 2008, fitted them with radio transmitters, and followed them to nests (N = 20). We used Cohen's unbiased d effect size to assess differences between forest plots surrounding nest sites and nearby control sites (N = 18). Nest sites had less canopy cover of the dominant conifers and fewer, but larger, trees than control sites. Nest sites also had greater percentages of trees with platforms >10 cm diameter and >15 cm diameter, and more platforms of these sizes than control sites. The mean diameter at breast height of nest trees was 136.5 cm (range = 84–248 cm) and all but one nest was in dominant or co‐dominant tree species. At the landscape scale, we used vegetation maps derived from remotely sensed data and found greater canopy cover, higher density of mature trees, more platforms >10 cm/ha, and more old‐growth habitat at nest sites than at random sites. Our findings suggest that, at the site scale, nesting Marbled Murrelets selected the most suitable features of forest structure across expansive potentially suitable habitat. Our landscape‐scale analysis showed that habitat features in nesting stands differed from those features in available stands in the murrelet's range in Washington. We also found that stands with nests were less fragmented than available forest across murrelet range. All nest sites of radio‐tagged birds in Washington were in protected areas in mostly undisturbed forest habitat. Conservation of these areas of inland nesting habitat will be critical to the recovery of Marbled Murrelet populations.  相似文献   

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