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The behavior of wildlife varies seasonally, and that variation can have substantial demographic consequences. This is especially true for long-distance migrants where the use of landscapes varies by season and, sometimes, age cohort. We tested the hypothesis that distributional patterns of Golden Eagles (Aquila chrysaetos) wintering in eastern North America are age-structured (i.e., birds of similar ages winter together) through the analysis of 370,307 images collected by motion-sensitive trail cameras set over bait during the winters of 2012–2013 and 2013–2014. At nine sites with sufficient data for analysis, we documented 145 eagle visits in 2012–2013 and 146 in 2013–2014. We found significant between-year variation in age structure of wintering eastern Golden Eagles, driven largely by annual differences in the proportion of first-winter birds. However, although many other species show spatial structure in wintering behavior, our analysis revealed no latitudinal organization among age cohorts of wintering eastern Golden Eagles. The lack of age-related latitudinal segregation in wintering behavior does not exclude the possibility that these eagles have sex-based or other types of dominance hierarchies that could result in spatial or temporal segregation. Alternatively, other mechanisms such as food availability or habitat structure may determine the distribution and abundance of Golden Eagles in winter.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT Researchers have suggested golden eagle (Aquila chrysaetos) populations may be declining in portions of their range. However, there are few baseline data describing golden eagle populations across their range in the western United States. We used aerial line transect distance methodology with a double-observer modification to estimate golden eagle population numbers in 4 bird conservation regions of the western United States. We conducted surveys from 16 August to 8 September 2003, after most golden eagles had fledged and before fall migration. The goal of our sampling strategy was to provide >80% power (α = 0.1) to detect an annual rate of total population change >3% per year over a 20-year period. We observed 172 golden eagles across 148 transects and estimated 27,392 golden eagles (90% CI: 21,352-35,140) occurred in the study area during the late summer and early fall of 2003. Following the surveys, we used Monte Carlo simulation to determine the statistical power to detect trends in the golden eagle populations if yearly surveys were continued over a 20-year monitoring period. The simulation indicated the desired power could be achieved under the current methodology and sample size. The methods utilized in this study can be implemented for other raptor species when population estimates that include nonbreeding members of a population are needed. The results of this study can be utilized by professionals to help manage golden eagle populations and to develop conservation strategies.  相似文献   

Beginning in 1977 the Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife conducted annual surveys to determine statewide golden eagle (Aquila chrysaetos) occupancy and productivity. Current interest in the regional and national status of the species prompted our investigation to determine utility of historical data in assessing trends in reproduction, and to test efficacy of a sampling protocol that surveyed randomly selected territories and also accounted for detection probability. We found evidence indicating poor reproduction from 38 annual surveys conducted at 301 known territories statewide between 1977 and 2014. At 256 territories in eastern Washington, USA, apparent occupancy was low ( = 50.9%) and nesting success declined by 22%. All reproductive parameters were higher than at 45 territories in western Washington. We tested efficacy of a sampling protocol in 2013 and 2014 by surveying 108 randomly selected eastern territories. Probability of detecting eagles for these years from ground (= 89%) was greater than from air (= 66%). Our estimate of territory occupancy, corrected by probability of detection, was lower in 2013 (= 56.7%, 95% CI = 46.3–66.7%) than in 2014 (= 73.7%, 95% CI = 64.8–81.7%), as was the estimated number of breeding pairs (2013: = 158, 95% CI = 151–164; 2014: = 187, 95% CI = 182–192). Higher productivity (young/occupied territory) in 2013 (= 0.59, 95% CI = 0.40–0.82) than in 2014 (= 0.41, 95% CI = 0.27–0.59) and lower proportions of ≥1 immature eagle among nesting pairs in 2013 (16%) than in 2014 (31%), suggested higher immature pairing among sampled pairs contributed to inter-year differences in these reproductive parameters. Current and historical evidence for depressed golden eagle nesting in Washington is consistent with documented effects from habitat conversion, prey declines, lead contamination, and wind power development. We recommend future surveys in eastern Washington adhere to the random sampling protocol and conduct surveys at regular intervals to allow for trend analysis of reproductive parameters to better monitor golden eagle status. Surveys in western Washington, conducted exclusively from ground at all nests, will improve detection and cost efficiency. © 2020 The Wildlife Society.  相似文献   

Fleshy fruit is a key food resource for many vertebrates and may be particularly important energy source to birds during fall migration and winter. Hence, land managers should know how fruit availability varies among forest types, seasons, and years. We quantified fleshy fruit abundance monthly for 9 years (1995–2003) in 56 0.1-ha plots in 5 forest types of South Carolina's upper Coastal Plain, USA. Forest types were mature upland hardwood and bottomland hardwood forest, mature closed-canopy loblolly (Pinus taeda) and longleaf pine (P. palustris) plantation, and recent clearcut regeneration harvests planted with longleaf pine seedlings. Mean annual number of fruits and dry fruit pulp mass were highest in regeneration harvests (264,592 ± 37,444 fruits; 12,009 ± 2,392 g/ha), upland hardwoods (60,769 ± 7,667 fruits; 5,079 ± 529 g/ha), and bottomland hardwoods (65,614 ± 8,351 fruits; 4,621 ± 677 g/ha), and lowest in longleaf pine (44,104 ± 8,301 fruits; 4,102 ± 877 g/ha) and loblolly (39,532 ± 5,034 fruits; 3,261 ± 492 g/ha) plantations. Fruit production was initially high in regeneration harvests and declined with stand development and canopy closure (1995–2003). Fruit availability was highest June–September and lowest in April. More species of fruit-producing plants occurred in upland hardwoods, bottomland hardwoods, and regeneration harvests than in loblolly and longleaf pine plantations. Several species produced fruit only in 1 or 2 forest types. In sum, fruit availability varied temporally and spatially because of differences in species composition among forest types and age classes, patchy distributions of fruiting plants both within and among forest types, fruiting phenology, high inter-annual variation in fruit crop size by some dominant fruit-producing species, and the dynamic process of disturbance-adapted species colonization and decline, or recovery in recently harvested stands. Land managers could enhance fruit availability for wildlife by creating and maintaining diverse forest types and age classes. © 2012 The Wildlife Society.  相似文献   

Vehicle collisions are a significant source of wildlife mortality worldwide, but less attention has been given to secondary mortality of roadkill scavengers, such as the golden eagle (Aquila chrysaetos). We sought to quantify golden eagle winter use of roadkill mammal carcasses and eagle flushing from vehicles in Oregon, Utah, and Wyoming, USA, as proxies for strike risk, using motion-sensitive cameras. We monitored 160 carcasses and captured 2,146 eagle–vehicle interactions at 58 carcasses (1–240 observations/carcass) during winters of 2016–2017, 2017–2018, and 2018–2019. We used generalized linear mixed models, which suggested that eagle use of carcasses declined with time since camera deployment but increased with distance to road. Flushing from vehicles decreased with carcass distance to road but was higher in the morning, in response to larger vehicles and vehicles in the closest lane, and in the Oregon study area. We suggest that roadkill distance to road is the easiest factor to manipulate with the dual benefits of increasing food availability to golden eagles and decreasing flush-related vehicle strike risk. We recommend that roadkill be moved at least 12 m from the road to increase eagle use and decrease flushing 4-fold relative to behavior observed at the road edge. Because flushing from roadkill is believed to be the primary cause of eagle–vehicle strikes, informed roadkill management has the potential to reduce human-caused mortality of golden eagles.  相似文献   

金雕肾脏的组织学观察   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用生物显微技术观察了金雕Aquila chrysaetos肾脏的组织结构.结果表明,金雕肾实质由许多肾小叶构成,每个肾小叶可分为皮质和髓质两部分.肾单位由一个肾小体和一条与其相连的肾小管构成.肾小体由肾小囊和肾小球组成.肾小管分为近曲小管、髓袢、远曲小管和连接小管.集合管分为小叶周集合小管和髓质集合管两部分.具有发达的极周细胞.  相似文献   

The life histories, densities and distribution patterns of the most abundant macroinvertebrates, exclusive of chironomids and oligochaetes, are reported for a low-gradient, second-order, blackwater stream on the Coastal Plain of South Carolina, USA. Univoltine life histories were found for all species of Coleoptera (Ancyronyx variegata, Macronychus glabratus, Dubiraphia quadrinotata and Hydroporus clypealis) and most species of Ephemeroptera (Eurylophella temporalis, Paraleptophlebia volitans and Hexagenia munda), although the mayfly Stenonema modestum was at least bivoltine. Both univoltinism (Macrostemum carolina and Pycnopsyche luculenta), partial bivoltinism (Nyctiophylax affinis) and complete bivoltinism (Hydropsyche decalda, Cheumatopsyche sp., Phylocentropus placidus and probably Chimarra florida) were found among the Trichoptera. Odonate species were both univoltine (Calopteryx dimidiata, Enallagma divagans and Epitheca cynosura) and semivoltine (Boyeria vinosa, Gomphus lividus and Macromia georgina). The alderfly Sialis aequalis and the isopod Asellus laticaudatus were univoltine, while the blackfly Simulium taxodium produced at least 6 generations per year. Groups of functionally-related species within the orders Odonata, Trichoptera and Coleoptera each exhibited possible temporal and/or spatial segregation.  相似文献   

Summary Changes in soil and plant nutrient conditions were evaluated following various burn and clip treatments in a longleaf pine-wiregrass savanna in Bladen Co., N.C., USA. Ground fires were found to add substantial quantities of N, P, K, Ca, and Mg to the soil, though not necessarily in forms immediately available to plants. Less than 1% of the total nitrogen in the charred residue (ash) is present as nitrate or ammonium. Considerable quantities of all nutrients examined were lost to the atmosphere during burning. Green leaf tissue in recently burned areas was consistently higher in N, P, K, Ca, and Mg compared to unburned areas. Howerver, when compared to similar tissues from clipped plots, burned area tissues were significantly higher in N, Ca, and Mg only. Data presented here suggest that tissue age significantly affects nutrient content and must be considered in any analysis of tissue nutrient content following burning. Within 4–6 months following fire, burned-area tissue nutrient content decreases to concentrations found in the unburned area. Burning resulted in initial enrichment of available soil nutrients including PO4, K+, Ca++, and Mg++, however, NO3 -, and NH4 + concentrations in burned soil were not significantly different from unbruned soil. Soil and plant nutrient changes in an area burned two years in succession indicate that repeated burning may diminish nutrient availability. Plant response to various nutrient enrichment treatments of the soil indicated that nitrogen is limiting growth in both burned and unburned soils and that burning may alter some factors other than nutrients which may retard plant growth in unburned areas.  相似文献   

The reproductive biology of blacknose sharks Carcharhinus acronotus in the western North Atlantic Ocean was studied by examining specimens collected in the coastal waters of South Carolina. Males begin the maturation process between 875 and 910 mm fork length ( L F), as indicated by the presence of functional claspers and siphon sacs. The presence of vitellogenic oocytes and developing oviducal glands and uteri indicated that females begin to mature at c . 870 mm L F. Length at which 50% of the population reached maturity was 896 and 964 mm L F, equivalent to 4·3 and 4·5 years, for males and females, respectively. Gonado‐somatic indices suggested that spermatogenesis and vitellogenesis began after December. Mating took place during the end of May and the beginning of June. Fertilization occurred during late June and early July, suggesting that female blacknose sharks were capable of sperm storage. Based on the timing of fertilization and occurrence of females carrying near‐term pups in late May and early June, the gestation period for blacknose sharks was c . 11 months. Female blacknose sharks reproduced biennially based on the absence of vitellogenic oocytes in near‐term females and there being no indication of vitellogenesis in postpartum females. Male blacknose sharks were capable of reproducing annually as indicated by turgid genital ducts, which were observed in all mature males collected during late May and early June.  相似文献   

Three studies were conducted to determine the effect of preceding crop on wireworm (Coleoptera: Elateridae) abundance in the coastal plain of North Carolina. In all three studies, samples of wireworm populations were taken from the soil by using oat, Avena sativa L., baits. Treatments were defined by the previous year's crop and were chosen to reflect common crop rotations in the region. Across all three studies, eight wireworm species were recovered from the baits: Conoderus amplicollis (Gyllenhal), Conoderus bellus (Say), Conoderus falli (Lane), Conoderus lividus (Degeer), Conoderus scissus (Schaeffer), Conoderus vespertinus (F.), Glyphonyx bimarginatus (Schaeffer), and Melanotus communis (Gyllenhal). The effect of corn, Zea mays L.; cotton, Gossypium hirsutum L.; fallow; soybean, Clycine max (L.) Merr.; sweet potato, Ipomoea batatas (L.) Lam.; and tobacco (Nicotiana spp.) was evaluated in a small-plot replicated study. M. communis was the most frequently collected species in the small-plot study and was found in significantly higher numbers following soybean and corn. The mean total number of wireworms per bait (all species) was highest following soybean. A second study conducted in late fall and early spring assessed the abundance of overwintering wireworm populations in commercial fields planted to corn, cotton, peanut (Arachis hypogaea L.), soybean, sweet potato, and tobacco in the most recent previous growing season. C. lividus was the most abundant species, and the mean total number of wireworms was highest following corn and soybean. A survey was conducted in commercial sweet potato in late spring and early summer in fields that had been planted to corn, cotton, cucurbit (Cucurbita pepo L.), peanut, soybean, sweet potato, or tobacco in the most recent previous growing season. C. vespertinus was the most abundant species, and the mean total number of wireworms per bait was highest following corn.  相似文献   

Aphid (Homoptera: Aphididae) seasonal flight activity and abundance in wheat, Triticum aestivum L., and the significance of aphid species as vectors of barley yellow dwarf virus were studied over a nine-year period in the South Carolina coastal plain. Four aphid species colonized wheat in a consistent seasonal pattern. Greenbug, Schizaphis graminum (Rondani), and rice root aphid, Rhopalosiphum rufiabdominalis (Sasaki), colonized seedlingwheat immediately after crop emergence, with apterous colonies usually peaking in December or January and then declining for the remainder of the season. These two aphid species are unlikely to cause economic loss on wheat in South Carolina, thus crop managers should not have to sample for the subterranean R. rufiabdominalis colonies. Bird cherry-oat aphid, Rhopalosiphum padi (L.), was the second most abundant species and the most economically important. Rhopalosiphum padi colonies usually remained below 10/row-meter until peaking in February or March. Barley yellow dwarf incidence and wheat yield loss were significantly correlated with R. padi peak abundance and aphid-day accumulation on the crop. Based on transmission assays, R. padi was primarily responsible for vectoring the predominant virus serotype (PAV) we found in wheat. Pest management efforts should focus on sampling for and suppressing this aphid species. December planting reduced aphid-day accumulation and barley yellow dwarf incidence, but delayed planting is not a practical management option. English grain aphid, Sitobion avenae (F.), was the last species to colonize wheat each season, and the most abundant. Sitobion avenae was responsible for late-season virus transmission and caused direct yield loss by feeding on heads and flag leaves during an outbreak year.  相似文献   

The effects of the mouse monoclonal antibody against 40 kDa adipocyte-specific plasma membrane protein on porcine adipocytes and carcass composition were investigated in vitro and in vivo. Results revealed that the in vitro complement-mediated cytotoxicity of this monoclonal antibody can lead to adipocyte lysis, remarkable reduction of adipocyte lipid accumulation (P〈0.01), and significant decrease of well-differentiated fat cells (P〈0.01). Treatment of adipocytes with this antibody alone in vitro did not induce cell lysis, but could lead to noticeable reduction of well-differentiated cells and lipid accumulation (P〈0.05) at the pre-adipocyte stage. In vivo, pigs injected with 0.5 mg/kg or 1.0 mg/kg of antibody showed smaller adipocyte sizes (P〈0.01) and reduced lipid accumulation of adipocytes (P〈0.01). Our results also indicated that pigs intraperitoneally or subcutaneously immunized with 0.5 mg/kg of monoclonal antibody at 15 kg or 1.0 mg/kg antibody at 60 kg had a higher lean meat percentage (P〈0.05), larger loin eye area (P〈0.05), lower fat meat percentage (P〈0.05), less backfat thickness (P〈0.05) and smaller leaf fat weight (P〈0.05) than the control pigs, but other carcass traits such as caul fat weight, heart weight, liver weight, spleen weight, kidney weight, lung weight, and dressing percentage were not significantly affected. These results suggested that this monoclonal antibody could be applied to restrain excessive fat deposition in porcine production.  相似文献   

Forest had varying effects on stream nutrients in two coastal plain basins of the Delmarva Peninsula, USA. In the Choptank basin, forest was strongly associated with low stream total nitrogen (TN) and nitrate (NO3) concentrations (r20.70), and forest placement along first order streams was important in maintaining low stream nitrogen (N) concentrations (r20.35). In addition, a multiple regression model explained 40% of the stream total phosphorus (TP) variance and indicated that forest directly adjacent to streams (0–100 m) acted as a TP source and forest further away (100–300 m) from streams acted as a TP sink. In contrast, stream nutrients in the nearby Chester basin demonstrated a strong relationship with soil hydrologic properties. Forest had no significant effect on stream N and P because the finer-textured soils, higher stream slopes, and higher runoff potential of the Chester basin appeared to result in less baseflow compared to that in the Choptank basin. This reduced the opportunity for forest to intercept N via plant uptake and denitrification in the high runoff potential soils of the Chester basin. The high percentage of stormflow (40%) coupled with high stream slopes resulted in high soil erosion potential, which may explain the higher TP stream concentrations measured in the Chester compared to that in the Choptank. Differences in the hydrologic pathway appear to explain the different effects of forest on water quality in these two basins.  相似文献   

Synopsis Sunfishes of the genera Lepomis and Enneacanthus are characteristic inhabitants of quiet waters on the New Jersey coastal plain. In southern New Jersey, E. chaetodon and E. obesus are now almost totally restricted to the Pine Barrens region of the Outer Coastal Plain. In contrast, E. gloriosus is widely distributed. Lepomis gibbosus and L. macrochirus are also widespread, but have established few populations in the more acidic waters of the Pine Barrens. Factor analysis was used to determine underlying patterns of distribution among these 5 species, using 6 habitat variables, measured over 54 collection sites in New Jersey. Two general factors account for 41% of the distributional variation. Habitat variables most strongly associated with factor 1 suggest an underlying trophic gradient (dystrophy to eutrophy) with its associated species. Factor 2 suggests an underlying current-bottom gradient. The basis for the scarcity of Lepomis spp. from acidic waters was explored by examining the tolerance of recently hatched embryos to reduced pH. No increase in mortality was observed at pH 4.25 for L. gibbosus eleutheroembryos and pH 4.5 for L. macrochirus eleutheroembryos. The two species appear to be poorly suited to dystrophic habitats; young Lepomis are primarily planktivores, a dietary niche that is conspicuously reduced in dystrophic waters. Fish of the genus Enneacanthus glean invertebrates on substrate or vegetation, a behavior well suited for dystrophic habitats where most primary and secondary production is associated with aquatic macrophytes and substrate.  相似文献   

Summary. Since the entomosarcosaprophagous community is affected by environmental variables, it needs to be studied under different environmental conditions. In addition, because most studies are usually conducted with biomodels rather than human corpses, it is necessary to verify whether or not the type of decomposing animal matter affects the decomposition process itself, as well as the related fauna. For this reason, a study was conducted on the sarcosaprophagous Diptera community in two different environments of the Region of Murcia (SE Spain), using piglet and chicken carcasses, and Schoenly traps as collecting devices. To analyse possible differences regarding faunal composition among samples, a one-way Permutational Multivariate Analysis of Variance (PERMANOVA) was applied. The results indicate significant differences concerning the bait. In this sense, Calliphoridae, Muscidae, Fanniidae and Sarcophagidae families are the main groups responsible for such differences. In terms of environment-related differences, the only species that contribute are those of the dominant families, Calliphoridae and Muscidae.  相似文献   

A study was undertaken to evaluate the interrelationship between the presence of seagrasses, Zostera marina and Halodule wrightii, and the physical and chemical properties of sediments in a coastal plain estuary near Beaufort, North Carolina. In sediments underlying a cover of seagrass, silt-clay, organic matter, exchangeable ammonium, ammonium dissolved in pore waters and total nitrogen were larger than in unvegetated profiles. The magnitude of the physical and chemical properties of sediments varied according to the location of the station in relation to the vegetation, as well as the continuity in the distribution of the seagrass. The largest pools of nitrogen, the finest sediment texture, and the greatest organic matter content were in sediments associated with the mid bed regions of seagrass meadows, intermediate at the edges of the bed and small isolated patches of grass, and least in unvegetated substrate.General conclusions from this study are: 1) once established, seagrasses appear capable of modifying the sediment texture as well as the organic matter and nitrogen content; 2) nitrogen accumulates beneath the vegetation suggesting that vegetated sediments are sinks; however, functional recycling mechanisms seem to be operating as suggested by the larger magnitude of remineralized nitrogen in the vegetated profiles; and 3) the establishment of seagrasses in this geographical region are not necessarily restricted by the sediment properties measured in this study. These data and conclusions are discussed in regard to an application of contemporary theories of ecosystem development to seagrass systems.Contribution Number 82-22-B  相似文献   

杂种猪染色体的核型与显带研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
应用常规方法获得了杂种猪( 野猪(♂)×家猪(♀))的核型、C带和174条带纹的G带,应用微量秋水仙素法得到了258条带纹的高分辨G带。结果表明,杂种猪的二倍体细胞染色体数目2n=38,C带具有多态性,G带和高分辨G带与家猪相比无明显差异,它们属于同一种。 Abstract:Using usual method,we got karyotype of hybrid pig (wild soar(♂)×domestic pig(♀)),C-band and approximate 174 bands of G-band,and we also obtained approximate 258 bands of high resolution G-band by micro-Colchicin method.The result indicate that the diploid chromosome number is 2n=38;there is polymorphism in C-band,and compared with domestic pig in G-band and high resolution G-band there is no distinguish difference.They belong to the same seed.  相似文献   

Very limited information is currently available on growth responses of switchgrass (lowland cultivars) to transient waterlogging in lowland or poorly drained areas. This study investigated impacts of microtopography‐induced transient waterlogging on switchgrass (Alamo cultivar) growth, represented by leaf‐level gas exchange and biomass yield, in an established experimental field located in the Atlantic coastal plain of North Carolina, USA. Intensive leaf‐level gas exchange measurements were conducted on switchgrass at paired spots with distinct elevations in three sub‐blocks. Aboveground biomass was randomly collected across the study field to explore the potential impacts of the transient waterlogging on biomass yield. The sum of excess water (SEW) was calculated based on measured instantaneous water table depth to generalize the relationship between biomass yield and intensity of transient waterlogging. Results showed significant (P ≤ 0.0001) treatment effects on leaf‐level gas exchange, characterized by evident reduction in both CO2 assimilation rate and stomatal conductance when water table was at or near the soil surface at low positions. Negative impacts of transient waterlogging on leaf‐level gas exchange became more evident with the increasing of elevation differences between paired subplots. Stomatal closure was found to be the main mechanism responsible for the decline of net assimilation under transient waterlogging. Aboveground biomass yields of switchgrass showed relatively high spatial variability and were positively and linearly correlated with microtopography (represented by elevation in the analysis) (P < 0.03, R2 > 0.77). Further analysis showed that biomass yields were negatively correlated with SEW (P < 0.001, R2 > 0.6) with an exponential relationship. Results of this study strongly demonstrated transient waterlogging could negatively affect switchgrass growth by suppressing leaf‐level gas exchange rates and ultimately reducing biomass yield. Findings from this study have critical implications for evaluating the economic viability of growing switchgrass on marginal lands that are subject to transient waterlogging stresses.  相似文献   

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