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半乳甘露聚糖胶物理增粘技术的研究   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:3  
本文对瓜尔胶、胡芦巴胶、皂荚胶、野皂荚胶、田菁胶的水合增粘工艺进行了研究,并比较了螺杆盘磨式和轧辊刨片式两种增粘机。与原胶相比,增粘胶1%胶液粘度提高了50%,水不溶物含量降低了15%。  相似文献   

目的:优化黄精多糖提取工艺,并研究其吸湿保湿性能、探索其护肤功能。方法:采用热回流法结合正交进行黄精多糖提取工艺优化;以黄精多糖为实验对象,采用重量法进行吸湿性(相对湿度分别为43%和81%)、保湿性试验,并对吸湿曲线进行模型拟合;将黄精多糖添加到市售面霜中进行皮肤水分测试。结果:实验表明黄精多糖最佳提取工艺条件为:料液比1∶25 (g/mL),提取时间是150 min,提取次数为1次;黄精多糖在不同相对湿度下的吸湿均符合双指数模型;置于干硅胶环境下48 h,黄精多糖保湿率为14.00%。结论:黄精多糖具有良好的保湿性,在护肤品开发中具有一定的应用价值。  相似文献   

植物多糖胶流变性质的研究   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
胡芦巴、皂荚、野皂荚和塔拉多糖胶水溶液随着浓度的增加,溶液表现为假塑性流体.表现粘度随剪切速率增大而减小。通过Cross模型和实验数据计算得到1%多糖胶零剪切速率时表现粘度η0、无穷大剪切速率时表现粘度η∞和弹性松驰时间等重要流变参数。根据Arrhenius方程和实验数据计算得到1%浓度多糖胶的粘度流化能E和常数A,皂荚胶和塔拉胶的粘流活化能大。时间对多糖胶液粘度影响较大,新配制的多糖胶液随着水化时间的延长,胶液表观粘度增大,胶液放置时间超过24h后,表现粘度随时间的延长而降低。pH值、冻融处理和盐离子对多糖胶表现粘度的影响不太大。多糖胶与硼离子形成的冻胶.其粘度因多糖胶品种而异,其中胡芦巴冻胶粘度最高,是野皂荚冻胶粘度的165倍和瓜尔胶冻胶粘度的2.7倍。  相似文献   

胶粉粒径对植物多糖胶粘度的影响   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
血球计数器测定不同粒径胶粉完整胚乳细胞个数与胶液粘度的关系表明。粒径越大,完整胚乳细胞个数越多,水合作用速度越慢。胶液粘度越低;原胶粉粒径通过200目时胶液粘度最大,增粘胶粉通过140目时胶液粘度即达到最大值。增粘胶粉中完整胚乳细胞个数比原胶粉低35%~50%。  相似文献   

实验研究了放置温度、时间、冻融、pH、盐以及柠檬酸对黄原胶和假酸浆子胶混胶黏度的影响.结果表明:黄原胶和假酸浆子胶有协效性,当假酸浆子胶与黄原胶的质量比15:85时,二者的协同增效性最高,胶溶液为非牛顿型流体,且变化满足Herschel-Bulkley方程.温度、时间对混胶有一定的影响.进一步对其研究表明:冻融、pH、盐以及柠檬酸都对其影响较小.  相似文献   

The observation by transmission and scanning electronic microscopy on the endosperm cells from mature and developing seeds of Sesbania cannabina shows that the Sesbania gum after its synthesis is not secreted out of cells, it is accumulated inside the cells. The viscosity determination of different size of granules demonstrates that, the larger the size of granules, dm lower the gum viscosity, on the contrary, the smaller the size, the higher the viscosity. This result is in agreement with the localization of gum inside the cells. In addition, the total Content of saccharide and insoluble substances for different size granules was also determined, These results provide the need of small size of gum granules in the process of production with tile evidence of gum localization inside the endosperm cells of Sesbania seeds.  相似文献   

考察了瓜尔胶溶液和白芨多糖胶-瓜尔胶复配溶液的流变特性。两组溶液呈现典型的假塑性,不同浓度下两组溶液表观黏度(ηa)随剪切速率(τ)的变化可以用Ostwald-Dewaele方程描述。白芨多糖胶和瓜尔胶复配产生协同增效作用,复配溶液的ηa大于单一组分的白芨多糖胶溶液或瓜尔胶溶液的ηa。复配溶液中白芨多糖胶与瓜尔胶的最佳配比是质量比为9∶1。  相似文献   

研究梁河脂松节油的相对密度、折光率、初馏点、馏程体积、旋光度和化学组成以及脂松香的软化点、酸值、不皂化物含量、乙醇不溶物、灰分、旋光度和化学组成等物理和化学特征。结果表明:梁河的脂松节油在化学组成上因含有大量3-蒈烯导致其蒎烯含量低于GB/T 12901-2006,其物理指标中的折光率偏高。梁河的脂松香因化学组成中含有大量中性物,致其物理指标中酸值偏低,不皂化物含量偏高,超出GB/T 8145-2003。鉴于3-蒈烯这一特殊资源,有必要制定高3-蒈烯脂松节油标准。  相似文献   

胡芦巴湿渣用作脲醛树脂增量剂的研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
常规分析表明,提取甾体皂甙元后的胡芦巴制胶副产物中蛋白质含量41%,聚糖含量14%,脂肪含量低,适宜用作脲醛树脂增量剂。在脲醛树脂中加入胡芦巴残渣增量剂后,提高了胶液粘度,延长了脲醛树脂的适用期和固化时间,减小了固化后的收缩性。-25%的胡芦巴增量剂可提高三合板胶合强度15%以上,且能显著降低甲醛释放量。  相似文献   

The present study was undertaken to evaluate the gum exudates of Terminalia catappa Linn. (TC gum) as a release retarding excipient in oral controlled drug delivery system. The rheological properties of TC gum were studied and different formulation techniques were used to evaluate the comparative drug release characteristics. The viscosity was found to be dependent on concentration and pH. Temperature up to 60°C did not show significant effect on viscosity. The rheological kinetics evaluated by power law, revealed the shear thinning behavior of the TC gum dispersion in water. Matrix tablets of TC gum were prepared with the model drug dextromethorphan hydrobromide (DH) by direct compression, wet granulation and solid dispersion techniques. The dissolution profiles of the matrix tablets were compared with the pure drug containing capsules using the USP Basket apparatus with 500 ml phosphate buffer of pH 6.8 as a dissolution medium. The drug release from the compressed tablets containing TC gum was comparatively sustained than pure drug containing capsules. Even though all the formulation techniques showed reduction of dissolution rate, aqueous wet granulation showed the maximum sustained release of more than 8 h. The release kinetics estimated by the power law revealed that the drug release mechanism involved in the dextromethorphan matrix is anomalous transport as indicated by the release exponent n values. Thus the study confirmed that the TC gum might be used in the controlled drug delivery system as a release-retarding polymer.  相似文献   

黄原胶降解的研究进展   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
综述了黄原胶的理化特性、降解意义及降解方法,重点介绍了生物法降解黄原胶的国内外研究进展,并对降解黄原胶的研究方向提出了寻求更多降解途径、开发寡糖产品等建议.  相似文献   

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