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Vibrational signals (songs) were recorded and compared for two stink bug species, Thyanta pallidovirens and T. custator accerra. Females of both species produced two songs. Male T. pallidovirens also produced two songs, whereas male T. c. accerra produced four. Songs emitted by females of both species were comparable in structure and function, as was one of the male-produced songs. During the courtship phase of mating behavior, males of both species emitted a song with similar function but different temporal and spectral properties. Basic properties of songs, such as the dominant frequencies, were similar to those of songs of other pentatomid species, but the extensive use of frequency modulation and overlapping duets were novel. Differences in songs, combined with differences in male-produced pheromones, may play a role in the reproductive isolation of these congeners.  相似文献   

The growth and demography ofCubitermes speciosus mounds were studied in an equatorial forest ecosystem near Kisangani, Zaïre. The mounds were censused and measured on eight occasions from June 1985 to January 1993 on 25 plots of 100 m2.Mounds were found to grow in two ways: either they were enlarged sporadically, leading to a correlation between age and size; or they were no longer enlarged after a 2-year period of initial growth, which means that both large and small mounds can be old.The number of living mounds was fairly constant: it varied between 112 and 152 ha–1 with an average of 139 ha–1, and about a quarter of them were renewed each year. However, a clear tendency was observed over our 7.5-year observation period: the average size of the mounds increased regularly and was 2.7 times larger in 1993 than in 1985.Monthly birth and death rates were estimated using a model of continuous growth. Life expectancy at the age of 3 months was estimated from a survivorship curve at 3.5 years.  相似文献   

The communication via percussion of the abdomen on the substrate for species recognition and mate location of males and females of two sympatric species of the recently described insect order Mantophasmatodea (Heelwalkers) was investigated. Each sex produced a single and distinctive call. The female call consisted of repeated single pulses, whereas the more complex male call comprised repeated pulse trains. The calls of males and females of the two species were of similar general structure, but differed in most temporal characters such as pulse and pulse train repetition time. In behavioral playback experiments females reacted to the call of conspecific males by calling and decreasing locomotion. When stimulated with the call of the heterospecific, sympatric male, females showed no reaction. Males exhibited abdominal rubbing, high tapping rates, increased activity (both movement and active searching) as well as characteristic searching behavior at branch nodes, when presented with the conspecific female call. Being stimulated with the playback of the heterospecific female call and the conspecific male call respectively, males responded with less intense locomotor and searching behavior. The drumming behavior in the control situation (no playback) suggests that males sometimes call in the absence of other individuals.  相似文献   

The Macrotermitinae are a large and successful subfamily of fungus-growing termites, characterised by their symbiotic association with white-rot fungi of the genus Termitomyces. The taxonomy of the subfamily, and in particular of the largest genus Odontotermes, is problematic. We used sequences of the mitochondrial 16S gene from termites occurring in East Africa and Malawi to explore the phyletic relationships within the genus Odontotermes and to place the genus in the broader context of other fungus-growing termites. We also interpret this phylogeny in relation to classical morphological taxonomy in the form of absolute and relative dry weights of the sterile castes, and in relation to innate behaviour as shown by nest architecture and fungus comb structure. This work lays the foundations of a complete taxonomic revision of the Macrotermitinae. The phylogeny supports one clear subdivision, here called the “tanganicus” group, within the genus Odontotermes. It also supports the significance of field observations on the structure of fungus combs, as the whole “tanganicus” group builds fungus combs of the sponge type (or modified forms thereof) which are hardly known elsewhere. Other phyletic relationships are less clear, the residual sequences being referred to as the “latericius” group. We recognise three probable miniature species within the “tanganicus” group and another possible one in the residual “latericius group”. Received 16 January 2007; revised 30 October 2007 and 11 March 2008; accepted 4 April 2008.  相似文献   

In the savanna-like Brazilian biome caatinga, the arboreal and polydomous ant Crematogaster brevispinosa rochai can be found cohabiting with two closely related Nasutitermes species (N. corniger and N. ephratae). This ant occupies variably sized portions of the termite nests and maintains a physical separation with its hosts by plugging the cells of the boundary areas with fibrous material. Although all the analysed cohabiting C. b. rochai nests were queenless, they always contained brood, especially from male and female reproductive castes. Interaction experiments between workers of C. b. rochai and workers or soldiers of N. ephratae revealed a low level of aggressiveness between the two species that contrasts with the aggressiveness of both C. b. rochai and N. ephratae in encounters with other ant (Azteca cf. chartifex, Cephalotes pusillus) or termite (M. cf. indistinctus) species. The association could benefit both ants (additional nesting sites, brood rearing places) and termites (protection against predators, dead ants or ant refuses as source of nitrogen).  相似文献   

Four species of the Drosophila virilis group, D. montana, D. littoralis, D. lummei, and D. ezoana, occur sympatrically in several locations in northern Europe. Courtship interactions between the flies of the three first-mentioned species were observed at malt baits in Kemi, northern Finland, to find out how the flies of different species recognize conspecific individuals and how interspecific courtships differ from intraspecific ones in the wild. Intraspecific courtships (including females of different reproductive stages) and interspecific courtships were also videotaped and analyzed in laboratory. In the wild the males courted both conspecific and allospecific females, even though the species varied in how much the males were attracted to females of different species. Interspecific courtships usually broke off when the male touched the female or when the male and/or the female vibrated his/her wings, producing acoustic cues. In the laboratory males courted conspecific females irrespective of the reproductive stage of the female, even though the courtships directed toward immature and fertilized females usually included only orienting and touching (no licking and singing). D. littoralis, and very rarely D. montana and D. lummei, males courted also allospecific females. In the few interspecific courtships between these three species, where the male proceeded to singing, females responded to male singing by vibrating their wings. This ended the courtship. It is suggested that both the chemical cues affecting female attractivity and the acoustic signals of males and females, which are produced by wing vibration, function in maintaining sexual isolation between these three species.  相似文献   

Y. Roisin 《Insectes Sociaux》1996,43(4):375-389
Summary The developmental pathways of the neuter castes were studied in three species of Nasutitermitinae from central Panama. The humivorousSubulitermes denisae andCoatitermes clevelandi display several primitive traits: absence of sex dimorphism, representation of both sexes among workers and soldiers, and occurrence of successive worker instars. The litter-dwellingVelocitermes barrocoloradensis has a more complex caste system: female larvae are larger than males and give rise to the large workers, which constitute the bulk of the work force; male larvae proceed to soldiers through a small worker or a special larval instar. The resulting soldier caste is polymorphic. These results support previously formulated hypotheses regarding a link between humivorous diet and reduced polymorphism on the one hand, and between forest-floor foraging and large continuous size variation among soldiers on the other. Whereas the caste systems ofSubulitermes andCoatitermes probably represent a primitive condition,Velocitermes shares derived traits withNasutitermes and the other fully nasute genera previously studied. I therefore hypothesize that ancestors with these advanced features may have spread from the neotropics and be at the origin of most nasute genera, including humivorous taxa, present in other regions.  相似文献   

Alarm pheromones are used in many social insects to elicit an alarm response of nestmates towards disturbances. This chemical alarm channel is especially used by species nesting in closed environments. Polistes gallicus paper wasps typically found their nests on open substrates where visual and vibrational stimuli could be more important than the chemical one to alarm the colony. We investigated, through field bioassays, if, also in this species, workers venom is still the source of alarm pheromones. Our results show that venom volatiles are able to increase the colony defence reaction stimulating more individuals to attack and sting the object of disturbance. Therefore our results suggest the hypothesis that chemical alarm is independent of nesting habit (concealed vs exposed) within the Polistes genus.  相似文献   

The application of smoke to honey bee(Apis mellifera) antennae reduced the subsequent electroantennograph response of the antennae to honey bee alarm pheromones, isopentyl acetate, and 2-heptanone. This effect was reversible, and the responsiveness of antennae gradually returned to that of controls within 10–20 min. A similar effect occurred with a floral odor, phenylacetaldehyde, suggesting that smoke interferes with olfaction generally, rather than specifically with honey bee alarm pheromones. A reduction in peripheral sensitivity appears to be one component of the mechanism by which smoke reduces nest defense behavior of honey bees.  相似文献   

Morphological and seed protein studies of selected species ofFestuca were performed to elucidate the relationships between species of sect.Ovinae and their affinity with other fescues.Festuca rubra andF. heterophylla (extravaginale group) had higher phenetic affinity with taxa of sect.Scariosae, Montanae andBovinae than with members of their own section. 5 species of the intravaginale group (F. ovina, F. capillata, F. valesiaca, F. sulcata, F. trachyphylla) were fairly uniform and well defined by protein and morphological data. This supports current systematic thinking and does not agree withHackel's (1882) classification of this group.  相似文献   

The foraging behavior of marked individuals of Ectatomma ruidum and E. tuberculatum (Formicidae: Ponerinae) was observed on Barro Colorado Island, Panama, in order to determine whether learning of orientation and timing is involved when foraging on patchy resources on the forest floor. Foraging experiments under seminatural conditions were designed to control for the spatiotemporal distribution of resources at one or two preying sites. Using both single- and multi–event past experience, individual foragers of E. ruidum and (although less significantly) E. tuberculatum made directional and temporal adjustments to their behavior in response to previous differential foraging success. In spite of considerable individual variation in foraging efficiency, it is hypothesized that the observed differences in cognitive abilities can be invoked to explain ecological differences among both species.  相似文献   

The knowledge of the seasonal foraging activity and the numbers of foragers in a colony would be helpful for designing effective termite baiting programs. The current study presents the seasonal activity of Microtermes mycophagus Desneux in a tree plantation in Multan, Punjab, Pakistan, using silk cotton tree wood traps during 2011–2013. The population of M. mycophagus was also estimated using the constant removal method. The number of workers in the underground traps showed a seasonal trend with the highest capture rate occurring during summer and the lowest during winter. The peak in the population (1139 workers/trap) was observed in October after the rainy season. Positive and significant correlation was found between the mean air temperature and the numbers of M. mycophagus workers captured. The constant removal population estimates revealed 16 499–40 265 individuals in the colony of M. mycophagus. Our results suggest that for cost–effective management of the termite species, baiting programs should be started immediately after August when rapid increases in activity of M. mycophagus have been recorded.  相似文献   

The alarm behavior of worker and soldier castes of four European subterranean termite species of the genus Reticulitermes (R. santonensis, R. lucifugus, R. grassei, R. banyulensis) is described. In petri dish bioassays we presented filter papers with squashed soldier heads as an odor source to trigger a alarm reaction. Untreated filter papers were used as controls. The behavioral patterns were alike for all four species. In the control situation (no alarm), only occasional workers and few soldiers were seen walking in the petri dish. When the odor source was presented, a general state of alertness was observed, showing as higher activity and presence, zigzag running, antennation of nestmates, jittering and jerking, mandible snapping, head-banging, and attraction to the odor source. Workers were attracted within a few seconds (6.9–13.4 s); soldiers followed much later (18.5–64.6 s). Both workers and soldiers inspected the odor source only briefly (workers for 8.7–12.8 s, soldiers for 10.0–19.5 s), with the exception of R. santonensis, where soldiers stayed an average of 209.8 s. The number of individuals, of 50 workers and 3 soldiers, near the odor source averaged 6.0–9.2 workers and 1.2–2.3 soldiers. The presence of workers is crucial: without workers, a significant alarm reaction in soldiers could not be induced. The roles of soldier and worker castes of Reticulitermes species within alarm communication and the origin and nature of possible alarm signals are discussed.  相似文献   

This is the first long-term, simultaneous, comparative study of three bamboo lemur species (Hapalemur griseus, H. aureus, and H. simus) at a site in southeastern-central Madagascar where they occur in sympatry. At Talatakely, Ranomafana National Park, the three Hapalemur spp. share overlapping home ranges. Hapalemur griseus has flexible group sizes, varying from three to nine individuals (n = 6). The home range of Hapalemur griseus averages 15 ha (n = 2). Hapalemur aureus forms family groups of 4 individuals (n = 3); they have a home range on average of 26 ha (n = 2). The single group of Hapalemur simus is composed of one or three adult males, two adult females, and their offspring; they occupy a home range of 62 ha. The three species of Hapalemur are year-round bamboo specialists: >88% of their diets consist of bamboo and grass in the Family Poaceae. Contrary to earlier findings, all three Hapalemur spp. consume the cynogenic parts—young leaf bases, young pseudopetioles, and young shoots—of the giant bamboo, Cathariostachys madagascariensis. They rely heavily on this plant, which comprises 72–95% of their diets. Hapalemur griseus and H. aureus consume similar proportions of bamboo vs. nonbamboo plants, though they differ in the species of bamboo they prefer. Hapalemur simus has the most distinct diet of the three bamboo lemurs. They exploit the young shoots of Cathariostachys madagascariensis during the austral summer rainy season, between November and April. From June to November, Hapalemur simus shifts its diet to eating the mature culm pith of Cathariostachys madagascariensis; the proportion of pith represented in their diet reaches a maximum of 89% in October. Seasonal availability of food resources, feeding competition, and factors related to body size may provide clues to the understanding of diet selection among the three sympatric Hapalemur spp.  相似文献   

Puccinia hemerocallidis and P. funkiae resemble each other morphologically; however, they are biologically and taxonomically distinct, with telia of the former being restricted to species of Hemerocallis and the latter to Hosta species. However, both fungi share a macrocyclic and heteroecious life cycle with Patrinia villosa as the spermogonial and aecial host. An additional microcyclic rust fungus, P. patriniae, is also known on P. villosa. This microcyclic fungus is similar to the two macrocyclic fungi in its telial structure and teliospore morphology. These similarities in morphology and host relationships suggest the three fungi may also share a close evolutionary relationship. To determine the phylogenetic relationships of the three species, a portion of the nuclear ribosomal DNA repeat encoding the ITS and 5.8S subunit regions was amplified by PCR, sequenced, and analyzed. The resulting phylogenetic trees showed that P. hemerocallidis and P. funkiae share a recent common ancestor and that P. patriniae is closely allied with P. hemerocallidis. The results suggest a possible evolutionary derivation of microcyclic P. patriniae from macrocyclic heteroecious P. hemerocallidis, which fits the evolutionary interpretation of correlated species known as Tranzschel's law.  相似文献   

Two high-molecular water-soluble preparations with high anticomplementary and antioxidant activity were isolated from the roots of Symphytum asperum and S. caucasicum. Their main chemical constituent was found to be poly[oxy-1-carboxy-2-(3,4-dihydroxyphenyl)ethylene] according to IR and NMR spectroscopy.  相似文献   

Abstract. 1. Intraspecific aggression between termite major workers was used to obtain estimates of foraging distances for three Microtermes species in Sudan.
2. Maximum foraging distance recorded for M. sp. nr albopartitus (Sjöstedt) in Khartoum was 11.3 m, giving an estimated minimum colony area of 100 m2. This is probably an underestimate. In the Tokar Delta, individuals from single colonies of M. najdensis Harris were encountered up to 42 m apart, giving a colony area of 1390 m2.
3. Intraspecific aggression could not be used reliably to distinguish members of different colonies of M. lepidus Sjöstedt. Soil barrier formation between groups of workers in petri dishes may be of use as a supplementary technique, especially for species showing no clear aggression.
4. Experiments on isolated laboratory colonics of M. sp. Nr lepidus Sjöstedt, established from alates collected in Khartoum, further confirmed the value of inter-colony aggression for indicating colony identity.
5. The complications introduced into estimation of subterranean termite foraging areas by overlap and interdigitation of colonies are discussed.  相似文献   

Chroniodiplogaster formosiana sp. n. (Rhabditida: Diplogastridae) is described from a population of Odontotermes formosanus Shiraki (Isoptera: Termitidae) collected from dead (unidentified) wood at Dinghu Park, China. Characters of C. formosiana which separate it from C. aerivora (Cobb) are a longer tail, the presence of four micropapillae (quadriform condition), and the adjacent position of the second and third macropapillae on the male tail. The diplogasterid Pristionchus uniformis Fedorko & Stanuszek, which is transferred to Chroniodiplogaster, can be distinguished from both C. formosiana and C. aerivora by the position of its excretory pore. Variable results in experimental infection trials suggest that some still unknown factor or factors are important in the infection process. Further studies are necessary to better define these factors before C. formosiana can be considered as a biological control agent of the Formosan termite.  相似文献   

We determined the effect of several concentrations of cadmium (0, 5, 10, and 20 μg/l) on cellular viability in the microalgae Scenedesmus sp. and Dunaliella viridis, by measuring growth at 0, 24, 48, 72, and 96 h and pigment production at 10 days. Algae were obtained from the Nonvascular Plant Laboratory collection, in the Facultad Experimental de Ciencias, Universidad del Zulia, Venezuela. Growth was measured by cellular counting, while pigment content was evaluated using conventional spectrophotometric techniques. Growth of both species decreased in the exposed cultures comparing with the control, but its behavior was similar, because in both control and exposed cultures, its was observed an adaptive phase in the first hours, as well as a growth phase after 72 h. Cadmium concentrations above 10 μg/l produced an adverse effect on pigment production, depending on the concentration and/or exhibition time. However, even though cadmium inhibited growth and pigment production, levels of both parameters indicated cellular viability, demonstrating the adaptability of the algae cultures when they were exposed to the metal.  相似文献   

Principal component and canonical variate analyses were used to analyse the variation of 34 morphological characters measured in 98 accessions ofTulipa subg.Tulipa, formerly known as sect.Leiostemones. In addition 43 accessions were analysed cytogenetically by means of C-banding methods. Based on the encountered variation and on geographical distribution data 30 species in five sections were recognized, of which the synonymy is stated. Seven new series in two different sections have been designated.  相似文献   

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