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Biosynthesis of the molybdenum cofactor, a chelate of molybdenum or tungsten with a novel pterin, occurs in virtually all organisms including humans. In the cofactor, the metal is complexed to the unique cis-dithiolene moiety located on the pyran ring of molybdopterin. Escherichia coli molybdopterin synthase, the protein responsible for adding the dithiolene to a desulfo precursor termed precursor Z, is a dimer of dimers containing the MoaD and MoaE proteins. The sulfur used for dithiolene formation is carried in the form of a thiocarboxylate at the MoaD C terminus. Using an intein expression system for preparation of thiocarboxylated MoaD, the mechanism of the molybdopterin synthase reaction was examined. A stoichiometry of 2 molecules of thiocarboxylated MoaD per conversion of a single precursor Z molecule to molybdopterin was observed. Examination of several synthase variants bearing mutations in the MoaE subunit identified Lys-119 as a residue essential for activity and Arg-39 and Lys-126 as other residues critical for the reaction. An intermediate of the synthase reaction was identified and characterized. This intermediate remains tightly associated with the protein and is the predominant product formed by synthase containing the K126A variant of MoaE. Mass spectral data obtained from protein-bound intermediate are consistent with a monosulfurated structure that contains a terminal phosphate group similar to that present in molybdopterin.  相似文献   

A simple and reliable procedure of oxidation of molybdenum cofactor (MoCo) from molybdoenzymes by autoclaving samples at 120 degrees C for 20 min yielded a single predominant fluorescent species that could be quantitatively determined by reverse phase high performance liquid chromatography. This method allowed detection and quantitation of molybdopterin in cell-free extracts of the green alga Chlamydomonas reinhardtii. The MoCo oxidation product from C. reinhardtii has the same chromatographic and spectral properties as that of milk xanthine oxidase and chicken liver sulfite oxidase. The oxidized species was also detected in molybdenum cofactor mutants of Chlamydomonas reinhardtii defective at the nit-3, nit-4, nit-5/nit-6 and nit-7 loci, which strongly suggests that active molybdenum cofactor itself is not directly involved in the control of its own biosynthetic pathway.  相似文献   

Amino acid sequence comparisons of Escherichia coli MoeB suggested that the MoeB-dependent formation of a C-terminal thiocarboxylate on the MoaD subunit of molybdopterin synthase might resemble the ubiquitin-activating step in the ubiquitin-targeted degradation of proteins in eukaryotes. To determine the exact role of MoeB in molybdopterin biosynthesis, the protein was purified after homologous overexpression. Using purified proteins, we have demonstrated the ATP-dependent formation of a complex of MoeB and MoaD adenylate that is stable to gel filtration. Mass spectrometry of the complex revealed a peak of a molecular mass of 9,073 Da, the expected mass of MoaD adenylate. However, unlike the ubiquitin activation reaction, the formation of a thioester intermediate between MoeB and MoaD could not be observed. There was also no evidence for a MoeB-bound sulfur during the sulfuration of MoaD. Amino acid substitutions were generated in every cysteine residue in MoeB. All of these exhibited activity comparable to the wild type, with the exception of mutations in cysteine residues located in putative Zn-binding motifs. For these cysteines, loss of activity correlated with loss of metal binding.  相似文献   

We describe the primary structure of eukaryotic molybdopterin synthase small and large subunits and compare the sequences of the lower eukaryote, Aspergillus nidulans, and a higher eukaryote, Homo sapiens. Mutants in the A. nidulans cnxG (encoding small subunit) and cnxH (large subunit) genes have been analyzed at the biochemical and molecular level. Chlorate-sensitive mutants, all the result of amino acid substitutions, were shown to produce low levels of molybdopterin, and growth tests suggest that they have low levels of molybdoenzymes. In contrast, chlorate-resistant cnx strains have undetectable levels of molybdopterin, lack the ability to utilize nitrate or hypoxanthine as sole nitrogen sources, and are probably null mutations. Thus on the basis of chlorate toxicity, it is possible to distinguish between amino acid substitutions that permit a low level of molybdopterin production and those mutations that completely abolish molybdopterin synthesis, most likely reflecting molybdopterin synthase activity per se. Residues have been identified that are essential for function including the C-terminal Gly of the small subunit (CnxG), which is thought to be crucial for the sulfur transfer process during the formation of molybdopterin. Two independent alterations at residue Gly-148 in the large subunit, CnxH, result in temperature sensitivity suggesting that this residue resides in a region important for correct folding of the fungal protein. Many years ago it was proposed, from data showing that temperature-sensitive cnxH mutants had thermolabile nitrate reductase, that CnxH is an integral part of the molybdoenzyme nitrate reductase (MacDonald, D. W., and Cove, D. J. (1974) Eur. J. Biochem. 47, 107-110). Studies of temperature-sensitive cnxH mutants isolated in the course of this study do not support this hypothesis. Homologues of both molybdopterin synthase subunits are evident in diverse eukaryotic sources such as worm, rat, mouse, rice, and fruit fly as well as humans as discussed in this article. In contrast, molybdopterin synthase homologues are absent in the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Precursor Z and molybdopterin are undetectable in this organism nor do there appear to be homologues of molybdoenzymes.  相似文献   

In almost all biological life forms, molybdenum and tungsten are coordinated by molybdopterin (MPT), a tricyclic pyranopterin containing a cis-dithiolene group. Together, the metal and the pterin moiety form the redox reactive molybdenum cofactor (Moco). Mutations in patients with deficiencies in Moco biosynthesis usually occur in the enzymes catalyzing the first and second steps of biosynthesis, leading to the formation of precursor Z and MPT, respectively. The second step is catalyzed by the heterotetrameric MPT synthase protein consisting of two large (MoaE) and two small (MoaD) subunits with the MoaD subunits located at opposite ends of a central MoaE dimer. Previous studies have determined that the conversion of the sulfur- and metal-free precursor Z to MPT by MPT synthase involves the transfer of sulfur atoms from a C-terminal MoaD thiocarboxylate to the C-1' and C-2' positions of precursor Z. Here, we present the crystal structures of non-thiocarboxylated MPT synthase from Staphylococcus aureus in its apo form and in complex with precursor Z. A comparison of the two structures reveals conformational changes in a loop that participates in interactions with precursor Z. In the complex, precursor Z is bound by strictly conserved residues in a pocket at the MoaE dimer interface in close proximity of the C-terminal glycine of MoaD. Biochemical evidence indicates that the first dithiolene sulfur is added at the C-2' position.  相似文献   

Molybdenum cofactor deficiency (MIM#252150) is a severe autosomal-recessive disorder with a devastating outcome. The cofactor is the product of a complex biosynthetic pathway involving four different genes (MOCS1, MOCS2, MOCS3 and GEPH). This disorder is caused almost exclusively by mutations in the MOCS1 or MOCS2 genes. Mutations affecting this biosynthetic pathway result in a lethal phenotype manifested by progressive neurological damage via the inactivation of the molybdenum cofactor-dependent enzyme, sulphite oxidase. Here we describe a total of ten novel disease-causing mutations in the MOCS1 and MOCS2 genes. Nine out of these ten mutations were classified as pathogenic in nature, since they create a stop codon, affect constitutive splice site positions, or change strictly conserved motifs. The tenth mutation abolishes the stop codon of the MOCS2B gene, thus elongating the corresponding protein. The mutation was expressed in vitro and was found to abolish the binding affinities of the large subunit of molybdopterin synthase (MOCS2B) for both precursor Z and the small subunit of molybdopterin synthase (MOCS2A).  相似文献   



The use of food-grade lactococci as bacterial carriers to DNA delivery into epithelial cells is a new strategy to develop live oral DNA vaccine. Our goal was to develop a new plasmid, named pValac, for antigen delivery for use in lactococci. The pValac plasmid was constructed by the fusion of: i) a eukaryotic region, allowing the cloning of an antigen of interest under the control of the pCMV eukaryotic promoter to be expressed by a host cell and ii) a prokaryotic region allowing replication and selection of bacteria. In order to evaluate pValac functionality, the gfp ORF was cloned into pValac (pValac:gfp) and was analysed by transfection in PK15 cells. The applicability of pValac was demonstrated by invasiveness assays of Lactococcus lactis inlA+ strains harbouring pValac:gfp into Caco-2 cells.


After transfection with pValac:gfp, we observed GFP expression in PK15 cells. L. lactis inlA+ were able to invade Caco-2 cells and delivered a functional expression cassette (pCMV:gfp) into epithelial cells.


We showed the potential of an invasive L. lactis harbouring pValac to DNA delivery and subsequent triggering DNA expression by epithelial cells. Further work will be to examine whether these strains are able to deliver DNA in intestinal cells in vivo.  相似文献   

Experiments were performed to determine whether defects in molybdenum cofactor metabolism were responsible for the pleiotropic loss of the molybdoenzymes nitrate reductase and formate dehydrogenase in chl mutants of Escherichia coli. In wild-type E. coli, molybdenum cofactor activity was present in both the soluble and membrane-associated fractions when the cells were grown either aerobically or anaerobically, with and without nitrate. Molybdenum cofactor in the soluble fraction decreased when the membrane-bound nitrate reductase and formate dehydrogenase were induced. In the chl mutants, molybdenum cofactor activity was found in the soluble fraction of chlA, chlB, chlC, chlD, chlE, and chlG, but only chlB, chlC, chlD, and chlG expressed cofactor activity in the membrane fraction. The defect in the chlA mutants which prevented incorporation of the soluble cofactor into the membrane also caused the soluble cofactor to be defective in its ability to bind molybdenum. This cofactor was not active in the absence of molybdate, and it required at least threefold more molybdate than did the wild type in the Neurospora crassa nit-1 complementation assay. However, the cofactor from the chlA strain mediated the dimerization of the nit-1 subunits in the presence and absence of molybdate to yield the 7.9S dimer. Growth of chlA mutants in medium with increased molybdate did not repair the defect in the chlA cofactor nor restore the molybdoenzyme activities. Thus, molybdenum cofactor was synthesized in all the chl mutants, but additional processing steps may be missing in chlA and chlE mutants for proper insertion of cofactor in the membrane.  相似文献   

Luk LY  Bunn S  Liscombe DK  Facchini PJ  Tanner ME 《Biochemistry》2007,46(35):10153-10161
Norcoclaurine synthase catalyzes an asymmetric Pictet-Spengler condensation of dopamine and 4-hydroxyphenylacetaldehyde to give (S)-norcoclaurine. This is the first committed step in the biosynthesis of the benzylisoquinoline alkaloids that include morphine and codeine. In this work, the gene encoding for the Thalictrum flavum norcoclaurine synthase is highly overexpressed in Escherichia coli and the resulting His-tagged recombinant enzyme is purified for the first time. A continuous assay based on circular dichroism spectroscopy is developed and used to monitor the kinetics of the enzymatic reaction. Dopamine analogues bearing a methoxy or hydrogen substituent in place of the C-1 phenolic group were readily accepted by the enzyme whereas those bearing the same substituents at C-2 were not. This supports a mechanism involving a two-step cyclization of the putative iminium ion intermediate that does not proceed via a spirocyclic intermediate. The reaction of [3,5,6-2H]dopamine was found to be slowed by a kinetic isotope effect of 1.7 +/- 0.1 on the value of kcat/KM. This is interpreted as showing that the deprotonation step causing rearomatization is partially rate determining in the overall reaction.  相似文献   

A di-(carboxamidomethyl) derivative of molybdopterin, the organic component of the molybdenum cofactor, has been prepared under conditions favoring retention of all of the structural features of the molecule. The specific radioactivity of [1-14C]iodoacetamide incorporated relative to the amount of phosphate indicated two alkylation sites per pterin. Energy-dispersive x-ray analysis of the derivative showed the presence of 2 sulfurs in the derivative. An exact mass corresponding to the molecular formula C14H18N7O5S2 was obtained for the MH+ ion of the alkylated, dephosphorylated compound by fast atom bombardment mass spectroscopy. 1H NMR spectra of the phosphorylated and dephosphorylated forms of alkylated molybdopterin, in conjunction with the other data, have provided strong corroboration of the validity of the proposed structure of molybdopterin (Johnson, J. L., and Rajagopalan, K. V. (1982) Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U. S. A. 79, 6856-6860) as a 6-alkylpterin with a 4-carbon side chain containing an enedithiol on C-1' and C-2', a secondary alcohol on C-3', and a phosphorylated primary alcohol on C-4'. As isolated, the di-(carboxamido-methyl)molybdopterin was found to be a 5,6,7,8-tetrahydropterin.  相似文献   

Organisms lacking Gln-tRNA synthetase produce Gln-tRNA(Gln) from misacylated Glu-tRNA(Gln) through the transamidation activity of Glu-tRNA(Gln) amidotransferase (Glu-AdT). Glu-AdT hydrolyzes Gln to Glu and NH(3), using the latter product to transamidate Glu-tRNA(Gln) in concert with ATP hydrolysis. In the absence of the amido acceptor, Glu-tRNA(Gln), the enzyme has basal glutaminase activity that is unaffected by ATP. However, Glu-tRNA(Gln) activates the glutaminase activity of the enzyme about 10-fold; addition of ATP elicits a further 7-fold increase. These enhanced activities mainly result from increases in k(cat) without significant effects on the K(m) for Gln. To determine if ATP binding is sufficient to induce full activation, we tested a variety of ATP analogues for their ability to stimulate tRNA-dependent glutaminase activity. Despite their binding to Glu-AdT, none of the ATP analogues induced glutaminase activation except ATP-gammaS, which stimulates glutaminase activity to the same level as ATP, but without formation of Gln-tRNA(Gln). ATP-gammaS hydrolysis by Glu-AdT is very low in the absence or presence of Glu-tRNA(Gln) and Gln. In contrast, Glu-tRNA(Gln) stimulates basal ATP hydrolysis slightly, but full activation of ATP hydrolysis requires both Gln and Glu-tRNA(Gln). Simultaneous monitoring of ATP or ATP-gammaS hydrolysis and glutaminase and transamidase activities reveals tight coupling among these activities in the presence of ATP, with all three activities waning in concert when Glu-tRNA(Gln) levels become exhausted. ATP-gammaS stimulates the glutaminase activity to an extent similar to that with ATP, but without concomitant transamidase activity and with a very low level of ATP-gammaS hydrolysis. This uncoupling between ATP-gammaS hydrolysis and glutaminase activities suggests that the activation of glutaminase activity by ATP or ATP-gammaS, together with Glu-tRNA(Gln), results either from an allosteric effect due simply to binding of these analogues to the enzyme or from some structural changes that attend ATP or ATP-gammaS hydrolysis.  相似文献   

《Plant science》1986,43(2):125-129
Mutations in any of the three gene loci cnxA, cnxB, cnxC can lead to a total loss of nitrate reductase activity in Nicotiana species. The cnx loci are involved in synthesis and processing of the molybdenum cofactor, which is an essential structural constituent of nitrate reductase. The biochemical properties of cnxA, cnxB and cnxC mutant cell lines of Nicotiana plumbaginifolia were examined further. The cnxA line (N×9) was found to possess a catalytically defective but dimerization-active and under in vivo/in vitro-conditions repairable molybdenum cofactor, thus, resembling the properties of N. tabacum cnxA lines. The cnxB (N×24) and cnxC (N×21) mutants. however, show a phenotype very different from cnxA. This new phenotype is characterised by an irreversible loss of both the catalytic function and dimerization ability of the molybdenum cofactor which makes it likely that the molybdopterin moiety of the cofactor is defective or lacking in these mutants. In this report we summarize and compare the phenotypic data presently available for the Nicotiana loci cnxA, cnxB and cnxC. Possible functions of the gene products of these loci will be discussed.  相似文献   

Human COQ6 encodes a monooxygenase which is responsible for the C5-hydroxylation of the quinone ring of coenzyme Q (CoQ). Mutations in COQ6 cause primary CoQ deficiency, a condition responsive to oral CoQ10 supplementation. Treatment is however still problematic given the poor bioavailability of CoQ10. We employed S. cerevisiae lacking the orthologous gene to characterize the two different human COQ6 isoforms and the mutations found in patients. COQ6 isoform a can partially complement the defective yeast, while isoform b, which lacks part of the FAD-binding domain, is inactive but partially stable, and could have a regulatory/inhibitory function in CoQ10 biosynthesis. Most mutations identified in patients, including the frameshift Q461fs478X mutation, retain residual enzymatic activity, and all patients carry at least one hypomorphic allele, confirming that the complete block of CoQ biosynthesis is lethal. These mutants are also partially stable and allow the assembly of the CoQ biosynthetic complex. In fact treatment with two hydroxylated analogues of 4-hydroxybenzoic acid, namely, vanillic acid or 3-4-hydroxybenzoic acid, restored the respiratory growth of yeast Δcoq6 cells expressing the mutant huCOQ6-isoa proteins. These compounds, and particularly vanillic acid, could therefore represent an interesting therapeutic option for COQ6 patients.  相似文献   

We studied two pathways that involve the transfer of persulfide sulfur in humans, molybdenum cofactor biosynthesis and tRNA thiolation. Investigations using human cells showed that the two-domain protein MOCS3 is shared between both pathways. MOCS3 has an N-terminal adenylation domain and a C-terminal rhodanese-like domain. We showed that MOCS3 activates both MOCS2A and URM1 by adenylation and a subsequent sulfur transfer step for the formation of the thiocarboxylate group at the C terminus of each protein. MOCS2A and URM1 are β-grasp fold proteins that contain a highly conserved C-terminal double glycine motif. The role of the terminal glycine of MOCS2A and URM1 was examined for the interaction and the cellular localization with MOCS3. Deletion of the C-terminal glycine of either MOCS2A or URM1 resulted in a loss of interaction with MOCS3. Enhanced cyan fluorescent protein and enhanced yellow fluorescent protein fusions of the proteins were constructed, and the fluorescence resonance energy transfer efficiency was determined by the decrease in the donor lifetime. The cellular localization results showed that extension of the C terminus with an additional glycine of MOCS2A and URM1 altered the localization of MOCS3 from the cytosol to the nucleus.  相似文献   

Four starch synthase I (SSI)-deficient rice (Oryza sativa) mutant lines were generated using retrotransposon Tos17 insertion. The mutants exhibited different levels of SSI activities and produced significantly lower amounts of SSI protein ranging from 0% to 20% of the wild type. The mutant endosperm amylopectin showed a decrease in chains with degree of polymerization (DP) 8 to 12 and an increase in chains with DP 6 to 7 and DP 16 to 19. The degree of change in amylopectin chain-length distribution was positively correlated with the extent of decrease in SSI activity in the mutants. The structural changes in the amylopectin increased the gelatinization temperature of endosperm starch. Chain-length analysis of amylopectin in the SSI band excised from native-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis/SS activity staining gel showed that SSI preferentially synthesized DP 7 to 11 chains by elongating DP 4 to 7 short chains of glycogen or amylopectin. These results show that SSI distinctly generates DP 8 to 12 chains from short DP 6 to 7 chains emerging from the branch point in the A or B(1) chain of amylopectin. SSI seemingly functions from the very early through the late stage of endosperm development. Yet, the complete absence of SSI, despite being a major SS isozyme in the developing endosperm, had no effect on the size and shape of seeds and starch granules and the crystallinity of endosperm starch, suggesting that other SS enzymes are probably capable of partly compensating SSI function. In summary, this study strongly suggested that amylopectin chains are synthesized by the coordinated actions of SSI, SSIIa, and SSIIIa isoforms.  相似文献   

Reconstitution of the apoprotein of the molybdoenzyme nitrate reductase in extracts of the Neurospora crassa mutant nit-1 with molybdenum cofactor released by denaturation of purified molybdoenzymes is efficient in the absence of exogenous MoO42? under defined conditions. Evidence is presented that this molybdate-independent reconstitution is due to transfer of intact Mo cofactor, a complex of Mo and molybdopterin (MPT), the organic constituent of the cofactor. This complex can be separated from denatured protein by gel filtration, and from excess MoO42? by reverse-phase HPLC. Sulfite oxidase, native xanthine dehydrogenase, and cyanolyzed xanthine dehydrogenase are equipotent Mo cofactor donors. Other well-studied inactive forms of xanthine dehydrogenase are also shown to be good cofactor sources. Using xanthine dehydrogenase specifically radiolabeled in the cyanolyzable sulfur, it is shown that this terminal ligand of Mo is rapidly removed from Mo cofactor under the conditions used for reconstitution.  相似文献   

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