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Human immunodeficiency virus 1 (HIV-1) expresses several accessory proteins that manipulate various host-cell processes to achieve optimum replicative efficiency. One of them, viral protein U (Vpu), has been shown to interfere with the cellular degradation machinery through interaction with SCFβ-TrCP complexes. To learn more about Vpu function in vivo, we used the genetically tractable fruit fly, Drosophila melanogaster. Our results show that the directed expression of Vpu, but not the non-phosphorylated form, Vpu2/6, in fat-body cells affects Drosophila antimicrobial responses. In flies, the Toll and Imd pathways regulate antimicrobial-peptide gene expression. We show that Vpu specifically affects Toll pathway activation by inhibiting Cactus degradation. Given the conservation of the Toll/nuclear factor-κB (NF-κB) signalling pathways between flies and mammals, our results suggest a function for Vpu in the inhibition of host NF-κB-mediated innate immune defences and provide a powerful genetic approach for studying Vpu inhibition of NF-κB signalling in vivo.  相似文献   

HIV-1 efficiently forms pseudotyped particles with many gammaretrovirus glycoproteins, such as Friend murine leukemia virus (F-MLV) Env, but not with the related gibbon ape leukemia virus (GaLV) Env or with a chimeric F-MLV Env with a GaLV cytoplasmic tail domain (CTD). This incompatibility is modulated by the HIV-1 accessory protein Vpu. Because the GaLV Env CTD does not resemble tetherin or CD4, the well-studied targets of Vpu, we sought to characterize the modular sequence in the GaLV Env CTD required for this restriction in the presence of Vpu. Using a systematic mutagenesis scan, we determined that the motif that makes GaLV Env sensitive to Vpu is INxxIxxVKxxVxRxK. This region in the CTD of GaLV Env is predicted to form a helix. Mutations in the CTD that would break this helix abolish sensitivity to Vpu. Although many of these positions can be replaced with amino acids with similar biophysical properties without disrupting the Vpu sensitivity, the final lysine residue is required. This Vpu sensitivity sequence appears to be modular, as the unrelated Rous sarcoma virus (RSV) Env can be made Vpu sensitive by replacing its CTD with the GaLV Env CTD. In addition, F-MLV Env can be made Vpu sensitive by mutating two amino acids in its cytoplasmic tail to make it resemble more closely the Vpu sensitivity motif. Surprisingly, the core components of this Vpu sensitivity sequence are also present in the host surface protein CD4, which is also targeted by Vpu through its CTD.  相似文献   

Host HLA class I (HLA-I) allele-associated immune responses are major forces driving the evolution of HIV-1 proteins such as Gag and Nef. The viral protein U (Vpu) is an HIV-1 accessory protein responsible for CD4 degradation and enhancement of virion release by antagonizing tetherin/CD317. Although Vpu represents one of the most variable proteins in the HIV-1 proteome, it is still not clear to what extent HLA-I influence its evolution. To examine this issue, we enrolled 240 HLA-I-typed, treatment naïve, chronically HIV-infected subjects in Japan, and analyzed plasma HIV RNA nucleotide sequences of the vpu region. Using a phylogenetically-informed method incorporating corrections for HIV codon covariation and linkage disequilibrium among HLA alleles, we investigated HLA-associated amino acid mutations in the Vpu protein as well as in the translational products encoded by alternative reading frames. Despite substantial amino acid variability in Vpu, we identified only 4 HLA-associations in all possible translational products encoded in this region, suggesting that HLA-associated immune responses had minor effects on Vpu variability in this cohort. Rather, despite its size (81 amino acids), Vpu showed 103 codon–codon covariation associations, suggesting that Vpu conformation and function are preserved through many possible combinations of primary and secondary polymorphisms. Taken together, our study suggests that Vpu has been comparably less influenced by HLA-I-associated immune-driven evolution at the population level compared to other highly variable HIV-1 accessory proteins.  相似文献   

A protein-protein association regulated by phosphorylation of serine is examined by NMR studies. Degradation of the HIV receptor CD4 by the proteasome, mediated by the HIV-1 protein Vpu, is crucial for the release of fully infectious virions. Phosphorylation of Vpu at two sites, Ser52 and Ser56, on the motif DSGXXS is required for the interaction of Vpu with the ubiquitin ligase SCF-betaTrCP which triggers CD4 degradation by the proteasome. This motif is conserved in several signaling proteins known to be degraded by the proteasome. To elucidate the basis of beta-TrCP recognition, the bound conformation of the P-Vpu(41-62) peptide was determined by using NMR and MD. The TRNOE intensities provided distance constraints which were used in simulated annealing. The beta-TrCP-bound structure of P-Vpu was found to be similar to the structure of the free peptide in solution and to the structure recognized by its antibody. Residues 50-57 formed a bend while the phosphate groups are pointing away. The binding fragment was studied by STD-NMR spectroscopy. The phosphorylated motif DpS(52)GNEpS(56) was found to make intimate contact with beta-TrCP, and pSer52 displays the strongest binding effect. It is suggested that Ser phosphorylation allows protein-protein association by electrostatic stabilization: an obvious negative binding region of Vpu was recognizable by positive residues (Arg and Lys) of the WD domain of beta-TrCP. The Ile46 residue was also found essential for interaction with the beta-TrCP protein. Leu45 and Ile46 side chains lie in close proximity to a hydrophobic pocket of the WD domain.  相似文献   

The human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) Vpu enhances viral particle release and, its interaction with the ubiquitin ligase SCF-beta-TrCP triggers the HIV-1 receptor CD4 degradation by the proteasome. The interaction between beta-TrCP protein and ligands containing the phosphorylated DpSGXXpS motif plays a key role for the development of severe disease states, such as HIV or cancer. This study examines the binding and conformation of phosphopeptides (P1, LIERAEDpSG and P2, EDpSGNEpSE) from HIV protein Vpu to beta-TrCP with the objective of defining the minimum length of peptide needed for effective binding. The screening step can be analyzed by NMR spectroscopy, in particular, saturation transfer NMR methods clearly identify the residues in the peptide that make direct contact with beta-TrCP protein when bound. An analysis of saturation transfer difference (STD) spectra provided clear evidence that the two peptides efficiently bound beta-TrCP receptor protein. To better characterize the ligand-protein interaction, the bound conformation of the phosphorylated peptides was determined using transferred NOESY methods, which gave rise to a well-defined structure. P1 and P2 can fold in a bend arrangement for the DpSG motif, showing the protons identified by STD-NMR as exposed in close proximity at the molecule surface. Ser phosphorylation allows electrostatic interaction and hydrogen bond with the amino acids of the beta-TrCP binding pocket. The upstream LIER hydrophobic region was also essential in binding to a hydrophobic pocket of the beta-TrCP WD domain. These findings are in good agreement with a recently published X-ray structure of a shorter beta-Catenin fragment with the beta-TrCP complex.  相似文献   

The structures of adhesion proteins play an important role in the formation of intercellular junctions and the control of intermembrane spacing. This paper describes the combination of neutron and X-ray specular reflectivity measurements to investigate the structure of the ectodomain of the neural-cell-adhesion molecule (NCAM). The measurements with unmodified NCAM suggest the presence of a bend in the extracellular region. Measurements with the polysialic-acid-modified form of NCAM reveal that, at physiological ionic strength, the carbohydrate chains extend beyond the range of the unmodified protein. The excluded volume of the polymer is also ionic-strength-dependent, as expected for a polyelectrolyte. The structural characteristics obtained from these independent analyses of X-ray and neutron reflectivity data agree with each other, with prior reflectivity studies, and with molecular dimensions obtained from direct-force measurements. These results provide structural insights into the configuration of the NCAM ectodomain and the regulation of NCAM adhesion by post-translational modification.  相似文献   

The HIV-1-encoded protein Vpu forms an oligomeric ion channel/pore in membranes and interacts with host proteins to support the virus lifecycle. However, Vpu molecular mechanisms are currently not well understood. Here, we report on the Vpu oligomeric organization under membrane and aqueous conditions and provide insights into how the Vpu environment affects the oligomer formation. For these studies, we designed a maltose-binding protein (MBP)-Vpu chimera protein and produced it in E. coli in soluble form. We analyzed this protein using analytical size-exclusion chromatography (SEC), negative staining electron microscopy (nsEM), and electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) spectroscopy. Surprisingly, we found that MBP-Vpu formed stable oligomers in solution, seemingly driven by Vpu transmembrane domain self-association. A coarse modeling of nsEM data as well as SEC and EPR data suggests that these oligomers most likely are pentamers, similar to what was reported regarding membrane-bound Vpu. We also noticed reduced MBP-Vpu oligomer stability upon reconstitution of the protein in β-DDM detergent and mixtures of lyso-PC/PG or DHPC/DHPG. In these cases, we observed greater oligomer heterogeneity, with MBP-Vpu oligomeric order generally lower than in solution; however, larger oligomers were also present. Notably, we found that in lyso-PC/PG, above a certain protein concentration, MBP-Vpu assembles into extended structures, which had not been reported for Vpu. Therefore, we captured various Vpu oligomeric forms, which can shed light on Vpu quaternary organization. Our findings could be useful in understanding Vpu organization and function in cellular membranes and could provide information regarding the biophysical properties of single-pass transmembrane proteins.  相似文献   

Montal M 《FEBS letters》2003,552(1):47-53
Vpu, a membrane protein from human immunodeficiency virus-1, folds into two distinct structural domains with different biological activities: a transmembrane (TM) helical domain involved in the budding of new virions from infected cells, and a cytoplasmic domain encompassing two amphipathic helices, which is implicated in CD4 degradation. The molecular mechanism by which Vpu facilitates virion budding is not clear. This activity of Vpu requires an intact TM helical domain. And it is known that oligomerization of the VPU TM domain results in the formation of sequence-specific, cation-selective channels. It has been shown that the channel activity of Vpu is confined to the TM domain, and that the cytoplasmic helices regulate the lifetime of the Vpu channel in the conductive state. Structure-function correlates based on the convergence of information about the channel activity of Vpu reconstituted in lipid bilayers and on its 3-D structure in membranes by a combination of solution and solid-state nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy may provide valuable insights to understand the role of Vpu in the pathogenesis of AIDS and for drug design aimed to block channel activity.  相似文献   

Vpu is an accessory viral protein almost unique to HIV-1 among primate immunodeficiency viruses, and has two major functions: degradation of the CD4 molecule in endoplasmic reticulum and enhancement of virion release from cells. Recent identification of a novel host restriction factor, tetherin, as a Vpu-antagonist suggests that Vpu contributes to virus spread by facilitating progeny virion production. This review focuses on the two distinct functions of Vpu and summarizes current knowledge on its virological role in the HIV-1 life cycle.  相似文献   

The HIV-1 Vpu protein: a multifunctional enhancer of viral particle release   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
HIV accessory genes are expressed throughout the viral life cycle and regulate wide-ranging aspects of virus replication including viral infectivity (Vif and Nef), viral gene expression (Vpr) and progeny virion production (Vpu). While in many cases the molecular basis of accessory protein function is not fully understood, a consensus is emerging that these viral products are generally devoid of enzymatic activity and instead act as multifunctional adapters, subverting normal cellular processes to serve the needs of the virus. This review focuses on presenting our current knowledge of the HIV-1-specific Vpu protein and its essential role in regulating viral particle release, viral load and expression of the CD4 receptor.  相似文献   

The human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) Vpu protein binds to the CD4 receptor and targets it to the proteasome for degradation. This process requires the recruitment of human betaTrCP, a component of the Skp1-Cullin-F box (SCF) ubiquitin ligase complex, that interacts with phosphorylated Vpu molecules. Vpu, unlike other ligands of betaTrCP, has never been reported to be degraded. We provide evidence that Vpu, itself, is ubiquitinated and targeted for degradation by the proteasome. We demonstrate that the mutant Vpu2.6, which cannot interact with betaTrCP, is stable and, unlike wild-type Vpu, is not polyubiquitinated. These results suggest that betaTrCP is involved in Vpu polyubiquitination.  相似文献   

We present a first study using synchrotron grazing incidence diffraction and X-ray reflectivity measurements on mixed phospholipid/peptide monolayers at the air/water interface. The thermodynamic properties of the pure and mixed monolayers were characterized using the classical film balance technique. Surface pressure/potential-area isotherms showed that the antimicrobial frog skin peptide PGLa formed a very stable monolayer with two PGLa molecules per kinetic unit and a collapse pressure of ~22 mN/m. X-ray grazing incidence diffraction indicated that the peptide-dimer formation did not lead to self-aggregation with subsequent crystallite formation. However, the scattering length density profiles derived from X-ray reflectivity measurements yield information on the PGLa monolayer that protrudes into the air phase by about 0.8 nm, suggesting that the peptide is aligned parallel to the air/water interface. The monolayers, composed of disaturated phosphatidylcholines or phosphatidylglycerols, were stable up to 60 mN/m and exhibited a first-order transition from a liquid-expanded to a liquid-condensed state around 10 mN/m. Structural details of the phospholipid monolayers in the presence and absence of PGLa were obtained from synchrotron experiments. Thereby, the X-ray data of distearoylphosphatidylcholine/PGLa can be analyzed by being composed of the individual components, while the peptide strongly perturbed the lipid acyl chain order of distearoylphosphatidylglycerol. These results are in agreement that PGLa mixes at a molecular level with negatively charged lipids, but forms separate islands in zwitterionic phosphatidylcholine monolayers and demonstrates that antimicrobial peptides can discriminate between the major phospholipid components of bacterial and mammalian cytoplasmic membranes.  相似文献   

Strebel K 《Molecular cell》2004,14(2):150-152
Vpu is an HIV-encoded protein that enhances virus release. Previously, this activity was correlated with an intrinsic ion channel activity of Vpu. In this issue of Molecular Cell, Hsu at all. propose an alternative mechanism: they suggest that Vpu functions by inhibiting another ion channel, TASK-1.  相似文献   

The genome of the human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) encodes the canonical retroviral proteins, as well as additional accessory proteins that enhance the expression of viral genes, the infectivity of the virus and the production of virions. The accessory Viral Protein U (Vpu), in particular, enhances viral particle production, while also promoting apoptosis of HIV-infected human T lymphocytes. Some Vpu effects rely on its interaction with the ubiquitin-proteasome protein degradation system, but the mechanisms responsible for its pro-apoptotic effects in vivo are complex and remain largely to be elucidated.We took advantage of the Drosophila model to study the effects of Vpu activity in vivo. Expression of Vpu in the developing Drosophila wing provoked tissue loss due to caspase-dependent apoptosis. Moreover, Vpu induced expression of the pro-apoptotic gene reaper, known to down-regulate Inhibitor of Apoptosis Proteins (IAPs) which are caspase-antagonizing E3 ubiquitin ligases. Indeed, Vpu also reduced accumulation of Drosophila IAP1 (DIAP1). Though our results demonstrate a physical interaction between Vpu and the proteasome-addressing SLIMB/β-TrCP protein, as in mammals, both SLIMB/βTrCP-dependent and -independent Vpu effects were observed in the Drosophila wing. Lastly, the pro-apoptotic effect of Vpu in this tissue was abrogated upon inactivation of the c-Jun N-terminal Kinase (JNK) pathway. Our results in the fly thus provide the first functional evidence linking Vpu pro-apoptotic effects to activation of the conserved JNK pathway.  相似文献   

HIV‐1 Vpu is an 81‐residue protein with a single N‐terminal transmembrane (TM) helical segment that is involved in the release of new virions from host cell membranes. Vpu and its TM segment form ion channels in phospholipid bilayers, presumably by oligomerization of TM helices into a pore‐like structure. We describe measurements that provide new constraints on the oligomerization state and supramolecular structure of residues 1–40 of Vpu (Vpu1–40), including analytical ultracentrifugation measurements to investigate oligomerization in detergent micelles, photo‐induced crosslinking experiments to investigate oligomerization in bilayers, and solid‐state nuclear magnetic resonance measurements to obtain constraints on intermolecular contacts between and orientations of TM helices in bilayers. From these data, we develop molecular models for Vpu TM oligomers. The data indicate that a variety of oligomers coexist in phospholipid bilayers, so that a unique supramolecular structure can not be defined. Nonetheless, since oligomers of various sizes have similar intermolecular contacts and orientations, molecular models developed from our data are most likely representative of Vpu TM oligomers that exist in host cell membranes.  相似文献   

Vpu is an 81-residue HIV-1 accessory protein, its transmembrane and cytoplasmic domains each responsible for one of its two functions. Langmuir monolayers of phospholipid incorporating a membrane protein with a unidirectional vectorial orientation, on a semiinfinite aqueous subphase, provide one "membranelike" environment for the protein. The cytoplasmic domain's interaction with the surface of the phospholipid monolayer in determining the tertiary structure of the peptide within the monolayer was investigated, employing a comparative structural study of Vpu with its submolecular fragments Tm and TmCy truncated to different extents in the cytoplasmic domain, via synchrotron x-ray scattering utilizing a new method of analysis. Localizations of the transmembrane and cytoplasmic domains within the monolayer profile structure were similar for all three proteins, the hydrophobic transmembrane helix within the hydrocarbon chain region tilted with respect to the monolayer plane and the helices of the cytoplasmic domains lying on the surface of the headgroups parallel to the monolayer plane. The thickness of the hydrocarbon chain region, determined by the tilt of the hydrocarbon chains and transmembrane domain with respect to the monolayer plane, was slightly different for Tm, TmCy, and Vpu systematically with protein/lipid mole ratio. Localization of the helices in the cytoplasmic domains of the three proteins relative to the headgroups depends on their extents and amphipathicities. Thus, the interaction of the cytoplasmic domain of Vpu on the surface may affect the tilt of the transmembrane helix within the hydrocarbon chain region in determining its tertiary structure in the membrane.  相似文献   

HIV-1 Vpu is a small, single-span membrane protein with two attributed functions that increase the virus'' pathogenicity: degradation of CD4 and inactivation of BST-2. Vpu has also been shown to posses ion channel activity, yet no correlation has been found between this attribute and Vpu''s role in viral release. In order to gain further insight into the channel activity of Vpu we devised two bacteria-based assays that can examine this function in detail. In the first assay Vpu was over-expressed, such that it was deleterious to bacterial growth due to membrane permeabilization. In the second and more sensitive assay, the channel was expressed at low levels in K+ transport deficient bacteria. Consequently, Vpu expression enabled the bacteria to grow at otherwise non permissive low K+ concentrations. Hence, Vpu had the opposite impact on bacterial growth in the two assays: detrimental in the former and beneficial in the latter. Furthermore, we show that channel blockers also behave reciprocally in the two assays, promoting growth in the first assay and hindering it in the second assay. Taken together, we investigated Vpu''s channel activity in a rapid and quantitative approach that is amenable to high-throughput screening, in search of novel blockers.  相似文献   

Lipid monolayers have been widely used for the production of 2-D crystalline arrays of water-soluble proteins for structural analysis. Less well known is the utility of lipid layers for the assembly of multicomponent structures in two dimensions. This report summarizes current efforts and limitations to utilize a monolayer system composed of the quaternary ammonium surfactant didodecyldimethyammonium and dilaurylphosphatidylcholine to assemble 2-D complexes between actin and cytoskeletal proteins.  相似文献   

Human immunodeficiency virus Nef protein accelerates virulent progression of AIDS by its interaction with specific cellular proteins involved in cellular activation and signal transduction. Here we report the purification and crystallization of the conserved core of HIV-1LAI Nef protein in the unliganded form and in complex with the wild-type SH3 domain of the P59fyn protein-tyrosine kinase. One-dimensional NMR experiments show that full-length protein and truncated fragment corresponding to the product of HIV-1 protease cleavage have a well-folded compact tertiary structure. The ligand-free HIV-1 Nefcore protein forms cubic crystals belonging to space group P23 with unit cell dimensions of a = b = c = 86.4 A. The Nef-Fyn SH3 cocrystals belong to the space group P6(1)22 or its enantiomorph, P6(5)22, with unit cell dimensions of a = b = 108.2 A and c = 223.7 A. Both crystal forms diffract to a resolution limit of 3.0 A resolution using synchrotron radiation, and are thus suitable for X-ray structure determination.  相似文献   

Lavoie H  Desbat B  Vaknin D  Salesse C 《Biochemistry》2002,41(45):13424-13434
Monomolecular films of the membrane protein rhodopsin have been investigated in situ at the air-water interface by polarization modulation infrared reflection absorption spectroscopy (PM-IRRAS) and X-ray reflectivity in order to find conditions that retain the protein secondary structure. The spreading of rhodopsin at 0 or 5 mN m(-1) followed by a 30 min incubation time at 21 degrees C resulted in the unfolding of rhodopsin, as evidenced from the large increase of its molecular area, its small monolayer thickness, and the extensive formation of beta-sheets at the expense of the alpha-helices originally present in rhodopsin. In contrast, when spreading is performed at 5 or 10 mN m(-1) followed by an immediate compression at, respectively, 4 or 21 degrees C, the secondary structure of rhodopsin is retained, and the thickness of these films is in good agreement with the size of rhodopsin determined from its crystal structure. The amide I/amide II ratio also allowed to determine that the orientation of rhodopsin only slightly changes with surface pressure and it remains almost unchanged when the film is maintained at 20 mN m(-1) for 120 min at 4 degrees C. In addition, the PM-IRRAS spectra of rod outer segment disk membranes in monolayers suggest that rhodopsin also retained its secondary structure in these films.  相似文献   

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