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《The Journal of cell biology》1993,122(5):1003-1012
To identify new components that mediate mitochondrial protein import, we analyzed mas6, an import mutant in the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae. mas6 mutants are temperature sensitive for viability, and accumulate mitochondrial precursor proteins at the restrictive temperature. We show that mas6 does not correspond to any of the presently identified import mutants, and we find that mitochondria isolated from mas6 mutants are defective at an early stage of the mitochondrial protein import pathway. MAS6 encodes a 23-kD protein that contains several potential membrane spanning domains, and yeast strains disrupted for MAS6 are inviable at all temperatures and on all carbon sources. The Mas6 protein is located in the mitochondrial inner membrane and cannot be extracted from the membrane by alkali treatment. Antibodies to the Mas6 protein inhibit import into isolated mitochondria, but only when the outer membrane has been disrupted by osmotic shock. Mas6p therefore represents an essential import component located in the mitochondrial inner membrane.  相似文献   

UGO1 encodes an outer membrane protein required for mitochondrial fusion   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Membrane fusion plays an important role in controlling the shape, number, and distribution of mitochondria. In the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae, the outer membrane protein Fzo1p has been shown to mediate mitochondrial fusion. Using a novel genetic screen, we have isolated new mutants defective in the fusion of their mitochondria. One of these mutants, ugo1, shows several similarities to fzo1 mutants. ugo1 cells contain numerous mitochondrial fragments instead of the few long, tubular organelles seen in wild-type cells. ugo1 mutants lose mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA). In zygotes formed by mating two ugo1 cells, mitochondria do not fuse and mix their matrix contents. Fragmentation of mitochondria and loss of mtDNA in ugo1 mutants are rescued by disrupting DNM1, a gene required for mitochondrial division. We find that UGO1 encodes a 58-kD protein located in the mitochondrial outer membrane. Ugo1p appears to contain a single transmembrane segment, with its NH(2) terminus facing the cytosol and its COOH terminus in the intermembrane space. Our results suggest that Ugo1p is a new outer membrane component of the mitochondrial fusion machinery.  相似文献   

A C Maarse  J Blom  L A Grivell    M Meijer 《The EMBO journal》1992,11(10):3619-3628
To identify components of the mitochondrial protein import pathway in yeast, we have adopted a positive selection procedure for isolating mutants disturbed in protein import. We have cloned and sequenced a gene, termed MPI1, that can rescue the genetic defect of one group of these mutants. MPI1 encodes a hydrophilic 48.8 kDa protein that is essential for cell viability. Mpi1p is a low abundance and constitutively expressed mitochondrial protein. Mpi1p is synthesized with a characteristic mitochondrial targeting sequence at its amino-terminus, which is most probably proteolytically removed during import. It is a membrane protein, oriented with its carboxy-terminus facing the intermembrane space. In cells depleted of Mpi1p activity, import of the precursor proteins that we tested thus far, is arrested. We speculate that the Mpi1 protein is a component of a proteinaceous import channel for translocation of precursor proteins across the mitochondrial inner membrane.  相似文献   

SSC1 is an essential member of the yeast HSP70 multigene family (E. Craig, J. Kramer, and J. Kosic-Smithers, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 84:4156-4160, 1987). Analysis of the SSC1 DNA sequence revealed that it could encode a 70,627-dalton protein that is more similar to DnaK, an Escherichia coli hsp70 protein, than other yeast hsp70s whose sequences have been determined. Ssc1p was found to have an amino-terminal extension of 28 amino acids, in comparison with either Ssa1p, another hsp70 yeast protein, or Dnak. This putative leader is rich in basic and hydroxyl amino acids, characteristic of many mitochondrial leader sequences. Ssc1p that was synthesized in vitro could be imported into mitochondria and was cleaved in the process. The imported protein comigrated with an abundant mitochondrial protein that reacted with hsp70-specific antibodies. We conclude that Ssc1p is a mitochondrial protein and that hsp70 proteins perform functions in many compartments of the cell.  相似文献   

《The Journal of cell biology》1994,126(6):1375-1391
In the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae, mitochondria are elongated organelles which form a reticulum around the cell periphery. To determine the mechanism by which mitochondrial shape is established and maintained, we screened yeast mutants for those defective in mitochondrial morphology. One of these mutants, mmm1, is temperature- sensitive for the external shape of its mitochondria. At the restrictive temperature, elongated mitochondria appear to quickly collapse into large, spherical organelles. Upon return to the permissive temperature, wild-type mitochondrial structure is restored. The morphology of other cellular organelles is not affected in mmm1 mutants, and mmm1 does not disrupt normal actin or tubulin organization. Cells disrupted in the MMM1 gene are inviable when grown on nonfermentable carbon sources and show abnormal mitochondrial morphology at all temperatures. The lethality of mmm1 mutants appears to result from the inability to segregate the aberrant-shaped mitochondria into daughter cells. Mitochondrial structure is therefore important for normal cell function. Mmm1p is located in the mitochondrial outer membrane, with a large carboxyl-terminal domain facing the cytosol. We propose that Mmm1p maintains mitochondria in an elongated shape by attaching the mitochondrion to an external framework, such as the cytoskeleton.  相似文献   

C Witte  R E Jensen  M P Yaffe    G Schatz 《The EMBO journal》1988,7(5):1439-1447
We have previously described a yeast mutant (mas1) that accumulates mitochondrial precursor proteins at high temperature and is deficient in the activity of a matrix-localized protease which cleaves presequences from mitochondrial precursor proteins. We have now cloned and sequenced the wild-type MAS1 gene and found that it encodes a subunit of the mitochondrial processing protease, that it is essential for cell viability and that the protein product participates in its own cleavage during import into mitochondria. The MAS1 protein is thus the first genetically defined component of the mitochondrial protein import pathway.  相似文献   

The yeast gene MCK1 encodes a serine/threonine protein kinase that is thought to function in regulating kinetochore activity and entry into meiosis. Disruption of MCK1 confers a cold-sensitive phenotype, a temperature-sensitive phenotype, and sensitivity to the microtubule-destabilizing drug benomyl and leads to loss of chromosomes during growth on benomyl. A dosage suppression selection was used to identify genes that, when present at high copy number, could suppress the cold-sensitive phenotype of mck1::HIS3 mutant cells. Several unique classes of clones were identified, and one of these, designated MDS1, has been characterized in some detail. Nucleotide sequence data reveal that MDS1 encodes a serine/threonine protein kinase that is highly homologous to the shaggy/zw3 kinase in Drosophila melanogaster and its functional homolog, glycogen synthase kinase 3, in rats. The presence of MDS1 in high copy number rescues both the cold-sensitive and the temperature-sensitive phenotypes, but not the benomyl-sensitive phenotype, associated with the disruption of MCK1. Analysis of strains harboring an mds1 null mutation demonstrates that MDS1 is not essential during normal vegetative growth but appears to be required for meiosis. Finally, in vitro experiments indicate that the proteins encoded by both MCK1 and MDS1 possess protein kinase activity with substrate specificity similar to that of mammalian glycogen synthase kinase 3.  相似文献   

The mitochondrial inner membrane (IM) serves as the site for ATP production by hosting the oxidative phosphorylation complex machinery most notably on the crista membranes. Disruption of the crista structure has been implicated in a variety of cardiovascular and neurodegenerative diseases. Here, we characterize ChChd3, a previously identified PKA substrate of unknown function (Schauble, S., King, C. C., Darshi, M., Koller, A., Shah, K., and Taylor, S. S. (2007) J. Biol. Chem. 282, 14952-14959), and show that it is essential for maintaining crista integrity and mitochondrial function. In the mitochondria, ChChd3 is a peripheral protein of the IM facing the intermembrane space. RNAi knockdown of ChChd3 in HeLa cells resulted in fragmented mitochondria, reduced OPA1 protein levels and impaired fusion, and clustering of the mitochondria around the nucleus along with reduced growth rate. Both the oxygen consumption and glycolytic rates were severely restricted. Ultrastructural analysis of these cells revealed aberrant mitochondrial IM structures with fragmented and tubular cristae or loss of cristae, and reduced crista membrane. Additionally, the crista junction opening diameter was reduced to 50% suggesting remodeling of cristae in the absence of ChChd3. Analysis of the ChChd3-binding proteins revealed that ChChd3 interacts with the IM proteins mitofilin and OPA1, which regulate crista morphology, and the outer membrane protein Sam50, which regulates import and assembly of β-barrel proteins on the outer membrane. Knockdown of ChChd3 led to almost complete loss of both mitofilin and Sam50 proteins and alterations in several mitochondrial proteins, suggesting that ChChd3 is a scaffolding protein that stabilizes protein complexes involved in maintaining crista architecture and protein import and is thus essential for maintaining mitochondrial structure and function.  相似文献   

《The Journal of cell biology》1989,109(6):2653-2664
Yeast sec62 mutant cells are defective in the translocation of several secretory precursor proteins into the lumen of the endoplasmic reticulum (Rothblatt et al., 1989). The deficiency, which is most restrictive for alpha-factor precursor (pp alpha F) and preprocarboxypeptidase Y, has been reproduced in vitro. Membranes isolated from mutant cells display low and labile translocation activity with pp alpha F translated in a wild-type cytosol fraction. The defect is unique to the membrane fraction because cytosol from mutant cells supports translocation into membranes from wild-type yeast. Invertase assembly is only partly affected by the sec62 mutation in vivo and is nearly normal with mutant membranes in vitro. A potential membrane location for the SEC62 gene product is supported by evaluation of the molecular clone. DNA sequence analysis reveals a 32- kD protein with no obvious NH2-terminal signal sequence but with two domains of sufficient length and hydrophobicity to span a lipid bilayer. Sec62p is predicted to display significant NH2- and COOH- terminal hydrophilic domains on the cytoplasmic surface of the ER membrane. The last 30 amino acids of the COOH terminus may form an alpha-helix with 14 lysine and arginine residues arranged uniformly about the helix. This domain may allow Sec62p to interact with other proteins of the putative translocation complex.  相似文献   

Summary The SCO1 gene of Saccharomyces cerevisiae encodes a 30 kDa protein which is specifically required for a post-translational step in the accumulation of subunits 1 and 2 of cytochrome c oxidase (COXI and COXII). Antibodies directed against a -Gal::SCO1 fusion protein detect SCO1 in the mitochondrial fraction of yeast cells. The SCO1 protein is an integral membrane protein as shown by its resistance to alkaline extraction and by its solubilization properties upon treatment with detergents. Based on the results obtained by isopycnic sucrose gradient centrifugation and by digitonin treatment of mitochondria, SCO1 is a component of the inner mitochondrial membrane. Membrane localization is mediated by a stretch of 17 hydrophobic amino acids in the amino-terminal region of the protein. A truncated SCO1 derivative lacking this segment, is no longer bound to the membrane and simultaneously loses its biological function. The observation that membrane localization of SCO1 is affected in mitochondria of a rho 0 strain, hints at the possible involvement of mitochondrially coded components in ensuring proper membrane insertion.  相似文献   

M Eilers  W Oppliger    G Schatz 《The EMBO journal》1987,6(4):1073-1077
We have investigated the energy requirement of mitochondrial protein import with a simplified system containing only isolated yeast mitochondria, energy sources and a purified precursor protein. This precursor was a fusion protein composed of 22 residues of the cytochrome oxidase subunit IV pre-sequence fused to mouse dihydrofolate reductase. Import of this protein required not only an energized inner membrane, but also ATP. ATP could be replaced by GTP, but not by CTP, TTP or non-hydrolyzable ATP analogs. Added ATP did not increase the membrane potential of respiring mitochondria; it supported import even if the proton-translocating mitochondrial ATPase and the entry of ATP into the matrix were blocked. We conclude that ATP exerts its effect on mitochondrial protein import outside the inner membrane.  相似文献   

Nitric oxide associated-1 (NOA1) is an evolutionarily conserved guanosine triphosphate (GTP) binding protein that localizes predominantly to mitochondria in mammalian cells. On the basis of bioinformatic analysis, we predicted its possible involvement in ribosomal biogenesis, although this had not been supported by any experimental evidence. Here we determine NOA1 function through generation of knockout mice and in vitro assays. NOA1-deficient mice exhibit midgestation lethality associated with a severe developmental defect of the embryo and trophoblast. Primary embryonic fibroblasts isolated from NOA1 knockout embryos show deficient mitochondrial protein synthesis and a global defect of oxidative phosphorylation (OXPHOS). Additionally, Noa1–/– cells are impaired in staurosporine-induced apoptosis. The analysis of mitochondrial ribosomal subunits from Noa1–/– cells by sucrose gradient centrifugation and Western blotting showed anomalous sedimentation, consistent with a defect in mitochondrial ribosome assembly. Furthermore, in vitro experiments revealed that intrinsic NOA1 GTPase activity was stimulated by bacterial ribosomal constituents. Taken together, our data show that NOA1 is required for mitochondrial protein synthesis, likely due to its yet unidentified role in mitoribosomal biogenesis. Thus, NOA1 is required for such basal mitochondrial functions as adenosine triphosphate (ATP) synthesis and apoptosis.  相似文献   

In an attempt to identify a mitochondrial ATP binding cassette (ABC) transporter, we have used the polymerase chain reaction to amplify 10 DNA fragments homologous to members of the ABC family from the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae. We disrupted five of the corresponding genes and found that one of the resulting null mutants barely grew on rich medium and failed to grow on minimal medium. This gene, termed ATM1, encodes a putative 'half-transporter' of 694 amino acids. Atm1p is synthesized with an N-terminal mitochondrial matrix-targeting signal and is located in the mitochondrial inner membrane, with its C-terminal ATPase domain exposed to the matrix. Cells lacking a functional ATM1 gene have an unstable mitochondrial genome and have white mitochondria that completely lack cytochromes. Atm1p is the first mitochondrial member of the ABC family to be identified and the only eukaryotic ABC transporter that has been shown to be necessary for normal cellular growth.  相似文献   

Protein import across both mitochondrial membranes is mediated by the cooperation of two distinct protein transport systems, one in the outer and the other in the inner membrane. Previously we described a 45 kDa yeast mitochondrial inner membrane protein (ISP45) that can be cross-linked to a partially translocated precursor protein (Scherer et al., 1992). We have now purified ISP45 to homogeneity and identified it as the product of the nuclear MPI1 gene. Identity of ISP45 with the MPI1 gene product was shown by microsequencing of three tryptic ISP45 peptides and by demonstrating that an antibody against an Mpi1p-beta-galactosidase fusion protein specifically recognizes ISP45. Antibodies monospecific for ISP45 inhibited protein import into right-side-out mitochondrial inner membrane vesicles, but not into intact mitochondria. On solubilizing mitochondria, ISP45 was rapidly converted to a 40 kDa proteolytic fragment unless mitochondria were first denatured with trichloroacetic acid. The combined genetic and biochemical evidence identifies ISP45/Mpi1p as a component of the protein import system of the yeast mitochondrial inner membrane.  相似文献   

The transport of precursor proteins into mitochondria requires an energized inner membrane. We report here that the import of various precursor proteins showed a differential sensitivity to treatment of the mitochondria with the uncoupler carbonyl cyanide m-chlorophenylhydrazone. The differential inhibition by carbonyl cyanide m-chlorophenylhydrazone was not influenced by the length of the precursor, the presence of mature protein parts, or the folding state of the precursor but was specific for the presequence. Moreover, only the membrane potential delta psi and not the total proton motive force was required for the transport of precursors, indicating that protein translocation across the inner membrane is not driven by a movement of protons. We conclude that delta psi (negative inside) is needed for the translocation of the positively charged presequences, possibly via an electrophoretic effect.  相似文献   

To identify novel factors required for ER to Golgi transport in yeast we performed a screen for genes that, when mutated, confer a dependence on a dominant mutant form of the ER to Golgi vesicle docking factor Sly1p, termed Sly1-20p. DSL1 , a novel gene isolated in the screen, encodes an essential protein with a predicted molecular mass of 88 kDa. DSL1 is required for transport between the ER and the Golgi because strains bearing mutant alleles of this gene accumulate the pre-Golgi form of transported proteins at the restrictive temperature. Two strains bearing temperature-sensitive alleles of DSL1 display distinct phenotypes as observed by electron microscopy at the restrictive temperature; although both strains accumulate ER membrane, one also accumulates vesicles. Interestingly, the inviability of strains bearing several mutant alleles of DSL1 can be suppressed by expression of either Erv14p (a protein required for the movement of a specific protein from the ER to the Golgi), Sec21p (the γ-subunit of the COPI coat protein complex coatomer), or Sly1-20p. Because the strongest suppressor is SEC21 , we proposed that Dsl1p functions primarily in retrograde Golgi to ER traffic, although it is possible that Dsl1p functions in anterograde traffic as well, perhaps at the docking stage, as suggested by the suppression by SLY1-20 .  相似文献   

Saccharomyces cerevisiae with mutations at the sec7 locus are pleiotropically deficient in protein transport within the Golgi apparatus and proliferate a large array of Golgi cisternae at a restrictive growth temperature (37 degrees C). The SEC7 gene and its product (Sec7p) have been evaluated by molecular cloning and sequence analysis. Two genes that allow sec7 mutant cells to grow at 37 degrees C are represented in wild-type yeast DNA libraries. A single copy of the authentic SEC7 gene permits growth of mutant cells, whereas the other gene suppresses growth deficiency only when expressed from a multicopy plasmid. The SEC7 gene is contained on a 8.4-kilobase pair SphI restriction fragment, portions of which hybridize to a single 6-kilobase pair mRNA. The gene is essential for yeast vegetative growth. DNA sequence analysis of this region detects a single open reading frame with the potential to encode a 2008-amino acid-long hydrophilic protein of 230 kDa. Putative Sec7p contains an unusual, highly charged acidic domain of 125 amino acids with 29% glutamate, 18% aspartate, and 21% serine. Within this region, stretches of 14 consecutive glutamate residues and 13 consecutive glutamates/aspartates are predicted. This domain in Sec7p may serve a structural role to interact with lipids or proteins on the cytoplasmic surface of the Golgi apparatus.  相似文献   

Protein import into mitochondria involves several components of the mitochondrial outer and inner membranes as well as molecular chaperones located inside mitochondria. Here, we have investigated the effect of sulfhydryl group reagents on import of the in vitro transcribed/translated precursor of the F1 subunit of the ATP synthase (pF1) into Solanum tuberosum mitochondria. We have used a reducing agent, dithiothreitol (DTT), a membrane-permeant alkylating agent, N-ethylmaleimide (NEM), a non-permeant alkylating agent, 3-(N-maleimidopropionyl)biocytin (MPB), an SH-group specific agent and cross-linker 5,5-dithiobis-(2-nitrobenzoic acid) (DTNB) as well as an oxidizing cross-linker, copper sulfate. DTT stimulated the mitochondrial protein import, whereas NEM, MPB, DTNB and Cu2+ were inhibitory. Inhibition by Cu2+ could be reversed by addition of DTT. The efficiency of inhibition was higher in energized mitochondria than in non-energized. We have dissected the effect of the SH-group reagents on binding, unfolding and transport of the precursor into mitochondria. Our results demonstrated that the inhibitory effect of NEM, DTNB and Cu2+ on the efficiency of import was not due to the interaction of the SH-group reagents with import receptors. Modification of pF1 with NEM prior to the import resulted in stimulation of import, whereas DTNB and Cu2+ were inhibitory. NEM, MPB, DTNB and Cu2+ inhibited import of the NEM-modified pF1 into intact mitochondria. Import of pF1 through a receptor-independent bypass-route as well as import into mitoplasts were sensitive to DTT, NEM, MPB, DTNB and Cu2+ in a similar manner as import into mitochondria. As MPB does not cross the inner membrane, these results indicated that redox and conformational status of SH groups located on the outer surface of the inner mitochondrial membrane were essential for protein import.  相似文献   

The gene CYC2 from the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae was previously shown to affect levels of mitochondrial cytochrome c by acting at a posttranslational step in cytochrome c biosynthesis. We report here the cloning and identification of the CYC2 gene product as a protein involved in import of cytochrome c into mitochondria. CYC2 encodes a 168-amino-acid open reading frame with at least two potential transmembrane segments. Antibodies against a synthetic peptide corresponding to the carboxyl terminus of the predicted sequence were raised. These antibodies recognize multiple bands on immunoblots of mitochondrial extracts. The intensities of these bands vary according to the gene dosage of CYC2 in various isogenic strains. Immunoblotting of subcellular fractions suggests that the CYC2 gene product is a mitochondrial protein. Deletion of CYC2 leads to accumulation of apocytochrome c in the cytoplasm. However, strains with deletions of this gene still import low levels of cytochrome c into mitochondria. The effects of cyc2 mutations are more pronounced in rho- strains than in rho+ strains, even though rho- strains that are CYC2+ contain normal levels of holocytochrome c. cyc2 mutations affect levels of iso-1-cytochrome c more than they do levels of iso-2-cytochrome c, apparently because of the greater susceptibility of apo-iso-1-cytochrome c to degradation in the cytoplasm. We propose that CYC2 encodes a factor that increases the efficiency of cytochrome c import into mitochondria.  相似文献   

We recently described the identification of BOS1 (Newman, A., J. Shim, and S. Ferro-Novick. 1990. Mol. Cell. Biol. 10:3405-3414.). BOS1 is a gene that in multiple copy suppresses the growth and secretion defect of bet1 and sec22, two mutants that disrupt transport from the ER to the Golgi complex in yeast. The ability of BOS1 to specifically suppress mutants blocked at a particular stage of the secretory pathway suggested that this gene encodes a protein that functions in this process. The experiments presented in this study support this hypothesis. Specifically, the BOS1 gene was found to be essential for cellular growth. Furthermore, cells depleted of the Bos1 protein fail to transport pro-alpha-factor and carboxypeptidase Y (CPY) to the Golgi apparatus. This defect in export leads to the accumulation of an extensive network of ER and small vesicles. DNA sequence analysis predicts that Bos1 is a 27-kD protein containing a putative membrane-spanning domain. This prediction is supported by differential centrifugation experiments. Thus, Bos1 appears to be a membrane protein that functions in conjunction with Bet1 and Sec22 to facilitate the transport of proteins at a step subsequent to translocation into the ER but before entry into the Golgi apparatus.  相似文献   

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