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Estimates of genetic diversity represent a valuable resource for biodiversity assessments and are increasingly used to guide conservation and management programs. The most commonly reported estimates of DNA sequence diversity in animal populations are haplotype diversity (h) and nucleotide diversity (π) for the mitochondrial gene cytochrome c oxidase subunit I (cox1). However, several issues relevant to the comparison of h and π within and between studies remain to be assessed. We used population-level cox1 data from peer-reviewed publications to quantify the extent to which data sets can be re-assembled, to provide a standardized summary of h and π estimates, to explore the relationship between these metrics and to assess their sensitivity to under-sampling. Only 19 out of 42 selected publications had archived data that could be unambiguously re-assembled; this comprised 127 population-level data sets (n ≥ 15) from 23 animal species. Estimates of h and π were calculated using a 456-base region of cox1 that was common to all the data sets (median h=0.70130, median π=0.00356). Non-linear regression methods and Bayesian information criterion analysis revealed that the most parsimonious model describing the relationship between the estimates of h and π was π=0.0081 h(2). Deviations from this model can be used to detect outliers due to biological processes or methodological issues. Subsampling analyses indicated that samples of n>5 were sufficient to discriminate extremes of high from low population-level cox1 diversity, but samples of n ≥ 25 are recommended for greater accuracy.  相似文献   

Oliver  Melvin J.  Velten  Jeff  Wood  Andrew J. 《Plant Ecology》2000,151(1):73-84
The development of a complete understanding of how plants interact with the environment at the cellular level is a crucial step in advancing our ability to unravel the complexities of plant ecology particularly with regard to the role that many of the less complex plants (i.e., algae, lichens, and bryophytes) play in plant communities and in establishing areas for colonization by their more complex brothers. One of the main barriers to the advancement of this area of plant biology has been the paucity of simple and appropriate experimental models that would enable the researcher to biochemically and genetically dissect the response of less complex plants to environmental stress. A number of bryophytes model systems have been developed and they have been powerful experimental tools for the elucidation of complex biological processes in plants. Recently there has been a resurgent interest in bryophytes as models systems due to the discovery and development of homologous recombination technologies in the moss Physcomitrella patens (Hedw.) Brach & Schimp. In this report we introduce the desiccation-tolerant moss Tortula ruralis (Hedw.) Gaert., Meyer, and Scherb, as a model for stress tolerance mechanisms that offers a great deal of promise for advancing our efforts to understand how plants respond to and survive the severest of stressful environments. T. ruralis, a species native to Northern and Western North America, has been the most intensely studied of all bryophytes with respect to its physiological, biochemical, and cellular responses, to the severest of water stresses, desiccation. It is our hope that the research conducted using this bryophyte will lay the foundationfor not only the ecology of bryophytes and other less complex plants but also for the role of desiccation-tolerance in the evolution of land plants and the determination of mechanisms by which plant cells can withstand environmental insults. We will focus the discussion on the research we and others have conducted in an effort to understand the ability of T. ruralis to withstand the complete loss of free water from the protoplasm of its cells.  相似文献   

Recent multigene phylogenetic analyses have contributed much to our understanding of eukaryotic phylogeny. However, the phylogenetic positions of various lineages within the eukaryotes have remained unresolved or in conflict between different phylogenetic studies. These phylogenetic ambiguities might have resulted from mixtures or integration from various factors including limited taxon sampling, missing data in the alignment, saturations of rapidly evolving genes, mixed analyses of short- and long-branched operational taxonomic units (OTUs), intracellular endoparasite and ciliate OTUs with unusual substitution etc. In order to evaluate the effects from intracellular endoparasite and ciliate OTUs co-analyzed on the eukaryotic phylogeny and simplify the results, we here used two different sets of data matrices of multiple slowly evolving genes with small amounts of missing data and examined the phylogenetic position of the secondary photosynthetic chromalveolates Haptophyta, one of the most abundant groups of oceanic phytoplankton and significant primary producers. In both sets, a robust sister relationship between Haptophyta and SAR (stramenopiles, alveolates, rhizarians, or SA [stramenopiles and alveolates]) was resolved when intracellular endoparasite/ciliate OTUs were excluded, but not in their presence. Based on comparisons of character optimizations on a fixed tree (with a clade composed of haptophytes and SAR or SA), disruption of the monophyly between haptophytes and SAR (or SA) in the presence of intracellular endoparasite/ciliate OTUs can be considered to be a result of multiple evolutionary reversals of character positions that supported the synapomorphy of the haptophyte and SAR (or SA) clade in the absence of intracellular endoparasite/ciliate OTUs.  相似文献   

In the continuing quest for informative genes for use in molecular systematics, the protein-coding gene Elongation factor-1alpha (EF-1alpha) has rapidly become one of the most prevalent "single-copy" nuclear genes utilized, particularly in arthropods. This paper explores the molecular evolutionary dynamics and phylogenetic utility of EF-1alpha in the salticid spider genus Habronattus. As has been reported for other arthropod lineages, our studies indicate that multiple (two) copies of EF-1alpha exist in Habronattus. These copies differ in intron structure and thus in size, making it possible to easily separate PCR amplification products. We present data for an intronless EF-1alpha copy for three Habronattus species. The presence of nonsense mutations and generally elevated rates of amino acid change suggest that this copy is evolving under relaxed functional constraints in Habronattus. A larger taxon sample (50 species plus outgroups) is presented for an EF-1alpha copy that includes both intron and exon regions. Characteristics of both regions suggest that this is a functional, orthologous copy in the species sampled. Maximum-likelihood relative-rate comparisons show that exon third codon sites are evolving more than 100 times as fast as second codon sites in these sequences and that intron sites are evolving about twice as fast as exon third sites. In combination, the EF-1alpha data provide robust, species-level phylogenetic signal that is largely congruent with morphologically well supported areas of Habronattus phylogeny. The recovery of some novel clades, and the unexpected fragmentation of others, suggests areas requiring further phylogenetic attention.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. A suite of 23 ultrastructural characters was used in a phylogenetic analysis of the protozoan order Diplomonadida. A single most parsimonious solution was found, with a length of 38 transformations and a consistency index of 0.84. The cladogram supports previous hypotheses of the relationships of the genera in the suborder Diplomonadina, as well as the inclusion of the genera Enteromonas and Trimitus in the order. Heterochrony is suggested in the change to binary axial symmetry, as hypermorphosis resulting from delayed cytokinesis in the ancestor. Hypotheses regarding a pivotal position for Giardia lamblia in the evolution of eukaryotes are inconsistent with the phylogeny proposed here.  相似文献   

Alpha-1 acid glycoprotein (AGP, orosomucoid), a major acute phase protein in plasma, displays potent cytoprotective and anti-inflammatory activities whose molecular mechanisms are largely unknown. Because AGP binds various exogenous drugs, we have searched for endogenous ligands for AGP. We found that AGP binds lysophospholipids in a manner discernible from albumin in several ways. First, mass spectrometric analyses showed that AGP isolated from plasma and serum contained lysophosphatidylcholine (LPC) enriched in mono and polysaturated acyl chains, whereas albumin contained mostly saturated LPC. Second, AGP bound LPC in a 1:1 molar ratio and with a higher affinity than free fatty acids, whereas albumin bound LPC in a 3:1 ratio but with a lower affinity than that of free fatty acids. Consequently, free fatty acids displaced LPC more avidly from albumin than from AGP. Competitive ligand displacement indicated the highest affinity for AGP to LPC20:4, 18:3, 18:1, and 16:0 (150-180 nM), lysophosphatidylserine (Kd 190 nM), and platelet activating factor (PAF) (Kd 235 nM). The high affinity of AGP to LPC in equilibrium was verified by stopped-flow kinetics, which implicated slow dissociation after fast initial binding, being consistent with an induced-fit mechanism. AGP also bound pyrene-labeled phospholipids directly from vesicles and more efficiently than albumin. AGP prevented LPC-induced priming and PAF-induced activation of human granulocytes, thus indicating scavenging of the cellular effects of the lipid ligands. The results suggest that AGP complements albumin as a lysophospholipid scavenging protein, particularly in inflammatory conditions when the capacity of albumin to sequester LPC becomes impaired.  相似文献   



The complexity of the problem of the origin of life has spawned a large number of possible evolutionary scenarios. Their number, however, can be dramatically reduced by the simultaneous consideration of various bioenergetic, physical, and geological constraints.  相似文献   

In leaves, it is widely assumed that starch is the end-product of a metabolic pathway exclusively taking place in the chloroplast that (a) involves plastidic phosphoglucomutase (pPGM), ADPglucose (ADPG) pyrophosphorylase (AGP) and starch synthase (SS), and (b) is linked to the Calvin-Benson cycle by means of the plastidic phosphoglucose isomerase (pPGI). This view also implies that AGP is the sole enzyme producing the starch precursor molecule, ADPG. However, mounting evidence has been compiled pointing to the occurrence of important sources, other than the pPGI-pPGM-AGP pathway, of ADPG. To further explore this possibility, in this work two independent laboratories have carried out HPLC-MS/MS analyses of ADPG content in leaves of the near-starchless pgm and aps1 mutants impaired in pPGM and AGP, respectively, and in leaves of double aps1/pgm mutants grown under two different culture conditions. We also measured the ADPG content in wild type (WT) and aps1 leaves expressing in the plastid two different ADPG cleaving enzymes, and in aps1 leaves expressing in the plastid GlgC, a bacterial AGP. Furthermore, we measured the ADPG content in ss3/ss4/aps1 mutants impaired in starch granule initiation and chloroplastic ADPG synthesis. We found that, irrespective of their starch contents, pgm and aps1 leaves, WT and aps1 leaves expressing in the plastid ADPG cleaving enzymes, and aps1 leaves expressing in the plastid GlgC accumulate WT ADPG content. In clear contrast, ss3/ss4/aps1 leaves accumulated ca. 300 fold-more ADPG than WT leaves. The overall data showed that, in Arabidopsis leaves, (a) there are important ADPG biosynthetic pathways, other than the pPGI-pPGM-AGP pathway, (b) pPGM and AGP are not major determinants of intracellular ADPG content, and (c) the contribution of the chloroplastic ADPG pool to the total ADPG pool is low.  相似文献   

Collagen IV networks are present in all metazoans as components of basement membranes that underlie epithelia. They are assembled by the oligomerization of triple-helical protomers, composed of three alpha-chains. The trimeric noncollagenous domains (NC1) of each protomer interact forming a hexamer structure. Upon exposure to acidic pH or denaturants, the hexamer dissociates into monomer and dimer subunits, the latter reflect distinct interactions that reinforce/cross-link the quaternary structure of hexamer. Recently, the cross-link site of the alpha1alpha1alpha2 network was identified, on the basis of x-ray crystal structures at 1.9-A resolution, in which the side chains of Met93 and Lys211 were proposed to be connected by a novel thioether bond (Than, M. E., Henrich, S., Huber, R., Ries, A., Mann, K., Kuhn, K., Timpl, R., Bourenkov, G. P., Bartunik, H. D., and Bode, W. (2002) Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U. S. A. 99, 6607-6612); however, at the higher resolution of 1.5 A, we found no evidence for this cross-link (Vanacore, R. M., Shanmugasundararaj, S., Friedman, D. B., Bondar, O., Hudson, B. G., and Sundaramoorthy, M. (2004) J. Biol. Chem. 279, 44723-44730). Given this discrepancy in crystallographic findings, we sought chemical evidence for the location and nature of the reinforcement/cross-link site. Trypsin digestion of monomer and dimer subunits excised a approximately 5,000-Da complex that distinguished dimers from monomers; the complex was characterized by mass spectrometry, Edman degradation, and amino acid composition analyses. The tryptic complex, composed of two peptides of 44 residues derived from two alpha1 NC1 monomers, contained Met93 and Lys211 post-translationally modified to hydroxylysine (Hyl211). Truncation of the tryptic complex with post-proline endopeptidase reduced its size to 14 residues to facilitate characterization by tandem mass spectrometry, which revealed a covalent linkage between Met93 and Hyl211. The novel cross-link, termed S-hydroxylysyl-methionine, reflects at least two post-translational events in its formation: the hydroxylation of Lys211 to Hyl211 within the NC1 domain during the biosynthesis of alpha-chains and the connection of Hyl211 to Met93 between the trimeric NC1 domains of two adjoining triple-helical protomers, reinforcing the stability of collagen IV networks.  相似文献   

Recently, a novel gene for a putative transmembrane protein (WFS1/wolframin) was found to be mutated in patients with Wolfram syndrome or DI-DM-OA-D (diabetes insipidus, diabetes mellitus, optic atrophy, and deafness) syndrome. It is suggested that the WFS1 protein is important in the survival of islet beta-cells. We studied the WFS1 gene in a Japanese population to assess its possible role in common type 1 diabetes. Mutation screening revealed four missense mutations; R456H, G576S, H611R, and I720V. By genetic association studies of 185 type 1 diabetes patients and 380 control subjects, we found that R456H was significantly increased in the type 1 diabetes group compared to the control group (P = 0.0005); H611R and I720V were also significantly increased with weaker significance. Furthermore, in patients with the R456H mutation, type 1 diabetes-resistant HLA-DRB1 alleles (DRB1*0406, 1501, and 1502) were significantly increased compared to mutation-negative patients while susceptible DRB1*0901 was significantly decreased. Frequencies of autoimmunity characteristics (ICA or GAD-Ab positiveness and combination of autoimmune thyroid disease) were decreased in the R456H-positive patients compared to the R456H-negative patients. These data suggest that the WFS1 gene may have a role in the development of common type 1 diabetes as a nonautoimmune genetic basis.  相似文献   

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