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Aim To determine how responses of an established velvet mesquite (Prosopis velutina Woot.) population to a 2002 wildfire were shaped by grazing and non‐native herbaceous species invasions, both of which influenced fire behaviour. Location The study was conducted on contiguous ranches (one actively grazed by cattle, one that had not been grazed since 1968) in the Sonoita Valley of southern Arizona. Plant communities on both ranches were comprised of Chihuahuan semi‐desert grassland, savanna, and Madrean evergreen woodland ecosystems, but large areas were dominated by Lehmann and Boer lovegrass, African grass species that were introduced more than 50 years ago. Methods We selected 243 individuals that had been defoliated and bark scorched during the fire using a stratified random design based on pre‐fire grazing status and dominant grass cover. After the start of the 2003 growing season, we recorded individual tree characteristics, fire damage, and measures of post‐fire response, and tested for relationships among classes of: grazing status, bark damage, dominant grass cover type, abundance of live and dead aboveground branches, flowering status, and sprout number and size. Analyses of fire damage and post‐fire response were interpreted with respect to values of fireline intensity, scorch height and energy release that were projected by a fire behaviour model, nexus . Results Nearly all of the trees on grazed areas suffered low levels of fire damage, while a majority on ungrazed areas suffered moderate to severe damage. Trees on grazed areas consequently had significantly more leaf‐bearing twigs and branches in 2003 but a very low number of root sprouts, while individuals on ungrazed areas had a greater density of root sprouts but little post‐fire dead branching and almost no living branches. Among the ungrazed grassland types, more than 75% of the trees on Boer lovegrass plots suffered moderate to severe damage, while a similar percentage of trees in native grass areas suffered low damage. These differences were: (1) attributed to variations in fire characteristics that were caused by differences in litter production and removal, and (2) ecologically significant because trees in the severe damage class showed almost no aboveground post‐fire branching, either live or dead in 2003, while trees in the low damage class exhibited a greater amount of both. Main conclusions Our results affirm the notion that effective management of western grasslands where mesquite encroachment has or will become a problem requires a better understanding of how interactions among key ecosystem influences (e.g. fire, grazing, non‐native species) affect not only mesquite seedlings and saplings but also larger, established individuals and thereby the long‐term structure and functioning of semi‐desert grassland ecosystems. As managers shift their focus from eradication to management of mesquite in western grasslands and savannas, our results provide insights into how prescribed fires (and their effects on mesquite populations) differ from wildfires and how such effects may be mediated by the altered land uses and ecosystem characteristics that now exist in many western ecosystems.  相似文献   

The impact that an exotic species can have on the composition of the community it enters is a function of its abundance, its particular species traits and characteristics of the recipient community. In this study we examined species composition in 14 sites burned in fires fuelled by non‐indigenous C4 grasses in Hawaii Volcanoes National Park, Hawaii. We considered fire intensity, time since fire, climatic zone of site, unburned grass cover, unburned native cover and identity of the most abundant exotic grass in the adjacent unburned site as potential predictor variables of the impact of fire upon native species. We found that climatic zone was the single best variable for explaining variation in native cover among burned sites and between burned and unburned pairs. Fire in the eastern coastal lowlands had a very small effect on native plant cover and often stimulated native species regeneration, whereas fire in the seasonal submontane zone consistently caused a decline in native species cover and almost no species were fire tolerant. The dominant shrub, Styphelia tameiameia, in particular was fire intolerant. The number of years since fire, fire intensity and native cover in reference sites were not significantly correlated with native species cover in burned sites. The particular species of grass that carried the fire did however, have a significant effect on native species recovery. Where the African grass Melinis minutiflora was a dominant or codominant species, fire impacts were more severe than where it was absent regardless of climate zone. Overall, the impacts of exotic grass‐fuelled fires on native species composition and cover in seasonally dry Hawaiian ecosystems was context specific. This specificity is best explained by differences between the climatic zones in which fire occurred. Elevation was the main physical variable that differed among the climatic zones and it alone could explain a large percentage of the variation in native cover among sites. Rainfall, by contrast, did not vary systematically with elevation. Elevation is associated with differences in composition of the native species assemblages. In the coastal lowlands, the native grass Heteropogon contortus, was largely responsible for positive changes in native cover after fire although other native species also increased. Like the exotic grasses, this species is a perennial C4 grass. It is lacking in the submontane zone and there are no comparable native species there and almost all native species in the submontane zone were reduced by fire. The lack of fire tolerant species in the submontane zone thus clearly contributes to the devastating impact of fire upon native cover there.  相似文献   

Aim Biological invasions facilitate ecosystem transformation by altering the structure and function, diversity, dominance and disturbance regimes. A classic case is the grass–fire cycle in which grass invasion increases the frequency, scale and/or intensity of wildfires and promotes the continued invasion of invasive grasses. Despite wide acceptance of the grass–fire cycle, questions linger about the relative roles that interspecific plant competition and fire play in ecosystem transformations. Location Sonoran Desert Arizona Upland of the Santa Catalina Mountains, Arizona, USA. Methods We measured species cover, density and saguaro (Carnegiea gigantea) size structure along gradients of Pennisetum ciliare invasion at 10 unburned/ungrazed P. ciliare patches. Regression models quantified differences in diversity, cover and density with respect to P. ciliare cover, and residence time and a Fisher’s exact test detected demographic changes in saguaro populations. Because P. ciliare may have initially invaded locations that were both more invasible and less diverse, we ran analyses with and without the plots in which initial infestations were located. Results Richness and diversity decreased with P. ciliare cover as did cover and density of most dominant species. Richness and diversity declined with increasing time since invasion, suggesting an ongoing transformation. The proportion of old‐to‐young Carnegiea gigantea was significantly lower in plots with dominant P. ciliare cover. Main conclusions Rich desert scrub (15–25 species per plot) was transformed into depauperate grassland (2–5 species per plot) within 20 years following P. ciliare invasion without changes to the fire regime. While the onset of a grass–fire cycle may drive ecosystem change in the later stages and larger scales of grass invasions of arid lands, competition by P. ciliare can drive small‐scale transformations earlier in the invasion. Linking competition‐induced transformation rates with spatially explicit models of spread may be necessary for predicting landscape‐level impacts on ecosystem processes in advance of a grass–fire cycle.  相似文献   

Question: What is the impact of prescribed fires on the cover and composition of vegetation in Artemisia tridentata ssp. vaseyana steppe? Location: United States Department of Agriculture, Agricultural Research Service, United States Sheep Experiment Station, eastern Idaho (44°14′44′’ N, 112°12′47′’ W). Methods: Multiple prescribed fires were lit in 2002 and 2003 in an Artemisia tridentata ssp. vaseyana (mountain big sagebrush) steppe ecosystem that was relatively free of exotic plants. Measurements of cover components and plant species frequencies were taken pre‐ and for 2 to 3 years post‐fire. Results: Cover of forbs and grasses returned to pre‐fire levels after two years. Shrub cover declined from 36 to 6% in the first year post‐fire. Fire reduced the frequencies of three species, A. tridentata ssp. vaseyana, Festuca idahoensis, and Cordylanthus ramosus, of rangeland plants. Frequencies of four plant species, Hesperostipa comata, Polygonum douglasii, Chenopodium fremontii and Chenopodium leptophyllum increased, but only P. douglasii increased for more than a year. Conclusion: This study demonstrates that in an Artemisia tridentata ssp. vaseyana steppe ecosystem without significant non‐native species or anthropogenic disturbances vegetative cover and species composition of the herbaceous community are only minimally altered by fire. The herbaceous component returned to pre‐fire conditions within three years of a fire.  相似文献   

In grasslands fire may play a role in the plant invasion process, both by creating disturbances that potentially favour non‐native invasions and as a possible tool for controlling alien invasions. Havill et al. (Applied Vegetation Science, 18, 2015, this issue) determine how native and non‐native species respond to different fire regimes as a first step in understanding the potential control of invasive grasses.  相似文献   

Grasslands dominated by exotic annual grasses have replaced native perennial vegetation types in vast areas of California. Prescribed spring fires can cause a temporary replacement of exotic annual grasses by native and non‐native forbs, but generally do not lead to recovery of native perennials, especially where these have been entirely displaced for many years. Successful reintroduction of perennial species after fire depends on establishment in the postfire environment. We studied the effects of vegetation changes after an April fire on competition for soil moisture, a key factor in exotic annual grass dominance. As an alternative to fire, solarization effectively kills seeds of most plant species but with a high labor investment per area. We compared the burn to solarization in a study of establishment and growth of seeds and transplants of the native perennial grass Purple needlegrass (Nassella pulchra) and coastal sage species California sagebrush (Artemisia californica). After the fire, initial seed bank and seedling densities and regular percent cover and soil moisture (0–20 cm) data were collected in burned and unburned areas. Burned areas had 96% fewer viable seeds of the dominant annual grass, Ripgut brome (Bromus diandrus), leading to replacement by forbs from the seed bank, especially non‐native Black mustard (Brassica nigra). In the early growing season, B. diandrus dominating unburned areas consistently depleted soil moisture to a greater extent between rains than forbs in burned areas. However, B. diandrus senesced early, leaving more moisture available in unburned areas after late‐season rains. Nassella pulchra and A. californica established better on plots treated with fire and/or solarization than on untreated plots. We conclude that both spring burns and solarization can produce conditions where native perennials can establish in annual grasslands. However, the relative contribution of these treatments to restoration appears to depend on the native species being reintroduced, and the long‐term success of these initial restoration experiments remains to be determined.  相似文献   

Abstract. Questions: This paper examines the long‐term change in the herbaceous layer of semi‐arid vegetation since grazing ceased. We asked whether (1) there were differences in the temporal trends of abundance among growth forms of plants; (2) season of rainfall affected the growth form response; (3) the presence of an invasive species influenced the abundance and species richness of native plants relative to non‐invaded plots, and (4) abundance of native plants and/or species richness was related to the time it took for an invasive species to invade a plot. Location: Alice Springs, Central Australia. Methods: Long‐term changes in the semi‐arid vegetation of Central Australia were measured over 28 years (1976–2004) to partition the effects of rainfall and an invasive perennial grass. The relative abundance (biomass) of all species was assessed 25 times in each of 24 plots (8 m × 1 m) across two sites that traversed floodplains and adjacent foot slopes. Photo‐points, starting in 1972, were also used to provide a broader overview of a landscape that had been intensively grazed by cattle and rabbits prior to the 1970s. Species’abundance data were amalgamated into growth forms to examine their relationship with environmental variation in space and time. Environmental variables included season and amount of rainfall, fire history, soil variability and the colonization of the plots by the exotic perennial grass Cenchrus ciliaris (Buffel grass). Results: Constrained ordination showed that season of rainfall and landscape variables relating to soil depth strongly influenced vegetation composition when Cenchrus was used as a covariate. When Cenchrus was included in constrained ordination, it was strongly related to the decline of all native growth forms over time. Univariate comparisons of non‐invaded vs impacted plots over time revealed unequivocal evidence that Cenchrus had caused the decline of all native growth form groups and species richness. They also revealed a contrasting response of native plants to season of rainfall, with a strong response of native grasses to summer rainfall and forbs to winter rainfall. In the presence of Cenchrus these responses were strongly attenuated. Discussion: Pronounced changes in the composition of vegetation were interpreted as a response to removal of grazing pressure, fluctuations in rainfall and, most importantly, invasion of an exotic grass. Declines in herbaceous species abundance and richness in the presence of Cenchrus appear to be directly related to competition for resources. Indirect effects may also be causing the declines of some woody species from changed fire regimes as a result of increased fuel loads. We predict that Cenchrus will begin to alter landscape level processes as a result of the direct and indirect effects of Cenchrus on the demography of native plants when there is a switch from resource limited (rainfall) establishment of native plants to seed limited recruitment.  相似文献   

Question: Can managing disturbance regimes alone or in combination with seeding native species serve to shift the balance from exotic towards native species? Location: Central coast of California, USA. Methods: We measured vegetation composition for 10 yr in a manipulative experiment replicated at three sites. Treatments included no disturbance, grazing and clipping at three frequencies with and without litter removal. We seeded eight native species into clipped plots and compared cover in comparable plots with no seeding. Results: Regardless of frequency, clipping generally shifted community dominance from exotic annual grasses to exotic annual forbs, rather than consistently favoring native species. At one site, perennial grass cover decreased in no‐disturbance plots, but only after 4 yr. Litter removal had minimal impact on litter depth and plant community composition. Grazing had a highly variable effect on the abundance of different plant guilds across sites and years. Seeding increased abundance of only two of eight native species. Conclusions: Managing disturbance regimes alone is insufficient to restore native species guilds in highly‐invaded grasslands and seeding native species has highly variable success.  相似文献   

This paper presents a new synthesis of the role of native and non‐native species in diverse pathways and processes that influence forest regeneration on anthropogenic grassland in the moist tropics. Because of altered species composition, abiotic conditions and landscape habitat mosaics, together with human interventions, these successional pathways differ from those seen in pre‐clearing forests. However, representation of different functional life forms of plant (tree, vine, grass, herb and fern) and animal (frugivorous seed disperser, granivorous seed predator, seedling herbivore and carnivore) shows consistent global variation among areas of pasture, intact forest, and post‐grassland regrowth. Biotic webs of interaction involve complex indirect influences and feedbacks, which can account for wide observed variation in regeneration trajectories over time. Important processes include: limitation of tree establishment by dense grasses; recruitment and growth of pioneer pasture trees (shading grasses and facilitating bird‐assisted seed dispersal); and smothering of trees by vines. In these interactions, species’ functional roles are more important than their biogeographic origins. Case studies in eastern Australia show native rain forest plant species diversity in all life forms increasing over time when pioneer trees are non‐native (e.g., Cinnamomum camphora, Solanum mauritianum), concurrent with decreased grass and fern cover and increased abundance of trees and vine tangles. The global literature shows both native and non‐native species facilitating and inhibiting regeneration. However conservation goals are often targeted at removing non‐native species. Achieving large‐scale tropical forest restoration will require increased recognition of their multiple roles, and compromises about allocating resources to their removal.  相似文献   

The Central Valley of California is noted for its dearth of remnant native grass populations and for low native grass seedling establishment within grasslands now dominated by non‐native annual species. In contrast, remnant populations are common along the coast, and studies have shown an ability for seedlings and adults to compete with non‐native annual grasses. The invasibility of well‐established populations of native grasses in the Central Valley remains unclear. The objectives of this study were to compare the invasibility of native grasses differing in density and species composition and, given the species in this study, to assess the ability of mixes with greater species richness to resist invasion relative to their abilities in monoculture. In the Sacramento Valley of California, six species of native grasses were planted at three densities in monospecific and mixed‐species plots. Percent cover of native perennial and non‐native annual grasses was measured in years 2 and 3, and biomass was sampled in year 5. Native grass biomass and, to a lesser extent, species composition were important in explaining variation in non‐native grass invasibility in the fifth year. Species‐rich treatments did not experience less invasion than would be expected by the proportional invasibility of each species in monoculture. However, invasibility of plots consisting of slower growing, shorter statured species decreased over time, suggesting a successional benefit to diverse communities. This study demonstrates that established stands of native grasses in the Sacramento Valley can resist invasion by non‐native annual grasses and that stand biomass is a particularly important factor in determining invasibility.  相似文献   

Invasive non‐native species can create especially problematic restoration barriers in subtropical and tropical dry forests. Native dry forests in Hawaii presently cover less than 10% of their original area. Many sites that historically supported dry forest are now completely dominated by non‐native species, particularly grasses. Within a grass‐dominated site in leeward Hawaii, we explored the mechanisms by which non‐native Pennisetum setaceum, African fountain grass, limits seedlings of native species. We planted 1,800 seedlings of five native trees, three native shrubs, and two native vines into a factorial field experiment to examine the effects of grass removal (bulldozed vs. clipped plus herbicide vs. control), shade (60% shade vs. full sun), and water (supplemental vs. ambient) on seedling survival, growth, and physiology. Both grass removal and shade independently increased survival and growth, as well as soil moisture. Seedling survival and relative growth rate were also significantly dependent on soil moisture. These results suggest that altering soil moisture may be one of the primary mechanisms by which grasses limit native seedlings. Grass removal increased foliar nitrogen content of seedlings, which resulted in an increase in leaf‐level photosynthesis and intrinsic water use efficiency. Thus in the absence of grasses, native species showed increased productivity and resource acquisition. We conclude that the combination of grass removal and shading may be an effective approach to the restoration of degraded tropical dry forests in Hawaii and other ecologically similar ecosystems.  相似文献   

Abstract. Control of invasive plants is a key element of conservation and restoration efforts. We report results from a five‐year field experiment in western Oregon, USA that evaluates the effects of different mowing regimes on the non‐native and invasive perennial grass Arrhenatherum elatius, the native perennial prairie grasses Danthonia californica and Festuca roemeri, and groups of other native and non‐native grasses and forbs. Eight treatments were designed to test hypotheses about the role of mowing height and time of application on the plant community. Differences among treatments emerged only after two or three years of treatment. This delay in response reinforces the need for long‐term studies. Annual mowing was most effective at reducing Arrhenatherum cover and flowering when applied in late spring or early summer, the time of Arrhenatherum flowering and expected maximum above‐ground allocation. Double mowing and mowing at 15 cm were more effective in reducing Arrhenatherum cover than were single mowing and mowing at 50 cm. All treatments increased the cover and flowering of Danthonia. Statistical model analysis showed that increases in cover and flowering of the native grass Danthonia were caused by its release from suppression by Arrhenatherum. Fouryears of the most effective treatment, mowing at 15 cm in late spring, converted an Arrhenatherum‐dominated site to a prairie dominated by native grasses. This is one of the few documented cases of pest plant control causing an increase in native plant abundance. These results show that mowing, properly applied, can be an effective tool for restoring degraded, Arrhenatherum‐dormnated prairies.  相似文献   

Shrub encroachment occurring worldwide in savannas and grasslands has commonly been hypothesized to result from anthropogenically altered environments. Two disturbance‐based approaches to restoration have involved: (1) application of selective herbicides to reduce density/cover of shrubs; (2) reinstatement of natural fire regimes to generate environmental conditions favoring herbaceous species. We studied short‐term responses of native shrubs, vines, and grasses in a Louisiana pine savanna to herbicides followed by a prescribed fire and fire alone. Plots established in the summer, 2013, were hand‐sprayed in the fall with Imazapyr and Triclopyr, Triclopyr alone, or no herbicide, then prescribed burned the following spring. Numbers of species of shrubs and vines at scales of 1 and 100 m2, numbers of stems and regrowth of stems produced by six common species of shrubs, and the number of flowering culms of perennial C4 grasses were assessed postfire in 2014. Compared with fire alone, herbicides followed by fire resulted in (1) small reductions in species richness of shrubs and no effects on vines, (2) fewer stems comprising shrub genets, but similar postfire regrowth of resprouting shrub stems, and (3) fewer flowering culms of C4 grasses. Underground storage organs of savanna shrubs and vines survived both aboveground disturbances. Thus, single applications of herbicides followed by fires reduced, but did not reverse shrub encroachment and negatively affected grasses. Because effects of herbicides overrode those of prescribed fires, these disturbances did not act synergistically, suggesting that reinstating natural fire regimes should be a priority in restoration of savannas and grasslands.  相似文献   

Question. Can strategic burning, targeting differing ecological characteristics of native and exotic species, facilitate restoration of native understorey in weed‐invaded temperate grassy eucalypt woodlands? Location. Gippsland Plains, eastern Victoria, Australia. Methods. In a replicated, 5‐year experimental trial, the effects of repeated spring or autumn burning were evaluated for native and exotic plants in a representative, degraded Eucalyptus tereticornis grassy woodland. Treatments aimed to reduce seed banks and modify establishment conditions of exotic annual grasses, and to exhaust vegetative reserves of exotic perennial grasses. Treatments were applied to three grassland patch types, dominated by the native grass Austrodanthonia caespitosa, ubiquitous exotic annuals, or the common exotic perennial grass Paspalum dilatatum. Results. The dominant native grass Austrodanthonia caespitosa and native forbs were resilient to repeated fires, and target exotic annuals and perennials were suppressed differentially by autumn and spring fires. Exotic annuals were also suppressed by drought, reducing the overall treatment effects but indicating important opportunities for restoration. The initially sparse exotic geophyte Romulea rosea increased in cover with fire and the impact of this species on native forbs requires further investigation. There was minimal increase in diversity of subsidiary natives with fire, probably owing to lack of propagules. Conclusions. While fire is often considered to increase ecosystem invasibility, our study showed that strategic use of fire, informed by the relative responses of available native and exotic taxa, is potentially an effective step towards restoration of weed‐invaded temperate eucalypt woodlands.  相似文献   

Natural grasslands in southern Australia commonly exist in altered states. One widespread altered state is grassland pasture dominated by cool‐season (C3) native grasses maintained by ongoing grazing. This study explores the consequences of removing grazing and introducing fire as a conservation management tool for such a site. We examined the abundance of two native and three exotic species, across a mosaic of fire regimes that occurred over a three‐year period: unburnt, summer wild‐fire (>2 years previous), autumn management fire (<1 year previously) and burnt in both fires. Given that one aim of conservation management is to increase native species at the expense of exotics, the impacts of the fires were largely positive. Native grasses were at higher cover levels in the fire‐managed vegetation than in the unburnt vegetation. Of the three exotic species, one was consistently at lower density in the burnt plots compared to the unburnt plots, while the others were lower only in those plots burnt in summer. The results show that the response of a species varies significantly between different fire events, and that the effects of one fire can persist through subsequent fires. Importantly, some of the effects were large, with changes in the density of plants of over 100‐fold. Fire is potentially a cost‐effective tool to assist the ecological restoration of retired grassland pastures at large scales.  相似文献   

High mountain regions in the tropics have thus far been impacted relatively little by anthropogenic activity or plant invasions, however, they are unlikely to be immune to impacts of global change, including climate change and other anthropogenic disturbances. Changes in fire regimes are known to accelerate the spread of invasive C4 grasses and interactions between changes in fire and climate can alter species distributions. The aim of this study was to compare grass distributions along an elevational gradient in Hawai‘i between 1966–1967 and 2008 to determine whether C4 and C3 grass distributions are shifting upward in response to alterations in fire and climate patterns. Field plots at Hawai‘i Volcanoes National Park were surveyed for grass species and cover at ?150 m elevation intervals and compared to previous surveys done in 1966–1967. We found that the transition elevation, marking a shift in dominance between C4 and C3 grasses based on relative cover, shifted upward over 40 yr (95% confidence interval = 1476 m ± 130 m in 2008 versus 1200 m ± 106 m in 1966–1967). On the other hand, maximum elevations of all C4 or C3 grasses as a group were not significantly greater than 1966–1967 elevations; however, a subset of C4 (and fewer C3) grasses moved to substantially higher elevations, and these were the species adapted to fire. 100% of fire‐adapted grasses moved up in elevation compared to 29% of non‐fire adapted species, and the change in elevation of those species (=+454 m) was significantly greater than the change in elevation of non‐fire adapted species (p = 0.003). Our study documents an upward expansion of fire‐adapted grasses at high elevations in the tropics as an important threat that seems to be compounded by warming trends.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT Greater Roadrunners (Geococcyx californianus) are common, poorly studied birds of arid and semi‐arid ecosystems in the southwestern United States. Conservation of this avian predator requires a detailed understanding of their movements and spatial requirements that is currently lacking. From 2006 to 2009, we quantified home‐range and core area sizes and overlap, habitat selection, and survival of roadrunners (N= 14 males and 20 females) in north‐central Texas using radio‐telemetry and fixed kernel estimators. Median home‐range and core‐area sizes were 90.4 ha and 19.2 ha for males and 80.1 ha and 16.7 ha for females, respectively. The size of home range and core areas did not differ significantly by either sex or season. Our home range estimates were twice as large (x?= 108.9 ha) as earlier published estimates based on visual observations (x?= 28–50 ha). Mean percent overlap was 38.4% for home ranges and 13.7% for core areas. Male roadrunners preferred mesquite woodland and mesquite savanna cover types, and avoided the grass‐forb cover type. Female roadrunners preferred mesquite savanna and riparian woodland cover types, and avoided grass‐forb habitat. Kaplan‐Meier annual survival probabilities for females (0.452 ± 0.118[SE]) were twice that estimated for males (0.210 ± 0.108), but this difference was not significant. Mortality rates of male roadrunners were higher than those of females during the spring when males call from elevated perches, court females, and chase competing males. Current land use practices that target woody‐shrub removal to enhance livestock forage production could be detrimental to roadrunner populations by reducing availability of mesquite woodland and mesquite savanna habitat required for nesting and roosting and increasing the amount of grass‐forb habitat that roadrunners avoid.  相似文献   

Leela E. Rao  Edith B. Allen 《Oecologia》2010,162(4):1035-1046
Primary production in deserts is limited by soil moisture and N availability, and thus is likely to be influenced by both anthropogenic N deposition and precipitation regimes altered as a consequence of climate change. Invasive annual grasses are particularly responsive to increases in N and water availabilities, which may result in competition with native forb communities. Additionally, conditions favoring increased invasive grass production in arid and semi-arid regions can increase fire risk, negatively impacting woody vegetation that is not adapted to fire. We conducted a seeded garden experiment and a 5-year field fertilization experiment to investigate how winter annual production is altered by increasing N supply under a range of water availabilities. The greatest production of invasive grasses and native forbs in the garden experiment occurred under the highest soil N (inorganic N after fertilization = 2.99 g m?2) and highest watering regime, indicating these species are limited by both water and N. A classification and regression tree (CART) analysis on the multi-year field fertilization study showed that winter annual biomass was primarily limited by November–December precipitation. Biomass exceeded the threshold capable of carrying fire when inorganic soil N availability was at least 3.2 g m?2 in piñon-juniper woodland. Due to water limitation in creosote bush scrub, biomass exceeded the fire threshold only under very wet conditions regardless of soil N status. The CART analyses also revealed that percent cover of invasive grasses and native forbs is primarily dependent on the timing and amount of precipitation and secondarily dependent on soil N and site-specific characteristics. In total, our results indicate that areas of high N deposition will be susceptible to grass invasion, particularly in wet years, potentially reducing native species cover and increasing the risk of fire.  相似文献   

Overabundance of woody plants in semiarid ecosystems can degrade understory herbaceous vegetation and often requires shrub reduction and seeding to recover ecosystem services. We used meta‐analysis techniques to assess the effects of fire and mechanical shrub reduction over two post‐treatment timeframes (1–4 and 5–10 years) on changes in cover and frequency of 15 seeded species at 63 restoration sites with high potential for recovery. Compared to mechanical treatments, fire resulted in greater increases in seeded species. Native shrubs did not increase, and forbs generally declined over time; however, large increases in perennial grasses were observed, suggesting that seeding efforts contributed to enhanced understory herbaceous conditions. We found greater increases in a few non‐native species than native species across all treatments, suggesting the possibility that interference among seeded species may have influenced results of this regional assessment. Differences among treatments and species were likely driven by seedbed conditions, which should be carefully considered in restoration planning. Site characteristics also dictated seeded species responses: while forbs showed greater increases in cover over the long term at higher elevation sites considered to be more resilient to disturbance, surprisingly, shrubs and grasses had greater increases in cover and frequency at lower elevation sites where resilience is typically much lower. Further research is needed to understand the causes of forb mortality over time, and to decipher how greater increases of non‐native relative to native seeded species will influence species diversity and successional trajectories of restoration sites.  相似文献   

The exclusion of regular fire and the introduction of livestock grazing have altered native grassland composition on Victoria's volcanic plains, commonly resulting in spear‐grass and wallaby‐grass pastures replacing Kangaroo Grass grasslands. The effect of reintroducing fire to these pastures is currently unknown, although it may be an important part of restoring this ecosystem. We measured the changes in basal area of the dominant grasses in a mixed Spear‐grass/Wallaby‐grass pastures after a summer wildfire, which we assume burnt a relatively homogenous grass sward. We found a 90–95% reduction in the basal area of live spear‐grass tussocks in burnt plots compared with unburned controls, due to the mortality of tussocks. This suggests that caution and structured experimentation should be applied when using fire to manage spear‐grass‐dominated grasslands.  相似文献   

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